tv Media Buzz FOX News January 26, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PST
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on a buzz beater this sunday, the press tackles the patriots. and coach bill belichick. and quarterback tom brady. over allegations that the team cheated its way into the super bowl by underinflating footballs. but with the constant coverage and breaking news isn't this story, well, overblown? >> can. >> you can answer right now, is tom brady a cheat sner. >> i don't believe so. i feel like i've always believed withins rules. >> those balls were deflated. somebody had to do it. >> why are the media treating the football plot like a full pledged scandal. president obama takes on the bun pits for spreading cynicism and many push back over his state of the union.
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>> the pundits have pointed out more than once that my presidency hasn't delivered on this mission. >> and the president calling for compromise, then blasting republicans apvowing to block even bipartisan ideas. some of them anyway. >> like a ballplayer shooting from i don't understand thebeyond the three point line, president obama gave it his best. >> why republicans see a disconnect between a liberal speech and a call for bipartisan ship. and why did the president sit down with this youtube sensation? >> and going after al sharpton and bill cosby. >> i know everyone is piling on cosby, including me. but let's consider for a second if cosby didn't do it. okay. we're done. >> can he say things that the white guys can't? i'm howard kurtz and this is
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"#mediabuzz". this president loves taking on the pundits. but that's hard litly the usual fair for state of the union address. obama called for both parties to cooperate with a not so veiled shot at the phony stories that he sees as permeating the coverage of washington. >> we debate without demonizing each other. where we talk issues and values and principles and facts rather than gotcha moments or trivial gaffes or fake controversies that have nothing to do with people's daily lives. >> while shall commentators praised the speech, many says it seemed divorced from reality. >> it's highly partisan.shall commentators praised the speech, many says it seemed divorced from reality. >> it's highly partisan. basically saying i'm santa claus, i'll give you all these wonderful presents and mean old
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scrooge will take them away from you. >> but when he says you are not for my approach, he is saying that you are evil and then he decries polarization. >> he makes absolutely acknowledgement that all of the proposals he was suggesting have absolutely zero chance of passing. >> joining us now to examine the coverage lauren ashburn jonah goldberg and joe trippi. lauren the press treated this almost as a speech from make believe land. sbl it was a speech from make believe bland. there is less than a snowball's chance in hell that any of the things will ever be passed by a congress led congress. >> that's he why there was so little analysis. >> and people talk about was this the best speech he ever gain, what is elizabeth warren going to think about this. not the actual merits of the proposals. >> many of the headlines were pretty upbeat.
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"new york times," obama defiantly pushes his agenda, obama leading from the front. some people liked the speech. >> lauren may be right in the sense that it may have been the best speech he ever gave, but then again, he's been practicing it for seven years. this is the exact same speech he's been giving time and time again. >> that's not the what i said. >> i know. but it's recycled from hundreds of other speeches and the climax was dedicated to quoting himself from ten years ago. >> so let me go to trippi. >> just trite and recycled. >> don't hold back. a lot of liberal pundits love the kept andcontent and the white house doesn't view free xhuncommunity college or sick leave as -- but you know it won't pass. >> that's sort of the point of
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the speech. he was on the offensive and that's the thing i took from the whole speech. you can argue about good or bad, but he was clearly on the offensive. and some republicans say it was offensive. but the point i think is that it puts the republicans on -- and everyone the way the media covered it, puts republicans on their back foot in terms of if they would down everything that he wants to do it's this sort of -- >> this won't even come up for a vote. >> what about president obama taking on as we saw a moment ago the pundit talking about trivial controversies in the media culture. >> this is an attack dog president. when he doesn't like what people are saying about his potential policies, he is going to turn on the media. and by name he's done that to fox news several times bringing up, well fox news says this and fox news says that.
