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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  January 6, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PST

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cowboys victory hug much adieu about nothing or a political gaff? good night from washington d.c. see you tomorrow night right here at 7:00 p.m. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" what is adrian broady up to since his last film? watch as we try to catch up to the nation's greatest living actor. and does the president want to make watching "red eye" mandatory for all citizens because it is the best show of all time? >> we haven't done much about it, well today we are doing something about it. >> and finally, have humans discovered the location of the fortress of solitude? and is the man of steel surprised it took us this long to find it? >> it has been a longtime coming now. >> none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> i'm joanne nosuchunsky in for greg gutfeld who is homesick in bed.
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seriously, he is. it is gross. she is smarter than smart water, smartphones and smart cars. i am here with fox news national security analyst, kt mcfarlane. and i like to say unlike greg i like his sweaters. it is tv andy levy. he is a big fan of the penguin. i love any movie morgan free man narrates. go proud co-founder and communication specialist from mcdonald hopkins government strategies. and sitting next to me is comedian sam morrell. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> pan -- pancakes with a side of protest. yes, as if brunch wasn't already controversial enough. over the weekend new york city and oakland protesters disrupted brunch spots with what they called white -- what they call white spaces by
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reading the names of african-americans killed by police. >> stand for justice. >> stand for black life. >> one woman tweeted this picture and wrote interruptiing white supremacy one at a time. they posted this photo saying black people are dying. white dude sips coffee. # black lives matter. another person tweeted this pic and said, attention, white man, i have no problem disturbing your brunch. it is you who has no right to be here. not surprisingly, there was backlash. one said what did you do in the race war grandpa? you said in the green room, quote, good for the protesters making those white people uncomfortable. that surprised me.
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>> if you look at the pictures there were three dozen people there. i don't think that qualifies as a protest. that is not even a line at starbucks. >> they did get a lot of exposure and isn't that the point of protests? >> if you were at this brunch -- >> i don't do brunch. >> oh, well you just shot down my question. if you were at lunch because you know maybe some people chose a salad instead of pancakes. >> i am gay but not that gay. >> what if you were seated there and these people came in? >> i would have continued to eat my lunch. >> i like that. sam, what is more offensive white supremacy or charging $23 for eggs benedict. >> they both suck. my ex-girlfriend was pro both. it is good to raise awareness but not the place. you can see how uncomfortable they are getting.
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they said please, i can't breathe. it is not the place. it is good to raise awareness. they are eating. >> these restaurants had nothing to do with police brutality which is what they are supposed to be about. is it really the best way to go about the protest? >> they didn't want us to protest outside for a long period of time. it smelled good in the restaurant. they had a little brunch on the side. i think it is really important to just put this into perspective. who are the people in new york? who is the nypd? these are the guys who ran into the burning twin towers. they were going out gun happy and hurting people deliberately. bad things have happened and people should be held accountable. to somehow say we will declare war on the entire nypd the nypd in the whole year of 2014, they fired their guns 81 times. this is in a city of millions of people, millions of
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tourists. put it into perspective. these are not the guys who are out to hurt people. >> they are also the guys who are not out to brunch. >> donuts. it is always donuts. >> they are at the dunkin' donuts. as the only black person on this panel what did you make of this brunch protest? >> i would say that there was a noticible decline in the number of brunch tweets from the white progressives i follow on twitter. isalute the protesters for that. >> they were food pictures. >> if they can do the airline selfie tweets. >> this was i guess i will advised -- ill advised but that said i don't really get the whole i am all for protesting, but not disrupting things argument. then what you are saying is please make your point in a way that i don't have to be exposed to it which defeats the purpose of protesting. protesting will be disruptive. it has to be to get its point across.
