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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 15, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PST

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pictures. >> he gets bragging rights. >> and that 28-pounder is still out there. we will see you back here in an hour. >> "outnumbered" starts now. this is "outnumbered." here is harris kiersten and here is our guest bill hemmer. he is still basking from t the ohio state win this weekend. >> it was beautiful. i was at the alabama game a week before that. >> he roll tide. >> no, i didn't roll with them. >> you were not rolling with anyone. >> the super dome was a great venue.
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65,000. it was great. great to be back with you. >> great to have you back. you have the best seat in the entire house. welcome back kirsten. >> you almost missed the show but got here eight minutes before it started. in the wake of the paris terror attack the obama administration seems to be putting out mixed messages on how much of a threat al-qaeda is. the british prime minister and the president vowed to continue their task of tracking down the extremist. writing this is the firm foundation and we shutdown the nazi and hunted down core
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al-qaeda leadership. but yesterday, the speaker went off script discussing a terror branch in yemen the same branch claiming responsibility for the paris terrorist attack. aqap is their name for short. >> they are the most dangerous affiliate particularly when it comes to external attacks. we have seen the christmas day bombing, and the cargo plot and others. h2 is a threat as well as we talked about. >> a couple different messages coming from the white house. we have seen this before when the administration isn't singing off the same script. we have seen a resistance by president obama and spokes people to use the words radical islamic terrorist. but in the opt-ed they use that
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term. >> not together they didn't. the big rub is islamic extremist. we will not be shutdown by terrorist. the evil they claim to perp trait in the name of islam. they are still not putting them back-to-back. it is this mangled message. they are twisted enough up to to figure out what can we say and what is acceptable. how would you like that job? it isn't easy. >> it seems so obvious, kirsten. president obama was supposed to be good at organizing the international community and it seem the international community has never been more united to
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fight a common threat. in egypt they are using islamic radicals. do you think he is missing the chance to really lead here? >> yeah and i don't know why they twist themselves like this. you see josh ernest saying these people don't represent islam. they say they were acting in the name of islam and when christians do bad things no one is twisting them around saying that is not what christians believe. there is a diverse number of beliefs and some christians do terrible things but most don't. i think he is missing an opportunity because there is nothing wrong with criticizing the word. >> what does david cameron say? we will find out. he is going to be at the white
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house for a couple days. >> i feel like he has been tough. >> remember the time when the jihadist ran through the streets with a meat cleaver? they didn't use the word then. >> why does it matter so much they are not on the same page in terms of what we call them? when we are not on the same page about what to do to take out these guys? i would give them you can call them what you want if you can take them out. that would be the preference. >> there are no specifics in the op-ed either. i didn't learn anything from it. i realized it was a political expression of solidarity with britain and that is good. but the question is what are you going to do to address it? i didn't feel the administration
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was better prepared to tackle the problem after reading it. >> the argument is if you are not calling them what you should be calling them how will you devise a strategy. let's move on. president obama's strategy in the middle east is being questioned after a wall street journal reported that isis has gained territory in syria despite the bombing campaign the united states started three months ago. you can see how much they controlled in august and how far they expanded since then. a new fox poll shows americans are loosing confidence in the administration with 33% approving of his handling with isis and 56% disapprove. and handling hisysterhysterer -- his
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terrorism issues overall is even low. the first recruit was 1600 men and four battalions have been received at a camp north of baghdad. we are going to train to slow them down in iraq and shoot them in the air. my question is are we too late? >> in some places, i think we are way behind. i think what "the wall street journal" story is pointing out is there has been some level of success in iraq. syria, no. if you are trying to back them across the border and corner them into another country maybe a year or two down the road perhaps that is successful. but what you are seeing in yemen, nigeria, cameroon the country of chad and libya, that no one is talking about. and in libya this week isis
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declared they have a safe haven and are holding 21 christians captive from egypt. there is no reporting on this or very little because there are no reporters in this part of the world. you cannot see the images. you cannot get the story. and all of this you think whenever we discuss stories like these, i think a story our boss tells us from five years ago, when roger ale got up in manhattan and said who in this room doesn't believe you will be fighting islamic extremism for the rest of your life and not a hand went up. but now you see it. when they see them growing in other places it gives them strength. >> and i think we have done a lot to destabilize the
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countries. egypt is an exception but in libya we were responsible for helping orchestrate this and now you see the breeding ground and over labor day weekend the terrorist were having a pool party jumping off the balcony of the embassy. the united states of america doesn't coordinate with the free syrian army but the syrian army that is already on the ground have weapons, if we work with them and use them as the boots on the ground to defeat isis. we are not doing that. >> a lot of push back over the months in terms of that idea. but the free syrian army now is in the danger of us of being co-opted by the terrorist on the ground. they are going to say you would not fight with us while we were on the same side.
