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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 22, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PST

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funny. he gets kicked out. >> the fans are snapping photos of them. >> but it was a real game. >> let me tell you, janis dean out at a school yesterday mesmerizing kids with her broadcaster skills. great job. bill: the new england head coach bill belichik is set to face the music on the allegations that his team broke the rules on the way to the super bowl. martha: i'm martha maccallum. at issue did the pats deflate 11 of the 12 balls used against the colts sunday. a softer balk make it easier to throw and catch. but a former patriot said he thinks the team is getting bad
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wrap. >> i think the patriots don't get the benefit of the doubt whenever things like this arrive. ever since the so-called spygate issue in 2007 came about everyone started to question their super bowls and wins. bill: spygate reerchess to an incident when the patriots illegally video taped their opponents and were caught. jonathan hunt is with us. are there accusations that the coach belichik was behind this? >> reporter: i think there are meantive accusations against coach belichik just because of
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the spygate history you just mentioned. in the slightly more rational world of sports analysis there are two schools of thought on this. nothing whatsoever happens in terms of football operations within the patriots' organization that coach belichik doesn't sign off on. if this did happen. if there was wrongdoing he must have known about it. the other school of thought is if some equipment guy thinks i'm going to give my quarterback tom brady every single advantage i can, we know he likes to have his balls slightly less inflated, then i'll do that. if that equipment guy deflates the balls slightly, between the refer ease inspections and tom brady taking the field then coach belichik would have been pretty busy and wouldn't have
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known anything about it. bill: no one is suggesting this made a difference in the results. >> reporter: darius butler tweeted perhaps they should replay the game. the colts quarterback yesterday said he felt quote deflated at the loss obviously some what tongue-in-cheek. but the point as you mentioned in your introduction saying cheating is cheating. dan shaughnessy said belichik can join the coach and tom brady pass the only quarterback with four ring ppts. bhoift important thing, the patriots' legacy is lost. what is being lost is the super bowl itself.
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preparations are underway in glenndale, arizona. the nfl wants the focus back on football. they want this investigation wrapped up about it end of the week. possibly within the next 24 hours we'll hear something from the nfl and in 26 minutes we'll hear from coach bill belichik. bill: what are the rules of the football being used during the game? the ball must be 11 to 11.5 inches long. the air pressure 12.5 to 13 found were square inch. 12 of the 13 footballs were 2 pound per care much below that regulation and therein lies the controversy. martha: we wait to hear from the nfl and the coach.
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what across should the nfl take. nobody is ... bill: it's been reported they used the 12 backup footballs. in the second half the patriots beat indianapolis 28-0. it was a blowout. martha: the patriots scored more points with the fully inflated ball. and the colts were not able to score against them at all when they played with the under regulated ball. but some people say cheating is cheating. bill: if you are not familiar are bill belichik he usually gives two or three word in each answer. martha: it's an interesting
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effort in self-restraint. stick around for that, it will be quite interesting. the michael brown case may be now closed forever. fox news learned the justice department is unlikely to move forward with any civil rights charges against officer darren wilson, the policeman who shot and killed the unarmed teenager. brown's death sparked months of protests. after a grand jury decided not to indict him in november. the police using this video to try to identify the people in that video. they could now face charges. what is the department justice saying on the larger issue here at point? >> reporter: the attorney general eric holder says he plans to have this case wrapped up before he leaves office which
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is expected to come in the next couple months. while the d.o.j. isn't commenting on this report, an official with the fbi says they have completed their investigation to michael brown's death and says it's unlikely darren wilson will face any sill rights charges. the legal bar for bringing civil rights charges is very high and will require the d.o.j. to prove officer wilson intentionally violated officer brown'sville rights by shooting him. they will look into the patterns and practices the ferguson police department. that investigation is ongoing and could lead to changes how the local law enforcement officers operate there in the community. martha: the looting video we showed is an open situation.
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>> reporter: we remember the scenes following the grand jury's decision. there were dozens of building set on fire and pen more broken into and looted. police are gathering the surveillance video and they are releasing it to try to get the public's help. this was at -- elwood market. 180 individual were caught on camera looting that store. they are going to continue releasing this video on a weekly basis. martha: there is a new story about another officer who killed a man in the line duty. the officer believed he spot sad ghunt glove box.
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here's what happened on the dash cam video. >> you weren't right through that stop sign back there. >> yes. >> right on south pine treat. have you got a driver's license? >> i got my drier's license. >> you want to grab it for me? show me your hand, show me your hands, don't move. don't you move. get hum out of the car. he's got a gun in his glove compartment. you reach for something you are going to be dead. he's reaching, he's reaching. so me your hands. don't move! don't you move. martha: that victim is no stranger to police. he previously did time for shooting at police and 8
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troopers when he was a teenager. both officers have also faced multiple abuse of power complaints the past but all of those were dismissed. they are on administrative leave as this shooting is being investigated. bill: president obama vowing to veto any new bill to trigger sanctions against iran. john boehner blind siding the white house by inviting israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to address a joint house of congress and take his case to the american people. >> the congress can make this decision on their own. i don't believe i'm poking anyone in the eye. there is a serious threat that exists in the world. the president last night papered
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over it. bill: steve hayes, fox news contributor, editor of the weekly standard. josh earnest says it's a break in protocol. >> that's a bit require from this white house. they had david cameron calling them to lobby on sanctions. this white house had to apologize to senator marco rubio because they promised to consult congress with new measures with cuba and failed to do so. so the administration had to apologize to marco rubio. the president of the united states has gone around the country campaign being his ability and willingness to ignore congress on matters both foreign and domestic and use his pen and phone circumvent congress. this is the white house who had senior officials use barnyard
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epithets to describe the israeli leader. bill: so boehner last night in a closed door meeting said this. the president told us to hold our fire. he expects us to and idly by and do nothing while he cuts a deal with iran? boehner said hell, no, we won't do up a thing. >> republicans in congress are being bold on this issue. it's an important issue that the president has papered or. i would go infarther than what john boehner said in this press conference. look at the actual language in the state the union about iran. there is no discussion about the threat a nuclear iran poses to the united states, the world and the region. if you read the one paragraph in the state the union from president obama he presents the
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threat as the up seattle congress suggesting it's the u.s. congress that's a threat to peace and security. that's totally out of whack with the reality on the ground and what the situation. it of ther's past due -- it's past due that the united states have a cushion about the threat of iran which is what i expect benjamin netanyahu to talk about. bill will be we'll see if there is an ole office meeting at the same time. martha: president obama saying republicans can't jut say no all the time, but critics firing right back at that. >> this reinforces the idea that i'm sure will be the obama presidency. he couldn't govern but he sure
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knew how to campaign. bill: a massive fire sending smoke and fumes for miles and it's still burning this morning. martha: president obama taking heat or iran. >> for reasons i can't explain or understand, let's ease up and see how they will behave. they never have. you don't take the change off of a raped dog when you have them on the leash but that's what we have done.