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the funniest thing is in general the people at brunch are probably going to be white progressives. you are probably sitting there interruptiing people who would tend to agree with you. again, i tactically probably ill advised. >> so my advice for people having brunch if it happens again, this is what you should do, and it is what i would do. i would make room at my table. i would say come and sit and share some of my waffles. i get a little emotional when i am hungry. it is nice to share. the thing is if these protesters want some understanding, they want a conversation. then you have to let me listen and respond. just doing all of this, i understand you want to read all of the names and that's wonderful, but if it is a discussion you want and if you want people to join with you in solidarity, then you have to allow them to do so. and people -- you know, they love their brunch. when people start getting in
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their face while they are eating i am territorial. i am like a dog. i am not all about this. what about you and your food. >> that's the single guy meal right there. >> speaking of meal. >> the worst part is trying to go to bed at night and the captain crunch are everywhere. >> everywhere. and there is no woman to say clean this up. >> it is there for tomorrow. it is to snack when you wake up. or robots, they are just like us. they watch cooking videos and are mystified by guy fee yarr re's hair. researchers are teaching cullary art by teaching tutorials on the internet. it is artificial intelligence. the researchers say, quote, we believe it raises hope toward a fully intelligent robot that can automatically enrich its own knowledge resource by watching recordings from the worldwide web.
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ii don't understand any of that. enough robots will be learning to make funny outfits for cats and posting racist comments on-line. i believe we have one of the cooking videos they showed to the robots. >> yum. kt yada, yada, technology, go ahead. can you explain this to me? deep learning? >> i went and looked at the mit website. this is where the smart people go to cruise the worldwide web. >> i went to east carolina. >> there was a movie in the late 60s. >> "space on had --" space
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odyssey" where the computer takes over. the robots will be smarter than people and they will end up taking over the world. in the last several years the technology now exists to do that. what this does -- it is deep learning. what this is is because we now have massive data that we can collect and analyze quickly it now makes it possible for a robot that is really just a computer to look through human behavior patterns learn them and replicate them. why is this different? in the good old days, 10, 20 years ago the computer is stuff you put information in. the computer could access it quickly and the same information comes out. this is the whole thing. this is the computer is taking in the information you are giving it, and it is making the decision process. we are getting closer and closer. >> sam, there are some awful behavior patterns. on youtube there are
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interesting tutorials. >> the real question is can they do the dishes too? yeah, what is weird to me is every time we talk robots is there are sex robots and cooking robots. clearly these are being made by man. if women made these robots there would be a robot who listened. >> took out the trash. >> didn't tell her sister she looked hot. different types of robots. >> that's amazing. >> do you think these robots being able to prepare vegetables and things like that may replace chefs and not complain about making minimum wage? >> it is possible. if they keep sneaking across the border, that robot border we have, it could happen. >> what i was surprised with, there were things on the internet not related to porn. i was surprised they could show robot cooking videos. that's all i got. >> sometimes if you search cooking videos or just do searches -- >> you can find some weird
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stuff. >> andy, how long before they have their own youtube cooking channels that will put everyone out of every job? >> here is my new theory which i will probably change a week from now but for today here is my new theory. we have nothing to fear from the rise of the machines because we are aware of the dangers of the rise of the machines because of all of the movies and the books we have about the dangers of the rise of the machines. we've got 2001 and we have the terminator movies. >> battle star galactic caw. >> the real housewives of orange county. >> we have all of that. we know that we need to be careful and we need to keep them in check. so that isry for this week which next week will be completely different and i will be terrified of the robots. >> the main thing i am concerned about is i love human error, and i love when humans do awful things. if i now have a robot cooking my food i know it is not going to spit in my food. but i like the thrill of not
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being sure. it makes the dining -- >> they are going to take that into consideration and every now and then spit if your food. spit in your food. >> so many miss fires here. >> here is the thing. what happens when the robots punches you back? >> that's when i have to learn how to take a punch from a robot. maybe we can cut that part? riding a sled fills them with dread. they are saying hell no to sun and the snow. they are planning to ban sledding in all but two of the city's 50 parks. it is the subject of tonight's -- it is a dangerous activity. last year alone 40,000 children in america died from sledding according to
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statistics i just made up. but the city council members in due biewk are concerned about huge liability claims from injuries. for example in sioux city iowa a man was awarded $3 million in a sledding lawsuit. he says, we have all kinds of parks that have hills on them. we can't manage the risk at all of those places. similar bans are in place at new jersey and nebraska and a hamster wheel ban was put into place after this accident. >> he is good. he got right back up. andy, seriously over a 10-year period 20,000 children a year were treated in the emergency rooms for sledding-related injuries. are kids just not doing it right?
