tv Americas Newsroom FOX News January 12, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PST
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the good news is we're coming back tomorrow. >> senator marco rubio wrote this book called "america dreams." this is the kind of book you write when you're running for president. i think we should ask him about that. >> if it comes up. but don't force it. we have also the car czar tomorrow and one second left on the show. now none. bill: noticeably absent from the unity rally in paris. missing from that picture the leader of the free world. martha: good morning. i'm martha maccallum. this was a stunning image showing key leaders united against radical terrorism. bill: the headlines in "the new york daily news," "you let the
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world down." martha: first we take to you paris where rick leventhal is standing by. >> reporter: the focus today is on more boots on the grounds. the french minister calls on 10,000 soldiers and thousands more police officers to add a new layer of protection around sensitive sites primarily jewish schools and synagogues and mosques. there are 700 jewish schools in france. the country remains on high alert. the terrorists made a video warning of more he tacks.
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someone helped make that video. authorities are hunting for coulibaly's common-law wife. they believe she is hiding out in syria. martha: pictures splashed pack all the newspapers of these leaders. what was it like on the streets yesterday? >> reporter: it was incredible. we were part of that largest demonstration in french history. it was bigger than the demonstration after the nazis were defeated in world war ii.
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almost a million people in the streets of paris and up to 4 million across france vowing not to abandon the principles of freedom and free expression. there was singing and chanting and waves of applause, including cheers for the police. martha: very inspiring, rick, thanks for that. bill: john kerry has arrived in pakistan today. he says he will be in paris later in the week dismissing criticism calling it it quibbling. there is no obama there was no joe biden or john kerry.
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byron work from the "washington examiner," good morning to you. what does our absence suggest? >> i think the absence of either the vice president through the secretary of state or the attorney general eric holder who was in paris but didn't go would suggest this is not super top priority for the obama white house. the white house deemphasized the idea of a war on terror. it does not refer to islamic jihad, it talks about violent extremism. the white house announced it was going to hold a summit on terrorism and they are going to invite social service providers to discuss this issue. bill: this issue pulled in the coalition you truly wants.
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think -- you truly want. benjamin netanyahu is there ma mahmoud abbas. , the leaders of turkey. there is your coalition. >> the president did not go to london after the attack that killed 52 people. on the order hand the -- on the other hand the vice president was apparently home in delaware. i think it sent a message when you had no american official higher than the u.s. ambassador at this event. bill: they take their orders from their boss but apparently the order never came.
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victoria new land marched in washington d.c. it's noaghtd the security requirements for the president the vice president can be distracting for events like these. for once the events is not about us. >> certainly there were other heads of state there. the white house may make the argument and it may be true that the secret service strongly recommended against this, the security situation putting the president in this huge crowd perhaps not a totally secure place would be been too problematic for the president to go. but so far we have not heard why the vice president or the secretary of state or the on general did not go. martha: we'll talk about that
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more in the next couple of hours. authorities are on high alert after a new isis video calling for its followers to carry out more attacks in the west. >> they are using the momentum from the paris attacks and parts of their messaging strategy to see who can we get to follow this. it specifically mentions as targets, civilians, police officers, intelligence official and military. it's something of concern. martha: nypd are stepping up security and patrols around the city. >> reporter: the nypd confirmed officers are being told to be on alert. nypd rrp learned yesterday of the reissue answer of a
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previously posted video by isil that calls for the killing of civilians and police officers and military in certain countries. now a membership oh issued by the sergeants' when never lengths association sent out a membership oh to tell them not to sit together in a police car. saying one must stand outside the police car at all times. bill: 8 minutes past now. we are learning details about the terrorists as the investigation picked up side. said kouachi once lived in the capital of yemen. his neighbor across the hall,
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the so-called underwear bomber who tried to bring down a jet on christmas day. they attended the same school while in gem yemen as well. he was on a no-fly list, so was this woman who was not found. martha: so were the tsarnaev brothers but the no-fly lists don't seem to do a lot of the good. a major clue. on airasia flight 8501 we may be a step closer to understand yg this plane went down after crews recovered one of those black boxes. bill: he's accused of revealing top government secretes to his his stress. will the fed charge the former cia director david petraeus? and if so what kind of charges is he looking at. martha: as isis calls for more
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attacks on american soil, how safe are we at home? >> what will eventually cause the defeat of isil is it will collapse under its own contradictions. populations in which is try to maneuver realize that the ideology is not to their future benefit. you don't know "aarp." the aarp fraud watch network helps everyone protect themselves and their families against scams and identity theft. find more real possibilities at [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ ♪
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martha: major developments in the crash of airasia flight 8501. divers retrieving one of the plane's black boxesle earlier this morning and pinpointing the location of the cockpit voice recorder as well. it will tell them what happened the night the plane plunged into the java sea with 162 people on board. >> this is the result of leading in the from behind. now we have a situation where the largest extremist caliphate in history is now in iraq and syria and we have no strategy. we have no strategy to degrade or defeat it. bill: john mccain saying there is no strategy to defeat isis. the new backlash coming as we heard some of the paris attackers pledged solidarity.
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k.t. macfarland, good morning to you. >> what senator mccain is saying we want to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. that's what president bush did for 10 years. the bigger strategy is fight them over there fight them here, but fight them from within. until it's a ideological victory, it's the only way we can succeed. >> do we need to do more? >> i think so. but that's not to imply we are not doing enough if you understand the distinction. >> what he said was we have been playing an away game against the enemy. >> what he also said is we haven't been doing it very well.
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he said we'll wait and eventually isis will collapse from within. maybe, but there will and lot of damage until then. for years we have been trying to prop up an iraqi army to fight. they haven't done it. what happens if a little bit of help isn't enough? are we going to get in a bigger way in ground forces? the administration has been in a muddle from the beginning. the foreign policy was is bush did it we'll do something else. everything they did was in opposition to what bush did. then we had the arab spring and that didn't work out because the muslim brotherhood turned out to be radical islam.
