tv The Kelly File FOX News January 9, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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stops right here cause we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, a three-day reign of terror in france coming to a head. while some threat has been eliminated, the danger is not over. with one suspect at large and the united states now issuing a new warning tonight to its own citizens. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. just a short time ago the state department updating worldwide caution to americans reminding them to be highly vigilant amid serious new threats from terrorists. it comes just hours after three apparent jihadis were killed by french authorities including the two brothers believed to have been responsible for this week's deadly assault on the publication charlie hebdo in
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paris. while cops managed to wipe these two thugs off the face of the earth, another man suspected of having ties to them managed to kill four more innocent civilians at a kosher market in paris today before he was taken out. and it's his alleged accomplice a woman believed to have been his wife, who is still on the run. at this hour we are learning new details about her. you can see by this image just how sweet and innocent she appears to be. we have a powerful lineup of guests for you tonight but we begin with how today's events all unfolded. it began around 9:30 a.m. local time, 3:30 a.m. eastern time here. 22 miles northeast of paris police spotted the two brothers believed to be behind wednesday's attack on charlie hebdo. and one of the brothers was found, was here. this video capturing emergency vehicles racing after the terror
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thugs as helicopters fly overhead. the two brothers ran to the closest building they could find, a family-owned printing business. they take one person hostage. authorities surround them, schools go on lockdown residents told to stay in their homes. then later, a few hours later comes yet another stunning report out of paris. word of a second hostage situation. this one at a kosher grocery store. within the hour we learn the hostage taker is a suspect in the assassination of a female police officer who was killed yesterday. and that is not all. police say amedy coulibaly has a female accomplice who is involved in this. and contrary to earlier reports, authorities now believe that he is connected to charlie hebdo and the murdering brothers. holed up at that printing business just a few miles away. as the dual standoffs unfold, the brothers apparently tell
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police they want to die as martyrs. meantime back in paris almost seven hours since it all began a warning comes from that man holding innocent people at gunpoint in the kosher market. threats he will kill them if police launch an assault on the cornered brothers. then, just before 5:00 p.m. local time we get this report from our sister network sky news. >> coming back to us here outside dammartin-en-goele and clearly this is the end game being played out because a massive amount of gunfire has began in the last ten seconds or so. >> a series of blasts at the printing company, smoke rising into the air. we later learn the terrorist brothers have come out guns blazing. then roughly 15 minutes after that initial report sky news breaks in with this out of paris. >> going to have to interrupt. i've just got to take you straight across kay in paris, you're hearing things there too. >> thanks very much. we just heard four very very
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loud explosions about 400 meters in that direction, obviously from this kosher supermarket. >> as reporters were pushed back from the scene, their communication devices were reportedly jammed because this is happening. heavily armed officers setting off flash bombs, storming the kosher market from two sides the front and the backside door. as they pore into the building we begin to see the first of several hostages running for their lives. anguish, fear horror clearly written across their faces. look at these pictures. one person being carried away from the scene by authorities. while another a small child, is cradled in the arms of an obviously distraught man. imagine what they have been through. within minutes of these near simultaneous raids the first reports surface that the terrorist brothers who started it all at charlie hebdo are now dead and their hostage is safe. moments later we learn the market gunman has also been
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killed. at this point it appears we may have witnessed the best possible outcome. however, it was not to be. at approximately 6:00 p.m. paris time tonight as ambulances swarm the scene we get the first indication several hostages have been murdered. and that is not all. we also learn the female accomplice of the market terrorist appears to still be at large. at this point it's unclear if she was with them at the scene, possibly slipping past cops in the confusion. tonight, just hours ago the fbi and department of homeland security issuing an urgent new bulletin to law enforcement here. warning american authorities over the unprecedented "sophistication and advanced weapons handling of the killers in paris." william gavin is the former assistant director of the fbi in new york. bill, what does this say to you about the sophistication of these attacks?
