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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 31, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST

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caught our attention. skillset is one of them. not sure why. polar vortex, which makes us guilty. hack foodie and cray cray. some people use instead of crazy. >> that's it. "outnumbered" starts right now. happy near year. nice to be with you. ♪ >> welcome to "outnumbered." nearly time to stay good-bye to 2014 and ring in the new year. this is "outnumbered" and i'm kennedy. we have dagen mcdowell. >> dagen. >> catch her every morning on "imus" in the morning. agesainsley ear heart. jedediah bila. today's #oneluckyguy, a party already. "red eye" regular sherrod brown. he is "outnumbered." >> first time here. i thought i was comeing to watch
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what happens. >> except we're sane. >> if you pull on my weave i will there be a problem. >> i'm happy to be here. >> great to you have you her sherrod. >> cracking us up in the green room already. >> he will crack us up later on new year's eve. sherrod and i are fox news incredible coverage. he i will be out there in the incredit madness. >> i'm outen the street talking to them. >> something i said behind your back not to your face, one of easiest people i've been on tv with. >> that's nice. >> see that. >> easy or crazy? >> right now live pictures just a block away here from new york city. people flooding times square, getting ready to celebrate, more than a million people will ring in the new year at the crossroads of the world. security will be tight especially since the celebration comes in the wake of protests and two murdered police officers.
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julie banderas is live from times square with more. julie, how's it going out there? >> reporter: well, it's cold, i will say that first and people are already starting to flood into times square. the streets shut down 3:00 eastern time but nonetheless all eyes around the world will watch the big ball as is it drops midnight. big focus for nypd is doing what they do best. that is keeping the city safe. due to the recent anti-police protests and shooting deaths of two police officers, this year the nypd is on heightened alert. but the tragedy only made the force stronger. they will be ou thousands patrolling the area in pairs we're told. there is also the threat of anti-police protesters. so the police have said, people do have absolute right to protest as long as they do it peacefully and laws are not broken. meantime counterterrorism forces will also be patrolling the streets with bomb-detecting k-9s heavily-armed units and roof surveillance teams. all activity will be closely
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monitored at the nypd joint operations center located downtown on the second floor of one police plaza. that is the security hub behind the scenes, keeping watchful eye on any suspicious activity monitoring cameras all over the city. chief of police assures revelers their safety is in good hand. >> let me say times square is probably safest place in new york city on new year's eve. this celebration is one of the largest televised events for the year. the world will watch the ball drop and be part of the biggest block party around the world. >> with tonight's celebration one of the largest televised events of the year. the hope everyone will behave as we ring in 2015. speaking of behaving, i believe what has come down to fox news channel. sherrod small is on day time television. i don't know what is going on. >> that's right baby. it is a new day. it is a new day. >> reporter: you guys have a bleep button in the control
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room? i worked with this guy for years. >> that is a great question on new year's eve because you have to follow the clock so closely you can't be on delay seven seconds behind the rest of the world. that is a fine question. playing with fire. >> sherrod don't do anything bad. behave today. >> my whole life is live tv. my whole life is live tv. >> julie, thank you so much. >> i love you sherrod. >> love you julie. >> every one in the studio, commenting how glamorous and beautiful you look when it is four degrees below zero. that might not be true. one thing the obama administration would like to say good-bye to in 2014. jonathan gruber. more controversial comments are coming to light. the obamacare architect called people stupid reportedly said in 2009 the health care law would not be affordable because it had no cost controls. the only way to control costs is to deny treatment. in a policy lecture uncovered by "the daily caller" the empty it
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economist said quote the real substance of cost control is all about a single thing tell patients they can't have something they want. it is about telling patients that surgery doesn't do any good. if you want it you have to pay the full cost. the latest comments from gruber follow six times he was caught on video that we know of, describing how the american people had the wool pulled over their eyes when it came to passing obamacare. get this. all of gruber's blathering about the health care law has sent him to the very top of the economists annual lists of the most influential economists. influential indeed. the right can't get enough. the left hopes he goes away immediately. talk about some of the stuff that he brought to light with these latest comments we're describing from 2009. >> it's true though. ultimately you can't have all-you-can-eat health care. something has got to give. the big question and how long it takes for to us come to this realization remains to be seen
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but ultimately the question is, who will decide what is an elective surgery? what is optional? who gets to make that decision? i expect because the medicare trust fund, and that is single-payer. >> yes. >> that will go broke in 2030 is the new date, a little longer than previously thought the focus will be on medicare first. there will be so much outrage. he is not off base by saying this. >> yeah. who are the ones who decide who lives and who dies? who gets life-extending treatment and who has to go broke paying for it. >> that is scary. i don't want to leave anybody's hand deciding what surgery i get to get. >> you know what happened at va hospitals? that is exactly what was happening. they would decide who gets an appointment, who's not. he is not most influential man because he is well-liked because his name was searched, when you search google or number of articles his name popped up. that is why he got number one on the list.
