tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News January 4, 2015 3:00am-7:01am PST
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hi everyone. good morning, today is sunday the 4th of january 2015. i'm anna kooiman. we begin with a fox news alert. she tracked a mile, shivering, broken bones after a plane crash killed her entire family. this morning, new details about the 7-year-old sole survivor plus the stranger who answered the door to help her joins us live. and he's the most decorated military sniper in american history. >> i've got eyes on this, can you confirm? >> negative. you're call. >> now the story about the heroes' life is being slammed as
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propaganda from the left. we'll have details. and does this sound familiar to you? >> you're cell phone is what's up. all the texting. >> omg. >> it is a big deal. who are you texting 50 times a day? >> idk, bff? >> we're breaking down what every parent needs to know about the texts. mornings are better with friends. they are. hey everybody. welcome in and happy sunday. thank you for being with us. peter is in for clayton again today. >> anna kooiman is here. i'm tucker carlson. we have more on the breaking news about the lone plane survivor is taylor gutner.
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her aunt was tragically killed a few nights again but unbelievably she walked away safe. >> unbelievable. the family released a story saying, "the gutzler family mourns the loss of marty kim and piper gutzler and sienna wilder. may they rest in god's loving arms" as the plane crashed down. there were some flames. she picks up a stick and lights that. that's how she was able to see her way three quarters of a mile through some nasty terrain. >> according to one account that's right. she used a branch to light a fire from the burning wing to be
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able to traverse through the three-quarter of a miles of the woods to her rescuer's home. she walked on several broken bones and it was a rough area of the dark woods where she navigated a 12-foot ditch. it is almost an unbelievable story and a deeply poignant one given four died in the crash. the pilot of this plane marty gutzler, had 4,000 hours behind him. he was a flight instructor at the side. here's a man of his describing his love for flying. listen. >> he loved flying. i mean you didn't have a conversation with marty without him talking about flying. pretty angry that something like this would happen. it's just -- unbelievable. >> yeah, the other thing is the family was in florida on their way back to illinois so they were dressed for summer weather. she had to deal with cold
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temperature there is in kentucky. experts say that this little girl was able to make it to safety three quarters of a mile on adrenaline. listen. >> i have an 8-year-old child myself that just turned 8 years old, a little girl and when i saw this it appeared to be a 7-year-old child that had walked through this dense forest and through some really tough terrain and some awfully poor weather conditions tonight and survived this, i mean, it is just really a miracle. >> it is a miracle. this miracle child surviving out of this absolute tremendous, tremendous tragedy. marty gutzler was also a flight instructor. they owned a furniture store up there in nashville illinois. were well liked. in fact a couple that owned a
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basketball court and were attention -- or had a lot of attention in their neighborhood. >> i am shocked that she was orphaned and left completely alone in the world from this plane crash. really, really a sad story. >> her father as you mentioned, an accomplished pilot who made the trip several hours but inclement weather brought the plane down. now the man who answered the door when little saylor came up, larry wilkins is joining us live at 7:00 a.m. after he cleaned the little girl up and called 911, she asked him to ride in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. >> we'll have an update at 6:30. stay with us. we start with another fox
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news alert. the u.s. embassy in indonesia is warning of more threats in is urabaya. american citizens should use extreme caution in indonesia's second largest city. in the past few months there's been a spike in indonesians joining isis and other terrorist groups. happening today in just five hours, thousands of mourners will wish a final farewell to slain nypd officer wenjian liu. the chinese ceremony will be led by buddhist monks followed by a traditional police service with police chaplins. this comes a day after the wake was held for the 32-year-old in brooklyn where officers from around the city and state and count industry lined up to honor liu's 7 1/2 years on the force. liu and rafael ramos were killed on december 20th while sitting inside their patrol car. ramos was laid to rest last
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week. edward brooks the first african-american elected to u.s. senate has died. before politics he served in the army in world war ii earning a bronze star for combat in italy. edward brooks was 95 years old. and after 6 1/2 years after part of the fox news family mike huckabee is ending his tv show on fox with his you on the 2016 presidential race. >> there's been a great deal of speculation as to whether i would run for president. and if i were willing to absolutely rule that out, i could keep doing this show, but i can't make such a declaration. the honorable thing to do at this point is to end my tenure here at fox. as much as i have loved doing the show i cannot bring myself to rule out another presidential run. i say good-bye but as we say in
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television stay tuned. there's more to come. >> the governor says he plans on deciding on a possible 2016 run by late spring. and while he'll be missed at "fox news," we want to wish him best luck on the road ahead. >> what a tremendous show he had here at fox and a great run. if anyone is qualified to be the president of the united states i think he is. >> i'm a huge huckabee fan and love what he did on our show every saturday. >> without fear. >> he came to play. he would sit down and ask exactly what he was thinking. he was smart and upinformed. i am really going to miss him. >> if you were the president, he would say a, b, c and d and lay it out in a cohesive fashion. >> and the other thing about him, he's a nice guy. he remembered my name nobody else did. he remembers everybody's name.
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>> yeah. >> i'll tell you who remembered your name. rick reichmuth who muttered it to himself. >> wouldn't it be nice if the president knew your name? the first time i met him he was like hi rick reichmuth. i was like what? you know my name? wouldn't that be incredible if the president knew any name? a lot is going on here on this map. very cold air across the northern plains. and the warm air across the east tells me there's low pressure somewhere that is incredibly strong. that's affecting a lot of us today. and this is the big storm. a lot of severe weather. seven reports of tornadoes yesterday across parts of mississippi, alabama the southern sides of those. and we could see more severe weather today. certainly, this is consolidating into one solid squall line bringing heavy rain through atlanta and down through much of southern alabama. so get ready, you're probably
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waking up right now to all the noises going on there. then we have snow on the northern side across new england that will become rain as warmer air moves in. then snow back behind it for parts of the great lakes. then more snow and cold gets here. thank you, rick. chris kyle the most prolific sniper in american history, 255 kills, 160 of them confirmed by the government murdered in 2013 after he came back a hero. he was a navy s.e.a.l. there's a movie about him directed by clint eastwood just coming out as "american sniper." and it was slammed by a character called david edelstein at "new york" magazine. >> and here's what he had to say about the bradley cooper film directed by clint eastwood. i'm not going to fault kyle's view of his enemies as representing a "savage
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despicable evil" but i do fault eastwood for making what is essentially a propaganda film. as in many war movies, it shows our sake rad space instead of vice versa. it's a republican platform movie movie". >> to somehow say america was invading sacred space. that is a determination in history, that, i think, has overturned already. let's talk about chris kyle a little bit silver stars, bronze stars, four tours in iraq. one of the most decorated american snipers in our history. and we were talking this morning about the importance of the sniper on the battlefield. snipers save colleagues' lives in insuring they take out the
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most vicious and pieces of the enemy's front lines. so somehow to turn his life into a republican platform, and as you say, tucker to mix politics and art and find his life despicable -- >> that's what it is right there. he's mad about the iraq war, okay? so are a lot of people, but review the movie. it's so typical of the left to be unwilling to disentangle politics from art. you don't have to agree with the political viewpoint of a film but they overwhelm his artistic judgment. it's just gross. don't become a speech writer then. >> what's wrong with celebrating american military strength and seeing what pretty much every critic has said is an honest portrayal of what the guys have
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to deal with out on the battlefield and then coming home to live with the decisions they have made. it's not an easy thing to do. they do have families and you see that honest portrayal of dealing with that as well. >> chris kyle was hired to do a job. he works iffer the rest of us you may not agree with what he did, but he did his job. great for him. here's what's coming up on "fox and friends" this morning. what can you expect for health care in 2016 and how much will it cost us? and when her ex-boyfriend met her at the front door this lady got desperate. the drama behind this rescue. whoa!
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does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all printers are on sale. plus great deals on hp ink and toner. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. ♪ 2015 is a very big year for obamacare and the seasoned penalties that come with it. but that can all change on the results of the pending supreme court being heard in march. so what can we expect as far as health care is concerned in the
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upcoming year? here to explain this is aileen singer. good morning, aileen. >> good morning. >> people are anxious about what's going to happen in 2015, but let's start with the supreme court case. >> the supreme court will hear the case in march and announce the decision in june. plaintiff, which is king, is saying the interpretation of the law is wrong. that tax credits cannot go to enroll lees in the exchanges if they are not in the state based exchange, which is 37 states. is so if the supreme court rules and agrees with the plain tiff tax credits could stop flowing to the 37 states in july of this year. >> if the tax credits stop to the 37 states, then it's going
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to be up to those states to determine whether to move forward or not, correct? >> right. but they won't have a state base exchange in 2015 and won't set one up by 2016. so the enrollees are going to be left with overly expensive health care and no tax subsidy to offset the cost. >> we'll talk at the obamacare tax credit and what people could be owing the deposit this year. what is significant to that in. >> well, at tax time this year, all the enrollees who got the tax credit have to reconcile the amount with what they were eligible for. if someone's income fluctuated and they got a big raise and didn't tell the exchange that they could be getting a tax credit they are not eligible for and owe the i.r.s. a repayment which could be hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on the person. >> unbelievable. oh the i.r.s. a rekreept giving the i.r.s. money back, right?
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>> yes, absolutely. >> we'll talk about the mandates. everybody has heard about the mandates but now they are coming home to roost. what does that mean in 2015? >> in 2015 they are double what they were in 2014. if you remain uninsured this year, it will be 2% of your income or $325 whatever is greater. >> and so where are people on this? have we seen any data as to whether people are in compliance or not in compliance? what are people doing? we know from yesterday, as a matter of fact about these incredible deductibles going on. and a lot of people are fore going doctor's visits. are people doing what they need to be doing in terms of the individual mandate now? >> well, not many people are going to end up paying the individual mandate. out of the 31 million people that they think are going to be uninsured in 2016 they only expect 4 million people to go through with paying the penalty to the i.r.s. so it is certainly not as
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enforceable as it is portrayed to be. >> in our last 15 seconds, the employer mandate, significant to that that. i think we lost ayleen. >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear your question. >> the employer mandate, significant to that. >> it's been implemented this year for the first time. >> i think we are having technical difficulties there. we'll be back with more on "fox & friends." that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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you. john cantley is seen on a youtube video touring isis showing people are not living in fear. he's been in eight isis videos since captured two years ago and of course he had a gun to his head spouting the propaganda. and north korea lashing out after getting hit with new u.s. sanctions in response to the sony hack attack. adding that the sanctions will have no effect on the country. forget riots and violence, these young people are gathering for good. 20,000 christians on a mission to help the poor and others in need this weekend. >> it's always been a good experience and a call to action. it's a great way to start off the year to get on fire for christ again. and so i came back. it is like an unexplainable joy
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to reach out to other people. and it lasts throughout the year if you want it to. it's a work in progress. >> we are joined live from atlanta at the hidden annual passion conference. good morning, todd. thank you for being with us. >> hey, anna. great to hang out with you. >> why do you think this is being ignored by other media outlets? >> well, look, you know how the mainstream media is. they always like to cover the bad things that the young people are doing, whether they are out there rioting in the streets or protesting this or that. but i have to tell you something, anna, i have covered a lot of stories in my career as a journalist and this event to watch 20,000 young people worshipping together students of all races, of all backgrounds, it really was breathetaking. these students have packed phillips arena in downtown atlanta. they will do so again in a few weeks and then in houston. over the course of the next few weeks, 60000 christian college students are gathering together, not just to worship, but as you
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mentioned a few moments ago, they are going to be doing things to help the poor and needy and bring attention to significant key issues like human trafficking. >> what is human trafficking, todd? and why is it important for christians to speak out against human trafficking? >> well, one of the great things about these young people, when you see an arena packed this large, normally you see folks coming in with a six-pack of whatever. but not these kids. instead, they were coming in with towels and socks. here's the reason why. in addition to bringing awareness to the big issues, they are helping a local homeless shelter here in atlanta. and there was a need for towels and for socks for the homeless folks. and so the students got together and they are actually bringing these items thousands and thousands of these items, to help out this local homeless shelter. >> so service is the key for these young christians. >> you know it really is, peter. and again this was not about
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politics and it's really not about denominations. the young people here are from catholic baptist pret bysbyterian, you name it. this is about coming together to show the world you can't do something by yourself but you can do it collectively. so you can make an impact and a difference. that's what we're seeing here. peter, i have covered what has been happening on college campus where is christian young people are coming under assault for their faith. how encouraging to know there are still young people in america who still believe in god and have no qualms about expressing that love for him in a public setting like here in atlanta. >> you've got it. todd starnes in atlanta. >> only through the fox news channel. and we loved your christmas special. >> we saw the video of david crowder there and chris tomlin.
