tv Red Eye FOX News January 17, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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meet the family of chris kyle. we want to know what you think. go to twitter and let us know. and i hope you have a great night. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" a dude who can solve five rubik's cubes underwater. why the race for the 2016's sexiest man alive is pretty much over. and has the president come up with a new pass word for sentcom's twitter account? what is it? >> -- caffeine laced undergarments. thank you. >> and finally an elephant who only wants to have sex with cars. should he be put down or should we ago isn't him for who he really is? our panel gets to the bottom of it next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> and now let's welcome our guest. she is responsible for more
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crumpled tissues than the flu. i am here with donna feldman. my second favorite feldman behind -- >> cory. >> no, marty. weeping into warm cheap wine it is joanne know sawnszx=d> é?+gákbi%rc+so2$> is it too soon for a new cartoon? "charlie hebdo" first article since the attack is raising concern itself could raise to maury price sals from the jihady jerkoffs. that is a technical term.
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it is a picture of tal$4í9zçnidçy mohamed holding a sign that says "charlie" and weeping under a headline that says all is for given. the leading islamic institute go bobcats called on the french government to quote, announce that a rejection of this racist act that attempts to erase religious strive in times like these as always i turn for guidance to the mayor of rodderdam in the netherlands. hours after the terrorist attack who was born in mora co told fellow muslims to make like a tree and [bleep] off. áag(h(çvb(.4#gm1y qngd
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>> should have taken spanish in school. if you want to see more of that interview you won't. in other news, the leader of isis was spotted this week in syria riding a bike with one of his wives. >> young love i say tom. young love indeed. >> why did he fog that guy's face out? >> what is he embarrassed about? >> what do you make of the cover? i have theories. >> you do? >> yes but i like to hear yours first.
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you are the guest. >> i think they have raised the bar too high. now unless you are making fun of the prophet mohamed, i mean where are you as a satirist. you have nothing. >> it is great though because everybody has to put the cover up. we should have been doing it a week ago. there is that way for radical islamists to keep up. they can't kill everybody. >> i am getting a little tired of the comedians. everyone is the -- whatever the phrase is. "i am charlie." are you not charlie. you were never there before for these guys and the thing is it is not about them. to me it is a bunch of johnny come latelies. now they are obsessed with terrorism? >> now we are ready to fight. where were you yesterday? >> that's the point of the
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cover. the cover is making fun of them. the cover of the new one is making fun by having mohamed hold the sign. c's a joke on the -- it is a joke on the protestor. >> it is doubling back. >> the artist said it wasn't. >> i disagree with the artist. he said it is not the front page the terrorist wants us to make because there is no terrorist in it. it is just a man crying, a guy crying. it is mohammed. that's what he said. it is a man crying because it was an awful thing that happened. >> i disagree completely. donna, welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> what is your take on this? >> we live in a free society. no cartoon is worth murder. >> have you seen nancy's slow go? >> it is really frightening what can happen as a response, but it is dangerous to be free these days.
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>> that's true. >> are you saying i am wrong in my analysis? >> always. >> they are making fun. >> i was president sure what it -- i wasn't sure what it meant, but by the way we need to say charlie come lately and not johnny come lately. they say the cover means that they are forgiving the extremists who killed or the terrorists who killed the other staff. that's what they are saying. >> that's dumb. >> that's what they are saying and it is a joke. >> maybe. >> let me ask joanne what do you make of the mayor of roderdam? >> he is a sexy guy. >> he is sexy. >> you rarely hear politicians use the f-word.
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>> in this age of showing mohamed we are worried about the four-letter word. >> and it was the danish version. >> you know how you say the f-word in danish, it is tomato. >> so he speaks in another language, and so do i. what he is basically saying is if you are going out to dinner and you are going to a restaurant. say it is a great barbecue joint. you don't bring your own tupperware with your leftovers to eat it there. we are not saying if you are vegetarian you have to eat the pork at this joint, but we are saying -- you go to the restaurant. don't you want to participate? >> don't bring your bomb to the restaurant. >> no because that is not a pleasant meal. >> you look confused. >> isn't he saying get out of my country? >> he says if you don't want to eat my food get out of my restaurant jie. they are not going to listen to him.
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they don't listen to guys like him. i want to be clear. i said the kind of thing that is misunderstood all the time. all of this huffing and puffing -- remember she said they were activists. >> the other people repeated. it isn't. it is an attack on the west. everything you do is an attack on the west. it is not special to your special thing. that's what i am saying. >> last thing, the care is going to do a press conference the council on american islamic relations. they are going to have a press conference to protest the cover. that's predictable. i know exciting. i do believe this was a whole satire and hash tag symbol itch. that's -- symbolism. that's my feeling.