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we are on our own. >> oliver north was on the show 90 minutes ago and the biggest thing he sees is the lack of intelligence we have to find out where they are and how they operate. >> 56% approve and 30% disapprove but what do people want? they don't want boots on the ground. >> they don't want to fear it could come to their town. >> boots on the ground is a weird way to ask it. we saw bill o'reilly call for a special task force. a mercenary base units taking out isis. lord knows we have a lot of money and there are other options. this will continue to make news as the number i think it was like 30,000 and that was in august. and they recruit hourly online
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and we are now training 1600 guys. you mentioned we maybe behind and it maybe too late in some places. a major shakeup at the secret service. it could be the biggest shakeup in the 150 year history. shakeups, not firings. where is the accountability? and liam niece n is claiming there are way too many guns in the united states but promoting his new action film where he is packing heat and using it for an hour and 35 minutes. join us for "outnumbered" overtime by logging on to foxnews/outnumbered. >> there is more? >> watch us through twitter, facebook and you can ask bill
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hemmer anything you want to talk about. bring the power of the couch back. stay with us. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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federal managers are claiming red tape for bad
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employees. according to a new survey they say they cannot fire the workers they want because federal rules are too restrictive but even when they have the year of first hiring they still don't. the acting director joseph chancey is transferring or offering retirement to five officials after an armed man jumped the fence and ran across the yard at the white house and then another man made it in the white house a month later. why not fire people? if you have people that are not competent why not fire them? >> i worked in the offices of the united states trade system
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and there were five of us with one civil service we saw once or twice a week. she would not show up and it would be disruptive because we were overwhelmed. so my boss who was a political appointee went to them saying we have to do something about her, and they pulled out 20 years of people giving her high ratings on her job and they were like there is no way to fire her. you will have to actually spend your entire day documenting a case against her in order to get her fired. it was unbelievable. she just didn't show up at noon. like no problem. >> noon is good on these guys. >> harris it a bigger government problem. you see this in education with the inability to fire bad
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teachers. it seems really hard to get rid of employees who don't deserve to be there. >> the spine has been absent from your body if you are not firing the people from the white house break in. a gunman parked a black honda south of the white house in the dark november night. in the closed lane of constitution avenue he pointed a semi-automatic rifle out the window, aimed it at the home of the white house, pulled a trigger and a bullet hit the second story window. during the response secret service agents were told to stand down because they had not heard gunfire and thought it was from a construction sight. it was gunfire. and it took months to find out because of a housekeeper that a bullet was fired and then they
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solved the case. you have that go on and don't fire anybody where is the spine in that body? >> they are saying the hiring managers are not looking at reference references or doing the investigation when hiring people. they are not hiring or firing people. >> hiring would require work. it is as a game of musical chairs. they are shuffling around the instruction and everyone is scratching everyone's back and taking everyone's job. there is probably hundreds of hundreds -- we could sit here and have story time on the couch probably. >> you keep asking where the spine is. it is like we should rename the government gumby because there is no spine. and finally it is why the private sector, the government will never do the job as well as the private sector. >> 7400 last year and five were
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terminated. one guy was caught for planning stripper appointments and they reprimanded him. >> i love it when you do that. >> the obama administration releasing five detainees after the yemen affiliate claims responsibility for the terrorist attack. our american lives being put in danger and can the republicans stop more from being freed? and new numbers to see if the country is really ready for a woman president.