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>> i have to be honest with you. the moyer hear from the administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points that come straight out of the tehran. it feeds to the tehran theirive. bill: the president says he will veto any bill that imposes more sanctions on iran while negotiations are ongoing. menendez is on the republican side of this issue. he says the iranians have been trying to cheat for 20 years. >> i think he's on the american
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national security issue side of this. time and time again we have seen from this white house. every time the iranians fail to live up to their obligations the white house guys them more benefits and extends the deadline. you have a situation where the iranian nuclear promise not halted as the president claimed in the state of the union speech. they continue to make progress according to the atomic nuclear energy. the white house is kicking the can down the road. they want a deal, even if it's a bad deal. i sliewlt senator menendez and the other democrats who signed on to this. bill: i want you to react to what mike huckabee said with megyn on this. >> the way you stop the school
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but thely is you put your fist in his face and put his butt on the ground. you don't stop a nation like iran and tell them we'll be nicer to you if you are nicer to us because they will never be nicer to us. we are not dealing with rational, reasonable people. we are dealing with radicals, we are dealing with people who want to kill us. >> it's really perplexing. you have got to the point where at one point you had the white house spokesperson suggesting if we attempt to hold iran to its obligations we are the ones failing to fact good faith in these negotiations. there is nothing iranians grant us that's more valuable to them than a nuclear weapon. it's clear they want to continue their enrichment program.
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this is deadly. the notion that the president as steve hayes is mentioning didn't talk about the threat of an iranian nuclear weapon tells you he's not living in the real world and he's willing once again to put america's security at risk to fulfill his own political gain. bill: the game to watch is what the senate does. it looks like congress in general is smog closer and closer to taking some sort of action here. bill: there are new reports that isis is gaining ground in syria and in yemen. what is the white house doing about that? >> it was surreal. this year's state of the union address raises concerns our president is delusional. he claims the crisis is over, he turned the page, while radical islam is large and more dangerous than ever.
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bill: five minutes from pigskingate. the head coach of the new england patriots will take questions in a style unique to bill belichik. we'll cover it for you live out of foxboro. martha: house republicans will take up another bill banning the use of tax dollars for abortions. this vote comes as demonstrators get ready for the annual march for life. shannon bream has been covering all of this. it's been a dynamic story over the past 24 hours. what happened to the bill that
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would ban most abortions after 20 weeks that was supposed to be a very easy lift yesterday for the gop and that one got shelved. >> they were ready to put it up and pass it. but we started to hear ripplings of trouble. rene elmer behind closed doors were raising concerns. they said they didn't want this to be one of the first bills they put up. it fell apart in the past few hours so no vote on that today. pro-life groups were disappointed and said disgusted. tony perkins said we are disappointed a handful of members caused delay. the excruciating pain babies feel at 5 months is a matter of
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biology, not belief. martha: other bill, is that done for good or are they going to try to work out their difference with woment meant house and try to get it going again? >> reporter: there have been numerous assurances that it will come bark at some point. chris smith the congressman out of new jersey has been a big backer of this effort. over in the senate there were a number of members primarily females who took to the floor saying it doesn't matter what they passed in the thousands. >> i say to my republican friends, instead of going back to the last century join us in this one. protect women. >> reporter: a number of
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pro-life groups and leaders i was talking to said in many cases they backed financially a number of these house republican members and they think they abandoned it under pressure. bill: patriots head coach bill belichik holds his weekly media appearance and you can bet reporters will have many questions about deflate-gate. we'll take you there live. does it make the short list? yeah, i'm afraid so. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. knowing our clients personally is why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way.
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england. the colts got blown out by the patriots and new england is going to the super bowl. there is a question of rules and regulations and whether the new england patriots tried get around the rules and regulations. martha and i were on the radio with brian kill meepped. theisman went down to a training facility yesterday morning specifically to have the ball taken out of a football. reduce the level of the allegation. this is what what theisman said. >> i want you to fill a ball pat 13 pounds per square inch and take it down to 110 11 pounds per square inch and let me throe it around.
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there is no discernible difference to me. bill: he went on to say unless you were a quarterback you would not be able to tell the difference between the thickness other ability to grip a football. martha: i don't believe we have heard from any actual nfl players who say they think this air issue makes a big difference. we know in the outcome of the game made no difference because in the second half of the game when the ball was inflated correctly the patriots scored more points to and the colts scored fewer points. but rules are rules and regulations are there for a reason. and that's why this discussion is about to take place. but we have not heard anything from the team yet and nothing definitive from the nfl. everyone is talking about this and there is a lot of evidence that points in a negative
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direction for the patriots. bill: the league says it's investigating. nuke perrera said somebody got to somebody and took a couple pounds out of the ball. this is cheating and something the league will deal with harshly. will they fine the team? will they fine the coach? will they lose a draft pick? troy aikman also quarterback in the legal, hall of fame career quote. i can't imagine tom brady did not know. my guess is it was his request. end quote. more on this when belichik appears. this will be one of the more intriguing press conferences. martha: we'll take you there live but from the meantime we'll
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take you teen interesting information. one day after veto threats the president tells the republicans they better go along with his requests because noise not an option for them. >> i note there are republicans who disagree with my approach. i could see that from their body language. my job is to put forward what is best for america. the job of congress is to put forward ideas but they have to be ideas. they can't just be no. martha: alan colmes and monica crowley are here. he said no three times. he said i will say no to healthcare. i will say no -- if you it on my desk i'll say no. >> the republican party has been saying no to him for six years.
