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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  January 10, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST

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♪ ah. push it. ♪ if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. ♪ i'm pushing. i'm pushing it real good! france on high alert as a nationwide as much as intensifies for this woman hayat boumediene the common law partner with a man believed to have killed a french police officer before being killed at the kosher grocery store in eastern paris. welcome to "america's news headquarters". >> i'm pat ti ann brown. france is asking residents to remain vigilant. france ramping up its security as the country reels from the terrorist attacks. greg is live in paris with the
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latest for us. hi, greg. >> reporter: hi, patti ann. after this long week of terror and police operations the police job is not over. that search is on for the partner of ahmedy coulibaly. it's thought she's a accomplice to his deadly acts first the killing of a french policewoman on thursday and killing of hostages on friday in the kosher supermarket. the latest word we're getting in various media reports quoting police sources is that she's not here anymore, left more than a week ago from france through spain to turkey and then into syria. if that's the case, then it might be she got word that something terrible was going to go down here and it's better that she wouldn't be in the country. we contacted our own police sources and still waiting on confirmation on that. we'll let you know when we hear
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about this. this as security ramps up here. you notice the sparkling eiffel tower behind me at the beginning of my broadcast. and right around the eiffel tower, all public places, a lot more security 500 soldiers being added to the mix this weekend, along with thousands of police officers. the top cop in france, the interior ministry said that a vigilance is needed and they still are at risk of ab attack, worried about copy cat attack or another attack from another member of the islamist cells these individuals were thought to be involved in. this as we get a few more details about the dastardly acts, the first at the printing brings 25 miles northeast of here yesterday. that involved the two brothers said and cherif kouachi believed to be behind the slaughter of journalist and cartoonists and policeman. they took one person hostage and
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they declared they were part of al qaeda, they declared they wanted to die as martyr. then they burst out and the police complied and killed them. then at the second location, that kosher supermarket, it turns out that four people who were killed were killed when coulibaly, the one involved there, shot them with an ak-47 and that five of the hostages who got out alive, they got out alive cold because they were in a storage refrigerator storage for about five hours or so. anyway, that's wrapped up. and tomorrow we'll be looking to a massive unity rally and march here in paris. in honor of the 17 people who died at the hands of the terrorists this past week. and also to look forward in defiance against the terrorists and in favor of expression of
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speech, free expression and free speech, you name it anything against the terrorists, back to you folks. >> greg, thank you. meanwhile, a top british security official warns al qaeda is planning quote mass casualty attacks against the west. chief intelligence correspondent has more from washington. >> the u.s. intelligence and counter terrorism community are considering the credibility of a claim of responsibility from al qaeda in yemen. the five minute video message in arabic called the blessed raid em empirist. 32-year-old cherif kouachi told a french police station that he was al qaeda. quote, i was sent, me, cherif kouachi by al qaeda of yemen. i went over there and it was anwar al awlaki who financed me. he ran the external plotting for al qaeda in yemen before he was
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killed in a drone strike in september 2011. separately u.s. government forces told fox news they also believe the 34-year-old brother said kouachi went to yemen earlier the same year and trained with or fought alongside al qaeda in yemen. fox news is told said wanted to meet with the al qaeda leadership. eyewitnesses at wednesday's massacre said the two brothers claimed they were al qaeda. and in one instance specified al qaeda in yemen. shortly after the massacre a series much tweets went out showing images of the shooting with photos al awlaki and another american killed in a cia drone strike. kahn was the one behind the propaganda magazine who called for the cartoonist assassination. the fbi and homeland security department have issued a joint intelligence bulletin warning it is a departure from lone wolf
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attacks because it showed premeditation and terrorist training. >> katherine herridge, thank you. >> closer to home, police in canada arresting two brothers on multiple terror charges. the canadians say one was taken into custody at ottawa and other at the montreal pierre-elliott airport. the arrests quote speak to our ability to tackle a threat that is multifacetted and constantly evolving. >> amid the growing tensions, a global travel warning for u.s. does it ens. americans abroad are increasing increasingly at risk. not only because of the situation in france but due to continuing u.s. air strikes against isis. americans throughout the world should stay on their guard especially in the middle east north africa, europe and asia.
