tv Media Buzz FOX News January 12, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PST
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here soon. >> it began with a massacre in a paris satirical newspaper that left 12 dead, a vicious act of terrorism making mockery of extremists with bloody shootouts that killed the terrorists and a drama that hit home hard for the media. >> on the broadcast tonight, massacre in paris, the deadliest attack on french soil in half a century. >> breaking, terrorists stand off in major operation underway as police surround the two brothers suspected in the deadly attack in french. >> nbc is reporting there is another shooting in paris. french radio is reporting gunfire at a kosher supermarket in paris and reports of one wounded and possible hostages.
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>> we heard four, possibly five large explosions. now i hear gunfire. >> automatic fire. shots. >> braking news from the stand offs in paris. the siege is over. at least six hostages reported freed. four other hostages now reported murdered. three terrorists are dead. >> idea murder -- how did nbc and msnbc get the facts so wrong? should news organization run the antimuslim cartoon? >> mitt romney weighing another presidential bid. are journalists trying to draft him? or being used? >> bill cosby fights pack as new accusers surface and nbc allows
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shriver to report on her own movie. this is "media buzz." i am howard kurtz. >> the satirical newspaper "charlie hebdo" is everlast, symbol after the vicious shootings at the office that left 12 people dead. the paper was known for mocking islam and after the cartoon poked fun at the prophet mohammed terrorists fire bombed the offices and the editor refused to be cowed. >> we come from a country with freedom of speech. i prefer to die than run. >> front pages an the world paying tribute to this courageous man and his staff. >> the fact it was an attack on
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journalists, on our free press...these terrorists do not believe in freedom of speech and freedom the speech. >> now as the debate emamericans how the president and his aides were describing the attack. >> there is a long history of the white house being very very reluctant to talk about terrorism and call something terrorism but they quickly called it american because it was so obviously terrorism. what they have not done is call it islamic terrorism. >> i stop calling these people muslims, they are as muslim as i am. they have no respect for anyone moves life. that is not what the koran says. >> strange words were use by cnn picked up by an early comment previously. >> on this day they found the targets, a clear attack on
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freedom of expression and satire. >> how about murderrists and jihadists? we have former nbc senior correspondent, and casey mcfar lane former defense department official, and a fox news contributor, fred. >> a million people are gathering on the streets of paris today in a unity march. we do not usually consider satirists as great champions of free speech. >> "charlie hebdo" were champions of free speech. i found it offensive most of the time but that is part of the joy of democracy. you can do this. you can be offensive. you can be racist. they were. very often. we have lost them. however, in losing them look what has happened here. we have a million people on the
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streets of paris right now. maybe this will change. >> we have lost the individuals who were killed but the paper plans to publish next week. and a girl said they did not marry or have kids because "charlie hebdo" new he would die. this is media debate driven partly by pox and president obama has fallen short is we saw it earlier because he will not call them "terrorists." >> that is a fundamentally question because unless you call it what it is you did not know how to go after it. this is assault on western values and this is similar to what isis did, targeting journalists and captured journalists in syria and iraq and beheaded journalists. why? because they wanted it she the world, don't mess with us. don't report on what we are doing. don't offend. this is how we respond. >> it is an important debate. in terms of what happened in france this week even french
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leaders admit it was a failure of french intelligence but this is a healthy debate about president obama's role. is it misdirected? >> i don't think so. i think something very important happened in the reaction. we now see today european leaders from all over the place con veteranning in paris, marching in the march. they are calling this radical islamic, the ideology that gave root to this. at this point for the president he doesn't have to cross some kind of line. he can lead from behind. he can state the obvious. he can join the rest of the world in naming it what it is. in terms of the strategy and the failures of french intelligence, this is beginning to be a huge debate. these people were being followed but according to the french officials they wasn't the resources to track every single one of these people. >> this isn't just a failure of french intelligence but a failure of intelligence throughout europe. they have dropped the bomb. they are overwhelmed by radical
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islam. >> do you think the coverage is adequately reflect that? >> no one is speaking of it. you cannot cover it because it is so overwhelming. they have not spent the money, neither the french or the germans. until they do that, we are going to have what we have. >> another part of media reaction is a great debate about whether news organizes as a gesture or solidarity should run the cartoons as "charlie hebdo" did. let me show you what a fox news contributor said. >> the correct response to this attack by all of us in journalism, we pretend to be so brave. if we had guts those cartoons would be reprinted on the front pinch of "new york times" and the "wall street journal" and the "washington post" and the "los angeles times" tomorrow but they won't be. we will cry. we are going to continue to self
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censure. >> the "washington post" ran one of the cartoons but k.t. is it cowardly not to run them? >> i understand why the organizations do not want to they are worried they put their people at risk. if everyone did it if everyone ran the pictures and said, this is what incited the silent, this is the excuse radical jihadist used, it would be a strong statement. we have all the journalists talking moral high ground but they are not doing it. >> we have seen those car troops reprinted in a lot of places and denmark is a good example. the publication that first published the cartoon that got the journalist kill and "charlie hebdo" reprinted it and got fire bombed every paper in denmark now is publishing except for the one who said they have to recollect their people. >> fox news is not running the car troops saying safety of the correspondents and questions of taste are an issue here.
