tv Media Buzz FOX News January 4, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PST
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on the first buzz meter of 2015 this sand, mike huckabee with a bombshell announcement that he's leaving fox news to explore a presidential campaign. >> i'm not going to make a decision about running until late in the spring of 2015. but the continued chatter has put fox news into a position that just isn't fair to them. >> which means he's running. why elt would huckabee giving up a lucrative tv career? and how much has the fox gig boosted his chances? a media come back from president obama. getting positive press from the left on cuba, for an improving economy that is called the obama boom. there has been so much
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effort put forward by the republicans to obstruct everything president obama dreamed of doing with this economy. we are living in the obama economy. >> probably because it's growing fast. >> does the president deserve that credit? and are the mainstream media trying to give him a boot? >> one of the fox's most outspoken commentators on how he makes up his mind. his relentless criticism of the president. >> on a column, you can correct yourself. when you are on live television, you're a wolenda on the high wire. >> a conversation with charles crowdhammer. good morning america is the number one morning show and it's packed with stories like these. >> the shocking videotapes one mall did not want you to see. we begin with the colorado man charged with killing his wife by
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pushing her off a cliff. and the program moved away from serious news. i'm howard kurtz and this is ""media buzz."" >> mike huck ka be has been openly organizing for a second run for president. last night he took the plunge announcing on his show that he's quitting fox news. >> as much as i have loved doing the show i cannot bring myself to rule ott another presidential run. >> so how much has the fox platform boosted the former arkansas governor? joining us now, chris stei rewall, susan ferichio. huck ka bee talked about speculation and chatter about him running, but fox executives questioned him a couple of months ago because i was hiring operatives and looking for
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office space. did things reach the point that he was so openly exploring the campaign that he had to leave fox? >> i don't know. and i'm glad i don't. you couldn't persist in the direction he was heading. it was untenable space. he had to go and kudo toes him for jaking the jump. >> i've talked to huckabee about this. he was not a wealthy man, he was enjoying making millions of dollars for the first time, being able to build a house in florida. this is not a decision that mike huckabee would reach lightly to depart fox news. >> no. it means he's serious about exploring a run. that doesn't mean he can't come back in the future. but there is a rule, you can't run for president and have a show on a network that is going to be fair and balanced and he had to go. i think it was pretty cut and dried. >> right. a lot of official candidates try to extend that run and exposure. but on his program, huckabee
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talked about god, not putting him on this earth just to make money and he talked about learning to govern during his decade in little rock. should huckabee have been able to use this fox show to make that announcement? is that like an infomercial? >> it is. it's been week after week, too. last night was when he discussed it formally but there have been hints along the way and i think he's boosted where he stands with voters just by being on fox every week. so you could make that argument. this is happening at all the networks where they're moving in and out of the role of tv anchor and suddenly they're running for something. and it's been going on for years now and there is a question about whether this is really campaigning on the air. >> right. and it certainly is a great way of keeping yourself in the public eye chris. and fox is dealing with criticism for being a launching
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path for politicians in 2012. you had rick santorum and newt gingrich, ben carson this time. scott brown before his new hampshire senate run was at fox and came back to fox and krnz used to do this all the time with pat buchanan who was in that revolving door. >> well, sure. things didn't end so well with newt gingrich and hick stan tore yumm. they thought the coverage they received from fox was not as good as people whose fox was supposedly briefing against. the amount of time and effort that is put into misunderstanding the way the coverage goes is enormous. everything thinks they can read the tea leaves. right now, absolute truth, there is no secret agenda. our political team is doing it the right way. >> just to follow up, you're saying that obviously when gingrich and sanatorium were
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featured as fox contributors, they got to come on and say what they wanted. they thought aefrdz they were not treated fairley? >> they made no secret of it. they lit a garbage fire in the town square screaming about the fact that they were mishandledwrong. >> newt gingrich ended up going to cnn. >> being on fox is an incredible boost for any conservative politician who is thinking about running for office, regardless about how they might wine and explain about how you covered them afterwards. it's as good as its weight in gold. >> i think the money factor plays in heavily. a few years ago, governor huckabee decided not to leave the show for the exact same we were we were discussing. it didn't want to give up that salary. his poll numbers are pretty good right now. he sometimes rates at the top of the polls.