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the president refuses to say radical is lamb. is initial reaction to the paris attacks wasn't terrorism. bill: when pushed on it they did not concede. they are going to have a summit on violence mid-february. what does the lack of our presence in paris sunday say to our allies? are we making a big deal out of this or did they perceive it to be a slight and a snub after years of being requested to get behind them? >> it's such a big deal. it's not just a symbol. when we were attacked they dime our aid in every way shape and form. they fought wars they didn't necessarily wants to fight. they were with us for a decade. now something happens in europe the president says security concerns. that looks like cowardice.
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we had an attorney general who was in town and he didn't even march with them. the president says i'm above this. i don't get involved with my allies and my crises, or it looks like cowardice. either way i'm ashamed. bill: do you think there is makeup behavior that comes as a result of this? >> i'm waiting to hear the words "we are at war with radical islam." the presidents of egypt he went to the hive lengths of his vatican -- he went to the equivalent of his vatican. bill: eric holder yesterday was given the opportunity twice to call it radical islam. >> he won't.
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bill: he called a war against terrorism. that's where the language is going to stay. you don't call it what it is. it's not eco-terrorism or narco terrorism, what are we left with. >> you know in the it in what they call leading from behind? that's cowardice. martha: a young boy was caught in a terrifying moment dangling from a ski lift struggling to hold on. 15-minute we have the dramatic video. bill: will the justice department bring charges against david petraeus. the judge andrew napolitano weighs in on that next. >> at appropriate time the proper people within the justice department will make determinations over what if any
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bill: new legal trouble for george zimmerman, the man acquitted in 2013 for shootings unarmed teenager trayvon martin. he is accused of throwing a bought of wine at his girlfriend. >> a spacex rocket sent cargo to the international space station. but the rocket crashed into a barge in the ocean. >> anti-government protesters in haiti angry over long delayed national elections.
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martha: the legal fate of a celebrated american general is resting at very top of the justice department. david petraeus the former director of the cia who led the surge in iraq is accused of giving classified information to his this stress as she was writing his biography. >> in terms of timing up be in office until my success years confirmed. but i would expect to the extent there is a matter of this magnitude that would be decided at the highest levels of the justice department. martha: judge napolitano is with us. >> i think he's probably i are 8
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this was leaked to the "new york times." but a decision of this magnitude to prosecute someone of general petraeus' standing could only be made by himself or the president. david petraeus had the highest level of security clearance. we don't nope what these documents are. we don't know how secure they were. we also know mrs. broadwell had her own level of national security clearance. but we do know this, for 600 years the definition in eveningland and the u.s. of crime had an element of harm. if you don't harm anybody there is no crime. if there is no harm here. if the documents are given from one person with a security clearance to another both american patriots are not going reveal the documents to someone
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who would harm american interests, why prosecute him? martha: they left this hang over david petraeus' head for a long time. i don't know why they wouldn't be able to deal with this situation. it raises so many questions about the motivation they might have against this man. >> it also ied a lot of people in congress, senators mccain and feinstein. martha: here is some sound from dianne feinstein from yesterday. >> this man has suffered enough in my view. he's the four star general of our generation. i saw him in iraq. he put together the army field manual. he put together awakening and how it worked out. he, i think, is a very brilliant man. people aren't perfect.
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he made a mistake. he lost his job. martha: what she seems to be saying is what i'm hearing a lot of people. this is a person unique capability. when you look at what's going none the world and people asking themselves the question, who could lead us, who could hand handle this kind of situation weernd, his name is one that comes up to a lot of people. >> this is the type of thing the justice department is supposed to take into account when it decide to prosecution someone. can they even get a conviction? the flip side of this is the government prosecutes people for doing this all the time. it's wrong that the government can prosecute people when they can't show any harm but unfortunately that's what the law is today. there are 4,000 federal criminal statutes and many of them do not require the government to show any harm.
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unfortunately for general pea tray us -- for generalpetraeus and the rest us, this is one of them. martha: what takes so long? >> it makes you wonder as senator feinstein just indicated, those of us who watch this for a living, i didn't even know this was happening until this was leaked to the "new york times." why was it leaked to the times when we are within weeks of one attorney general leaving and a new one coming in. bill: holder was asked point blank, is the u.s. at war with radical islam. what he said and what he did nod say in his answer. martha: peyton manning coming
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by we have a brand-new video showing the wife of one of the terrorist suspects. hayat boumeddiene married to the terrorist who killed four people inside the grocery store in paris. officials believe she stayed in turkey for five or six days before going to syria on the 8th of january. the hacking group declaring war on islamic terrorists.
