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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 20, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PST

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americans are losing hope. fbn, we spell it out. hello. i'm eric bolling along with bob beckel, dana perino. this is "the five" every so often a movie captures the hell our brave men and women have to endure to keep this country safe and free. "american sniper" is a real life account of chris kyle. beyond the kill the audience gets a look at what war is really like that surrounds the military when they are fighting. >> so you are not worried about what might happen?
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>> don't pick it up. drop it. >> "american sniper" took in a whopping $105.3 million. america liked it but not everyone. first up liberal film maker michael moore tweeted this my uncle killed by sniper in world war ii. we were taught snipers are cowards will shoot you in the back. and seth rogen tweeted this. "american sniper" reminds me of the movie throwing in the third act. you are an embarrassment we know you have a right to tweet stuff like that. why is it hard for you to realize that you retain that right thanks to men like chris kyle. were you surprised to see rogen and moore so quickly taking a
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shot at "american sniper?" >> seth rogen did not see the film. if you see the movie it is not a knee jerk flag waving film. it shows war is hell and a mess. and it is subtle more subtle than anything seth rogen can come up with. he should stick with dope jokes or should go see the movie first. it brings me to the point which you brought up. seth rogen's primary expertise is weed. while he smoked his way through the last decade there were people like chris kyle defending his freedom to smoke that weed which is fine because chris kyle did that for me. he defended my right to act like an idiot for 20 years. i see the difference. seth rogen sees the difference. i see the difference that these people allow me to be a dope. seth needs to re-establish that connection. the other point i want to make. hollywood is worked up about the lurid celebration of violence?
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how come that never comes up when they do movies on serial killers or bank heists? that kind of violence is cool and edgy. the american military exercising their prowess gets phenes. rogen couldn't hold clint eastwood's jockstrap. >> mike moore tweeted that and started to walk it back this afternoon and said i never mentioned chris kyle or "american sniper." he tweeted what he said on the day or day after "american sniper" was released. >> of course he was making it in direct reference to that. this is a guy that recklessly shoots from the hip every time he runs his mouth. he is an ignorant individual. it will probably only help to
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serve more people want to see the film. once again good job. this reminds me in a way the hollywood reaction to like the passion of the christ, people were so surprised that people would show out in droves, in large numbers to be able to support a biblical fill. it was compelling story telling. if anybody bothers to watch this film they understand that this shows the complexities of war and that it is not clean and easy, that there are constant choices to make and a split second decision that can effect how you think about your morality and ethics and integrity for the rest of your life. that is why it is compelling. >> they both went out in complexities or if they had seen the film they would know. watching that film you see bradley cooper not even utter words. you can see on his face the confusion, the questioning. it's amazing what they put on
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film. what's with the left just calling it a war film or a killing film off the top without even maybe watching it? >> i haven't had a chance to see it either. i can answer the question of why they do that, probably the reaction it is getting. they want to try to provoke. so michael moore is the best at that. the more he wants to do it the more we can point to the left being the spokesperson being michael moore. even why do liberals have a problem with the military? this is one of those reasons. what i have seen from the trailers and a really great interview that gretchen carlson did with mrs. kyle, the widow. her character shows what happens at home while they are worried and frightened and especially if you know your husband is in so much danger all the time, that anxiety you have to deal with. hundreds of thousands of women and men across the military that they live with that constant
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anxiety. i think the most cowardly thing of this whole episode was michael moore suggesting that he wasn't necessarily referring to the film when obviously it was. this just confirms my theory that twitter has the potential to bring out everyone's worst characteristics. that is certainly true for michael moore. >> true of you. >> bob, we have a list. we have michael moore who is obviously a lefty seth rogen a liberal. it goes on and on. the one common theme was people calling shots at that film, calling that film out having a problem with the film all from the left. >> so that's a blanket indictment to the left. >> it is common thread. >> i have not seen the film either. my inclination is it is a sniper in a situation like that takes a tough job and has to do it. unless you have a room full of liberals and you say you think
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you are against snipers the answer would be no. moore said one of the reasons i am so angry about this is because my grandfather was killed by a sniper. so that made it mad. what really eggs me on about this -- i don't know where that came from -- is that why do we take certain people like this and make them the spokesperson for the left? michael moore is not a spokesperson for the left. >> every time a lefty says something stupid because it happens to come commonly from the left. let's move on. >> one thing about it? the best revenge is actually in the end. so the movie had record number of people go to see it this weekend, $105 million earned. seth rogen's movie lost $30 million and after all that they went through going to show it or not and they do it on demand and
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got panned. >> maybe a lot of people are saying that is part of the problem. you don't like to sit and talk about this. you like to take these and make them into society. >> i am re-reading seth rogen and michael moore's tweets and i'm reading what they are saying. i am not indicting the left. >> find a conservative that said something wrong. >> that is msnbc's constant lineup and the"the daily show"." >> chris kyle is not here to defend himself against the accusations. those who live the sniper's life do stand up for him. listen to sergeant nicholas irving responding to michael moore's idiotic tweet. >> michael moore wasn't there in afghanistan and last time i checked he has never shot anybody with a scoped rifle. i don't think he deserves the breath that comes out of me right now for that statement.
