tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News January 2, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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million. thanks for being with us. thanks for being with us. greta will be back greta will be back monday night at 7:00 eastern. join me tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern for justice with judge jeannine. see you then. have a great night. "the o'reilly factor" is on tonight. >> is the united states more racially divided than it was when you took office? >> no. i actually think that it's probably -- it's day-to-day interactions less racially divided. >> >> really, mr. obama? despite the president saying race relations are improving under his administration, the protests continue and a new survey shows the folks overwhelmingly disagree. we'll bring you both sides of this intense debate. like any major city there has been a problem with police forces and african-american communities
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communities? communities? >> is this just more spin? piling on police forces. we'll debate it. >> i'm going to being travel the country, listen to people and get a sense. >> jeb bush making major moves to clear his path for a presidential run. is he the best republican to go up against hillary clinton? caution, you're about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. hi eric bowling in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. thanks for watching let's get to our top story. is america more racially divided today than it was when president obama took office? no one can deny in the final moments of 2014 america witnessed an eruption of racial divide when grand jurys in ferguson missouri and staten island, new york decided not to
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charge officers in the unarmed death of black people. in light of that, the president was asked this. >> is the united states more racially divided than it was when you took office six years ago, mr. president? >> no. i actually think that it's probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided, but i actually think that the issue has surfaced in a way that probably is helping. >> but according to the american people, that simply is not true. the new fox news poll asks voters since barack obama became president do you think the races have become better or worse? only 19% say race relations have gotten better. 62% say they've gotten worse. 17% say they're about the same. so, why does the president see things so differently than the american people? joining me now to sort it all out is fox news contributor da
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nineteen ber really and simon and a former campaign advisor to bill clinton. dineen, how can the president say things are better now than six years ago? ferguson missouri, oakland, california, across the country all the way to staten island new york. protests, better or worse? >> sure. what the president can't do is ignore the facts. that is what he is doing. when you look at ferguson for example, president obama inserted himself into that issue. president obama is part of the president obama is part of the he sent eric he sent eric holder down there with 40 fbi agents. obama's speech before the u.n. he made it an international issue as well when he said race relations in america and agitation. i'm paraphrasing. obama is a part of the problem. there's also al sharpton who's been in the white house over 61 times and has the ear of top officials in the white house,
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which is absolutely outrageous. >> simon can you defend the president's comment that race relations are better now than when he took office? >> the u.s. is going through an incredible transformation where people are going through an overwhelmingly white one to a majority minority. there will be bumps. >> are they better, simon? >> that was the -- >> i maintain they were better now. >> i think >> i think what we know is that america has seen its first minority president who on balance i think has done a pretty good job. when we see a bunch of different race relations -- sings the poll was taken the president's approval rating has gone up ten points. >> if you wo >> if you would just get to answering the question that i just asked you. are race relations better today -- >> yes. >> -- january 2nd --
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>> sure. >> -- i think they're better. i'm going to agree with the president. >> i would think >> i would think they are not. people are ticked off about that. louis louis fair a con said a life for a life. how are things better now than they were then. >> it's absolutely outrageous what we are seeing and contributing to the social unrest. with with double digit unemployment, what you don't do is push policies that will make things worse for americans but especially with the numbers i cited. obama has an energy problem. these are things you don't do. he has an opportunity as a lawyer waiting for facts to come out on certain cases and he really jumped the gun and made matters worse. >> simon one of the other things that's gone on under president obama's watch is income inequality has widened
