tv Media Buzz FOX News February 1, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PST
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thank you so much to our panel. i'm maria bartiromo. i'll see you tomorrow morning on the opening bell. that's from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. eastern. have a great sunday. enjoy the super bowl. on the buzz beater this sunday mitt romney hammered by the media for exploring a third presidential campaign decides not to run again. >> you just had this accepts that there wasn't momentum there, there wasn't a lot of there.accepts that there wasn't momentum there, there wasn't a lot of there. >> clear he wants to be the nominee, i think it's clear he didn't see a path to the nomination. >> did the barrage of negative press help push him out? sarah palin once so popular also get being pounded for suggesting she might run for president and delivering a rambling speech in iowa. >> the man can only ride you when your back is bent.
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so strengthen it. then the mancomplaint ride you. >> should the media take herplaint ride you. >> should the media take her seriously? and a focus group on whethers 2016 coverage has been fair. >> do you think you're getting an honest look at the politicians based on what you see in the media? >> no. everything boils down to sound bites and snippets. the station's bias comes in to play. today's sprubl showdown under the under the shadow of deflategate. plus television goes haywire over a big storm taking aim at new york city. >> blizzard of 2015. >> winter storm juno. >> historic record breaking. >> snowmageddon. pointing fingers
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when only new england gets walloped. what explain this is blizzard of fear. i'm howard kurtz and this is "#mediabuzz". if mitt romney was testing the waters for another presidential bid, the reaction ranged from eye rolling to outright hostility. >> i feel like i'm taking crazy pills at the idea of mitt romney running again. i think it's a terrible idea. >> romney is like a loafer, casual sweater. i want somebody who -- a charismatic persuasive republican. >> the consensus was that mitt was start is to stay out, that another campaign didn't make much sense. >> after much back and forth, two time presidential candidate mitt romney decided not to run
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again. but candidly, it was a stretch for even loyal republicans to picture romney making a third try. >> this is not going to be a good race for him and it was going to hurt the party. >> mitt romney knows he could never be a candidate for the middle class because of his history. can't change who he is. >> joining us now to examine the impact of the unfavorable coverage on romney and palin christina bellantoni mercedes schlapp, and julie roginsky. the coverage of romney was negative. did the press play a role? >> i think this is a self-inflicted wound. it's sort of think about it like he climbed up a big ladder to then jump off on to a trampoline. he didn't need to climb the ladder so publicly. romney has been in politics for a long time. he knew every move he was making would get covered. and it's the fund raisers and donors and the voters that are sort of signaling to him will
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they are they're interested in something different. >> i think the press is too fairly he focused. ronl room any got theromney got a taste that there was not a lot of enthusiasm enthusiasm. >> and it started with rush limbaugh when he said he cannot win the 234078 knee. nominee. if he couldn't pull it over when the economy was plummeting, he won't be able to win in 2016. and then we saw opinion leaders coming out saying mitt was yesterday. we need to look into tomorrow. and -- >> does that surprise you at all the fact that so many people on your side of the aisle so to speak were either saying don't run or making fun of him? >> what was shocking is that it was unanimous. everyone was all in agreement that he shouldn't be running.