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>> well, megyn, it tells me one major thing these people are well-trained. it isn't something they got just by reading out of a book or online. they were trained. you look at the way the brothers went at charlie hebdo. they went directly there with guns. they had a good way to get in. they executed these people. they had automatic weapons. and most automatic weapons put in the hands of a normal criminal just put on automatic and spray and pray as we call it, spray ammunition all over the place. these people did individual rounds and identified them after killing them. a very scary set of affairs. what really bothers me at this particular point in time, megyn is the fact that right now i'm not too sure that the activity of the terrorist, the islamic extremist terrorists, jihadists throughout the world, are not
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starting to gain ground on our solution of the problem simply because we don't have a good solution. we don't have a good solution from the united states for sure. >> was this a terrorist cell? do we believe a similar kind of terrorist cell could exist in the united states right now? >> there is no doubt in my mind megyn, that there is a terrorist cell doing exactly these -- planning these kinds of things. let's face it america is the great satan. and anything that they can do to kill americans, to pull off a big performance such as they did in paris is going to be to their liking. they think -- they look at it as a huge publicity stunt. they are plotting it right now. we have been extremely fortunate in a couple things, number one the ability of the law enforcement and intelligence services to work so well together throughout the country. and more importantly than that is the citizens of the united states of america.
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they see something, they say something. and that has been along with good work and a good bit of luck has been our saving grace so far. >> bill -- charles krauthammer on earlier saying we have now entered a new phase in the war in which america finds itself. >> what's so important about this is the origin of the four killers, the brothers and the couple. they are born in france. i think we're now into the third stage of jihadist war against us. >> this stage in which training is received abroad home grown so-called radicals go abroad receive training and come back and unleash their training, their militarized training on how to kill innocents on their fellow citizens. >> that's what it's all about, megyn. and what i look at is we look at
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what the highest leaders of our government do. where are these people getting trained? they're getting trained in yemen. so what we do is we release prisoners from gitmo and sent them back to replace the ones we've already killed. it makes no sense to me. >> bill, thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. up next on "the kelly file," general jack keane on the strategy it will take to defeat this terror threat and whether we are headed in the wrong direction on this fight. plus, a growing number of leaders are now suggesting islamic extremism has nothing to do with islam. anne coulter has some thoughts on that. she's here live. plus how much of a threat is al qaeda to america now? the reality is a lot scarier than you might know. and there's a grave warning out from an important source on this tonight. these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
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breaking tonight, new details on the dual hostage crises that erupted today outside of paris. a french prosecutor says that four people who died in an attack against a kosher grocery store were killed when the assailant entered the store and not when police tried to rescue them. gunman amedy coulibaly killed them. recent sentiments echoed of
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president obama, that the radical islamist terrorists have nothing to do with the real islam. we are now hearing that view will all be guarantee we'll never win this war. my next guest says we defeated nazi with force, defeated communism. and perhaps some of the leadership we once saw from men like this. >> i can only say one word, victory, victory at all costs. victory ever long and hard but without victory no survival. >> victory no matter how long and how hard the road might be. general jack keane, retired four-star general former vice chief of staff of the army. general, good to see you tonight. >> good to see you.
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>> i was watching america's newsroom this morning and martha mccallum asked the question where's our winston churchill? there was a time in which ne vel chamberlain was tell the people it would not come to what it ultimately came to. and winston churchill had a very different view and was determined to fight back the threat and ultimately when he was in charge did so. under that mantra victory at all costs, no matter how dark the road ahead the war must be fought and fought with open eyes. where is our winston churchill? >> well, frankly, you know it i know it and probably a lot of americans know it, we don't have it. and we're not going to get it in the near term. the fact of the matter is that kind of tough-minded leadership clear thinking, courageous and inspiring leadership is exactly what we need. now, we may be one election and one leader away, but the fact is we don't have it now.