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>> i don't really care what he gives me. a lot of my friends died for his right to i guess freedom of speech. i'm not really worried about what he has to say. >> there is an actual sniper. >> a friend of mine says my message to rogen and moore you're welcome for the right to bash whom ever you want but the problem is people listen to these guys. >> i think they expose their own ignorance and stand there naked in front of us just blowing off these things that don't make sense. i think it makes the film stronger and makes freedom of speech stronger. you can talk about it discuss it. you make your own decisions. you see the film and then you decide. >> your point is well taken. a lot of people said twitter said i wanted to see the film and now i'm absolutely making sure i will see the film in light of the comments.
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>> almost drove me to the theater. >> does twitter really -- >> it's just a new vehicle. it's our modern equivalent of a bathroom wall. you get the worst of everybody and also you get the immediate -- >> and phone numbers. >> and immediate thoughts. you didn't see a movie but you watched the previews. the movie what it does is for a lot of people you look at the simple truths and values whether right or wrong or patriotism or good manners and politeness which chris kyle is saying yes, sir and yes, ma'am. a lot of these ing thes are taken as simpleton. in hollywood they think people who are patriotic and believe in right and wrong are often comical, that are punch lines. when they see this movie it is more of a proxy of an entire population of people that they look down upon. the movie begins with them at a
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rodeo. that to them is like mars. who would do this sort of thing? the only person who understands that is clint eastwood. >> the bathroom wall thing with the numbers on it the numbers are not real numbers. >> don't look in the hole. >> these people wait until the end and watch the last five or seven minutes of the film you see what chris kyle did for wounded warriors and maybe you have a little different impression and maybe not take shots. since we haven't heard from the man himself take a listen to chris kyle telling bill o'reilly three years ago why he was willing to take the shots. >> you were committed to killing these people because you in your heart believed they deserved to die? >> i wasn't so much committed to killing them but making sure every service member over there whether american or allied came home. >> as a sniper your job is to kill them, not wound them or
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arrest them, you have to have a certain mentality to be a sniper. you are killing them? . >> i am killing them to protect my fellow americans. >> do you ever now looking back have any regrets at all about anything that you did? >> yes i do. as to people i couldn't save. >> this to me reflects the relativism of people on the left in the sense that like max blumenthal that a serial killer is no different than a patriot serving the country that this guy is no different than a guy shooting people in america from the back of a car and perhaps this patriot is worst because he is doing it for a country. this is a modern outgrowth of the campus that there is no difference between right and wrong when there is a gun involved. >> those questions i thought
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were abysmal. >> chris kyle to say exactly what everyone was asking. are you concerned about the 160 kills that you pulled the trigger? >> quick thoughts before we go? >> i love his answer. he said he regrets that he couldn't save more lives. that is the common theme throughout the film that is i wish i can go back out even though he was struggling and his family was being sacrificed he went back and went back to try and save more people that were serving. >> and if michael moore can't support chris kyle what he did in terms of supporting and defending and saving american lives he should think about all of the muslim lives, iraqi lives that were saved because of his actions. >> we will leave it on that note. bret baier will join us as president obama prepares to face a gop-controlled congress
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president obama will deliver his annual state of the union address and he has work cut out for himself. according to a new poll 40% of
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the american describe the country as divided up 3% from last year and division expected to widen after a plan to raise $320 billion in new taxes on the rich. does the white house think this is the best way to grow the economy or are they looking for a fight? senior adviser was asked that question this weekend. >> are you laying this out because you think you have a chance to get it or do you want to draw a contrast between republicans and democrats and paint the republicans as a party of the rich? >> i think each side should grow agenda and then figure out if there are things in the middle we agree on. we look forward to republicans laying out their agenda. bret baier joins us now. not be surprising president obama is calling for new taxes but what he is asking for is for a bipartisan congress to now with more republicans to