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>> he needs to shut his mouth. he has loose lips. >> i want hill to keep talking. this thing was called the affordable care act. he is essentially coming out saying while obama was trying to sell this to people as something was going to bring costs down, only way they can do that by denying treatment. remember when republicans were talking about death panels and, sarah palin they were laughing at her. that is exactly what is going to happen. pause you can't pay for everything. they structure ad system that is not cost effective. >> that is sarah palin. easy to laugh at her to be fair. >> the president came out and said premiums will go down. gruber admitted in the 2009 comments, that was a lie of the president was saying that and that is not true. basically he is saying that it would be great what is true. let's focus on 48 million people will be insured that is also not necessary. >> people's health insurance and the way they are treated at doctors is going to change. that cadillac tax of 40% excise tax on kind of high-end health
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plans, that doesn't kick in for another three years until 2018. what will happen, companies will reduce health care benefits. if you get more money in salary, you pay extra tax on that. so your health care is going to change. >> more expensive and it is going to go down. >> first he called us stupid. this broke this morning in addition to what you were saying basically calling the affordable care act not affordable he also said quote we don't care if 50 million, we americans don't care if 50 million don't have insurance. now he is calling us incentive. >> how do you think people feel when they hear this stuff? do they care about all this? do they care about the deception or care about what the policy is like in their life? >> this phrase, people at end of the day all they worry about what they will pay for health insurance and something they need will get covered. about it is medical or medication or like surgery or whatever. >> right. >> so all the jargon, seems like we got kind of, confused.
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>> they also care about the doctor. if they have a doctor who they love. >> right. >> half my doctors here in new york city don't take any health insurance. you have to pay cash up front. so it is a choice. like i'm going to buy this and go get a breast biopsy for pete's sake. >> it is sad. >> it is a bifurcated system with have and have-nots. 86% of the people were happy with the health care before passage of aca. >> here is canada? what can they do what they do? >> they privatized their health care and clinics in order to have economic growth and freedom and canada is existing more freely in the health care field than we are. >> why don't we do what they are doing? seems to be working for them? >> not everyone happy with their system. >> who had a great idea, senator john mccain. don't you laugh. >> i like mccain. >> you about he wanted to go to a la carte system where you change the way health care is taxed in this nation and take the administration out of the hand of employers.
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you give everybody a tax break and level lay playing field. >> have affordable health care to take with you from job to job. >> from job to job. >> like life insurance. you need block grants. thank you very much. all right. big break for one of the nfl's bad boys, sue sioux. he has to -- ndamukong suh. he has to say a heavy at this fine. he won to play in sunday's big game after oops, stepping on aaron rogers hurt leg once you but not twice. was he being single out for his bad reputation or did he cross the line? takes one sentence to change the national conversation. some of the biggest quotes of 2014 that got lots of attention. we'll get to them here on "outnumbered." stay with us. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." a potential black eye for the nfl in a stung reversal nfl bad boy ndamukong suh winning right
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to play in the playoff game in dallas. it will still cost him some cash. he was suspended for stepping on aaron rogers already injured left leg not once but twice in the game against green bay. he saw his suspension tossed but still got fined 70,000 bucks. suh claimed in his defense that his feet were numbped by the cold. this is hardly his first rodeo. he has been fined eight previous times and one previous suspension in five seasons with the nfl. 2010 he was fined $15,000 for a hit on chicago quarterback jay cutler. thanksgiving, 2012. a kick to the groin of houston quarterback mat schawb. november 2013 finded 8,000 bucks for a throat slash motion in a game with tampa bay. this blast from the past, thanksgiving game on national
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tv suh suspended in 2011 for two games without pay for stomping on another green bay player. what do you think of this suspension. did they make the right call here. >> he was framed. >> here is the thing about him, he is a goon. in hockey you know how they have goons, enforces go out and mix stuff you up that is what he is. they love him in detroit. he does play dirty every once in a while. >> does this to players on his own team. according to jagrasser he did this -- jay glazer, when they are practicing this is what he does to his own teammates. >> i love him. he is mean-spirited. that is what football is b you don't want to get stomped on get off the field. >> would you want football players stomping on someone on the gridiron? do it in full -- >> see him do it against all the athletes instead of his wife. >> he keeps doing this and getting away with it.