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anonymous plans to track down any web sites linked to the terrorists and shut them down. martha: there is growing controversy after president obama kipped a rally with 40 world leaders marching arm in arm. attorney general eric holder was in paris but he missed the rally. and on two separate sunday shows he refused to say the up s. is at war with radical islam. >> i think we are at war with those who would commit terrorist attack the and corrupt the islamic faith in the way they do to justify their terrorist aks. so that's who we are at war with. i would say we are at war with the terrorists who commit those
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heinous acts and use a corrupted version of islam to justify their actions. martha: walid faris is an islamic strategist. good morning to you. what goes through your mind when you hear that? >> some are using the term islamophobia to shut down criticism of the extremists. they have such an irrational fear of anything and everything that has to do with dealing with the islamic movement. i think they have been badly have ited. about it academic elite and islamic labies in washington telling them if you -- islamic lobbies in washington telling them if you use the word it will
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make it worse. but the open is true. if you don't use these words people in the muslim world will not know. martha: you look at that moment presented in paris. you can justifiably say what happens now? they all march together. but are they going to put their feet the fire when it comes to fighting back against islamic extremism. so you could turn to those leaders and say we marched together on the streets of the paris. now we need your military help and your conviction. if you don't stand with them on sunday how can you ask them to follow through with you? >> when you have 8.1 french people in paris and other french cities. when you have 40 leaders three
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of them members of the security council. this is where the u.s. president or vice president should be to seize the moment and start leading in the at all levels. we are in gauged in a war against isis and al qaeda. yesterday and today i have been interviewed by many arab networks. what was the first question the anchors asked me? where was your president? where was your vice president? martha: you had al-sisi saying to the imams in egypt say we need to get together and make it clear this is not our brand of islam. this was a unique opportunity the president had here. i wonder what the other foreign leaders had to say top each other? >> according to social media and the media and blogsphere there
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is concern about the abandonment of the international leadership as it was meeting with the european union and france. look at the international participation. you had the head of the palestinian authority. this is the perfect alignment of planets, we missed it. martha: they said it was a security issue. when the president goes someplace he would have to have such dominant security surrounding him. i couldn't help but think of gathering of g20 and why continues they do it in paris? >> the president of france was leading in the. the prime minister of great britain, the prime minister of israel the most targeted leader in that crowd were there. ed the russian officials. so putting together international security would have solved the problem of
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course. martha: so much to talk about fan we'll do that in the coming days. good to have you sir. bill: nfl playoffs are down to 14. lamboe field mccallum. comeback victory for the green bay packers. parent rogers two td passions overcame an 8-point deficit. they will talk about this catch or no catch for a very long time. fourth and one. robohits ryan. the catch was overruled. they say he lost control of the ball he he hit the ground. no catch. broncos store 13 points only.
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they go to new england now. indianapolis now forthright to go to the super bowl. tonight, though, it's a game for the ages. all the buckeyes, all the ducks in the country all on the line. ohio state playing oregon for the national championship. the first ever playoff title we have ever seen. i'm going to the buckeyes. martha: i'll go with your buckeyes. up promise. how about tom brady and the patriots? barely a mention of that. bill: chris christie was the was the talisman. martha: they were all there once again. and pick on the ski slopes.
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cell phone video showing a boy holding on for dear life as he damages from a ski lift and number ets to --and plummets to the powder. >> we go back to the merits. it's about energy, jobs, economic growth. $3.4 billion and it's about national security by achieving energy security. you have got an overwhelming majority of public that wants this done.
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grim and fall together ground. >> every time they would lean forward it could rock the lift. he fell from 20 feet and injured his leg. that has to be a fir cal. martha: he just suffered a leg injury. the speaksman for the resort said they are trying to figure out what went wrong. bill: thankfully he had a soft landing. president obama threatening to block the keystone project. >> he's delayed this project for more than six years. americans won world war ii in less than six years. he's trying to defeat the
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project with endless delays. that's why it many important that congress acts. bill: maryanne marsh former senior advisor to form secretary of state john kerry. tony has the white house run out of excuses on keystone? >> they are out of executions that back 0 good friday of last year he punted and said we'll wait to make any ruling until the nebraska supreme court makes a ruling. we just got ruling from the nebraska supreme court allowing this pipeline to go down. you have had 3 some democrats in the house support this. you have editorial page frtss post to the "wall street journal" saying the president's activity on this has been terrible. you have big layer and big
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business supporting it. the president is on an island by himself. he want to veto this and there are until the congress and senate that understand they pass it in a way that the president doesn't defeat something that has the potential to create 45,000 jobs. that's a report done by his own 8 department. they said it has no environmental impact upon its route. bill: what they do in the senate is going to be interesting. mary anne, the excuses have they run out? >> no. keystone was a tough sell with gas at $4 a gallon, and it's tougher with gas at $2. and the costs farout what he the benefits. the reality of getting those four votes will be harder than you can imagine. this is a great deal for canada and not for the united states.
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it's a great deal for folks who are oil developers but not a great deal for the community along the pipeline. they won't get any benefits. it's maybe 200 permanent jobs and john kerry and the state department hasn't given final report. bill: fit' an idea long p -- if it's an ideological opposition, why not just say that. >> 60 pert of 60 per of the american people support it. >> it's practical opposition. the argument marianne makes that this is not impactful for energy is nonsense. it's a commodity. oil sands is a commodity.
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the more you pump out into the market the more you will drive prices down. energy independence is clearly prevalent. and it has the impact for middle class jobs to be created. half a million construction workers said the administration is being gutless. and the pipeline is a lifeline for good-paying jobs. bill: if it is ideological why not just say that? >> you can but the reality is you have someone like kelly ayotte, the senator from new hampshire hoag opposition to the pipeline they are trying to run through new hampshire. this is not a good deal for
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america. if you rebuild roads broadband and clean energy. those are the real jobs. bill: does it pass or not tony? veto-proof in the senate. >> it has a fighting chance. i can't say yes about it has a fighting chance. bill: marianne? >> no. bill: thank you marianne, thank you, tony. martha: apparently democrats have a new plan that will raise taxes. who are they targeting with this plan? bill: the staggering costs on the bottom line that you are picking up.
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bill: . the landmarks around the world putting on tributes to recognize france. nice touch. martha: it's an important start but there is a lot of work to be done. we'll talk more about that coming up. democrats unveiling a plan to redistribute wealth. the way they want to do it is by raising taxes on high earners. kevin cork is with us. great to have you with us this morning. tell us how this plan works. >> i want you to think it like a football game. if you lose big in a game you will look at the play books that
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other team had and incorporate those plays into your playbook. in wash it many the very same way. the gop hammered the democrats in the mid-term election. now the democrats are saying they have a plan to shave $2,000 off the families making under $200,000 a year and it would trip can the tax credit for childcare and help families if they save $500 annually. $1.2 trillion over a decade would come through a new fee. any time you hear the word fee you know what that means. fit would come on financial transactions from the top 2% of earners. >> how is the plan being received on the hill?