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and if he doesn't think of anything but fox news. >> msnbc, though, chris matthews spoond responded and said i think he made a mistake about cable television, a lot of people hope and share his vision. >> a lot of the people at the network support president obama? what is that, breaking news? >> so let me turn now to after the speech politicians come out and give their take on it. joe biden came out, he was on a couple of different shows and he was asked are you going to run in 2016. and he hasn't closed the door. and then in iowa yesterday sarah pill lynn palin said she's seriously considering a run in 2016. >> yes! >> he can't contain himself. my question to you jonah, how seriously should the media take that? >> if she skidecided to run, she
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would get considerable share of votes in places like iowa. not so much in new hampshire. probably do okay in south carolina if she had a good team and was well organized. sarah palin creates some of her open problems to be sure but she also is constantly underestimated from people. she has a huge following and a lot of right and if she's actually serious it's up for the press to take it seriously. >> two worlds. donald trump. >> who was also in iowa. >> right. but this is a woman who i think just wants to make sure she's out there, not so much whether or not -- >> donald trump has a long record of clownishly pretending he'll run for president and people take him seriously, including this network. which drives me crazy. he's a bane of humanity. but that's not sarah palin's game. >> but she's done nothing to make -- taken any action to
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actually look like she's really seriously about doing this. and the press didn't cover that. >> and less talk about her unfavorability ratings if she were to decide to do this. in a poll that was conducted last year, around the governor and the senate elect in alaska, the poll also considered whether or not if she ran what her chances would be of winning against huckabee against rand paul against others. and she -- no way in heck she was going to win. >> i will take sarah palin -- >> i'm not the only person excited. the media would be. that's why they're doing this. they would love to see her in the race. >> i would take sarah palin seriously not at a political figure but as a potential presidential candidate when she gives up her fox news contributing contract which is the same thing ben car so that and mike huckabee did.
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mostly, joe biden has to say that because he wants to not be a lame duck? >> no one, they have on ask him, but two, i think he still wants to run for president. i don't think he will he said up do oig up doing it but i think he wants to try to keep the door open. >> what vice president wouldn't. >> and one thing hard for a lot of people to understand, there is one person in the world who takes joe biden really, really seriously and that's joe biden. >> it would be different if hillary clinton were not up by 85 points. there was news this week on ferguson. this was a huge story last year. and "new york times" reporting that justice department lawyers will recommend no civil rights charges be brought against officer darrel wilson in the killing of michael brown. the coverage was kind spotty. why is that? >> the coverage of the actual "new york times" story. i actually -- a lot of people picked it up. reuters picked it up. a lot of other networks did. but my problem with that piece is what you enforce the officials said that there were anonymous sources that were used
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as the only basis for fact on this. >> so you're saying that you have a problem with how solid the report was or does that make it more difficult for other you news organizations that didn't have the sources telling them that to treat it as almost a fatei take it fait accompli? >> there was another organization that was able to say that there were 200 pieces of evidence examined. >> cbs news was 9 h. thethe lead story abc news give it a couple sentences. is the story more flew he haduid at this point? >> i think they're probably disappointed. >> so you're saying the press is rooting for federal civil rights charges against darren wilson? >> i think it is beyond ridiculous to say that the press wasn't overwhelming on one side of the narrative going back to the early days ever the first --
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>> even after additional information came out about michael brown attacking -- >> sure. but just jen enthusiasm about being on one side of the story is obvious. and at the same time i think this has been leaked by the justice department to lesson the blow of the disappointment of the sharp ton and msnbc crowd. this was very embarrassing the way holder went in and they have to let the air out of bubble.ton and msnbc crowd. this was very embarrassing the way holder went in and they have to let the air out of bubble. >> this wasn't a huge surprise joe, very few people expected civil rights charges against wilson because the standard is that you have to prove that he willfully intended to violate michael brown's civil rights and knowing it was wrong. >> i think joe is right about the small leak that has totally been going out of the story from the beginning. including that the level of what you need to do to charge this isn't there. the justice department leaking it now. and also i think that's why some of the media coverage has been so limited because you you you
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don't have a -- will until there is a definitive ruling and it actually happen, then we'll see whether that happens or not. >> my problem again is with the anonymous sources angle. because everybody in washington you're not anybody until you've been an anonymous source, a political taker official, a law enforcement official. >> that doesn't mean it's untrue. >> but why to this before the report is actually final and out? why play the game is my point. >> well that's maybe one of the reasons the coverage is spotty and you have a good point which is if this holds up and this is announced, it will seem like we already had that. we want to hear from you. you can tweet me at howard kurtz oig. we always read some of your messages. ahead, the constant coverage of the patriots football tampering allegations. is the media pumping this up into a scandal? but when we come back, the president sits down with the youtube personalities like this
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president obama sat down with three youtube personalities the other day, people who are often talking about farts or wallowing in a bath of milk and cereal. here is some of what happened. >> my mama says don't come empty handed. so i have green lipstick, one for dwouryour first wife -- >> my first? do you know something i don't? >> oh, for the first lady and the first children. >> so obamacare --
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>> obamacare has worked. >> if you have any super power what would it be? >> what super power would you like to have? i'm fine with president obama going on ellen, "the view," colbert, but it seemed like a low rent district. >> absolutely. although i've heard equally dumb questions from barbara walters about what kind of tree you want to be and that kind of stuff. it is not like youtube are the only ones who ask stupid questions. >> there were good questions that i did that expect would be good questions. very serious questions despite the antics that happened. i think -- i would like at some point to see what it would be like if we were to go back to pre-civil war era where anybody could just walk into the white house and talk to the president and ask a question. that's kind of what this was like. >> well, i think this woman glozell green, even made fun of
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the bathtub scene, but she'll have her own netflix show soon but one thing that bothered me is the way that they were all gushing over him and the woman bethany mota, she said that's awesome. >> but that's his m.o. right now. let's go around the mainstream media so i don't have to talk about what i don't want to talk about. let's create our own videos and push then out to the press. >> but it wasn't in lieu of mainstream media. >> did the president give another weekinterview that i missed? >> no but he was in there -- he gave his speech the entire country on the mainstream -- >> and then hung out with glozell green. >> and all the pundits weighed in on what they thought. and then he hung out with millennials which by the the way they don't watch the state of the union. >> i get that.