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not in the uk not in spain, not in germany, not in france and sadly not in the united states. all of those countries' national leaders have refused to identify this movement for what it truly is, a radical islamist movement. and even further to identify and explain the one linkage that everything has in common, the terrorist organizations in africa, the terrorist organizations in the middle east, their brutality, the terrorist organizations in south asia which just killed 132 children, and the terrorist cells that have existed in spain, in the uk and now france and lone wolves in canada and the united states. what links all of that together? not one leader to be sure there are different organizations. there's only one linkage skprks that is their commitment to religious and political radical islamist ideology. we must undermine that, we must attack it, we must have a
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comprehensive strategy not just to kill and capture, but to counter the message, to counter the financing, to counter their ideas. and we have to get muslim communities and western cities in involved. and we must get muslim countries in the region involved. since he has spoken up -- >> egypt. >> yes. from egypt. that's a good thing. but, megyn it has always and will always in this post world war ii world take the united states leadership to organize what needs to be done. and that is a political and military alliances with a comprehensive strategy to deal with this thing. this is very doable. >> really? >> we've got the mindset to do this -- yes. we have the mindset, we have the capabilities to do that. we have to develop the will to do it. >> what does that mean? before we move onto that because i want to talk to you about strategy. if you're in charge, how do we
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annihilate this threat? how do we get rid of these crazy radical jihadists who want to murder any westerner who doesn't believe that the prophet muhammad shouldn't be characterized -- we'll get to that. but before we get to that, i want to ask you about why it matters if our president doesn't want to call it radical islamist terrorism. >> well, it matters because then he's off the hook in trying to deal with a movement that is connected around the world. it is global jihad. and he doesn't define it as such. he tries to separate them. and isolate them as independent movements. therefore we don't have to have a comprehensive strategy to deal with it. we do half-measures in yemen, in iraq in syria, in libya, et cetera. the fact of the matter is it gets him off the hook, it gets
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cameron off the hook. it gets hollande off the hook. why not put on the table what this is? why not explain this ideology and why we have to go after it? none of them are doing it. >> which plays right into your next point, which is what should this strategy be? there's an article in politico today talking about how the president's philosophy his strategy for dealing with this has flopped. a former aide to him when asked about whether it's been successful has said, i don't know. what should the strategy be? because right now there's not even a budget line item from the white house in dealing with this. >> well, i look at dealing with communism. it was a major ideology that we had to deal with. we organized the countries of the world that had common political beliefs and common values with us to do something about it. so we formed political and military alliances. what did we do? we shared intelligence.
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we shared technology. we shared training. we partnered with them. we stood up against this threat. we had to fight it twice in vietnam and in korea, but we never had to centrally fight it. we beat it essentially with better ideas. this thing we have to continue to fight it. but we have to partner to do this. we cannot do this ourselves. >> uh-huh. >> and we have to -- it will take fundamental leadership to motivate others to get involved in this. and we have to do some of that -- we have to pull out some of our friends -- i think leadership will make the difference to do this. it looks like the middle east is moving in the right direction with some of these leaders. but that will not give a comprehensive strategy. we'll continue to deal with this thing in bits and pieces and will not defeat this movement
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overall. >> what egypt has said has been shockingly brave and gotten no attention. it will tonight. the viewers won't believe. the question is why didn't our american president stand up and say right on exactly and push it? we're going to talk about it when anne comes up in just a bit. general, great to see you tonight. >> good talking to you, megyn. >> and if you stay tuned for nothing else, stay tuned to listen to what that man said, the new leader of egypt. in the moments right before he was killed one of the terrorists called a french tv station with a message. up next, what he said and what means for us. plus as this massive manhunt stretches into a third night in france, we've uncovered some chilling new details about the woman still on the run. introducing the new philips norelco shaver series 9000 with contour detect technology that flexes in 8 directions for the perfect shave at any angle.
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the manhunt is continuing at this hour for the suspected female accomplice at a deadly hostage situation in a paris supermarket. while her whereabouts are currently unknown we are learning much more about the men behind the initial attack on the charlie hebdo magazine. it turns out one of these guys called a french tv station just before he and his brother were killed in a shootout with police earlier today. watch the subtitles on the bottom of your screen. [ speaking in a foreign language ]
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>> our next guest has spent years tracking the threat of radical islam across europe. a global think tank that focuses on radical islam. thank you very much for being here tonight. let's start with the radicalization problem that is clearly an issue in paris but not just paris, it's gone well beyond that. how did it get so bad? >> well, the situation's been festering for many years. it's a question of mass immigration to european countries. it's a combination of multiculturalism. it's been permitted to come to this situation largely because european governments are trying to create these multicultural societies. they're trying to blend the muslim populations into the
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secular or secular chris char ju day -- what we're seeing in practice it doesn't work at all. >> how does that -- we've been talk k about how in france there are these ghettos outside of the city of paris and this is where these muslims stay these radicalized muslims and they don't integrate with french society. and they have sort of a sister society going outside the outskirts of paris where they're having their own schooling and sharia law. so how does that jibe with what you just said about how they're trying to force integration and it's failing. >> there are a lot of internal contradiction in multiculturalism. multiculturalism in practice works a lot different. instead of integrating immigrants and meeting in a great big melting pot like in the united states, in europe what is happening with multiculturalism is really a segregation. so muslims they live in their
