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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  January 1, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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free speech and free markets. that is just about all we need. that's our show. see you next week. a good afternoon. thank you for being with us. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> topping the news this hour, a setback in the hunt for victims and wreckage in the airasia crash. >> north korea's leader starting the new year off with a surprising offer. >> snow time in southern california as a winter storm rolls through. we're live with the extreme weather details. >> we begin with this.
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searchers racing against time and weather off the coast of indonesia to recover victims from the crash of airasia flight 8501 and track down the plane's black boxes. nine bodies recovered so far with one female passenger already identified and returned to her family. it's been a difficult and dangerous recovery. will carr has the latest. >> it's been gut-wrenching for families to watch but now that bodies are being recovered dna experts are being brought in to possessty identify passengers. as for the first, she was identified using finger presidents. the 49-year-oldwoman's body was then handed over to her family in a dark casket tone with flours and then laid to rest. the family has three other relatives onboard the flight. the other eight bodies found have been flown to a local hospital where relatives have gathered to make i.d.s.
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experts believe the majority of the 162 people on the plane may still be trapped in the fuselage, they main body of the airplane, and if that's the case they could still be trapped in seatbelts at the bottom of the sea. search crews believe they know where the plane is but it's monsoon season right there now and bad weather has stopped the search process overnight. so dozens of divers are waiting to confirm the wreckage is where they believe it is on the sea bed, and then to find the plane's black boxes. experts believe that could happen quickly once the bad weather breaks. >> i'm very, very optimistic that in the coming days or the next week or two they'll get the black boxes and give us information we need. >> reuters is reporting the plane manies a unbelievable steep climb before it crashed. the pilots were at 32,000 seat and asked to fly higher. experts believe by climbing too
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quickly that could have induced a stall but we have to wait until we get the black boxes. >> thank you. >> extreme weather continues across the country, a winter storm moving through southern california. this is video from orange county there. temps dropped below freezing, snow stranded dozens of motorists. this is high winds toppling tends at the rose bowl and injured at least four people. rick is live in the fox extreme weather center. rick, where is this storm now and what is it doing? >> a big upper level storm and those move slowly. that's why we're continuing to see the cold air across parts of the southwest. here's your current temps. 31 in flagstaff. and it's incredibly cold. winter weather advisories in effect across arizona but
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they're expired. but this is a slow-moving system, at least the upper level part that is back here around the four corners. so rain and freezing rain across texas today, and tomorrow another day of it. so more freezing rain a little bit more snow. we're not out of the woods in texas until friday night into saturday. but you'll notice that rain moving in across p southern gulf and we'll continue to see that for the next couple of days as wellful right now very cold air in place across the great lakes so we have some lake-effect snow going on. we'll see a big warmup. this storm track eventually follows what well saw the last one, moves across the great lakes, means the eastern seaboard seeing warmer air move in today, everybody above to the 20s. tomorrow, the same story. and then saturday, we start to see a bit of a warmup across the eastern seaboard, and on sunday,
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we go to 60 in new york. that means rain, with that. and then behind it the cold air comes back in, so minus ten for a hey h -- high in fargo on monday. >> i'll take 60 in new york stay on sunday, better than fargo. >> i'm with you. >> rick, thank you. >> sounds good. north korea's leader kim jong-un using this new year's speech to call for improved relations with the south saying he is open to discussions, or even a summit. the announcement is in response to south korea's attempted outreach earlier this week. it comes just weeks after the fbi fingered the north in the massive cyber attack against soby -- sony pictures. jennifer griffin is live from washington. hi, and happy new years. >> happy new year. day after north korea's internet went dark following the
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accusations phenomenon the fbi that north korea was responsible for the cyber attack on sony pictures, the north korean dictator, kim jong-un offered an olive branch to south korea in a nationally televised speech. >> enter behold partial talks if the south korean government has the sincere will to have talks to improve the relationship win north and south. >> the overtour came days after south korea suggested resuming high-level dialogue. kim spent most of his address talking about his willingness to make a shift and improve the relations on the korean peninsula which has been in a state of war for more than 60 years and also had harsh words for the u.s. which he accused of trying to provoke a war by quote, destroying are our self-defense deterrence and crush our public to death. not exactly words of peace.