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>> that's not enough. >> right? isn't that what sledding is all about? >> there was one reason and one reason for this. i don't blame debuke. this is the american people's fault. this is the same thing i said when the theater owners decided not to screen the -- "the interview." you can't have the instinct to sue and then yell at the cities that take chances. you have to pick one. as long as people want to sue and be treated like children and think nothing is their fault and they have to be taken care of, this is what you will end up with. >> you have kids. >> a lot of kids. >> did they sled? >> sure. >> and you let them? >> sure. i went to the emergency room too. >> is that bad parenting? >> i turned out really well. >> but this is serious thing. >> does anybody remember diving boards on pools? somebody jumped off the diving
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board and there was a tragic accident and sued and as a result no town, city or municipality in america wants diving boards on swimming pools. it is not because anybody has had an accident at their town. it is because they can't get insurance. if they can't get insurance, then nobody goes to the swimming pool. >> speaking of pools, some pools will have a notice that says no lifeguard on duty. can't they just have notices up that say sled at your own risk? >> i think they should and you are right. the problem is we have a uh sigh tee that has done nothing. >> casey taught me that word. >> can you spell it? >> i think the bigger question is why are all of the states that are banning sledding completely flat to begin with? iowa has a big sledding problem? what are they sledding off? >> it is not like colorado or like vermont or something? i don't know.
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>> they are not used to hills the one they have people get hurt. >> should we expect them to protect all people even those who make bad choices? >> if you are an adult and you get -- i guess as a kid i get it. from you an adult and you get in a sledding accident you werement to get in that -- you were meant to get in that accident. i like that they replaced it with a dog park. how great would it be that the second they opened it a dog bit them. >> it was like the old joke the kid who swallowed marbles wouldn't grow up to have more kids who swallowed marbles. this is evolution at work. if you are dumb enough to go crazy ass sliding down the hill and run into a tree, then guess what. >> the key graph in the ap story read in the past people may have embraced a wild west
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fill philosophy but now they expect government to prevent dangers wherever when ever possible. that's the problem right there. that's what we want government to do now. >> do we really? >> i think enough people do so for the rest of us it doesn't matter. once enough people want that and they are willing to sue, and they will sue even if there are signs up -- i. >> i didn't see the sign. >> sled at your own risk. >> i think this is a great opportunity for a new business venture creating helmets specifically for sledding or gear to protect your kids. anyone can go in on it with me. this is my idea so that will all be mine. coming up i continue hosting at the oscar party. wine for everybody. but first, wearing a hoodie might be against the law. the news that is making hipsters everywhere ironically cry.
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if you wear a hood you are up to no good. that's the logic behind the banning of hoodies in public. the state has long had a law making it illegal to wear a hood or mask while wearing a crime. but a proposed amendment would make it unlawful for anyone to quote intentionally conceal his or her identity in a public place by means of a robe, mask or other disguise. the intent is to make businesses and public places
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safer but one attorney says while the law may be well -intentioned they over reached a bit. speaking of overreaching. >> unfortunately not. does this make you want to move to oklahoma? >> i already did and even more so. they do this -- places do this -- bars do this. like no hoodies no baggie jeans. just say what you mean. we are not comfortable with black people with the whole hoodie thing. the idea of outlawing gar mantes is ridiculous -- gar manets is unbelievable. from you a woman living in oklahoma things just got spicy.