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>> as you might imagine not terribly well. a spokesman fall ryan ripped this plan saying just as the sun rights from the east in washington democrats propose another massive tax increase. near the house our focus be on cleaning up the tax code so we can lower tax rates for all taxpayers. i heard from mike steel a spokesman for speaker john boehner. he says the last thing we need is a massive tax increases specially with this broken tax code. "the gop firmly in control of both houses of congress it would appear to be very little chance of this moving forward. martha: thanks for that record. -- thanks for that report. bill: isis renewing calls for
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attacks. 40 world leaders descends on france and president obama is m.i.a. why the white house says the command early in chief did not bother. but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. this is the equivalent of the sugar in one regular soda. and this is one soda a day over an average adult lifetime. but there's a better choice. drink more brita water. clean, refreshing, brita.
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martha: we start with a new fox news alert as new video is backing up fears the remaining suspect in the paris terror attacks may be out of reach for the moment. hayat boumeddiene shown in a airport video in istanbul -- excuse me, she is on the right-hand side of the screen. turkish officials she was bound for syria. they believe she helped her husband plot the deadly hostage taking at a kosher market in paris last week. new calls for terrorist attacks against the west. a nationwide alert. isis calling on followers to rise up to kill police soldiers
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and civilians in america and that has led to an increased force around this city and many others. welcome, everybody brand new hour now of "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. new warnings going out for police officers nationwide to pay close attention to their surroundings especially anyone who approaches them. meanwhile new video showing one of the paris terrorists talking about the attacks and calling on muslims to take up arms. the chairman of the senate intelligence committee says the increased chatter has him concerned. >> the thing that worries me the most right now is the buzz on social media whether it comes from a specific group like isis or whether it is just on the chat rooms the target is to just go out and kill law enforcement and other officials. martha: very big threat. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington. what do we know about these latest threats from isis,
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catherine. >> reporter: martha, this morning a new video from isis shows a suspect who took hostages at the kosher supermarket pledging his allegiance to the islamic state. according to a translation reviewed by fox news it shows clips of the amedy coulibaly talking about the massacre at "charlie hebdo." they are reviewing a different isis propaganda tape that calls for its operatives to target intelligence officers police and. said the attacks were operatives from al qaeda and yemen and isis work together is a striking development. >> this is a first significant foreign fighter case we've seen where we have travel to yemen and back, trained under awlaki, and one of the brothers actually funneled fighters al qaeda in iraq which is a precursor to isis. >> reporter: in addition fox news has learned that there is another isis video. it is also being reviewed by the
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fbi that calls for attacks in at least three states in this country, martha. martha: really? all right we'll look to learn more about that. catherine, tell us more about the relationship between these suspects. each side claiming to represent two different branches of islamic radical terrorism. >> reporter: martha, according to a yemeni official close to the investigation in that country the older brother as we've been reporting here at fox news 34-year-old said kouachi had strong ties to al qaeda in yemen. officials say it is highly possible he met one-on-one with the american cleric anwar awlaki. the american who trained said and we're told he is in yemeni custody and has been for some time. significantly there is no evidence that the brothers left the country leading officials to believe they entered illegally or on algerian passports. said kouachi was in yemen between 2009 and 2011. he attended the same islamic
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school as the unbarreled bomber, abdulmutallab. they were saying that the rumors that they were friends or roommates saying that the evidence is still being reviewed. based on ongoing reporting here at fox news, that islamic school was recruiting for al qaeda in yemen and specifically for the american who acted as the group's talent spotter. martha: keeps developing every moment. catherine, thanks very much. bill: france mobilizing 10,000 troops to protect the country as the security forces search for possible accomplices after attacks of last week. the prime minister says the search is urgent because the threat is present. the beefed up security forces will focus on the nation's most sensitive locations that include jewish neighborhoods and more than 700 jewish schools. martha: pope francis denouncing religious fundamentalism inspiring these attacks saying that the terrorists were enslaved by a deviant form of
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religion and to use god as a way to justify mass killings speaking before leaving before his trip to sri lanka he called on muslim leaders to condemn these interpretation of their faith and put an end to what he calls fundamentalist terrorism. bill: appears early on the investigative side. we're in the early stages. who knows where it will lead. we showed you the video 30 minutes ago in turkey. they thought she was in the supermarket on friday. martha: that is not the case. who is taking the videos and working with this group? a lot more to come on the investigation. bill: world leaders putting their differences aside linking arms in the image of the day. impress sieve show of doll date only days after the attacks that killed 17 in paris. millions of people marching for unity at massive rally. the it turnout topped out from 1945 when the allies liberated the city from the nazis.
