tv Huckabee FOX News January 4, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PST
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throerd. 2015. we salute you mike huckabee. >> it is a brand new year and the president said he's going to try to work with congress in 2015. i wonder how long before he breaks his new year's resolution. and prisoners released from gitmo go back to being terrorist. but over the christmas break the administration let them go anymore. and gloomy news for a glee program and an important announcement you don't want to miss tonight on huckabee. >> welcome to it huckabee from the fox news studios in new york. the front page of wall street was a story about white house officials indicating that
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presidents obama would do less by executive order and instead of negotiating with congress. what a novel idea. a president suddenly discovering the constitutional process of legislation that involves all throw branches of g. look, i hope it is true, but if past performance is an indicator of future performance i have no reason to be optimistic. >> my frustration is not a dramatic point of view between his liberal views and my conservative ones. but he squandered the opportunity to do what he would do. and that is to bring bipartisan ship to the process. it is called the study of political science. real politics is not a science, it is art.
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science means things are cut-and-dried and rigid laws like law of gravity or relatively or motion would be in force. governing is nothing like. that governing is a thorough art. and one may apply principles and no legislative bodies and issues are a like. quoit frankly governing is hard work and requires the patience of job and courage of david and perseverance of noah and intellect of paul and wisdom of solomon and forgiveness of jesus and no substitute for building relationships who don't like you and don't want to work with you. in the words of the great political if i los fear mick jagger. you can't always get what you want. you will get nothing and you will get it forever. and governing doesn't mean compromising core values, but it
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means working toward a conquenceous instead of conquest. the current climate in washington is win or take all and under that view, there are very few winners and a lot of losers and especially the american people. i became a governor in 1996 in a legislature made up of 89 democrats to 11 republicans in the house and 31 democrats to only four republicans in the senate. state wood, i was the only republican. and it was by far the most lopsided legislature in the country, more than massachusetts, maine and vermont or california. but as difficult of an environment as it was it really was a blessing because in such an atmosphere over ten and half years, i learned how to govern. getting tax cuts and scomplefrng the the executive branch and reforming welfare and education.
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and passing substantial protection for human life was not easy. and yet learning how to do it is envaluable. it makes taking agreements in private and not negotiate in the front pages of the newspaper and not gloating when you win pouted when you lose. it means behaving like an adult. i would welcome the approach. and here's hoping in a new year of 2015, we see the fine art of governing and if not, i will say what parents often say to their kids, don't make me come up there. (applause) so how realistic is the president's plan to work with congress. joining me is the pollster and senior strategist and ed, who is
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former advisor to john huntsman campaign and president of the tripp law firm. ed jessica good to see you guys. >> thank you for having us. >> talk about realistically is congress and the president going to find a moment to smoke the peace pipe and get this thing acting like a government again. jessica what will you say? >> yeah and yes, it is possible. i think the new year and new attitude and the president has a lot to lose. he has two years left and he can get anything done. i understand there is aggressive actions that felt to the gop and many americans like he was not listening and didn't care, but i don't think he wants that to be his legacy. >> there is a lot of rancor in the air and not better when the
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president makes speeches and demonizes the republicans. there is no trust on either side to the other side, ed, how optimistic are you that the president means this and will work with the congress, do you believe it? >> it is it a new year and hope springs eternal. and they could work together if we find democrats if you release money from taxation and add sal rows and grow the american economy. if we find democrats like that there will be a great amount of bipartisan effort. >> it so manies like the leadership stalled the process in the executive level and congressional level. jessica talk about the specific issues that you honestly think that president and congress could work toward and end up with solution. >> i think immigration. even including what happened with the executive order. this is an issue that the
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american people are united on. >> united in what way? >> they are for immigration reform and secower the border. it is a two- step process and i don't think the democrats disagree with that. no one wants an open border and if we secure the border we can talk about a pathway to citizenship. >> tell me democrats that you think will emerge in a leadership role. >> i think chuck schummer for sure and the california ladies. i think that we are going to see you know a lot of the same voices and really the president himself. i think he will be more vocal. he will be out on the trail more and he doesn't need to win the election for himself. he will be going out and explaining face-to-face why we need immigration reform and obama care is good for america. >> it seems to me one of the