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what program have they been on? >> "fox & friends." shivering and walking on broken bones after a plane crash killed her entire family. >> she said that her mommy and daddy were dead and that she had been in a plane crash. >> a complete stranger who answered the door to help her joins us live next with brand new details. and seen here this jet has the doors blown after with a sonic boom all caught on camera, next. you know your dentures can move, unlike natural teeth. try fixodent plus true feel. the smooth formula helps keep dentures in place.
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>> freezing temperatures and several broken bones, sayer stumbled upon this man's doorstep. >> thank you for coming on this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> you played a vital role in really a miraculous story. up fold it for us, would you? you're sitting at home and what happened? >> i didn't play a major role. i just opened a door to a little girl who needed some help. she come to the door and the little dogs actually heard her knock on the door. she had a real quiet knock. and i went to the door and seen this little girl about 7 years old bloody, her legs were eat up. it looked like somebody was beating her with a switch. her nose was bleedi trembling and crying and she told me her mom and dad were
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dead and she was in a plane crash. and that the airplane was upside down. and she said, can i stay here? and i said, come on in and i got her laid down on the couch and propped her feet up and called 911. >> larry do you remember the first thing that you said to her as you're trying to comfort her and your dogs your two little dachshunds are kind of acting almost as therapy dogs helping her through all this, do you remember what you said? >> well, actually i was trying to get information from her as far as to find a contact to call somebody to come and help her. somebody she was familiar with. after the police came, well before the police came, that's when i got her to call 911, i wiped the blood off her face and
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legs. thankfully, the police were close by in less than ten minutes away. but the little girl was really calm considering the situation she was in. but when you talk to a 7-year-old child that's trembling, crying and trying to talk at the same time, it's pretty difficult to understand her. i'll probably ask her her name a half does up times. and when i got the name i got it wrong. i thought it was kaylee and i think it's taylor. she was a very brave little girl. >> you have 11 grandchildren and i was so moved to hear that she really saw you as kind of kin. she wanted you to go with her in the ambulance for treatment. can you tell us about that? >> well, that was probably because i was the only familiar face that she'd seen.
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the emts were doing their job but when they came in they had to put their hands on her make sure she didn't have any broken bones or any lacerations or anything like that. and that kind of got her excited. and then they put on the neck brace on her for her neck and they put a board on her broken wrist. and when they hauled her off, they strapped her to the board. and that really got her excited, it scared her. but for a 7-year-old girl she was outstanding. >> she sounds it. you said you think she understood her parents and sister had been killed? >> she -- she told me that her parents were dead. i asked her how she knew that and she said, well, i tried to wake them up and couldn't wake them up. of course, 7 years old, i didn't -- i had no idea if they were really dead or not you
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know? but unfortunately they were. but it was kind of strain to me that she never mentioned anybody else on the plane. i didn't know there were two other people on the plane. >> we'll talk about the inner strength of this little girl. it's amazing she was able to walk away when the impact or the crash killed every single other person on board. but then one account was that she picked up a branch from a burning wing, was able to light it on fire, and that's how she was able to see her way three quarters of a mile and saw your light on. talk about the terrain that she had to go across and how rough that would have been on her little legs. >> ma'am i don't like to walk out there in the daylight. and when she come to the door, she was barefooted. she had one sock. she was dressed for florida weather. she had just shorts on and a light shirt. and it was a little bit of a drizzle, it wasn't a rain but
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it was a little bit of a drizzle. and it would be like walking across a field and walking across a brush pile every 20 feet. and there was a ditch probably 17 foot deep. and how that little girl did that i'll never know. briars -- >> go ahead, larry. >> there were a lot of briars a lot of thorns. we had an ice storm here in 2008. of course this being the woods, it had never been cleared out but there were a lot of downed trees and limbs. i can't imagine walking through it barefooted in the daylight when i can see. >> i can imagine larry, you thought a lot about this in the last day or so. how do you -- how do you happen, what do you think her ability was to overcome all of that forget about surviving the crash which is a miracle in itself but to come to you? to see the light on at your home
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and come through that terrible, terrible terrain. how did it happen? >> the only thing i can guess is that there's a security light out there. and that is probably the only light she seen. and here there's only three houses here in this neighborhood that is permanent residence. everybody else is a vacation spot. and there's only three of us that live here permanently. and if she had went the other direction, she would have crossed the highway. probably in 125 or 30 feet. but instead she walked the straight line. and fortunately, she came to my house. if she we want the other direction, she would still be walking. >> mr. wilkins, have you spoken to any member of her family and do you plan on seeing her again? >> no. i have not spoken to any member of her family. and i would love to see her
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again. >> what would you say to her when you saw her? >> i have no idea. i would probably give her a big hug and tell her i'm really proud of her. >> larry wilkins we thank you for your time today and certainly we're thankful that you were home and that your light was on. thank you. >> thank you for calling. >> thank you, larry wilkins. >> many people call it a miracle. we'll get right to your other headlines this sunday morning. a tragic ending to a story we have been covering on "fox & friends" for some time. the search for a missing college student shane montgomery comes to and end as divers pull his body from a river in philadelphia where he disappeared. >> we have found him. we have brought shane home. we want to thank everyone for their prayers, support and love. and ask that you continue to
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pray for our family at this trying time. >> montgomery vanished after leaving a bar the night before thanksgiving. his keys were found in the river two weeks ago. investigators are still trying to figure out how and why he ended up in the water. overnight divers struggling to save wreckage from airasia 8501. rolling seas leaving almost zero visibility on the sea floor. five massive objects from the doomed airliner found at the bottom of the java sea. doeses of bodies recovered. crews are still searching for the voice and data recorders. indonesian officials reveal icing may have been to blame for the crash after the plane packed with 162 people aboard flew into storm clouds one week ago. santa claus she is not. a california firefighter called in to free this woman stuck inside a chimney. officials say she was trying to get inside her ex-boyfriend's house to see their kids. it took two hours to get her out
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and she walk aided away with minor injuries. she does not live in the house and is not allowed to see the children. take note, this is how you buzz the tower. caught on camera, the incredible moment a u.s. navy jet breaks the sound barrier creating a sonic boom. the f-18 rhino traveling faster than the speed of sound at 760 miles per hour. those are your headlines. >> that must be very cool. coming up does this sound familiar to you? your cell phone bill is what's up. all this texting. >> omg. >> some of your kids's texting codes are less obvious and more dangerous, perhaps. we're breaking down the lingo every parent needs to know about
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it's your first sunday in 2015. hope it's off to a great start. happening off the coast of england, crews are working to upright a ship carrying cars after it runs aground and tips over. 25 crew members were saved overnight with one pulled from the water. and a major search underway to find eight people missing after this cargo vessel capsized off the north coast of scotland. the ship was carrying cement and was spotted upside down by a passing ferry.
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officials say there was no mayday call but bad weather was in place when the ship lost contact. tucker? thank you, anna. well, president obama famously made this promise to illegal immigrants. >> if you've been in america for more than five years, if you have children who are american citizens or legal residents, you'll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily. >> without fear of deportation. >> okay. but it turns out that promise is hurting one major american industry. according to the western growers association, there is now a shortage of farm workers and it's growing by up to 20%. ken barbrick is joining us on the show this morning. this is an effect of the president's policy. how has his amnesty hurt you all? >> the president's action he's
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given status to a number of folks through the actions he took, but it doesn't do anything to actually fix the legal immigration problem. agriculture, farmers, in general, depend upon a skilled and often immigrant workforce. and we for years have asked congress to work with the president to reform our world system. the president's actions don't do anything to fix that system going forward. so we really need congress -- >> i can see that. but why has it made it harder for you all to find workers? >> well, it's going to -- it's going to result in a number of workers that are currently working, potentially leaving the industry. it's also not going to do anything. most importantly, to add any new workers to the system. so we have already seen labor shortages, 15% to 20% in many growing regions throughout the west n particular. and this action won't do anything to change that dynamic.
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>> so the assumption is that agriculture, at least in the west, needs immigrant labor. there's no hope for hiring americans to do the work? and why? >> we have seen cases many times over that americans typically do not take jobs working agriculture. you have to have the workforce exist to do these jobs and it often exists in other countries. so it's just the question of whether or not we want to be harvesting that food here in the united states with american farmers or abroad. >> what if you paid more? >> that's something that is leveled often. wages often in agriculture are well above minimum wage, so you -- the agricultural worker is making much more than other skilled industries. i have talked to many members there looking for labor. we'll be paying upwards of $25 to $30 an hour sometimes to harvest harvesting -- like strawberries
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or dates. it's a story that many are not aware of. >> i didn't know that. that's interesting. thank you for coming on to explain that. i had no idea and i bet a lot of the viewers didn't either. thank you. coming up, this elected official sends out an ominous tweet threatening those with prim. what is she talking about? this is targeting those based on a certain skin color. and does this sound familiar? >> your cell phone bill is what's up. all this texting. >> omg. inbd. >> who are you texting? >> idn. my bff. >> turns out texting can be dangerous. kurt the cyber guy is here with the teen lingo every parent needs know.
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face. >> certain texting codes used by teenagers are causing alarm. here with the info every parent needs to know is kurt the cyber guy. thank you so much for being with me. >> happy new year anna. >> happy new year to you. it is kind of funny when our parents don't understand lol they think love out loud instead of laugh out loud. >> it all depends on the age of the child in your house. use your better judgment here but let me throw codes at you. and, actually, you throw a code at me and i'll translate it. >> code nine. never heard this before. >> code 9, often is written like that, or it could be cd9 means parents are around. they are watching. >> so if your child is doing that -- >> why would that be a problem? >> they don't want you to text
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something they don't want them to know about. the next one. naz. >> you want to raise an eyebrow. name adedress and zip. >> this is going on in chat rooms? >> mainly in texting but social media as well. you can be using instant messenger or another app. >> and 1174. what does that translate to? >> that means you have been invited to a spectacular wild party. not necessarily horrible, but not appropriate if your 5-year-old got it. >> where does 1174 evolve from? >> it just catches on and evolves. there's a great site called net-lingo that will reveal all these. and this is pretty obvious. >> lmirl.
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>> let's meet in real life. how appropriate is that? >> if you're a mom with a young daughter and see this going on over your daughter's shoulder -- >> anybody. anybody! >> are youru/18. >> that's up to no good kind of stuff when someone is asking a child that. you don't want to see that in your house. this is to bring together the technology that your kids are using into the family. we are using common areas and if they are signing on to the social networks, well, mom and dad should be signing on also. and become openenrolled in following your children. if they are resistant to that, which most kids will be tough. they just have to deal with it. if you want to use it that's how you have to do it. >> set the ground rules so you don't look like the nosy mom but
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the cool mom. >> you want to be the cool mom. >> kurt, thank you for the information. this is going to be in kurt's newsletter. go to coming up a fox news alert. texas congressman louis gohmert is here with an announcement to shake-up washington. the breaking news on "fox & friends" in just minutes. and do you listen to this song to boost your mood? then you have it all wrong. i guess i've been doing it wrong, too. what you really need is a sad song. we'll explain next hour. ♪ because i'm happy ♪ (scraping sound) what are you doing? the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew.
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dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest messes better than the competition the first time. cascade. now that's clean. ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪ here we go, here we go here we go. ♪ fifty omaha set hut ♪ ♪ losing feeling in my toes ♪ ♪ nothing beats that new car smell ♪ ♪ chicken parm you taste so good ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪
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okay, call me crazy, but i like it when my hygienist lets me know i'm doing a good job. i like it when my toothpaste lets me know too. that's why i went pro. go pro with crest pro-health. it's specially formulated for an intensive clean. it's great. i can really feel it deep cleaning my mouth. for a clean that's 4x better try these crest pro-health products together. my hygienist is going to love this. crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most. go pro, with crest pro-health i knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! hi everyone. good morning, today is sunday, the 4th of january, 2015. i'm anna kooiman and a fox news alert. she trekked nearly a mile shivering and with broken bones
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after a plane crash killed her entire family. >> she told me that her mom and dad were dead and that she had been in a plane crash and that the airplane was upside down. and she said, can i stay here? >> this morning new details about the 7-year-old sole survivor from the stranger who answered the door to help her. and a "fox&friends" exclusive with louie gohmert, texas congressman, with a big announcement. and now she's firing back with her new event. she called it the hot hunter competition. mornings are better with friends. hey, everybody. hope you're doing well. >> welcome to "fox & friends."