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it wasn't going to be third time was a charm. we know that from mitt romney the problem is the candidate himself. and it comes back to the exit poll which says does he care about the people. did he relate to people. and that's a fundamental problem. if you can't connect to the voter, you can't win and opinion leaders were clear on that message. >> but this time he was going to be authentic. >> too late. >> it was all too easy for the liberal commentator, but some conservatives too to replay all the mistakes from last time 47%, binders full of women. was that a factor, too in reminding people what 2012 was like? >> i think romney -- you nailed it. how many times does someone have to tell you they don't want to go out with you until you take your marbles and go home. >> i like the romantic analogy. >> the guy that keeps ask you out, he keeps saying no. and that's what mitt romney was
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to the republican party. and also not just the republicans, but independents and democrats, as well. you can't continue to reinvent yourself every single time and expect to come back and win a primary election. and this time he was going to be authentic as you said. we don't even know what authenticity is to mitt romney is anymore. he's so focus grouped. he has no authenticity to give. >> but you said is it the press' fault. people were getting on the phone with him and his top close advisers and saying there is not an appetite for this. for all those reasons. and the primary reason is because he lost -- >> remember all those interviews where are you you going to run, are you going to run, he would say no, no, no. we're done. the president was sort of anxious issues for him on get in until the moment he said he height.issues for him on get in until the moment he said he height. and then the press turns on you. >> he was looking at the tea leaves and saying this is not going to work. when you have your own opinion
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writers going after you, enuyou, even people like myself saying it's not your time we need to move on to the next generation. i think the press definitely had an influence. >> announcebut half an hour before this conference call on friday when romney told supporters who then told the rest of us, big daily beast headline mitt romney running for president according to sources. how does a mistake like that get made? >> that's not the only one. there were a couple people who didn't quite get that far with their headline, but this is one of the reasons why it's so difficult to cover a presidential campaign. in many cases you might have one really good source who you trust and that person might have the wrong information. and it's a huge arrivingrisk.
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>> if you're right, nobody remembers. if you are wrong it's dewey dweetd defeats truman. >> an average person doesn't care that much about who broke the story. >> and that brings up a larger story. this was a year out from iowa. does it really matter if mitt romney decides he's running or not. >> it definitely does. >> it does to your point for people like us who cover it day in and day out. those for people donateing money. the average person is more focused on the super bowl. >> i i dodo want to get to sarah palin. last weekend she gave that speech out in iowa. and a similar pattern here. a lot of conservative xen at a time torscompetent at a time leading the charge. charles cook called it a slow and unseamly dissent into as far
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as oig. let's take a look. >> things must cover for our government. look at it. it isn't too big to fail. it's too big to succeed. it's too big to succeed so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people, same politics that got us into this status quo. another of that word status quo. and it stands for, man, the middle class, he have day americans are really getting taken for a ride. >> this isn't about one bad speech. this is places like national review that cheered on sarah palin in 2008 when she was the vp nominee now kind of cutting her loose. >> it's taken the conservative media a bit too long to realize the sarah palin problem quite frankly. she's been giving the same type of speeches for the last eight years which is go after the left media, go after obama, little on substance, little on solutions. and so i think that at that point when there was a time
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beforehand after the convention where she gave this wonderful speech and then youed had the libya media attacking her and her family, that they came out and defended her. but then when shalle comes out in iowa where she said i'm seriously considering running and then gives a speech like she's at a cocktail party, that didn't work. they're like this is not what we need. this is the same type of speeches that she's been given forever. >> these aliberals i think are enjoying this because they have been critical of sarah palin all along and now kind of in an i told you so mode. >> i don't think anybody took her saysly. did anybody really think she would run for president? never. she would never give up the reality shows and the money. people likelerher and donald trump
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on go there to get -- >> she ask have a serious arrest department following. >> so does donald trump. >> she can also raise money.arrestdepartment following. >> so does donald trump. >> she can also raise money. but she between a tease in 2012 like i might run, and then she didn't. so the question for you, has she become more of a pop culture figure than a political force. >> she's long been a pop culture figure. and one of the reasons i do what i do is because politics is about choices. and part of the conservative backlash is that suddenly you saw her up against five, six, seven actually qualified actually articulate, actually seriously considering running and not just raising their speaking fees and trying to write the next book or get the next television show where they realize actually the republican party has a lot of great choices here and we'll decide between them and not this person that we all defended when we felt like she was being attack this had 2008. >> and i'm in no way defending