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>> meanwhile, there's other big news today. this involving former cia director david petraeus. according to "the new york times," federal prosecutors recommended bringing felony charges against him for allegedly giving classified information to a mistress during his tenure at the cia. if true, it would be up to attorney general eric holder to decide whether he gets indicted. he was originally expected to make a decision by the end of 2014. new developments in the investigation of the bombing behind the naacp offices in colorado springs. the fbi releasing this sketch of a man it believes may be linked to the explosion on tuesday. the fbi describing him as a person of interest. the explosive device blew up next to an exterior wall of the building where the office is located. no one was injured in the blast. will carr is live in the west coast bureau with more details. >> when it comes to motivation
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federal authorities say all options are on the table but they do say they are investigating the possibility that this was either a hate crime or domestic terrorism. yesterday they released this sketch. witnesses say they saw this man get out of his truck and take a device behind the building that houses the naacp chapter in colorado springs as well as a black owned barber shop. witnesses tell the fbi they saw the man get back in the truck when the explosion went off. >> i heard a loud boom. it was loud, sir. it was so loud that i thought it was like in the yard. >> nobody was hurt in the explosion. it didn't cause much damage, that's because the device was rigged to a gas can that did not explode. it rattled a lot of nerves. federal authorities are offering a $10,000 rewartd while they try to figure out if the man was targeting the naacp office or
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the barber shop. >> we will not speculate on the motive for the placement of the device but we would be naive if we did not acknowledge the naacp as a national organization has been the recipient of threats throughout their existence. >> federal authorities say the suspect is a white male in his 40s and driving an older model pickup truck that was dirty and dark colored bed liner. they have picked up patrols in the area and keep in mind in the past couple of months the naacp, national naacp has been very vocal in the wake of ferguson and eric garner case in new york. but unclear if they were actually target here. >> thank you, keep us posted. >> you bet. >> ice proved to be too much for hundreds of drivers and that led to a massive pileup in michigan and the chain reaction collision caused the cargo in one truck to
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ignite. >> that's crazy, right. >> this runway model shows she's also a model citizen. how monica watkins is giving back for all she's experienced while living her life beyond the dream. >> the kouachi brothers may have had had a plan laid out for them years ago. one they one sleeper cell that got the signal to kill journalists? >> you can take out different elements and it keeps blooming. but it's going to take very heavy action at the forward end of this problem to make a difference. like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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welcome back time for a quick check on the headlines, 200 vehicles from a massive pileup in southwestern michigan. icy roads sending cars sliding like sleds into each other. one truck full of fireworks exploding, one canadian trucker was killed and two dozen more were injured. a female maryland bishop, the second highest ranging episcopal leader was charged with dui and manslaughter after hitting a cyclist in late december. she had a blood alcohol content almost three times above the legal limit. bail was set $2.5 million and trial is set for early february. bill cosby cracking jokes
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about recent rape allegations. there were reports of more than one gasp in the crowd of 1500 in canada. one woman heckled the 77-year-old comedian but booed by the audience, he faces rape allegations for more than 20 women. we're learning more about the brothers kouachi who burst into the offices of "charlie hebdo" and killing people before they was killed in a hostage standoff. before then they met with the alleged master mind behind the ft. hood massacre. al awlaki was killed in a drone strike in 2011 were the kouachi brothers part of a sleeper cell meant to keep al awlaki's deadly message alive? jack keen, a former vice chief
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of staff of the army and fox news military analyst. thanks for joining us. >> glad to be here. these suspects were on a no fly list for years and under french surveillance but that stopped. and they were associated with this local terror cell in france. and also with possibly al qaeda in yemen and possibly isis. as they met with al awelakiawlaki. were signals messissed? >> they have a formidable problem, somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,000 plus people they are surveilling who have jihadist interests. obviously better than 1,000 that have traveled into the region in support of isis and some have returned to contribute to that list. i don't understand exactly what took place with the french intelligence service here. i do know this. they have one of the best in the world and clearly most people believe certainly the best in europe. but they do have -- they do have
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to answer to their people on this for sure. >> but there reaches a point it seems you're saying where it becomes almost impossible to keep track of all of the different threats. how do we stop the spread of radical islam? >> well, that's a great question and one i wish we could ask our national leaders in the united states and also in europe. that very question. the reality is we -- we have to kill and capture these brutal terrorists, there's no substitute for that. that in and of itself will not stop the spread of radical islam. the real issue is the ideology to supports it. that's what units all of the terrorists and lone wolves in canada and also in the united states. this is what they all have in common, a commitment to the
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political and religious radical islamist ideology. if you're going to stop the spread of radical islam in the question you asked, you have to undermine that ideology and deglamourize it and have to have political national leaders and spiritual leaders push back on this as he has begun to do in egypt and soliciting their support. we need that kind of national leadership here from the president. we need it from cameron in the u.k., we need it from hollande. not just talking about unity, but the spread of radical islam in france. has he explained that ideology to the people? the answer is no. identified it as radical islam? the answer is no. until we do that, we're not going to stop the spread of it and it is on the rise. >> back here at home president obama refuses to use that term radical islam.
