tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News January 10, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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hello and welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. we need to kill them. we need to kill them. the radical muslim terrorists hell bent on killing us. you're in danger, i'm in danger. we're at war. and this is not going to stop. after this week's brutal terror attacks in france, hopefully everybody now gets it. and there's only one group that can stop this war, the muslims themselves. our job is to arm those muslim to the teeth, give them
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everything they need to take out these islamic fanatics, let them do the job, let them have at it. and as they do, we need to simply look the other way. it is time for this to be over and stop sending american dollars to any arab country that does not support this mission. pakistan at the top of the list. force arab nation to choose, they're either with us or against us. and stop with this nuclear negotiation nonsense. they don't operate the way we do. you can't negotiate. you can't mediate and you can't bargain. you can't even reason with these people. now, the egyptian president in a country 85% muslim rid egypt, the largest arab country of
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these islamic fanatics. he threw out hamas terrorist and outlawed the muslim brotherhood, the mother of all terrorist organizations. and ironically, the days before the attack in france, the same president elsee see called on the imams and the religious establishment to lead the fight saying that the entire world is waiting for their next move. n now i've been telling you for a year that they're coming for us, a reverse crew said in progress, hundreds of thousands of n innocents killed in the middle east and seven months i said we need to bomb isis as they began their steam roll through iraq, bomb them, bomb them and bomb them again for chi was roundly
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criticized. our country's response to this threat? the fbi destroys tens of thousands of documents deemed offensive to islam. the cia removes the word islamic before terrorists in those benghazi talking points. the ft. hood massacre, the oklahoma beheading, both workplace violence. are we morons? of course, none of this should be a surprise given that our president invited the muslim brother mood to fill the first two rows of his apology for being an american speech in cairo in 2009. and as we cowher to this, our formerer secretary of state clinton says they'll prosecute the man that made the video. free speech be damned.
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they call these workplace violence. this surrender is nothing more than a cowards response to the fear of this fanatical terrorism. and this political correctness will be the death of us. they can kill us, but we can't hurt their feelings? i'm surprised the president hasn't signed a new executive order that simply says, don't offend muslims. and make no mistake. sure as i'm talking to you, there will be efforts to limit our first amendment, our free speech to comply with sharia blasphemy laws which call for death to those who slander the prophet muhammad. and at a time when we have never been in more danger, our president is focused on free community college on his continuing march to reduce the size of the military and e vis
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rate our national security. our government's response to the terror threat is to have an interfaith dialogue to try to understand and empathize with the enemy. and when they want to shut us up, they call us islam ma phones. muslim groups have been integrated into our society, muz plims invited to worship at our national cathedral in washington, d.c. we're directed by a political correctness that is so bizarre, so disconnected from reality that it does nothing but assist our enemy in our own destruction. they have conquered us through immigration. they have conquered us through interfaith dialogue and they have conquered us by coopting our leaders into a position of embarrassment. now the prime minister of france, just a few hours ago stated that france is at war
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with radical islam. why can't our president even say the words radical islam or islamic terrorists, let alone protect us americans. it's not like we haven't been -- that we haven't suffered from these fanatical terrorists. thousands of americans have died at their hands. the world trade center, the u-rus rks coal, ft. hood, benghazi. but when the head of mi 5, one of the most secretive positions shows his face to the world saying britain is going to get hit next, it is time to get serious. and as this islamic cancer metastasized throughout the world, ba ka haram, somalia, al qaeda, isis and there as it goes through europe, it is headed our way. our forefathers gave up
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everything, their fortunes, their families, their lives to create a government where free speech and freedom of religion were sack kra sank. this refusal to call it what it is an insult to my father and my grandfather and everyone who served in the armed forces who fought to protect what sacred to every american. yes, it is time for this to be over. and that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter at judge jeanine #justiceopen. let's go to fox report ert amy kel with the latest from paris. >> reporter: hi, judge. the wife of one of the three terrorists who wreaked havoc across paris last week was thought to be, at the very least, an accomplice in the murder of that policewoman here
