tv Outnumbered FOX News February 3, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PST
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jon: see you back here in an hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered." aim andrea and here with us today -- and today's hashtag one lucky guy, the doctor is in. don't lay down on the couch. you can sit up right now and ask your questions. dr. keith, welcome back. >> group therapy. when do we start? >> right now. >> good to be here >> it always starts when you sit down. >> i always feel like they grins at me in a wry way like she's
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just spoiling to have a point of discussion with me. >> maybe she sees who you really are. >> possibly. >> perhaps there's two doctors on the couch. >> look directly into my soul. >> i love this. should we analyze kennedy? actually, let's analyze america. the national debate over vaccines a big issue in the 2016 race. potential white house contenders weighing in as the outbreak spreads. the latest and this is alarming in california more than a dozen infants at a daycare center on the campus of santa monica high school quarantined after a baby was confirmed to have the highly contagious virus. now two potential presidential hopefuls under fire for saying the decision to vaccinate kids should be up to kids and not the government. first republican senator rand paul an eye doctor, explains his position. listen. >> i'm not arguing vaccines are
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a bad idea. i think they're a good thing. but i think the parents should have some input. the state doesn't own your children. parents own the children and it is an issue of freedom. >> also governor chris christie of new jersey is speaking out as well saying while he and his wife vaccinate their children he still believes that it's a matter for parents to decide. >> i also understand that parents need to have some measure of choice in things as well so that's the battle that the government has to decide. but i could tell people from my perspective, we've had our children vaccinated and i think it's an important part of making sure we protect our health and the public health. >> staff working for both men later sent out statements clarifying their remarks. christie spokesman saying that the governor believes there's, quote, no question children should be vaccinated against disease like the measles. rand paul's office says that he believes vaccines have saved lives and should be administered to children. in the meantime even hillary clinton who still mum on whether
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she'll launch a white house bid jumping into the debate but in less than 140 characters tweeting, quote, the science is clear. the earth is round the sky is blue, and vaccines work. let's protect all our kids hashtag, grandmothers know best. dr. keith, what do you make of the vaccine debate? who out of the sound we played is getting it right? >> well i think that for each of the individuals, they want to get it right for themselves so they're all saying the same thing t. thing. it makes sense to vaccinate your kid. whether rand paul and chris christie are wrong, the government has to have a law for all people to do when they're grouped in public places and one of them is protect children by vaccinating your children. we have to send our kids to school, too, or develop a curriculum to deliver to them at home so our freedoms are not
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infinite when you live in a civilized society and those to pretend they are don't understand there's a balance to be struck and this is one of those places. this plays very well for dr. ben carson because he's somebody who understands the nuances involved. >> and i understand, harris wanting to say that parents have a right to do what they will with their young children but also, don't you have a right as a parent to protect other kids as well from a possible outbreak or your kid getting sick? >> so i'm going to lean in toward the doctor here because yesterday i made a comment that i don't judge the way the parents are deciding for their children because they're doing it from the heart. where we're coming at this though, is that we need her immunity for our kids. our kids have to be protected. >> yes. >> and it's not so much whether you feel one way or another about vaccination. it has to happen in some degree to protect everybody. it's the conversation that needs to happen so people don't feel
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judged. how do we get the parents making different choices include them because they're going to do what they're going to do. you need to know they're doing it. >> that child cannot come to public school. you'll have to arrange home schooling for your child at your own cost. we'll have to supervise how that's going to unfold. make your decision pay the price. >> i don't know that that goes far enough because i'm all for personal freedom without question right up until the moment that you start harming someone else. i mean, that's where it drops off. we're talking about infants in the population who cannot protect themselves. we're eradicated this disease and it's making a comeback because people are choosing not to have the vaccination. we can't go back to that. i hate the government. no one hates the government telling them what to do more than i do but this is a case where we have to as a group, have some social responsibility and lock out for those who can't look out for themselves. you're endangering infants by
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not doing this. you're endangering folks who can't legitimately get it by reintroducing it to the population. >> aren't you then saying that you're not really watching what happens to your kid? sglik that could affect your child. >> that's the point that people brought up that i think is a good one. your logic that the government has to control everything we do when we're in a group setting is totally flawed and i can give you several examples when we're together. >> we'll check your hearing. one of the other is definitely off. >> we need government yoef sight. it's dangerous not to vaccinate your children and a lot of people have been making the point, the parents, the rational parents who choose to vaccinate their kids, which they should they ought to make that choice. you know vaccines do and i understand people are scared about putting chemicals in their children. i totally not that. but they had been proven safe in
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study after study. that doesn't mean the government has to tell you what to do. >> kennedy doesn't like metal detectors at airports. she feels that is offensive. >> don't put words in my mouth. i will smack you down to china town. i'm going to ignore. >> i knew there would be fireworks here. wow. >> the judge had it right when he said, if you know your kid is not vaccinated and they get sick and you put them into a social setting, you have committed a felony -- >> hang on. we have that sound and i want to play that because this is getting fiery. there is a legal issue. the judge weighed in on this whether or not there should be legal ramifications for not vaccinating your kid. here is what the judge said. >> but if you don't vaccinate the child and the child is ill and you know it and you send the child to school, you commit a crime. you could be indicted for that. you could have the child taken away from you. >> harris?