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cnn president said he is torn he wants to run them but told the staff protecting our employees is more important right now. >> i agree with that. i don't agree you run these because if you are a world-wide news organization and you are standing in the street in belgium or in beirut and it says cfn or you are the new york times you are a target. you are a big tar get if you run these things. i feel safe as a journalist in this country. i don't have to worry about that in this country. but if you have overseas correspondents you need to be worried. >> "new york times" said we do not normally print images deliberately offending sensibilities. last night a newspaper in germany was attacked by arson. >> i disagree. if there is any guts, if there is any courage, if there is any role that a free media has it
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is to call it what it is. if we are self-censuring, and cowering, free speech is gone. >> you have never been a journalist on the front line where you have guns from one faction over here and guns from another faction over there and they know you represent america, they don't know whether it is nbc or f you represent america. you are a target. i say don't run the cartoons. >> why is it more than a symbolic gesture? what i would like to say in response to the heinous acts is more a continued aggressive reporting on islamic terrorists and even mockery but to run the cartoons some of which are offensive to various religious sensibilities including a cartoon that shows we toilet paper bibled "bible," "koran," the "torah." >> the responsibility, then sex to go to the zones throughout
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europe and france and germany and switzerland and sweden and britain and report on what is going on. those are places are journalists don't go. >> there has been in the press the beginning of something i hope continues which is reporting on the muslim community and how radical islam fits in and what they are doing to expel or not doing to expel it and that is one of the most important things to solve this problem and that has to be a serious concerted effort. >> that has happened this week because it is a hot story this week. i am sorry, but it is not going to continue next week. i don't believe it. i don't believe moderate clerics are going to take up this cry. they haven't. they have had plenty of opportunity since 9/11 to do so. they haven't. >> i would add we need to look and we are seeing stories at antisemetism which is no accident that kosher supermarket was one of the places where hostages were taken. to come back to the courage of
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the people who ran this "charlie hebdo" newspaper, the office was fire bombed in 2011 after the paper ran a mohammed cartoon that offended muslims. why want to suggest or imply that the newspaper was responsible for this barbaric act. there was an ongoing argument that was criticized by french officials and by the obama white house in 2012 that the paper was unnecessarily insulting or provocative toward religion. >> this has changed that. in other words this has transcended that. >> you can name blame the victim. >> this is not the time to have this debate but about the principle of western values. >> some of this you find offensive oratist and you do not want to defend it. >> i defend their right to do it >> i understand but i will thy for your right to say it. >> and they do. >> but, in fact the french didn't.
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okay? if we see a million people in the streets of paris today, are they willing to put troops on the ground to go after radical islam? >> that is why the terrorists said they were attacking "charlie hebdo" because of the situation in the middle east. >> serious number of troops on the ground and we are talking aboutually going if they want to be martyrs make it so. we have fought seen the french do that. >> important point is this is a hot story but we know how the media runs from one crisis to the next. it cannot be forgotten. my take away is freedom of speech means protecting odious speech offensive speech otherwise it is meaningless. i am sure you have a last opinions. tweet me and i will read some of the messages. we will talk to "washington post" cartoonist about the risk the satire and the collosal mistake by nbc on the attack. how did this happen?