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joni ernst said repeal and replace. replace with what? they offered nothing other than we don't like obama's agenda but we have nothing else to offer positive. >> apparently what the president means is the republicans should just go along with every single thing he wants. we should have a system like the old soviet union. i think obama would be happy with that. in 2010 and 2014 republicans were elected to try to stop his illegal move on immigration roll back obamacare. they were elected in huge record numbers in order to say no to him. the question is does the republican party have the courage and political willmar *
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republicans don't like the direction the president is taking the nation in. they put hundreds of bills that have gone through congress and sat on harry reid's desk. you are rolling your eyes, but is that not true? >> what is their proposal to change healthcare? tell me what is a new idea for healthcare. what's the new idea. what are you degree going forward? 7 million people would lose insurance. >> republicans put out specific issues on jobs and healthcare. they put out a number of proposals to make healthcare more marketed and patient centered. now we have a new senate. martha: in terms of the president, what -- where do you think he could meet the republicans halfway if he wants them to meet him halfway? >> they can be in trade and
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immigration there could be broader understanding about what they can do in terms of keeping those out. martha: if you want to talk about immigration and the border we talked to the chairman of the house homeland security committee. he has a bill hat has in the past garnered bipartisan support that would secure the border. is that something the president should say yes to? >> it's and broader more come pry prehencive policy. there isn't as much of a problem over the border than there has been the past 7-10 years. martha: thank you very much. we are waiting for this news conference and taking it all in. bill: he has not been seen just yet. but we are on the deflate-gate watch. do not move. back in a moment. the world is filled with air. but
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for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. bill: bill belichik. >> the football as you heard -- when i came in monday morning i was shocked to learn of the news reports about the footballs. i had no knowledge whatsoever of this situation until monday morning. i learned a lot more about this process from the last three days than i knew or had talked about in the last 40 years coaching this league. i had no knowledge of the various steps involved in the
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game balls and the process that happened between when they were prepared and went to the officials and went to the game. so i learned a lot about that. i obviously understand that each team has the opportunity to prepare the balls the way they want, give them to the officials. and the game officials either approve or disapprove the balls and that was the end of it for me. but i learned more about this the last couple days. let me jut say that my personal coaching philosophy, my mentality, has always been to make things as difficult as possible for players in practice and so with regard to footballs i'm sure that any current or past player of mine will tell
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you that the balls we practice with are as bad as they can be. wet, sticky, cold, slippery, hour bad we can make them, i make them. and any time players complain about the quality of the balls footballs, i make them worse. and that stops the complaint. so we never use the condition of the footballs as an excuse, we play with whatever or kick with whatever we have to use and that's the way it is. that hasser in been a priority for me. i -- that has never been a priority for me. i want the players to deal with a harder situation in practice than they will have to deal with in the game.
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maybe that's part of our whole ball security philosophy. i'm trying to coach the team, and that's what i want to do. i think we all know quarterbacks kickers specialists have certain preferences on footballs. they know a lot more about it than i do. they are more sensitive to it than i am. i hear them comment on it from time to time but i can tell you and they can tell you there is never any sympathy from me on that subject. zero. and tom's personal preferences on his footballs are something that he can talk about in much better detail and information than i could possibly provide. in my entire coaching career, i
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have never talked to any player, staff member about football air pressure. that is not a subject that i have ever brought up. to me the footballs are approved by the league and game officials pregame, and we play with what's out there. that's the only way that i have ever thought about that. i have learned about the inflation range situation obviously with our footballs being inflated to the 12.5 pound range, any deflation within -- would then take us under that specification limit. knowing that now, in the future we will certainly inflate the
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footballs above that low level to account for any possible change during the game. so as an example if a ball deflated from 13.2 to 12.9 it wouldn't matter. if it deflated from 12-5 to 12.3 it would as an example. so we'll take steps in the future to make sure we don't put ourselves in that type of potential situation again. the national football league is investigating the situation. we have cooperated fully quickly, and completely with every request that they have
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made. continue to be cooperative in any way we can. i have no explanation for what happened. and that's what they are looking into. i can't comment on what they are doing. that's something you should talk to them about. again, my overall knowledge of football specifications, the overall process that happens on game day with the footballs is very limited. during the course of the game, i honestly never -- probably it's happened on an incomplete pass. i have never touched a game ball. it's nothingo not something i have any -- it's nothing i have any familiarity with. i wasetely and totally
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unaware of any of the issues we are talking about the last couple days until monday morning. so based on what i knew sunday, sunday night thinking back on this which i have done several times, i can't think of anything i would have done differently based on what i knew then, based on what i know now. i told you the one change we would make in the initial start level of the football pressure. but that's really about it. it's unfortunate that this is a story coming off of two great playoff victories by our football team and our players. but again we have been cooperative with the nfl investigation and will continue to do so. and we'll turn all our attention and focus on to the seattle
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seahawks a well-coached, talented tough competitive football team. when spent the last four days, three days, with our preparations and so forth for the trip, and those are coming to a conclusion. we are wrapping that up. and we are starting our preparions today with the seahawks and perhaps in through the weekend. so we'll have a good solid opportunity to get ourselves ready to go before we head down there. again i have no further comment on the nfl investigation. and i have told you all i know about the subject from my perspective. so that's where we are. >> did you find whether
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anyone -- >> i told youering i know. i have nothing -- i don't have an explanation. >> not withstanding what you said today, a lot of people are questioning your integrity ... >> i told you evening i know. >> what do you say to people challenging your character which seems to go well beyond the sport of football. >> i told you everything i know. >> any message to the fans watching all this? >> i told them everything i know in is nothing else i can add to it. >> i would assume you have had conversations with tom about this. >> i have no explanation for what happened. >> why do you think the controversy seems to follow you? >> i don't have an explanation for what happened. >> with the super bowl distractions come with the
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territory. what do you say to younger players in the spotlight like this. >> none of them are involved in this. >> it many hard to focus with all this going on. >> none of them are involved in this. >> does tom brady handle the ball after inspection? >> those are all questions that should be directed to the league and that's part of what they are doing. that's not what i'm doing. >> [inaudible] even though you may not know about it ... >> i don't have an explanation for what happened. i have told you all i can tell from you my point of view and anything coming from the investigative side from the league needs to be directed towards them. >> why do you want to overinflate the balls unless you think it happened naturally. >> so there is no opportunity for small margin of error that would put us under the
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specifications. okay? >> do you see any circumstance under which 11 or 12 footballs could have accident alley deflated? >> i don't have an ex pla -- could have accident accident accident alley deflated? i don't have an explanation. >> i learned a lot about the process. i had no idea how the because got from the officials locker roorms out on the -- the locker rooms out to the fields. that's not something i concerned myself on game day. i concerned myself with preparing and coaching the team. thank you. bill report second hall of of that press conference is normally how bill belichik
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handles reporters on any given regular week. this is far from a normal given week. what he said, no knowledge found out about it monday morning. found out about the process in the last three days. his mentality the balls in practice as bad as they can be to get his players ready for any conditions on game day. there is no sympathy for me. tom brady can talk about his preference. tom brady at the moment is scheduled to meet with reporters tomorrow on friday. so certainly there will be questions them. when will the league respond? all we know is the nfl said they are investigating and belichik said i have no explanation as to how it happened. he said what he wanted to say. and as a head coach he's distancing himself as far from this issue as he possible blil
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could. martha: he said more than people thought he would. once he said his piece and they started to answer questions. he kept repeating the same answer he said all he had to say on the issue which is typical of belichik. >> he went into much great detail than he usually does about anything in the any time. he went into specifics of his lack of involvement and having no knowledge and not knowing anything about the process and having learned so much. this was probably more expressive than bill belichik has ever been. but the problem is he offered us no insight how this happened or why it happened. and he says it's against his practices, he wants the ball fully inflated. he wants them slick he wants them bad he wants them horrible because that plays into his ball security. he wants the players to complain
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and he has no sympathy. here is the problem with his explanation. we still have no answers other than he wasn't involved. martha: he said he knows the nfl is investigating. that will be the final word on this issue. you wonder what tom brady will say. there is a report that when the patriots played the colts on november 16, the colts expressed some dissatisfaction with the firmness of the football in that situation as well. it could be they were on the lookout for this in the matchup sunday. >> it's been suggested that the rate of's were unhappy. the ravens coach said he was understand arare of d -- he was unaware of it.