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>> he is not getting away with it. they keep fining him. >> but let them play. let him play. >> all about the super bowl. >> i'm so excited he is playing this weekend because i hate the cowboys. >> i'm a cowboys fan. i wanted him out of there. >> i hope he does it to tony romo. >> you're upset he did it to the wrong player on the wrong team. >> i am glad he is in the game. >> like the dog ate my homework. he says his feet were frozen. >> that is a great excuse. because frostbite turns your foot black. he already has a black foot so they can't prove it. >> ainsley, what do you think about the fines. the money doesn't matter. doesn't change the behavior. >> how much money does he make? >> he makes $75 million a year. >> no. >> he may not but -- >> his contract is $75 million. >> what did he get fined $70,000? >> a joke. >> that is not -- >> he wraps his real money with $70,000. he uses it as a wrap.
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>> bacon wrap. >> we actually have detroit quarterback's fiance posted something on instagram. thank you. pretty sure matthew's leg looks a lot worse when he got stepped on cleated in the same game. he is not suh. wasn't aaron rogers. people wouldn't think about it. >> what this think about that. >> that is fair. if aaron rogers was seriously injured we wouldn't report it this way. ndamukong suh would have been suspended for sure. >> maybe he was doing "the running man" or electric fly like you said. >> i mean, hitting somebody directly with your helmet, i'm not for that, but this, hey. little boy brush yourself off and stand up. >> i understand why rogers is a marquee player and makes a lot more money. if you crash a ferrari you will pay higher deductible, am i right? >> i guess so. >> slippery slope, if he gets away with this what happens next? what kind of injury is
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acceptable to inflict on someone. who decides whether it is moon nor? you don't know whether his foot was hurt. >> football they're getting soft. getting soft. like soccer moms have taken over football. >> i think it is getting tougher and tougher because guys are getting bigger and bigger. >> put them in able bo wrap. >> the guys are bigger and bigger, equipment can't keep up with the weight. if they're stomping on people's head. >> it wasn't his head. it was ankle. >> might be his head next time. >> get his girlfriend to kiss it. >> they have pads on the for the reason. use them. >> if it is on the field i don't have any problem with it. >> if you're going to fine players at least have proportional fines they will feel that they will alter behavior. >> do you know when they pile on each other what happens girls. >> i do and dream about it after the game. >> we have to have a fair playing field especially going into the super bowl.