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as the manhunt for the p >> as the manhunt intensified on wednesday, nbc report add dramatic development that continues on msnbc. >> we have breaking news. nbc has just learned that one of the suspects has been killed and two are in custody. >> a seen major united states counterterrorism official tells nbc that at this hour one suspect has been killed and two other suspects are in custody. >> signatures after that news was delivered, pete williams who reported the original story started backing off. >> to be fair here, we just
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don't know exactly what the situation is in france. there have been conflicting reports whether an arrest has been made. >> the next night, a retraction for those relying on the unnamed united states officials. >> while the sources have been reliable in our previous reporting, the intel they passed last night turned out fought to be correct. >> pete williams is usually a reliable reporter but to report one is dead and taken interest custody on wednesday...that is a big mistake the. >> we will see more of it? traditional media is reporting newspaper, but people are getting their news from the interprets 24/7 every few minutes you refresh so the push is for the mainstream media to try to get throughout and be fast and they make mistakes. the good old days when i was at
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the pentagon when we did grenada we took guys like fled and had them out in the water so there would not be leaks. >> let me make this point, pete williams is the finest, one of the finest reporters in this town and i have worked with him for 30 years and he had and i have done reporting on this, he had multiple sources from multiple answers in the u.s. government getting information from french intelligence and french law enforcement over a period of a couple of hours before he reported that. his reporting has been so accurate over the last two decades with the same sources in the u.s. government that you would have to go with that information. he did. because it was -- but the information was bad from france. the french were telling the fbi and the justice department and the c.i.a. the same thing. >> that is the risk. we saw this with the boston
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marathon bombing situation and this has happened in fox and elsewhere, even if you are right, what is the great scoop of getting it ten minutes before it goes out? the risk is tremendous. >> risk is greater than the benefit of being right. who cares? >> people are looking at the internet every second. what does it mean if you beat another network by 35 seconds. >> it matters, mara. >> with the social media fed a tweet goes out that nbc has a break in the story people switch to nbc. >> it is fought worth the risk. the benefit of that is not worth being wrong. >> my point in 23 years it is rare that someone like pete williams make as mistake like this. >> i said that at the top. >> overall the reporting on this was good. >> different question --.
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>> no. i want to make a point. the french reporter they reported that hayat boumeddiene was a suspect in the grocery store. she wasn't even in the country. a lost bad news is coming down. >> conflicting accounts. i cannot resolve that right now. is there anything in the story we are missing? >> everyone is missing the big story. the real story? the president of egypt came out and went to the top religious university in the muslim world and he said to the imams, you need a revolution, it is your fault we are hated, radical us sham i lay it at your feet you have to change. that has had earthquakes in the arab world. >> the question i raise when we go to the non-step coverage that the whole world is watching and whether we are giving terrorists what they want to go out as they see in their twisted way a
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it was amazing on friday to watch the deadlyamanranc unfo >> it was amazing on friday to watch the deadly situation unfold in france with the assault on the two hostage locations and the deaths of three terrorists and some hostages freed and others being killed. greg joins us in terrorist. as up to a president gin in a unity march you lived in that city for several years. talk about the role of "charlie hebdo" and the controversial role in french culture.
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>> it is amazing. "charlie hebdo" made a splash. it was hard to describe to our audience back in america the impact of that newspaper and the cartoonists but the best we to describe it say jay leno and david letterman and jon stewart and other comics were in the same office and they all got assassinated the it is almost the equivalent of what the folks here in france feel. they love satire and their cartoonists. it is a huge blow in many different ways. >> that is a striking analogy. when you are covering the unfolding of this news and it and live and we my little whether the two hostage situations were connected there were a lot of false rumors floating around and i mentioned the report on nbc, and another report you were chasing from bbc. talk about how you decide what you can report and what you can and cannot confirm. >> it was a challenge.