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reverse the bipartisan tax cut deal he had been signed two years ago. how do they think that will work? >> it's not. it has no chance to get through this congress. republicans on the senate and house are talking about it. you had statements out from boehner and mcconnell out today saying it would be reversing a tax cut that he signed into law and republicans say we are not just one tax increase away from more prosperity. you will hear a lot of this over the next day. >> so i'm sure we will hear a lot about how great the job creation has been and the price of gasoline is going down, but the fact remains that wages have been flat for a very long time. will he address it? if he does how does he fix that part of the problem? it's really the one piece of the puzzle because middle class wages are flat. that is missing. >> and definitely wage
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stagnation is part of the big issue here and their solution is to provide triple child tax credit and provide for each dueling household. and to do that on the backs of capital gains increases. so it's really going to be interesting to see how it plays out. it is definitely a populous message but not one that will go far legislatively. >> you say on the backs of capital gains increase? the white house must be a little bit very happy about the fact that the president is now in positive territory. first president to do that in a long time. obama is doing quite well that way. >> new washington post poll up to 50%. the economy largely is believed to be behind this surge. he is going to take that and say we are on the right track but wages, people are not feeling it around the country. and if you look at other polls
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majority of people think we are still in a recession in some way shape or form in part because wages have not gone up. >> it's kimberly. so this seems to plea that it will be more about politics than it is policy because the president knows any of his proposals aren't going to go before the house or senate. they will not make it there for a vote so it is perhaps just to point out the differences demonize the republicans to create some kind of traction and dialogue in the press about the republican party and the gop. >> definitely. part of this is not the thought that these bills are going to make it through. much of it tracks with what democratic congressman vis van hallen put forward in a budget proposal recently that was considered dead on arrival. what it is a blueprint they think for democrats going forward to 2016. >> right. >> greg, your turn. >> i have a comment a prediction, a suggestion and a
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question. my comment is it seems to me that president obama only knows one song and it is "nail the rich", that is his "free bird". my prediction is the state of the union will bore the public to tears. his dullness mesmerizes us into a stooper and robs us of $320 million. my suggestion is out obama. he will offer two free years of community college. the republicans should offer four that way if he says no to that that will anger the millennials. do you like the guacemole spicy? >> thanks for the tease. our analysis of it is one of a kind. >> that is a reason to tune in.
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let me switch gears then. mitt romney last week announcing he is thinking of getting into the race and now jeb bush and possibly rand paul. how do you see things shaping up tomorrow night when it comes to those folks? >> i think rand paul i think will be on meg and kelly show. i think he will be a post state of the union appearance. i think there will be others who pop up. we are going to have paul ryan on the show in the analysis after the state of the union to kind of break down where republicans think they can go and where they can't in the negotiations with the president. >> when do you expect to hear from the republican response? >> it's interesting that choice. obviously freshman senator but she is very attractive for republicans because she ran a campaign that was pretty much tied to a conservative issue in iowa, a place that as you know is a swing state and has the
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background farmer, in the military and who knows? we may hear about castrating pigs. >> that may be good. >> just this last thought. do you think after all of this talk and obama laying down that americans aren't going to get through that they are going to find areas of agreement and are going to see legislation signed before the summer comes? >> i do bob. i think there will be something. i think most prominently is probably trade. that is probably the deal that gets done first. there is hope about corporate tax reform. this first marker is kind of there is a big casm between the parties here. >> we are not going to let you off the hook yet because greg gets to ask one more question. >> how many times will president obama say extraordinary? >> i'm going to go ten times. >> you are absolutely right. >> i think we should do a work
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cloud maybe. do the whole thing. >> whatever you want. >> i would pick me or i as the most prominent word. >> their share. >> rich is going to be a good one. >> let me be clear. >> make no mistake. >> thanks. catch him on "special report" tonight at 6:00 p.m. and tomorrow night for state of the union coverage. "the five" will be live tweeting during the speech. we hope you will join the conversation using fox news chat. a reporters ridiculous question boo a sheriff about a fight back fires on him.