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so this hash nothing but a boost for him. however, walking away, he risks never getting the show back. there are other eager people willing to share the air space. if he runs well and he does well, he may be more valuable. >> the media underestimated mike huckabee in 2008. >> he went on to win other states and didn't win the nom name. time now to look at the obama boom where we've been flooded with stories and segments how the president was ending 2014 on a high note by taking bold and historic action on climate change and cuba and how his own stock was rising. >> a brand new cnn opinion research poll showing a surprising jump in president obama's job approval rating. let's get more on the eye-opening shift. the economy's roaring back with the dow closing today at nearly 18,000 points. these numbers don't lie.
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and the president isn't done. >> the economy is booming. >> 5% growth in the third quarter. >> he doesn't have a job, bob. >> good argument there. if barack obama had gotten blamed for years of a lousy economy, an anemic recovery, would the media now say he's excited to a recovery? >> they can do whatever they want. presidents are broadly uniformly overkritd or overblamed with the economy as if somehow the president woke up and said you know what we should do? we should have expansion of shale gas across the permian basin. but the other thing that's happening is after a terrible year, i mean a brutal year, i would say there are many there that wanted to help the president have a good close to the year. we're looking for good news
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eager to grab it. >> it seems to me, along with some liberal magazines, and chris is right their own presidents are overpraised and overly blamed. but now that the nebs are looking better than you would expect, the coverage to get a little better for barack obama? >> the coverage is putting better and -- and put msnbc aside because there are boosters of the president the fact is that the president's approval rating generally closely tracks the economy. and the economy is getting better. and it's no surprise and he came out of his -- and started doing a lot of things at the ends of the year. and people like it when the president is active. >> in 2009 when the stock market, when the dow was all 7,000, shawn handy talked frequently about obama has tanked the markets, now dow is over 18,000.
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naturally people who like this president are going to try to give him some of the credit. >> what is new in media these days versus says ten years ago, is there are more cheer liters on both sides. if this was a republican president, maintain shawn hahn day would be talking about a comeback for that president. but what's new now, you have msnbc and new shows like say the handy shows or othehers daily caller where there are platforms po to boost whoever they favor. >> he can promote him on that platform. but, you know, a good economy and a president's rising approval ratings presents a real challenge to conservative media and to republicans in general. because what kind of contacts are they going to put that in? do they want to talk down the economy when people are feeling better? >> they're mad enough immigration, about a whole host of other issues they don't need to be going shopping for issues to be upset. >> but now comes the question of
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bias because these steps the president is taking unilaterally particularly on immigration or on cuba, the president was asked in an interview, do you feel liberated by the election? the underline there is not why are you thumbing your nose at congress and doing these things on your own. i think the media likes these actions on immigration in cuba and therefore it becomes -- >> the cuba one there, there was a full -- in washington. but i'll tell you this, we are on a little vacation from the norm. the norm is the president has an approval rating about 43 %. next year is going to be about, guess what? the president fighting with congress over control of how we spend money in the united states. that's what it's been since 2011 and that's what it's going be in 2015. take it to the bank. >> predict right here. and it's certainly true that the president has had the stage to himself in these unilateral
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actions. he got a good few weeks. i think some folks lost perspective because i did not have a good 2014. let me get a break and you can send your twitter messages here. we always look forward to reading them on the program. ahead a wide raging discussion about politics and punditry with charles. when we come back, the uproar about steve mclease. has the president gone overboard? these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. why do i take metamucil everyday? because it helps me skip the bad stuff. i'm good. that's what i like to call the meta effect. 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line.