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on thursday now, judge, appears to have fled the country as early as january 2, which throws up a whole lot of new questions. in any event, hayat bu medine has continued on to syria. if that was true, she would seem to be out of the reach of the french authorities who want so desperately to question her. stories of heroism emerged today of a shop assistant from mali who whisked shoppers into a chiller where they hid, albeit uncomfortably but safely until the hostage was over. and the owner of the printing company made their last stand. he recounted his preoccupation during his own hostile ordeal making sure that the kouachi brothers didn't notice a female
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employee hiding all the while under a sink. security is tight here in paris ahead of a unity rally later today in which a million people are expected to march for a couple of miles through the capital. it would will be a celebration of the value of french society and an opportunity to memorialize the 17 victims of this week's senseless atrocities. judge, eric holder, the attorney general will be representing the united states at this rally. and it started out to be largely a group of europeans gathering here with british prime minister david cameron and the italian premier. but now it's expanded out to include israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, king abdullah of jordan, queen ryan ya and many other heads of state are going to be present for this massive rally later today. judge. >> thanks. and with me now former air force officer and expert on the
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radicalization of the french muslims. nolan peterson. when people think of france, of paris, they think of the eiffel tower and the loouf. but you say there's a hidden world that some have never seen. tell us about that. >> it's a troubling situation. france has been fighting alongside the united states in afghanistan for more than a decade to deny terrorists a safe haven. yet, a ten-minute cab ride from the eiffel tower, there are neighborhoods where islams from the muslim brotherhood or al qaeda are openly recruiting on the streets. i want to be clear that these neighborhoods aren't like a training camp or anything like that. but it's very troubling that there is a mix of disenfranchised muslim youth who don't believe they have a place in french society who are living
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alongside which basically amount to scouting parties of islamic groups. >> when you say, nolan, that they're recruiting, they're recruiting young people who feel disenfranchised. are they sending home yemen? what do we know about the recruiting? >> i wrote a story on where i told the story of some of my french muslim friends while i was living in paris going to school. and they told me how on the streets they would be approached by elements of these groups, invited to go to mosques where they would see videos of extremists imams or preachers or militants who would try to indock tra nate them and then convince them to go to the countries to fight. >> to go to which countries and fight? >> at the time i was there, it was iraq. >> so you were not surprised by this terrorist attack in france.
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why is that? >> sadly, i was not surprised. i was in france right at the kickoff of the iraq war and i was very surprised by how brazen the islamist elements were in the get tos. and i actually predicted back in 2006 that something like this would happen. france has usually been very reluctant to have an aggressive foreign policy against terrorists abroad. yet in the last several years france has adopted a much more aggressive stance. in addition to that, isis has created this brand of home grown terrorism. so the tables have turned a little bit and i think we're at a tipping point now where we might see a lot more attacks like what we saw this week. >> there are areas called no go zones where apparently the french police will not go. sharia law is imposed. these are dangerous areas in the
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g getto. what can you tell us about those? >> they're portions of the getto that the french authorities have abandoned. they don't provide ambulance or police services. >> is it because they're fearful? why would they abandon that? >> they're afraid. the islamist almosts are on the streets and the police officers and the authorities just don't want to be there. however, there is a strong french intelligence presence in these areas, so they are trying to keep tabs on what's going on. >> it doesn't work so well, to be honest with you. >> it did not work. you're correct. and up next, new warnings and reports that terror sleeper cells may have been activated in france. vote in tonight's instapoll. what action should our government take to protect government take to protect americans
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dwong tonight, new reports that terror sleeper cells may have been activated in france. this as we're learning new details about hundreds of no-go zones across france and other countries that are off limit to nonmuslim pps steve emerson, founder of the investigator project joins us. my last guest told us some chilling details about these no-go zones. what more can you tell us about these zones? >> these no-go zones exist not only in france but throughout europe. they're sort of a more fis. they're not contiguous but they're sort of safe havens and they're places where the governments like france, britain, sweden, germany, they don't exercise any sovereignty. so you basically have zones where the sharia courts are set up, where muslim density is very intense, where the police don't