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>> he has seen the whole magazine and tweeted out there is a cartoon going after the pope, but then they have an editorial where they thank people who defend freedom of speech, but they criticize people who say we condemn terrorism but. >> and they say to people who don't generally defend -- genuinely defend freedom of speech can " f" themselves. even though you were right. >> could canned peaches stop school speeches. an alabama school principal want students to bring in canned goods like corn and soups, but not for a food drive. it is to be used as weapons. campbell's cream of mushroom could fight off potential intruders. they sent a letter to parents on friday saying we realize at first this may seem odd however it is a practice that
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would catch an intruder off guard. a canned food item could stun him or even knock him out until the police arrive. >> you really have to throw that. the concept is inspired by the school safety guidelines. it is put in place by the department of education. it is called alise that stands for alert, lock down, inform counter and escape. meanwhile, he has trained an army of ducks to protect his home from intruders. >> it is adorable when they are terrified. is this a good idea to throw the can by the armed person? you know what, watch out. you may get a del monte logo on your forehead.
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>> a reading of the letter from st. paul. blessed be the father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us in grace with every spiritual blessing in the heavens as he chose in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before him. in love, he destined us for adoption to himself through jesus christ in accord with the favor of his will for the praise of the glory of his grace that he granted us in the beloved. therefore i do healing your
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faith in the lord jesus and of your love for all the holy ones, do not cease giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. may the god of our lord jesus christ, the father of glory give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him. may the eyes of your hearts be enlightened that you may know what it is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the riches of glorious inheritance among the holy ones. the word of the lord.
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the cross. canteens to remind us of the mystery of spiritual childhood. he tell us this in the gospel. the kingdom of god, like a child with no entrance. santatinio continues to claim the light of god claims. it brings the good news of our freedom from slavery and guides us in the path of peace. hides in justice. the santo nino also reminds us.
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in this, i have listened to you sing the song, we are all god's children. that is what the santo nino tells us. here reminds us of our deepest identity. all of us are god's children. members of god's family. today, st. paul said cried become adopted children. brought us. this is who we are. this is our identity.
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we saw a beautiful explanation of this in phillipines affected by the typhoon. because god chose us, we have best. god has blessed us in christ with ever spiritual blessing in the heavens. this was a special in the philippines, for it is the foremost country in the nation. it is itself a special gift of god, a special blessing but it is also a vocation.
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creating social structures. poverty and corruption. sometimes when we see the most difficult, we are tempted to give up. it seems that the promise of the gospel do not apply. but the bible tells us that the great threat of what's planned for us has been the lie. in the father of lies. often, he hides behind an appearance of sophistication.
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like everyone hears. he distract us. it's a perfect shell. so we squander our god given gifts by indulgence. we squander our money on gambling and drinking. we turn in on ourself. we forget to remind on ordinary things that really matter. reforget we forget to remain at heart children of god. that is sin forget.
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that we are children of god. the reason not the reason of the word. that is why the message of santo nino is so important. he speaks power to all of us. he reminds us on how our deepest identity of what we call to be as god family. this santo nino also reminds us that this identity must be protected. he's the protector of the great country. when he came into the world his very lives was threatened by a
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corrupt king. he had a protector, st. joseph. he had holy family. so he reminds us of the importance of protecting our families. and those larger families we are the church. god's family and the world of human family. sadly, nowadays, the family often needs to be protected against insidious attacks and programs. contrary to honor that, all that is most beautiful and novel in our culture.
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in the gospel, jesus embrace the children and blessed them. protect. why i think, courage of the young people. helping them to build the society widely of the great spiritual and cultural heritage. specifically we need to see each child as a gift to be what comes. cherished and protected. now we need to care for our young people. not allowing them to condemned to the life on the streets.
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it was a failed child in need of protection who broke god's goodness, mercy and justice into the world. he assisted with this corruption. we ask which have the legacy of sin and he triumphed over them by the fall of his crash. now at the end of my visit to the philippines i command you to aim to jesus who came among us as a child. may he neverhold the love of the people of this country. protecting one another, beginning with your families and
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communities, to building a world of justice, integrity and peace. may the santo nino bless the philippines. may his understanding increase of this great nation in their vocation to be witnesses and missionaries of the gospel. a nation and the whole world. i and please, don't forget to pray for me. god bless you. [ applause ] >> moment of silent reflection. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> brothers and sisters, we sacrifice. hear my father. let the grace and glory of this for the good and all this church. >> blessed. to accept our in the name of jesus, for we are that which we ask song's name. as himself with such from for ever and ever. >> amen. >> the road with you. >> let us give thanks to the
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