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>> peter johnson jr., great to see you. in for clayton. anna kooiman is here. i'm tucker carlson. we have brand new details on the miraculous tale of survival and also that tale of disaster. it happened friday evening when a light plane, a twin-engine prop plane went down over the state of kentucky. five people aboard. four of them died. but one of them, a 7-year-old girl, we can now identify as salor gutzler survived. >>. the way she survived, she crawled out of the plane turned upside down in the crash. and she lit a branch from one of the wings that was still smoldering. and walked three quarters of a mile. she's dressed for florida. her family is from illinois but they have been vacationing in florida. her father marty had flown this route multiple times but
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inclement weather did bring the plane down. she ends up walking three quarter of a mile with no shoes on, one sock on, and the terrain is nasty. there was an ice storm back in 2008 that had downed so many trees. she walks to safety. she sees a light on and a man is home. larry wilkins. she knocks on the door, he answered. we had him on the show earlier. take a listen to his account. >> she come to the door and the little dogs actually heard her knock on the door. she was a real quiet knock. and i went to the door and seen this little girl about 7 years old, bloody little legs just eat up. looked like somebody has been beating her with a switch. her nose was bloody. of course, trembling and crying. and she told me her mom and dad were dead. she had been in a plane crash. and that the airplane was upside
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down. and she said can i stay here. i said, come on in. and i got her laid down on the couch and proppe her feet up and called 911. before the police came, before i called 911, i went in the bathroom to get a wash cloth and wiped the blood off her face and legs. she told me that her parents were dead. i asked her how did she knew that, and she said, i tried to wake them up and couldn't wake them up. she was dressed for florida weather. she had shorts on and a light shirt. and it was a little bit of a drizzle, it was not rain but a little bit of a drizzle. and it would be like walking across the field and walking across a brush field about every 20 feet. where she was at, there was a ditch probably 17 foot deep. and how that little girl did that, i'll never know. briars -- a lot of briars, a lot
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of thunderstorm thorns. we had an ice storm here in 2008. of course, this being the woods this was never cleared out. there were a lot of downed trees and limbs. i can't imagine walking through it barefooted in the daylight when i can see. >> and on this sunday i can think -- i have to summon scripture in my head. but whatsoever you do for your brothers, the least for your sisters, this girl covered with thorns, bleeding from her face and legs taken in by this stranger she never thought she would meet. this family finishing up what might have been the ideal new year's vacation in key west. the father, marty, the owner of a furniture in nashville, illinois, bringing his family home. and flying 4,000 hours as a pilot in his piper seneca. a friend of his dad says he just
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loved flying. listen to this. >> he loved flying. i mean, you -- you didn't have a conversation with marty without him talking about flying. pretty angry that something like this would happen. it's just -- unbelievable. >> saylor was treated and released from the hospital. she had a broke up wrist and is now with a family member. you can only imagine this story is just the beginning for this poor little girl, a strong little girl. >> a shocking and poignant story. we'll have more details in the coming weeks. some other stories this sunday morning. the u.s. embassy in indonesia warning of possible threats against american hotels and banks in surabaya. american citizens should use extreme caution in indonesia's second largest city. in the past few months, there's been a spike in indonesians interested in joining isis and other terrorist groups.
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this year's deadly flu season has not peaked yet and we are already seeing a nationwide shortage of the virus' most popular medication. experts say americans already used more tamiflu in the first two weeks of the flu season than all of last winter. they claim they were not prepared for the high demand because they didn't expect this strain to be so aggressive. and just moments ago, pope francis naming 14 new cardinals for 14 countries around the world. he says the new princes of the church came from vietnam, myanmar and ethiopia reflect catholic diversity. the new cardinals will be installed on valentine's day. former arkansas governor mike huckabee ending his hit fox news tv show after 6 1/2 years to focus his efforts on a possible presidential run. >> it has been the ride of a lifetime. and i've never had so much fun
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in my life. but i also realize that god hasn't put me on earth just to have a good time or to make a good living. but rather god's put me on earth to try to make a good life. there's been a great deal of speculation as to whether i would run for president. and if i were willing to absolutely rule that out, i could keep doing this show. but i can't make such a declaration. i say good-bye but as we say in television, stay tuned, there's more to come. >> well, the governor says he plans to decide on a 2016 presidential run by late spring. and while he will be missed here at fox news we want to wish him the best of luck on the road ahead. >> i'm going to miss him, that's for sure. huckabee was a huge bright spot on this show. >> every saturday. >> every saturday at 8:00. i look forward to it every week. a great broadcaster. >> great public servant. and obviously qualified to be president. >> and not a phoneny. he came off as a good buy in tv
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and in real life he is a good guy. >> a nice warm guy. on and off the camera. >> never been a stranger. meteorologist rick mike mutreichmuth out there with an umbrella uh-oh. >> enjoy this weather. there's a clipper system out there. we have big rain and snow across the pacific northwest. watch what happens over the next day to two days. this really develops in and across the northern rockies. boom. you see that go across north dakota and iowa. that's going to be six inches of snow for some. behind it, super cold air. the coldest air we have seen all season. get ready for that. meanwhile, warmer temperatures all across the eastern seaboard, midatlantic, in towards the northeast, the front moves through. behind it, the first batch of cold air gets in lake-effect snow moving in. down to the southeast, that rain will also continue to spread through georgia and the carolinas.
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a little bit of severe weather possible. look at temperatures cooling down for everybody by tonight. all right, back to you inside. thank you, rick. well, now for yet another fox news alert. a sea of blue gathering in brooklyn this morning to bid final farewell to wenjian liu murdered alongside his partner having lunch in their patrol car. we are live with more on the state service. brian, what do you see? >> reporter: good morning. we are expecting about 20,000 officers from all over the country, los angeles to boston here for the funeral of officer wenjian liu. the funeral service takes place 20 minutes from where officer ramos and liu were murdered two weeks ago. buddhist monks will be here for
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the ceremony as well as the nypd palbearers. the playing of "taps," flying helicopters and the police motorcade. yesterday was a somber scene during the wake. 30 members of his family alongside his widow literally had married liu three months before he was murdered. also, police commissioner bill bratton along with mayor bill de blasio arrived yesterday for ten minutes at the wake. both are expected to speak today along with the fbi director james comey. this comes as the protesters are here with tension in the city. and after the memo from commissioner bratton to the full-on police department asking and discouraging officers not to turn their back during the funeral today like they did for officer ramos. we'll see how they react today guys. >> thank you, brian. appreciate the update. we'll continue to follow that story throughout the day. coming up now, a fox news
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alert. texas congressman louis gohmert is here with an announce tomt shake-up washington. we'll have the breaking news next. and stark controversy for posting her passion for big game hunting. now she's back with brand new events that she calls "the hot hunter competition." when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. ♪ nothing beats that new car smell ♪ ♪ chicken parm you taste so good ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪
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a fox news alert. with the new year marking a new year for congress with members sworn in over the next few days, this as the race for sbeekerpeaker of the house takes an unexpected turn. congressman louis gohmert is here with the announcement. >> well, we have heard from a lot of republicans that said i would vote for somebody besides speaker boehner but nobody will put their name out there as running so there's nobody to vote for. that changed yesterday with ted yolo said i'm putting my name out there i'll be candidate for speaker. and i'm putting my name out
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there also today to be another candidate for speaker. all people are welcome, unlike what some of the accomplishment people are saying that if somebody votes for a candidate besides boehner on the floor, pelosi could wish. that's hogwash. the rules are you need a majority of all the votes cast for an eligible person, which is any adult american citizen. so there's no chance of pelosi winning as long as 59 republicans don't vote for the president. if they vote for a person, me, or anyone else in before tuesday and we have 29 people vote for someone besides speaker boehner, then we get to a second round or third round and eventually the goal is second, third, fourth round we have enough people that say, you know what? it really is time for a change. you deceived us when you went to obama and pelosi to get your votes for the cromnibus.
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you said you would fight amnesty to the nail and you didn't. it was a terrible strategy that follows a number of years of broke up promises. it's time for a change and a poll came out friday saying 60% or more of the republicans in the country that voted in the last election including independents who voted republican, they want a change. they want a different speaker. and then when you find out new numbers this morning that the poll indicates 25% of republicans are ready to walk, they are not going to vote republican in 2016 if we don't have a big change. then it's time for a change. now, i was assured by many of our members, louis, you don't have to worry. this was august 2010 if we get majority boehner will only serve one term. they were wrong. i was right. it will take a fight to change speakers and that's what it is
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coming down to. >> so you just joined that fight, you announced it here. >> yes there are two more candidates and there may be more. but between the republican candidates we get 29 people to vote for somebody besides the current speaker we have a second and third ballot, and a fourth. >> if elected speaker, how will you be different than john boehner? >> first of all, we'll fight amnesty and use the powers of the first. we'll have better oversight and will fight to de-fund obamacare and we have positive solution and paul and i are similar on this, we have solutions that will return power back to the people, have a doctor/patient relationship again. we'll get back to regular order. now, in 2010, boehner and other leaders said if you put us in the majority we will have time to read the bill. that hasn't happened. we saw that with the cromnibus.
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again, if i'm speaking there will be plenty of time to read the bills. we'll get back to appropriating and go through regular committee process. so everybody, every representative from both parties will have a chance to participate in the process and not have a dictator running things and deciding who is the chairman, who gets what committee, what bills come to the floor, it will be regular order where people can participate and have their representatives represent them. >> so there is a lot of bitterness among republican voters about the failure of the congress to stop and de-fund the president's am necessity. quickly, what is your explanation for why the current speaker didn't do what you think he should have done? >> well, he was more concerned about passing a bill than he was with leading his covert. so maybe some of these people he got to vote for the cromnibus
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bill that funded obamacare and funded amnesty for a while, maybe some of those democrats he got to vote for him then will vote for him as speaker. if so, he could still win speaker if 29 of us vote for somebody else besides him. but it is time for a change. >> louis gohmert just announcing he's running for speaker of the house. we'll follow this closely and hope you come back on. it was a pleasure. >> i would love to. great talking to you. thank you so much. not just genetics causing cancer but a new study shows it could be bad luck. if so, what can you do to protect yourself from bad luck? a cancer doctor breaks it down, next. and need to make extra cash? how about making a human target? we'll explain, how desperate are you? these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things.
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why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all printers are on sale. plus great deals on hp ink and toner. office depot & officemax. gear up for great.
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yes, it's time for your news by the numbers. first, two is how many earthquakes hit the west coast in one day. a 4.9 magnitude quake caused a rockslide 200 miles north of boise, idaho. and a 4.2 magnitude quake hit on the west coast of california. no damage was done. next $100,000 paid to fund the slain officers' mortgages. frank stiller joined us with this message. >> the two families have to deal with the traffic did and loss
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every single day. so i think it is important that america comes together and we make sure we tell them we are behind them. one thing we can do is alleviate the pressure of them making their mortgage payment. >> if you would like to donate go to and 10000 is how many people applied for the job as the human paintball target. all of them didemented. the workers were told to expect bruising. anna? a medical break through into what causes cancer. it may surprise you. researchers claim 9 out of 31 cancers are not linked to genetics or unhealthy lifestyle. instead, bad luck. bad luck could be to blame when it comes to cell division. what can you do to protect yourself? >> here to explain is director gi cancer research program
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joanne vandel. how are you? >> good morning, how are you? >> good. we hear that a lot of cancers are from cell division bad luck, rather than genetics or what we eat or smoke. tell us about that and what we can be doing to protect ourselves anyway? >> well, this is a very interesting study. and i think you pointed out some good thoughts. one is that we still have to remember a third of cancers are still caused by some of these risk factors like smoking, what we eat, family risk factors. now, two-thirds of cancers we see are caused by the fact that during our normal lifespan our cells divide. we replace old cells with new cells. and what happens is when we do this, those cells can accumulate mutations when they divide. and those mutations can sometimes lead to cancers. and so what we're seeing is probably from this study about two-thirds of cancers happen
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almost randomly during our lifespan. >> well, cell division mutations to me is something that would be very hard for me to tell in myself. i know i can make sure that i don't smoke. i can make sure that i don't go to spend too much time in the sun and all that but does that mean we need to do more screening for prevention and treatment and for detection? >> right. that's exactly what it means. it drives home the importance that because we can't predict and two-thirds of cancer cases, who is going to get the cancers that we have to focus on making sure we get our colonoscopies and the mammograms. all the preventive tests so if we do develop the cancers we catch them early when we cure them. >> beyond screening and early detection, you also say something interesting that seems to be so cutting edge. something called molecular profiling in terms of the treatment of cancers. cancer researchers like you are looking at it as a whole new
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different world correct? >> that so much is happening now in the field of cancer research. actually take an individual patient's tumor and sequence it and find these mutations that might be driving their cancers. and we have a number of agents that are now available both fda approved and in clinical trials that can target those specific mutations to tailor therapy for the patients. >> any new fight for cancer is certainly welcome. joanne, thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you. this official sends out an ominous tweet threatening those who exercise white privilege. what is she talking about? and should a state senator be saying things like that? and she sparked controversy for posting her passion for big game hunting on facebook. now she's back with a brand new event she called "the hot hunter
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spaghetti squash. i would use this if you want to eat healthier and -- you're saying start the new year off right and healthier. >> you're talking about spaghetti frying. you can fry it? >> yes. my grandmother did this as a young child. take the leftover spaghetti pasta and pack it into a wonton soup container. fry it in olive oil, give it color on one side season it with a little salt. >> and you can do normally whatever you do with this with that. >> and after we fry the pasta, remove it from the pan and let a little of the oil drain. then we place the front pasta onto the plate. then on the side her famous
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meatballs, that i grew up eating my entire life along with my cousin and my friends on the block. and we put a little marinara sauce here. top it with homemade meatball. you have to be very, very careful. >> and you're making it look pretty. >> a little more sauce because it's delicious. >> do we have your recipes? >> you certainly do. >> put them up on " >> you can go to my twitter and facebook page. and you can find me at the website as well. >> this is now mine because i have to talk about weather, but i don't think i can do that with my mouth full. i'm going to let anna read a little bit about the weather map. i think you do this, anna. read some temperatures there.