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the number three republican in the house expressed regret. merrill, not surprisingly a lot of liberals have been jumping on this because it has all the hot button issues of race and he's a very divisive figure. >> i think that's true. but overall i think the scalise story has been handled pretty well. of course media outlet res going to jump all over it. but if you put aside the predictable responses of the left andight media, i would say the scalise story has been put in context. people are not saying he's a racist, that he was -- he agreed with what this group was doing. they put it in the context of how much damage will this do how much did he know about it at the time. i think this is an embarrassment for republicans. i think the story has been covered relatively fairley. >> news flash, media act
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responsibly. >> in general. >> but you expect conservative comment taters to say this happened 12 years ago. why are we dredging this up? >> i think shawn hanady believes if the waffles are overcooked today, john boehner should resign. >> it doesn't take a lot. >> it doesn't take a lot to get to boehner should resign. here is the thing. the media mishandling of this story was interesting. i agree in large part with you, maura, but it was interesting. a blogger says scalise spoke. scalise eventually said i'm sorry, i didn't know. then they say he didn't talk to that group at all. he talked to a grew that was meeting in the same place that had a guy and it wasn't that group. >> and even david toouk duke stayed in an interview he's not sure. >> and so the story just at the
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moment the feeding frenzy was about to rip scalise from limb to limb, there was an emily latelle moment like, oh, never mind. >> dwr didn't scalise say that? >> because there's more to it. >> the reason he's waffling on that, to bring up waffles again, is the press did its story. the forum to get moving information because reporters start thinking. and new media comes into play balk you can dig up old blog posts. we find in the past scalise has walked a very fine line of trying to appeal to voters and there are a lot of them in louisiana. so he's trying to walk that fine line. that's what you see here with his speaking to this group and association with some of the people involved in this. >> i think it's interesting that journalists who cover him say they've never seen any other evidence of racially charged or questionable remarks by him. but i think the media are
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driving this story because there was a sense that when scalise said he didn't know what kind of group this was that it wasn't plausible. >> that's where you see both sides coming after scalise on this. if you're going to see you don't know, that shows you're incompetent. if you're going to say i was with a young politician you didn't know. now we find other associations saying this is bigger than a group that you thought was a civic organization. ahead on ""media buzz,"" some of the most scintillating media interviews thp but first, gma, the most popular stories in america. is that because of all the stories about crime and scary subjects?
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huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! good morning america broke the "today" show winning streak in 2012 and the abc show has
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been on top ever since. but it's hard to miss the fact they're devoting less time to traditional news and much more time to murder and kidnapping and consumer stories that are just plain scary. >> on alert, the hunt for a tiger on the loose. hundreds of police and helicopters searching for the big cat. >> the shocking story of a young woman suing her estranged parents for college tuition. >> we dwin with that shocking invasion, two lawyers charged with stabbing and seriously injuring a virginia couple in a savage attack. coming up, a dramatic 911 call as the family pursues their stolen iphone. police are tracking the phones. this is a warning for everybody. joining me now for the z block, david zurich. america has voted based on ratings. that is a winning formula. >> it is. it's interesting to see george and robin, i think two of the smartest people on network news so comfortable. at first i thought this is
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tabloid. it's beyond tabloid. but the interesting thing about it is you saw it in one of those clips where it said viral videos. the video res driving. i just wrote a piece about raw video driving on national agenda. this is what it looks like on a daily basis when video is driving what you do. it's astonishing. i saw a segment two weeks ago where they showed an suv stuck on the freeway and cars slamming it into it it at70 miles per hour. they kept playing it over and over and over. >> and you kept watching. >> i did. they then said hey, if you see a car stob stop, you should try to go around it. the apger woman said that is a very good idea. that's news you can use. >> fwri, it was a man who killed a sleep walking neighbor who was thought to be an intruder. gma is known to do some good
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news. but i was shocked, we talk about how often you see shocking video and somebody must have research to show this is -- >> this is right out of a consultant's handbook. it's also where we are on technology. it hands late to your online products. you're driving an audience to online wanting to see and see this video. these viral videos, as you know this is the point of the realm across all media. legacy newspapers want it on their noo news site. >> george stef nonly got the gma job, he's tossing to pieces about sensational murders. it seems like a waste of his time. >> he's making a salary, they're number one. >> in television it's hard to argue with being number one. >> i wouldn't question that. but the american public is being cheated when you ask what
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stories aren't they doing because they're doing these? when you don't use the wisdom of stephanopoulos and robin roberts, you're wasting it and really, i don't want to overstate this but when you talk about dumbing down a country, dumbing down a national discussion, this is in the morning. you talked to this is producers and they'll tell you we give people the news and information they need to get through the day. >> the "today" show now in second place. matt lauer seems to land big interviews like the ray rice interview. cbs is in third place with a modest modest crease there. at least people still have auto choice. >> they were promoting all night in the football games this weekend and today. >> cbs? >> you don't hire charlie rose and then have him -- maybe charlie will be doing this. there it is, charlie rows