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go in and where it's basically a separate country almost, a country within a country. >> you know what it sounds like to me? it sounds like a caliphate within a particular country. >> it certainly does sound like that. it's almost the prescription that they're asking israel to do, which is to set up a separate state within their own state. except they're not recognizing it. they're not dealing with it because they don't want -- i got into a tweet fight with the french ambassador who denied that there are any such things as no-go zones except on the french official website it says there are and it has a map of them. and in britain, it's not just no-go zones, there are actual cities like birmingham that are totally muslim where nonmuslims just simply don't go in. and parts of london, there are muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound
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seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to muslim, religion muslim attire. there's a situation that western europe is not dealing with. and in this country, you know, we have, you know, the selective orientation toward what is radical islam. the president doesn't say the. we up collude turkey as part of our alley despite the fact it supports hamas, providing safe haven to the leaders on hamas. europe just lifted the sanctions on hamas. so when europe says or france says we're engaged in a war against radical islam, they don't include hamas. >> is there any way to get the no-go zones back? does france want it back? does germany want the area back? is this this is metastasizing into a simple takeover. i think you said europe is over? what did you say? >> i said the other day, europe is finished because if you extrapolate the number of
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muslims -- and i'm not saying that all muslims are terrorists, far from it. >> of course not. >> but the problem is that the leadership of the muslim communities in europe deliberately don't want to integrate. so they establish these zones which refuse to integrate and use them as leverage against the host country as political and military leverage. so will these countries take it back? i don't see it happening at this point. you see reaction by the population, judge. but i don't see the country elites taking it back. that's really unfortunate because it fosters the whole per pech ration of radical islamic generations from here to come. >> tell us very quickly about these women -- you know, we hear about this woman, bomeddiene kwels other women terrorists. there are a lot of them in france, i understand? >> there are many -- not many.
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i can't give you the specific number. they trained. first of all they've carried out terror attacks in the middle east for sure. iz be la, jihad. isis has women trained, islamic female terrorists and europe also, we've seen now in britain where women wear burkas to hide their identities. and in fact in certain airports, believe it or not, they don't require the burkas to be removed to identify them to see who they are. >> great point. i've seen it at airports myself. i've seen it at airports myself. coming shopping online is as easy as it gets. i've swouldn't it be greatyself. cif hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today.
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at the killings in france, silenced nonmuslims into submission by not talking about the prophet muhammad for fare of death. with meauthor. harris, you' offended to the reference by muslim terrorism and you prefer simply designating it terrorism. why is that? >> it's not a matter of being offended. offense doesn't bother me. the goal is how do undermine the etiology by which terror groups recruit the naive muslim out there. instead of justifying and validating that this is islam and muslim, we want to show what our teachings are, the true teachings of islam, that's islamic and muslim. if you want to adhere yourself to islamic and muslim, follow
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the path of intolerance and submitting to government, loving mankind. that's the distinction, let's call islam what the philosophy of what its teachings are not what the radical lunatics call it. >> what you're saying is the issue of jihad is something that's foreign to the religion of islam? is that a yes or no. >> that's a conversation to have. >> i'm sorry? >> so islam is a rich faith, the diverse that talks about how to increase relation to god. >> no, no. the question that i'm asking you is very simple. harris. excuse me, harris. the question that i'm asking you is very simple and that is, you were saying that in the religion, in the islam muslim religion there is no call for jihad? >> that's what i was trying to clarify, that jihad is an islamic concept which talks about the struggle to follow the path of islam to increase your
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relation to god and to defend religious freedom. that's the misunderstanding amongst many muslims. >> does defending their religious freedom mean sub jo gaiting everyone other than muslims? >> no. >> i'll go to you. >> judge and harris, don't you think, harris, the american public is sick and tired of hearing apologetics after they see on media magazines, 12 people killed, they saw thousands killed by be coharam, they see it used to whip others like myself and others to. you'll say that's not islam and have an apologetic. but the bottom line is the laws that they're using is part of an islam that's out there. as long as you continue the apologetics and denial, you may be well intended but you're preventing the reforms.