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greg palkot live from paris. what is the scene like there today, greg? >> reporter: a little bit calmer but sense i would say bill after last week's terror after yesterday's remembrance, today it is all about security. the french defense ministry confirms to fox news they're deploying and possibly mobilizing as many as 10,000 troops amid fears there could be another attack. already out on the street, over 5,000 extra police protecting both synagogues and jewish schools. this in the wake of that kosher supermarket incident last friday. prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu visited there today. there is word that the four jewish victims of that attack will be brought back to israel and buried there bill. bill: greg recently you were in yemen reporting there. you've been talking to your contacts in that country. what more can you tell us right now about what they said about kouachi and the visit there? >> reporter: yeah, let's get into that. let me first address another
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prime suspect on the run. hayat boumeddiene. she is the partner of maya kulicky. amedy coulibaly. she has crossed from turkey into syria and was out of the country at the time. she is interestingly enough in a town next to the town we talked about, kobani. a ace sis held town. we spent a lot of time in yemen and we were talking all day to our contacts there. they confirm to us that said kouachi had been there 2009 2010. he returned in 2011. was there through 2012. he was studying at an arab language school. we talked to somebody who had met him. he did not let on at all that he had anything to do with al qaeda but also our sources are saying there were increasing -- intriguing absences from the school where he was not
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explained where he was. there are reports that he was out in the field learning up the al qaeda techniques. back to you, bill. bill: greg, thank you. greg palkot there in paris. martha. martha: president obama was not in paris with the other world leaders. neither was vice president joe biden or secretary of state john kerry who was in india. instead attorney general eric holder was highest ranking official that was sent to paris. he did not attend the march. he did attend an anti-terror summit. no doubt josh earnest will field tough questions from the% at 1:00 p.m. as we get ready doug mckelway live at the white house this morning. this absence in really stark contrast to virtually all of the european heads and allies of state that showed up. >> that's true martha. not to mention this rally yesterday was the single largest gathering of people in the hit of the city of paris of the as large as bill mentioned than the liberation of paris in the fall of 1944 after the ally breakout from the hedgerow country of
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normandy. look at leaders who showed up for rally. president hollande of course. german chancellor angela merkel. prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel. david cameron of great britain. even mahmoud abbas from the palestinian was there. no obama no biden, no secretary of state john kerry, no attorney eric holder even though he was in paris at the time and did have time for appearances on four tv network talk shows, sunday talk shows yesterday. writing in, democratic operative and fox news contributor doug schoen aid i'm quoting sunday president obama morally abdicated his place in the free world. decision to stay at home indead of side by side with president holland, a clear message to the world that obama just doesn't care. a senior official said u.s. security requirement was have be intrusive for the president to show up. ambassador jane hartley, a obama campaign bundler was there and
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president obama has been unequivocal in his support of solidarity with the french making that unscheduled stop at the french embassy as you will recall on thursday where he signed the book of condolences. emotional remarks in the book and ended the remarks with viva la france. the u.s. has been working 24/7 with french authorities to counterterrorism threats. back to you. >> it raises a lot of question why the security for this particular event would be so difficult and so challenging. the decision not to go, and biden not to go and eric holder not to go is deliberate. there is a real deliberate nature to the decision not to go. and that raises the questions about what this means diplomatically, doug. >> certainly the optics were really really bad here. that led a lot of people to search for some deeper meaning in the absence. take a look what the president obama's former secretary of state hillary clinton said in remarks at georgetown university. this was in early december. listen up.
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>> this is what we call smart power, using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security, leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect, even for one's enemies trying to understand and insofar psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. >> reporter: state state said that he believes hillary clinton was referring to the russian reset and not to the war on terrorism in those remarks. martha? martha: doug, thank you so much. bill: february 18th martha, there will be a summit at the white house. it is called the anti-extremism summit. part of the statement the white house put out about this to talk about acts of violence committed around the world. anti-extremism summit. >> see who attends. a lot of discussion about education leaders and people in that ilk being part of that. so that will be very significant in terms of who's there. bill: we'll see if the language changes too. martha: we will. bill: secretary kerry brushing off criticism of the president
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calling it quibbling. we'll see what ralph peters, the colonel, has to say about that. martha: higher learning for free? new reaction to president obama's plan to make the first two years of community college free. how about that? bill: come and get it. a new report showing officials from hhs were flying first class around the world on your dime. we will have details what they were doing out there. ♪
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bill: so the federal employees who run obamacare spending millions of taxpayer dollars on luxury airline travel. "washington examiner" finding that health and human services executives spent $31 million on 7,000 flights paying top dollar for first class and business seats. the records show 253 flights were one-way tickets costing $15,000 or more? but only 1400 of those trips qualified for first-class travel. martha: secretary of state john kerry defending his absence from a unity rally in paris yesterday that was a tremendous show of force and support among 40 world leaders but kerry was traveling in india at the time. he says he will head to france on thursday. he said all of this is just quibbling about nobody being there from the united states
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except the ambassador to france. more noticeably absent from this event, president obama. here at home, stamped on the cover of the "new york daily news," quote, you let the world down. very strong words from that newspaper today. lieutenant colonel ralph peters fox news strategic analyst. good to have you here. what were your thoughts as you watched that solidarity and eric holder said we stand in solidarity with france but nobody there to do so in a physical way? >> martha, i was at fox commenting live as the march was beginning yesterday and i was ashamed. i mean how can obama do this, not only not go himself, but forbid our other top officials from going. i mean there is assembly no excuse for it. i'm at a point in life where i'm hard to shock. i was shocked. i was stunned by this. martha: yeah. >> now this lame excuse oh, it would have security threat was
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too high. security would have burdened everyone. look, look at that picture. for god's seek, the queen of jordan is in the front rank. martha: that's right. >> in the second rank carla bruni, the wife of former president sarkozy of france looking very good in powder blue turtleneck. we have a president that doesn't have the guts after french actress. martha, i've been in hot water for saying the president is a coward. the president is a coward. the president is a physical coward, he is a moral coward and intellectual coward. let me break that out. physical well he didn't go, did he? that doesn't matter. physical cowardice isn't that big of a deal because they don't lead bayonet charges. but moral cowardice, he never says about any issue i was wrong. he clings to this idea that islam is religion of peace. friend of mine remindedded islam
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is a religion of peace and must lilts will kill you to prove it. he won't utter islamic terror. intellectually amazing how much he hasn't learned in six years. as far as international relations go at indlex wall development level of the university of california graduate with a che guevara t-shirt. make no mistake, passivity in the face of terror is complicity. yesterday president obama chose the side of terrorists. >> very strong words and and, understood in terms of where you're coming from. you know i think about the incense tivity factor of this reaction and how the people of france would feel about the very stark absence of the united states when they have lent their support to us in many ways historically and as recently they led the way in libya in terms of the operation that happened there. and i think about james foley and the beheading and the president golfing afterwards and the fact that the white house
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later said, maybe that wasn't the right move. maybe the optics were not right. president at time has difficulty with the on tibbs, with the optics of the presidency. is that a learning curve simply not happened? >> right. he doesn't he refuses to learn. you know there, future historians will have a ball trying to unravel this guy's psychology. you explain his behavior to a point. then you're in the twilight zone. it is appalling to me that this is a president of the united states who doesn't get excited about terrorist threats to the homeland. and he has got, he has this romantic romanticizes view of islam that jibe with reality but clings to it. martha: i'm sorry to interrupt. he said violent actions after few. then eric holder talked about the fact he is still very
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concerned about the lone wolf efforts that are out there and it does feel like everybody who was marching in paris was saying you know what? we're on a different page now. you look at people in pakistan holding signs that say, enough enough. when 132 schoolchildren are killed in pakistan. so is there no change of thinking based on what has happened over the past six months in some countries around the globe? >> no. this white house there is no change in thinking whatever. it is stunning. remember martha how the left-wing media had a ball with president cheney's in the bunker hiding. well, guess who is in the bunker, who is in the intellectual bunker? president obama he won't come out of the bunker to face the world's reality. we americans, all of us, left, right, center. >> doesn't matter at this point, we're all in this together and we're facing two years with a president who refused to lead on the salient issue of our time.