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what role is political correctness playing in the inability to confront this problem head on? >> well, it's partly political correctness, but these national leaders are not stupid to be sure. they understand what radical islam is and know it's increased four times in the middle east alone in the last five years. they have intelligence services giving them daily briefings on what is happening. they don't want to identify it as radical islam and deal with the ideology then it begs the question what is your strategy to defeat it. that is the shoe they do not want to drop. it's much easier to fly drones into pakistan and say that is your counter radical islamist strategy. we don't even say it is we're killing al qaeda that's all we say. it's a military tactic only and certain limitations because we're not getting information from the people that we're killing.
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that's the shoe they don't want to drop. where is your strategy? what are you doing about the spread of radical islam? >> it's a tough question. thank you so much for joining us. we'll take a quick look right now what's going on live in paris at the moment. this is an enormous vigil being held outside that kosher deli that was the scene of bloodshed yesterday, the hostage taker himself was killed but so were four innocents. others escaped unharmed huge drama there and we're going to have much more on response to the deadly french attacks as well as talk about what the u.s. is doing now to protect our country. this all with maria bartiromo when she sits down with south carolina senator lindsey graham tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on fox news channel. the woman we're about to meet today says everything she's ever done in life started with a dream, without a doubt monica
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watkins is a woman who models the kind of behavior all of us should consider following serving others and helping to make a difference beyond the dream. >> beautiful, successful and thoughtful. monica watkins never set out to become a model. the opportunity came to her. discovered at a mall in houston, texas while shopping with her mother. she was just 16. since then she's been traveling around the world modeling at exotic locations. beyond the glitz and glam of fashion, she's become more than just a model. monica is also a painter, film maker, philanthropist and woman on a mission. >> i feel blessed to be able to contribute something and hope for the future. >> if i can help somebody my living is not in vain. she created art in motion videos produced by her camera
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crew capture how others inspire disadvantaged children throughout the world in places like cam bodebodia and hong kong and france. >> you know what, i can do more. and there are so many people around me that can do more as well. let's join hands and do this together. that really was the process of me creating the foundation of art in motion. >> monica also uses her modeling as a platform to speak out against the abuse of children and women caught up in the modern day slave trade. she created beauty for freedom, a campaign that involves the powerful fashion industry to shine the spotlight on non-profits fighting against human trafficking. >> i was in south africa and saw a lot of homeless children and all of these things they affect you. you see trafficking in some
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places that you go to because those are light hot spots for for that issue. southeast asia being one of those places. and working in these countries and saying -- we're in a industry that has the power to do something about it. >> monica's desire to help and serve others stems from a childhood of growing up in a loving and nurturing environment. >> i grew up in huntsville, texas, raised by two civil rights activists. my mom and dad are still very active. one thing that was really important in our family was to be a human being is to have the ability to give something back. you have to contribute something in this world. i'm going to live a life of service. that's my dream. i just see myself as being able to at least use what i have in
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this industry as a voice to contribute something back to the world because i want to live a legacy in that way. >> monica watkins, a positive and motivating force using her talent and voice to inspire others to live beyond the dream. >> monica's dream is to expand what she's doing now to work with other models and artists and philanthropists to help change the world and make it better. you know what i like about her, she sees the darkness and runs through it to spread light. >> great person what an inspirational story. thanks. >> the keystone pipeline billpassed the house yesterday and on the way to senate. it faces hurdles, we'll talk about the road ahead for the pipeline. hundreds and thousands take to the streets of france after the terrorist atrocities rick leaven thal will take us to the rallies. >> reporter: a widespread show
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of support across france with crowds ranging from a few thousand to a quarter million or more. a demonstration or vigil going on right now in paris we'll have details coming up right after the break.