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this was a breaking story, breaking on all sorts of fronts but that and what we are paid to do, to sort it out. french government, not all that bad. they were pretty slow getting information but they had some information. access was not great but we are talking about safety. listening to your prior segment and i agree that twitter sphere is dangerous. it can be a big help but lead you down the wrong way. at the end of the day, it takes experience and knowledge of the country, it takes people with know it. my producer here in france has been my producer for 15 years. before i go with anything i would say "call the police," call the interior minister, get it nailed down and then we come out. i agree with the point made by a panelists better to get it right then to get it first and not correct. also important, the contempt. the breaking news is very very important but putting it in
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condition text, what this means to france, the population here, the problems with unemployment et cetera, very important to understand. another note from my experience here, the french people are pretty reticent to show their emotions but i have never seen them so also to talk. a big low. >> more permit to get it right than to get it first which is why you did not go with the reports of a gunman being loose by the eiffel tower. greg palkot, thank you for joining us. coming up we will talk about the impact of the massacre mascaron the "washington post" cartoonist and the medicinia say mitt romney is considering a third run for president. really?
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tweets are pouring in. "it is crucial that city council list does not become a victim of screensorship as a way of preventing terrorism." the pulitzer prize winning cartoonist of the "washington post" showed an automatic weapon and pen labeled "free expression." we spoke earlier. tom toles, welcome. >> glad to be here. >> this cartoon sends a message. what is the message? >> cartoons are supposed to be very, very simple and this is mostly is so i will give you the simple version first. it was my immediate reaction to the tragedy this past week and obviously it was not an attack on specific cartoonists but an attack on freedom of explosion generally so i wanted an image that portrays the factors here.
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there was on the one hand, the automatic weapon fired in the terrorist attack and murders and on the other hand there is the lowly pen of a cartoonist and i label that as free expression but what i wanted to do was to take off on the idea that the pen is more mighty than the sward but that is the simple part. the caption of the cartoon is the pen will endure. i will stop there. >> let me ask if you are worried at all that the massacre of the journalists could lead to a softening among commentators and cartoonists? >> actually, that is on my mind after this incident and it is on going issue in journalism and particularly in opinion journalism. the jury is still out. this was a heartening response globally to this tragedy and the
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overwhelming public outturning in france and the united states and around the world of people taking the opposite of a cow we aring stance we are not afraid. >> very encouraging. >> it was a public recognition of the experience of free expression. with that having been said, it will remain to be seen what happens going forward, what -- freedom of expression is a very complicated thing and it happens cross a variety of media and editors and market forces and --. >> you will all grapple with this? >> you are in the satire business do you think well this is funny but maybe it cross as line and will be too offensive? >> thank you is an interesting cultural difference between european cartooning and american cartooning and i am not sure everyone understands the
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difference. the standards of what is normal, visual discourse in cartooning in europe is different than in the united states. they are more free wheeling and go more for vulgar and confrontational images. automatically, right off the bat, when i draw a cartoon i am working in the american context which is more visual circumdescribed. what i ask myself, not so much am i crossing a line of offensiveness. what i am asking does this cartoon reflect what i really went to say? does it convey that effectively? why censor myself and my editor doesn't try to in terms of context or opinion but there is the question of the images that are selected. that is a matter of discussion. as far as content no, that
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doesn't enter my mind. >> it is a little known fact the both of us worked at the student paper at the buffalo of new york. >> thank you. >> great to see you. >> cheryl atkinson has evidence that the department is conducting to the hacking her computers and the justice department has denied they have had involvement in the hacking which the suit said was verified by three forensic investigations and attkisson was reporting on benghazi and obamacare is pursuing the $31 million invasion of privacy to show people victimized by this practice are not powerless to fight back. >> ahead bill cosby's tv wife