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neighborhoods and in their bar rios all across the country and they are segregated from the rest of society. and they are not expected to learn the language. they're not expected to integrate into the society. they're allowed to create their own sharia court. they're allowed to have their own jurisprudence. they're allowed to continue with all of the customs they're allow accustom to like -- all these things tolerated under multiculturalism in europe. >> do you think that's about to change? what we heard today and we're going to play some of this next the french president was talking about how what we saw has nothing to do with islam. >> well, i thought that this might be a turning point where it might get the attention of the european elites that this multiculturalism is leading towards a disaster for europe. but when i heard the french president delink what has happened in france over the past couple days from islam, it makes
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me believe that this is actually may not be a turning point at all. it really depends on if there are more copycat incidents like this, if there are other attacks in other parts of europe. but it seems to me there's resistance among the european elites to really call islam what it is and to link a lot of this radicalism to the basic documents and doctrines of islam. and until that happens it seems to me this is going to continue. >> and what's amazing is that while they're refusing to do it the egyptian president has now done it. soren, thank you for being here. we'll call on you again. >> thank you. well while the american president, the french president are saying this week easter ror attack had nothing to do with islam, we are hearing such a different message from the president of egypt. egypt. anne coulter is here next on remarks you've got to hear. plus, new details on a new
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threat from al qaeda and a serious one. we'll speak with the counterterror expert who specializes in this group about the warnings we are getting out of british intel tonight and what u.s. intel is saying. and it's not good. ] ♪ defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep.
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obviously to what was playing out on the streets of paris. and that situation got only a passing mention from the president at the top of his speech. listen. >> we're hopeful that the immediate threat is now resolved thanks to the courage and professionalism of the french personnel on the ground. but the french government continues to face the threat of terrorism and has to remain vigilant. the situation is fluid. >> now, perhaps more interesting is what the president did not say. he did not list any specific steps he's taking to keep the american homeland safe. aides say, look, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes. the president has been getting virtually around-the-clock briefings, convened a conference call in the last 24 hours with top security officials to stay on top of this situation to make sure this terror does not spread to america. megyn. >> ed, thank you. we noticed a remarkable contrast tonight in what we are hearing from some world leaders about radical islam and the growing series of terror attacks around
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the globe. >> and what we're hearing domestically. from president obama on the terror threat in iraq and syria. >> one is isil, which calls itself the islamic state. isil is not islamic. >> we could go on, french president francois hollande. >> we must not make any confusion concerning these terrorists and fanatics that have nothing to do with the muslim religion. >> earlier this week however after the murders in paris -- no, actually i think it was on new year's day. i'm not sure we have date right on that. the president of egypt made a remarkable statement about islam and terror. listen to this. >> translator: it's inconceivable that the thinking we hold most savior should cause the entire islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger killing and destruction for the rest of the world.
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impossible. that thinking, ideas that we have sack ri liezed over the years is antagonizing the entire world. it's antagonizing the entire world. is it possible that 1.6 billion muslims should want to kill the rest of the worldin habitants? impossible. i say and repeat again we are in need of a religious revolution. you imams are responsible before allah, the entire world is waiting for your next move because this islamic world is being torn. it is being destroyed. it is being lost. and it is being lost by our own hands. >> extraordinary. joining me now anne coulter, best selling author and conservative commentator. that is shocking. that is shocking. i mean, the nerve it took for him to stand up there and speak to a bunch of imams. >> right. >> and talk about how it's
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inconceivable the thinking most sacred to us to cause the entire world source of -- this thinking is antagonizing the entire world. >> right. and of all the muslim leaders in the world, this is the one that obama does not like. >> and didn't -- >> because sisi took out the muslim brotherhood. that's when obama withdrew millions, maybe it was a billion dollars in aid we were giving egypt. when they're standing up to terrorist fanatics who had been encouraged by the obama administration. >> isn't this exactly what we need world leaders especially in muslim nations to be doing? i mean the western media didn't cover it because it happened on new year's day, but wouldn't it be helpful if our president, if hollande, other western leaders came out and said what that guy said, this is the way. >> yes. and isn't that i've heard a lot of people say that usually the obama administration won't call
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any islamic terrorism islamic, but of course they had to here because it was so obvious. no, that's not why obama admitted it was islamic terrorism. the socialist president of france admitted it. >> he did admit it anne he said it was terrorism. but he wouldn't say islamic terrorism. >> if i haven't heard that 8 billion times already. i needed to hear it 8 billion plus one. >> let me set it up. when he remarked on this president obama the other day he refused to call it islamic terrorism, just terrorism he said. and commented once again and said nothing about radicalization, in fact as viewers now in 2010 his administration banned the term jihad, banned the term islamic extremism from the central document outlining our national security strategy. they want to pretend that does not exist apparently. >> yes, and keep bringing more and more jihadists in, some of the somali pirates.