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>> excellent point. >> moving on, the president calling isis a jv team. that made the list. the memorable quotes of 2014 that dominated the national conversation and could have an impact in 2015. when it comes to 2016 if you were feeling bush versus clinton fatigue, and i am, you are hardly alone. a number of voters rebelling what they see as rise of royal families american style coming up next. >> yes. ♪ these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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thanks. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) ♪ ♪ cut it out. >>see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪
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há ♪ >> as we get ready to ring in the new year that means we're getting ready to get closer, that's right 2016's presidential contest and you can believe there has been can you believe this, there has been a bush or clinton running in
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primary or general election in every year but one since 1988. kennedy can correct me later. hillary clinton and jeb bush are getting the most buzz as we look ahead to the next presidential election. so people were asked how worried are they the u.s. is developing unofficial group of royal families with too much influence over government and politics? 41% said yes they were very or somewhat worried. jedediah does it hurt hillary clinton's chances does it hurt jeb bush's chances? >> yeah. i think they will stay home because they're unmotivated. you remember people went out to vote for barack obama because they were excited about fresh blood and new candidate they're tired, just having name bush, i don't care what you're accomplishments. people see that and associate you with old bushes. this is old news. same with people, they want fresh blood. on democrat side there is no one by her really but her i think
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they're in trouble more than the republican side. >> jim webb. >> people don't have a shot. >> still very early. >> no way. >> no one knew about bill clinton when he ran in 1991. >> republicans have a better bench. >> people were excited about the fresh blood that was bill clinton but people were a little like, maybe not happy with the way that the obama presidency turned out. >> whoa, i enjoyed it. >> it is not over yet. still two years left. >> i'm looking forward to the party. >> isn't like a cell phone contract and can't you pay and cancel out of the last two years of the presidency? >> that would be amazing. >> actually to your point earlier about 1988, was actually 1980, george bush, sr. ran for president in 1980. he was vice president in 1984. who ran for the white house. only one race since then. >> so you don't think it's a problem if we don't know who the fresh faces are yet? >> i think it is benefit yeah.
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>> i think there is plenty of time and so much access to media now. people have so much access to information if you don't know someone this far in advance of the race, there is plenty of time to vet people. >> we already got only two choices in america for president, democrat or republican of the so now it seems like even in that we have only two families to pick from too. >> right. >> how small are our chances or choices getting? >> you think if hillary runs though you have to have bush running against her. >> no. i think hillary's time is done. would have been great. i'm tired of it. it is over. somebody will jump over her. his name is jeb. can you explain why we can't have him as president? >> you don't want jeb bush because you want to use the argument we have the fresh blood and that is the old news if you have a scott walker, have a governor who has been reformer for example or a rand paul or someone es, you can say we're
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going in a new fresh direction. >> might be rand paul's time. i agree. >> use one of the president's words, the optics and how they come across on tv in social media. >> right. >> as hard as she tries hillary clinton, she tries to be warm and fuzzy you can tell she is this close to being -- really? >> i honestly -- >> exasperating people. >> who else do you like. >> i thought chris christie had a good chance. i just want ad big boy in the white house. >> he is not too far behind in bush in the latest polls. only 10 points off. rand paul -- they're tied with 6%. ben carson has 7%. >> i can't get hine ben carson? >> why? >> i tell you in the black meeting. can't tell you guys now. >> i want to know why having a large person in the white house makes a difference? >> i want to go back to the taft days. >> or bill clinton days quite frankly. >> find them in a tub. >> would be a fun campaign to
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watch when someone in the audience is heckling, he is like, shut up! >> i want to see him screaming and sweating his way to the white house. >> he is too sensitive. i think hillary clinton's camp is excited about the idea of jeb bush canceling out that name recognition problem. biggest issue for both of them. if warren comes in on the democrat side, that purities bush. i think rand paul is a serious threat for hillary clinton. >> i agree. >> i agree 100%. >> because they're both kind of snappy and short-tempered. >> when he pulls out and pulls out and women on stage the media will go after him. when he pulls that new jersey stuff. >> what if it is hillary clinton? >> he has wiggle room. >> sometimes it just takes one sentence to blow up the news cycle. "politico" putting together a list of 2014 quotes that got lots and lots of attention. start with this one from the president. when asked about the growing threat from isis, as the terror group swept through iraq and parts of syria president obama
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telling "new yorker" magazine in january, if a jv team puts on lakers uniforms that doesn't make them kobe bryant. >> no, he didn't? >> we yes he did. white house press secretary defending the comment saying the president was not singling out isis with that remark. kennedy i think this was huge issue for president and looked at him not understanding foreign policy and having real deficiency when it came to national security and foreign policy. >> we got news he wasn't reading security briefs. wasn't going to daily briefing meetings. that is incredibly problematic when you have that part of the world we have been embattled in for decade now. you have a president that doesn't understand what can happen with jihadist groups that go unchecked. he was one who seemed most surprised by the rise of isis and, it is not a political speech. you can't just sort of recharacterize something and rebrand it on your own for your political convenience. this is a group that would stop at nothing to get more land and