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>> i think like i should inject facts here. the original 42 cases linked to an exposure in december in disneyland, in those cases, they then spread to talk about the daycare today, fanned out from there. those are the original cases. now looking at well over 100 cases in 14 states. measles is highly infectious. we know this. it presents a lot like other things we see. it's airborne fever, cough runny nose red eyes but it's the rash that starts on the face and move down the body that generally doctors can see, okay now we know we're up against something. you need two shots in your lifetime. m.m.r. is the gruping they call it now. measles, mumps, rubella. your child gets one two to four years old, sometimes younger than that and by the time they're six to seven, they get another one. if you were born after 1957 and you are decades above 20 you probably need a booster if you plan to travel anywhere at this
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point because it's in this country again. if you were born before 1957 you don't because you were exposed to it because it was so problematic in society. i'm hoping those things will help as we talk about the vaccination. >> can we go back to the is it legal aspect. if parents are not going to choose to vaccinate their kids do schools have the right to say you shouldn't come to school and can parents be held accountable? >> absolutely. can you imagine if you bring your infant to a daycare center and somebody else brings a child or goes in there and was exposed, your child becomes harm -- they knowingly put your child in harm's way without question. >> i think to the judge's point, it -- you're on fire today. i think to the judge's point, it would have to be that you knowingly had your child who has measles in a setting in which other children can become sick with it. not immunizing on the potential
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your child will get sick with measles and then in so getting it would not be enough to have that person be liable. i don't think the number of parents who know their kids have measles and send them into the center -- >> what if they've been exposed? ebola was folks that had been exposed but they weren't showing symptoms so they went to a safe place. then they found out they did have it. >> that's a great point that i'm saying, we need open dialogue with parents on both sides of this issue because melissa has an excellent point. they're not going to be open about exposure because they're going to feel judged. you're the psychiatrist here. how do we have that language? because it has to happen. >> we already have it. you can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater. why? because public chaos and injuries may then ensue. the government has this right. >> breaking news on the other side of the break but a hot topic we'll continue here.
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house lawmakers voting today to repeal the law. what happens next and does the g.o.p. have other options? also nfl hall of famer warren sapp arrested on soliciting a prostitute and accused of assaulting two women. and right after the show, if you've always wanted to watch for free therapy, maybe we all need it here watch us come together and bond after that last segment. click on the tab ask us your questions. we'll bring the love back and we will heal. >> i necessitied a hug. ls great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. ♪ nineteen years ago, we thought
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>> fox news alert as we're learning the fate of the jordanian pilot that you see here who has been held for some time now by islamic state terrorists. the isis savages who took him. we have just learned that he has been murdered and apparently and we are working to confirm this on our own as are other news agencies, still photos confirm his death. let's go straight to more on this from our bureau in jerusalem.
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tough news to hear today, conner. give us the details that you know. >> harris, we're still waiting on a confirmation from jordanian officials but we've seen the video and it does appear to be the jordanian pilot. it's about a 22 minute long video. it is brutal even by the very brutal standards that isis has set in the past with other execution videos. starts with an interview. he has a black eye but then it moves to him in a cage where he appears to be covered in some type of chemical or liquid. his entire body looks like it probably is gasoline or some type of fuel to ignite the flame. there are fighters standing around him and they light a long trail of some type of fuel that engulfed him in flames. he's been burnt alive. now, jordanian officials haven't commented on this but it will be a major blow to jordan. he comes from a very powerful and important tribe. he was considered a very excellent fighter pilot and this will raise the questions about what happens in terms of
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jordan's involvement in the overall strategy and fight against isis. while waiting for confirmation, there's no reason to believe this isn't the execution of the pilot. isis isn't known for putting out fake videos and this issis brutal and barbaric as anything we've seen and it is appearing to be a video that essentially sets him on fire, ignites him on fire and another thing to point out about this video, harris, it is as professional of a video as we've seen coming out of isis and shows you the effort they're putting intu this in terms of planning and things like that. these aren't amateur barbarians. these are very professional people who are slaughtering humans around the middle east right now. >> as we get further confirmation and learn more we'll come back to you as the news warrants. thank you very much. so a couple of things that conner has pointed out to us.