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chasing tigers. getting up early to watch these shows, after the break charls weighs in on the art of punditry, the whether he ever worries about seeming too part partisan. thanks. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) ♪ ♪ cut it out. >>see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪
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a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all printers are on sale. plus great deals on hp ink and toner. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. fox news alert. the president's vacation officially over. air force one touching down just outside of washington, d.c. the family wrapping up their christmas break in hawaii. and a new political landscape awaits. the president says he is willing to find common ground with the gop. the new session set to convene on tuesday. and saying farewell to another of new york city's finest. a live look at the funeral for officers wenjian liu. he is one of two police officers
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killed in cold blood in his patrol car two weeks ago. that service started about 30 minutes ago. thousands of mourners are attending. the service includes traditional chinese customs his patrol partner's funeral occurred last sunday. i'll see you up at the top of the hour with more news. now back to "media buzz" and howie kurtz. >> he's a one time democrat. a doctor by training, a newspaper columnist by trade, a fixture of special reports. what makes charles particular? i saw down with him. charles, welcome. >> pleasure to be here. >> you always seem so certain in your opinion. do you ever look at an issue and say, ghee, i'm not sure what i think about that. is that allowed? >> when you're young. i've been at this for 30 years. and it isn't as if new issues
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keep popping up. i mean, new forms of old issues. but i've been in so many debates for so many years that i sort of have the rhythm of it. i mean, there are a lot of things that come up where i'm ambivalent or i could go either way. for instance, the normalization with cuba. in principal, i could see the argument. i think the way it was carried out was problematic. when that happens i try to express my am big lens. >> what is the difference for you between sitting down to write a column and sounding off on tv? >> on a column, you can correct yourself. when you're on live television, you're a wolenda of the high wire. i like the immediacy of television and it's almost great fun. writing is painful television is fun. but when you write, as you know you get to go over it. and the way i do it is i spend
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all my time editing. first, the draft i do within 15 or 20 minutes. then it's editing over and over. so smooth out the edges. >> good writing is rewriting. and it's fun. i like that part. >> you've been critical of president obama on so many fronts. do you risk being seen as overly partisan when it comes to the president? >> yes, i do. >> it's a risk you're willing to take? >> look, i started out life as a doctor and i quit to do -- to get involved in some way in public debate. and i did it for one reason. i just found, you know there were a lot of things happening in my time and i wanted to have some small part in the -- in the development of things. so i did this because there were things i wanted to say, i think so i believe in. if i don't say what i believe and what i really think then this whole career is pointless.
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there's one other point. if you try to tailor what you say to fit or you worry about people who same i'm overly partisan, you don't remember the stories you make up. there is a great line in a green novel where he's talking about a spy. he says he would prefer to tell the truth. it was easier to memorialize. that is my motto. >> you talked about ambivalence on some issues or maybe a good word is nuance. immigration, a thorny issue. you said border fence plus amnesty. yes, amnesty, you used the work shock and awe in return for full border enforcement. i'm sure some fox viewers don't like to hear the word amnesty from you. >> no. i've said it on the air. a collection of myself. i wouldn't change a word about the column and i believe it's less popular now than it was in the bush years. it was a bush idea at the time.
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but just because of the fashion has changed it's no reason i should. >> so you don't feel like you've shifted your position on this? >> not at all. it's the same. you gave me enforcement, i'm give you amnesty. short of citizenship. i don't think the generation that came across illegally ought to pilot or have a voice in our political evolution. legalization, work. staying here. yes, sure. >> the new republic just suffered a mass resignation under hits chris hughes but it wunt once employed you and fred barnes and ed sullivan and other conservatives. what do you think of the meltdown there? >> i think it's become less relevant. when i happened to be there in the 1980s, as you well remember that was a heyday. in part it was because we had this mixed eclective mix. it was a liberal magazine.
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i was more liberal than i am now. >> so you're a recovering democrat? >> i was getting mugged by reality. it was a slow motion mug. and i came out of it intact as a conservative a decade later. but the foreign policy, i did most of the writing on that and i was always conservative on that. people don't remember that in the 1970s, there was a strong conservative wing of the democratic party. pat moynahan scoop jackson, they were the coalition for a democratic majority mt. for the present dangers. that is where i came out of. joe lieberman is the last of though those mohicans. obviously you had no home in the end. >> but can a magazine focusing exclusively on policy and politics even break even any more in this age of free stuff on the internet? >> in the past the new remember
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never did. >> proudly lost money. >> exactly. i think the joke was they were in the black one year and had a pizza party to celebrate and that put them in the red. >> but as a supporter of intellectual discourse, is it at all depressing that it is harder for print publications of this kind -- not the kind that put celebrities on the cover, certainly, but this kind to make it any more? >> i'm not sure they ever had an easy time. the nation has an angel on the left. the weekly candidate. i'm not sure any of them really make money. you try to break even so you don't ruin your ben factor and bankrupt him. but it's always been that way. >> you were trained, as you mentioned, as a doctor. does that affect your political prognostications? >> oh, no it never does. however, my training as an m.d.