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more power. >> maybe obama's right kennedy. maybe isis are the gooneys of terrorists. >> definitely not. you wanted to throw that in. you were going to find a way. >> eddie muenster of terrorism. >> i thought it was so -- these are 34078s and dads watching their loved ones, their sons and daughters getting executed. >> right. >> you can't compare isis to a jv team. >> unless the steam is undefeated. >> let's check this one out. this is from hillary. when she wished she could rephrase in june interview plugging her book. she was asked about the many millions she and bill made on the speaking circuit we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. we had no money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses for chelsea's education. you know it was not easy. this was a big one for her. this painted her as out of touch. this was the first time i think people realized wow maybe she
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is not ready for prime time. maybe she will struggle when she get out there. >> it took her 24 hours before she backtracked away from the comment. she not only puts her own feet in her mouth but manages to put feet of everybody's room in her mouth. she is tripping and and people's shoes get stuck in her mouth. >> she was sucking on dan sawyer's toes at the moment. >> is is one of the problems how she presents herself. and wants to be sympathetic figure and trips herself up anytime. >> shouldn't have said it. as soon as we all heard it we all collectively said, bye felicia. >> real, real would be, we did have some props but now we're doing really well because of my husband's success because of all the book deals because of my speaking engagements. if she is hon the public knows that. we're not stupid. we appreciate the honesty. >> absolutely. what about this one from bridget kelly former deputy chief of
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staff to new jersey governor chris christie, quote, time for some traffic problems in fort lee. answer sy chris at this has been cleared and exonerated. does this impact him if he runs in 2016. >> i don't think so. i don't think so. it hurt him for like what, 2.2 section. they had the investigation. they proved he didn't know anything about it. it was his aide that worked underneath him that did all of this. i think he is exonerated now. i don't think it will hurt him. >> sherrod you mentioned chris christie before. >> you think it impacts him. >> i do. because is a bully or underhanded not fit for presidency because he has bad way to go about politics and very new jersey way people don't have appetite before or he is so ignorant he hires horrible people he doesn't pay attention to and he is mr. magoo and he either way he looks bad. >> missed opportunity for fat joke there.
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>> i wanted to tee that up for you, sherrod. >> monica lewinsky making first public speeches in years and said this. >> i was patient zero. the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed wordwide via the internet. >> oh please. >> stop it. >> yeah, when you ask the president if he wanted to see your thong maybe that should have gone in your head. >> mad about, all the fame with a little better makeup she could have been kim kardashian. she has no job. she -- anybody who was embarrassed on internet, she saved the dress. it was out there. she has no career. >> how would you blame everybody else for doing that to her? >> do you think there is a segment of the population, sherrod, that feels sorry for here her she wasn't one in position of power and feels empathy for her coming out? >> yes yes.
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but at same time she is also grown in a grown person's decision. you know what you were doing. you know about married and not married men. you did what you did. if we had interwe would got you on internet. it was on front page of newspaper. they talked about it on b.e.t. >> it is not fair he has a clean record and she does not. we have to treat them fairly. and -- >> she has a clean record. what is her dirty record? >> people wax nostalgic for clinton presidency and this is hardly mentioned. >> all the things that we've seen she with kim kardashian since then. >> one makeover away from being biggest celebrity. >> one kanye a way from having -- >> never found her ye sue. us. we found the hillary clinton potentially running and her talking the i don't know if that -- >> maybe that is her running mate. i would vote for that. >> kaley cuoco speaking out
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getting plastic surgery as a teenager. it was the best thing ever and made her more confident but do her comments send the wrong message to young fans? ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." actress kaley cuoco is known for her role on the big bang theory. she is the hot girl and loves her fake breasts. she says getting implants at 18 was a good decision. she explains i had no boobs it was really best thing ever. i always felt ill proportioned. my inplants made me feel more confident in my body. wasn't about trying to be a porn star but trying to look hot and
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sexy. ainsley, i'm all for people exercising their freedom to see as they see fit with their bodies. my worries girl in the teens will look at this person, wow she is really successful and crediting it to her boobs. >> saying it in a way she wasn't confident and it made her feel much better about herself to change that part of her body. i have no problem with this now granted i think 18 might be a little young. >> whoa. >> i wouldn't let my daughter do 18. maybe 20s she has a job she can pay for it. some kid are getting this for their 16th birthday, graduate wages president. i'm not into. that it makes her feel better. i totally get it. i understand. it is not as extreme by some people. how about the guy wants to look like ken. ken and barbie. >> there are a couple ken dolls. that is a mental disorder. >> i want a mr. p doll.