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doctor, i want to come to you first because one of the generals that i've interviewed recently said that you may see the psychological warfare now ratcheted up because through air power, through the kurds we've been hitting them pretty hard. they were able to take back the town of kobani away from the isis terrorists. this is what they do. they can win on the battlefield by changing hearts of people there. this is what we'll do to you for one but it's also a recruiting tool. your thoughts. >> i think first of all, isis may underestimate the human potential psychologically to become used to horror right? so at a certain point as they keep doing this it doesn't strike quite as much terror sadly in a way, as it did at the beginning. what it should do i hope is create steel resolve in us to do what's right which is to end
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their forces over in the middle east which we can do at terrible costs but we can do it. >> all right. let's talk about that and that's really where the politics come into this. what do we as a nation have the stomach for? what do our coalition forces have the stomach for? i think back to times in our history when we have had to bomb entire communities and that soft heartedness, and it's understandable, our humanity shaken by that thinking about the people on the dpround but what really are the choices here and the conversations going on in washington reflect the difficulty. >> i think america is a pretty tough country and i think every time that something like this happens, they want to see bloodshed. they want to see justice. they want to see action. i do think if the terrorists think somehow psychologically they're going to intimidate us they don't understand us as a nation but i will say this harris. until this administration starts to really speak up and
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acknowledge this in harsh terms and take action the way joe biden has, that's what needs to come out of the white house. that needs to be followed up with action and every time they do this and the white house continues to dance around radical islam, i think it hurts the white house, i think it hurts administration as a whole and i think it hurts the nation because the public goes, are you detached? are you delusional? what's wrong with you? >> and you know the conversations that we have inside our nation's capital play all over the world. people are watching our reactions to this. what are your thoughts? >> you know, i go back to the words of mike flynn who was out recently speaking and made a lot of waves saying that it is possible, you know, it is possible to overcome this. we can take this force but there are very clear steps you have to take. number one, you know we have to name the enemy very cloerly. we have to develop a strategy with our partners around the world, the international strategy and then we have to go out and execute on it and we have to tell the american public what we're doing.
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we have the ability to deal with this and it feels like we're not. and i think that's very distressing and frighten to go a -- frightening to a lot of people. >> we've talked about where america stands on these issues and it's understanding because some say no more new wars mr. obama. are we being pushed into yet another new war? and this one is going to be quite different than any one we've seen. >> i agree there. i think the enemy is different, the battlefield is different and i guess i feel like i'm looking at this seeing how it could escalate over a decade. and i see how so many american lives could be lost so many civilian lives could be lost. we could have terrorist tacks here and overseas and then where are we? if you're the mother of a young son who enlists to fight isis and you move that child and in 10 years there's another isis and another jihadist. >> so do nothing you're saying?