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and it's widened at the expense let's say, of the lower class. a lot of times african-americans are seeing less income movement upwards than the top end. this is another thing he promised. that can't help race that can't help race relations either. >> no. i think it's contributing to people's -- the struggle of everyday people. if you look at the polling over the last couple of months you have your poll. there are other polls showing on balance. >> we're not >> we're not talking about the president's approval rating. we're talking about race relations. are you repeating what the president said because you -- >> eric, things are better now. when you look back over the last couple of weeks than six years ago. >> the country is clearly in >> the country is clearly in better better shap
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be better shape -- >> in a black community, how is that better? >> unemployment is too high. >> we have a president who is pushing the narrative that our country is racist. we have racism rampant in america and that's just not true. that is that is what is happening in the social you beunrest. he's playing the race card. it's a dangerous thing to do. my goodness, what you don't do is pit americans against our law enforcement and pit americans against white versus black. >> simon? >> i don't think that's what the president's been doing. i think he's been very measured in how he's handled this. he's aware these are primarily local issues. >> okay. so let me ask you this. what's your opinion of al sharpton? do you think he's good for race relations? >> i don't think that's -- >> it really is. here's why it's relevant. >> we're here to talk about the president and that's what the
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segment is about flight. >> okay. fair enough. hold on. hold on a second, okay? but if al sharpton is visiting the white house some 60 or 70 times over the last few years, al sharpton has claimed himself that he's going to be part of the process for race relations in america, even part of the process in picking the next attorney general, which is what he said, don't you think it matters to the american people whether that man who has raced vehemently and vitriolic. >> and the new republican majority whip spoke to -- >> change the sucked. >> this is a complicated set of issues. >> no, >> no, it's not complicated. >> go ahead. explain it to me. >> no. we want to hear it from you. how many times do we have to ask? obama has obama has inserted himself in these issues. >> i totally disagree. i disagree. he's the president of the united states. these have been difficult th issues. i think i think he's been very measured
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in his engagement over the last several months. he is the president. he should be involved. he shouldn't pull back. i think he's been very decks trous in the way that he's gotten involved in this. clearly we have work to do. >> all right. >> the country has not resolved these issues. let's work together. >> let's be united instead of device sief. next on the rundown, we'll have a report on the assassination of two police officers last month. wake by pain... the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first to combine a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last until the am.
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meantime, as the city prepares to bury police officer wenjian liu, new york congressman charlie rangel seemed to contradict himself when he was asked about the protests. >> no matter what's going on, it's important that the new york city police department has by new yorkers, it actually goes unchallenged. >> the fact that we have so many people, so much diversity so much social problems like any major city there has been a problem with police forces and african-american communities. >> so is he right? joining us now dr. jeannie zano and from washington d.c. mercedes schlatt. i'm going to start with you right here. respect. it's all about respect. the nypd feels that they've been disrespected by the city's
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mayor, bill dee blasio. can he earn their respect back? >> yes, he can. mayor de blasio has made some missteps. i'll be the first to say that. i'll b to blame what is going on here on mayor de blasio is utterly wrong. former former mayor giuliani -- >> you don't want to blame mayor deblas de blasio, who do you want to blame? >> you >> you should blame the terrible person who committed those murders. to suggest to suggest the protesters are protesting based on something the mayor said -- >> that's not the leap we're making. th there was a certain amount of disrespect that was delivered by mayor de blasio. >> and the police aren't liking that. by the way, two police officers by the way, two police officers may have been murdered because of what they're hearing. >> de blasio has a history of these problems or his anti-cop
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rhetoric. he hired he hired individuals in his staff that have had postings that said, kill the cops. ask the cops. i mean, it's not healthy. then he went off to be the sympathy towards these protesters which a lot of them would be on the streets saying what do you want? dead cops? then they weren't going to acknowledge the fact that certain cops got assaulted during protests following eric garner's grand jury decision after his death. so, again there is this history that he has where he puts al sharpton sitting out there with the police commissioner on equal standing. this is not a man this is not a man who has been able to bring together this community. quite frankly, quite frankly, i'm not sure how he can govern if he doesn't have the trust and respect of the police department. >> trust and respect of the police department absolutely correct. by the way, these are events going on in new york city but it's a national debate.