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>> people talking about it. >> good for her. >> i got breast implants when i was 18 maybe a little too young. my nickname is the plains. so i clearly have -- >> 18 is good age. you can vote. she voted for boobies. >> if i ever get them, hey what's up. >> you don't need any. you are gorgeous. >> this is my only move. >> got a lot of moves. i worry though she is saying that is what gave her confidence. so the lesson is something physical. you have to change something physical about your body to be competent. the message should be learn to love yourself. >> no, no. if you don't want, want to be on television seen by millions of people, believe in yourself, fine. if you want to be in the television industry you better get the bob. >> i'm on television. >> you -- >> how many people said you could fix that, fix this doing. that i learned to be happy who i
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was. that is probably why i have a job. because there is only one you. there is only one of you when you look like you do and with what god gave you. you start changing it you become like everybody else. >> i feel the same way but -- >> if you're so uncomfortable with your physical appearance you can't be your strongest self. >> i agree. >> if you're self-conscious maybe what you see as one flaw. you know, it is not kaley keough cowill cause 18-year-old girls to get breast implants. some boy they're taking, taking self if is of themself. they have so obsessed they have selfie sticks walking around. >> girls are making guys do stuff. i got my ears pierced because some girl said you would look good. inplants, stomach being sucked, guys doing same thing. >> they're not going to such extreme measures. i agree with jedediah. you have to cultivate yourself esteem from within, especially
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when you are at that age. >> that is what kaley cuoco should have said. started in here and work outside. you have to have both. >> not everyone was born as beautiful as you are and don't have the confidence or maybe didn't have the families. >> i have a body of a nine-year-old boy and lower body of -- >> what are we talking about here? boobs, really? >> i will have a big unveiling right here on tv. >> mayor de blasio he had a closed-door meeting with police union leaders. didn't do much to ease tensions between the mayor and police force. what should the administration do now? you think you can fall in love with someone knowing their flaws right off the bat? one dating website thinks some they're encouraging their users to let it all hang out from the get-go. but is it too much, too soon? i think so. stay with us. we'll talk about. ♪
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♪ >> all right, well you probably loved someone so much in spite of his or her flaws we've all been there right but is it a good idea to put all the bad stuff out there from the beginning? the dating sight settle for love, thinks it is. it encourages users to post
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pictures that truly represent them and lay at the cons of dating them so there aren't any surprises. here is a poster. want your opinion. this is a from 26-year-old girl alice. i'm overweight. i'm unemployed. i can be really clingy and i can be very annoying. want to take her out? she goes on to say i'm wicked smart and creative and loyal and i like to think i'm funny. >> passed the first part sorry a no-go. >> what was it out of the first part you? >> she was so defettist. i want to be reason you give up. don't give up on life before i get to you. >> is it lack of confidence. >> would you put on resume' i'm unorganized i'm competitive to the point of being -- i'm a total jerk. i gossip behind everyone's back. i probably steal your stuff. having said that i do have a ba
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in literature. >> that's great. jedediah, what do you think? >> i agree with everything kennedy just said. one thing i say with photos you should absolutely look like your photo. how many times people post photos and meet them in person they look nothing like. that is crazy. >> whether twitter instagram or on dating site, that woman or man has taken 150 photos -- >> and all those filters and like contrast and light changes you can do now. >> i have, i really don't have any problem with this i'm kind of a dummy. i've got a goiter but i won't drink your beer around won't stab you in your sleep. that is somebody you might want to date. >> are you free saturday? >> they should call it >> there is someone for everyone though. i mean someone will look -- >> everyone wants someone better than that. that's the problem. you want to feel like you're getting something. >> what about someone who is getting on up there they want
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to have kids, they want to get married and not having success? >> don't write that on the profile. i'm getting up there. i want to have kids. >> i'm arthritic and infertile please pick me. >> you want the first few months to be pure bliss. you want to believe the other person is perfect. >> part of the excitement is discovering the crazy right? >> that's true. >> is she going to stab me in my sleep or not? >> of course she is if she is dating me. >> is that a goiter or did she have inplants? >> i wonder if divorce rate would go down. know the flaws from the beginning. >> divorce rate can't goes down when the marriage rate plummets because people are terrified. >> if you set the bar really low, if she is not that ugly or she is working part-time like 10 hours a week, if you set the barlow enough there is only upside. >> my dating picture would be me drinking a beer, no shirt on in my messy apartment.