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the media mockery in 2008 and even more recently when the cnn anchor apologized for mocking crystal palin. but palin often seems interested in getting even with the media. >> and she spent the first ten minutes in iowa complaining about the left wing media. >> and then complained on hannity about fox. >> it's almost like she can't take the criticism. she is calling fox a quasi conservative outlet. it doesn't work. so she's in a very tough position and she needs to federal government out what her role is, which is that to continue the rally the base and not everyonen consider running. >> bush cooperated with a piece and said, yes, when he was a
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stpot, he denied a certain bully incident that was related in the piece rather than sort of letting this develop. all right. stick around, we have to get a break here. remember i read all the e-mails so send them to media and twitter. we'll read your messages later. ahead, a report from the super bowl. is deflate game gait overshadowing the big game. but when we come a back a stunning slander against the navy s.e.a.l. in the story american sniper. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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nbc correspondent turned to the fill him american sniper and the reporter unloaded on kyle. >> people described his racist tendencies as he was going on some of these killing sprees in iraq on assignment. so i think there are issues -- >> wait. killing sprees some chris kyle was going on killing sprees? >> what everyone thinks of the movie, it's been a controversial movie, how sdwdoes an nbc news reporter accuse him of going on a killing spree? >> to criticize chris kyle who was defending our country killing terrorists to ensure they don't kill other u.s. soldiers, first of all, he has no credible source at all. he just throws this out in. that is fundamentally wrong. >> he was referring to chris kyle saying the iraqis he killed were savages and some twisted it
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saying all iraqis were savages. but his assignment was to go after the enemy. >> i haven't seen the movie so i'm reluctant to talk about the movie itself. but -- >> people want to say it's a terrible movie. >> i don't think he was randomly standing on the street corner ky killing random people. whether they were legitimate targets or not is not his decision to make. he was carrying out orders. >> one of the reasons this is a terrific film is because it brings out the inherent ugly tenk tensions of war. so it allows us to have this conversation. and we have a country where there is freedom of speech. and you can have this conversation in america. that's a good thing. and that's part of the point of what our soldiers are fighting for. >> another person who got into
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trouble on american sniper is howard dean, former democratic presidential candidate turned msnbc commentator. he said all people going to see the movie are angry and some are tea party members. ed a on hard ball, he had this to say. >> i haven't seen the movie. i i talked to a lot of people about it.say. >> i haven't seen the movie. i i talked to a lot of people about it. i make no apologizes to the right wing nut jobs. >> i haven't seen his comments on bill maher where he said you were angry if you were seeing the movie. so he starts off i really apologize, i don't do that very often. but he said he hate and threats and ugly conversation back. but it's a film about a dramatization of somebody's real life story that they told true their own lens.
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>> if you if . >> if you're going to say you're sorry, why take a shot at right wing nut jobs. >> welcome to the twitter universe. my problem with this, why criticize a movie that you haven't seen. i'm not going to criticize it, i haven't teenseen it. >> say you're sorry and move on. thanks for joining us. up next, why did some it go crazy after a big blizzard but lose interest after it spared new york city? and later patriots the villains of super sunday. guess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay! it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do.
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eh, you don't want that one. yea, actually i do. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up. mucinex fast max night time for multi-symptom relief. breathe easy. sleep easy. let's end this. if you were watching television during the run up to the winter storm heading for the northeast this week, it sounded like the apocalypse big, badded a ready to devastate new york city. >> prepare for something worse
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than we have seen before. >> the northeast braces for a crippling winter storm. >> breaking news life threatening blizzard that could affect nearly 60 million people. >> breaking tonight nearly 60 million americans are hungered oig town waitingdown waiting for the white hammer to fall. >> cnn's blizzard mobile is out showing what you is happening in manhattan live as it happens. >> blizzard mobile? settle down batman. it's a ford explorer. >> but while the storm did dump 3 feet of snow across new england, new york city got about 6 inches at which point the media lost either/or questioned local officials had overreacted. joining us now david zurawik. why did division go todefcon one? >> media loves snow. as soon as you say there is a