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but when it was turned or to his coaching staff who turned it over to the general manager who got the league involved so we had different balls in the second half. ones that were inflated. we heard some ball boys were bribed when the raiders played against the tampa bay bucaneer to scuff up the ball to the get them ready and get them right. we heard the colts say it had nothing to do with the outcome of the game. i guess we'll get down to the bottom of it. we'll hear more when tom brady takes the stand tomorrow and addresses the press. this will be a big issue to the commissioner and the commissioner will respond. probably after the super bowl. i believe the penalty will be significant and probably pretty harsh. martha: every nfl player we have
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spoken to say they don't think it's a big deal, that it happens a lot. every quarterback likes to have the ball the way they like to have it. you ask yourself as well. why would the patriots play with this issue at all? they didn't need to to win the game as evidenced about it second half of the game when they outscored using a regulation ball. it raised the question, why would they. >> i don't have the answer. they are a dominant team. a great quarterback said the patriots do the hard things so very well. they are a great team of excellence in so many areas and this is the little stuff that becomes big stuff that gets in their way.
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bill belichik did not want to address any issues regarding his credit bit and integrity issues that surround him in the game. he said i have no further explanation and he went into bill belichik mode. we are on to cincinnati. now he's on to seattle. from his end that's how he's going to approach it. martha: he said he was shocked and had no knowledge and didn't learn anything about this ball situation until monday morning. bill: in a moment we'll talk to joe theisman. he did his own study and he will explain what he found out. bill belichik re-it rating -- re-it rating that he has no answers. >> when i came in monday morning i was shocked to learn of the news reports about the footballs. i had no knowledge of the
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situation until monday morning.
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martha: we are back. you just watched it live, new england patriots' bill belichick speaking out about what has become known as de-flategate. welcome, everybody, to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm martha maccallum. bill: something happened to the footballs in that game on sunday leaving them, rather, underinflated for at least the patriots. the controversy calling into question the ethics of the head coach and the quarterback, tom brady. now, the tricky part finding out what happened, who's responsible and ultimately what sort of punishment, if any coach belichick insisting he never tampered with the footballs and did nothing wrong. >> i have never talked to any player staff member about football air pressure.
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that is not a subject that i have ever brought up. to me the footballs are approved by the league and game officials pregame and we play with what's out there. bill: former nfl quarterback joe theismann, he's won a super bowl, what did you think of belichick's response there? >> i thought he was a bit more emotional especially in the beginning when he vehemently denied any knowledge of what went on. and when bill uses the term "shock," i think everybody sort of has to sit up a little bit because we know basically the way his press conferences go. in the latter part of that we saw, he's not going to answer a question, he's not going to make conjectures about what might or could happen. i believe 100% that bill had no idea what was going on and what
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he says that, you know, the footballs themselves are not a concern of his, nor does he care about 'em i think he's absolutely right. and for someone to ask a question about his integrity um, i just i have a problem with that. i just don't think it warrants this kind of scrutiny. but then again, we're in this age of society where everything gets scrutinized this closely. bill: well and you've got the biggest game of the year coming up in ten days also. >> sure. bill: you were on the radio yesterday with brian, martha and me, and you did your own little study. you went to a training facility and had the air taken out of a football, and you as an nfl super bowl-winning quarterback could not tell the difference when you reduced the air in that football. now, why would that be or why would a quarterback in layman's terms want to have a better grip on a football when it's 51 degrees and rain coming down
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during the game? >> well everybody grips the game differently. first of all the conditions were such that all you want to be able to do is hold onto the football. leather gets tackier as it gets wet, so as long as they keep rotating balls in and out you also feel like you have a little bit better grip. when you hold the football when you throw the football, you don't grip it real tight, especially in wet weather. you want to have, basically controlled pressure so that you can spin the ball. if you grip it too tight it squeezes out of your hand and takes off going wherever it wants to. when i did my scientific study yesterday after all the questions came up, i really found there was no discernible difference to me in being able to hold the football. you could feel it a little built, but you're talking about two pounds per square inch. we're not talking about a large percentage. but when it comes to gripping the football -- and i went out and threw it -- i didn't feel the difference when i threw the football. it didn't help me at all. bill: that's entering. troy aikman works for me at fox
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sports, and he said i can't imagine that brady did not know. my guess is there was no -- >> i think brady's questions will probably -- bill: joe would he know this answer? >> i don't think he does. you know, tom -- i believe the way tom is going to be a little bit lighter with this than bill is, but tom's a little bit more outgoing this that regard and he's made light of it. i don't see this as a big issue. but they will ask tom questions like did you notice a difference in the football, did you request that the air be let out of the football? did you know that the ball was out of the football? i still go back to the officials. the officials examine these footballs, and then they're placed in the officials' locker room. and then they're brought out on the football field. if anything did happen to these footballs, it had to happen on the sideline after the game
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started. bill: wow. >> and i find it, i find it sort of hard to believe that, you know 11 of the 123 of them would -- 12 of them would wind up that way. teams have 24 balls available. bill: that's right. we're waiting on the league to respond. it's investigating, and we'll see what happens after that. joe, thank you. joe theisman by television back with us. good to have you back. martha: we may hear from tom brady a little sooner than we thought, there may be something this afternoon so as soon as we get definitive word on that we will let you know. so in the meantime, what do you think is going to happen? do you think bill belichick will be suspended over this issue? apparently, las vegas bookmaker setting odds as they always do, right? some say that he will be -- it's 3-2 are the odds that he will be suspended at least one game, the other big bet, will he be suspended for the super bowl? the odds are pretty hong on
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that 15-2. bill: you can bet on anything in the super bowl. martha: exactly. bill: if proven true, what action should the league take? send us a tweet. also share some thoughts on our facebook page at "america's newsroom," you can find us online and sound off there. i tell you what, nbc's got the game next sunday there'll be greater viewership maybe even than we saw last year in new york city which was the pinnacle for the league after all this attention has been wrapped up into the game -- martha: let's hope tom brady does come out this afternoon. the sooner, the better. as a team, they need to move on and we'll see if he can put it behind him this afternoon if he does decide to talk. let you know as soon as we know. in the meantime a private meeting is set for this week between jeb bush and mitt romney. interesting, right? both men are considering presidential runs in 2016. carl cameron joining us live from washington.