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and it got certainly 2 million views by now. but this was the lowest rated state of the union in 15 years. but what does this get him in terms of advancing his agenda? >> it gets him a wider audience you cannot do -- if you try to do the state of the union where you only talk to the three old television networks, you'd be losing fox msnbc, cnn, everybody else. >> so you're all for this. >> absolutely. >> i happen to think that since he got trounced in the midterms, i think anything goes for this guy right now. it doesn't matter if he's interviewed by someone with green lipstick. so what. as he told us, already won two campaigns. >> so you're saying he just is having fun. glozell green did that like some of the media criticism, so there is a tweet she posted have to love fox news. if you can see that. two screens there one of her in the bathtub, one talking to the president of the united states. so this woman knows how to fight
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back. >> good for her for fighting back. but she also really blew it when she called him his first wife. >> but it's all about moments. >> all about going viral and all that nonsense. and, look, again, you said why didn't he do 60 mints or he didn't do "60 minutes". i can't remember the last time 6 60 mints has done a tough interview with barack obama. he only likes to talk to people who think he's awesome. and even "60 minutes" doesn't cut it anymore. >> well, i hope will goes viral since we're talking thanks for stopping by. lady, late knee's only black comic takes on al sharpton. but up next no go zones in europe and more than one network is involved.
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she might sue fox news for its reporting on the so-called no-go zones. this would be a frivolous lawsuit since you can't real libel a city. the network apologized for regrettable errors. the comments about a nonexistent no-go zone this birmingham were made by a guest who has apologized, but there were other mistakes, as well. while cnn has had a fine time reporting on what happened at fox, turns out the network used the same terminology and who were once. >> anderson, the europeans and french in particular have problems that are the result of
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also 751 no-go zones in fraps where you have islamic communities that have formed councils that are managing these areas. >> we've seen it in sweden, in england, here in france. there are kind of no-go zones where people don't even really go into. and it does cut both ways. >> the media except for the "washington post" mostly gave cnn a pass. but this week anderson cooper to his credit stepped up and admitted he'd been wrong. >> i think if you're going to point fingers at other people's mistakes, should you also acknowledge your own mistakes and we didn't do that on the program. in the wake of the paris attacks, several guests mentioned no-go zones in france. i didn't challenge them and twice referred to them, as well. i should have been more skeptical. >> that was a good step. but it's worth noting there is a history here. french newspaper has referred to one area as a veritable no-go zone where nonmuslims are being
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forced to move out. and one where you can no longer order a pizza or get a why to come to the horseuse. "newsweek" reported there were 150 no-go zones. and in 2002, a columnist wrote some suburbs have become no-go zones at night. none of this to say that fox or cnn should have corrected their report, but a reminder that when it's all 00 easy to oversimply guy, the subject is complicated. coming up, the press inflates the patriots football tampering in to a huge scandal. is the sports press getting even with coach bill belichick. and later, a black correspondent makes his solo debut and takes aim at bill comessby and reverend al.