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big storm coming weather blog is through the roof. grocery stores make money. everybody gets ratings. they love it. and i've seen it more in the last five, six years. we see more and more warnings of huge storms coming that never come. and so this one is buried on new york, media capital. >> because manhattan is threatened, everybody was at an extra level of drama and interest? >> absolutely. somebody tweeted it's because the media is full of narcissists. of course. it's not a -- people in oklahoma have tornadoes to worry about. i grew up in wisconsin. 2 feet of snow is like, okay, we'll play hockey outside today. but not in new york. it's the end of the world. and then afterwards, i mean you have boston and connecticut and all those states in new england buried. and the headlines are well it's kind of a bust. >> forget about it. we're going about our business. the other thing, they can defend
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it journalistically because you're supposed to give people information good information that they can use. so even if you overstate it, you can't be criticized too much. >> but then there was this whole the media were wrong. and i won't beat on up on them because forecasting is not an exact science. but the new york politicians werereacting by shutting down the city. very few journalists said maybe we overreacted. >> of course. you do have to say it's kind of bad leadership when you go he this this could be the greatest storm in the history of new york. are you kidding me somehe this could be the greatest storm in the history of new york. are you kidding me some. let's switch to the big game. you wrote a column saying you you won't be watching the super bowl on nbc. first time since 1967. why? >> big deal. it's because of the way television has let itself become in the last few years objected by the nfl. and it's because of those
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lucrative prime time contracts like the one nbc has on sunday night. hundreds of millions of dollars in the coffers. not only now won't they criticize the nfl, they now have become publicists for the nfl. and i saw that in the playoffs game between the ravens and new england. when the camera showed roger goodell and chris collins worth and al michaels talked about his great integrity in handling the ray rice matter, talked about the investigation, quote millions of pages of documents were examined that cleared him. and it was paid for by the nfl. that's why is something -- and they read a prepared statement like in a totalitarian government. that was the moment when i said i can't watch this anymore. look it's -- >> so turned off that you'll deprive yourself of the big game? >> if something happens it will be online in four seconds. i got a batchup plan. but it means nothing.
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they will probably get higher ratings than ever. but morally after all these years from 1967, i said this is too much this year. i really can't take it. al michaels chris collins worth, you do not have to pinch for roger goodell and the nfl. just broadcast the game. >> there you go. david zurawik, thanks very much for joining us. coming up brian kilmeade oig standing by in arizona to help us break down the super bowl hype. and later donald trump goes after chuck todd for dareing to question his presidential ambitions. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong,
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comfort keepers can provide a variety of in-home services for your aging loved ones. we'll assess their needs and create a custom care plan that can change as their needs change. ♪ oil workers going on strike from coast to coast. they walked out after failing to reach an agreement on a new contract early this morning. it is the first major work stoppage since 1980. the united steel workers union
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says the strike affects nine refineries in california washington state texas and kentucky. but more could join in. a full strike would affect 64% of our nation's oil production. and talk about a one-two punch even as a lot of people are digging out from the first blizzard of the year another major storm is now moving in will. it's already hitting the midwest expected to dufrnl up to a foot of snow in some places. blizzard warnings posted in chicago. and then the storm is headed to the northeast by tonight. and it could be bad news for people planning to travel to those super bowl parties. i'm eric shawn. i'll see you at the top of the hour. now back to "#mediabuzz" and howard kurtz. the usual media hype surrounding the super bowl between the seahawks and patriots has been almost entirely replaced by the fallout from deflategate. robert kraft saying the nfl owes his team an apology if no
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evidence confirms that the patriots deflated footballs in the af skrchltc championship. >> this would be this n. direct con tax to the public discourse which has been driven by media leaks as opposed to actual data and facts.discourse which has been driven by media leaks as opposed to actual data and facts.con tax to the public discourse which has been driven by media leaks as opposed to actual data and facts.contax to the public discourse which has been driven by media leaks as opposed to actual data and facts. >> brian, sounds like people are already having a good time. how much chatter is there about the patriots yot sriots deflating footballs? >> i'll tell you the chatter on the streets is not about that. it is mostly seattle fans so far from my unscientific study you study. but we had sports fans watching. the people that were not going to watch the super bowl were blitzed with this locally and nationally on news channels and other outlets.