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it's the bottom of the hour time for the top of the news. french investigators are trying to track down that woman hayat boumediene after three terrorists were kitwo hostage standoffs around france. hundreds of french forces joined the thousands of police around paris to try and track her down. she is considered dangerous. but might be the key to helping authorities dismantle what could be a terrorist network. some reports say she is out of the country. meantime, the alleged getaway driver and brother-in-law of the kouachi brothers has been released.
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police say he was not involved after his alibi checked out that he was in school at the time of the attacks. a unity rally will be held with european leaders in paris tomorrow condemning wednesday's attack on "charlie hebdo" and show beinging support to fight terrorism. >> more than half a million people are already flooding the streets of france, as a tribute to those killed and defiant response to the past three days of terror there. senior correspondent rick leventhal is live with details. >> reporter: the search for the female suspect still on the loose is getting most of the headlines here in france and paris, a city very much on edge, but there has been a tremendous show of support across this nation. tribute to those 17 victims lost in those terror attacks this week and that includes a vigil going on right now outside the jewish grocery that was the scene of that hostage standoff yesterday where four were killed along with the terrorist who was
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holding those people hostage. there have been other huge rallies and marches and demonstrations showing unity against extremism today an estimated 700,000 people in all today, including roughly 35000 in the southwest town which had a silent protest of unity. 75,000 more in another town to the west and tens and thousands of more on the southern coast. a quarter million people many of them calling i am charlie posters. the city of paris, as you mentioned, preparing for a massive unity rally tomorrow. 1 50000 police and security personnel will be on hand to protect the crowd that could grow as large as 1 million or more in the city center. the french president will be joined by the leaders of the united kingdom germany and italy and spain. but tensions still are remaining high here. france home to the largest muslim population in europe. no one knows how many have been
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radicalized but 1200 have left france to go fight with isis in iraq and syria. there are grave concerns that some of them may return here for more home grown attacks. patti ann. >> rick thank you. >> the new republican controlled house hitting the ground running with yesterday's keystone vote voting 266-153 in favor of a bill to expedite construction with no republicans voting against it. stop this renewed push, here to weigh in former clinton adviser doug showen. >> good to see you. >> this is a situation right now we're in the keystone pipeline could possibly go throughout but it would await a veto from the president.
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angela? >> kelly i was hopeful that this president would take a page out of doug's old boss's playbook and work with republicans. it would help with this legacy but this president is threatening to veto an actual piece of legislation that the union support -- i don't understand it but i believe the senate will pass it through. the president might veto it. if he does, mitch mcconnell will have to use his skills to get democrats to help override the veto. >> doug, that doesn't appear to be likely as we look at it from the outside looking in. to have enough power or juice as it will or bones or fire in the belly to go ahead and override the president. >> i don't think it's going to happen. i think angela is certainly correct it's going to pass the house and senate. we will have a bill for the keystone pipeline put on the president's desk but he has made it clear he's going to veto it.
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he says it will not create jobs or help energy independence, things that i think many right thinking americans disagree with. but sadly this is -- i think really what is most disturbing kelly about this, we're starting with polarization yet again in the congress and what i would say and i think my heart as i'm sure yours and angela's goes out to the people of france and those murdered when we're divided and facing terror overseas, it's very very hard to not be saddened as an american that we can't stand together at home if not abroad. >> doug, that was well said. >> exactly right. yes. doug is exactly right. the bottom line, this is a time for us to be united. and the president has a grand opportunity again, the unions support this. do you remember the president's shovel ready jobs weren't quite shovel ready yet? >> infrastructure jobs.