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we bring them in to be tried and either serve their time and immediately ask for asylum, or they get acquitted. no, let's keep bringing more and more of the third world here. i think that's a policy we might want to reconsider and france should definitely think about it. they're very good about responding to this by running to the street and holding a candle, but they need to move to the next step. why does this happen? well, about 10% of their population is muslim. maybe it would be better if they had immigrants that had a more similar background and didn't respond to cartoons they don't like by shooting people. >> how do you get there? one wonders why these groups want to live in france. >> they don't want to live in muslim countries and yet they want to change the non-muslim countries they move to to muslim countries. >> how do you figure it out? >> well, it may be a small
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minority as the president and the president of france keep reminding us this is not the majority of muslims, yet still social security enough of them that maybe you take a pause. right now it is not true as another politically correct conventional wisdom i've been hearing over and over again on tv as well. we get a different brand. we're so much better at assimilating. i'm sorry have you been to the united states of america? we assimilate no one. the difference is we have a population that is less than 1% muslim. it's almost 10% in france. do not act like muslims have not been continuing to commit terror attacks since 9/11. i mean right here in times square, the boston marathon, the ft. hood, two attacks there. there's been about 60 attacks since 9/11. so, yeah okay that's not the majority of them, but it's more than the terrorism we're getting from than say british immigrants. >> what difference would it make if we started calling it what it is? does the label matter?
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if president obama said what sisi said, what difference would it make? >> for one thing might not have withdrawn american funding from sisi. there you have the good guy coming in taking out the muslim brotherhood and obama's nose is out of joint. elevate the good ones. it also might make people reconsider mass immigration from the third world. >> i think charles krauthammer what he said was so poignant today about we are now entering the third phase of what feels like this is him not me, third world war. and what is the united states doing to protect you and your family. seth jones, who's an adviser to our military fighting these terrorists in the middle east is here next with the latest threat.
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breaking tonight, we are learning more about a warning from the british confirmed by u.s. intelligence sources now that al qaeda is planning major attacks against the west including the united states. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has the story. >> megyn, a rare and candid warning from the head of mi-5 britain's domestic intelligence and countersecurity agency. speaking at london headquarters general parker warned al qaeda terrors in syria are planning
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mass casualty attacks in the west including the british transit system and iconic landmarks like big ben. "we face a very serious level of threat that is complex to combat and unlikely to abate significantly for some time. my sharpest concern as director general of mi-5 is the growing gap between the increasingly challenging threat and the decreasing availability of capabilities to address it." parker is referring to the growing number of seasoned al qaeda members in syria, many with ties to osama bin laden known as the khorasan group. how they think then act. >> these targeted violence or indiscriminate violence as a vehicle to help perpetuate this viewpoint of others. that's not a good development for us. that certainly increases the
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challenge from an intelligence perspective, boy, that makes life a whole lot harder. >> and tonight the state department issues a new warning to u.s. citizens overseas that the attacks against americans are increasing and the risk of retaliation for u.s. air strikes against isis in iraq and syria is credible. megyn. >> catherine herridge, thank you. joining me now with more seth jones. he specializes in counterinsurgency and counterterrorism including against al qaeda. he's worked for u.s. special operations and also the director of the international security and defense policy center at rand corps, a global think tank that advises the u.s. military. seth, good to see you tonight. this warning, according to general keane that we've now received from andrew parker, head of mi5 that social security extrord -- it's extraordinary. the head of the cia is here and he's trying to tell us something. there's a reason he's gone public with this. your thoughts on it. >> well megyn, past mi5