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has made me open to empirical evidence. and when you talked about my evolution from a liberal to a conservative it isn't that i had an epiphany. i was open to empirical evidence, i saw it didn't work and i change. that is the major influence on my life. >> thanks for letting us put you on the couch, charles. >> thank you. ahead, how the media handled the latest missing plane. but up next, mike huckabee is leaving fox news. does it matter whether reporters like him or jeb or rand or hillary? she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved
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we're back with the panel with mike huckabee leaving fox news to explore 2016. whatever you think of mike huckabee, most reporters like the guy and find him unpretentious and acceptable. how much does that buy you? >> it gets you attention at the beginning when you need it. he won't have any trouble getting earned media. how far, askccain what happens over a long period oim of time? over time that degree of scrutiny and attention, they tire of you and they bite the hand that feeds you and it's probably a negative in the long run. >> a number of reporters have
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jeb bush's e-mail address. he's hardly a remote figure to the press corps like mitt romney was. >> this matters, the connection with the press. when i worked in florida with the miami herald, i would get calles from charlie crist on saturday morning. these things go a long way. i think it softens the media in my opinion. and i see the way they're harder on the candidate that's keep them at arm's-length. >> when i worked in new york i used to get hour long calls from cuomo. hand wall gives lots and lots of interviews. >> rand paul is ride ago wave of warm media feeling. in the end, of course reality sets in and you don't win a primary just because the media likes you, but there's to doubt that rand paul is in a nice place with the media right now. hillary clinton, i think not so much at the moment.
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>> and that is what i was going to come to which is hillary had a famously testy relationship with the president in the '08 campaign. i think it hurt her. i don't know how she will proek approach the media this time around. >> it's indicative of a memory that what they would like to do is put hillary clinton in a protective bubble and floats her through the process. every election is a character election. every lekz election is a trust election. if people don't get to know you and see you in real life it's not going to work for you. >> and that bubble everyone knows, including the hillary team, is the wrong approach. >> i'm sure some people are watching saying who cares journalists are human beings, if they're flying around the country, it does matter at the margins and was conveyed in the tone of the profiles. >> absolutely.
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the types of stories reporters will hear about what you see in terms of how much do you want to investigate one candidate versus another, we certainly saw that in the general election with mccain and obama. i think anyone here could say he wasn't in love with president obama and he got the more favorable treatment in that campaign. >> susan chris, meryl thanks so much for doing double duty this sunday. after the break, the founder of tmz, some of our busiest interviews of 2014.
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we talked to bob woodward the day after ben bradley died. and i asked him about the risks that he and colburn took in reporting the watergate story. publishing these stories, you're not naming the sources. you believe you've got good sources. but we don't have documents we don't have tapes, we don't have videos. you go home with a lump in your stomach. and it's a kind of -- it's not doubt. it's -- as catherine graham said when is the whole story going to come out? and we kind of thought maybe never. i think there's a great lesson in all of this for older reporters like you and myself. and for younger reporters, the facts. you know, who are the witnesses? how do they know this? do they have an ax to grind? it is a reality now in my view that in the obama administration there are lots of unanswered
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questions about the irs, particularly. if i were young, i would take carl bernstein and move to cincinnati where that irs office is and set up headquarters. go talk to everyone. >> i love that. go to cincinnati young man. i had a rather spurted exchange with harvey levin of tmz after the site obtained videos of ray rice bunchpunching his fiance and we got to checkbook journalism. >> do you think the ex clue sifs is kaenging the view of tmz being a raunchy tabloid operation? >> we have been around nine years. if you look at the stories we have broken they are stories literally every newscast in america has put on their air. i would take issue with the way you are describing it. if that's the case, you guys have been spoonfed this stuff over at fox news as well as everywhere else for nine years
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and you have been taking our stories. i guess i will rest on that. >> we all live in tmz's world now. i had a fox anchor ask me on air, how much do you think tmz paid for the videos? i don't know if you paid in this case or not but you have acknowledged the general practice. does it tarnish tmz? are sources motivated by money? >> let's get down to it. you work for a news operation that pays for video, okay? let's acknowledge that right now. fox news channel pays for video. so does abc and so does nbc cnn, and every news cop radiation in america. newspapers, too. when you use pictures and gette images you pay for it. splash video, you pay. when a stringer says i have a picture -- >> those are professionals. >> you pay for it. >> no, they're not. >> i see it differently. but harvey is a good debater. ever wonder why interviews with
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athletes are so boring? michael strahan had insight. on the question of handling the media why is it you see the athlete say, well just taking it one day at a time. we beat a very good football team. i'm trying to keep my focus. in other words, it's almost like they are trying to be boring. >> guys are trying to be boring. no one wants the coach to say, come into my office son. why would you say this, do that? you don't want to be the sound bite guy. you're almost scared into not being yourself. that's the hard part about dealing with the media is to be yourself but not be afraid of that. also being smart enough to know how to craft your answers and not get yourself in trouble. >> bob costas, the nbc sports caster has a nose for controversy. >> you have a knack for hitting hot button issues. you have become a lightning rod for many conservatives including here at fox. >> yes. >> who seem to feel you are way out on the left. is bob costas a wild-eyed liberal who has a deep voice and a love of sports?