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>> all right. we have current windchills in omaha, nebraska, negative 21. kansas city, negative 9. the windy city of chicago 22. what is it really in chicago? >> incredibly cold up there. yeah. that is it. it's cold. >> new york is 45. >> i heard the birds coming to work this morning. >> not for long, though it will be 18 on thursday. >> we'll let you enjoy that. the first spaghetti and meatballs. >> we'll read your headlines instead. enjoy. 34 minutes after the hour. a tragic ending t a story we have been covering here on "fox & friends." the search for shane montgomery comes to an end as divers pull his body from a river in philadelphia near the spot where he disappeared. >> today we have found and brought shane home.
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i want to thank everyone for their support, prayers and love. and ask that they continue to pray for our family at this trying time. >> montgomery vanished after leaving the bar the night before thanksgiving. his keys were found in the river two weeks ago. investigators are still trying to figure out how and why he ended up in the water. and corporations don't want to be labeled as racist reportedly pay off al sharpton. the new york post revealing for more than a decade corporations have shelled out thousands of dollars in donation to sharpton's national action network. in return? they get sharpton's sway in the black community and sometimes his silence. they say sharpton gives them bad publicity if they don't come to terms with them. tougher penalties is something we're talking about now. lawmakers try to implement tougher penalties for people convicted of dui. in oklahoma a new bill wants to ban them from buying alcohol altogether at stores and bars.
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proposed legislation would let a judge decide how long the person has to stay away from booze and would punish anyone shopping for someone facing the restrictions. you remember this teenager, right? she's a hunter, kendall jones. she's back causing more controversy with a contest of hot hunters. the 19-year-old is calling for male hunters to send in photographs with themselves posing the big game they killed and kendall will pick the hottest one. critics are outraged on facebook and some are getting abusive saying, let's hunt you for your blonde blondelocks. others say, you may love your makeup but it doesn't hide the monster you are. kendall says this proves people criticize her because she's a girl that is proud to hunt. let us know your thoughts on this story. all right. from missouri outside st. louis, we have the latest from a
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state senator call maria nedall. she was running around describing the protests there as a race war and is an extremist. she is now on twitter saying this in a tweet that has since been deleted. she attacks her opponents or anyone she doesn't like as per sayers of white privilege. when you exercise your #whiteprivilege, don't through i'm not going to remember. i will use it for the future. uncomfortable? yes. >> she was a superdelegate in 2008 at the democratic national convention for president obama. she's perpetuating the race war she announced in november. and if you look at her tweet stream, time and time again she strikes in an anarchist post
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that government has failed. but she invokes the notion of a race war. this is a person who has been elected in the state of missouri, allegedly to represent the people in her district. and around here they say a new low. >> you think? >> we'll take a listen of her back on august 18th blaming the cops for the violence in ferguson. listen. >> just looking at all the facts and my experiences, i think as well as some of my constituents today, at this point in time the state highway patrol, st. louis county police as well as the ferguson police department may be trying to make this situation worse than what it actually is. i represent my constituents, not governor nixon, so i need to tell you this. he's been absent from the minority his entire career and only comes here when its exspeed
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yept for him. >> governor jay nixon, she said f-you, governor. she spelled out the words. >> she is an extremist and is a race hater. she attacks people based on the color of their skin. that's not a good thing. that's not moral it's wrong. it shouldn't be allowed. and, two, she's an associate of the president. a delegate for president obama. why is it that president obama has people like this supporting him, people like al sharpton in the white house people who are openly bigoted and racist. >> it is filthy rhetoric. i doubt that she stands with her constituents in those states. >> there aught to be some line
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if you don't cross it. you are attacking people on the white privilege stuff. it's attacking that based on the skin color. sportscaster jim rome causing a firestorm after calling marching band members uncool and dorks. see who forced him to change his tune. and a mother claims metal baseball bats are the reason her son got injured during the game. does she have a case to get them banned? a fair and balanced legal debate is up next. suffering from the flu is a really big deal. with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently
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than over-the-counter remedies. attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. and call your doctor right away. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source.
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sportscaster jim rome sparking outrage for tweeting this, is there anyone not in a marching band who thinks those dorks running around with their instruments are cool? an army firestorm is firing back, just running around with our instruments" and serving our country. rome later apologized. and the panner ins eliminate the cardinals from the playoffs winning the game. and the bengals play the colts today. peter? the parents of a little league pitcher injured by a line drive is swinging back with a lawsuit. they are suing the makers of the metal bat saying, quote the defendants failed to design the
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31-inch-long bat to reduce the risk of injuries to potential users or third parties. the little boy fractured his jaw, but do the parents have a case or is this going too far? joining us for a fair and balanced balanced debate is kevin schwartz. david, too far? >> the aluminum bats are dangerous instruments. the speed of the ball comes off the bats at an artificially high rate and there's no notice or warning. so there's negligence on the part of the manufacturers of the bats. you have to bring the lawsuits in order to put them on notice. >> all right. paul lawsuits gone crazy? valid or not valid? >> many tests have been done on the bats to determine whether or not they are dangerous. and the tests have demonstrated they are not. it may be somewhat mobile velocity coming off the bats, but the warning labels are there for everyone. and it's a dangerous sport.
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you are at risk that a ball will come off the bat and come back to the pitcher's mound. >> what should the warning be you'll fracture your jaw if you use the bet? >> the tests show the amount of kids injured from theyaluminum baseball bats is alarming. the ball is coming off at a high speed when the pitcher is 45 feet from the batter and the ball is coming off, there's no reaction time. we need to move forward with baseball bats. >> does a metal bat have the design to make the risk reasonable rather than unreasonable? david says it is an unreasonable risk. >> how do you design the risk out? some wood bats hit the ball harder, some break when the ball hits them. at the end of the day, it is impossible to do that. they do the best they can. the bat tells you exactly what it can and can't do. as long as the bat is
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appropriate for the age limit that is involved, that should be fine. >> have they tested the bats? is it appropriate? >> it is not appropriate because what they are not telling the user of the bat is it comes off at such a high speed, the sweet spot is much larger on these bats than a wooden baseball bat and artificially raises the speed. there's no reason for it. it's putting a dangerous instrument into the marketplace. and these lawsuits are very important because the law is doing nothing to stop it. >> paul, is it a slippery slope and too many lawsuits like this? >> of course it is. where does it end? should we have foam bats instead of wood bats because they are inherently dangerous? everyone is suing for every reason. i appreciate the fact that pitchers are most in line to get hurt in these particular instances because they are the closest to the ball. find a way to protect the pitchers, maybe protective gear whatever needs to be done. but you can't just legislate out every danger in every sport. >> final word. >> we need to legislate it because the bats are dangerous
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instruments. and the companies are putting so much money into these leagues that the leagues are using them. so we need to legislate it out and the lawsuits are very important. the lawsuits are key. >> very interesting debate. david schwartz and paul miller, thank you for being with us. smart lawyers debating smartly. coming up pumped with adrenaline. the 7-year-old here trekked nearly a mile in freezing woods as the sole survivor of a crash that killed her entire family. what kept her alive? we'll explain the science next hour. and do you listen to the song to boost your mood? i do. then, yeah you've got it all wrong. so do i. what you really need is a sad song. who says that? we'll explain, straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ if on alk of broccoli could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease?
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one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain difficulty breathing and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. limited arm movement, fatigue, head ache muscle or joint pain less appetite, chills, or rash. even if you've already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 ® may help provide additional protection. get this one done. ask your healthcare professional about prevnar 13 ® today.
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♪ clap along if you feel ♪ >> this could be the song you want to play to boost your meal during a tough time. >> but research claims you should listen to something like this. ♪ if you're lost you can look and you will find me time after time ♪ >> can sad songs really make us happier? here to explain is psychologist dr. chuck williams. doctor, thank you for coming on this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> talk about counter-intuitive. why would a sad song make us happy? >> i think elton john put it
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best saying sad songs say so much. and they say so many things that we have not really focused on which is that they tell us that you know, we can feel good and they allow us to feel good again. so contrary to popular opinion, sad songs don't bring us down, they lift us up. so it's a good thing for a person who is not feeling so bad to turn on a sense to pump up their mood. >> is it that misery loves company or that it just gives us a safe place to work through these tough emotions? >> i think you hit on something to give us a place to work on these feelings and emotions. and we are not necessarily in that moment to make us feel the way we are feeling, but through the songs vicariously through the lyrics and the music of the song, we get to process those emotions. and as we work through that, we wind up actually believe it or not, feeling better, feeling hopeful, feeling tranquil and
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peaceful, feeling nostalgic. don't forget when you're feeling nostalgic you're not going back in time to think about negative thoughts. you're thinking positive thoughts, that time you rode on the bike, the first ice cream cone, the first date or movie. that's going to make the average person feel good. >> doctor let me take you to the other side nostalgic times seem wishful, sad going back in time. seeing people that aren't there with us anymore. let's talk about the reality. when people hear a sad song, do they cheer up a little bit or cry on the inside or outside and then there's a restorative experience as a result of this pergative process? >> that's an excellent point well said. so what happens is, yes, initially in the beginning, you know, when you hear a sad song like "i will always love you," you may tear up going through a bad relationship been divorced or separated, maybe had a
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grandmother or aunt that passed away, you'll feel sad. but eventually as you work through the sad, you're working through the emotions. the songwriter to put into words what you're feeling. so that can be creating an emotional relief. once you said once you get to the end of that, you're probably likely to feel much better than when you first started to play the song. >> the saddest song written was "cats in the cradle." i turn it off immediately. shouldn't the sad feelings being stuck deeper down and ignored? >> no! >> life is just sad. you're not going to get over it. ignore it! >> well what happens is yes, it could be buried deep but the lyrics in the music they dig all that up. and you process that and work through it and wind up feeling better. >> this is something we all go through, especially if we've
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got -- we have to go, unfortunately. shoot. thank you so much for joining us. >> that's sad that we have to go. >> let's play a sad song. imagine being stuck on an airplane for more than a day. it's the travel nightmare for those passengers traveling to san francisco. the breaking details just ahead. the most decorated sniper in history. now the movie about this man's life slammed as propaganda. the left is upset about "american sniper." we'll tell you why. we'll be right back. >> i have the deadliest job here, man.
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go, go, go, go, go! in the nation, misfortune doesn't take a holiday. but add brand new belongings from nationwide and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. making sure every season is the season of giving. just another way we put members first. join the nation ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪♪
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♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪ here we go, here we go here we go. ♪ fifty omaha set hut ♪ ♪ losing feeling in my toes ♪ ♪ nothing beats that new car smell ♪ ♪ chicken parm you taste so good ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪ hi everyone. today is sunday the 4th of january, 2015. i'm anna kooiman. she trekked three quarters of a mile after a plane crash killed her entire family.
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>> she told me t that her mom and dad were dead and that she had been in a plane crash. and that the airplane was upside down. and she said can i stay here? very brave little girl. >> this morning brand new details about the 7-year-old sole survivor from the stranger who answered the door to help her. and congressman louis gohmert just made a big announcement on the show. if you missed it stick around. and the most decorated sniper in american history. so why is the movie about chris kyle's life being called republican propaganda? mornings are better with friends. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's great to see you. thank you for having us.