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things that the president has not done working person-to-person behind closed doors with members of congress and the opposition. you can't win it on the trail. you have to take it in the private room. ed, do you think he will do that this time? >> i don't believe so. if we talk about comprehensive reform, we'll be disappointed. incrementally we can make progress together. securityizing the board they can work for. and stem degree and fill the jobs that are open in america. those are the things we can work on and key stone pipeline produces jobs and focuses on jobs and tax reform. i think we should roll back payroll tax again and give small business an opportunity to participate in the economic opportunity. >> it means that there is
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instant cash in the pockets of working people. and immediate imput. and it rewards people who are working and that is important to send that signal, to. they have a couple of hundred and they will save and invest. >> sorry for the interruption. and raising the minimum wage is how we know they will have a few extra dollars and i am not saying jump to 10.10 an hour. but we have 20 new states that increased the minimum wage and we can use them as a test case. but the economy is better than in 2009 when we had our last minimum wage increase. why not on the federal level as well. >> we'll get to obama care. there will be reforms to that with the republican congress. a lot of things are not working well. deductible or premiums are
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higher. what do you think that the president and congress can accomplish in dealing with obama care. >> take out the medical device tax. and tweak around the edges. i don't see president obama appealing the obama care. it has his name. >> medical device tax i am with you there. and what can be done purchasing insurance across state lines and tort reform and explain it better. he was famous for the way he talked and ideas. and we need to get back to the time of the 20 where are foufr conference. and the state of the union coming up and we'll see him shine there and articulate why union versal health care is good for the country. >> i will anxious to so in the state of the union if there is a conciliatory tone or another, i guess lighted match thrown in the gas tank. >> it will be fun to watch.
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>> it will be. happy new year to you. while you were busy wrapping the christmas preponderate. terrorist in gitmogot an early christmas present. they were sent home to afghanistan. up next the closing of the gitmobay facility. it is on the president's wish list. we'll talk about that when we come back.
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and more of the people there are expected to be released this year. joining me now is the fox news contributor and concerned veterans for america. peete was stationed at gitmo one time. >> thanks for having me governor. >> who are the guys released from gitmo? >> we are releasing no low risk. they are medium or high risk detainees and the nine released in the holidays again all of them were high risk to the united states of america. it is helpful to use examples. on december 20th. one of the four released mohammed za hiri. he was caught using trafficker and stinger missiles to takedown airlines and nuclear material with a desire to build a nuclear equipment. he was a high level taction officer with heavy connections
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to the taliban directorate. and he was listed as high risk and high intelligence value and in touch with folks in afghanistan and that's where we are sending him to. december 30th. the group released, abdull acmed. he was a senior advisor to osama bin laden in tora bora. a military advisor and once again connections to terrorist groups and assessed as high risk and sent back to ka zistan. and we'll not be sure how he will be guarded. he was affiliated to a global jihaddist network. they are nasty folks with american blood on their hands and would seek to do more hard. >> they were not guys sipping to loud in the mosque. they would have a stinger
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missile and uran yaum and a threat to the the united states and peace in the world. why are we letting these guys go? what kind of explanation is the administration giving for the rationale of letting them go? >> when i was there 650 detaineys and today 127. and anyone swept up in the battlefield is long sense gone. the president is obsessed with closing guantanamo bay and too big of a sin to start it. he's not word about the ramifications of the release as widely reported. 30 percent of the guys are in the battlefield. i guarantee you that number will be higher in the hard-core jihaddist all-stars released now back in the population. they will be lauded as heros and special net woshs and connections and that makes them more threatening.
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and they are in touch through the legal advisors because we give them tons of legal support. they could plug back in the fights in afghanistan and islamic state. the president is obsessed with closing it and no clear plan with what to do with these gees. >> i went there in 2005. and how much billions we spent building it. is there any reason everyone politics to close gitmo. is it going to do with the new relationship with cuba? >> nothing other than politics. anyone in guantanamo bay sos a professional facility and how careful the guards are to before the islamic preferences of the detainees. clearly our president has never been there and he's with others
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who believe it is a gulag. it is far from it. they are well fed and greatest medical care and better than the vets in the va. they are coddled over. and it is nothing to do with their situation and everything to do with politics and maybe the new relations with cuba could be a deal of sweetener. maybe close it altogether. the president feels loc it is a relic of colonialism. he doesn't take the long view. but he looks at sins of the past and do what he can. >> the soldier guarding the din detainees. they were not fed as well as the detainees. they are well taken care of more so than we could have imagined. great having you here and thank you for the up date and thank you, pete.