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so what dictates wall to wall coverage for one crime but
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not for another? i ask this because of a sickening act that went unnoticed in florida where thugs murdered a mother and daughter so horribly it is too graphic to describe. i don't blame you if you don't know them. the crime doesn't lend itself to a protest or a visit from eric holder. police caught the thugs but not before sheriff judd had spoke of preparing for a gunfight. that irked a reporter who asked him if he regretted such harsh language. here is the sheriff wiping the floor with him. >> some of the comments you made last night about shooting the suspects possibly and some comments today about the ready for a gunfight was that in the heat of the moment? do you have regret about that? >> i not only have no regret but i'm excited about telling you that is exactly what would have happened. there is nothing about
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politically correct in a gunfight or when you are keeping people alive and well and safe. people in this community and these law enforcement officers come first. i meant every word of it then and i mean every word of it now. if you surrender peacefully that is the way we prefer it. you start pointing guns at us you cannot only plan on but you can guarantee we are going to shoot you. >> why is this story important because it reveals how the establishment media is so fixated on the back lash at the expense of victims. the reporter's concern was insensitive language. this is everywhere. the focus drifts to your intolerance reaction to such evil. those who ubobsesz over islam phobia. this happens in a world where victimizers matter more than victims. the protection provided by
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cartoonist exercises intolerance. terrorists are glammed up as root causes of recent gun men are defended my appallgists. victims are forgotten reporters ask dumb questions and one sheriff finally had enough. good for him. what do you make of the sheriff's response? >> i just want to make it my new ring tone his little statement there. no officer gets up and says i want to shoot people and put my life on the line and my family and everything. they go out there to protect and serve. that is the officer's first obligation. by the way, anybody coming up trying to cause trouble and trying to shoot and kill an officer is too dangerous to let escape. you don't have a right to be able to resist arrest and fight it out like the wild west on the streets with the cops. that's a lawless society where everybody loses. follow the rules, go through the process. you will have your day to object
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and appeal. would you not like to do that standing up on two feet versus in a casket? >> although they did kill two women so i don't think they were too interested in justice of any kind. this was a local story in florida. it was a horrible one. it's not getting the kind of coverage that other recent crimes get because it doesn't fit a political narrative? >> and i suppose you can go that way. it fits a narrative. you have a lot of dumb reporters out there. i don't know where he is coming with the question. it seemed to me teeing it up for the sheriff to do it. he was asking for it. i don't -- again, i don't think this guy represents everybody in the establishment media. whoever it was the fact of the matter is that the sheriff was right to say what he said. i don't think the entire left is thinking it is a good idea for people to get shot on the street. >> we have another example of a liberal media asking stupid
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question showing bias that exists in the liberal media against guns and law enforcement. you can't indict the whole left but meanwhile it seems to consistently come from the left. certainly was asking a question that would fall in line with antigun, antilaw enforcement. he was incred unless that the cop said that the two murders come near our stations we will kill them. the reporter couldn't believe the cop instead of praising the cop for saying it he couldn't believe he was offering a chance to walk that back. >> you might want to find out where the guy was doing his reporting. >> i don't think it matters. >> we talk about it there is a growing contrast of mentality between you look at american sniper and the response. you look at the movies the popularity is justified. we see common sense compared to
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a touchy feely bs that is kind of sprouted since the '70s. is there a time when we are done with this? >> it is possible that the reporter thought he would get the chance to apologize. that venue you get to make your mark because you got the sheriff to apologize. i like that he didn't. it reminded me of watching press brevings that secretary rumsfield used to give at the defense department where he had no time for those types of questions and dispenses them quickly. your super bowl xlix is next on "the five." that's a transition.