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martha: but john kerry said it is quibbling. look, we're doing hard work. meeting, february 18th, the president will have a forum at the white house about this issue and they're saying, a march is one thing but we're going to do real work that needs to be done on this. >> yeah, roll up your sleeves and show me, mr. president, show me, secretary kerry. the march mattered. the march was a catharsis for us. obviously the march doesn't defeat terror but look at those optics. you brought together in the front rank, prime minister netanyahu of israel, mahmoud abbas of the palestinian authority. the world leaders, ones that matter were there. even russia was represented. for god's sake we were absent without leave. we were desserters. >> thanks, ralph. bill: powerful dynamic shaping up in the race for 2016. mitt romney making waves. what does that mean norfolks like jeb bush?
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martha: so ard ward season is officially underway. tinseltown's biggest and bright's stars in place for the last night's golden globes. the big winner was a little-known film called "boyhood." >> the golden globe goes to "boyhood." martha: good movie. the film took home best picture in the drama category. "boyhood" follows the life of one child and filmedded over the course of 12 years. it was a very interesting piece of work. the night had plenty of funny moments. tina fey and amy pohler poking fun at newly married star george
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clooney there with his beautiful bride. >> george clooney married amal this year. she worked on enron case, was an advisor to kofi annan regarding syria and selected for a three-person hyunh commission investigating rules of war violations in the gaza strip. so tonight her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award. [applause] bill: great line. they appreciated it too. >> she looks really beautiful on achievements. bill: we do. there is time. martha: talk about "american sniper" which didn't get a mention last night unfortunately. >> good news? more people are going to get health care. bad news. we have no way in the world that we're going to be able to pay for it. bill: author steven brill on "60 minutes." everyone with a stake in obamacare comes out ahead except
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for you the taxpayer. year two of obamacare gets underway with millions of americans finding out first-hand what the affordable care act does and does not do. stephen hayes, senior writer, "weekly standard," and fox news contributor. good morning to you. he has a book coming out getting a lot of attention frankly. how significant this was on cbs news "60 minutes" in prime time? >> i do think it is interesting that the criticism of obamacare is not just coming from the right, it is also coming from the left. steve brill's argument comes from the left and it is getting airtime on high-profile news magazine likes "60 minutes" which has been carrying water for the obama administration, pretty defensive of president obama throughout much of his term. so the fact that steve brill goes on "60 minutes" says look this just isn't working in a number of ways and it was basically a giveaway to all these different industries i think that is significant. bill: what his main point is there is no cost containment.
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toward the end of that segment lesley stahl is there any way to go back to add cost containment? what do you mean? you have to wait for it to be a crisis? that was her question. this is his answer now. >> it was impossible then. it is more impossible now. when this become as fiscal crisis, that may be -- >> you have to wait for it to be a crisis? >> yeah. that is the way we do a lot of governing in this country. we wait for something to be a crisis. something become as crisis enough of us care about the lobbyists matter a lot less because we care a lot more. bill: that was a huge lesson from that segment. you look over history in the social programs in this country, they had to be pushed to the brink of bankruptcy if not over the brink before people changed and cared and made the program like social security and others solvent. >> correct. i think he is right in his assessment of what it will take to revisit some of those things
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if obamacare is not in fact repealed by republicans. i think he is right in his assessment that the united states has been governing by crisis lately. where i think he is wrong his argument implies the need for more government control. his big, big beef with obamacare is that lobbyists were involved in the crafting of this. there were giveaways to the various stakeholders. he is absolutely correct about that. though it is not breaking news. what is really needed for most of this given over to the federal government so these cost controls can be implemented by the federal government. would i argue that is exactly the wrong prescription. the answer is not to give more power to the federal government to oversee health care. it is to introduce additional competition, cost controls and market. where steve brill is right in basic assessment. where he is wrong is in his prescription. bill: overall point once it is in the books and once it is law you have to deal with it. so democrats pass it and leave republicans to come along later
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to clean up the mess and manage the finances. >> right. and i think what republicans do now is going to be very important. i think republicans will need to in this congress come up with an alternative, some kind of an alternative most republicans can get behind. there is another new book out by phillip kline of the "washington examiner" talking about three different ways republicans will approach repeal restarting of obamacare and i think he has got some very interesting ideas how republicans will do that. how they take existing plans for health care reform which some existed at conservative and libertarian think tanks for years and reshape those and introduce them as legislation so republicans have an alternative to go to the american people. we don't think this is right but here is what we're going to do. bill: we'll look at that when it comes out. stephen hayes from washington. congratulations on green day. >> we'll take it. bill: for now. here's martha.