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>> later in the show an important news update. you will hear it first here and so stay tuned and to be my friend on facebook and follow me on twitter. links to the u.s. led coalition air strikes on isis on new year's day. my next guest researched isis for the latest book well before most of us heard of isis. he is a former advisor to benjamin netanyahu and the author of the new book "the third target". joel is here now. >> thank you. >> this is like a prophecy. you are not pretending to be a prophet but you talked about isis and researched it and thinking it was years away. it slipped up on everybody. it was the big story of 2014.
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>> when i wrote the third target and researched it in 2014 early in the year. it was just a year ago right now that president obama said isis was a jv team and not an important factor and al-qaeda was defeated and diminished and we didn't have to worry. my research and my reporting was different and i wanted to write a novel than a speech taking people inside of that world. what if isis got chemical weapons inside of syria. what more damage could they do? >> and i thought your bock is a novel and fiction and it is an incredible read. it is like reading the front pages of the paper. when you were writing this. did you think that your fictional story would be like the front page of the new york times or washington post.
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>> i hope not. i think novels take you in a world that you hope not to go into. and i wanted to warn people what could be coming over the hear izon. i sat with a former cia director in the clinton years and sat with porter gosz. and i sat with a former mosad intelligence chief in israel and said what do you worry about and keechs you up at night? isis, isis isis. >> and they talked about this before we heard a word. >> it morphed in to something more dangerous. and i want to go there. and honestly, i thought that isis was five year down the road big story. i thought i would get out and write about what could happen. it is much faster and killing christians and beheading and crucifying and raping girls and
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enslaving people. and genocidal conditions and with chemical weapons and a horrific game change. >> why did isis get so powerful quickly. you were thinking it was five years away what happened? >> main thing that happen was president obama massive mistake inside of iraq because he thought that al-qaeda was on the wane. and he thought isis was a jv team, he pulled all of our forces out of iraq. everyone, almost everyone including the defense security told him not to do it. you are going to create a vacum and iraqi military not ready for this. people told him and he didn't listen. and what we have now is a system in which the islamic state is attacked by al-qaeda leaders and too crazy.
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they are don't behead people and al-qaeda looks like a moderate. you entered in a denommic system pouring over the middle east and somebody who loves united states and israel and we have to stop isis and that is the cry of the book. what happens if you don't stop isis. >> you talk about jordan and what happens if jordan falls apart. >> it is a nightmare scenario and talked to the prime minister and interior minister it is like a chancy bock. and i hope you sit down and take note. your scenario is what the king appointed me to make sure never happen. and they are very worried and leb an ese and egyptians and prime minister netanyahu and
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israel are word're worried if the western a liiance doesn't stop isis the islamic state they will destroy one country after another. and given the problems on our southern border, it is not unreasonable scenario. i don't write about it but it is not unreasonable for isis terrorist coming in from the southern border. >> that is frightening. and joel thank you for being here. >> coming up. police make life or death decisions every day and do you know how they affect them? we have a police officer that is involved in a shooting that resulted in a death while he was on duty. he tells us what to do in
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>> police controversies that led to the death of two black men in ferguson missouri and the subsequent grand jury decisions, have put a spotlight on the police making life-and-death decisions in a blink of an eye. as a governor i have more life-and-death decisions come cross my death in arkansas history. i had weeks and months to carefully review every case of the file before i made the decision to order a life taken. it was the toughest decision to make because it was the only decision that i made that was irrevocable. but cops have to make that irrevocable decision in a split second and if they chose wrong they could end up dead or indicted. what does it look like from a cop's view. they are putting their lives on
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the line so we don't have to. he was involved in a shooting that killed an armed suspect and joins me now. >> thank you for having me governor. >> this was early in the career in 1975 and you faced an arm the robber with a sawed off shotgun and he had used it that day and shooting somebody. what happened when you confronted him? >> we were two officers in separate cars and the other officer rammed the truck. he had stolen a telephone company truck. we pursued him in a residential neighborhood and he rammed the truck and it stalled the truck and the robber could not get the truck started again and he stuck the shotgun out of the window and the other cop shot and i shot from behind. >> and so this suspect died as a result of that, what did you
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feel? what did you have to go through as a police officer involved in a fatal shooting? >> i was not married two months, it was a new family experience for the two of us right then. it was hours of questioning, lots of paper work and the next day i was back out on the street working because the department just didn't know of a newer way to deal with it at the time. >> was that a good idea? it has been 40 years but was it good to say go back the next day? >> no, i don't think so. >> you were going through lack of a better term post taumatic stress from that? >> at the time it was called post shooting trauma. >> did you continue to have nightmares and continue about it. two nights after the shooting, i was dreaming that friends were dying around me.