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>> is this a brilliant law, dumb law or both? >> it is a dumb law. >> and this is a republican senator who introduced this in deep red ace ace moving for what many of us know is republicans are just as crappy as democrats. this is ridiculous. the thought that we are going to ban somebody from wearing a hoodie? you may as well just say you want to know what? we are uncomfortable with black youth. what else? we are uncomfortable with what? >> you wear them. >> all the time. >> so this amendment would make it a $500 fine if you wear the hoodie in public. >> and you were saying in the green room that is not strong enough. >> what is so looney was the initial part was if you are wearing a hoodie and you commit a crime, well, wait a
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minute. you committed a crime but you will get a fine because you were wearing a hoodie? if you were not wearing it you will not get a fine? >> well your picture lar everywhere. >> sure, the mug shot alone. >> you have to consider that. >> do you think the law will pass? >> i don't think it will. and that is a shame. >> i love when they pass the laws laws and then they get slapped down. >> apparently the reason they passed the law originally like you can't wear it in the commission of a crime was because of the klan. i think it would be fine constitutionally if a business wanted to say no hoodies. if a restaurant said no hoodies, do what you want. the state can't pass a law telling people you can't wear a hoodie in public. >> the issue is with how a lot of people are covering the
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wording of this amendment. the word is intentional that you are looking at. it is not banning hoodies. it is people who are intentionally trying to conceal their identity. >> if you have a reason you would have to fight this. if it is religion, health reasons, protecting one's self from the weather. >> the constitution does president say that. the constitution doesn't say you have the first amendment right to do something in free speech as long as it involves religion or it is cold outside or you are wearing the hoodie for a fashion statement. the government doesn't get to do this or shouldn't get to do this. republicans should not be out there trumpeting the big government crap. >> hoodies are comfortable. you say yes, i still live with my mom. >> you have a lot of hoodies. >> if you can't wear a mask in public it is awkward trying to get to the parties i like to
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go to. >> so i just -- then i have to carry the mask with me. >> i know you don't go to parties so i don't believe you. >> santa claus the hat, the beard. >> apparently you are making an exception for halloween. >> basically i think deterring crime is a good thing. >> that's good. >> i don't think this is the way to go about it. this is really a targeted effort at a certain group of people. and you can't do it constitutionally. >> no. >> sorry, oklahoma, you lose. >> coming up a med school makes students watch "seinfield." i know what doctors i won't be dating. first a word from our sponsor. >> our sponsor is mad scientists. they get a bad wrap, but what about things they have given us like nuclear energy and seedless watermelon and snap chat. not all scientists are bad
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can an app give you the clap? they are blaming a surge in std's in the rise of mobile dating apps. they blame hookup apps like tinder and grinder and christian mingle make casual sex too easy to find.
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between 2012 and 2013 gonna rhea was up and syphillis was up 1%. thandz to grind and tinder you can get chlamydia in five minutes. when you put it that way, it sounds like a bargain. i hear you laughing. >> do you want gonna rhea? i can make it happen. >> what do you make of the maps? >> my tinder pic is me. >> you know what, it is not only hookups, but i have had long-term relationships. by long-term we slept together and then 15 minutes later i was like, do you remember me? we met at buffalo wild wings? >> how could you not? >> wouldn't the culture make people want to be more careful? >> i think that's what is ridiculous about this story. i'm pretty sure you get
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sexually transmitted diseases from unprotected sex and not from science. >> it is still a question mark. >> you grew up in simpler times. >> yes. >> how much simpler? >> before most of these apps. >> do you feel you were at an advantage? >> i don't know quite how to answer that. >> what they need to have is the follow app. on tinder where you meet the person they give you suggestions about meeting places. 24r* is a bar down the street there is a restaurant a block away. they also say this is where the 24/hour pharmacy is and here is the emergency number of a doctor. >> there is growth there. >> can you imagine the ads?
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>> i think it is a great idea. >> andy, you mentored many college co-eds. do you encourage them to steer of apps like these? we didn't have these apps. >> we had to do it on our own this is people using their apps and getting a quick hookup and not using protection because they are drunk. that's what this is about. >> then it would be easy because you get one of the apps now and you can increasingly do bio metric reading. >> don't ruin it. >> come on. >> first of all, no one wants a hookup app they can't use when they are drunk. >> you nailed it. of course it is a hookup app. there is a gay equivalent and it is called grinder. >> i didn't know there was such a thing. gays don't beat around the book. it is called grinder. it is almost a verb. >> i am not sure that the issue is the hookup culture.
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the issue is lying. people readily lie about themselves. so on tinder or grinder, the pictures never look like the real person. people lie about the jobs they have had or how much they weigh or how much money they make. do you really expect someone to be truthful about their health history? >> that's why you have to take the protection yourself. >> a little perm responsibility. >> exactly. >> so kids be responsible about this. >> i do want -- >> use your hookup apps responsibly. >> i think all things that are old, they are new again. i am waiting for the traditional values to come back. i am so tired of just meaning less romps in the hey. hay. i president can't wait for the court ships again. >> you want letters? >> the letters are over rated. they are under rated. >> when you are in another city having sex with somebody you never met wear a condom.