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let's face it the press can't stand new england patriots coach bill belichick. a if the league inquiry finds the team underinflated his footballs. belichick does notes any knowledge but was not expansive with reporters.notes any knowledge but was not expansive with reporters. >> in your own investigation did it you find whether or not nip -- >> i've told you everything i know. >> coach what do you think -- >> i have nothing -- i don't have an explanation. >> there are a lot of people questioning your integrity who say you were -- >> i've told you everything i know. >> please make it stop. tom brady was a bit smoother with his denials trying to put the story into perspective. >> things will be fine. this isn't isis. will isn't -- no one is dying. but we'll get through this.
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>> joinings now from atlanta, will leitch and in philadelphia howard eskin. will leitch, nobody died as brady says. media are treating will this as the biggest scandal since watergate. why is that? >> certainly you're seeing isis second on newscasts after this. and a lot of this i think is the patriots. people dislike the patriots. they have been after them since spygate. almost like an o.j. type situation. they got off the first time but they better obey the letter of the law from then on. everybody is waiting for them to mess up. if it even happened the tiniest competitive advantage. because people dislike belichick and the patriots. and that's what is happening. also every super bowl need ass a story.
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last year richard sherman the before the harbaughs. >> tom brady is the biggest celebrity quarterback in the league. if these same charges had involved russell wilson, would most of the meet i can'tdia scareimmediatemedia care? >> most of the media would believe him. this is not a first time owe fence. if seattle was a first time offense, it would be a different story.if seattle was a first time offense, it would be a different story. i liked tom brady before this but he's pi noeknocchiopinocchio. he's stone cold lying. troy aikman called him out. >> how do you know he's lying? hold on. have you conducted your own investigation? >> well i said i don't think i was cheating. and he said, well i've never cheated. and then he said i like the ball
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pressure at 12.5 pound but he doesn't know what the ball pressure was during the football game. spare me. he is not honest. and i have not played the position of quarterback it the a professional level. as a kid i did obviously. however, troy being aaikman has mark brunell has. you know when you touch a football, i don't know if you play golf, when i pick up a different club or i hit a different golf ball, i know the difference and i'm not a pro. he knows he's been playing football for over 20 years, the feel of the football. and i do not believe tom bsecond. and bill belichick, he lied before. he's lying again. >> for those that don't follow football that closely in 2007, belichick had to pay a fine because the patriots were using videotape to steal defense suffer signals from the opposeing team. but you've both admitted to a shocking degree of anti-patriots
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bias in the mainstream immediate gentleman. even if the press and the country outside of massachusetts doesn't like the patriots, the breaking news banners, the backers that say awaiting tom brady news conference and the confrontational atmosphere, it does seem over the top. >> i think it's kind of -- people want to watch. belichick has the press conference clips that you showed, he's famous for these nonanswers and these angry skrufr and paying no attention to what the question is. and so it's fun to see that now he's been so antagonistic, him definitely more than brady, for so long that people kind of love to see him get in trouble. they want to sighee him taken down. howard brings up a good point. is this this is not just the media. a lot of people in football don't like belichick either. i find it kind of charming that everyone can't believe that someone in sports would use a
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competitive -- do something uncompareun unfair for a competitive advantage. the idea that belichick is the only one that has done this is amusing. >> tom brady of course married to gisele. every time he says my balls are perfect or don't touch my balls, the twitter feed explodes right? >> that's clear. but i want to touch on bill belichick. earlier in the week, he didn't have any idea about the footballs. later in the week, this by doesn't call news conferences voluntarily. all of a sudden he call as news conference and he knows everything about science an about ball pressure. there are two points i have to make.d about ball pressure. there are two points i have to make. he brought up a point about tire pressure. people noe your tire pressure goes down in cold areas. but it was 51 degrees at the
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game. and it's not just about the indianapolis game. do you think this was just an epiphany? >> we're running out of time. a quick answer from this. seriously, this is not lance armstrong winning all those titles. this is not mark mcgwire and roger clemens and bobby bonds using steroids. this is not ray rice decking miss fiance. this is a minor infraction at best. >> you'd think. but the nfl reactses more to public publicopinion. so are they ray rice angry or concussion angry. people find it more amusing and the ball jokes funny. it's a fun diversion until the game next week. >> it's a juicy story and it even made it on last night to "saturday night live". let's take a quick look at tom
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brady on snl. >> did you have anything to do with deflating these footballs? >> me? absolutely not. honestly, i wasn't even aware that footballs could be inflated or deflated. >> all right. howard will, thanks us for deflating the story just a little bit. ahead mike huckabee unloads on beyonce. but first, when it comes to al sharpton and bill cosby, can a black comedian say things that others can't?