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>> tucker carlson, anna kooiman are here this sunday. >> we have brand new details this morning about that shocking and yet also breaking news. a plane went down friday night, a family from nashville, illinois. four were killed but one survived. a 7-year-old little girl who walked almost a full mile through the woods gravely injured and was rescued. >> mind you in winter weather in clothing that she had on from her vacation in florida where her family had been while venturing back home to illinois when the plane went down. there was an ice storm back in 2008 on this terrible terrain she walked through with neighbors saying hundreds of trees were down and never cleaned up. so she had thorns and briars all
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over her legs. so she was able to walk through and have visibility at all. she took one of the branches and lit it on fire from one of the wings of the plane still smoldering and somehow made her way to larry wilkins' door three quarters of a mile away with no shoes on and one sock. he answered the door and he was on our show earlier this morning. listen. >> a real quiet knock, and i went to the door and seen this little girl about 7 years old bloody, little legs were just eat up. looked like somebody had beaten her with a switch. nose was bloody of course trembling and crying. and she told me that her mom and dad were dead, she had been in a plane crash, and that the airplane was upside down. and she said, can i stay here? i said come on in and i got her laid down on the couch and propped her feet up and called
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911. she told me that her parents were dead. i asked her how did she know that, and she said, i tried to wake them up and couldn't wake them up. she was dressed for florida weather. she had just shorts on and a light shirt. and it was a little bit of a drizzle, it was not a rain but a little bit of a drizzle. and it would be like walking across the field and walking across a brush pile about every 20 feet. and there was a ditch where she was at about 17 feet deep. how that little girl made it, i'll never know. they put the neck brace on her for her neck and a board on her broken wrist. and then when they hauled her off, they strapped her to the board. and that really got her excited, it scared her. like i said, for a 7-year-old girl, she was outstanding. i have not spoken to any member of her family, but i would love to see her again.
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i would probably give her a big hug and tell her i'm really really proud of her. >> one door closed and providentially larry wilkins' door opened for saylor gutzler. isn't he the kind guy you would love to have rescue you? what a great grandfatherly guy. 11 grandchildren of his own. there was such a bond between the two, that little saylor wanted him to go with her to the hospital. >> they wouldn't let him go with her, but he does hope to see her again. she was treated and released from the hospital to a family member. what a brave little girl. other stories making headlines this sunday. a fox news alert. a u.s. embassy in indonesia warning of possible threats against american hotels and banks in surabaya. american citizens should use extreme caution in indonesia's
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second largest city. in the past few months, there's been a spike of indonesians interested in joining isis and other terrorist groups. a travel nightmare. hundreds of people stuck on an airplane for more than a day. passengers on board a flight from abu dhabi to san francisco were stranded on the tarmac for 12 hours because of fog. the airline wouldn't let people get off. when they were cleared for takeoff, passengers still had a 16-hour flight ahead of them. >> that were out of water they were out of tissues they were out of apples, they were out of chocolate. >> it's unclear if the airline will face fines for the tarmac delay. in the united states, penalties would start after three or four hours. after two weeks on a hawaiian vacation, it's back to work for president obama at this hour. the president en route back to washington, d.c. but he isn't sticking around for long. this week the president goes on a three-day meeting pushing his
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agenda before the state of the union on the 20th. the president is expected to tout economic recovery. and the president is expecting big bold predictions in 2016 bypassing congress and flexing executive authority. and we are just learning this overnight. former arkansas governor mike huckabee is ending his tv show with an eye on the 2016 presidential race. >> there's ban great deal of speculation as to whether i would run for president. and if i were willing to absolutely rule that out i can keep doing this show. but i can't make such a declaration. the honorable thing to do at this point is to end my ten yourure here at fox. as much as i have loved to do the show i say good-bye. but as we say in television, stay tuned, there's more to come.
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>> there certainly. is the governor plans to make a decision by late spring and he'll be missed here at "fox & friends" as we wish him all the best in the road ahead. >> he was fantastic every saturday and is a great guy, a great patriot. another fox news alert this morning. the final farewell to nypd officer wenjian liu. >> he was killed alongside his passenger last month sitting in their patrol car. >> brian is live with more on today's service. brian? >> reporter: good morning, peter, tucker and anna. today the funeral services for officer wenjian liu will be broadcast outside the funeral home here. more than 20,000 officers from all over the country are expected here today to take part in the ceremony beginning at 11:00 a.m. the funeral ceremony taking place just 20 minutes away from where officer liu and his partner officer rafael ramos
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were murdered two weeks ago. the arrangements were delayed because they were expecting his family from china to be here today. now, what we can expect today is really a mix of cultural traditions, both chinese and nypd. we'll see buddhist monks and also see nypd pallbearers, the honor guard and a police motorcade. yesterday, meanwhile, a somber scene as a steady stream of officers from all over the country attended liu's wake. >> nothing that we wouldn't do for either nypd chicago, anywhere down to florida something like this happens to support and it's important for the public to know the officers stand together. >> reporter: and nypd commissioner bill bratton has attended liu's wake to pay respects. and the fbi director james comey
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will eulogize liu. commissioner bratton said on friday turning the backs on bill de blasio was disrespectful and discouraged the same action from happening today. we'll see how the officers react as the day goes on. back to you. appreciate it, bryan. there's a new film about the american sniper that's the name of the film. his name is chris kyle and killed tragically in 2013 at a shooting range here in the united states. before that happened he was the most decorated sniper 255 kills, 160 officially confirmed. now there's a film directed by clint eastwood that has the left enraged. >> in fact, david edelstein is a fitment critic for cbs coming out to say this. "i'm not going to fault kyle's
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view of his enemies as representing a savage despicable evil but i do fault eastwood for making what is essentially a propaganda film. as in many jingoist war movies, the native population are from our statesacred space instead of vice versa. the people kyle shoots always represent a cost to the other americans just comes with the territory." >> this was representing something else other than despicable evil. was he part of the republican party when he was wounded six times by an ied and crashed twice in a helicopter winning five bronze stars, was that part of the republican platform he was asserting at that point? i don't think so. >> this edelstein guy is mad about the iraq war, that's
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legitimate. but why take it out on chris kyle and his memory and the movie? you aught to be able to separate politics from your understanding of art. and the left has this, i hate to say this, soviet tendency to combine the two. such a crude way of looking at a film. the fact that this guy is is a movie reviewer is surprising. he aught to be a political speechwriter. >> let's celebrate our military and all the heroes that sacrifice so much. i mean these were human decisions he had to make tough decisions. and he came back and was not the same person bradley cooper portrays him as really struggling. every critic out there says this is one of the best films of the year and should be seen by everybody. kevin mccarthy said you won't recognize bradley cooper as he seems like chris kyle through and through. >> carmen writes i'm tired of people bashing our soldiers and cops. they keep the line between good
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people being attacked by evil people. >> and ruth writes, david edelstein has never served in the military and has no clue the tool histoll this makes on them and their families. >> and marie writes, some unpleasant jobs have to be done to protect our country. god bless you. >> that's a heavy hard thing to do. i wouldn't want to do it. and this guy is doing it on our behalf. even if you disagree with the war or whatever to attack him and -- >> say racism and valor on a man that cannot defend himself. that's pretty sad. congressman louis gohmert made a huge announcement last hour. stick around, the big announcement that could mean a change in leadership in washington, d.c. stay tuned. and with her ex-boyfriend
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locking the front door, this woman got desperate. we have a picture that we promise you'll want to see. these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. you know your dentures can move, unlike natural teeth. try fixodent plus true feel. the smooth formula helps keep dentures in place. it's free of flavors and colorants, for a closer feeling to natural teeth. fixodent. and forget it.
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well, you heard it here moments ago. in an excuselusive interview with tucker carlson, congressman l louis gohmert is making a run for speaker of the house. >> that changed yesterday when my friend ted yoho said i'm putting my name out there i'll be a candidate for speaker. and i'm putting my name out there also today to be another candidate for speaker. >> well, this challenge to speaker boehner's leadership comes as members of the new congress are set to be sworn in this tuesday. what can we expect to be on their agenda? joining us now is chris wallace. a lot going on in washington thank you for joining us. what is on the republicans' agenda, do you think? >> that's interesting because we'll finally see the republican
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wave that started with a big midterm election victory. that's finally going to hit washington on tuesday. we'll be talking about it at the top of the hour. and in terms of legislation, i think you're going to first see, at least that's what the leaders in both the house and senate said, a vote on whether or not they get vetoed proof majority. i think it is almost certain it will pass the house and senate and go to the president. and it will put him on the spot because he while he's indicated he's not particularly interested in approving the pipeline, he hasn't promised to veto it. the question is, will there be a veto to override the president's veto. i think you're also going to see action on other issues, there's going to be an effort to repeal obamacare and go after individual parts of it like the medical device tax mandateing a 40-hour work week. people who work 35 hours aren't
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losing hours because of companies trying to avoid the medicare mandate. you'll see that and also see real cooperation, i think on issues like tax reform and trade authority and maybe even on infrastructure spent. >> what is coming up on the show today, chris? >> we'll be talking about all these issues with two members of the new chairman in the senate. we'll be talking as you see there bob corker, senate of the foreign relations committee. he'll be busy, cuba, a whole host of issues with guantanamo and a number offish shoo ishfish issues. and john thoom. then we'll talk to two newly-elected members of the house. lee zeldin won a pretty convincing victory in the eastern half of long island. we'll be hearing about the
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republican wave and the new republican congress on "fox news sunday." >> another smart, fresh show. we'll have a great 2015 watching every sunday. chris wallace. >> you bet. thank you so much. coming up, a remarkable story of survival being told. the girl who walked away from a plane crash, one that killed the rest of her family. what kept her alive, we have a doctor to weigh in on that next. and an up-close look at just how powerful our military is. a sonic boom caught on camera. ♪ nothing beats that new car smell ♪ ♪ chicken parm you taste so good ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪
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we are learning so much more about this unbelievable story of survival. a 7-year-old girl walk aid way from a small plane crash that killed everybody in her family that went down in western kentucky. the family was flying home from key west florida. she walked three quarters of a mile for help through tough woods. how did she manage to survive? joining us is the director of the center for trauma and prevention. we are grateful to have you on. dr. burke. it is hard to believe that a child could in cold weather with no shoes wearing light clothing, injured, survive three quarters of a mile through the woods. how do you think she did? >> well, i think there's definitely that fight in flight
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kind of situation that kicks in when something like that happens. and she has survival instincts that are inate at times. she had a lot of adrenaline and knew she had to get to safety. >> adren lynnaline makes a difference in a point like this. >> it's a mechanism of our body to get us through the stressful times to react in ways we normally wouldn't be able to react. it is a fight flight thing that takes over when this tragic event happens. >> there are a lot of details we don't have at this hour, and we don't want to speculate too much, but she survived when the rest of her family didn't. what can account for that? >> it is speculation at this point. the ntsb will do a thorough investigation to know exactly or find out as close to possible
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what happened. she's the smallest member of her family. and i do believe they said the plane was upside down when it was found. so you know if there's any intrusion or crush of the roof of the compartment of the plane. being that she's the shortest, chances are she was below the headrest of the plane, that would help protect her. so that definitely could have been a factor, just merely because she was smaller than the rest of her family members. >> does where you sit make a difference in plane crashes? >> it can depending on the crash. i mean, it's hard to say if you sit in this seat you'll be protected on a plane because that is not the case. every crash is unique. in a certain crash, a certain seat could be safer but that's not across the board true. so it's really dpren dentependent on the crash and then the aftermath as well. >> we're reporting this morning she has been released from the hospital, that she has a broken wrist but is otherwise fine,
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physically. does that strike you as remarkable? >> it is pretty remarkable considering that it was a small aircraft and it sounds like it went down in a dense wooded area. but there's a lot of safety features on a smaller aircraft. i believe the aircraft has three-point harness shoulder belts. it is hard to say exactly what other factors played into it. so, i mean it is pretty remarkable, but obviously not unheard of. >> thank you for putting that in perspective for us. >> thank you. coming up this guy is a convicted terrorist with a hook for a hand. he's hear the argument he's using not to send him to jail as that would be cruel. we'll see if anyone is taking him seriously. and we are stepping up your tuesday with recipes that won't bust your new year's resolutions. yes, that's possible.