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carl, do we know when this is going to take place and who instigated it? >> reporter: we do. it's going the take place today, and it was instigated by jeb bush before he announced that he was going to create a pac and a superpac to raise money and seriously gauge support for his presidential run. governor jeb bush former golf of florida basically wanted to check in with romney because romney was the 2012 nominee and pay his respects and talk a little bit about politics because at that time mitt romney had said over and over again he was not going to run. then, of course romney began telling donors he's interested in running and had his big i'm back reappearance at the rnc conference in sand you go on friday -- san diego on friday night. you can imagine this meeting in salt lake is going to be awkward. you can think they'll talk about politics briefly and they'll agree that they'll each overall try to be clean if they both run and that the overall goal is to beat hillary clinton and the democrats, and then they're going to go their separate ways. romney is a bit more conservative than jeb bush on a
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couple of key and important issues in the republican party particularly immigration reform and common core education standards, but a lot of conservatives think romney had his time, didn't run a very good campaign, and they've always been suspicious about his moderate past as the governor of massachusetts x. then there's jeb bush. conservatives note he hasn't been out there campaigning politically for 15 years, might be rusty and the bush name could be a liability. and they're not going to this big summit this iowa this weekend where there will be some very big names -- chris christie, governor of new jersey, scott walker governor of wisconsin mike huckabee, winner of the 2008 iowa caucuses, rick santorum winner of the 2012 iowa caw us cutses, ben carson, carly fiorina, the only republican eyeing the race and there will be no jeb bush, nor mitt romney which means they will be the center of attention, and probably the conservatives will be pounding them for even thinking about this race. there's a clear rift beginning to grow amongst conservatives on
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the right, martha and they're taking pot shots at both jeb bush and mitt romney as their time has passed yesteryear and not as conservative as the modern tea party republican party they say is. martha: this is what happens when you put a date on your calendar too far out. [laughter] oh i guess we're going to meet sit down and talk regardless -- >> says a lot about both of them. martha: it sure does. be very interesting to see what we can learn about what comes out of it. thanks so much carl. >> reporter: you bet. bill: a big-off in washington -- a big move in washingtoned the on the 42nd anniversary of the supreme court decision that legalized abortion, and the house is voting on a new abortion bill after dropping a more controversial one because of pushback from republican women. why was that? we'll talk to one of them specifically about it. martha: and doctors telling parents to keep their kids away from disneyland in california in hopes of fending off a possible epidemic? bill: and could you be seeing weather like this over the
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weekend? we're tracking a big winter storm. what you need to know. ♪ ♪ why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®.
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on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. martha: back with some breaking news, we can now confirm that tom raidty will -- brady will hold a news conference today. it was supposed to happen tomorrow. that schedule has been moved up, he will speak at 4:00 this afternoon and we will, of course, be carrying that live.
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♪ ♪ bill: did you see this fire in new jersey? the fire department saying this massive blaze at an apartment complex is now under control. this is a luxury building engulfed in flames yesterday. thick black smoke visible from across the hudson river in manhattan, you can smell it all over the area. despite for how bad it looks and how long it burned, authorities say it could have been a lot worse. >> it's approximately 175 mid-rise units affecting between 350-400 residents. right now the good news is that we have minor injuries, some firemen with minor gyres, there was no -- injuries, there was no loss of life at this fire. bill: unfortunately authorities do believe the fire did kill a number of pets there. investigators still trying to figure out how it started, new york yankees' announcer john sterling among the hundreds of people displaced. martha: so a revolt by
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republican women in the house has caused the gop to drop a vote on a controversial abortion bill that would ban the procedure after 20 weeks. instead, they are going to vote on legislation to cut all federal money for abortion services that would confirm a sort of the hyde amendment which is an existing situation that they vote on every year. so this vote's going to take place on the 42nd anniversary of roe v. wade. congresswoman christy -- [inaudible] is a member of the ways and means committee is with me today. very good of you to be here. obviously, the march for life is underway in washington. this bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks was supposed to be an early bug success for those who are -- big success for those who are pro-life correct? >> well, it was but we're still going to have a success today by passing a bill that will protect people and the federal dollars there going towards abortions which is a very pro-life bill.