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this went on far beyond sports. i actually think this quite possibly could be the highest tv rated game because of deflategate. wherever you stand on it, whichever side you're on you're talking about it. and you don't have to be tom brady's uncle to talk about it or related to russell wilson. everybody was talking about it. we were talking about it every hour on fox news arrests were the other news channels. >> it's a cultural phenomenon, joe concha, and everyone talking to women talking about tom brady and his girlfriend gisele. >> and they're mattered now. she's mrs. brady. >> what a relief. >> and by the way, if you look back on history, a villain is always a good thing for television sports or otherwise. j.r. ewing in 1980 he gets shot. that was at the time the most watched television show of all
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time. from a sports perspective 1994, nancy kerrigan, tonya harding. she takes out her knee and then compete in a four hour tape delay and more people watched that event than any of the 48 super bowls. so i agree with brian, this will be the most watched super bowl easily yes because you have a defending champ going up against the best team of this ventscentury, but because you have two villains and particularly tom brady, the guy with the perfect life with the perfect wife that you can root against. >> not the to mention bill belichick. but if that's the way the media have framed thiso mention bill belichick. but if that's the way the media have framed this,o mention bill belichick. but if that's the way the media have framed this,to mention bill belichick. but if that's the way the media have framed this is it really fair, the whole country outside of massachusetts will be rooting against the patriots? >> a lot of people think this is a media hype and people are against the patriots. the patriots are dealing with what the yankees have dealt with
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since the 20s. they are the most successful franchise around. and when you're that successful, people come after you. look around at fox news. and go google us sometimes. you'll see a fraction of the support we should be getting. so they have been vilified. so having said that, just when you think people just want to pound on them, then you have guys like troy aikman saying i got a problem with this you have fran tarkenton saying i think the new england patriots are guilty. you have other people important people in the game saying i got a problem with these special treatment the patriots get and how bill belichick always bends the rules and was caught back in 2007. so a track record, those within the game, and then a pattern somewhat along with the success that the sadly most people are jealous of. they and the spurs most successful team in all of sports over the last 20 years. >> he's right about that. >> joe pick up on that because i think particularly in the case of coach bill belichick, he holds the media in great disdain
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and reporters don't like him. so when this first started, i felt like there was a certain level of pounds the patriots over this scandal. i think it's youroverblown. >> and bill belichick will be flamed for the fog behind brian's shot right now. what's going on with that in. >> unbelievable, yeah. right now the roof is closed it's so foggy. but go ahead. >> so yeah belichick has been truck uhe plant with the media. and marshawn lynch is just as bad in terms of disdain for the immediate are a. >> you're setting up my next question.are a. >> you're setting up my next question. we want to play some of that. marshawn lynch not a big fan of answering questions from the press as we saw. >> i'm just here so i don't get fined. so y'all can sit here and ask me all the questions y'all want to i'm here so i won't get fined.
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i'm here so i won't get fined. i'm just here so i won't get fined. >> joe some people probably love that but he gets paid about $7 million a year because television journalists make this into the national sport that it is. >> it is. but now we have twitter that ath rights don't need the media to get to fans. they can actually grow righto right to them. but i'm rooting for the seahawks and i'll tell why you. let's say mar sean wlimpg goes for 130 yards and three touchdowns and wins the mvp and then the disney camera emernlgs and that's where he's supposed to say like all the winners in the pathstime past i'm going to disney world. does he not say anything, does he say i'm only going so i won't get fined? >> let's go back to arizona. does the hype overshadow the game itself at this point, brian? >> a little bit. but you're looking at something
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here which makes it so saleable which is why you you doesn't get a ticket for less than $9,000. once the game starts, if there is no power problem like there was in new orleans, if there is no other issue beyond anyone's control, it will be about football. what i find most interesting is the players say it's not like any other game because of the breaks and commercials. john harbaugh told me the big thing that stands out, he's coach the ravens we have to feed our players almost a full lunch at halftime. they are starving to death because the halftime is too long pregame is too long. these are big guys. so i think it's more different for the players than anybody else. >> brian kilmeade, enjoy the game. joe concha thanks for joining us. ahead, al jazeera ordered its journalists not to describe mass murder wrists as terrorists. but first our focus group doesn't trust the media's coverage of hillary and other 2016 contenders. we have the exclusive footage.