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shot of the shooting and later on nightmares where the gun wouldn't go off and wouldn't work in a similar situation or the bullets came out and fell on the ground. >> keith, we hear about an incident about like what happened in ferguson, apparently the suspect went after the officer's gun and there was no indictment. and you have to assume he is obblijed to protect yourself. and in the staten island case, with the bringing down of the suspect and ended up doing from collapsing. and what people failed to understand, you don't have time to hit the pause button and so how we are handling this. what level of force do we need to use? at that moment your adrenalin is flowing and i may get killed if i don't take action? what goes on in a cop's mind at
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that point? and what are you thinking fwh that moment? the bad part of what they are talking about and in it a similar situation to staten island. it is going to make cops in future incident think that it is going to happen again. and am i going to be in trouble with them and the hesitation is like you said the seven short period of time to make a split second decision. it can happen again like that and they can hesitate. is it fair that we are seeing the back lash against the police officers in the country? >> i don't think so. i think it is rabble rousing on certain individuals to make a name for themselves. >> what training should a police officer have to prepare him for the moments. you don't go to work saying i will go to work and have a shootout. you think you will write traffic tickets and next thing you know
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you are pulling your gun out and it is your life or his? >> another cop said i haven'toused it in four years and didn't expect it for the next 16. little did i know i would be 12 hours later involved in an incident. >> i don't think we appreciate what you have to do and the short amount of time you have to do it. keith, i appreciate you being here to remind us that the police officers are out there on our behalf. >> thank you for having me. >> a church sponsored music camp is shut down because they charged a fee to cover the costs. that is another case of thehehehehehe
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a district. and it was shut down. now the pastor is in a legal battle with the city. joining me the pastor of the presbyterian church. and pastor winters, this blows my mind. you have a glee camp for kids and good for them and keeps them off of the street and they pay a fee. not everything that it costs to just help out with expenses, were you shocked when the city of a uburn said you are running a commercial operation. >> dumb founded. >> and if it were to stand and if you were nopt willing to fighting it every church would be subject to running a commercial enterprise. >> it sets a legal precedent. that's why we are fighting it partly because we want to make sure we continue our own ministry and the implications
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are national. >> what is the reaction of the community. not only in the church family but the larger community of a uburn. it is majorly supportive. >> jeremy, from a legal perspective if this were to stand what happens. people say it doesn't touch me. it touches them where it lives. >> city government should not use zoning laws to zone out community service. all churches that are in the country. we are seeing city officials are using laws to bully churches in submission so they can't just worship god and serve the community as they would like to do. you can read it from churches to synagogues that we see daley and see more as years go by.
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churches are allowed to engage in acts for the community and use their own property to serve their community. >> when the city said you can't do it and shut you down. you had to cease having the glee camp. >> we did it. how could we shut it down. >> we kept on-going and figured, we would just talk with our lawyer, we have another one in addition to liberty institute. and you know just went ahead and started the process and meeting with the city. >> if you lose this case i don't think you will, but if you were to i am thinking of something as simple as having a church dinner and everybody pay two bucks to cover the cost of the food. would that be a commercial enterprise. >> i imagine they could think that. >> and jeremy, when a church is confronted with this kind of a situation, and their basic
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religious liberties are threatened as happen in the first presbyterian church of a uburn. >> go to liberty institute right away so we can advise them. they need to understand. not only does the constitution protect the fundmental rights on their own church property but the year 2000. religious land use person's act or will you pleasea that protects their right of worship and community service on their own property. city officials can't zone out community service in acts of worship. if this city is allowed to zone out in presbyterian church on their property they will be saying that you can't have the christmas cantata and easter cantata next. >> i am going to say thank you for being here. and more importantly pastor winter thank you for having the
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courage to stand up for your people and community. if you did say i don't want trouble, this kind of thing happens in america. and we owe you a debt of gratitude for the courage that you contributed here and i wish you the best. >> thank you. >> i will join one of the hottest new acts in music history. that's coming up right after this. ♪ with the incredible fuel efficiency of 38 miles-per-gallon highway you can feel like royalty in the nissan altima. now, get great offers on the 38 mpg highway nissan altima. nissan innovation that excites.