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and so we're hoping that on this anniversary we'll be able to focus on what this legislation will do and continue to protect as many babies as possible. martha: i just want to play a little bid of sound on represent -- bit of sound from representative trent franks. let's listen to this. oh sorry, it's a full screen quote. here we go. he says: martha: he's referring to the fact that in this bill there were exemptions after 20 weeks for those who were victims of rape or incest. can you shed a little bit of light on how you and other republican congresswomen felt and some men as well, what your problem was with this bill? >> well, i think there was a variety of opinions throughout the conference on some of the hang-ups we had with the legislative texas of bill. and we'll continue to work -- text of this bill. at the end of the day, we
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couldn't reach consensus on what the text could say, so it was more important we have a bill that focused on today as a day that we want to protect life and continue to work on that legislation so that when we bring it to the floor, we can have a success. martha: all right. so you see this bill continuing but the language with regard to rape and incest, you know, what would you be satisfied with on that? >> well, i think that we have some discussion ongoing as far as that goes. this bill dud come to the floor -- did come to the floor last congress, and it did pass with my sport. we have some change to legislative text that have happened since hen in the original bill. we'll still debate if we should go back to the original text of the original bill last congress and a lot of this ises good discussion. i think people forget that the legislative process is a messy process at times. i like the fact that we have open debates on these types of things. when i served in the state legislature, many times things got messy and cushions happened -- discussions happened, but if you have a better bill, it's a good thing. we're going to pass a bill that protects babies today and i'm
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excited about this on this very important anniversary that we recognize all life is important. martha: tell us about this change that would sort of make the hyde amendment, as i understand it, permanent right? what's going to happen? what'll be different now? >> well, the hyde amendment is something that we have always sported historically for the last -- supported historically for the last several years and it does allow exceptions when people are getting an abortion. the language we have will certainly be part of that equation and continue forward in some of the legislation that we bring to the floor. martha: all right. no federal dollars can go towards abortion, right? >> correct. absolutely. and that's information that tax taxpayers and everybody wants to have that information and know if their dollars are going towards that or not. martha: thank you representative gnome hope to see you again soon. bill: is joe biden at odds with the administration on defeating isis? what he is saying that the president is not. we'll explain that. martha: and the wife of an
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american pastor who is still jailed in iran gets her wish; a private meeting with president obama. she's going to join us live with the latest on this fight to bring her husband home. >> i told the president that i told him i had not eaten food more almost four days and that i prayed and prayed for a meeting with him petitioned god and this meeting was a result of that, and he smiled and he nodded. hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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th me in studio. he had a little more to say, too, but what did you think about his observation about the difference between iraq and syria hat the moment? >> well he's right to an extent. he's right that without boots on the ground you're not going anywhere. but also even in iraq, the islamic state is still solidifying some areas consolidating and growing in some areas. there's just this bigger issue
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that president obama wants a nuclear deal however bad, he wants it with iran so desperately that he's ignoring the financial -- phenomenal changes in the middle east to our disadvantage. one part is iran. iran under our noses or while our eyes are closed is building a new persian empire. while we're focused on isis -- and that's important to focus on isis which is growing and spreading to afghanistan now -- iran is active in yemen as we've seen in the last several days iran -- bill: [inaudible] >> -- active in syria backing the assad regime, it backs hezbollah. it's really on the way. while our air force helps iran's ground efforts in iraq, iran's on track to gobble up over the next few years western afghanistan or at least control of western afghanistan, eastern or all of iraq maybe bahrain
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yemen extending its, you know its vassal state in syria -- bill: so you're making the case that iran is the backdrop for all of this now. the president said in the other night on screen, in iraq and syria american leadership including our military power is stopping isil's advance. is that right? >> depends on where you look. if you look at northern iraq and the kurdish areas, we have stopped isil's advance, and in some areas the kurds have rolled them back. if you look down in anbar and elsewhere, isil is still very, very strong, the islamic state is still very strong. it ties together because again, we don't pay attention to history, we don't pay attention to the hard facts. and what you're seeing rather than the much-touted end of history is the emergence of historical empires. the sunni-arab caliphate is real and on the ground, and isis wants to spread it. you've got the persian empire back.
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that goes back to the days of ancient greece, and they won't go away. oh by the way it's a trifecta because putin is trying to rebuild the russian empire even though our president disses putin. putin is going to be in russia long after president obama is gone -- bill: despite the comment from the other night too. >> yes. bill: circle back to joe bind. what he said also in that interview, no existential threat in the united states because of what's going on in iraq and syria. folks like you tell us the possibility of foreign fighters being trained there and coming back to france to england potentially to the united states is very real. if that is the case, why does he say there is no threat against the united states? >> well, the important word is a qualifier, existential. he's right. for now there is no existential threat. none of our enemies in the united states could wipe out the united states tomorrow. but you've got to think beyond the next election beyond the next cycle and down the road. an iranian empire or with nukes, that's certainly an existential
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threat for israel and a terrible if not existential threat for us. the empires are back, and we're pretending that history doesn't matter. bill: colonel, thank you. ralph peters here in new york with us today. we'll speak again. >> great. martha: we heard earlier from bill belichick the coach of the patriots, he denied any knowledge of how those footballs reportedly lost their air. now number 12 is set to speak at 4 p.m. eastern so what will tom brady say about all of this? bill: that'll be must-see tv, right, martha? plus, a big blast of winter might be heading your way, the nor'easter that's set to sock the east coast and more. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ martha: so the patriots' coach bill belichick says he was shocked to learn reports that
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balls had been deflated during the afc championship sunday. his philosophy has always been to make things as difficult as possible for players during practice especially with regard to the football. >> anytime the players complain about the quality of the balls, footballs, i make 'em worse, and that stops the complaining. so we never use the condition of the footballs as an excuse. we play with whatever or kick with whatever we have to use and that's the way it is. martha: such a warm and fuzzy coach. so quarterback tom brady is going to enter the fray today and he will hold a news conference at 4 p.m. eastern. that's going to be very interesting to watch. clearly, they want to put this behind them today. we'll see if they have any success with that. and in the meantime, how about this? a massive storm system whipping across the mud west now, it's
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moving across the plains and headed our way. folks from washington to new york to boston bracing for a major snowstorm. we haven't even had one get, and it's already almost the end of january. maria molina in the fox weather center with what we can expect. >> reporter: hi, martha. that's right, we're below average across some of those big cities, below average in terms of snowfall accumulation for the season, and this storm system is not a done deal yet as far as heavy snowfall across the i-95 corridor. it depends exactly what track this storm takes and how much cold air is in place. those are all issues coming up with the forecast. right now the storm system is across the plains. we do have winter storm warnings in effect across west texas and also in new mexico. reports of already 11 inches in the amarillo, texas area and that snow's going to come all the way down to the texas/mexico border. so really we have some colder air behind this particular area in the country. the other concern with this
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system is very heavy rain on the warm sector several inches of rainfall as it continues to move eastward over the next couple of days along parts of the gulf coast. severe weather in northern florida, parts of georgia and coastal parts of the carolinas. and in this storm system as it does continue to produce rain out there, it begins to intensify off the east coast of u.s. you can see coming up by saturday morning we could see a lot of heavy rain along coastal areas and interior parts we could be looking at a rain/know mix, all -- rain/snow mix. otherwise the other concern, of course, will be gusty winds with this storm system and some areas could see some significant snowfall. we do have a concern that more than 6 inches of snow could fall, but that looks to be in areas inland, very close to the i-95 corridor. it's going to be a tricky forecast, we're going to have to see the exact track, but it looks like it could be the first big one of the season.