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with jeb bush all but jumping in to a presidential race against hillary clinton, how are the media treating the growing group of 2016 con ter tenders? frank luntz put to a focus group. >> i don't think the immediate are a lets everyone know who is running. i think everyone here can't even name every candidate running for
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president. >> plus it all depends on what network you're watching. cnbc it will be pro democrat and if it's fox, it will be pro republican. >> how does the media cover hillary clinton, do you think they treat her fairly? >> if you look for the most part she's the media darling. they have already practically core row natured her as the winner. >> that is not true. they have pictured hillary in bad lighting. >> i would respectfully disagree. mrs. clinton gets a free ride. >> i spoke with him earlier from phoenix. we hear she's being coro this. ated no she's been shown in bad lighting. what do you make of that is this. >> a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. if you like hillary clinton, you think that the president isn't giving her a fair shake. if you dislike her you got a completely different point of view. the problem is that the public wants to be affirmed rather than informed. and that's allege beenways been the
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challenge for the media. what is different with hillary, they look at the camera angles and how she's dressed. no other candidate who do this they take into account of what is going on outside of what she's saying and that is an asset to mrs. clinton, but always liability. >> so i hear people in your focus group saying cnbc, probably meant msnbc, is democrat. what i hear from you is that if they have strong opinions about politics, not so much. >> well, what they say and what they actually respond to are two different things. i'll give you some specifics. two points. they want to see things side by side. so let me see what the candidate said four years ago and what the candidate is saying today. or let me see what canned dad a is saying about the issue and then let's see what candidate b is a is saying about the issue and then let's see what candidate b is saying. give me that side by side comparison and you're giving me substance. do i trust them and do i i agree
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with them. that side by side coverage which is rarely done on any news network, rarely done in print that's what the public is looking for and it's just not p happening. >> when you talk -- when we heard one of your focus group people talk about everything is reduced to sound bites and snippets, in other words, it's very superficial, not everything, but i think the media have to plead a little guilty here because we do get caught p in theup in the embarrassing sound bite gaffe and that sort of thing. >> and in fact polling which affects my profession. if i produce a poll that show as long shot suddenly in the lead everyone will report it. and it's just one simple poll. i think you have to make a judgment what genuinely informs people. but the danger is when the media takes a single polling result are or snippet and then blows it out of proportion. items the reason why the media has lower credibility today than
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at anytime in recent history and it's a lesson for them before 0 2016. get your act together now before voters are paying attention. >> this really sounds like a flashing red light for those of us in the political coverage business going in to what is sure to be a very deviseivisive and important campaign but at the same time if every single thing will that we put on the air could be weighed on a scale some of your people would still say they're giving hillary a free ride, no, no, they're being tough on hlry or mitt or jeb or and oig. >> some of this is the public's own fault. some of it is that they're not sophisticated so they don't know the issues. the person who said cnbc, they probably don't know the difference between cnbc and msnbc. but in the end we can only judge what we know based on what you tell us. so it's even more than a flashing red light. it is wake up. you have a responsibility.