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we can't have the conversation and we need an intervention if we can't have this conversation about jihad and end the entire concept of jihad because it comes from the islamic state con kept. >> harris, let me you this. isn't jihad obligatory for every muslim? >> yes. the great jihad of impurifying yourself, the greatest jihad of defending rationality is. instead of the rhetoric that we're hearing, which is about labels. far from the petty argument of labels. what i think the american public wants and deserves is how do we protect innocent lives from being killed. >> all right. harris, i'm going to stop you for a second. i've got the book here, the reliance of the traveler. okay? this is the bible, the law that interprets the courran. it's the obligation of anyone, they're talking about the enemy. >> yes. >> destroying the enemy and the unfaithful and the nonbelievers.
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i'm not stupid. i'm a judge. i can read this. >> the book you should have in front of you is the curran. it is perhaps the most misunderstood -- >> she's reading -- >> harris, she's reading -- >> harris, you answered it. harris, stop. >> harris, she's reading from the leading sharia book for the school of thought in sunni islam. >> yes. >> you can tell the american public whatever you want right now but your denial is preventing the confrontation of the imams that are teaching this stuff that infuses the radicalism of the guys in paris, saudi arabia and pack stan andless where. >> you're right. i agree with you. >> we have to have a jihad against jihad. and your apoll jet ticks are killing us and killing islam.
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>> i've got to go. >> you know the track record of us. >> it says it's a responsibility of muslims to rise up and stop groups like isis who cause chaos. >> yes. >> that's your interpretation of the curran. where does i say that. >> it says when you see two parties or believers fighting, you make peace. >> they're not fighting with each other. they're fighting with the nonbelieves. thanks for being with us tonight. everybody
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bottle at his girlfriend the judge ordering zimmerman to avoid contact with the woman and stay out of her county. >> and amid sexual assault allegations against bill cosby, he asked a woman where she was going she said getting a drink cosby responded she better be careful drinking around him. >> now, back to justice with judge janine. " with judge jeanine. our country's police officers are the first response whenever any of us are at risk. and since the brutal attacks killing two new york city police officers in brooklyn last month, in addition to protecting us citizens police now have the additional responsibility of having targets on their own
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backs. joining me now, sergeant ed mull lynns, nypd, pba president. it's good to have you here, sergeant. first of all, condolences on the deaths of officers ramos and liu. our hearts go out to them and their families. but sergeant, things don't seem to have thaud in these schism between the mayor and the police department. >> that's correct. >> you think that the mayor should be apologizing to new york city cops? >> i feel that there has to be some kind of a conciliatory action to which the police officers in new york will begin to trust the actions of the mayor, the actions of city council. there's a lack of faith right now coming from city hall. and you know, just recently someone said to me the words of the marine corps is we don't retreat, we find a different way. and i think that's what has to happen now in the nypd. i think we have to find, as
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leaders of our organizations, and of the rank and file, we have to find a different way to inspire our members and to continue to protect the public and to make their workplace a happier workplace so they can still do the job that we've been doing for many, many years. >> what you're describing, sergeant, is a real deep moral problem. and what you're suggesting is if there isn't an apology that you've got to find other ways to get nypd back on their game. >> correct. that's where we're at right now. >> you know, in these difficult times right now, especially with what's happened in france and, you know, as a d.a., i worked with your department many years. always said it's the best police department in the world without a doubt. we've got issues with terrorism. when this mayor came in in addition to the ant crime stuff, the stop and frisk and all of
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the other rhetoric, we now have a dismantling of the intelligence program that was dwrond right after 9/11 to make sure that we had the intelligence we needed on the terrorists, the islamic terrorists, dismantled now. >> that's topic of debate. in the end, are we going to be missing it and something happen and we sit back and say we didn't have it. we're a all critiquing the cia, the military and the police. this has become a national issue over and over and over again. we've been very fortunate that the work they that have done over these years since the initial attacks of september 11th, that have kept this country safe. and as we can see from what took place in france in just the last couple of day, this is real. the threat of terrorism is real, new york city remains a target of terrorism. the american people can't get their guard down. they need to support the police