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the whole world is watching how it plays out here. do you think de blasio should have turned in the midst of all of this and said you know what, i tell my bi-racial son of how he treats the new york city police department because he may be treated differently by them. >> it's fine for what black parents will tell you or a white man with a bi-racial son. >> how is that helpful? he has the opportunity to tone down the rhetoric. what he did was rachet it up. >> why is it racheting it up. >> don't trust our own police department? >> wait a minute. bill deblas yes -- >> god for bid i ever told my own 16-year-old son. >> look. commissioner bratton the number one cop in the country, we can trust him. there is nobody more supportive
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of the nypd other than mayor de blasio. that's not true. that's not true. >> said two cops were >> said two cops were possibly killed. kill >> absolutely. >> earlier this week they said with these actions of a passive/aggressive attempt at self pity. the nypd. they're squandering their credibility. their own their own petty look at us gesture. this is this is "the new york times" editorial board. >> these are talking about our 9/11 heroes who really stood out there on the front line after the terrorist attack. here's what we've got we've got mayor de blasio says we need to change the way the policing is done. we need to retrain them because allegedly they could be racists. this is not the rhetoric or how
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a mayor should lead his city, a city that is divided a city where emotions are high. when he went off and talked about his bi-racial son and said is my child safe and should we fear those thar -- that could be there to you know, help us, which would be the police, again, using that language, everything is about messaging. the way he has communicated his message that the costs feel very different and the fact that they basically are protesting against them. >> the cops >> the cops feel they're being disrespected by the mayor's office? and the and the major newspaper in town. >> there is a big divide going on. let's put let's put it in context. when you mentioned a funeral it was about 220,000 people who turned their backs. i agree with mercedes that he has made rhetorical miss steps. he should have come out
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sooner -- >> within days of saying he was going to sit down with the police unions, within days of that he appointed a judge who was a cop heighter, on facebook-- cop hater. >> let's look >> let's look at the reality of the situation. you look at what african-americans feel about discrimination by the police. the reality is whether you agree with it or not, there is a divide between black and white. mayor de blasio has acknowledged that. shouldn't a leader shouldn't a leader acknowledge the the reality? >> mercedes i'm going to give you last thought. tell us. it's happening here. you're in d.c. what does the rest of the country, in fact the rest of the world think and what are they seeing in new york? >> i think there's, quite frankly, a vacuum of leadership. what we want to see is leaders come out and be able to basically heal the community. bring together the law enforcement. look, there's isolated cases but
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going after them thinking they're bad cops, that they need to be retrained. going with that rhetoric is not helpful for any community. addressing the needs of the african-american community. this is a great opportunity for criminal justice reform to occur. this is a great this is a great time to have the national debate on race relations. >> we're going to leave it right there. great way to end the segment. professor zane, thank you. directly ahead, jeb bush, is he the gop's best hope to win the white house? that report next. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you
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in "the factor" follow-up segment it's looking more and more more likely that jeb bush will run for president. last month last month he announced a presidential presidential exploratory committee. co earlier this week in earlier this week in a clear step towards step towards a white house bid he resigned from all the boards he sat on. bush's bush's fellow florida republican senator marco rubio has been on many short lists of 2016 republican republican candidates. here's what he here's what he recently said about that about that prospect. >> the decision i >> the decision i have to make is is where is the best place for me me to serve the american people
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to to help live out the american dream. where is the best place for me where is the b to achieve that? is it in the republican majority in the senate or is it as candidate and ultimately as president of the united states. >> whoever ultimately becomes the republican candidate will face off against hillary clinton who at this point remains the clear democratic front-runner. is jeb bush the best choice to defeat her? defe joining me is lisa booth and with me here -- >> hi, eric. >> with me here mark hannah democratic strategist. i'm going to start with you, lisa. li stay there. jeb bush, a lot of people love him, but there are a lot of conservatives who have a lot of problems with some of his policies i.e.,, immigration, common core and maybe stance on taxes. taxe >> you're absolutely right. >> you're abso there's good and bad with jeb bush. bush. jeb bush definitely jeb bush definitely has the experience to be president. he has an incredibly strong economic record and he did exceptionally well with hispanics. hispanics. if you look at if you look at his second race