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welcome back to "outnumbered." just one day after al-qaeda in yemen claimed responsibility for
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the paris terrorist attack the obama administration released five terrorist out of gitmo. all of them were caught by the military and this comes as the president is trying to shutdown gitmo. here is senator lindsay graham before it was announced >> the president of the united states has concluded the war on terror has reached a point where we can release people from gitmo. that is delusional thinking. the war on terror has reached a lethal phase and it is insane to letting them out. >> the pentagon released a statement saying each of the five individuals were approved nearly five years ago by six different agencies. we assess their risk and as a
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result more than 90% of the people released from gitmo during the administration live quitely around the world. bill hemmer, does anyone believe this? lindsay graham said it is insanity and it is. but when he says the president is unfocused i don't think that is true. i can he is laser focused on shutdowning down guantanamo bay. >> republicans will tell you, and many democrats will tell you also that the recidivism rate is greater than 30% of going back to the battlefield. you had five gitmo detainees released yesterday and you had this out yesterday from the state department. detainees confirmed of re reengaging and suspects was 1.1
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percent. this is the first time i have seen numbers like that. mccain and graham tells you 30% or higher. when a gitmo goes back to their country they are a running hero. don't kid yourself. >> you just heard maria heart at the top of the segment saying the threat is coming from the group in yemen, the same group. president obama has the executive power to close gitmo no matter what the senators do. he has the power to stop the transfers as well. why does he move forward with it? >> is he not concerned from a public relation standpoint? the public is saying what are you doing? let's just let them out? this tells me the president is more concerned about campaign
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promises than he is about what these people will do to our country. if he were concerned the priority is how do we address al-qaeda and be proactive and not how do we free people from gitmo because of a campaign promise. it doesn't make sense given what is going on in the world. >> is it to take a released prisono prisonor to conduct an attack on the united states? >> we don't know that hasn't happened. >> but i mean obvious ones >> the cia has the command to use when something is ordered from a fall. that is what they said al-qaeda did in yemen in paris recently. we don't know what kind of role they are part of. to speak to your numbers, one of the reasons why it looks like it is going down in terms of
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recidivism and the government's number is there is nearly half of the former detainees confirmed of reengaging are either dead or back in places. they are not at gitmo anymore so they cannot pea part of that scientific -- statistics -- you brought. >> the president will always argue it has given america a bad name and maybe it has in some quarters. but in the streets of paris when them firing their automatic weapons they were not yelling let's close gitmo. >> those people were not from gitmo. if it is 1% that is not much. these people need to be given trials and they were never given trials because of the republicans. they should come into the federal justice system and should have been tried. we have tried many many horrible people including terrorist, in our system and they should be given trial. we don't just lock people away
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and throw away the key. that is unamerican. i am sorry. and is it the republican's party fault they were not able to give them trial. what is obama supposed to do? hold the people forever? >> what happens when they come to the coapt -- country -- and on a legal technicality they are found not guilty. do we just let them roam the streets? >> that happens all of the time. let's just throw out the whole system. the point is they deserve to be processed. >> i have to agree with kirsten. the terrorist we have tried in the united states we have had good luck locking them up. >> give them a trial. on to hilary clinton. she appears to be getting her
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run for the white house but a recent study shows gender divide on if americans want to see a women president. 7-10 democratic woman hope to see a home in office compared to republicans. only 46% of men on the left hope to see a woman in the white house compared to 16% of republican men. i am thinking people are hearing do you want hilary clinton in the white house not just a general woman. isn't this part of what everybody thinks? it is hard to be a republican woman -- does that seem right? i think they are thinking we know who you are talking about >> i think you are right. and think of all of the women
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who supported sarah palin. it does bother me and i wonder if there is not a trend among some that they don't feel ready. it is something new right? something different. a lot of people don't like change and the way you do that is make them ready. you put a woman out there, governor martinez that would be you, who can make people proud and people say this is something new and different and get used to it because this is how it will be. >> i think they underesmate how savvy the electorate is. they are not just going time for a woman. you go girl. they want someone who has success. i think they un what bathroom and such they will they would use. >> do you want this? >> yes. sow surrounded by four women --
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>> yeah what are you going to do? say no? >> when i heard the question another underlay was let's just elect a woman and people are rejecting that. a woman comes along that is great but they are thinking i am not going to buy into the idea of a woman just for a woman. >> i think people want choice. if there are people who have the merits to do the job you want their names to be there.
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hillary, might not do it. moving on to another topic. al qaeda talk targeting nation's capitol.
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>> new york city bracing for new protests against police. mayor bill de blasio may have torpedoed effort to heal the rift between at this hall and nypd the mayor will not poulpes for saying what he thinks and condemning some things protesters said about new york's finest in blue. listen here. >> i think that the issue is first of all, the things that i have said that i believe are what i believe. and you can't apologize for your fundamental beliefs. the groups involved in those protests asked you would for tomorrow have long history of unfortunately allowing some of their members to say really inappropriate, reprehensible things about our police officers things that i think are actually quite sick. anything that suggests violence towards police. >> that was from yesterday and today already we've seen
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protests in boston. we've seen some protests in washington d.c. and now we're waiting to see what happens here in new york. back with our panel here on the couch. ladies discuss. >> he is start to sound a little bit like dr. suess. i think what i think, what i think. we've seen him so many times. he had a huge announcement he said with police commissioner bill bratton and they came out and read statistics read impressive statistics crimes falling in certain indices. he didn't apologize though. >> he shouldn't apologize. >> why not? >> this is what he said, something he toll his son. it is true. it is, there are people who will tell you who have -- >> it's true? >> black children told him the same thing. >> it is true that he had that conversation. so he should be able to say. that and the police department has no right to protest him because they don't like what he had to say. >> why not. >> they work for him.