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larry wilmore made his comedy central this week on what is being called the nightly show. but as the only black host in late night it was interest to go watch as he promptly took on one of his own. >> i wish there were a black hollywood expert who could go to bat for us. >> reverend sharpton has called for an emergency meeting here in hollywood next week to discuss possible action around the academy awards. >> sharpton? again? i mean no one else can represent us? look, al al slow down, man. you don't have to respond to every black emergency. you'rebatman.
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>> one night later, he went after another man who had been an african-american icon. >> the better question is why aren't people listening to these women? is it because most of this allegedly happened so long ago go, is it because some went to cosby's hotel room alone, because there are no polaroids, because he's so famous? or is it just because they're women? because i would say enough have come forward, i mean, the current tally stands -- the current tally stands at 35 women. really folks how many more do we need? >> joining us now from palm springs, rick grenell and here in washington, riched aard fowler. so richard are let's start with reverend al. does that have apextra sting coming from an african-american? >> no it's always flattering.
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that means you're doing something right or wrong. >> like making snl. >> exactly. but forthe goingal is to get ratings. going after your own is a great way do it. so this is definitely fun any. i'm . >> he has to get laugh but me a serious point about al sharpton jumping in to every racial controversy. most recently the oscars. >> one of the things that the "washington post" did this week is the "washington post" said that in this q&a with larry, that larry was going to go after really people who were politically incorrect. one of his big influences is the show "politically incorrect". and i think he's going after low hanging fruit. this is not something that is too risky. however, it's been risky for
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"saturday night live" for even jon stewart. but there is a variety piece by brian lowry where brian goes on to talk about the risks that larry is taking by putting people in the hot seat and being politically incorrect. because what it sends the message to hollywood publicists, that it's too risky, it's not safe. what brian call as no-go he zone. and i think there is a real risk with this. >> interesting he has to balance getting guests and being seen as topical. he takes on bill cosby and he believes the 35 women who say the man is a sexual predator not that others vice presidenthaven't said it before. >> i think there are those out there changing their opinion about bill cosby. but i think there is a departure from reality. cosby might be a creep, but what he's been able to do for
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american culture is the opposite of culture. it's been remarkable what the cosby show and the huxtables have portrayed. >> might be a creep? there are a lot of women. >> i hear you. but i think it's a departure from reality saying what he's done for the african-american -- what he's done for america is something to be admirable about. >> would you regard wilmore going after cosby lohaningw hanging fruit? >> extremely low hanging. the fact he's going after cosby oral sharp ton and even obama, he's saying things that i think a lot of people have been saying for six years. ral sharp ton, and even obama, he's saying things that i think a lot of people have been saying for six years.ral sharp ton, and even obama, he's saying things that i think a lot of people have been saying for six years. al sharp ton, and even obama, he's saying things that i think a lot of people have been saying for six years.ton, and even obama, he's saying things that i think a lot of people have been saying for six years. the idea that he's getting publicity is more of a commentary on "saturday night live" which has been unable to
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make fun of president obama very often and jon stewart. those are the places where people are safe to go and send, you know hollywood publicists can send their clients. >> i beg to differ. i think every late night comedian, they sort of poke fun at political incorrectness or they poke fun at the president. all of the late night hosts have poked fun at this president, they poked fun at george w. bush. but that's the job of late night, to bring the levity to the hard days of news. and larry wilmore does that artfully both in how he talked about art sharpal sharpton and also bill cosby. it's all about ratings. >> i agree that's the job of late night, but let's be honest.cosby. it's all about ratings. >> i agree that's the job of late night, but let's be honest. "saturday night live" and jon stewart are safe places to go. larry showed that politically incorrect humor will be what he goes after. it's not going to be a safe place for anyone.
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and i think that it remains to be seen whether the media and public embrace that. >> that's healthy, though. >> the low hanging fruit. richard fowler, rick grenell thanks very much. after the break, mike huckabee is running for president, a job even more important than hosting a fox show. though why does everyone keep asking him about beyonce. e.