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debow with being on the voice and blake shelton was your time leader. when he pulled you aside and gave advice what did he tell you. >> most of the time it was not advice. all of the whispering it was making fun of his hair or like the first thing that blake said to me and how i knew we would get along. your little brother just has one of those faces i just want to punch and i was like we are going to make a great team. you and blake against poor colton. there is something wrong about that. >> this album, we are going to do it today called pray for you. what is the inspiration of the song? >> we knew we had to be a part of it and especially what you hear on thero right now. we heard this and we are like we got to be a part of this and it
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is a song of hope and that is great in today's world to hear. and we relate to it. and we get messages and tweets all of the time about the song and how it helped people through certain situation and that is good news. it is great song and the album is terrific. and i hope people will buy it on itunes and amazon. this is pray for you. >> with our special guest here. >> there you go. 1, 2 3. ♪ ♪ i have been where you have been my friend with the rain fell side ways and hell on wheels and going down the
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crooked highway. ♪ now through the perfect storm my heart was wrecked and soul was torn. and i know, i know, i know, i you need more than whiskey sometimes wisdom just won't do well i ain't gonna judge you i'm just gonna love you tonight i'm gonna pray for you ♪ your mama's cried, your daddy's tried, your friends have all but left you ♪ ♪ you had an angel in your arms but you let her go, i bet you ♪ ♪ i tried my best to numb the
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hurt, sometimes you can't find peace on earth ♪ ♪ but i know i know, i know ♪ ♪ i know i know i know ♪ ♪ sometimes you need more than whiskey ♪ ♪ sometimes wisdom just won't do ♪ ♪ well i ain't gonna judge you, i'm just gonna love you ♪ ♪ tonight i'm gonna play for you ♪ ♪ i know i know i know somebody pray for me ♪ ♪ and i know, i know, i know that heaven's listening ♪ ♪ and i know i know i know that
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tonight i'm going to do more than just say good night. i'm going to say good-bye. this is the last e-cigs of huckabee on the fox news channel. now for the past six and a half years i've felt honored to come into your home each week and bring a variety of news, politics, entertainment music and great stories of amazing people. it has been the ride of a lifetime. and i've never hads so much fun in my life. i've met people i never dreamed i'd meet, and i played music
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with legends in the music business. but i also realize that god hasn't put me on earth just to have a good time or to make a good living. but rather god has put me on earth to try to make a good life. there's been a great deal of speculation as to whether i would run for president and if i were to absolutely ready to rule that out i could keep doing this show. now i'm not going to make a decision about running until late in the spring of 2015. but the continued chatter had put fox news into a position that just isn't fair to them, nor is it possible for me to openly determine political and financial support to justify a race. the honorable thing to do at this point is to end my tenure here at fox. now as much as i have loved doing the show, i cannot bring myself to rule out another presidential run. be clear. i'm not making that announcement right now and my timetable is
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still just what it was before, later this spring. but i agree with fox that this is the right thing and now is the right time. harder than walking away from a generous paycheck from fox is leaving some of the most incredible people i've ever worked with. as i say in my soon to be released book, "god, guns grits and gravy" the ceo of the fox news channel really is the smartest guy in the room. and it doesn't matter who else is in troom. roger ails understands that the success of an organization is that people in the organization feel bonded by a common goal. and that each member of the team builds each other up. now the critics at fox news will never understand that. but being here as given me the opportunity to serve with not only the most professional people of the business but without a doubt the nicest people in the business. from our extraordinary production crew who run cameras, work audio and lighting manage
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the stage, direct the show and edit it, to the people who work in the makeup room or the custodial staff, there is truly an enviable camaraderie in the fox family. a special heartfelt word of thanks to my show staff who each week work their hearts out to help put together what has within the highest rated weekend show on the network etch week since we launched. they deserve far more credit than me for the show's success. i love every one of them. and i consider myself to be blessed beyond description to have worked with them every week. now i'm not going to disappear and i'll probably make guest appearances on fox. i hope so. but no longer as a member of the staff. oh, i'll keep you updated on my what whereabouts on my website as well as my facebook page. but i want to thank roger ails for the last six and a half years of support and thanks to you for your loyal viewership of
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hi everyone. good morning, today is sunday the 4th of january 2015. i'm anna kooiman. we begin with a fox news alert. she tracked a mile, shivering, broken bones after a plane crash killed her entire family. this morning, new details about the 7-year-old sole survivor plus the stranger who answered the door to help her joins us live. and he's the most decorated military sniper in american history. >> i've got eyes on this, can you confirm? >> negative. you're call. >> now the story about the heroes' life is being slammed as
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