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what do you mean why? they don't get to not they don't get to not enforce crime. that is their job. >> let me ask you a question. bill de blasio talked about free speech and free speech of the protesters. they're allowed to say what they want. >> i meant more i didn't mean those kind of protests. protesting not enforces crime. >> let me ask my question. walking through the streets protesting saying, kkk nypd. bill de blasio defended the protesters saying those things and they have a first amendment right to do so. >> they do. >> then riddle me this. why can't the nypd peacefully turn their backs to the mayor of new york? they also have a first amendment right to do that? >> he is their boss. >> doesn't matter. >> it is disrespectful. i said they can, but what they can't do is choose not tone force crime. so that is what i'm talking about, which was meant to be a protest. and so -- >> they're not doing that. >> they're doing are their jobs. >> there was a period around new years you could tell in
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new york city that the police were not -- >> that's what i'm talking about. >> that all changed now. things are back to normal. what i thought was fascinating, now to tell the difference, when the cops are doing job and writing tickets and sirens going and times when it is quiet. here in new york. that is. >> these are very, very dangerous place for us to be. if the mayor, if the mayor does not figure out a way to communicate and improve this relationship, it is bad times in new york city. none of us want that. >> i want to point out, the areas where you guys are saying this particular you kirsten that you say police were not doing their jobs those are revenue ideas. those are areas of writing tickets. but if you're talking about under heightened terror alert which we saw sunday fight okay with that isis video, that vicious video online, you're wrong if you think that police were not out here to protect news i didn't say that. >> we walked out. it looks same. >> that is wasn't what i said.
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tickets revenue areas, they're choking off funding for the mayor. >> the study said they were not doing things such as enforcing bill de blasio's ridiculous war on tobacco. they're not being as proactive in their policing. they're being more reactive. to say the police in new york city are not doing their job is a lie. >> he is in leadership position. >> he is guy has to figure this out. he has to figure out, he doesn't want to apologize although i think he should how will you get police to feel you're sporting them? you're right. he is their boss. they need to feel supported. and when they fight to have all of our backs. they need to feel the mayor has their back and will not throw them unthe bus. >> i'm not sure it will change. >> how will he fix that. >> he said you can't apologize for your fundamental beliefs. if they're truly fundamental he will not back away. >> it is not a police state. the police department does not tell the mayor what to do. i don't know what you guys are talking about. >> if the mayor condoned behavior, the mayor condoned behavior by protesters if you
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don't condemn protesters -- >> there is first amendment right which are -- >> first amendment rights for the new york city police department. >> fine but he is not saying that -- >> he could have spoken out the against the sentimentment. >> he did. we just watched the clip. what are you talking about? he said they were sick. that's what he said these -- >> said sick things about the police. >> you need to be bigger man in the room to overcome this. i'm not quite sure we're on the path here in new york. actor liam niece son play as gun-toting dad in "taken 3". while remoting movie he blasted gun evener ship in america. is this another example of hollywood hypocrisy. we'll debate that. >> wanted for murder. suspect's name. with tena, let yourself go. be the one with the crazy laugh.