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for governor he got 14% with african-americans and he tied with women. those are those are all key constituencies that republicans need to do better better with. con con ser va tifts have some real cause for concern with his stance on stance on immigration and common core. it's his ability or it's his ability or inability to explain that to the explain that to the primary voter voter that will make or break the the candidacy. democrats have democrats have problems with -- >> hang in >> hang in there. i want to i want to bring mark in here. she brings up she brings up some important things. th if you get through a if you get through a primary as with jeb with jeb bush, he has a decent shot shot against hillary? >> no >> no kidding. i i have a lot of friends that are in the in the conservative movement and they all they all put their money on jeb bush because they have bush because they have noticed that in the past two cycles we've got m we've got mccain we've got romney. ro everybody the common assumption everybody the common assumption is people have to go to the right. the fact is, the fact is, you need to be able to bring to bring in big money. >> mccain >> mccain and romney lost. >> r
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>> right they lost in the general but they won general but they won their primary. pr >> how is that >> how is that good for gop. go good news, you won the primary but the bad news you got your butt kicked butt kicked in the general. >> jeb bush will win and he'll lose to lose to hillary clinton. >> therein lies the >> therein lies the problem. people believe that's what would ham ham with jeb bush. they won't come out to vote they won't come out to vote for a guy with a guy with so many issues with conservatives. conser >> here's the >> here's the thing with the republicans with the republicans with the presidential race is the presidential race is the fact that we that we have a deep bench. if you if you look, we have folks like governor governor scott walker, senator marco rubio marco rubio and what i'm looking forward to forward to are some of those debates. the realities is we're facing some big some big problems. whoever is the whoever is the republican candidate they need candidate they need to focus on
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problems problems for the american people. >> i'm going >> i'm going to agree with that. mark mark it's like a football team. great you made great you made the playoffs, but you never win the super you never win the super bowl. eventually you have to win eventually you have to win t super bowl. super bowl. >> right. if the republican party is to if the republica remain a national party and have any shot whatsoever to win a presidency, it has to be someone who has crossover appeal. he'll win over latino votes and he comes from florida but no question, i agree with lisa. this will be a royal rumble on the republican side. it will get pretty nasty. they're going to beat the -- >> that's fine. >> lisa, does it concern you almost every democrat strategist you talk to say, well jeb bush is the best one. shouldn't we start to say maybe he's not the best one. >> it sounds like mark is going to vote for jeb bush. here's what's important to remember. democrats will have
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democrats will have problems with hillary with hillary clinton. liberal groups liberal groups are actively campaigning for campaigning for elizabeth warren to run. she she also owns president obama's failed failed record. hillary care paved hillary care paved the way for obama care. obama care. she's she's directly a /*responsible for some of this. >> there are a lot of you saying she may not she may not run, she's been through the through the ringer. >> she's going to inherit some of the of the obama legacy. that will help and hurt her. she's right now on both sides the most the most popular politician in america right america right now. she's been tho she's been thoroughly vetted. there's no there's no opposition researcher who who hasn't gone through her archives. she is in a really strong shape right now. right now. >> lisa, if hillary doesn't win that opens that opens up the field f. she's
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the front-runner, you have to go the front-runner, yo with whoever can compete against her. her. joe biden, joe biden, bernie sanders, whoever else whoever else on the democrat side side, those races are winnable with other people other with other people other than jeb bush. bu >> you pointed out >> you pointed out is something intere interesting. i think a lot of i think a lot of people aren't talking about it right now with the democratic party. if you look at the if you look at the mid term elections it was the extinction elections it was the extinction of the of the moderate democrat. democrats are democrats are shifting more liberal when you liberal when you look at folks like like elizabeth warren running the the party. i think democrats are becoming a shrinking party. when you see in the republicans we are a growing party. >> >> right. >> or can i give you an alternate? alternate? >> right. >> for a long time they've been bifurcated bifurc bifurcated. you're getting the same thing on the the republican side. you have been you have been any sanders, almost a almost a socialist and then you have have hillary. >> i think it's a fair a nal ligs sis. i think the far wing is going to come out and be enthusiastic.
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i can't say the same on the right. >> i disagree. >> pro hillary given where she is on things like wars and wall street? st >> i think she >> i think she -- she alien it's the far the far left. >> she's >> she's grown more popular. the the past year or two she's shored shored up this elizabeth warrenesque. you have the establishment, as you have the establishment, as you said, you you said, you have liberal conservatives. he has money behind him. he has money behind him. >> i have to leave it right there. there. lisa, lisa, mark great debate. plenty more plenty more ahead. as as "the factor" moves on we'll tell you what was tell you what was the biggest problem in problem in 2014? and the and the tens of thousands of kids that kids that came over our border last last year. we'll tell you we'll tell you about that. you'll have to stay tuned for you' our reports. our reports. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms
