tv The Kelly File FOX News January 7, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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men dressed in black, seen here, faces concealed carrying weapons and forcing a mother to use her security code to open the door for the offices of a satirical newspaper. inside staffers were holding an editorial meeting unaware they'd be murdered. witnesses say the terrorist cowards said ala akbar. a fierce advocate of free speech was on al qaeda's most wanted list.
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an 80-year-old george lewinski, a lead cartoonist and a 57-year-old. but assassinations did not end with these men and others inside the blood thirsty terrorists murdered a police officer. and he was shot point blank and the terrorist calmly returned to the get away car and sped off. the french president raced to the scene, vowing to track down the killers we're working to confirm possible arrests in this case. as the darkest side of humanity rears it's evil head best and
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brightest side rises up as well. pouring out support for the french on social media and cities everywhere. hundreds gathering on a frigid night in show of solidarity. folks gathering in london holding antennas in the air. and in france tens of thousands taking to the streets there signs reading i am charlie. and then, this message. two little words. this time, the english, not afraid. this message from the nation whose motto is liberty, equality fraternity that stood by the united states for centuries, the nation that gifted us with a treasured symbol of all, the statue of liberty. just steps from ground 0.
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tonight, report from paris, greg? >> it's just after 3:00 a.m on thursday. it been a very long night for police. they search for the brutal gunmen responsible for the death of a dozen people just about a block from here the action over the past several hours shifted as you have noted about # 0 miles to the northeast. police staging a raid they say is related to this attack spawning reports. but one of the suspects were surrendered and killed and arrested we have been in contact with the police and interior ministry and do not have a confirmation on that. the report is that the manhunt continues. what we have been told by police is that these guys were on their radar, one reportedly had a terror conviction relating to
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shuffling individuals from here in france into iraq to fight the coalition forces there. also, reports that two of these gunmen had made trips to syria as well just in 18 months or so. perhaps explaining why they did their acts with precision and military-like skill in the killing of the 12, injuring of 11 more and getting away. getting away, so far without a trace. the manhunt is on. 500 police have been added to the very strong french police force, and also, not just involved in a manhunt but throughout various locations, landmarks here in france. and as you have noted france not only searching for the killers but remembering them and remembering what they stood for and what they stood against. freedom of expression
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a big rally by 25,000 people attending and i'll ask my cameraman to just shoot down this -- this is a small memorial but heart felt to the individuals to the people slain, canned yale yell -- candles and never forgetting. >> this publication has been at the center of threats for years. trace ghallager reports on those. >> the newspaper that coming out of wednesday's reports opinions sh jokes and cartoons the paper is antireligion, and has made fun of everything from islam to catholicism to french politicians the first run was 1969 to 1981. then shut down and began again in 1993. in 1997, charlie hebdo was sued
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by muslim groups claiming it was racist. a judge ruled in favor of the paper. a controversial issue called shary. . a hebdo the prophet mohammed was listed as a guest editor in chief and 100 lashes of the whip if you don't die laughing. the paper's office was fire bombed but in 2012 charlie hebdo was back ate, publishing a series of cartoons depicting momented, even a nude mohammed. >> the purpose is that it doesn't create more problems that we can talk about islam in france as talking about other subjects talking about all religions. >> the last tweet sent by the newspaper was a cartoon futuring the leader of isis. megyn? >> thank you. my next guest has been criticized for what he has said
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about radical islam. mark stein is a writer of "the undocumented mark stein" don't say you weren't warned. thanks for joining us. i know you knew some of the men who worked at this publication. your thoughts on what we have seen today? >> yes. they were very brave, and this was the only publication that was willing to publish the danish mohammed cartoons in 2006. i'm proud to have written for the only canadian magazine to publish those cartoons and because the "new york times" didn't and the london times didn't, and all of the other great newspapers of the world didn't only charlie hebdo and my magazine in canada and others did. but they were forced to bear a burden that should have been more widely dispersed i see teary vigils and everybody
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to be for freedom of speech. one consequence is that a lot of people will retreat further into self censorship. new york daily news won't show it dishonors the dead by not showing properly the cartoons they pixelated mohammed out of it, but left the jew in. you can say anything you like about christianity and about judaism, but these guys everyone understands the message. if you say something about is slam, these guys will kill you. we'll be retreating into more self sensorship if the pansy fied western media doesn't man up and decide to take the risk. so they've got to kill all of us