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be responsible. >> i don't need a letter. >> i do. >> i don't talk to me. my 30th anniversary is next week. >> that's great. >> isn't it cool? >> moving on this show about nothing has something to offer rutgers med students. the associate professor of psychiatry is using seinfield episodes as a teaching tool for a class titled "sifeld" that's great. third and fourth year students are required to watch the 6:00 p.m. rerun every monday and thursday and discuss the episode in the next morning's rounds. students are told to identify the mental disorders displayed on the show such as jerry's ocd and george's ego -- egocent ri sm. students are asked to ask questions like what is the deal with that? and who are these people? one student loves the assigned viewing saying, quote it
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gives amor solid picture rather than giving you words. i agree. more pictures and less words please. chris, -- is it a good use of student money or a great use of student money? >> i think it is a great use of student money. i think i could pay attention in class. it is great. my one question would be is this the most relevant cultural thing for now? this would have been a great idea for 10 or 15 years ago. >> isn't "seinfield" time less? >> i think so. if you ask somebody 10 or 15 years younger than me they would say why "seinfield"? is the humor going to translate? >> totally. >> you think so? >> as long as they are white. >> or so you told us. we have no evidence of that. what show -- i was going to say video, but it is tv. what show would you want to watch? what other classes are we going to see? >> "breaking bad,"" the humanity" i don't know.
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imagine watching "seinfield" in season one. this is how you watch it. if jerry doesn't get to the mayo clinic the show will never make it. >> i think it is -- i don't know. this is not the way it is meant to be watched. enjoy yourself and laugh. don't worry about the weird personality traits of the characters. >> think about how those shows are in the gooder and simpler times. just think of today's shows "game of thrones." they are choke block with mental deviations and scandal. >> those shows -- i mean they are more modern. are we going to delve into the depths of newman's persona? >> when is pop culture educational, and when is it -- is this the teacher wanting to watch some "seinfield" while he drinks some bourbon on the rocks ? >> it is a great idea. there is only one thing i don't like. one of the students said it is helpful when we go on our rounds. are you going to be sitting
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there in the classroom 1234* are you going to be sitting there with actual patients and they will say oh, are you acastanza. >> does it make you think america is watching a show about a bunch of psych particulars? -- psychotics? >> no, it makes sense to me. i don't like the fact that they will be using the tbs version of the show. the original aired with the 4-3 aspect ratio and tbs is using the 16-9 version. it cuts stuff off the top and bottom of the frame. i agree that that is a problem. >> it is something i am paw -- petitioning for. i think greg has many disorders we can all learn from. being short is one of the biggest. i don't know if that can be helped. they haven't found a cure yet.
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>> that has to be something. he should never be a med student. do your professors ever do stuff like this? >> when i was at mit doing my course on nuclear weapons mind you. >> i'm sorry, i didn't mean to laugh like that. >> there was a study done about how many dates does the mit undergraduate have per semester? in good old fashion they defined a date. a date was sitting next to a girl in class saying i will see you at the dining hall. do you want to have a study date together? and it was the full-fledged i will pick you up and buy dinner and take you to the movies and take you home. guess how many dates the average mit undergraduate had per semester? >> 2.3. >> .9. >> is it considered a date if you hinder someone at2:00 a.m.? >> the app was probably created by mit. >> they were thinking .9
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dates, that's awful. >> but that's the kind of stuff they did at mit. >> we did not do that. >> we didn't go to class 2.9 times. >> up next, the oxymorons that workout while on vacation. first, here is what is coming up tomorrow on the independent is. >> hello beautiful children. the holidays are over, but it doesn't mean we should stop the partying. we will try to get people to dance. >> what is your signature dance? everybody wants to know? >> i don't have a signature dance. >> what is your signature dance. >> the dougie. >> and it is fresh. see you on fox business network.