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>> this is when we will create jobs and you have democrats that support this. you have members of congress that support this. why can't the president stand behind it? he's being very arrogant. if you notice, more this president fails, the more arrogant he becomes. >> angela let me bring up this situation. you talk about jobs out there and many people will say 40,000 50,000 jobs waiting the keystone pipeline. but when you get through all of that, after they've initiated the building and construction of the pipeline it's only going to dwindle down to about 300 or so to maintain it. doug having said that what are the president's concerns here? >> i think the president's concerns are frankly not really that the jobs will go away, but that tom stier the radical billionaire environmentalist will spend billions and billions of dollars against any democrat and the white house if they support it and he is apparently
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actively considering a candidacy for barbara boxer's seat in 2016 in california. now that she's retiring really the president and democratic party is being held hostage by radical environmentalists like tom stier. >> you're a democrat and work for president bill clinton. what would be your advice to president obama. >> i would say the same thing i said to bill clinton, reach out to the opposition. you lost the election badly. we have to do immigration. we have to fix the health care bill. and we have to find a way i think to get the keystone pipeline done. but all of this must be done in a bipartisan basis, kelly, both bautsz it's a new year and we're facing tragedies and unspeakable horrors overseas and this is the time for unity. angela stated it very eloquently. >> also, kelly, this is a bigger symbolic move. if the president works with congress, i think it will help the markets rally. also, you took about the jobs
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dwindling away. more jobs will build up on this because people will invest more and corporations will invest more. if you see this divisiveness everybody will hold back. bottom line if the president would support republicans on this, it's a big symbolic move that shows that we are united and not divided. >> i like what you are both saying talking about divided. let's dismantle the polarization between each other. always good to see you both. >> thank you. >> you too, doug. bye. >> the search for answers on airasia flight 8501. crews hauling up a key piece of wreckage. what it is and why it's so important. the attacks in france sparking a heated debate whether we're doing enough to stop terror. this enemy well organized executing missions we have to expert more attacks on the other
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new developments on airasia flight 8501. it turns out the tail of the plane did not contain the black boxes. crews used balloons to lift the tail out of java sea. they were expecting to find the boxes inside but the flight recorders detached at some point during the crash. thorlgts say they are picking up new pings in the area. the boxes ring out for about 30 days before the batteries run out. this means divers have roughly two more weeks to find them. >> france is still reeling from a week of terror. it began with an apparently well coordinated military style attack on a newspaper and culminated in two bloody standoffs with police. the image is sending shock waves around the world with many wondering what if anything we can do differently to keep this
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from ever happening again. let's bring in bill gavin and former chief security for the bureau in new york miami and denver. bill, good of you to join us today and always good to hear your perspective on these kinds of situations where dastardly deeds are inflicted upon innocent people for no o parent rn other than hatred. >> there's only a couple of ways, number one to identify it say what it is, quit being so politically correct that we've drawn to a horrible situation where we have problems with us with the terrorism and islamic terror, it is not anything other than radical islamist terrorism. say so. that's what -- it's going to do islam a big favor as well by taking the honos off in general.
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secondly we have to have a government, president who's committed to doing the right thing. when we continue to release prisoners from gitmo and send them back to yemen only to replace the fighters killed, it makes no sense. he has a policy of containment of these -- of the problem. the containment of killing people by drone and not really doing anything pro actively to stomp out the problem itself. lastly, i think that we really have to get the buy in in the arab leaders and religious leaders themselves to stand up and stomp this problem out. we have to get aggressive and be proactive if we're going to eliminated radical islamist extremists. >> you're not alone in stating that. the president of egypt pointed to the cleric of egypt and
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basically told the clergy there, you must stand up and you must rise up against this radical islam, which is tainting our entire religion. >> and i couldn't agree more. thank god we have one person maybe that fire will spread to other religious leader as well or political leaders and religious as well, it's in the best interest to cooperate with the local authorities, law enforcement and intelligence services and political leaders to cooperate with them to root out the horror of radical islamic terrorists within hamas and culture and neighborhoods. and to help themselves. they only continue to cause a problem from themselves and rest of the world. we're going to have more of these attacks similar to france and hopefully they don't come to our shores.
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>> exactly, giving everyone throughout the western world the warning that this type of attack could come all around the western world, including united states. so having said that and going back to what you were talking about earlier, the president needs to be more proactive and state what it is we're dealing with. this is a war against terror, not a war against a religion, but a war against an extreme faction of that religion. >> i couldn't agree more, kelly. the problem is that we identify it as terrorist in a generic term. there's environmental terrorists and all kinds -- the problem that we have are radical islamist terrorists and we need to call it that and get everybody in sync in a proactive fashion to stop this. otherwise it's going to grow. it may be getting ahead of it.