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some big challenges in 2014 from growing threats abroad to social unrest at home but according to a brand new gallup survey the most important problem was government leadership, even more so than the economy which had taken the top spot since 2007. is our dysfunctional government the biggest challenge? we have from tampa florida, adam goodman, a republican strategist. adam, were you adam, were you surprised that the first time from 2007 the economy and jobs wasn't the top vote getter of problems in america? government leadership was. >> i'm surprised the lack of leadership wasn't bigger. with lack of leadership breeds loss of confidence. it's manifest in other ways. when a veteran has to wait up to a year to see a doctor coming home from a war, when intruders can practically break through the front door of the white
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house and see the president, when the president, lie of the year for statements and misstatements on obamacare it gets people shaken up and they start to lose confidence. >> the president the lie of the year politifact. he won many pinocchios. iran wasn't building a bomb. since obamacare. saying isis was the j.v. team. he won a lot of pinocchios. >> that's a good question but it's not just the president, it's also congress. you have boehner, everybody is playing pinocchio. the pinocchio game is the media game. how do we get the how do we get the approval, the quick second approval of the public? nobody wants to tell the truth nobody wants to tell the anymore, on the r anymore, on the right, on the left politicians moving forward. instead of doing instead of doing work. no no one's tapping legislation, no
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one's working together. nobody's actually talking about the issues. that i think is why, the number one and number two reasons why government is at the top of the list. >> government number one >> government number one. >> adam, keystone pipeline legislation coming from the house andersen nate. all indications are he's going to veto that. are we expecting two more years of absolutely nothing coming out of d.c.? >> if we get absolutely nothing americans will be more desperate than ever to get something done. the biggest thing happening today is americans are desperately looking for someone who's willing to bring it and make things work again. they'll take that from almost any direction they can find it which is why you're not only looking for experience you're looking for character. this is an a issue that doesn't go away. if the keystone pipeline is not approved, i think the country will once again wall low in a crisis of confidence that washington simply refuses to get
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things done. >> let me talk about some of the other things on the gallup list. surprisingly government leadership at the top at 18%. towards the bottom, terror, only 2%. income income inequality, one of the president's main pushes for 2015 and 2016, income inequality. only 3% there and race, 3%. >> race did go up over the past few months. in december it went up to 12%. that was a little bit of a surprise there. health care went down 4%. people don't care about health care because they're seeing the benefits of the health care system. that the that they don't have to pay out of pocket the way they used to. >> hold on there. adam mickey brings up health care. i looked i looked at the washington post pinocchios. a vast majority of president obama's pinocchios came with what he said about obamacare. >> there's no doubt. americans are finally realizing what the consequences are going to be because they're starting
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to feel it, where it hurts the most in the pocketbook. employers are going south as far as new jobs. i think a story unfortunately for all of us will get worse. >> jobs and economy are number two and number three. the employer mandate kicks in in 2015. that may end up racheting up that may end up racheting up obama care and jobs and obama care and jobs and the economy going forward. >> i don't know about that. gallup is projecting this. unemployment has gone down. >> because of president obama or in spite of president obama? >> because of president obama. >> how? >> he was a really big part of that. t.a.r.p. was a big part of putting money back into the economy. it took a few years. they projected it would be eight years. it's been seven years.
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the markets are doing better than ever. we're in a much better position. i'm curious to see what is going to happen in the elections. >> a lot of people are saying that the recovery has happened, is underway. it took a lot longer. it extended the session or pseudo recession because of what she points out, all the money that the feds pumped into the system. get get lean get mean and come back strong. >> we've >> we've had a very actually tepid slow growth economy for a number of years under the president which is another reason why i think the economy -- indicators of the economy were positive. people feel better. they just don't. they think underneath it what's coming up next. the president say is we were at an all time low. >> ours is lower. >> i've got to leave it there you guys. i'm running out of time. when you hear the music in the background, that means the time is running out. next on "the rundown"
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thanks for staying with thanks for staying with us. i'm i'm eric bowling in for bill o'reilly. and in the unresolved problem segment tonight, according to a recent investigation by houston tv station thousands of illegal aliens were supposed to be deported last year have disappeared from the fed's radar. >> when it comes to >> when it comes to those or ordered removed from the u.s., many can't be found. of the 4100 families released and who have been ordered removed from the country, 96% were done in absentia. they haven't shown up for court and federal officials will have to find them.