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>> i'm not saying do nothing because i don't think it's that simple. it doesn't call for a treat and i've never said that. the problem is it's so complex and difficult that if we get emotional about it that's when so many people die and we only add -- >> the emotions can be what they want but they just took the life of a jordanian pilot. we were trying to confirm exactly -- >> then where is jordan? where is jordan as an ally? we said this yesterday off the air. we don't have those same objectives. >> we are a capitalistic nation and one of the solutions would be a mercinary force paid for by many many nations which would put the onus on those individuals to say i'm raising my hand and to go over there because i care. >> let's go on. we'll come back as we learn more about the situation. right now at the white house, the president is meeting with a grup of people who say that obamacare has helped their
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>> welcome back to "out numbered." a big day for obamacare. house lawmakers are voting to fully repeal the health care law. president obama already threatening to veto it but it's a first chance for newly elected members to show where they stand on the issue. in the meantime mr. obama is meeting with 10 americans at the white house, all of whom wrote him letters about how they benefitted from the affordable care act. i think he's going to leave out the fact that was printed in the "new york times" in november that people are in the plan that buy it on the a.c.a. website can look for an increase of 20% this
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year versus back when he was out campaigning for it. let's stick to the numbers. back then he toll the "new york times," quote, make no mistake, premiums will go down. you could see as much as $2,500 in savings. now they're admitting they're going up this year. this is a tough one for republicans to win. where do they go from here? >> he's using the same malarkey on the deficit. and it's the same thing with obamacare. all these things the president promises economically, they evaporate. he's so bad with economics, heartless when it comes to health care. he's made -- he dropped a turd bomb in the middle of the health care system in the country that's exploded and people are covering in something they cannot get away from. i'm surprised he found 10 people. i think he paid them. >> i think there are -- the one group this has helped is the group of the population that was
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not covered. if they had been honest and said we're going to charge everyone more to cover these folks who have no health insurance, maybe as a group we should have been -- >> bull. we knew that was the goal though. otherwise, they wouldn't be levying fines against people who weren't signing up. they knew they needed younger people to sign up so that they would need the kind of health care the other people would need. >> where do republicans go from here? they go on as if they were going to repeal it. that feels like a loser. you're falling into the trap. >> there's a talking point. a lot of people want it repealed repealed. the speaker is giving new members cover so they can go back to their districts and say i you voted me in to repeal obamacare. i put that aye vote next to my name. it's a non starter, though. the real way to do it is the courts and to watch what happens in the supreme court with those subsidies and people who are getting subsidies are also some of the people who actually like obamacare because remember
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they're getting some government money. it's the people whose premiums have gone up. it's a lot of people who have lost their doctor, who can't keep their coverage like the white house said and do you know what i almost think? they need to let the people take the bad medicine. they really do in order for the public -- >> i think you're right. the republicans should wait for the courts and then ask. >> i would repeal it obviously. that's my opinion. but i think what you put in its place is increased competition between insurance companies across state lines, let insurance companies get very creative. we're only going to cover 18 to 30-year-olds for a very low price. we're going to take very healthy adults and offer them low cost health insurance. if you want to spend down to the poverty level because you didn't buy insurance, that's your right. you can't mandate individually anything and these 10 people, i wish the president would stop running the government like a talk show. i had a talk show. we get 10 people bring them in. >> you get 10 people to say anything and we're looking at new york right now, the latest thing is the governor has asked
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to slap a $25 fee on everyone who buys insurance in order to pay for the exchange just another way that we're all paying more to support this plan that we were told would cost less. >> i didn't even have to shoosh you. earlier we showed you some of what kentucky senator rand paul thinks about measles and the vaccination controversy. in the same interview, he stirred up more controversy of a different kind. is it ever okay to shush a woman? watch. >> senator, i'm sure you know that most of the research on this indicates these actually cost more money over the long term than they save. >> that's incorrect. that's -- let's go back again. your premise and your question is mistaken. okay? >> all right. but if it were -- >> hey. hey. let me finish that. hey. hey. shhh. shhhh. calm down a bit here, kelly. let me answer the question.
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>> everybody is talking about this clip today. it's such a hot topic. kennedy, shushing a woman, telling her to relax, all of those things? >> i've been shushed more times than a baby. i think if your interview subject feels like they're being -- i've never been accused of that ever. not even once. okay. maybe 700 times. i think that's fair game. with senator paul, one of the criticisms that the press has for him is he gets a little defensive. i don't like the sexism that you can't shush a woman. >> this is my thing. i didn't like her response. if that had been my show i would have said sit down right now. clip his mike. this interview is over. i do not get shushed on my own show. she laughed and took it. what was that? i would have thrown him off my show at that second. done. >> what is it that you find so offensive? and let me say it again. come on. it's killing me.
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>> i want to ask you specifically, harris, because you run the fox report you've done so many interviews -- >> i've had some tough ones. >> tell me how you would have handled it. >> i double down with it. >> have you ever dealt with it? >> yeah. you double down. why don't you want to answer it? let's get into it right now. by the way i'm not going to shush. >> i have the same response with barney frank. we did an exchange like that where he was saying that i had an agenda and this and that and i hammered him with facts and went right back at him saying you don't like the math. here's the numbers. here's the numbers. i've also thrown people off who had been totally inappropriate and shushing me on the show if i do that i'm gone. >> i have a completely different take on this and i don't know if it relates to my gender or the fact that i'm too narcissistic. >> i would go with the latter. >> i would take it all in good humor and i think it's sort of
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playful and warm like it's almost like what you do when you're at home. shhh. >> really? >> it wouldn't bother me. it wouldn't bother me. i would not find it that dmeening to be shushed. if someone said you're an idiot wait a minute. >> once or twice but when you watch the interview, it happens repeatedly. >> have you ever shushed your wife? >> no. i never have. >> would you? >> would you shush a woman? >> i don't know if a woman or a man. >> watch the interview that we did today last year. >> that was a therapeutic intervention. >> very good. >> talking about the shushing. >> hey! shhh. real quickly, we're not talking about the substance of what he said anymore. all we're talking about is the fact he shushed the host. if he had a message to get out, he just killed it. >> what if he were a male host? >> equal gender. >> very good. that's an acceptable answer.