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snoop we'll give you more "outnumbered" in a minute. first a word from miss jenna lee. >> next hour the ohio man accused in a plot to launch a terror attack will be in court tomorrow in cincinnati for a detention hearing. the 20-year-old man was allegedly plotting a terror attack against congress and eager to wage jihad against america. we'll talk to a former fbi agent on that. stocks taking another hit. the dow down more than 100 points. the fifth straight session so far of down arrows as fears grow
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about a worldwide economic slow down. hillary clinton making a big hire as she mulls a potential run for the white house but it's a name probably familiar to you. why one columnist says the possible clinton campaign is already off to a bad start. we'll tell you all about that, top of the hour. >> i think it has been a pretty rough start for a long time. thank you, jl. ♪ >> this is your army. at 23, he joins the special forces. he is a trained sniper. >> while promoting his new gun-toting film, "taken 3", actor liam neeson, also took the tame to slam gun ownership in america while defending violent movies and his role in the "taken" trillion give. in a press conference he said,
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quote, there are too many bleeping guns out there, you know that replace as word, especially in america. i think the population is like 320 million and there is like over 300 million guns privately owned in america. a character like brian mills going out with guns and taking revenge it is fantasy. it is in the movies you know. by the way this is not fantasy. his pay day for "taken 3"? $31 million. and i bring it back to the couch. jedediah you have strong feelings about this. what are they. >> i love him. i love meese movies. i am obsessed with them all. >> are they good? >> i like them all. i haven't seen this one yet. i do know -- no. i think they're great. i like to see them like that but, harris not everyone can afford their own personal brian mills bodyguard. i wish i could. i wish i could have his character follow me around with a weapon but in this country we have to protect ourselves and defend ourselves. if we're not going to do it who
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will we rely on to do it. i think it is crazy who he makes money off character out there trying to protect people, trying to do what is right would take time to beat up people trying to do that for them who can't afford this kind of protection. >> isn't it about that though? isn't it about the constitutional right. >> that thing called the constitution harris? that is still around? oh, i didn't know. i'm making a joke because the constitution, it is funny how they cherry-pick what they like and don't like in hollywood. what i noticed from the golden globe the other night, look at the background of shots of red carpet, security guards standing there, they didn't have nerf bats in their pockets. they were fully-armed guarding hollywood's rich and famous. i wonder if liam neeson would be up, i don't know giving them squirt guns in case someone tried to kill them. >> here is what i will tell you. he knew he was getting the bleeping question and he had to
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have a bleeping answer ready to go. they have been talking about for several years. he knew that was coming. that is the way you approach it. second amendment advocates this is the kind of thing that really ticks them off. >> i don't, i think he, first of all i don't think it is hypocritical necessarily. >> you don't? >> it's a movie. i haven't seen the movies but my understanding he plays somebody who is like a security guard? >> he is former -- loves his gun. >> his daughter was taken in the first trilogy. and then -- >> i don't know. i think the idea that americans have too many guns, i mean you know it's, it doesn't necessarily mean there shouldn't be a right to have guns. it is more of an indictment i think of a gun culture which i've been critical of. i have nothing against guns. i grew up in a house in alaska with 20 guns. i know how to shoot and all that. there seems to be something a little off in our culture about guns. >> what ticks me off people
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like liam neeson, pierce morgan they were not born here in the united states of america. it gets under my skin who emmy greated from the u.k. and ireland and come here with make a lot of money with certain aspect of our constitution and publicly ridicule it. i want to tell him to shut up. >> i know one thing. >> what's that? >> it has got us all talking with a movie coming out, people. one san francisco woman really, really wants a dining companion on her birthday. >> hemmer. >> so much she posted to her blog asking for help. by the way the reservation is already made at a restaurant 5,000 miles away. tokyo and hemmer is -- >> hello hello tokyo. ♪ [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama
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♪ ♪ ♪ well one woman is so determined not too dine alone on her 39th birthday she posted on the site. she secured the dinner for two in the restaurant in tokyo voted the best in the world. the male must be willing to pay for their own flight and
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accommodation. >> until you said 28- 46, i said all right. we'll go eat sushi. i act 28. but if she is 39. she is shopping young. >> i bet she would make an exception for you. >> if i was 39 i would want to have dinner with bill hemmer. >> would you, would you go out with bill hemmer? that's on the live chat. we have live over time. >> there are 60000 people waiting to be on the restaurant. i bet me get more responses for. >> keep on thinking that way, kid. i like the way you think. >> does that sound kind of desperate. why doesn't she just go by herself. >> people go on dating sites and this is common. maybe she figures, i will control it and make news and
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interview these people myself and i don't need the filter of a dating site. >> she has a hundred guys lined up here. >> it is like a whole new app. >> i kind of like this, this is like the birthday bachelor. i will make my own bachelor. and the only thing i don't understand is only requirement outside of age and location, that he can use a dive and a fork? >> what else does she have? >> and i got suggestions. >> and we are on daytime television. >> she doesn't want to be embarrassed by bad etiquette. >> there should be more requirements. >>ousing a knife and a fork. that's what she is concerned about him using? >> drop the mike and go alone. >> and stephanie, come on down. >> he is young for his age. >> you need to broaden out your
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age range, missey who needs a date. >> 24 feels great. >> and that's it for outnumbers. go to the web and go to fox number and now we are with "happening now". >> starting out with breaking news out of belgium. three people killed in a counter terrorism raid. this is in the eastern part of the country and details on the exact target are sketchy and we hear additional reports that authorities are still caring out the operation. this is a developing story. >> and the very heart of our democracy, the u.s. capitol is the target of isis inspired plot we are told. an ohio man planning a blood bath. >> the fbi arrested him and accuse canned him of pla


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