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siren song against the superstar. >> what do you got against beyonce? >> nothing. >> no, come on now. >> she is half a page in a 24-page -- >> you are pushing beyonce. >> no. >> i can't even -- >> here's the point. you could not repeat the lyrics. >> you view that as a sort of a permissiveness that you think is not great for our children. is that correct? >> well, it was one page out of a 240 -- >> i understand but it's representative -- >> you know when a parent says honey if you make really good grades some day when you're 12 or 13 we'll get you your own stripper pole. come on, john, we don't do that. >> i think that's diminishing beyonce. >> this is what i said and it was a simple illustration, half a page in a 270 and i'm thinking my gosh it's all i've heard about this. >> here's the deal. i'm not buying huckabee's oh, it's just a half page. the ex-governor knew when he put that in the book when he ripped beyonce for raunchy lyrics, when
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he said her husband jay-z was exploiting her as a sex object he knew it would be catnip for the press. and it worked brilliantly. so enjoy the musical debate, governor. you earned it. now you may have heard something about ted cruz shaping his own response to the state of the union and putting it on youtube. when folks checked it out they found out, well the texas senator had run into a little glitch. >> median incomes have stagnated. for over a decade. >> tonight, america saw a powerful demonstration that it is time to move on beyond president barack obama. >> you know something? every television actor in the business has done that. in fact i once did that and the whole tape complete with the oops, that was awful let's start over aired on tv. now cruz clearly needs a better video editor on his staff. those of us who make a living in
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when the talk turned to guns during a rolling stone interview he went off. there are few things i hate more than the nra he said. truly, i think they're pigs. i don't think they don't care about human rights. i think they're a curse upon the american landscape. wow. radio host responded that nra members value life enough that they want to protect themselves and their families. whatever their views on gun control bryant gumbel didn't exactly elevate the debate by calling its members pigs. i find this a tad depressing google is now more trusted than the mainstream media. in a worldwide survey 64% say they trust onlike search engines like google, 62% said traditional media with social media at 48%. the trust factor among google is even higher among millennials. the irony is google doesn't cover anything but aggregates reports from the mainsfreem media. i guess what inspires confidence is you get a great diversity of sources. google news links to these reports by algorithm meaning no humans are involved. so the media are losing to a
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mathematical formula. the media's coverage of deflategate way overblown. wayne l. yes there are more important things going on in the world like the middle east and than deflated footballs. chris martin, yes, especially when cnn interviews four people about it at once. no patriots must be held accountable. the media must expose all and hold all accountable. yes, it's the lead story every night. that's all i hear. i want news not this crap. hopefully we deflated that story a little bit. cnn, which is edging away from straight news, is trying out a political game show and if the debut episode hosted by anderson cooper works out it could become a series. an idea that caught the eye of late night host seth myers. >> it will be just like the other cnn shows except the contestants will make wild guesses, instead of the news anchors. >> that's a little unfair. news anchors don't make wild guesses. they engage in serious speculation, or seat of their pants analysis. journalism from the gut. okay.
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maybe a guess now and then. but only if there's lots of air time to fill. i guess. can i take a second to recommend to you today's "new york times" magazine cover story? about megyn kelly you see the spread there the megyn moment. explains what the megyn moments are. they are megyn kelly surprising some of her guests. we saw this with karl rove, with dick cheney. it's a very interesting read. i'm howard kurtz. give our facebook page a like. we post a lot of original content there. we make videos responding to your questions so send in some questions by e-mail. maid yeah buzz >> it is monday january 26th. topped with snow. ten's of millions of americans in the path of this monster storm a blizzard bombing the northeast with three feet of snow with some spots.
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thousands of flights already canceled as windy weather is moving in. we have what you need to know. >> more information about the freed al qaeda agent before he was released from a maximum security prison in the united states he was offered up in a prisoner swap. the shocking details ahead. >> a potential break after a couple went to buy a car. what we know about the suspect. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> we areyou are # watching "fox & friends first". i am heather childers. >> i am ainsley earhardt. we have a monster storm millions of people bracing for potentially historic snowstorm. blizzard warnings are in effect
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for 7 states hurricane force winds and up to three feet of snow expected in some areas falling at a rate of 2-4 inches an hour. 3500 flights are canceled for today and tomorrow and that number is expected to rise as the storm intensifies. maria molina is keeping track for us. let's check in with her. >> good morning heather and ainsley. it is not only a potentially historic storm system but also a life threatening storm system that will be moving through the northeast. that is something to keep in mind as we head into tonight and into the overnight hours and tomorrow. that's when we are looking at some of the worst conditions from the storm system. right now it is moving across the ohio river rale is leevalley and northeast. it is coming across parts of west virginia. it will be moving
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