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>> i was joking with all of you but i agree with you. it's a respect thing for a man or a woman. you should not shush someone. >> i think it's sexy. >> the nfl season may be over but not the season for negative headlines. one nfl star is in rehab and a hall of famer is busted so why couldn't star athletes who seem to have it all stay out of trouble? the doctor here will share his insight and want more snow on the way? when folks have already been hit hard by winter's wrath, we can expect another storm. hint, it's very soon. plus the mess from yesterday's big storm thousands of flights are cancelled. travellers remain stranded at airports. we have the update next. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week
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expecting to get more details, reactions to reports that the jordanian pilot you see here captured by isis savages in december was not only murdered but as we understand it burned alive. some details coming from our own conner powell in our jerusalem bureau this hour and the state department is set to react to that and have its own confirmation. we do know there's some still photos not entirely sure how this will go but we'll bring you the news as it happens. >> all right. even though the nfl season is over the league can't seem to escape what has been a year of horrible headlines. the latest party boy quarterback johnny manzel. no more for his antics in vegas than for his plays in the field, checking into rehab. >> hall of famer and tv
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personality warren sapp busted early yesterday morning on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute and accused of assaulting two women. the nfl network terminating his contract. now, sapp has a history of legal troubles including an arrest on domestic violence the day before the super bowl five years ago. tough stuff. so here you have a guy who has left the nfl and has a hard time ever since he's been away from the league and one -- >> that's warren sapp. he's always had a hard time. >> but johnny manzel in the rookie season didn't play particularly well in the three games he started in. what is it about the league? >> you've got self destruction and potential destruction of another and those are two different topics. johnny manzel, i don't think it was breaking news he was a party boy. there's so many pictures of instagram and twitter in the last couple of months. it's almost what made him popular and risky and good for the team he was going to play
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for because they needed some publicity. >> if you're winning well. >> early on it was p.r. it was whatever. with warren sapp it's different. there were markings on this woman that she at least had minor injuries. you have to adjudicate that. it's not just that he picked up some woman la la la. that's part of the reason they let him go. this young man going to rehab i hope the best for him but you're right, the game he has to work on is between the hash marks. >> and these young men, and maybe to some extent women in professional sports but when you're looking for singular kind of talent and you ignore character, what you end up with are people who feel entitled to bring the rules, right? they feel like super heros and no doubt they're built up in that way. >> from the time they're kids really z. from the time they're kids. then add head trauma. i know it sounds like a rounding error but it's not. these people have been through
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head trauma after head trauma after head trauma. i'm not blaming it all on that. but it's something to look to. and hiring a prostitute millions of american executives do it all the time. we have to look into that law. i don't like arresting people for victimless crimes. >> specifically talking about the assault. >> t it's not fighting with the hooker in the morning over how much to pay her. it's physically. >> and there are photographs of some markings. >> very good. not good. i mean this is absolutely horrible. >> it's terrible but maybe johnny will help. >> we're going to break back in with what is breaking this hour. we're waiting for the state department to step up and speak about the brutal killing of jordanian pilot who was taken by islamic state terrorists but now we're expecting president obama to stand up to the lecturn. stay with us.
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>> this is a fox news alert. we're waiting for comments from president obama. a couple of things happened this morning. we knew he was at a gathering talking to people who had some things to say about obamacare so that was one thing we had anticipated his comments on that but now, we have the killing, the brutal killing by isis of a jordanian pilot who was taken hostage in december. his country had been negotiating, even talking prisoner swaps, whatever they could to keep him alive for his
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release, anything and everything we understand from reports on the table to try to save this young man's life. but we know now via our sources and what we're learning from still photos, that did not happen, that he has perished and did so in a brutal fashion as there were reports that chemical was put on him and he was set ablaze while he was still alive. burned alive. so now, the president set to make those comments that were standing by potentially on this. we're expecting that to happen. as we watch for this we do know that this doesn't happen in a vacuum. the conversation of how you deal with isis is very much in the forefront of america. let's watch. >> february 15 thank you very much, everybody. >> i just got word of the video that has been released.