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when reporters asked mitt romney about running, the answer was the same. >> i am not running. i have nothing to add. >> you are not saying you are done. >> i am not running. i am not planning on running. that is all i got for you. >> now the "wall street journal" reports that the two time candidate told a meeting of donors he is considering another white house bid in 2016 and "politico" reports a source saying everyone in here can tell your friends i am considering a run. now, we have editor and chief at "rollcall," and lauren fox. christina, the press zone want to take "no," for an answer from mitt romney. is this the latest example of trying to drum up a romney candidacy? it is an easy story for the press. we often talk about this on your show. you have all the footage not just from the 2012 failed presidential bid against president obama but the failed
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primary bid in 2008 so this are ways to get back into the story and the press plaintiffs tension and big personalities. the "washington post" story on the front page this morning is well written and very interesting but it gets at all of the drop ma between the bush appeal and the romney family legacy going back 15 years. this is something that the media can focus on the you have the sound bits. you have the drama. the tension. a great story. >> with jeb bush in the race, lauren and mitt romney making comments, is there a sense he could just be trying to get his name out. >> it will make a difference headed into the election. already county necks in new -- already folks in new hampshire are saying it could put a freeze in hiring while we get a sense if this is just off the cuff statement. >> i want your take on how seriously right new based on a we know the media should be
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taking the rumblings. >> he will tell donors to tell the press. >> right. it could be him trying to stay relevant as we saw in 2014 that was the strategy, in the ads for chamber of commerce helping those running if conditioning. he wants to stay relevant. >> noen super do the organizes go not and "time" magazine says top advisors discount the possibility of him mounting a campaign as opposed to "talking." >> you have to take him seriously, he could build up the infrastructure quickly and we can get a question of how many advisors have gone on to work for others but if he wanted to run he would be there. i think the media should take it seriously. >> it is interesting that the press did not like romney in 2012 or give him great treatment and seem to be rooting for imto run so have you the headlines
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and "politico" "romney and jeb ready to rumble." >> it is a fun news story. unlike 2012 when romney was the only establish president candidate, the express hungry where they get to put more and more conservatives establishment candidates against each other and obviously bush and a guy who has run twice already for president is a good example of this. >> you will have donors fighting it out. >> i am skeptical. this week, speaker boehner easy re-election as house of representatives speaker but there was a coup attempt or mutiny because 25 republicans voted against him. was that hyped for the drama? >> i will defend the coverage. "rollcall," does quite a bit of this, congress is our business much you have way more republicans vote offing against speaker boehner than's. he had a certain number of disdepths 12 or 13 in the last
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run for speaker and you had a bigger effort, you had republicans that gave him a heads up saying i am from deeply red districts and if i don't vote against you i. get a primary and then he punished people and this is a story about power dynamics on capitol hill. >> but, at the same time, you will quickly agree it was never seriously threatened. >> never seriously threatened. we covered it looking at there are insurgents who are agitating to get rid of them but they will not be successful but here is what they are working on. >> republicans often say to the left leaning media exaggerate the party's division and the bay -- boehner battle was an opportunity. >> what i thought was interesting, it was a serious number of people but it was never a serious effort. i talked to a congressman from virginia and he is more of an establishment republican and he said i didn't know we were going
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to run a series candidate against him like daniel webster and i decided to change my vote. >> and a congressman announced he was get in the race on "fox & friends" and he got three votes. >> if there was a serious effort it would be more organized. >> there is a lot of con december nation in the democratic party and we have covered that the arguments against pelosi and the tension there. >> the underlying tension is a better story than the pretense that speaker boehner may have last his job but now he has to do the job. thank you christina and lauren. after the break and alan dershwotz is on the
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a heck of a sex scandal generating all keeps of media coverage because of the celebrity names involved. a billionaire convicts of solicitation of prostitution back in 2008 was friendly with britain's prince andrew who denied allegations in a lawsuit that he had sex with an underage girl and denying a charge on the "today show" is harvard law professor alan dershowitz. >> your response to allegations you had sex with an underage girl all those years ago. what is your response? >> totally false and made up. she claim i had sex with her and the records will show i was on the island once with my wife and daughter. >> did you have any contact with gin dough number three alan? >> i don't know who she is.