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>> the north koreans have always talked a big game, always made a lot of promises but they haven't always acted. we need to look at putting the north koreans on the terrorist list. not extending a hand to them. >> not only is north korea accused of hacking into sony pictures releasing its executive's sensitive e-mails and also believed to have been behind the recent cyber attack against the south korean nuclear plant operator. >> thank you jennifer. >> with the new year comes a blizzard of new laws and regular layings all across the country from state to the federal level. some are very serious and some might be considered, well, just plain silly. doug m mckelway is life in wife with the highlights and lowlights. >> silly first. proponents of limited government might suggest that california with its 930 new laws takes the cake today.
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starting today all egg-laying hens raised in california must be able to stand up, lie down turn around and fully extend their wings or their elbows. do chickens have elbows? i don't know in california, all employees are to be given paid recovery periods to prevent heat illness. no more gasoline-powered leaf blowers in los gatos california, and restaurants in california now have the option of permitting dogs as outdoor patios. keep the fire hydrant nearby. >> any university receiving state facial aid have to adopt the yes means yes law, and as of today 1.4 million undocumented immigrants will be able too apply for dryness licenses. some state with higher minimum wage laws. president obama operationed the state increases, quote, that's
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real progress. critics say it may hurt the economy, though. >> see what has happened in the past. people get raises on their own they'll work up they'll work their way up the career ladder. i think what we have to hope is increases taking place in the states don't eliminate too many -- some people don't have the same chance. >> the administration's regulatory machine ran full speed in 2014 with president obama signing 75,000 pages worth of new federal regulations and no industry has faced more regulation than to the fissile fuel energy sector the sings of coal is seeing remarkable gains. >> 50% increase in the domestic oil supply but is a not happening because of president obama, it's happening in spite of him. >> supporters of the regulation says the prolive rakes of fracking and new technologies proves the industry can be extremely profitable even when it's heavily regulated.
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>> i'm still thinking about how many laws i have to read before my trip to california so i don't get into trouble. doug mckelway, live in ws. >> you have broken three laws in the past couple of minutes. >> oh, man. it's terrible, and in here i thought we would talk about the tiger selfies banned in new york. thanks doug. >> i believe that even with the reading the laws you'll still find your way into trouble. >> oh there may be some truth to that. just maybe. >> well, the economy is actually looking pretty good as we close out 2014. can we keep up the momentum? what will the feds do like raise interest rates that could affect they search.
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>> the new year is starting on a high note for the economy. the dow crossed 18,000 for the first time. growth is up, unemployment down, and gas is hanging around two dollars or less in many part of the country. the question is will it last
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and could a rise in interest rates affect this? here to talk about it is marco, the managing director of the soriano group. good to see you. i'm still recovering from last night. i heard you had a big party too. >> i did. i did indeed. >> pulling ourselves together. >> okay, no worries. >> as i said unemployment is -- the unemployment rate is down so that means you have a smaller pool of workers out there so marco, do you think some of the businesses would have to perhaps compete from the smaller pool of workers and pay higher? and if so, is this a good scenario for the economy overall? >> definitely a good scenario for the economy to have people working, and when it comes to defining the wages, the hike in the wages, obviously this has an impact because in a pool of workeres you have nonworking people and working people. increase the wages the amount of people that have the
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possibility to join the work force is less and this is the big controversy. >> so you think that is a good thing or not a good thing? bad scenario. >> it's time we need an increase in wages. whatever is happening with people working has -- guess back to the bad decisions made in the economy before. >> where do you stand on the idea of raising the -- across the board the federal minimum wage going up to $10.10. >> this is going to happen in washington dc only. >> they're going to go higher. i look like 10.40. >> president obama in the state of the union last month announced that and that's positive. hough is this going to go across the nation, potentially will affect the economy. those are legislations that should be carefully assessed and not every state is doing it at the same time. >> but two different things we're talking about, just to clarify.