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and the military and the cia. because in the end it's your husbands, your wives, your children who fall victim to this terrorist action. >> there's no question, they are, you are the one line of defense we have from the terrorists. and with all due respect, we weren't lucky. it was because the nypd was on their game. >> we've interrupted several incidents. >> absolutely. now you've got a department that is lacking the so-called intel division, the muslim mapping. when i was a d.a., if i wanted to infiltrate an organization that was, you know -- let me think of an organization -- racist organization, i would infiltrate a white organization. >> we've done it with the african americans, hispanics. we have done it with every group that has brought organized criminal activity to any aspect of this country. it stands to reason what's taken place now with the
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fundamentalists that are here, midden eastern that we need to pay closer attention to this. >> itwe've surrendered. we can do it. >> we can do it. >> we're ashamed to do it. >> the result of not doing it is death to many, many people and we shouldn't have that happen. >> last question. is commissioner bratton in a tough place right now? >> he's in a very tough place right now. it's caught between a rock and a hard spot. he work frs the mayor, appointed by the mayor, trying to resolve an issue. she has 44 years of experience in which he's been a street cop. he's trying to be a master to two kings and it's not something that's working out. >> he asked the cops not to turn their backs. they did it three times. >> that's right. >> is his heart with the cops? >> that's a good question. i tend to think you got to be leaning with the cops. if not, he's got 44 years of law enforcement experience that we
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have to wonder then where he really stands >> i want to believe -- >> well we all want to believe. but he's in a tough spot. one way or another, the problem here in in new york is going to get fixed, it has to get fixed for the good of the city and for the good of the people who are doing their job on a daily basis. >> and you're going to work toward that goal? >> i am going to see this through to the end absolutely. >> thank you. coming up, islam and blasphemy laws. how to jeanine p
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[ high-pitched ] nailed it! the charlie hebdo satirical newspaper has the law on it to punish the paper from mocking islam in its satirical ka toons. now with me with a federal judge. you were involved in one of the first terrorists trials in this country, stemming from the world trade center, the bombing. >> right, and a plot to blow up other landmarks around new york. >> and a lot of people were very concerned about your security. and i understand that there were security precautions imposed on you. why was that? >> well, it was felt that these guys are into revengs and are into the kind of thing that they
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were obviously into in paris. and i was -- i had a 24-hour detail for 11 years. >> that's a long time. >> yeah, it's long time. you kind of -- my wife and i didn't have a private conversation in a vehicle for 11 years. >> but, you know, the reality is, when you reference what happened in france this week, it's 21, 22 years later. and we are still worried about this on individuals, you know the satirical cartoon niss come on under attack because they're seeming to condemn muhammad. with the terror cells and the lone wolves that are out here, can our government protect us? >> i think the government can protect us if thaw's what they want to do and pull up their socks and do it. >> what does it mean to pull up your socks? >> what it means is to get rid of the political correctness
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that refuse to describe what it is we're dealing with. to get rid to have political correctness that says we're not going to map different areas of new york city so that we know where various people from different countries would go if they were to hide the way the mayor of new york did, got rid of -- >> mayor de blasio. >> we just talked about that with sergeant mullins. the profiling as if we should be looking at kindergarten kids instead of them, they believe is profiling that sin appropriate. >> they think if we're looking a mosques, if we're not looking at lutheran churches, it's wrong, ridiculous. >> it's discriminatory. >> its not. >> of course not. we see gitmo being emptied out and the last people in gitmo are the most serious of the terrorists. and yet the president is releasing them and trading them for a desert. and i don't care what they say the results are.