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they are doing squats on yachts. yes, crossfit vacations allow the fitness obsessed to stay toned away from home which makes us wonder, is this evil? >> the super intense workout is a get fit get away. explained one company that offers crossfit vacations, quote, competitive exercises generally do not like to be kept away from their barbells or gyms for an extended period of time. by combining a destination -based vacation and taking the guesswork out of where your next workout is coming, we have made it easy for them. fitness freaks can choose from
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a range of cruises and destinations that integrate outdoor adventure and crazy hard workouts. sounds like not fun. so you were the biggest crossfit junky i know. do you like to lift bodies over your head and do 50 thousand squats and then go for a jog? how many vacations have you been on? >> a two-week crossfit vacation. i was not the participant. i was the provider. >> you are an enabler? >> one of my children came home and she is a crossfit fanatic. and her boyfriend watts there and they both go to crossfit and they have a workout plan and a schedule. at one point they said to my other daughter why don't you come along? >> it took her three days. she couldn't put the or gnawments on the trees she was
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so stiff. we got over it. >> does it sound like your vacation or are you more about rest and reracksation? >> it sounds like hell. >> this is an -- this is an actual test mown y'all. we dove the icy mid-atlantic rift. we carried parkers up craters. it sounds like the baton death mark. i'm sorry -- >> you are a guy who doesn't even who likes going sledding. >> i am not in a cult. this is scientology cult stuff. >> are you going to have to sign a waiver. >> if an oops happens, it is not our fault. >> we should encourage more of that. >> we can weed out the population of crossfiters. >> what would your ideal
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vacation be? >> not this. i can't imagine proposing this to a loved one. honey we are going away? >> we are going somewhere you can shed the love handles in no time. a little paradise i like to call give it one last shot. >> usually crossfit people find other crossfit people. >> you are looking at this all wrong. this is a great way to go on vacation and hookup with someone who is in really great shape. i will go on one of these and skip the exercise part. >> you will just work out in the lobby and offer free lates? >> i will be by the pool. will crossfit phase-out like jazzercise? >> probably. everybody will be doing the next thing. one person is quoted as saying i love the fact that the day
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would be planned for me. whatever fashist. go on vacation and do what somebody tells you every of the day? >> i don't think it would be easy to hookup on one of these thicks -- these things. there is probably no alcohol. >> alcohol is the basis of all good vacations. >> so, chris, i just found out we have something in common. you also think the alcohol is very important. >> there is essentially no vacation without alcohol. i just went to toronto and when people came back they said what did you do? i said i drank. people ask me and i say, i can't remember. that's the best vacation. vacation should be about rest and relaxation. work out before the vacation. you can give the illusion that you are into fitness and all of that junk. and then drink and eat and relax. i don't like to live my life
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in extreme. i like moderation. except when i am on vacation. then i am extremely gluten ous. >> i think people are going on crossfit vacations and they are being obsess said gluten nuss about other things. you tell me who will feel better. >> you need to stage an intervention. are you going to let your daughter join scientology? >> are you not supposed to feel good on a vacation. >> then you look forward to coming home. >> speaking of coming back. coming up, a naked woman stuck in a chimney. and do you have videos of animals? send them to us at fox eye.
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>> she needs one of those. >> he got up there with the extension cord. >> and i have to admit when i read this story, the first thing i thought was thank god i'm gay. we have our own issues, but no
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dude will climb down a chimney. >> thank god like more power to you straight guys. >> this is crazy. >> kt why do you think she had to take her clothes off? does that make a difference? >> when did she take them off when she got stuck? couldn't have done it there, right? >> i don't think so. >> what if he lit a fire? that would have been awful. >> are you saying he should have lit a fire sph i would like to disassociate myself from that. this is a perennial christmas problem. you are having cocoa and writing letters to santa and go to bed. there is always one kid that says what if santa claus is burned when he is trying to come down the chimney?
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does santa claus get burned when he comes down the chimney and so you don't have the fire in the fireplace. this is a big philosophical question. >> andy speaking of santa wouldn't you say she has a bag full of crazy? >> yes, this just happened last week. my guess is she was trying to play santa, but because she was a woman she was late. >> that was good. i will let it slide. >> the other one she deserved to get stuck because she violated rule number one of escaping from the ex's place. always grease up. that's rule number one. if you are not going to grease up you are wasting everyone's time. >> and snack really light ahead of time. you -- i do think love makes people do crazy things. this is one of the most romantic things that happened to this gentleman. >> for sure. >> and now he needs a new chimney. >> and also point out they have children together and she is not allowed near the
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children. >> shocker. >> she is a little crazy. >> a special thanks to kt mcfarland and tv's andy levey and sam morrell. that does it for me. i'm joanne nosuchunsky. i will see you next time. ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ ♪ know when to run. ♪ ♪ you never count your money, ♪ ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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that's just me. hello, everyone, i'm dana, along with kimberly, bob and greg, and this is "the five." it's a new year and a new era is set to begin in washington. the 114th congress convenes tomorrow in full republican control. and while gop lawmakers and the president have pledged to work together on issues like free trade and overhauling our tax system. there will be plenty of clashes ahead over highly contested ones like immigration and health care. so what should republican strategy be for 2015? here's incoming senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> when the american people are


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