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and by the way, monday into tuesday there's another system and this one's going to be colder, so it could bring snow as well during that time early next week. martha: have to dust off the winter boots. sounds like i'm hearing we want the white, fluffy stuff that's fun to play in. >> reporter: saturday's going to be messy out there. martha: great. maria, thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. bill: the family of an american pastor sitting in jail in iran finally getting a meeting with president obama. that meeting happened yesterday. it was private, it was in boise, idaho. the wife of said ab dean pleading with his release, and the pastor's wife is with me now, so, too is jordan sekulow who has carried her cause. good morning to both of you. nagma, about ten minutes you were there with a couple of your children. what did you tell the president? >> i told the president that it was prayer and fasting that made in this meeting happen.
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i had tried so hard the last two years, two and a half years to meet with him and it was a miracle. i asked him to do what he could to bring said home. bill: what did he say? >> actually, initially he started the conversation and reassured me that this was a top priority for him and his first phone call to the iranian president he'd spoken about said and that john curry and him were in constant contact and secretary of state john kerry was continually bringing said up when he would meet with the iranians. or and so he was reassuring me that this was a top priority and it was something that he was following up on. bill: um, that phone call took place a couple months ago based on the report we have. did he tell you what the iranian president said? is your husband coming home? >> he didn't say anything about what the iranians have said in return, but my son did ask the president if he could have his
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dad home for his birthday which is in march and the president smiled and said i will try very hard jacob i will try very hard. and so my kids were just very hopeful. i could see the hope in their eyes wanting the president to bring their dad home and for him not to miss another birthday. bill: yeah. i read a comment where you said the president was focused with you and he was gracious. how would you describe that? >> you know the entire time he was holding my hand, and he, you know, he hugged me, and he was just very personal and very focused, looking into my eyes and even when he was talking to jacob, he was just looking at him and said i will try, jay cob, i will try. -- jacob i will try. bill: you sound like you have more hope today. is that right? >> i do. it was great to have the president of the united states make time for this issue which is an important issue. it's not just said, it's the christian persecution all over
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the world. and for me it was answer to prayers, god making this meeting happen and that's what really made me so hopeful. bill: want to bring in jordan quickly here. jordan, how are we going to get him home? i mean, what is the latest status of his condition and whether or not you can make this happen? >> well, his regular weekly visits have restarted, and so said was actually visited yesterday and was able to find out about this in prison. so you could understand how that would encourage him and naghmeh and we're very grateful to the white house team who helped approve this meeting. it does two things very important in this new year. new year, new beginnings. one is it elevates saeed's case and in the dialogue and the direct negotiations with iran. as president obama mentioned to naghmeh in this meeting but it
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reinvigorates the staff, the team who has been working on this because now the leader of the free world, the president of the united states hasn't just talked about this in the sense of a speech but he's sat down he's seen naghmeh, he's seen rebecca and jacob -- 8 and 6 years old -- and that has changed how his team, the white house and state department are approaching this. it was a decision they had to make in knowing it would become public. so we're very grateful or, hopeful, and we're doing a lot of work to get saeed home. bill: thank you for your time. jordan sekulow in washington. naghmeh, thank you for sharing your story. >> thank you. bill: all right, thank you. martha: all right. this fox news alert for you now four-time nascar sprint cup champion jeff gordon making an announcement that 2015 will be his last season as a full-time driver. he has 92 career sprint cup wins
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and is a three-time daytona 500 winner. gordon drives for hendrick motor sports is part owner. he says he will remain heavily involved with the company for many years to come but big announcement from jeff gordon who has had an amazing career. bill: so he thought he was doing the right thing. man tackles a guy who walked into a store with a handgun, but the would-be hero is now facing charges. figure that one out. martha: and there are some new and disturbing reports that isis is spreading from iraq and syria to yemen now. so is the president doing enough to stop their march? >> when you take troops off the table, you're saying we want to destroy isis unless it means we have to put troops on the ground, and we're not willing to do that. look, i don't know where he's at on this, and it's frankly, disappointing and disheartening.
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bill: new i cases reported in
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the disneyland measles outbreak, 70 people infected in five u.s. states and mexico. measles, highly contagious virus, causes flu-like symptoms and rashes. the disease was considered eradicated in the u.s. 15 years ago, but it's been on the rise as doctors say more parents choose not to vaccinate their children: health officials recommend immunizing everyone over the age of 2 and keeping young children away from california's disney parks for now. ♪ ♪ martha: so there are new reports that isis is now spreading into yemen. so far the terrorist group has gotten its claws into parts of iraq and syria. now several southern provinces in yemen as well. so president obama has said that we're stopping the advance of isis. he said that in the state of the union the other night. republicans say that the president is not doing enough. >> i think he has decided that for the next two years he's
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going to manage the isil threat. he's going to hope that they don't, you know, fall -- make the iraqi government fall apart he's going to hope they don't expand into other countries. he's going to manage this problem and punt the issue to the next president of united states. martha: so will that work if that's the plan? very glad today to be joined by north carolina senator richard burr chairman of the senate intelligence committee a very important post in the world that we're living in. senator, good to have you with us today, welcome. >> thank you, martha. good to be with you. martha: so we did hear the president say that the other night, he said we're stopping the advance of isil. he did not spend a lot of time talking about this issue and now we are learning they're creeping into yemen as well. what's your take on it? >> well, martha, let me remind your listeners the president also went through a state of the union address and didn't mention the word al-qaeda. and probably largely because even a week before that attorney general holder still said al-qaeda's been decimated.