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the pentagon called him a desert, bergdahl when he first left his site. with these guys being released open being basically returned to the battlefield, we're in even more danger are we not? >> of course. and they are people who have totemic significance and respect when they get back to the battle. there are a number of alumni of guantanamo who are high up within both al qaeda and isis. >> why aren't we trying these guys instead of releasing them in. >> there are some of them as to who we don't have evidence that would be sufficient for a court or would be the kind of evidence that could be admitted in the court. but nonetheless, the circumstances under which they were captured make it quite clear they are too dangerous to release. there's no reason that we can't continue to hold them. the notion that you have to have a trial in order to hold somebody is ridiculous. >> should we -- we can't even call them terrorists.
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should these cases be handled in the federal civil courts? i know there have been a lot of convictions but at the same time, are they not enemy combatants? >> my own view sw we ought to have a separate court, a national security court that deals with both surveillance issues and trial issues. we're not going to have that until there's another precipitating event because that's the way things work in washington. but i think that's what we need. >> is that going to happen? >> another event? >> uh-huh. >> likely. >> soon? >> i don't have a crystal ball on that. but it is, it is as clear as day to me that we're going to have another event. >> all right. judge michael mulkasey. thank you. coming up, the head of the catholic league said after the murderous ram package at charlie heb be that the muslims have a right to be angry. here next to respond to the controversial comments. it's your last chance to vote in
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famous for >> countless critical depictions of catholics and french politicians, charlie hebdo frequently courted controversy, my next guest says that the portrayal causes religious problems, you said they have a right to be angry. >> the inoffensive depictions should be put out all over the place, because if they don't
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like it, it is just too bad. when you take a religious figure and you show things, which are what i would call toilet speech, the kind of things which quite frankly is so disgusting, it's beyond the pale, there is no need for that. mohammed is not my sacred person, but i respect the right of muslims and jews having their icons treated with respect. if you want to disagree with them, so be it. nobody wants to take out the barbarians of the world more than me. >> when i was a d.a., a lot of people would blame the victim. it sounds like you're blaming the victim. >> no, what i'm saying, the person, the artist, exercised a measure of restraint, he would not be dead right now. >> no, had they not killed him he wouldn't be dead. had they not come to france and
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took the ak-47s, he wouldn't be dead. >> i'm not doubting that if these cartoonists behaved in a rational fashion, you wouldn't have this problem. i want to take this moment to say artists have to measure an exercise of restraint, they do it with modern religion and with their religion. >> let's talk about what happened with the crucifix in the united states, it was disgusting, i didn't go out and kill anybody. >> and in corpus christi -- >> but you have a right. you know what, bill? these muslims are muzzling us. >> listen, i'm on your side, like i say, i'm a guy that came out of the air force for four years. i saw what happened in the bombing of the world trade center. i looked out my window about
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that i know all about this thing. i yield to nobody wanting to take out these barbarians, we yield to nobody, but we need to exercise restraint as far as artists are concerned. >> does it bother you that the president of the united states and the former secretary of state hillary clinton could care less about the crucifix, the dong, and i can't say the real words, folks, but they apologize to the muslims for a video which was supposedly the reason behind benghazi, which was a fantasy? doesn't that make you angry? >> it makes me want to reach for the vomit bag, they have a sensitivity they will never show for catholics, i'm the last guy in the world who won't condemn them for this hypocrisy, let the artists exercise some restraint.
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that is my message. >> my response, the first amendment, we let them do whatever they want, if we ever change it, we're wooses and pussies. >> i'm in total agreement, that is another subject, all i'm simply saying, we should exercise restraint, but no restraint against the barbarians. >> right, kill them. >> now for the results of tonight's poll. we asked what action should our government take to protect the americans against terrorists, loretta says bomb them into oblivion. linda, we have a president who keeps inviting the illegals in and then flying them all over the country for free. the last thing he wants to do is return them. and here is a t-shirt from me. it says i love new york cops and
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all the money goes to the police officers' families, the officers killed a couple of weeks ago in new york city, that is it for us tonight. tune in tomorrow, 9:00 p.m., special edition of sunday justice. see you tomorrow night. ings dif. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side
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