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all it will say are you going to get over here and clean this? [laughter] this is the way it is going to be girl. >> it is a big job. >> i remember watching oprah a long time ago and there was actress on, i think julia roberts and oprah said, what do you not like about yourself? i don't want to tell you if i tell you and audience you all will know my flaws and look at me in movies to see the flaw. that was smart. >> that is stuck up you know what. that's why she said that. >> might not have been her though. >> i like people hard on themselves. >> me too but -- >> i actually like that. if somebody jokes around and says i, for example i tell people off the bat when i date i can't cook. i'm not good in the kitchen. i tell them a lot of funny things that is the way i am. that is part of my charm that i will burn your dinner. you have to love that about me. >> you're there. they're happy you're there. >> guys, we're counting down. how many more hours. 11 more hours counting down to
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2015. you get to start over, start fresh. for many a new year means a new and improved you. but new year's resolutions were not only about hitting the gym and saving cash. a look back how they have changed over the years. ♪ you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had a liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. new car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. and for drivers with accident forgivness,rates won't go up due to your first accident. learn more by calling switch to liberty mutual and
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look at that beautiful picture. this is one of the great places to ring in 2015. it's that time of the year where many of us plan goals to better ourselves, but one article is shedding light on how the resolutions can change over the last seven decades. back in 1947 the top resolutions were improving disposition, becoming more understanding and controlling your temper. including improving character, living a better life. and to stop smoking or smoke less. the top resolution this is year are to lose weight, get organized and to spend less save more. 1947 it was an interesting time in our history. >> it was.
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>> and by the way, losing weight, that was at the bottom of the list coupled with gaining weight. because people were just coming out of the rationing. >> that's right. from the war and all that. and apparently everybody has to lose the temper, but back then we were angry. maybe in 20 years we'll be all peaceful. >> what is it going to look like? >> this is superficial. let's be honest, it is just a different time. but it makes me question were my grandparents better people than i am? did they care about things more inside and less superficial? did they have their priorities straight? >> yes, but they also didn't have internet. >> yes less fun. >> i think generally, though we are all the same at the core. we want to be good people. we want to improve our lives and make a difference in the lives of others, life is short. and i think that still today i have a lot of friends on their list. it is to be a better person. it is to give back.
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keith adlow wrote a news on fox news to say, take a step forward for your childhood dream. pray at least once. >> stop blaming your clothes dryer on your jeans being tight. >> that's right. >> your new year's resolution is the difference between you being your best self or being honey boo-boo's mama. >> we are saying you look fantastic and we adore you. ring in 2015 with fox news channel. the only place. i'll be joining anna kooiman and jesse waters in times square. the coverage kicks off at 9:00 eastern tonight. it is going to be cold, but we are going to heat thaup screen like nothing you have ever seen. you can fry eggs on your flatscreen tonight. that's how hot it's going to be. >> yes!
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>> spirit fingers! we are back on tv friday at noon eastern. see you then. "happening now" starts right now. thanks, again. as we speak, the grim recovery mission continues under the java sea. crews have located the wreckage of airasia 8501 but yet to recover the black boxes. welcome to "happening now." we are spending the very last day of 2014 with us. i'm leland vittert in for john scott. >> i'm arthel neville in for jenna lee. rough seas are causing debris that could be from the plane to drift away from the crash site. so far rescuers have pulled seven bodies from the sea including a flight attendant still wearing her airasia uniform. meantime, a pent coastal church in indonesia confirms today that 41 of its members


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