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>> the decision not to publish these images of the prophet mohammed may have been done because they found those offensive. saying they won't republish images mocking jesus christ and other religious figures has it morphed to a place where it's not just about respect for religion, it's about fear? i mean that newspapers news organizations -- fear? >> your point of view is valid if you're a cartoon editor of the new yorker. and those fellows in denmark send you the cartoons and you think these are not particularly funny or well drawn but the fact the "new york times" and l.a. times and boston globe and boston tribune and irish times and sunday star times in new zealand didn't publish them after people have been killed for them and they're a news story now, not a cartoon. it's not an artistic judgment
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but the fact they won't show you them, after people have been killed for them, shows that we're retreating the media which congratulates itself on its bravery as one of the most-tedious institutions for handing out awards for bravery the fact they didn't have courage to show cartoons after becoming a news story is why these brave then at charlie bebdo had to bear the burden almost single handed what the new york daily news did is disgraceful and dishonors the dead >> you've studied a lot about red cal islam. we get a report in weeks of another lone wolf terrorist attack. one had a terror conviction under his belt. what should the west be doing or not doing to stop this? >> well we need to be honest.
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john kerry today said that this was a battle between civilization and pregnant pause, the forces opposed to civilization. perhaps he'd like to be more specific. these men all have something in common and john kerry isn't prepared to address it and president obama disgracefully said the future should not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam under american law you can't slander a bloke who died in the seventh century the head of the country with the first amendment shouldn't be standing up and indicating he was willing to trade off freedom of speech. he said the future of those
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shall not belong to those who slander the name of islam. he talked the talk and these savage murderers in paris walked the walk. so words matter so as long as the president and john kerry and other people are dishonest and evasive about the source of the threat we will continue to lose great men like we did in paris today. >> mark styne thank you for being here. >> the president said you shouldn't condim other religions and so on. again tonight's breaking news in the paris manhunt. plus we have a kelly file exclusive, next, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell on the threat for radical islam, then, see what the administration is saying about the attack in paris after questioning this magazine's decision back in 2012. # >> we don't question the right
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of something like this to be published we just question the judgment behind the decision to publish it. no chest-beating monologues about engine size, horsepower, or performance. no anthemic soundtracks to stir the soul. just a ram heavy duty that can carry more weight than any other heavy-duty truck. get more facts at female vo: i actually have a whole lot of unused vacation days, but where am i gonna go? i just don't have the money to travel right now. i usually just go back home to see my parents so i can't exactly go globe-trotting. if i had friends to go with i'd go but i don't want to travel by myself. someday. male vo: there are no more excuses. find the hotel you want, and the flight you want,
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because that's how it should work in the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. what we're getting week after week in australia, here canada everywhere is these declarations that the war is ongoing and the left is the target. >> just before coming to air, i spoke to the new senate majority leader kentucky republican senator mish mcconnell in his first interview since the start
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of the new congress. >> it's great to see you. thank you for being here on what has been a busy news day. let's start with the news of the day. you suggested that this under score s in your view that suggestions last year that the war on terrorism is over were in error. were you referring to the president? do you think he has a handle on the terror situation? . >> i was referring. remember early last year he called isil the jv team. it's pretty clear they're not a jv team. and when you see random terrorist attacks across the world like in paris and boston it reminds us terrorists are out there. they want to kill us whenever they can find us not just in the middle east but here, on home turf. we're going to do everything we can to help the french but it
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underscores it's going to be a long-term problem that doesn't benefit from down playing significance of the whole terror threat against the western world >> the white house came out initially calling this an act of violence. and then they were told the french president was calling it an act of terroror, however, the president refused to use the term radical islam or jihad. do you think there is a decision not to link this action with that type of motivation despite the cries of alo akbar and the terrorists saying the prophet mohammed has been avenged? >> what what else can you conclude? they refused to call these attacks what they are. this is their version of what
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the religious inspiration seems to require them to do. to call it something else strikes me as being politically correct to a fault. >> does it malter? >> well, we just described what it is. and these are terrorist attacks spauped by a perverted notion of islam. not to call it what it is strikes me as just not being forth coming. with the american people or the world about what we think it is. >> senator lindsay gram says he believes the president's policies have made us less safe and in response to what we saw today, do you agree with that? >> absolutely. the president's policy is basically kill terrorist was drones. i'm not necessarily opposed to that but the important thing you can do is capture a terrorist and interrogate them.