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we have starting now, nine states that are raising -- joining in and raising their state-wide minimum wage and as you said, some of that's going to be rolled out, some will happen as effective today, but some will be rolled out across the rest of this year. mainly up into the summer. but i was asking you about a federal minimum wage hike across the board. >> whether that is go, i'm definitely pro that should happen within a time frame, i believe within this year. we shall see if that's going to take place. like i said, it goes back to legislation per state. >> that's why it's such a big controversy. let's tuck about this. the gas prices are low but food prices are high so the thing is the money you're saving at the pump you're spending at the grocery store. what are the people to do? >> that's another interesting question because we -- as consumers we're enjoying the low prices in gas but at the same time our commodities go up, food
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goes up so people wonder when is that's going to have a balance. i believe eventually there will be a short-term correction in the market, probably within the next two quarters where we're expecting the federal reserve announcement march 18th to tell us what's going to happen with the interest rates, and i also think going to have ain't impact on gas prices. food will always be expensive because it's a necessity, same as energy. so has to balance out. >> you touched on something the feds may increase the interest rate. they say time this year. is it going to happen earlier or latter par of the year, and -- latter part of the year, and i want to touch on how it would affect prices, and then also would it impact people's chances of getting loans? >> very excellent question. the first one her you're looking at a federal reserve announcement that have been happening in the last year, for
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example, this quantitative easing that has been maybe for the last four years now has always been the big question. so when is this going to stop? because that was supposed to lower the rates for the banks to lend. to borrow mow from the government in order for them to be give loans out to small businesses and people in the u.s. that was not the case. so now if you start ranking up the interest rates banks have a better chance to do the same. would that make it easier for people to get loans? probably, but it goes back to what the banks want to do really. they already bank and they -- already bank out on place and did very well in the last six years. the stock market will tell you that. so your question question was -- your second question -- >> you actually covered everything i was -- kind of wrapped it up together and i appreciate that. my silence is that i'm hoping it was -- hoping for a better answer for the people, not necessarily for the banks, but it's all good.
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we covering everything. i appreciate that. you continue to have a happy new year. >> you, too thank you so much. >> thank you. >> i u.s. relations with russia are strained but could there be a secret outreach plan to push the reset button again with president vladimir putin? we'll tell you what the obama administration has been doing.
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by now you anyway have seen highlights of spectacular new year's celebration around the world. many events in the thus took a much less festive tone as protesters across the country demonstrate against recent police killings of unarmed black
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ben. bryan llenas is live in new york with more. >> new year, same protests. in the wake of michael brown and eric garner, 75 protesters marching against police brutality storming the st. louis meant police headquarters on new year's eve. police using pepper spray and shoving protesters out the door as they tried to make their way into the building entrance. the melee leading to 25 arrests. protesters holding signs saying "black lives matter." giving an eviction notice to the mayor. and police say they heard the demands from protesters are and reviewing them and emphasizing that demonstrations like this are doing but but extracting police from protecting the city. in oakland over 100 protesters marching downtown, at least 29 people were arrested when agitators set off father father, and -- set off fire and
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start el throwing bottles in boston dozens of demonstrators with a die-in front of the library in manhattan's union square, don't from sometimes square, 100 protesters chanted and held a die insure, a demonstration called rock in the new year with resistance to police murder. organizers urging protesters to crash the big new years celebration in times square, encouraging people to side signs and banners underneath their coats. one person was arrested for setting at an nypd police officer. -- for spitting at an nypd police officer. i. >> thank you, bryan. >> there is word with the new year comes a secret outreach plan to russia with president obama's administration reportedly working behind the scenes to form a new
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relationship with moscow and word secretary of state john 'er proposed meeting president putin directly and the white house wanted to get kissinger involved, all as mr. putin seems disinterest in repairing relations with the u.s. or stopping activities in ukraine. does this make sense dede? >> it's laughable. let's get this straight. putin has never sewn he wanted to be a buddy or friend. certainly not to president obama now. i think this is more about john kerry trying to accomplish anything something during his last two years because it's not been very -- lackluster noneventful so he has a friend who is the aide to putin but he is going to be out of the administration in two years and if this guy goes against putin
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he'll be in the gulag forever so nothing is going to happen. they be better off working on cuba. not that if agree with the policy but there's light at the end of the bullet. this -- at the end of the tunnel. this is dead on arrival. >> john, take us back to 2009 and yet hillary clinton offer a reset button to lavrov, the foreign minister of russia, the person who we referred to as john kerries' friendship unveiled the reset button that would reset relations. there was only one problem. rather than reset, the state department trains later established it up and actually said overcharge or overload, very aggressive word in the russian language. so you already had this bad history with the russians. is now really the time to go back and start trying to repair the things or the time to have a position of strength? >> the bad history goes back even further with some of the naivete of the bush administration where george bush
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said he had season putin's soul after he had one conversation with put about his mother, and then in 2008 he invades georgia. so i think the president's approach, if this is even happening, is a calculated toe in the water. i think you also see a little bit of good cop bad cop on both size kerris playing the good cop because of a relationship with the foreign minister, and then obama and putin do not get along. their public statements will continue to be very negative, i and i think maybe the most important thing howing this matters to everyday people in the united states is we want to fight isis -- right now as we're trying to fight isis and countries like syria, where russia has had a toe-hold for a long time they will probably in the be a full ally but would it be ideal if they were giving us help.