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>> no no. i would be disingenuous isf i said i don't lean left of center. i will use an example that might be relatable to the fox audience. to the, tent that i am liberal i'm like aen juan williams liberal who will call out the excesses and the contradictions of the extreme left. to the extent i'm conservative i'm like bernie goldberg. there are common sense issues on which i would agree with hip. on the other hand, the know nothing part of the spectrum where people reflexively defend phil robertson type person. i'm not in that camp ever. >> you're not a "duck dynasty" kentucky. >> -- conservative. >> a lot of people who watch fox news would be surprised how much charles krauthammer, rich lowry, how much i nod in agreement and respect those voices.
8:54 am
>> put some other 2014 videos on the website. we look forward to pressing people about the media. still to come, your top tweets and the media on another missing asian jet but steering clear of the black hole of speculation. does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all printers are on sale. plus great deals on hp ink and toner. office depot & officemax. gear up for great.
8:57 am
first a sad note. espn anchor stuart scott lost his battle with cancer at age 49 this morning. former colleagues said he didn't just push the envelope, he bulldozed it. it's fitting to bid him farewell with his signature line boo-ya! as we came back ready to look at television's absurd performance after the disappearance of the airasia flight we found another jet missing in the same region.
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while cnn went wall to wall with the coverage there was little about mysterious black holes or terrorism. >> we start with breaking news. a search is under way after an airasia flight carrying 162 people from indonesia to singapore lost contact with air traffic controllers. >> this is a fox news alert. an airasia flight from indonesia to singapore has gone missing. >> a nighttime search at sea suspended. more than 13 hours now, we are looking at the clocks. after a passenger jet with 162 people on board went missing in southeast asiament. >> at the moment they still don't know if it's in one piece or broken up. the person from cnn said he could not confirm the report that the plane is upside down. >> why the outbreak of sanity? there was a likely cause of a pilot trying to avoid a thunderstorm and parts of the wreckage were found after two days. i suspect a collective desire to avoid a replay of the con
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supersi theories that made the media look ridiculous. here are a few of the top tweets. should the media give obama credit for the improving economy? if he gets blamed when it's bad he gets credit when it's good. steve wrote, give it to the american business people who find a way to do business in the obama world. give obama credit only if he takes the blame for his failures. he gets no credit from me. graham, no, the media are shouldn't give credit for things but report fairly and leave conclusions to readers and viewer. we live in an opinionated immediate i can'ter world. a lot of people want the facts. that's it for this edition. happy new year to you. i hope many of you got a break and are ready for a great new year ahead. we hope you will like our facebook page. we post a will the of original content. e-mail me. we'll respond on video and on facebook and twitter.
9:00 am
be part of the segment we call your buzz. we are back next sunday morning at 11:00 and 5:00 eastern with the latest buzz. fox news alert to oh the grim search for wreckage and victims from flight 8501. authorities say they have discovered several large objects at the bottom of the java sea believed to be pieces of the missing plane. but more dangerous weather is keeping divers from reaching the wreckage. welcome to "america's news headquarters". >> hello everyone. despite the severe and unforgiving conditions, search crews are optimistic they can recover the black boxes tomorrow. that would help in finding the cause of the crash. this as we learn teams have recovered four more bodies now, bringing the toe tall to 34 of 162 vichose who were on board.
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