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super bowl xlix is set, the
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seahawks and the patriots will vie for the title in two weeks after defeating the packers and colts in yesterday's championship game. it was an emotional day for all the players but especially for seattle quarterback russell wilson who got down on his knees to thank god for helping bring his team from behind in a dramatic finish. >> god is good every time. every time. unbelievable, man. the fight over and over again. people used to doubt, man. god prepared me for these situations. i'm honored to be on this team. we are going to the super bowl again! >> an emotional response, many people tuned in to see this outcome. what did you think? >> comments were fantastic. russell wilson is a class act, thankful, humble praised the other team. i got to tell you something.
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this guy is in his third year. he won a super bowl. he doesn't make a lot of money on nfl standards. he will make a boat load of money going into next year. he threw for eight yards in the first half, three interceptions. they were getting their clock cleaned. he pulled himself up and won the game. this kid is a winner. he will be a great quarterback for a long time. >> that is mental toughness and stamina when you are getting killed to pull it together and bring it home. >> absolutely. i was laid up with my back. i turned the game off with four minutes left to guy. i missed that entire thing. having read it and looked at the replay of it it is remarkable. i'm glad to see that. to do that pull that off after -- i watched this guy through three quarters and a half and it was terrible.
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how he got it at the last minute, how he came at the last minute and pulled it together is amazing to me. >> dana, we were upset about green bay? >> i always feel bad for the loser, most of the time i feel bad for the losers. normally republicans win. 50 million people tuned in for that game. 42 million for the next game. i was the opposite. i saw the last four minutes of the game. my husband explained everything going on for me. russell wilson, they actually did a huddle and a prayer afterwards. i think even if they had lost i think he would have been as pronouncing of god even if they had lost. i don't think he thinks god wanted him to win. >> in this place it turned out to be very favorable for seattle. greg, please. >> absolutely 100% couldn't agree more.
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>> moving on. >> did you feel bad for green bay? >> i didn't watch football. i did look on twitter as i do when i'm bored but it is great illustrating the mob mentality. the first half wilson was 0 on twitter. second half a hero. twitter will eat you alive and just as intensely want to lick your wounds. that is what we do as human beings. we like that we like to denigrate. >> twitter does reflect? >> i think it reflects kind of the most superficial shallow of our disgusting beliefs. >> i thought you were quitting twitter. >> what is that supposed to mean. >> where i went to high school tom brady went there and he is being accused of using deflated
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balls. did i go to a high school where everybody cheats? what's wrong with america? sarah high school? >> did you cheat? >> no. >> barry bonds cheated off me in spanish class. he kept kicking my desk. i would put my answers over so he could read my answers. >> or he would beat you up. >> i could take him. >> it was before the steroids. >> he was definitely the center then. >> now he can beat me to death with his head. >> that segment went completely in a different direction. we will try to recover now. still to come on "the five" a march in selma 50 years later in honor of dr. martin luther king. plus what the icon would think about the rotests of today. his son answers that next.