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of the 1600 children ordered removed from the u.s. 92% why done in absentia. federal officials say it could take several months to possibly years for all of these cases to be decided. >> so how could this happen and why is our system working so poorly? joining me now from washington jo to sort it all out is dan stein president for the american federation of immigration reform and jessica urlich, democratic strategist. jessica, jessica, we've heard of the 68 people who have been deported 90%, 40 45% don't show up for court dates. we predicted this, did we not? this is absolutely -- we saw this coming. >> yeah and it's really -- i mean, it's really a tragedy because the system the caseload is overwhelming for the judges
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trying to have the hearings. we're arguing before about whether we could have that sort of fancy hotel down in texas purchased so we could have a detention center to hold people and we still have no resolution. there was no comprehensive immigration bill passed. we don't have a border security bill and we have no way to deal with what the law is now. >> you're saying because we don't have a bill president obama should arbitrarily take his pen and grant amnesty to 4.5 million. you're talking you're talking about minors. that's all right? >> no. those are two separate issues. we're talking about the chirp that are here that are already lost that are in the system because we had a bill that was actually passed under george w. bush, it allowed the kids in in the first place. by defunding and not making sure that homeland security and that the welfare departments have enough resources to process these children because we do have a thing called due process in this country. we're now in a situation that is
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untenable. we have kids and families that we can't track. we don't know where they are. it's a horrible situation and we have no movement to solve it or fix it. >> right. there's no movement to solve it or fix it. dan, we're talking about 68,000 kids. what about t what about the other apprehensions of other illegals who aren't necessarily minors and they may jump their court dates? >> >> well, this is happening nationwide. it's important to recognize the president has established policies that say to an illegal alien, if you're here illegally we're not interested in deporting you. the unaccompanied minors and groups that showed up as families in central america, they all got the memo. they understand. they don't have to worry about getting deported. they'll wait until obama grants another illegal unconstitutional amnesty. he he owns this train wreck because for the last six years he has systematically destroyed u.s.
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immigration control. >> whoa. >> where are these kids? where are these kids who are -- >> hhs. hhs. health and human health and human services they resettled them. maybe they are not telling dhs where they are. the president doesn't want them to go anywhere. you would have to be nuts not to see the reality of this agenda which is to simply undermine and destroy this nation's ability to control. they're giving them they're giving them drivers's licenses and licenses and obamacare. >> jessica what about that? what about all the kids finding their ways into our classrooms with children of parents who are working hard, paying the taxes. now they're being squeezed out by illegal immigrants who probably shouldn't be here? >> this is a politically
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expedient way to go after the president about the immigration policy but it's also completely disinagain ee wous. yes, we have issues with children coming into this country and going into schools but there's nothing the president has done to -- >> hold on here. >> let's be real. >> disingenuous on whose part? on my part for pointing the finger on president obama? >> no the points that dan just said. >> but >> but deportations aren't up. deportations under -- definition of deportations are not up. am i wrong, dan? >> no. deportations are plummeting. in fact interior immigration has been dismantled. they're giving documents like driver's licenses. it's been six years. week by week of this administration on how the obama folks have destroyed immigration controls and undone all the work done by congress since 1996.
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the reason is they're trying to capitulate to an extreme wing of the party. they don't want anybody deported. as you take a look at the deportation numbers they're plummeting to a fraction of what they were three or four years ago. i don't know h i don't know how the country is going to get out of this mess. whether it's overstaying tourist visa, coming across the border illegally or coming in another way, it's all over the world. >> guess what, jess. when the president on down says don't worry, we're going to slap you with this little piece of paper. i hope you i hope you show up next year for the court date. what do you think the message is to the illegals? >> that's not what's going on here. the point is the point is we've been talking about immigration reform in this country since the reagan administration. we've yet we've yet to see anything real happen. senator senator mccain has been working on this the entire he's been in the senate.
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we have not had any residential resolution. it has been going on it has been going on for decades and yet nothing is done not even a border control bill. >> right. >> come on. let's get real. congress has to do something. they're in distress and need our help. we have due we have due process of law but do something about it. >> let's do that. jessica, thank you. dan, thank you very much. up next california becomes the latest and biggest state to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. is your state next? we'll be right back. owders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action.