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director including andrew parker the current one, rarely speak publicly maybe once a year, maybe not even once a year. so the fact he's come out now after an attack which in france which looks like it has connections back to yemen is important for several reasons. one, it's a statement that there's a major threat to the west. and it's also a statement, this goes back to your comments earlier, that this is more than just yemen. there's a bigger global issue here. because he was referring particularly to the khorosan groups, threats against the united states and across europe including in belgium. we are almost at an unprecedented position where we've got these smaller kinds of attacks in multiple areas of the globe. and part of it he's highlighting this is not going to stop any time in the future. >> you're a counterterrorism guy, general keane was talking about to get muslim leaders and out there and try to discuss it
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and be honest about it and combat it. but in the meantime while the ideology is rampant, you tell me is it more rampant than ever and if so why? what should we be doing? >> well, i think where the ideology is more rampant or at least is more accessible now than in previous eras including five to ten years ago is the ability of some of these extremist organizations to get their messages out on social media and to use social media twitter, myspace, youtube, facebook to get the messages out. so it has reached more people, i think, than we have ever seen and into homes in the united states, obviously in paris, in london. and that's a difference. the ability to reach people in any of our countries is different than what we've seen in the past. >> but what do we do about it? you're trying to fight this as a counterinsurgency measure. what do we need to do? do we need to go full nsa? restore everything that was modified after edward snowden
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and the leaks? what? >> well, there are a couple of things. one is our intelligence services both overseas and at home have got to be on this. and what one of the lessons that comes out of this french series of attacks is that when you look at somebody, and we saw this in boston because the tsarnaevs were looked at at one point. the fbi interviewed one of the tsarnaevs and it doesn't appear went back and took a look at him carefully. when we go through people in the united states and assess they may have been a threat two or three years ago we've got to go back and assess whether they're a threat today. >> civil liberties. >> well, if they're plotting attacks, we still have to be on that. >> seth, glad you're on our side. thank you. >> okay. thanks, megyn. plus despite the best efforts of more than 80,000 french police and security forces, this woman is still on
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boumeddiene who went posing in a bikini to never seen without a veil she was inspired by her husband to read books on religion and views america as the ultimate evil saying "when i saw the massacre of the innocence in palestine, iraq chechnya afghanistan after all that, who are the terrorist sns police say in just the past year boumeddiene made 500 phone calls to the wives of the kouachi brothers, the men behind the massacre of the char charbonnier newspaper. a known al qaeda terrorist serving years in a prison, police believe they were working together to orchestrate the paris attacks. boumeddiene is thought to have been inside the kosher market with her husband, now our greg
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palkot says she was not inside. >> trace thank you. three words illuminate on top of paris's iconic arc. in english it reads, paris is charlie. a powerful reminder that the terrorists will not win. we'll be right back. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. staples has everything you need for an attention-grabbing presentation. brochures, business cards and banners all at low prices. still need to grab your client's attention? [air horn honks] staples has that stuff too. how much? make on-budget happen. make presentations happen. staples. make more happen.
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change some great news. after the horrific terrorist attack in paris we have been covering, the steven -- tunnels 2 tower foundation who you've surely seen on the show before, they helped families of the 9/11 victims and then they went to help iraq and afghanistan severely and catastrophically wounded vets well they help everybody. they have now raised enough money to pay off the mortgages of those two slain nypd detectives rafael ramos and wenjian liu and to make repairs on their homes for their surviving family members. how about that? look at franks over there. the foundation says it's raised some $860,000 with another $150,000 pledged for the families. and that is not easy. trust me they go through a lot to raise every dollar. and they're not always you know, in people's minds. they live busy lives. but they got folks to donate almost $1 million to help the families of those two cops.
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and it wouldn't have happened without frank and this foundation. if you would like to help them and our veterans, you can go to thanks for watching everybody. i'm megyn welcome to "hannity" on this friday. it's a fox news alert. in reaction to the spike of terror attacks by islamic radicals around the globe, the state department has tonight issued a worldwide travel alert for all americans traveling overseas. in a moment we'll go live to paris for the very latest, but first tonight this is how things unfolded in france earlier today. >> we're under a 48-hour nightmare. two dangerous hostage situations unfolding at the moment. >> very very loud explosions about 400 meters in that direction. >> two terror suspects said to be surrounded by french
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