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martha: one terror suspect still very much on the run. new surveillance video shows why she may be hiding in yemen. coming up how anti-terror officials can keep other suspects from slipping through their fingers. bill: the president wants to make community college free for anyone willing to work for it but critics say the solution is not as simple well, the the ababcs. stuart varney will join us. ♪ no chest-beating monologues about engine size, horsepower, or performance. no anthemic soundtracks to stir the soul. just a ram heavy duty that can carry more weight than any other heavy-duty truck. get more facts at
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through the cracks. >> these individuals were on a no-fly list and still traveled to yemen and back. we had the female terrorist leave and go to syria and yet she's on a no-fly list. i think europe has to tighten travel restrictions but we need to look at trekt protecting this country. >> pete is the c.e.o. of concerned citizens for america, and on the security staff under president bush. thank you and good morning to both of you. pete, let's start with you. you're on a no-fly list no one catches you. that's where france got in trouble. >> our no-fly list doesn't apply to them or the couldn'tntinent of europe. most 50,000 names are on our no-fly list. the borders are porous after the european union. you can come and go as you please without much oversight and once you're in turkey
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you're free to go wherever you like. border between istanbul and syria is open. if you look at the threat and dissect it properly look at restrictions not just in the air but by ground and the ability to travel all the way from paris to istanbul and enter into the rest of the world through other pipelines but the chairman is correct. phoning us here at home. we have the great advantage of these massive oceans on either side where a no-fly list is a great first barrier for us but borders north and south remain precarious. >> it's stunning video that i think a lot of people in france are going to be frankly ticked off about it. the other big point made is that all of this is driven mainly by intelligence. and if the intel is not there, if the intel is not working, things like this can get through. >> that's exactly right. and he was correct to point that out. you know u.s. law enforcement and homeland security is also a crucial role to play here and they'll need to amp up efforts to really take control of the
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no-fly list and figure out a targeted solution to the visa waiver program but good solid intelligence gathering and intelligence analysis is really going to have to be the first step in any of these efforts. >> there is a summit in mid february. have you heard about this? february 18 it was announced today -- rather yesterday, to thwart violent extremist. what's your expectation from something like that? >> well, my expectation is that we could reassert ourselves as the leader of the free world. we could call it violent islamic extremism to start and reassert ourselves. right now it looks like netanyahu is the leader of the free world standing in the front of the rally and leading this conversation. we would have to talk about intelligence sharing. you've got to be sharing it with allies. we've got what's called fly byes which are largely former british allies that share intelligence together because we could do so
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quickly, maybe expanding who has access to that but france would want to do that. have to be willing to come to the table and share more intelligence and we can do likewise. only through sharing information and intelligence are we going to stop these things before they happen especially when we have the joint chairman of speech. >> he said taking out structures, things like tains but then he went on to refer to the movement has to collapse from within and good luck. keep waiting on that. violent extremism, what do you make of that? >> this summit this conference much like the rally yesterday is all good and positive and it's important for the national physche but here at home and abroad but the key is that these are only going to prove their ethicacy if they generate momentum in the form of good policy. again, we go back to the idea that intelligence gathering and analysis has to form the core of these efforts. >> pete thank you.
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jillian, thanks to you as well. minneapolis and washington respectively. 21 minutes before the hour. >> come back here at home for this story as there's growing reaction about a plan by president obama to provide two free years of community college to any american who; quote, willing to work for it. so what does all of that mean? white house says the plan is part of a larger effort to make community colleges universal as high school. but critics say it's a bad idea. here is how the president first pitched it last week. >> put simply what i would like to do is see the first two years of community college free for everybody who is willing to work for it. that's right. free for everybody who is willing to work for t. it's something we can accomplish and it's something that will train our work force so that we can compete with anybody in the world. >> hear the hum of the engines. that message brought from air force one apparently last week. joining us from our sister network, good to have you here today. is this really a free education plan? >> no. no. it is not free.
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it's going to be borrowed money. now, the president says the white house says it's going to cost $60 billion over a 10-year period. $40 billion from the feds and $20 billion from the states. these things have a habit of getting much more expensive once it gets to the states. it has to be borrowed. it is not free. the price paid by succeeding generations because we simply are adding to our debt. this thing does nothing about the basic problem with higher education which is ever rising tuition costs and the inability of ordinary people to afford it. it doesn't do anything about that at all. it doesn't solve that problem of rising tuition costs. >> as we saw with health care somebody is going to pay the bill eventually and it will be taxpayers and we don't have the money. we're tremendously in debt in this country so anything that you decide to do you have to commit to the fact that it's going to put you deeper in debt. >> why did the president propose this now? >> why? >> it came out of nowhere.
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all of a sudden is this proposal. >> it occurred to him on air force one apparently. >> november young people began to trend republican. the president knows this doesn't like it. that's his key constituency so right after the election he formulates this plan. i'll give them two years of community college for free. that will get them back. >> good memory. we all remember right before the last presidential election the president also gave students a break on their student debt and now we hear this new idea as well so -- >> he's buying votes with taxpayer money. that's the attempt here. >> thank you very much. good to have you with us today. see you tomorrow z. high profile trial. life or death decision for a woman found guilty of murder. a judge expected to make a key ruling today in the sentencing retrial of jodi arias. >> how about this folks? could mitt romney be rethinking
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running for the presidency for a third time? an interesting thing that he said to friends in recent days. we're going to play it for you. >> it's a little mystifying in this respect. if he believes that then we'd better see some significant steps towards making a run. otherwise, people are going to say he wasn't really serious about it.
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>> so mitt romney hinting that he could throw his hat in the ring after all in 2016. that would make it his third attempt for the white house if he does decide to run. romney telling a group of donors, quote, everybody in here can go tell your friends that i'm considering a run. wow. that's a whole different tune than we heard before. those comments immediately setting off talk of a potential faceoff between romney and jeb bush. how would that go? bush announced that he's considering a presidential run. ed was ronald reagan's election
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campaign manager. joe trippe worked as an election campaign manager. how about this ed? what went through your mind when you heard this quote? >> it's very expensive. i think romney has had a lot of people come to him after the election. a lot of people didn't like the way he ran his campaign, thought it was a miserable campaign that he could have won and a lot of people have said you can win this next go around against hillary and that you ought to go again. i think jeb jumping in last week basically blocked that path a little bit. they both go after the same money. they both go after much of the same organizational skills. i think it would be extremely expensive race but a good race but there's also another six or seven very viable candidates who are not going to be affected by this. mike huckabee who had the ee ven -- evangelical vote.