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and we have details. stay tuned. we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk
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as trophies she killed in africa. >> there's a lion a leopard, she's caught outrage online. she's 19 years old and is is a hunter, has been a hunter all her life and people who don't like hunting have used her as a focal point for their dislike of hunting. they have been threatening her online. >> usually hammering her on social media. this is what she says on facebook. the real reason i did this whole competition was to prove that i do not post my trophies or that i'm proud of achievements. it's the fact that i'm proud to wear makeup and especially proud to be me. sounds like she's proud. >> the biggest part is she has a competition called "hot hunter" and people will submit pictures
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and she'll pick the hottest one. for me it's hard to look at the pictures. >> so "the hot hunter" is a game or the hunters themselves? >> apparently she's looking for other attractive people who hunt to send in their pictures. she has a lot of backlash on facebook. jennifer writes you love your makeup but it does not hide the monster you are. there's a lot of discussions like that. i have to say, as summonomeone who hunted his whole life, i'm uncomfortable with the pictures. when you kill anything there aught to be a sense of reference to it. it's a big deal to take the life of something. you aught to approach it that way. you should not be smiling and dragging a leopard around on facebook. i think it is disrespectful. i'm uncomfortable with this even
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though i hunt and like to hunt. but there's something ugly about the pictures. i feel that way. >> i feel that way about the pictures, but the people attacking her response i am hunting, not just for the trophies but giving away the meat to local villages is what she's reportedly saying and do it in conservation efforts. >> most hunters do. but we have wild game left in this world because of hunters. >> but i don't think she'd be making headlines if she wasn't so pretty. so she has an argument there. >> to read some of the things people are writing is horrific and bad. here are more stories making headline headlines this sunday. corporations who don't want to be labeled racist pay off al sharpton. for more than a decade corporations are shelling out thousands of dollars to his action network.
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in return they get his sway in the black community and sometimes his silence. observers say sharpton threat ups companies with bad publicity saying don't come to terms with it. a muslim terrorist is looking for pity from his punishers. he says he faces cruel and unusual punishment if sent to a maximum security prison. he wants his diabetes to take into account his sentencing on friday. and check out this picture. santa claus she's not. the california firefighters were called in to free this woman stuck inside a chimney. officials say she was trying to get inside her ex-boyfriend's house to see their kids. it took two hours to get her out. she walked away with minor injuries. her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend says she doesn't live in the house and is not allowed to see their children.
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need to step up your selfie game? this college in england is offering a brand new course called the art of photographic self-portraiture. you can also learn about your most flattering angle for a low, low cost of $200. oh! that was after the boston marathon, okay? >> that was a good angle. >> you couldn't have a double chin if you tried. it is not possible. >> i was not looking at the video of showing self-selfies of anyone else. >> you look somewhat surprised. >> i just ran 26.2 miles.
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>> you look lovely. >> double chin, hilarious. >> that's why you would never have a double chip. you ran 26 miles. i have spent my entire life trying not to have a double chin. no selfies ever happen. we'll talk about the weather incredibly cold. this is the windchill across the plains. minus 40 in minot. minus 15 in billings. down to areas of kansas, you feel like minus 13. you get the point. there's a lot of wind out there. the actual temperatures also very cold, minus 1 in minneapolis. warm across the eastern seaboard. that's the warm sector of the storm. now this morning we've had tornado warnings across alabama. that cell is pulling off to georgia right now, but heavy rain falling through central georgia and throughout the day that will continue to pull off throughout north carolina. the northern side of this has snow to be had, but not that much. the next storm moving in across
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the pacific northwest this is future radar over the next couple of days that's a clipper that is going to move in across the central plains to bring six inches of snow and really cold air. minus 40 is not cold enough. it's going to get colder. >> at that point can you tell a difference because you're numb? >> you can. i was in minus 45 last year. >> and your eyelashes froze. >> yeah. you can't get more all-american than sunday football and food. >> but with the new year's resolutions underway to lose weight, how can we still take part? >> the former sunday must-haves are here with monte. >> i'm here with bold, organic pizza. pizza is the most popular food during the super bowl. you might as well get pizza that is not only healthy but tastes great. and it also is -- this is made with nitrate-free meat and made with some of the most best
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ingredients. >> grass-fed cheese. >> can i try it? >> yes you can. this is as hot as it should be. >> this is healthy. grab a light beer and organic pizza and you won't gain weight. >> we have more things than light beer. we have sangria all organic as well. there's a whole art to eating healthy for the big game. >> funny how it all comes together because everybody makes new year's resolutions to eat healthy and then a month later we have the super bowl and you're eating chips. tell me about the wings. >> these are baked winged. organic chicken. you marinate them for a while. the ingredients are online. what i like to do is you get the ranch dressing sometimes with the wings, but you use greek yogurt, take a whole bunch of blue cheese put it in there and mix it all up. then take scallions, put those
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in there as well and there's a healthy alternative to ranch dressing. >> you obviously have quite a bit of protein in there, too, to fill you up a bit. >> and you're a super bowl champ. >> yes. >> what do you think of the game? any predictions? >> i think it will be hard to stop the seattle seahawks in the nfc. something about the baltimore ravens, the way they played last night on the road in pittsburgh. i think it's going to be -- i think there's a collision course happening between the two teams. >> there's a contest that you're here to talk about also. people can win tickets? >> yes watch the big game. in these boxes, if you open up a box and are a lucky winner you can win tickets or a big screen tv to watch the game on. thanks to bold organics. >> they are giving away an all-expense paid trip whole
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thing. >> come with me. i'm going to the big game. i went to the big game played in the big game and now i'm going to take two people who are health conscious. >> you want to be a lean, mean fighting machine. >> just like you. >> probably not. >> thank you so much. coming up one college is being attacked by atheists for asking this question. >> is religion influenced over wise americans? what will happen to our democracy? >> huh. how important is religion to this democracy? father jonathan morris is here to weigh in on that. and new year new movies. kevin mccarthy here with the flicks to have everyone talking straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪
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suffering from the flu is a really big deal. with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. and call your doctor right away. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source.
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we have some quick headlines for you overnight. searchers have found a few pieces of the airasia 8501 at the bottom of the sea but there is absolutely no visibility there right now hampering search efforts. and a cargo vessel capsized off the coast of scotland. the ship was carrying cement and was spotted upside down by a passenger ferry. officials say there was no mayday call at all. the weather was bad when the ship lost contact with the shore. an atheist group is
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demanding the chance for troy university to apologize for sharing this video with students meant as a holiday message. >> it went on to say that americans followed these rules because they have come to believe they weren't just accountable to society, they were accountable to god. my chinese friend had heightened concern harboring inside that this influences over the wise americans. what will happen to our democracy? >> the man in the video, a harvard professor sharing a message about democracy and how god plays such an important role. >> what's the premise the country was founded on? father jonathan morris, thank you for being here. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> what the issue with this video? >> well you would think the university in the academic setting is a great exchange for
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ideas. but the president has the obligation to put forward what he says came from his friend, this video, explaining the fact that religion and belief in god for many people not all people but this helps people to also be good to each other and also to help support the united states of america and our values. i think it's totally fine. and the fact that this organization would decide that they need and apology because there is no apology from this person, i find to be very sad. >> so let's put it up on the screen the response from troy university. i'm quoting now, the purpose of this e-mail was to spur introspection and encourage thoughtful discussion as we look to the challenges of 2014 to the opportunities ahead of 2015. wouldn't this be a great time to take a stance, not against christianity or anything, but against freedom of expression? >> well, i'm always saddened when somebody in the name of
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catholicism and the name of christianity really makes us look terrible by doing despicable, mean things. and i feel bad for atheists and north non-believers who have somebody like this, i don't want to say his name who was making them look that bad. most non-believers wouldn't want people of faith to be able to express that publicly. they want to wipe the face of faith off. >> democratic issues go on in terms of the video. is that assaultive tone necessary as part of this discussion? >> we have freedom of speech, no doubt. but some free speech is good, helpful, healthy. for others free speech is not. and our founding fathers, not all of them were believers in god, but certainly they
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recognized, i don't mean the place, but also the goodness that the healthy aspect of believers for our country, informing the strong democracy and that's what -- this is 2015, we have a clean slate. and we can say i'm not going to just get mad at the people doing this i'm going to build something positive and good in my own life, my community and my country. >> amen. >> big message. >> happy sunday. >> that's right. you want people to come to your side, live in a way that impresses them. >> that's right. >> thank you, father. coming up do you listen to this song to boost your mood? ♪ clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy ♪ >> well, if you're feeling flat it may lift you up, but if you're feeling sad you may have it all wrong. what you really need to listen to is a sodad song. we'll explain.
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and kevin mccarthy is here with the flicks coming out. we'll tell you what is worth your money. stay tuned for that. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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hi, everybody. the new year is upon us and that means more drama more action, more stories to tell on the big streen. >> we are, of course, talking about the most anticipated movies of 2015. >> joining us now the great kevin mccarthy. kevin, how you doing? >> great to be on with you this morning, by the way. >> i'm going to recharge my phone on your shirt this morning. >> you should. it works. >> what are we looking forward to this year in terms of movies? >> 2014 was a wonderful year for films. i loved boyhood, american sniper. those are some of the best movies i saw in 2014. if you haven't seen "sniper" yet, it opened up in limited release on christmas day. coming up i have to go with furious 7. the fast and furious franchise has been so much fun to watch
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over the years. and i love how they embrace the ridiculous nature of the action theme. you literally have cars flying from an airplane and parachuting down into an action scene. that to me is fun it's over the top, it's ridiculous. i'm looking forward to seeing what they do with paul walker's character. as we know paul walker tragically passed away and he had not finished a lot of his scenes in the film so his two brothers stepped in to help finish the production for him. i'm interested to see how that plays out. that movie opens up on april 3rd and they have a me director. >> are these two brothers actors, too, or are they stepping up? >> they're stepping up. they look just like paul walker. they stepped in to finish for the scenes. it looks amazing. >> the avengers the age of altron. >> yes! this is going to be a bro-date for clayton and i. i love james spater playing
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altron. i will say, captain america, the winter soldier and guardians of the galaxy were both better than the first avengers. i'm interested to see if josh can top those two films. >> so mad max furry wrote. it has to be 35 years since the first one came out. is mel gibson in this one? >> i don't know yet. george, the director of the first mad max film is scene in the trailer when tom hardy plays mad max is flying over the explosion. this movie was nowhere near my anticipated listen until i saw this trailer. it looks absolutely insane. charl charlie charlie charlie theron is in the movie. looks great. >> and "star wars." >> i cried when i first saw this trailer. it was unbelievable.
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when they had andy doing the voice over, you have j.j. abrahams taking on the directing chair, he reabused the strar trek searry necessary 1999. it's being shot in 35 millimeter. it looks unbelievable. and the dual light saber? i'm done. i cannot wait to see it. i can't wait. december 18th. >> i love your enthusiasm. >> we're ready to go, kevin. >> thank you for the energy this morning. >> thanks a million, kevin. >> thanks a lot guys. still ahead, a bombshell new report says only three out of every 100 illegals coming into this nation will face deportation. next hour, we talk to a man who has been to the border and says this is a national security threat. then online dating's biggest day is today. is your profile turning people off? we have the tweets you need to help you find true love. next hour.
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if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling sneezing, coughing aching, fever, best sleep with a cold medicine.
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hey, everybody. good morning. it's sunday, the 4th of january, 2015. she trekked nearly a mile shivering with broken bones after a plane crash killed her entire family. >> she told me that her parents were dead. and i asked her how she knew that and she said, well i tried to wake them up and i couldn't wake them up. >> this morning, brand new details about the 7-year-old sole survivor from the stranger who answered the door to help her. and congressman louis gomer just made news on this show. it's an announcement that could change who runs the congress. it's sending shock waves through d.c. already. and you've seen her raldo rivera go head to head with some of the best of them. but what happened when he squares off with donald trump?
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>> nobody wants to be the first person fired. do you hear that, heraldo? >> i do sir. >> you don't want to be the first one. >> absolutely not. >> heraldo, an exclusive sneak peek with his brand new role on celebrity abrentis live this hour. mornings really are better with our friends. >> hey b, everybody. it's your first sunday in 2015. hope you're off to a great start. >> as you just heard anna say, we have brand new information that tragic plane crash that took place friday night over kentucky. it was a family of four joined by another underage young relative and the plane went down right before 6:00 p.m. on friday night in pretty heavy weather. four people were killed. you're looking at three of them there. but there was a survivor. >> and we now now her name. her na is sailor gus lr er.
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her entire family was killed. the plane was turned upside down. somehow she was able to say get herself out. it was dark it was after dark. she took a branch that she had found in this heavily wood area and lit it on fire from one of the wings that had flames on it and was able to go three quarters of a mile through nasty terrain. there were thorns and brahambles and it was just an amazing spectacle that she's been able to walk close to a mile to this man, larry wilkins' door. we had him on the on program earlier and here is what he said he did to help her. >> i heard a quiet knock. i went to the door and seen this little girl, about 7 years old. bloody, little legs was just eat up, looked like somebody had been beating her with a switch. nose was bloody.