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what we're finding is al-qaeda is alive and well. we call it different names in different regions but its reach is global. and and now all of a sudden we hear of an expansion of isis. you know the reports are probably true. i can't confirm them. but it's likely that isis would be in yemen to try to tap into the recruiting people from north africa disenfran choosed radicals. -- disenfranchised radicals. isis brings something to the table that al-qaeda doesn't, and that's wealth. isil has a tremendous amount of money from the sale of illegal crude to ransoms to other practices that they carry out. and al-qaeda has never been as funded as it was at its early stages on 9/11. so i'm sure this is a threat to al-qaeda from the standpoint of their bench strength, and to isil they see this as their future. it's said today that for every isil fighters that's killed
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three cross the border from turkey into syria to replace them. i'm not sure the president's winning on his containment strategy. martha: it seems they have the gravitational pull on a lot of these young, influential terrorists. they have a lot of slick promotion out there, and it seems like they're battling, a shoot outgoing on between the two groups. i don't know if we mind that, it goes to the notion of let 'em go at each other. what do you think about that? >> well, clearly, two sects that are alike going after each other, this is, this is a new event if it happened. but the reality is that yemen is the wild west right now. if isil's there, aqap clearly uses that as their staging to plot attacks here and throughout europe as well as in the middle
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east. but we've got a government in chaos. it's tough to decide what control, if any the government has over yemen today. it's been a deteriorating points if or months now concern for months now, and hopefully we'll see some agreement they can come to to bring some stability there soon. martha: i mean, what do we do, is the question. if you've got isis -- we're treating isis like it's only in iraq, for the most part, and if in syria, like there's actually a border between those two countries right now which a lot of people think there isn't. having a presence there, you know, what's our strategy? what's our strategy in yemen? >> well, martha, i think there is no strategy. i think the president's become comfortable with one-liners about the radical islamic threat that presents itself to the world. but from a strategy standpoint if we're not willing to change
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our strategy in syria, we're going to continue to see this get out of hand. if we're not willing to change our strategy in some of the muslim countries that have a presence from terrorism, then that presence is going to grow. this is not about an ideology -- it's about an ideology it's not about an individual. and i think it's safe to say that when every military leader who's involved strategically in syria says you can't win this with an air war only if regional boots are going to go on the ground now's the time. and we've got to put that coalition together. if it doesn't, then we've got to really communicate with our military forces and our intelligence community what is the change we're going to make. martha: we're going to need that intelligence on the ground no doubt, which obviously is a big focus for you. thank you so much, senator burr. great to have you with us. we hope to see you again soon. >> look forward to it. bill: jenna lee's coming up next on "happening now," top of the hour. jenna: intriguing new
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developments for the white house today, jeb bush and mitt romney set to meet this week what does it mean for the race for the republican nomination? plus, jury selection underway for a murder trial 14 years in the making. convicted twice both those convictions overturned a man now makes his third attempt to clear his name in his wife's death. we're going to get into that coming up. bill: all right, jenna. see you in a couple minutes. is the president closer to closing gitmo? we'll take a look at the remaining prisoners and why some feel the worst if and when they are set free. ♪ ♪ you get sick you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly... you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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martha: this is quite a story, a man's facing charges after tackling a man that he saw with a gun at
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wal-mart in florida because the victim had a permit to carry the gun. take a look at this whole thing play aring out. oh, that's not good. michael foster had seen the holster on the man in the parking lot, and he followed him into the store and threw him onto the ground yelling the man had a gun, but it turns out he had a conceal-carry permit. foster has now been charged with battery. bill: five detain knees released out of gitmo in the last two weeks, the president says more to come as he promises to close that detention facility. his pledge raising new concerns about how the u.s. should handle the remaining prisoners many of whom are considered among the most dangerous terrorists in the world. our chief intelligence correspondent, catherine herridge, on that story in washington. how do the numbers at the moment break down at gitmo, catherine? >> reporter: more than two-thirds come from yemen a country so unstable that the administration is pursuing other option for transfer. of the rest 50 are approved for
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release, another 39 are considered too dangerous to release, but there is not enough admissible evidence to prosecute them in military courts, and another 32 are recommended for trials at the military base. and among those is an operative who was held in the cia secret prisons. he's described as the osama bin laden of southeast asia, and he's linked to at least three plots including the 2003 marriott hotel bombing in indonesia which killed 12 and injured another 150. and among them was an injured american citizen who told us at a news conference at guantanamo that she contracted hiv after a blood transfusion for her injuries at the hotel, so this is a good example of the ripple effect of these terrorist attacks, bill. bill: what's the argument for bringing the remaining detainees to the u.s.? >> reporter: well, former military prosecutor at the commissions says some of the remaining detainees, they are dangerous but really when you look at the evidence, it's a pretty mixed bag. there's no argument that there's
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sufficient evidence to pursue cases against the self-described architect of the attacks, california heed shake mohammed -- khalid sheikh mohammed but there are lesser players who don't fall into this kind of worst of the worst category he says. >> in some cases it's not a lack of evidence, it's a constraint on the use of that evidence. this other cases -- in other cases it really is a lack of sufficient evidence. so it's kind of a mixed bag on the reason for why these cases can't be prosecuted. >> reporter: critics argue that guantanamo, despite what the president says when you look at the jihadi forums, it really isn't a main issue in the propaganda that they're using now x they also argue that when you move these detainees to the united states, you're simply moving the problem. it's just a matter of changing the zip code. bill: catherine, thank you. martha: potential rivals are going to have a meeting face to
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face. how interesting is this? just days before the big iowa republican forum and some big decisions could be made affecting the 2016 campaign. . .
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♪ martha: back in time all right. a texas car company is celebrating 30 years since the movie, "back to the future." they're recreating the car from the classic film. the delorian motor company says they're becoming more popular. who knew. they are built in incredible detail to the flux capacitor. bill: we earlier asked you what should the nfl do if the patriots broke the rules. martha: rick says, rules should be changed. refs keep the ball. bill: suspend brady and belichick. zero tolerance. no draft picks. what is next?
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ignore doping? martha: douglas says move on. we make too much of small issues these days. bill: might be run for a while. martha: 4:00. be there or be square bye-bye everybody. the. jenna: new reports today of a meeting between two gop heavyweights which big implications for 2016. welcome to "happening now," everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall of that one. i'm jon scott. former governors mitt romney and jeb bush will meet secretly in utah this week. the meeting was set before mitt romney hinted he is considering a third bed for president. the democrats may see a clash between establishment candidates in 2016. vice president joe


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