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and the president doesn't want to us do that, either, he's in the procession of trying to close guantanamo bay which is the perfect place for foreign terrorists captured overseas he wants to main stream them because that means they're going to get a lawyer and shut up. the president's policy is two fold, one, to kill them which may be appropriate but you're not knot going to learn anything, or put them in a u.s. court, these are foreigners not entitled to the protections of the u.s. constitution. and they're told to shut up. >> part two of our conversation airs tomorrow night z we'll go live to ed henry after questioning this magazine in 2012. rick goldstein and juddy zasser
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are here to react. >> and bernie goldberg is here on what he calls hypocrisy behind some of the media outlets handling this, today. your eyes really are unique. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. that's why there's ocuvite to help protect your eye health. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb.
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behind the decision to publish it. >> ed? >> well the president wanted to take a victory lap on the economy in detroit he want that had to be the focus. that is part of the reason why they're caught off guard. and the current white house spokesman not calling it terror. and the president called us in, and cameras in to the oval office and meeting with the vice president as well as secretary of state john kerry. he did call it terror said we need to remain vigilant and also interesting, with what we're saying about jay carney the president defended this publication in france saying all americans need to just stand up for free expression. but that is different than what i did say two years ago. this is just september 2012 just days after the terrorist attacks. listen to the contrast on what
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he said. >> freedom of expression is something that can't be silenced >> the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet islam but those who condemn that slander must condemn the hate we see in images of jesus christ that are desecrated. >> that was the same speech where the president blamed benghazi on that anti-mohammed video but just point out in that speech the president said he would not ban the video because of free speech. >> we believe we may be about to get photos of at least two of the three suspected gunmen. we're going to put those on the air, we expect, when we come back, stay tuned. and the head of the catholic league suggested this magazine may have been partly responsible for bringing this attack on its
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self. that is just ahead. and we'll have that breaking news on the names and faces behind this attack with a fierce debate on the real of islam in all of this. brook goldstein and akmed unit are all here. >> we love freedom of speech. then she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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>> we know the murdered editor of the magazine are all on al qaeda's most wanted dead or alive list. last year, i asked ali on this show how she felt about the defenses of islam as a peaceful religion. watch. >> i think if we insult jews or christians in this country then you'll get people who will fight about their outrage but there is a fear if you insult muslims there is going to be violent reaper gs. >> tonight we're joined by brook goldstein, dr. judy zasser and
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dr. akmed. there is a fear you can't say certain things about is slam because you, someone may show up at your work place and shoot you in the head i mean is the fear not well founded? >> well, it is and this is the issue is that we muslims have to wake up to the fact that these groups are trying to impose de facto blasphemy laws on the west. the media are courageous people trying to speak out. the "new york times" has a piece about the blasphemy we need, talking about the speech that provokes violence, if you can't tolerate you don't deserve a seat at the table. that is what we need to wake up to the problem that we're denying and the west is
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facilitating the denial of. >> we're told these are the faces of terror these are said to be the two older suspects in the terrorist attack. and we'll put them on the board so viewers can see them. let me ask you about this. because there is no question these cartoonists were provoking and went to a place main stream muslims would find objectable, but not worthy of murder. but that is freedom of speech the more they react like this to freedom of speech should it be the response the more publications the more news organizations put those images front and center on newspapers and tv screens? >> what should be said is that he who opposes freedom, whether of expression or action, oop yoess god. and this is purse unite to the