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the senator from texas is going to have an extraordinary tea party support so i think we're going to have eight, 10 serious candidates. these two will be right at the top of the list, can raise the money for the organization. >> money is such a big part of this and word on the street, as you both know is that the big money is already leaning in ing ining in jeb bush's direction. what do you make of the fact mitt romney said this? >> that's exactly why romney had to do what he did. i think ed is exactly right. jeb bush entering the race or sort of entering the exploratory phase saying it out loud and then mitt romney seeing some of his own donors start to move in that direction he may not have made up his mind whether to run or not yet but he did recognize that if he didn't say something, it would be -- you know it would be a preordained fact that by the time he got in he wouldn't be able to go because a lot of his money and organization would be in jeb bush's side. i think his hand was forced by
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jeb and now it's incumbent upon romney to say this is real and not just something to -- that he wanted to say to sort of freeze things, to get in the game. >> he's going to have to set a lot of wheels in motion if you want to give it another go and there are certain people who say he should and no doubt he was talking to some of them when he said this. i want to show you a quote from doug and take this in a different direction for a moment. i thought this was very very forceful on doug's part. he's talking about the president not showing up for this historic march that happened among so many world leaders over the weekend. he said to not send biden or kerry in his place shows a level of disrespect that makes me ashamed of our nation. we're at war with radical islam and president obama needs to say it and this from a prominent democratic voice ed. how much has what has happened in the world in paris and pakistan and so many places in
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recent months changed the dynamic for this direction? >> as i watch that visual right there, there's not a former president, whether it was bill clinton or ronald reagan or either one of the bushes who wouldn't have been front and center of the group. those are allies people who paid a heavy price. they were always there for us whether it's 9/11 boston marathon, what have you. we should have been there to show the world we're right along side the leaders in this fight against terrorism. >> what do you think of that joe? >> i'm not sure that president obama should have been there but i do think it was a mistake for him or biden or -- i mean to not send biden or kerry or someone but i don't think it's going to have an impact on the 2016 election. by that point, you're going to have -- whether it's hillary clinton or one of the other democrats and jeb bush or mitt romney, they'll be arguing about what they're going to do about terrorist attacks. >> that is my point, that the question of what you would do
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becomes very central as people screen the candidate. >> leadership is going to be the most important quotient in the next go around and each of the republican candidate, many of whom have been governors and what have you are going to have to project real strength and real leadership. not four more years of what we've had today. >> jon scott is coming up in a few minutes. what are you working on now? >> the hunt continues in frant for more suspects in the string of terror attacks last week that left 17 dead. there are new terror fears here in the u.s. as well. we have live team fox coverage and in depth analysis plus bret baier a the white house reaction and demands for free speech around the world. karl rove is with us on the republican field thus far in the race for the white house. bill? >> thank you. happy monday to you. >> to you as well. >> 5-year-old boy dangling from an apartment window shivering in the cold. how he got there and what it took to save him from falling to the busy street below.
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>> so the sentencing retrial of jodi arias might be airing an end after weeks of testimony, her attorney making a last ditch effort to avoid the death penalty. adam could this be over today? >> yeah. it could. it's supposed to have been over in december initially when they said the trial was going to be retried, whether or not she would get the death penalty or not. it's dragged on a bit and potentially could be thrown out under prosecutorial misconduct. as you mentioned, potentially a last minute effort by the defense to get jodi arias to have life in prison. we finally saw her in the courtroom. this retrial, you don't see her much. she doesn't look like prison has
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done her well. she looked a very skinny actually and gaunt in some respects depending who you talked to in the courtroom but she sat down in the prison stripes as the case went forward to friday. basically the december team is alleging that there is a hard drive that had some porn on it from travis alexander and that hard drive was altered by the prosecuting team and also there was a copy of the hard drive that was not given to the defense and they're saying that is prosecutorial misconduct and that it affected the way the jury came to their conclusion. if it does happen of course the judge would then throw this case out. it's really a last ditch effort as you mentioned but the defense, when you talk to them they seem confident. >> it is game over. she cannot present a full case for life and nothing in the state has said that. the state quoted no law for you here today. there's nothing that can be said that can change that reality. there's no law that can change that reality. our position is this court has
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no choice. >> arias was found guilty of first degree murder for killing her lover travis alexander, found dead in the shower. he had a bullet in his head 30 stab wounds and his throat was basically slit from ear to ear. we'll know more in a few hours when court gets back in session in arizona. >> follow it. thanks. >> it's the biggest story of the day as fear turns to resolve in paris. thousands take to the streets but the nation is on high alert for more attacks.
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don't judge me. join me. but hurry, because the big shrimp festival ends soon. can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. fiber one streusel. >> so this boy was playing near a window of his fourth story window when he fell. others came along and saved him by cutting through the bars. that's one way to do it huh? >> there goes the buzz saw.
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things like that happen in china all the time. need child safety rules there. >> ohio state, oregon we're in for the buckeyes. >> we're in for the buckeyes. have a great night, everybody. "happening now" starts right now. bye. >> france on high alert as a massive search is underway for possible accomplices after three days of terror left 17 innocent people dead in paris. hope you're off to a great day. >> this is "happening now." on sunday 44 world leaders joined more than a million people on the streets of paris for a historic unity rally and show of support for victims of the charlie hebdo newspaper. for four people murder at a coacher market on friday in paris. now france is mobilizing 10,000
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