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it's an awesome responsibility. but you got to get it right. it is better to err on the side of substance than style, better to give us more than a little less. and remember that in the end, whatever you give us is how we'll decide how we'll vote. >> good advice. and strong responsibility for the media here heading in to this campaign. frank luntz, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you you. . frank is going to the super bowl. after the break, lachbsnce arm strong shows no remorse for lying about his doping. and donald trump says maybe he should be the moderateor of "meet the press" just to get rid of chuck todd. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms
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get rave reviews for his speech at last weekend's conservative cattle call in iowa. one pundit really got under his skin. >> it can't be mitt because mitt ran and failed. he failed. the last thing we need is another bush. >> nobody's going to mistake donald trump for a presidential candidate. i don't think, other than donald trump. >> the donald struck back by ripping chuck todd on twitter. word is that nbc news is firing sleepy eyed chuck todd and his ratings on "meet the press" are setting record lows and he's a real loser. he wasn't done. so many people have told me that i should host meet the press and replace the moron who is on now. first of all nbc isn't replacing chuck todd. the notion of the donald hosting meet the press is more ludicrous than him running for president. we all hope he jumps into the race because he's so entertaining. but chuck is right does anyone really think he's running? lance armstrong lied to the
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world about the illegal substances that he took in winning seven tour de france titles. he lied to plenty of journalists. and he lied to me proclaiming his innocence in two separate interviews. now he's been asked about his cheating in a sit-down with the bbc. >> when it comes to the doping, would you do it again? >> you know if i was racing in 2015? no. i wouldn't do it again. because i don't think you have to do it again. if you take me back to 1995 when it was completely and totally pervasive, i'd probably do it again. people don't like to hear that. >> no remorse. no sense of shame. armstrong seems to have no idea how many people he let down. he wants to get back in the public eye now and we're just supposed to forget about his youthful transgressions. any time he is on television the kyron under his face should say, lance armstrong cheater. still to come your top tweets.
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al jazeera english tries to whitewash the word terrorist. and katie couric and bryant gumbel reunited for the super bowl. ght, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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al jazeera has tried to moderate its image in this country by launching al jazeera english and al jazeera america by hiring big name journalists from cnn, pbs. but they obtained a memo telling journalists not to use words such as terrorist, islamist and jihad because he writes one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. really the butchers who behead hostages on camera, the creeps or thugs who killed the staff of "charlie hebdo," they're not fighters, they're cold blooded terrorists and oklahoma city bomber timothy mcveigh isn't a militant as the memo said. he's a mass murderer. al jazeera calls the criticism subtle mccarthyism and released this video. >> we don't mean to label
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islamists, for example or extremists who usually let the group's actions speak for themselves. >> journalists are supposed to make distinctions about what killers do rather than sugarcoat the evil committed by terrorists. meanwhile an al jazeera reporter on his way after more than a year behind bars in egypt. officials say australia peter greste was put on a plane today. he was arrested following the overthrow of mohamed morsi in 2013 and spent seven years in prison. your top tweets at the media helped push mitt romney out of the race. media gave more of a tap than a push. desertion of money was swift kicks. i think romney saw the writing on the wow mickey miller gop's lack of monetary support mitt has it right let's hope for fresh faces like walker, rubio, carson, cruz et cetera and joe i think trump helped him out of the race the donald will like that since he's taking credit.
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there's one super bowl ad that caught my eye playing off this 20-year-old conversation on the today show katie couric bryant gumbel trying to figure out this new thing called the internet and how those addresses work. >> i wasn't prepared to translate that. the little mark with the "a" and then the ring around it. >> at? >> that's what i said. katie said she thought it was about. >> i never heard it said. i've seen the mark. >> there it is what is the internet anyway? do you write to it like mail? >> can you explain what internet is? >> now katie and bryant reunited to help sell a new bmw electric car which is a tad unusual for journalists of their stature. but hey the commercial was funny. well that's it for this edition of media buzz. i'm howard kurtz. we hope you'll like our facebook page. we post a lot of original contlent and videos in responses to your questions. we're talking this week about blogger andrew sullivan a pioneer in the businessing giving up daily blogging after
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15 years. and what it means for the business. we're back here next sunday 11:00 and 5:00 eastern. check us out with the latest buzz. the fox news alert. right now more than 3 million people sfwr from des moines to cleveland are in the path of another powerful winter storm that is on its way east. the storm is expected to leave behind more than one foot of snow or more. and could affect super bowl parties planned for tonight and make for another messy start for the work week. hello everyone and welcome to "america's news headquarters" i'm eric shawn. >> and i'm arthel neville. people in the midwest are expected to see the worst of the storm around game time. gusts of winds up to 40 miles per hour. and visibility and snow drifts. after that the storm moves towards new england, potentially delivering
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