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>> dee dee what is the cost of reaching out and trying to come up with detente? >> note going to work. you take away a bully's slingshot and say let's be friend. the best thing is to continue with sanctions because finally something is working. it's driving down oil prices good, for us and bad for russia -- >> i want to make sure i can get john in here. dee dee brings up a good point. at some point the russians are really in a terrible position. u.s. has them by the throat oil prices crashed hurting their economy. is this the time to make overtures or the time when you have somebody who is an enemy on the ropes don't you wasn't to keep tell there. >> what better time to negotiate with an adversary and they're weak. look at the ruble, putin's approval ratings are sinking. there's no summit scheduled. there's just the beginning of
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talks and outreach behind the scenes. this is a cautious calculated first step and then we'll -- >> you got double-down. >> it's working. >> we certainly -- >> keep doing what works. >> seeing the obama administration come up with foreign policy surprises, whether they were good or bad is up for debate, but certainly some prizes. we'll see if they're surprise on russia coming up anytime soon. appreciate both of you guys being here. >> happy new year. >> early on the new congress' agenda in 2015 they were expected to take on president obama's immigration plan and the federal government is racing to catch up. and one of the biggest unanswered questions. what about isis in how much time to destroy the group. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex®
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with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action.
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ght, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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>> with president obama in hawai'i for the holidays, the wheels in washington are turning to meet the needs of his executive order on immigration. workers and space needed to process the paperwork from the expected flood of new immigrants and taxpayers will foot the bill for all of that. it is bound to be a focus of the new congress now controlled by republicans who usually oppose government expansion. dan springer is traveling with the president and is live in hawai'i. >> the help wanted sign us up and the government is growing as a result of president obama's executive order on immigration. as "the new york times" first reported an office building in arlington virginia will soon have 100 new federal moneyees part of the immigration services agency and we forward 5,000
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people have applied in for the 1,000 new positions. they will be doing background checks and processing applications of up to five million illegal immigrants who can now seek green cards and avoid deportations. conservatives say it's one more reason to oppose the move. >> this is once again government usurping power to invest in itself as opposed to investing in america, in americans and the private sector and again, immigration reform is something we have to deal with. it's something we have to resolve. but the way to resolution in washington always seems to begin and end with spending tax dollars. >> and in fairness that goes for republican presidents, too. after 9/11 the size of the federal government grew tremendously under president bush. in just a couple of years the number of total contract employees went up by 2.5 million. the homeland security department wag crated which included the
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transportation safety administration and airport screeners. one big difference then was after 9/11 there 'twas a lot of political support for tighter security especially at airports, but a fox news poll shows that's just not the case with this immigration order. 51% of americans opposed to it with 43% supporting it. >> thankses a lot. >> now to a fox news exclusive. as a military veteran shares his story of getting recruited online by the kurds to fight against isis and how he went from america's heartland to the battlefields near kobani syria in less than three weeks, catherine herridge is live in washington. >> in a rare interview this u.s. vet with multiple tours in iraq tolds about the recruitment pipeline to fight against isis on the condition we protect his identity.
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out of frustration with the bombing campaign and the brazen execution of journalist, the vet decided to get personally involved traveling 6000 miles from the heartland to northern iraq, he says, was simpler than he ever expected. >> it was like a facebook for it. expressed my interest. they got back to me. told me to send them essentially a resume for their vetting purposes as well as i bought a ticket. i itit was that easy, like booking a flight to miami beach. >> on the front lines john says he met more than a dozen foreign fighters like this austrian and his american friend. some of the recruits had never handled a gun in the past, and others, including one canadaan man who was 70, was not in until physical condition to fight. >> some americans and some britts. it's extremely dangerous in that they're taking anyone with no military experience no age
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requirements no physical prescriptions, just taking people there giving them a guck -- gun and saying good, luck. >> he headed home and now faces a confusing legal situation. the supreme court fouad it's not a -- many laws date back about 200 years, long before this age of social media. >> incredible. one thing to have somebody go fight against isis, another thing when you think how easy it could have been if john wanted to fight for isis. even scarier. catherine herridge in washington. great story, thank you. >> at the battle with eye rages on the u.s. and allies are launching airstrikes every day and kurdish fights are fighting
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to keep kobani. what is next? a former navy seal and federal air marshal. good to have you on. i want to start here in terms of progress. where do we stand in did the u.s. completely understand the capables of isis and thus wage the proper war? >> absolutely not. and i think a good example of the way these things are being fought was that incredible report with catherine. the kurds and individuals are recruiting people. they're just recruiting people. they're not looking at the tactics these people may have, and the way we're fighting the war from our perspective is, we're throwing things at the battle in a political manner and that's not much better. we're not looking at specific tactics that will win the war. we're looking at things that we can do to prolong it or push it back and there's even been speculation to push it back to 2016 where another president and another administration can handle it.