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example of the prophet mohammed and koran themselves if there are listeners who are offended their offense and it's action must be within accord of what is permitted for a muslim, purse unite to the koran. >> these guys think they're acting in the name of god. >> and they're greatly misguided and the vast majority of the muslims in the world need to do much of what is being talked b there is a need for reform the average understanding of the koran and the tradition of the prophet mohammed the way we solve that problem is democracy, increasing literacy of the average citizen who happens to be a muslim the prime mary target of terror, so they can push back against radicalized ideologies that oppose the tradition of the
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prophet mohammed. >> brook, your take on it? >> what we saw is an attack on the ability to exercise our free speech. that is because terrorists understand the freed km of the press is the greatest weapon we have against tyranny. they want us to fear for our lives when we debate terrorism and root causes and in this case theology. it's lambism. they know if we speak freely about these issues and write cartoons and that debating the root causes we'll be able to understand them and then defeat them. that is why terror connected groups like council of islamic relations slander anyone talks about these issuesyo publicly as ib9"+k phobic and that is whyówo terror groups kill anyone that criticize militant
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islam. >> allow me to speak to that. any muslim institution that does not support a freedom for all people to articulate their critique icf4 islam is opposed to god. >> okay. but the problemhd is that there are a fair amount of those popping up. >> i have to tell you it's a fine to say this in the wake of this horrific murders but remember islamicist groups in france were suing this magazine for defaming islam. they were suing and trying to enact blasphemy laws so the group speaking on behalf of the community are fuelling the legitimacy of the fact that that speech should be blocked they're not saying the things you happen to be saying today. >> that is what happened to our lead guest he got sued for making comments
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about islam as well. brook, let me ask you. i asked mitch mcconnell whether or not it matters this is about the way in che we talk with the attacks and ideology. i ask mitch mcconnell does it matter the president didn't link this to radical islam sne said it does. your view? >> absolutely the fact the obama administration, though it's taken the opportunity must to make a grand statement about free speech has during the course of the administration does everything it can to stifle open dialogue about militant is slam from sponsing institutions that attempt to make it a crime to slander islam. sends a message to islamic terrorists not only we agree with them but it's not okay to exercise free speech when it's
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offensive to muslims but also, sends a message we don't have the back bone to defend the human right to free speech. >> let me ask you this brook. we talked about before coming to brake. phil donahue said he's had been enough of people insulting the prophet mohammed. he is not a muslim and he doesn't say they deserved it but says we have to look at that behavior and stop it as well. >> well, i would say that benjiman franklin once said whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. free speech including the right to criticize religion and government is the corner stone of liberal democracy without that right, no matter how offensive we are, we're not truly free. and terrorists understand that. that is why they want to stifle open debate that is critical of
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islam. >> the vast majority of muslims want freedom. they're competing in a market in which a minority want what they want and the only way that they can convince the vast majority of muslim that's want freedom to not acquire it is by telling them islam supports it and that is a fallacy. >> up next we're learning more about the suspects and will have it for you in just a moment. don't go away. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today!
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breaking tonight we just got the french equivalent for an all points bulletin the image shows two suspects, believed to be brothers and roughly translated said they may be armed and dangerous and and anyone has information to contact police. nothing so far in reports that what a number of journalists are arguing that terrorist attack was anrpej attack on every newsroom in every city, across the world. bernie goldberg joins me now. bernie good, to seeq"hñ you tonight. as president said it does feel like freedom was attacked today. >> yes.