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we stand here today in honor of you all, in honor of them not just test memory of martin luther king or in memory of selma and what happened on the bridge, but
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to memorialize martin luther king as an idea and selma as an idea of what can happen with strategy, with discipline and with love. >> oprah, her fellow cast members from selma and others paid tribute yesterday by walking in his foot steps 50 years later. today the entire nation honors amid a new era of racial tension, one with violent protests. martin luther king iii says my father's approach to the most brutal social injustices during the civil rights struggle was rooted in nonviolence is a correct response. in no way would we condone to any ends justifying the means behavior. >> when he says that as cleary as his father would not have
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condoned what went on and would not have condoned what happened but the action afterwards. >> i think the movement he is dealing with now that martin luther king wasn't facing was a different kind of radical mindset that is not even about race. it's about subversion of a society. you see a lot of wide young unemployed dread lock losers marinating in decades of identity politics who have hijacked this movement. and they have the luxury of leaving the movement when they clean up their act. they can encourage rioting. they can encourage looting and then move on. so they screw over a community because it feels good to them and what happens is they sanktify destructive choices. the remedy is family but the
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radicals who ridicule that observation. >> you have bid your fair share of riots. california you the lots of riots. and i wonder whether in today's society whether somebody who was honestly approaching a civil rights or any kind of struggle like martin luther king can do so peacefully? is the peaceful reaction to what they consider to be bad tactics on the part of police or anybody else, is it possible? >> it was possible before, why wouldn't it be now. we have gotten out of step. to sort of suggest that it has to go to the extreme of violence and disrespect and looting and fires and burning in order to make a message i think is very wrong. that actually creates a back lash that puts people further back in terms of their approach and their thought process about race relations. there is a civilized and dignified way to express your differences. we need to go back to the way that martin luther king did it. >> and let me ask the same
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question. >> so there is this whole debate whether or not martin luther king or malcolm x represent what the black movement over the last 50 or 60 years. some people are now saying maybe it is more along the lines of what malcolm x would believe. other people are saying martin luther king fits the white narrative better. the bottom line is that race still has a stronghold on american debate. fear, guilt, anger those things all get brought up. i for one applaud oprah for what she did right there. >> for all of the things that eric described are certainly true. we talk about them. what a man to have given us the founding principle for the next several decades. i think the large celebrations of his life the fact that there is a federal holiday observed is that it shows the content of the
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character of our nation. i think -- i don't think we are as divides as the media seems to make it. >> i disagree.
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and bob starts today. >> before martin luther king was killed he was very ill and not going to give a speech to those on strike. they talked him to giving the speech. very much setting up and realizing his own death was coming. >> i don't know what will happen now but it doesn't matter with me now because i have been to the mountain top. i have seen the promised land. i may not get there with you, but i want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land.
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>> prophetic statement by one of the great men of our history. betty white turned 93 on saturday. she is part of a show called "hot in cleveland." she got a little flash mob for her birthday. >> i think there might be a bit of a celebration for your birthday. ♪ >> happy birthday betty! >> at 93 you shouldn't be doing this. >> 93 is remarkable. >> she is amazing. >> you are up. >> sexy as ever. >> wow. >> all right. >> greg's crime corner. if you are going to steal something large like a flat screen tv you have to have really strong thighs and wear a moo moo. let's look at this woman in
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costa rica stealing a tv. she is looking at the flat screens and says i think i will just do this. look at that. and there she goes. this woman was born to do this. i am against crime. i am against shop lifting. when somebody is this clever i almost say you have it. if you want the tv back after that, i don't know? >> where was this? >> costa rica. that was really disturbing. a couple of things. you guys probably have seen this. the dover police department released a video and it is one of their officers kind of dancing it out singing it out to taylor swift's "shake it off." ♪ i'm just going to shake ♪ ♪ won't you come on over baby we can shake, shake, shake ♪ >> i love it.
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>> the joke never gets old. she tweeted out and posted a link. if you can please check out tonight in for gretta i would love to see you there. >> good stuff. i will quickly go in and our good friend geraldo on celebrity apprentice will be on again tonight. doing fantastic stuff. good luck to you. >> are you making a prediction? >> he will be up for the final two. before we go i want to say thank you to you our fans, our facebook page just got 10
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>> the president will address the nation. will his speech resinate with you the voter. >> a fellow navy seal firing back after criticism of chris kyle. >> for all american veterans who fought for your freedom, you are welcome. >> he didn't stop there. "fox & friends first" starts right now. ♪ >> from florida georgia lime to new york city in times square where the lights are always shining. good morning to you. you are watching "fox & friends
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first" on this tuesday. i am heather childers. >> i am ainsley earhardt. thank you for waking up with us early. breaking overnight a catastrophic scene in ohio as an over pass collapses and kills a construction worker. it was an old i-75 bridge that was about to be demolished. >> hundreds of tons of concrete. they used air bags to extricate him from the rubble. a semi crashed into the debris miles after the collapse. a driver recovering from the hospital. police describing the horrific incident. >> it appears the workers on the deck during the demolition of the bridge something happened. we are not sure. that's what the investigation will tell us in the coming hours. >> the highway will be shut down for at least two-days when the road is cleared. we will be live on the scene minutes from çó


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