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that is ineffective. >> what about the plan to train syrian soldiers to join the fight against isis? >> well, the problem when you train people from a specific area over in the middle east those people know their village they know their area very, very well but you can't train them to fight a regional war. that is where the mix between unconventional warfare and a conventional battle tactic comes in. we're going to have to eventually send -- if we want to stop this, large amounts of people over there to push this back to manageable number. that's the only way. >> you said large amount0s what? >> boots on the ground. we have to send people over military forces over so that they can actually push this islamic jihad back to manageable numbers. one of the biggest problems we have, we're fighting battles we're not fighting a war. >> another issue is now the u.s. military will have to train the
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iraqi military, and that puts us back at square one, and that instance, and then you talk about the need for more boots on the ground and you did address the political aspect of this as we all know that president obama promised that he would get boots off the ground, and get them back home. so how does the president deliver that without having those boards on the ground, and i think that american people were at one time against having boots on the ground but when they continue to hear people like you, high-level experts on this matter, people are more, i believe, open to seeing more boots on the ground. >> well, when the president came onboard, one of the first things he promised was closing down gitmo, and you can see now just closing something down for political reasons puts people back in the battlefield that shouldn't be there. thing when you fight a war. you cannot fight a war based on political reasons. you have to look at the enemy. this enemy has been going since
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600a.d., and it's not going away. this is a fight that is going to continue to surge forward until we look at it fight them in an unconventional manner and get ready to put boo boots on the ground just like in kuwait when we fought that part. we actually really did a great job of putting the right forces over there to stop it. >> is it different from kuwait? these guys seem brutal. is it a different war boots on the ground face. >> it's absolutely different in they fact it's unconventional war. however you have to face this -- the real benefit to us is the fact that isis is doing the saming the kurds are doing and they're just trying to get massive amounts of people onboard. where we can make a real difference in this fight, before we put boots on the ground, is real who is when we bomb tactical locations the
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strategic outlook for isis is recruitment. and we're losing in that battle. they're recruiting faster than we can stop them. >> how do we stop them? >> we have to target it not only the battlefield but on the internet. we have to go out and figure out the ways they're recruiting and stop that. but here's the biggest thing the muslim population inside the united states, others europe inside australia, all these different areas where these people are coming from-the-muslim community has to police their own. we can't do it. >> jonathan, thank you so much. >> have a good day. thank you. >> two million gm vehicles that were pulled off the roads because of their ignition switches. now we're learning the family of the victims may not be getting the legal action they deserve while information that could affect your safety is now being locked away.