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it might be growing to such a -- >> that's very important because i wanted to ask you what are your concerns about here at home as it relates to home grown terrorism. people going abroad to participate with isis from the united states and then bringing back that hatred and violent behavior back home? >> there's a couple of things we can do there. we have to again in the proactive fashion and not just letting it happen and address it after we've had a tragedy. what can we do with the passports who we know go over and get training and come back never let them travel out of the country again andrcerate them? >> that's one of the things. secondly we have to on a proactive basis, look what goes on every single day. our american population are
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terrific. i remember people had the whole idea it's not my concern, don't want to get involved. today everybody gets involved and that's what has to continue to happen in the united states, the cooperation between law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been -- has been terrific here in the united states and the millions upon millions of more eyes on the situation that come from citizens has been what's going to keep us free. >> bill gavin, always good to hear from you. continue to keep us updated about what's going on out there. >> thank you so much. >> a new report by the cdc reveals the biggest alcohol related risk in the united states. you might be surprised what it is. a member of our medical a-team will discuss the findings coming up blaxt p. .
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new information from the cdc reveals the biggest alcohol related risk is not drunk driving but the fact on average six people die every day from alcohol poisoning. 76% of those deaths are people between the ages of 35 and 64. and three of every four are male. how can we help our loved ones? let's bring in a member of our fox news medical a-team, dr.
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leonard samadi. thanks for joining us doctor. what is alcohol poisoning? >> alcohol poisoning is basically when you have large amount of alcohol in your system, it poisons your system. and usually liver, which is the main organ that acts as a filter to really take care of this alcohol, gets oversaturated. what happens when you put too much alcohol in your system, liver gives up and can't really take over and a lot of that alcohol ends up in your blood. that's why you would have the blood alcohol concentration, which we'll talk about. the statistic and maybe we can put it demographic up again. i think this is a serious business. six people die from this alcohol poisoning every day. you see basically the middle aged men 75% of them are men. 25% women. this is serious business. we want you to be aware of this. the main cause is binge drinking and it is up on the rise. 38 million americans report
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binge drinking at least four times a month, which is incredible incredible. for women, they should be taking about four drinks in an occasion or for men five drinks on occasion. you would basically ask me what is the definition of a drink because it's beer and wine, right? >> right. >> when you talk about the drink, you're talking about 12 ounce of beer or five ounce of red wine or white wine or one and a half ounce of hard liquor. those are the same type of drink. that's one definition of a drink. when you put in a lot, that's when you really have the impact of poisoning and damages your system. >> but it's not just the quantity, it's also the speed. you have to pace yourself. it's when you do it in a short amount of time. >> that's a very important point. that's almost like the binge we were talking about. when you take a lot of alcohol in a short period you're putting a tremendous amount of pressure on your heart liver and kidneys. we see something -- this blood alcohol concentration is very
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important. when it's .03 to .06, that's when you're maxed out. your judgment and memory goes down. .4,.5, your heart can stop, you're going to die. death, concentration, kidney can shut down. hypothermia, recognizing that somebody is getting through this. are they confused. are they in coma? is the temperature going down. they get dehydrated. those are signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning that's extremely important for people to know. >> we put up ages and middle age men are the most likely -- i would have thought college kids but now when you have the symptoms, what can be done? if somebody is experiencing -- >> the most important thing is to recognize that someone is going through this and not leave them alone and try to wake them up. you don't know exactly what their heart rate is what is their vital sign. stay with them. keep them up call 911 immediately. try to keep them up and not
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lying down. if they start throwing up and vomiting that stuff, they can aspirate and get a lot of problems. if they can talk to you, give them water if they can take it. you want to make sure you slow down dehydration until they get to the hospital. when they come and see us in the emergency room, we put in a line get their blood and maybe intube ate them to get control of their system and find out what's going on with electrolytes and that's a big message. slow down. pace yourself. social drinking i'm okay with it once in a while around your friends. when you put so much alcohol so fast -- >> thanks. dr. samadi thanks. >> that does it for us.
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