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thank you is unambiguous denial, response to hard questions l is coverage and media chatter about bill clinton friendly with epstein and rode on his jet to a private caribbean island but the media needs to make clear no one has alleged any improper conduct by the former president. three more women if you are keeping count surfaced this week with allegations that bill cosby raped or sensually abused them. his life -- wife has defended him and now his tv wife, phylicia rashad has denied comments attributed to her by a show business about the accusers. >> i said this is not abut the women. this is about something else. this is about the oh politicallation of legacy. >> i want your initial reaction to the allegations. >> my initial reaction to the allegations was hmm someone
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has a vested interest in...preventing mr. cosby to return to network television. >> i get that phylicia rashad wants to stand by herman so to speak and mutt be disappointed run runs of the cosby show have been dropped but 30 women have now told harrowing stories and he has not been convicted of everything she doesn't have anything to say about them or a they "allegedly," went through. >> your top tweets are ahead and why did nbc let maria shriver report on her own movie? ort on her own movie.
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test clear >> this is over the line when nbc did a feature on "still alice," a drama about alzheimer's disease brian williams went to a famous correspondent. >> there is talk of an oscar nomination for the star and the film is something of a passion project for one of the producers, maria shriver who watched her own father sergeant shriver slip away in the clutch of alzheimer's disease. >> people compare this to "philadelphia," what "philadelphia," did for aids, "still alice," can do for a disease. >> her performance bringing new attention to a devastating disease. >> maria shriver, nbc news, los
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angeles. >> why would number have the woman an executive producer of the project "report," on her own movie. they did mentioned $15,000 which she is donating to charity but if nbc believed this was worth precious air time it should have been assigned to anyone. >> and now a rating slide for nielsen numbers with a solution to dump nielsen and cnbc has dropped nielsen. >> a few top tweets should media organization run the "charlie hebdo" cartoons in support? a law professor said "i didn't standing up to intimidation is more important than protecting people's feel in." >> and another "strong stand on issues always offend someone and "new york times" has offended
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christians and jews by showing senseless art work." >> a lot of people are pretend not to run because they are offensive when they are afraid. >> another "outlets should (a) adhere to their norms and (b) explain why they are choosing to run not to run or to pleasure images." >> two television comics turn serious this week over the slaughter at "charlie hebdo". >> i know few go into comedy as an act of courage. mainly because it shouldn't have to be that. it shouldn't be an act of courage, it should be taken as established law but those guys at "charlie hebdo" and they were killed for their cartoons. >> we are decemberbly sad for the families of victims and the people of trance, and for anyone in the world tenths who now has to think twice before making a joke. it and not the way it is supposed to be.
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>> those were important moments for people would make their living by the laugh helping us deal with this drama reminding us even in the aim of terrorism we will always laugh again. that is it for "media buzz." we hope you will like our facebook page where we post a lot of original content responding tore can buzz on question and video in the comments. so check it out and, remember, we are back here next sunday at 11 and 5 p.m. eastern with the latest buzz. >> it's monday january 12th, 2015. this is a fox news alert. world leaders standing side by side as millions rally against
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the terrorists. no one from the u.s. shows up. brand new terror ties now revealed. what we just learned about one of the brothers behind the newspaper attack and his link to the underwear bomber. could we be next? america on high alert now after terrorists calling for strikes against our military and our police officers. we are live with this brand new threat. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> fox news alert. right now we are learning new details about the terrorists who are responsible for murdering 17 people in france last week including one of the brothers's direct ties to the under wear bomber. we remember him. >> yes, we do. this as new video emerges of the gloesh grocery store killer pledging his allegiance to isis.
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>> thehis wife the most wanted woman of the world. >> all of this as millions stand against terror. our president nowhere to be seen. >> we have live team coverage. peter doocy is live for us in washington. we begin with greg palkot who is live for us in france. hi, greg. >> good morning, folks. after that massive rally we saw yesterday it is a massive mobilization of security. we have learned and it is reported french authorities fear this could there could be more attacks. they are mobilizing as many as 10,000 soldiers not police soldiers to be on the ready in case of more security risks. the top cop says france must be vigilant. no wonder the investigation into last week's terror continues and is coming up with very alarming things. let's talk about
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