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>> time for a quick check of the headlines. wind and rain hamper the search for victims in the wreckage of airasia flight 8501. nine bodies recovered as search teams say most of the victims will be found inside the fuselage. >> chinese dismissing speculation the stampede at a new year's celebration was sparked bay scramble to catch toupe -- coupons. 36 people were killed,s toes more injured. >> and fans bundling up big-time to watch the rose parade in pasadena where temperatures plunged to just above freezing. >> some news about the massive re-call of general motors vehicles that involved more than two million vehicles with potentially deadly ignition switch problems. "the new york times" reports the gm settled self cases out of
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court, forcing plaintiffs to sign nondisclosure agreements. could these settlements keep safety information secret and in the end put the public at greater risk? an important question, david wool is a defense attorney, doug burns, former prosecutor. thank you for being if us today. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. does this idea there's corporations who are allowed to make products that are potentially deadly in the case of general motors are deadly -- and then they have these settlements and all of a sudden when there are more cases it's not that easy for the general public, for attorneys, investigators to figure out that this is not an isolated incident but a pattern. >> you make a good point. both of us as lawyers would start by saying that confidential agreements are very very common but your point is excellent. perhaps we should revisit the policy and say in certain situations, where -- here you have these low-torque ignition
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switches which can cause the car to cut out, causing serious problems, and the re-call of millions of vehicles. maybe shay should be judicial intervention to maybe not have that type of confidentiality. >> the question is in case of product liability where truly people's lives are at risk and there's more than just one of these defective products out there dot the idea of confidentiality serve the public interest? >> we're talking two million general motors cars, a huge problem. and when you talk about settlements going on confidentiality clauses are common, like doug says. they serve a positive purpose. they keep the courts uncluttered and get people their money and get cases resolved. in this case if evidence is actually suppressed in the function of a confidentiality agreement and people in the future don't have thed and perhaps more people die than have died then that could
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subject gm to huge punitive damages in future cases because of the suppression of the evidence. that could take the company down potentially through tens of millions of dollars, or even possible criminal charges if they're seen as suppressing evidence that leads to more deaths. so, in these type of cases i agree with doug, right on. they should be banned when public safety is an issue. >> while have you agreeing on things -- a rare situation -- doug, the new year's spirit is incredible -- a lot of discussion this case brings to light a larger issue and that is the unintended consequences of tort reform you. have states likes wisconsin which limits torts to $350,000 for maximum recovery for pain and suffering. those kinds of things. so suddenly you have these product liability attorneys who work on contingency fees not willing to take cases against something like general motors
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where the fact of the cases would uncover really importantings in. >> you have people who are very strong on both sides of that issue. of course you have a lot of people who say, verdicts and recoveries have run amok and we need to limit them limit punitive damages, limit noneconomic like pain and suffering, then you make a great point which is in reverse you have a case -- i read about it in one of the main articles -- where a law firm said we're not taking the case because in wisconsin there's a $325,000 gap. i want to go back to one thing real farce, in terms of confidentiality, gm doesn't want the amend being paid disclosed. >> out one thing to disclose that but not safety information. you agree on so much we're going leave it there. >> it is a chilly new year's day across much of the nation, but instead of bundling up some
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folks are stripping down. crazy polar bears shivering for a good cause. we have the teeth-chatters details next.
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palestinians taking steps towards filing a war crimes case against israel president mahmoud abad. this cames a day of the united nations security council failed to pass a resolution that would set a deadline for israel so end what palestinians call -- >> the push by the palestinians to join the icc international criminal court, is not a done
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deal because the court has to still approve it and if that even happens, a big if there -- that could take months. as many as possibly three to four months. that said yesterday, take a look. palestinian authority president abbas signed what is known as the rome statute. essentially requesting to join the icc the international criminal court in "the hague." if sew -- if so it would position the palestinians to file a war crimes case against israel. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu had this to say today. take a look, quote we expect the international criminal court to completely reject the hypocritical appeal by the palestinian authority because the palestinian authority is not a state, it is an entity and an alliance with the terrorist organization hamas that commits war crimes. now, all of this comes after the u.n. security council rejected a
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resolution tuesday night, calling for israel's withdrawal from the palestinian territory. the u.s. voted against it and a state department spokesman says the palestinians request to join the icc is, quote-unquote counterproductive. so basically, what the state department is saying is it's not helping and breckering any peace talks, advancing peace talks, and certainly aggravating tensions in an already volatile region. >> thank you, john. >> every january 1st some very hearty people across the country celebrate the new year by doing lots lots of things. these folks strip down and jump into the nearest bowed of freezing cold water. the traditional polar plunge. this one is in chicago where they braveed the freezing waters of lake michigan, and doing more than just raising goose bumps. the chicago plunge raised
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$18,000 to find homes forren wanted greyhound doings in thed with. think about them running into freezing cold water and they pay for the opportunity to do it. >> it's for a good cause. i would pay. i would just -- >> i would pay to not get in the water. >> just write a check that's it donate the funds but i'm not getting in the water, but good for them for doing something for a good cause but it's crazy. >> gives you a thumbs up at the en. >> that does it for us. have a happy new year. >> have new year indeed. a "your world" special with neil cavuto is next. take care. >> which
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welcome everyone i'm neil cavuto. i hope it's a very happy and wonderful holiday for you. if you think about itime of yea w >> we were putting together this special we thought we can talk about a lot of dry business stuff, hash through a lot of politics but we thought it might be a better idea to get to the reason for the season, something better than us, bigger than us, maybe a little hope 'er than us. the inner good in us. i discussed that with aleta king, the niece of one martin luther king, a woman who has seen the flip side of racial


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