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trembling and crying. she told me her mom and dad were dead, she had been in a plane crash and she said can i stay here. i got her laid down on the couch and propped her feet up and called 911. she told me that her parents were dead. and i asked her how she knew that. and she said well, i tried to wake them up and i koontd wake them up. she was dressed for florida weather. she had just shorts on and a -- a light shirt. and it was a little bit of a drizzle. it wasn't a rain but it was a little bit of a drizzle. and it would be like walking across the field and walking across a brush pile every 20 feet. between here and the ditch where she was at, there was a ditch probably 17 feet deep. how the little girl done it i'll never know. they put the neck brace on her for her neck, they put a board on her broken wrist.
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when they hauled her off, they strapped her to the board and that really got her excited. she was disht scared her. but for a 7-year-old girl she was outstanding. i have not spoken to any member of her family yet and i'd love to see her again. i'd probably give her a big hug and tell her i'm relate, really proud of her. >> larry kill winwilkins, a humble hero, one door closed in a tragic way for sailor gusler, and his door opened literally welcoming her to safety and a much different life as the days go forward. she's been released from the hospital with a fractured wrist. he treated her on the scene cleaning her wounds from the brahamble and the bush and the thorns on her almost mile hike through the cold, frigid ravines and terrible area around his home. >> she's been released from the hospital and to an extended family member.
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we certainly wish her well. this is a brave little girl who has been through a lot. other stories making headlines on your sunday now a fox news alert. the u.s. embassy in indonesia warning of possible threats against americans, hotels and banks in surabaya. officials say americans should use extreme caution in the indonesia's second largest city. there's been a huge spike of indonesian s indonesians. 15 people dead and nearly 3,000 people hospitalized as the flu epidemic grips the nation. now tamiflu's maker claims they weren't prepared for this year's overwhelming demand. americans have used more tamiflu in the first few weeks of this flu season than they did all last winter. tony gohmert announcing he
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will be making a run for the house against john boehner. >> we heard from a lot of republicans saying ghee, i'd vote for somebody else other than speaker boehner. but nobody will put their name out there for the running. that changed yesterday when my friend, ted yoho said i'm putting my name out there. i'll be a candidate for speaker and i'm putting my name out there today to be another candidate for speaker. >> the new congress are set to be sworn in this tuesday. a vote for the next speaker will be held later that day. and it's been a great run, but former presidential candidate mike huckabee ending his hit tv show to focus his efforts on a presidential bid. >> it has been if ride of a lifetime. and i've never had so much fun in my life. but i also realize that god hasn't put me on earth just to have a good time or just to make a good living but rather god has put me on earth to try to
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make a good life. there has been a great deal of speculation as to whether i would run for president. if i were willing to rule that out, i could keep doing this show. but i can't rule out that declaration. stay tuned, there's more to come. >> the governor said he plans to decide on a 2016 run by late spring. we want to wish him the best of luck in his next step. we are sure going to miss him. >> not everyone who pretends to be a good person actually is but i think huckabee is. >> great patriot and qualified to be president if he wants to run. >> rick. >> absolutely. i'm glad that was the obvious transition. >> not the first time i've thought it. >> me, either, cleerm. we have a new storm moving into the pacific northwest bringing a lot of rain and snow across parts of washington. but watch what happens over the next day-to-day and a half.
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it pulls into the northern rockies and in here throughout the plains. we might be seeing some areas here in across parts of iowa up the about 6 inches of snow. this is what's left of the one system we're dealing with maybe another inch or so in green bay. monday, this stripe of this clipper comes in here and we're going to see maybe another 6 inches across des moines and into indiana. right now, we have big weather across georgia. tornado concerns across georgia. that rain will plague all the eastern seaboard today. snow on the back of it. it will be done by the time we get to thursday morning. cold, cold, cold. >> now i'm not voting for you. now you blew it. >> the people really are fickle. >> flip-flop. thanks, rick. we're feeling down about this cold weather. maybe you are, too. most of the people would think
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they listen to a happy song to bring them up, but on the experts say the way to lift yourself out of the blues is to listen to sad music. >> the song writer can put into words what you're feeling. that can be cathartic. it gives us a safe space to work through these feelings, these emotions and we're not necessarily in that moment facing whatever is making us feel the way we are feeling. but through the songs almost vicariously to the lyrics and the music and the song we get to process those emotions. as we work through that we wind up actually believe it or not feeling better. feeling hopeful, feeling tranquil, feeling peaceful, feeling nostalgic. >> we want to hear what your sad songs are, but since you asked -- >> what's yours? >> "alone again," 1972. gilbert o'sullivan. ♪ >> it's bumming me out here.
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>> it's making you feel better? >> no. >> it's supposed to. >> it was number one on the billboard singles for a number of weeks. >> my sad one is "bring me to life." i didn't realize you who old it is. take a listen. from 2003. ♪ wake me up inside wake me up inside ♪ ♪ call my name and save me from myself ♪ for me it's anything by adelle, too. she really -- and avril levine. tucker, how about you? >> i don't have a favorite sad song. i don't listen to sad songs. i'm not a complicated person. sad songs make me sad. life is sad enough. >> do those two songs make you happy? >> no, no you have to take the sadness and push it deeper down. >> so when it's -- >> it's not cathartic. >> don't wall low in your sadness.
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ignore it. >> move forward. i believe that, i'm not kidding. >> albert on facebook says his favorite sad song "the sound of silence" by simon and garfunkel. ♪ my old friend i've come to talk with you again ♪ >> that's terribly marose. >> how about this one, scott on facebook says the thompson twins, hold me now. ♪ hold me now warm my heart ♪ ♪ stay with me ♪ >> it's like a video game. >> 1987 again. >> chuck on facebook says "stay with me" by sam smith. >> oh yeah. ♪ won't you stay with me because you're all i need ♪ >> absolutely. the top 80 sad songs of all time
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today have been announced. >> why would you? >> since you're watching i want to be best friends so -- >> unbelievable. >> we're going to make it up to you. the rest of this show is going to be so upbeat and optimistic and cheerful. we're sorry. >> we're going to be playing "happy" by pharrell. ♪ if you're happy and you know it clap your hands ♪ a bombshell new report, 700 miles of our border made insecure. and only three in 100 illegal immigrants are going to face deportation. next, we talk to a man who has been there and says this report doesn't even scratch the surface. and what happens when you challenge gaston from "beauty and the beast" to a push-up contest? >> good gracious. that guy learned the hard way.
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well, a mortgage shouldn't be a problem your credit is in pretty good shape. >>pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on kaboom... well, i just have a few other questions. >>chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, "what else can you do for me?" i'll just take a water...
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get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. you think we're safe as a country? think again. a brand new report from tom coburn says there are major problems at the department of homeland security and that's an understatement. 700 miles of the nation's southern border remain unsecured. coburn says as of today only 3 in 100 of every illegal immigrants face deportation. so just how big of a threat to our country is this dysfunction? documentary filmmaker dennis michael lynch has been to the border and has perspective on this. dennis, thanks for joining pr having me tucker. >> so you say this report if anything understates it.
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>> it completely understates it. i read the report. it takes sections of the border that appear to be secure, all the technology in the world have all the agents you want want the big huge 18-foot fence. the problem is those places aren't secure. people have a photo if you want to throw it up. this is from arizona, the most expensive border patrol station is right outside that with 400 agents. there's every bit of technology $40 million of technology along that 13-mile stretch. you see what they did to that gate? they cut it open so this way trucks could drive through. it's a three-mile ride to the road. it's a bumpy ride so it takes forever. in a 24-month span how many trucks do you think went through there and got caught? >> i don't know. >> 48 trucks went through there and zero were caught. >> it's not even a stealthy thing. they just took out a section of the fence?
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>> look those steel girder res almost as thick as you or i. so think about the noise that that's creating just to open that up. we have high def camera, it's like right there shooting down on that. >> so technology is no guarantee. >> i have is a statement from dhs. she said dr. coburn's report on dhs overlooks much of the concrete and recent progress we've made over the last year. we're better than he says we are, in other words. >> no listen j. johnson is doing a terrible job. he's a lawyer putting in a position where we should have somebody from the military or somebody with a real security background. there is no will to stop the people coming through the border. now they making coming to america three. looking at the american border oh, my goodness, we are more terror networks operating in canada than in mexico. in canada, we're wide open with 4,000 miles versus 2,000 miles.
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so you, your family, everybody watching, myself, we are in grave danger as far as i'm concerned. here is another thing nobody talks about. everybody always thinks of terror and buildings coming down. the cyber attacks? the chinese and other country res tapping into our system every day. they could literally unplug america. >> that's just shocking. we got a taste of that with the sony hack but unfortunate may get more. >> wait until you see the e-mails they've written about you. >> i'm flattered. >> yeah. >> thanks. coming up, selected official sends out an ominous tweet threatening people who, quote, exercise white privilege. what is she talking about? and should the state senator be attacking people on the basis of their skin color? heraldo rivera joins us next with his thoughts. are you looking for love? we have the tweaks you need to make to your profile to find your mate. we're going to help you make a
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love connection. that's what we do here on "fox & friends." stay tuned. at ancestry, we call it a hint.. our little leaf that helps guide you through the past. simply type in a name and you're taken on a journey. a journey that crosses generations. and continents. all to tell the most amazing story. yours. discover your story. start searching for free now at
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in just two hours, thousands of police officers around the country will bid a final farewell to slain police officer wenjian liu. he was merded last month as they sat inside their patrol car. brian is live with more on today's service. brian. >> did morning peter. we just saw the first set of nypd officers with their press uniforms and white gloves walking into the aravella funeral home behind me to pay their respects. the 32-year-old seven-year
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veteran, you see blue ribbons and signs of we love nypd as 20,000 officers are expected here at the funeral services that begin at 11:00 a.m. the funeral ceremony is taking place just 20 minutes away from where officer liu and his partner were murdered two weeks ago. liu's arrangements were made because some of his family members needed to travel here from china. today we can expect a cultural mix of nypd and chinese traditions. we have thehonor guard as well as nypd helicopters and police motorcycles. today is all about officer wenjian liu and covering him and we will be with you throughout the day to cover what is sure to be a somber and touching ceremony. back to you. >> brian, thank you so much pap day for remembrance and respect in brooklyn. now anna with a happier story. we're looking for love and hopefully finding it. online dating has certainly come
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a long way since meg ryan and tom hanks met in "you've got mail." >> i turn on my computer. i go online and my breath catches in my chest until i hear three little words. you've got mail. >> i turns out today from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. it's the most popular time all year for dating sites. what do you need to know before you log on looking for love? here with us is lori davis. author of "love at first click." and she joins us now. good morning. >> hi. >> why is it? is this because people are resolving to find love in the new year? >> it is. it's one of the top ten new year's resolutions. but every sunday night is a big time for online dating. it's the time when people have to dates over the weekend or they have bad dates so they log on. the two of those things combined makes today specifically the best day.
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>> between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m., we get online, looking for a match, have a coffee and bagel or whatever, what do we need to look for? what's the first tip? >> first, search for people who are online now because then you can have quicker exchanges, which means that you'll get off-line and meet up for a date sooner. >> and we want to be at the top of their news feed thing. so if we upload a photo, that's like search line optimization on its own. >> it is. but also make something tweets to the text of your profile will get you high in those search results. and you want to do that tonight not today in the morning, but tonight, so that when you're searching and when other people are searching you go up to the top. >> and you say today may be the biggest day, but the day after christmas up until valentine's day is huge. that means if we're out there, there's a lot more women out there, not just ourselves, competition has increased. how do we combat that? >> yeah. so when you're messaging, the big thing you want to do is you
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want to focus on making a connection with the someone. something in a message like hi check out my profile, message me. that isn't going to work. >> you're not going to stand out, are you? >> no. you need to make a real connection with something in their profile and ask a question. that's the most important thing in any message. >> like hey, i have a dog, too. what's the breed? >> exactly. >> make it easy for people to message you. what do you mean about that? >> if your profile if you're generic and you say things like i'm adventurous you're not really giving them enough information. >> that means you could venture out to the coffee shop. but if you're a grand canyon hiker or you run marathons -- >> something like that be specific. >> and you say don't be afraid follow up. does this go for even women? >> even women. one of my female clients followed up with five guys and four out of five of those she went out on a date with. >> ended up taking her out?