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it does. and it was an attack on every newsroom and an attack on american values and democratic values wherever they are. i suspect the reaction from big journalism is going to be less than courageous now when a danish newspaperv: photos of the prophet mohammed and that started vandalism around the world 200 people left dead. what happened here in ameri . biggest newspapers 3úñ in the country, ones telling us about how cure ragis they are? k what did they do? refused to run the cartoons these where the cartoons that
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were at the heart at the center piece of the reason that they had many dead bodies in the streets. but they wouldn't publish the cartoons. now -- they feltí% describe in words. >> exactly. those are the words. thank you for bringing that up. they didn't want to offend people of faith by showing the symbols okay? one day later, megyn, not a week later or a month later one day later, the same "new york times" ran a picture of a painting that showed the virgin mary covered in elephant crap. okay? so they're not afraid of showing n[ symbols when offending
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christians but don't want to offend muslims. they didn't have guts to admit what everybody knows is the truth. they're would be blown up and people would be i understand that. now, the media has to make another decision are they going to besh"[ scared as ten years aggie? to do what jihadists want? or finally going to give the one finger salute to thesewq @ maniacs and run on pagerdlóne every important newspaper in america tomorrow morning all of the cartoons? same with television. run them all tell these people tol go to hell. andé q i'm afraid it's not going to happen. they're stilla.yc going to show lack of courage tomorrow. >> if you're running a 6ñ newsroom
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in the wake of this open threat on journalists you'd put these mlui on the front page at the risk of employee lives? potentially? >>c66m well, do you knowßlç&2úoñwhat? i want big journalism. i don't want a weekly someplace running out of a shop on main street. i want big journalism. and we know who they aiinpcí "new york times," washington post,@"?-#d l.a. timeshudñ "chicago sun-times." all of the big thinkers and broadcast networks and >ñ>lp!le networks i want them to get together andwd say screw you. we'ré5l you tell us? i don't think so.k but now, they'll write about it and talk about how terrible this is. john kerry today and the president talked about this and
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not once did they mention the word muslim or islam. the cowardice is that it's more of the politics and in the world of newspapers i want us all to do it and make a statement to the who did this to those journalists in paris, today. >> fox ran those today. >> let me just say this quickly. what if they say they don't want editorialsáagainst them? what happens then? have to stop it now. >> right. right. thank you for being here. good to see you. >> well, this is back for serious debate. up next a former is ham wrik extremist now religious activist
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and his message for muslims around the world. introducing the new philips norelco shaver series 9000 with contour detect technology that flexes in 8 directions for the perfect shave at any angle. go to to save up to $40. innovation and you. philips norelco. every truck can tow a boat. every truck can climb a hill. every truck can haul a trailer. but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand... in america. guts. glory. ram.
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i know you've come out and said this is an opportunity for muslims to re-examine their own blast if he my laws and you're getting clamped for that. explain. >> first of all, let me say my thoughts and deepest condo lepss go out to the victim's families and everyone affected. islam is the idea. no idea is above scrutiny. no person is beneath bigty. but ideas by very definition must be scrutinized because
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that's how society's progressed. muslims generally within muslim communities, unfortunately, we have these taboo. it's taboo for muslims to depict the prophet mohammed. i just think that if -- you know, we are generally as a community critical of foreign policy. we are critical of, say torture when a torture report is released. now is the time to be critical of these taboos because it is topical, it is timing. we've got to stop being defensive about it and stop trying to sidestep these questions and have very open conversations that these medieval traditions belong in the medieval era. not enough of my people are
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being open about the need to do that. >> even if you throw out shah reya law, you not commit adultery and not-- these guys aren't going to listen to that. it's not the moderate muslims. it's these radicals. these people who pervert the religion. they're not going to listen to any reason are they? >> most of them don't. you're right. those in the battle field need to be fought militarily and where possible arrested and intear intarin interrogated interrogated. this is a crisis. this is an emergency. >> you are living proof of that as you were once radicalized and
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in prison and somehow found your way to the other side through dialogue and ultimately an open mind. thank you for being with us tonight. >> always a pleasure. thank you. we'll be right back. k it out! i'm sending a tweet. tweet! that's not how it works, grandpa. you think i am out of touch. i saved 15 percent on car insurance in just 15 minutes. you could've saved money in half that time with esurance. (wings flapping) ah, a reply... i'm trending! 15 minutes for a quote is old news. start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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there's 7 billion people in the world, the chance of being killed by terrorists almost nil. these are two of the suspects you see them right here. they're french brothers with possible links to al qaeda. they remain at large. a third man surrendered to police late wednesday. they were armed with assault rifles when they target add french newspaper. 12 feem died including the paper paper's editor and two police officers. france's terror alert now on maximum. thousands gathered near the scene of the massacre wednesday
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night. thursday has been designated as a day of national mourning. flags across the country will fly at half staff. joining us now for more insight on a terror man hunt of this type of magnitude bill gavin. thank you so much for being here with us tonight. >> it's my pleasure jackie. >> they have one of the guys but two others who are co
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