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light. liberty mutual insurance. in the back in the back of the book segment tonight, california is now the tenth state to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. california has the nation's largest share of illegal aliens and the state's department of motor vehicles expects 1.4 million of them to apply for a driver's license over the next three years. that will cost the state about $141 million. given all the problems with the immigration system in our country, is this really a good move? joining us joining us now from san diego enrique, i'm going to start with you. let me ask, if they're illegal
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why should america's states allow illegals to have a driver's license? give me a good reason. >> sure. the first thing is there's no such thing as an illegal human being. these are human beings t these are human beings that are undocumented. they're driving to work now they're dropping their kids off at school. and once again they're going to have the opportunity to apply to get a driver's license if they pass the test, get insurance, registration. it's a good thing, this is the way it was 20 years ago across the country. i want to know who that guy is driving next to me. i want to know he's taken the driver's test. it makes sense across the country. california will once again lead california will the way in having this become law all across the country. >> all right. >> and it's good for the security of this country. these people are going to be driving anyways. >> what about the rule of law? shouldn't they become legal citizens before they have a right to driver's license? it's a right to drive. >> it's a privilege to drive. and that privilege requires an underlying citizenship in my opinion. if you can't if you can't follow the basic
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laws whereby somebody's in this country legally then i don't believe you get the privilege to get a driver's license in california or any other state for that fact. >> that's true. i misspoke. i said a right and meant a privilege. enrique, enrique, you're saying people who come here illegally should have the privilege to drive. should they also have the privilege to vote? >> no. they should get opportunity to come to the country legally. >> if you see what i'm saying here -- how can you distinguish between the two? aren't you basically saying they should have the right to vote? >> no i'm sure you realize you need to be a citizen to vote. >> you're supposed to be a citizen to do a lot of things in america, meanwhile we're allowing a lot more illegals to have some of the fruits of the people who are citizens' labors. we're allowing them to have some of those fruits of the labors. >> on the contrary. we have fruit, food on our table. they take care of they take care of our kids, build our homes. before they were us, we were
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them. at at one time it was your ancestors working the land. >> i don't want to discriminate. i'm for increasing legal immigration. i just want peop i just want people to do it the right way. i'm very pro latino. i would like more latinos working here legally. >> i agree with that. and, eric enrique is misrepresenting american history. this is a wave of undocumented immigrants like none before in american history. my forefathers came over from the ukraine. they were legal immigrants. my wife's grandparents came over from ireland. they were legal immigrants. this wave of illegal immigrants sanctioned by the federal government is like nothing we've ever seen before in history. so trying to paint this as american history in continuity is just false. it's a false narrative. enrique is peddling that false narrative. >> it's not true. >> go ahead. >> when your forefathers and
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foremothers came there was no illegal way to come. people just came. so you really need to learn your history. i know you went to san diego state and all that, but you need to be better educated on these issues. >> enrique my relatives haddock had documents. they didn't sneak across the border. they were not illegal immigrants. they were the very definition of legal immigrants as were my wife's grandparents that came from ireland. there was paperwork processed through the government. they did not sneak across the border. >> we want that option today and it doesn't exist. >> let's expand this a little bit. if if illegals should be allowed to drive, should they also be -- should they also have access to obamacare and health care? >> i have no idea what an illegal is. undocumented people do not qualify for the health care reform act, as you know. the last -- you just had a hate group guy on a few moments ago
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dan stein. come on, use that as your source of information? you need to look at the facts. and both sides of the aisle need to do a better job. we need to mend immigration reform. >> enrique's playing with the english language here. if somebody crosses the border illegally, then they are somebody who has immigrated illegally. we can play with the language but it doesn't change the fact. in california we've already got a fundamental problem here. we have about 12% of the nation's population over 30% of the nation's welfare recipients. the system is falling apart. we have more illegal immigrants, undocumented workers whatever you want to call them in california than anywhere else in the nation. we are already paying the price for that. enough is enough. >> all right. enrique, last thought. >> sure. the undocumented community is the backbone of this country. they bring that pioneering spirit to this great country as they have for generations. let's pass humane immigration
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reform and move forward. i applaud jerry brown and the state of california for being one of the ten states that allows people to apply for a driver's license whether you're documented or not. eventually the whole country will do that once again. >> we need to leave it right there, gentlemen. thank you very much. up next, bill o'reilly is back on monday and we have a preview of what he has in store. that's moments away. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. latte or au lait? cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground
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that says it all. de blasio actually is de blasio actually is proud that he told his teenage son that he may face "dangers when interacting with the nypd." what kind of a responsible father tells that to his son? this is an individual who should resign today. today. he cannot run this city. he's lost control of the police department and the respect. they will never come back no matter what he says. because he sided with the protesters. that's that's what he did. and he associated with provocateurs. and he has disgraced the office of mayor of new york city. he should resign. >> so be sure to tune in monday night. and i'll see you on cashin in in the morning 11:30 a.m. for the hottest debate allowable on weekend cable. that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching.
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i'm eric bowling. bill will be back on monday. remember, the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. good good evening. welcome to a "the kelly file" special investigation the baby lisa mystery. i'm megyn kelly. in late 2011 the disappearance of 10-month-old lisa irwin captured the nation's attention. how could an infant disappear from her crib in the middle of the night? the images of lisa with her big blue eyes were splashed all over national media. three years later there's still no trace of her. there are suspicions, most of them involving lisa's mother, debra, who was at home that night and says she was sleeping. fox news would later break the fact that debra admits to being so drunk she may have blacked out on the n
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