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>> yeah. sometimes you fall off someone's radar for no good reason. maybe they check the message on the app on their phone but you know forget to message you back. and so you just want to make sure that you stay on the top of their radar. don't call them out for not messaging you back, but just say something like you know, hey, how's it going and take the conversation from there. >> lori davis, thank you so much and give us the website. >> >> great. thank you so much. coming up on "fox & friends," a teacher catches her sixth grade girl students posting facebook photos way too adult for her age. her important lesson to her students that's now going viral. and you've seen heraldo rivera going head to head with the best of them. what happens when he squares off against donald trump? >> nobody wants to be the first person fired. do you hear that, heraldo? >> i do. sir.
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>> good luck everybody. >> heraldo with a sneak peek at his brand new role in celebrity apprentice, that's live, coming up. introducing the new philips norelco shaver series 9000 with contour detect technology that flexes in 8 directions for the perfect shave at any angle. go to to save up to $40. innovation and you. philips norelco.
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♪ ah, push it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ push it. ♪ ♪ p...push it real good! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ ♪ oooh baby baby. ♪ if you're salt-n-pepa, you tell people to push it. ♪ push it real good. ♪ it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. ♪ if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. ♪ i'm pushing. i'm pushing it real good! ♪
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it's your shout out of the morning, beauty and the beast gasto warned us not to mess with him. >> so imagine a man challenging him to a push-up contest. >> he's struggling. perhaps he needs a hand. >> the winner is gaston. easily showing him up. look at that. >> i love that. now i eat five sxegs i'm -- >> the only person i've ever met in my life i've met that can do this happened to be sitting on the couch with us. >> absolutely right. taking politics to a new low tweeting this about whites prifked. she says, let me be clear. when you exercise your haush whites privilege don't think
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i'm not clear, i will use it for the future. uncomfortable? >> illustrate fuel tess flames of hate is it not? and joining us on the air is h re aldo rivera. >> you know, i think this is the worst kind of race bait. it's intentionally irresponsibly recklessly provocative. s what's her point? does she want to rebuild ferguson? that's what she should be working at getting that community back together, trying to heelal this country. later on today i'm going to officer liu's funeral. the last thing we need is to have public officials ginning up the kind of sentiment that led to these brutal assassinations. >> she said it was a race war. she said it was a race war. >> well, it could be if she keeps up with this nonsense, peter. how does a person hike this have the you a dassy -- what she is doing is putting at risk exactly
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at people who should be her constituents, the young black men that she professes to support are exactly the people message is going to be twisted by this woman. i think it's slootly awful. >> smart point. >> tonight celebrity apprentice premiers. not a show that i've ever watched, but i am not going to miss it this year because you're on it. >> i am. and, you know, i didn't have enough back biting, deception you know, double dealing back stabbing, you know so i decided that there's -- it really is a lot of fun. it's a lot of work. intense pressure. we don't know how this one is going to turn out. but i'm telling you, being in war zones is a certain level of danger perpendicular this is far more perilous. you get into a room with brandie and kendra from the real housewives and they make bill o'reiley look like a pussycat. >> well, you have to heraldo on it, we'll be watching it he week.
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>> he appreciate that. and i will be on this program tomorrow at 7:00 to give you a blow by blow about what happened tonight. >> we have a bit of a preview, too. >> nobody wants to be the first person fired. do you hear that heraldo? >> i do sir. >> you don't want to be the first one out. >> slight not. >> good luck everybody. >> why did he call you out? >> i think he was saying, you know, he really wants to beat me up. we've snoen known each other for a long time. i remember doing a show years ago. the life and loves of donald trump. so we were loose on this city together a couple of decades ago. so it's a lot of fun to be with donald. he's a fofrs nature. a wonderful family man. >> he was saying on the commercial break it's actually as intense as it looks. >> it's more intense than something i've ever done. you commit six weeks of your live, you may be talking to someone who has a whole different agenda going on in their mind.
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hheraldo, i love you. jump cut to heraldo is a son of a gun and is we're going to do this to really trap him. there's so much intrigue. >> underhanded stuff. >> i swear to god there are federal crimes committed. >> not by heraldo. >> not by me. i don't know if you want to go there. this is so -- tucker, you have to idea. >> i am excited. i cannot wait. >> they would push me off the cliff given the opportunity in a heartbeat, i have no doubt. >> we'll be watching. >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> thank you. in other stories making headlines this sunday morning, a tragedy to tell but, the search for a missing college student shane montgomery comes to an end as divers pull his body from a river in philadelphia near the spot where he disappeared. >> we have done what we have promised. we have found and we have
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brought shane home. we want to thank everyone for their support and prayers and love and ask they continue to pray for our family at this trying time. >> montgomery vanished after leaving a bar the night before thanksgiving. his keys were found in the river two weeks ago. investigators are still trying to figure out how and why he ended up in that water. corporations paying off al sharpton to avoid being labeled as racist? the new york post revealing for more than a decade. corporations have shelled out thousands of dollars in donation toes sharpton's national action network. in turn they get sharpton's sway in the black community and sometimes his silence. observers say sharpton threatens companies with bad publicity if they don't come to terms with him. a an oklahoma teacher is using facebook to warn her students by the dangers of faeb. she was shocked to see her sixth
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graders posting racey pictures on social media. melissa posted this picture and it's gone viral. it's her open letter about oversharing, hitting almost every state and even australia. >> my sheet of paper with the green writing on it made it around the world. so what do you think is going to happen if you have inappropriate things up and how far is that going to reach? >> and her students say lesson learned. and according to the new york post, potential jurors can get creative with the excuses they use to get out of civic duty. for example, when one prospective juror was asked if she had experience with the attorney, she replied, you picked me up at a bar five years ago. meanwhile, another possible juror claims he was from a completely different planet. this next excuse, not so creative from a perspective juror who said i don't believe in the law. and one woman clearly out of ideas simply fell asleep during jury selection.
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>> so, peter you must have heard everything. >> we've heard a lot of things. but most people really are happy to serve. they really are. that's true. but you do hear some crazy stuff. >> i can't believe in the law? >> or i can't be fair. there's no way i can be fair ever. >> are they stricken from the jury? >> yeah. if you say not fair nobody wants you. >> coming up, you manage to get unknown veteran war stories in the history books using his grandfather as an inspiration. a project that will make you even prouder to be an american. and gas prices haven't been this low in years. that's great news for you and me. but some lawmakers think it's the per expect time to raise gas taxes. look! john hofmeister, a man who knows a lot about energy here live with a warning for washington.
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welcome back. good news for those hitting the gas station. the average price of gas is $2.22 nationwide. that's more than a dollar less per gallon than this time last year. why are lawmakers suggesting that we increase -- yeah increase the gas tax? let's ask former shell ceo john hofmeister hofmeister. john, good morning, how are you? >> good morning. thanks for having me on. >> who wants to increase the gas tax? why do they want to increase it? and if they do what will happen to us here in the united states? >> well, i think there are some cynical politicians looking to take advantage of the temporary collapse of the gasoline price to try to find new revenue for their state for whatever reason that they may choose.
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the problem with that as a solution for raising taxes in states across the country is the gasoline prices are going to go back up. it's not going to stay low. and so it would be a cynical ploy to take advantage of the temporary situation. we've had a long history in this country of refusing to deal with energy and its future, refusing to deal with infrastructure and its future and the elected officials should not think that americans are so dumb or so disengaged that they wouldn't see it exactly for what it is. a ploy that should not be exercised. >> john, you say the gas tax is regressive and that it punishes those with the least who have to travel the furthest. explain that for us. >> well, the gas tax is a flat tax that everybody pays the same amount. those who make less pay just as much as those who make a lot of money in life. and so you end up having what i would call a regressive tax
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because it affects the lowest income earners the hardest on a relative proportion of their disposable net income. and that's not a solution. regressive taxes don't work. they're punitive. these people generally have lower cost housing which may be the furthest from work that they can afford to drive. so we're really picking on the poor picking on the lower income by using something like a gas tax to charge everybody the same amount. >> here is a double barrelled question, john. i'm happy when i go and fill up because prices are low. but i scratch my head and i say, why are they so low? and number two how can the president not be for the keystone pipeline that could keep these prices maybe as low as they now? >> well, they're low because the crude oil price has fallen by about 50 prers. that is a temporary aberration. and the crude oil price will snap back as soon as the
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demand/supply equilibrium returns, which would be probably within the next six months. with respect to the keystone pipeline, i think the president is listening to funders, not citizens. he's not caring about the next generation or the subsequent generation who would benefit from that pipeline over 30 40 years. and it's ridiculous not to approve this infrastructure when he wants to be the infrastructure president. >> absolutely. >> it's simply bias political thinking. >> we go back to the '90s. aren't we dealing with an unfunded mandate backed on the 90s then? didn't we create a burden for taxpayers now based on the tax increases on gas then in 1993? >> well, that was a very small federal tax. i don't know about all the state tax programs. but what we have not done is we have not found a solution to funding our highways and the infrastructure associated with highways which we need to do. but i don't think a gasoline tax
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is the right way to do it. i think charging people for the car that's they buy may be a better way to do it because that's fairer. >> so you say smarter energy policy, not hired taxes. john hofmeister, a real expert on this issue. thanks for breaking it down for us because there are a lot of questions that we didn't understand that i understand now. john, happy new year to you. >> happy new year. thank you. >> good to see you. coming up, he managed to get unknown veteran war stories into the history books using his grandfather as inspiration. this eagle scout joins us live with the project that will make you even prouder to be an american. she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved
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we've got a quick look at your headlines. lawmakers trying to implement tougher penalties for people convicted of drinking and driving. a proposal in oklahoma would ban them from buying alcohol at stores and bars. a judge would decide how long that person would have to keep away from booze. sportscaster jim rome sparking outrage for tweeting is there anyone not in a marching band who thinks those dorks running around with their instruments are cool? not surprisingly he got a response. just running around with our instruments and serving our country. rome later apologyizeapologized. our next guest may be young but he has a big mission. >> eagle scout candidate decided to honor our nation's heroes and interviewed 16 veterans and
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documented their stories that would otherwise are forgotten like this story. >> i started digging a hole at the end of the runway for the number one airfield. someone called my name. they said we want you to join this other guy. his hole is already dug. two other guys and himy hole and a shell right in that hole. >> 17-year-old eagle scout joins us now. we're glad to have you. such a cool idea. how did you come up with that? >> i always enjoyed history. my dad raised me on a bunch of history books. so when i started scouts, i started to think about what i wanted to do for my eagle scout project and about a year ago i started thinking i want to do something which i like. i want to do something which helps the community and i have to do something which involves leadership so i figure what a
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better way to combine this than to get history honoring the nation's veterans and collecting their stories and sending that to the library of congress so people in my generation and generations after me can listen to their stories. >> one thing i like about this project. it's the gift that keeps on giving. you figured out the best way to do the interviews and you trained volunteers. your project is almost done. what are you hoping happens? >> it doesn't have to stop with me. it would be great if other people went to the website, veterans history project downloaded the forms and interviewed a veteran. it just has to be a half hour. it doesn't have to stop with me. if you are listening to this you can go and do that. >> you have veterans from world war ii vietnam, iraq and afghanistan. you're a smart guy. your family is here and so proud of you. what did you learn from these veterans? what did you take away from these stories? >> i think that one of the very interesting things is to see how
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our nation's views have changed over time. world war ii was viewed as a crusade. korea is a war which nobody really remembers and you go on to vietnam which was a war nobody wanted to be in. it's interesting to see how views have changed over time from where we were during world war ii to everyone supporting this to where we are now. >> very interesting. interesting and point poignant. >> as soon as i pass my board of review i'll be an eagle scout. hopefully sometime in march. >> if we can write recommendations letters for you, let us know. good to see you. >> more "fox & friends" in just a moment. stay tuned. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast.
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we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk
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good morning, everyone. breaking news into "fox & friends." espn reporting that stuart scott has died. he inspired colleagues with his talent, work ethic and devotion to his daughters. his daughters were 19 and 15 and he was 49 years old. >> what a sad story. inspiration and courageous man. 49 years old. thanks for great four hours today. stay tuned for tomorrow's show. donald trump here live with geraldo recapping their experience on "the apprentice". >> if you're not sure how to use the new tech gadgets you got over the holidays we've got a simple guide just for you. >> have at sunday.
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>> logon to fox and for our after show. have a great week, everybody. hello. welcome to a special sunday morning edition of "america's news headquarters." "sunday morning futures" with maria bartiromo will return next week. >> good morning, everyone. topping the news this hour, it's back to reality for president obama. returns from christmas vacation in hawaii to washington later today. he'll face a jam packed legislative agenda. >> opposition for john boehner. ohio congressman is chal
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