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i don't know the details of the confirmations but should in fact, this video be authentic, it's just one more indication of the viciousness and barbaric of this organization and we'll double the vigilance and determination on the part of the global coalition to make sure they are degraded and ultimately defeated. and it also just indicates the degree to which whatever ideology they're operating off of it's bankrupt. we're here to talk about how to make people healthier and make their lives better. this organization appears only interested in death and destruction.
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thank you very much, everybody. >> all right. so the president there set to talk about the economy and obamacare but then ask a question about the brutal killing, the burning alive of a jordanian pilot who had been taken by isis and that was the president's response. within that response he talked about those savages having a bankrupt ideology and that getting some response here on the couch. i want to come out and first of all, as we learn the details, the still photographs that have been taken from the video which is some 20 minutes long he's shown and we know from our own reporting here on fox news to have a black eye and then during the course of that video, to be in a cage with some sort of chemical on him and then the savages setting him on fire. 20 minutes, 20 minutes. let's bring it back to the couch now. so that's the backdrop, this brutal killing. andrea andrea, i saw you shaking your head. it's always difficult at this time you're in a different
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setting and you're asked about the president's comments. >> disappointing yet again. the first thing he mentioned was this organization when he was talking about isis. he referred to them like he was talking about the aarp. an organization. okay? there's been a debate of wlo we call certain groups terrorist groups or not. i think he could have used harshest terms for isis. also he said we think we're going to double the efforts in the gleb -- global war on terror. and he said whatever ideology they're operating under. whatever ideology? does the president of the yat not only the ideology? is he not familiar with the ideology that compels them to burn human beings and behead them alive? >> he called it a bankrupt ideology. kennedy, is it fair for us to -- and i hear, you know, we're watching this happen in real time. the president, though, those
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were not prepared remarks, i would imagine. i assume and the state department will come out with its prepared remarks and i shouldn't say assume. i anticipate the president will have more to say on this. >> yeah. i think that's what he's trying to do is shore it up cohesively. the problem is he betrays the fact he doesn't really have a cohesive plan when it comes to radical islam. if you can't say how it is how are you going to target it and eradicate it? i think that's a huge problem and you know i don't think he does best when he's running impromptu. that's the way he really feels. >> this is the first time. all hour you agree with kennedy. why? >> because she's right when she agrees with me. i agree because this is essentially a medical moment. okay? the model that has to be applied here is a medical model. you must diagnose something in order to treat it. if you can't diagnose it and say what it is you can't possibly
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defeat it. and then you need a plan to eradicate it which you know if it's cancer which this is includes things like funding the c.i.a., like using military strikes when appropriate, like emboldening our partners the specialists around the world to make a difference. >> i think the off the cuff moments are very telling for everyone and for the president especially. i mean you remember when george w. bush stood at ground zero and people were yelling at him and he turned that moment around and he said i hear you and they hear you, too. it's those moments that say a lot and the president even comparing it to obamacare. we're here to make things better. it just -- it isn't that forceful decisive this is horrendous and we are going to go stomp it out now. he's never had that. >> part of the reason i set it up so people would understand why he's sitting around talking about the economy and isis at the same time. he got asked about this and we
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>> i want to come in to your attention for the top terrorism advisor. >> at to make public the progress the intelligence community is making on the intelligence and signal activities. and this is a process that is informed by experts in the inside and outside of the government. and what the report indicates
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the progress is. they are preserving important tools to keep us safe. and the president wants to people to take a look at the it. and he will discuss the findings of the report and discuss additional steps. this is not the first report from ppd28 as my friends in the national security report. it is the first annual report for there to be a important
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follow-through. the president places as important to hold them accountable for protecting our national security and civil liberty to the american people. and obviously there was questions raised about the people overseas. with that we'll get to your questions. and the pilot was killed by isis. and that does not. for one simple reason. the president devoted them to all of the resources we had. and particularly americans who are held hostage by issil.
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the president will devote resources to secure the relief of the citizens held against their will and that is an effort that we continue to be vigilant and the president is receiving regular updates on the progress of those. and you already know that white house officials are in close touch with families held against their will and will continue to be and our thoughts and prayers are with them as well. they are going through what is an unimaginable tragedy. and our thoughts and prayers are with them as well. >> and the president encouraged vaccinating the children. does the president thinks that elected leaders not to be
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talking? >> this is bandied about in the context of presidential politics for 2016. i will not avail myself to weigh in on the comments of other ares. and the president's views on this is clear. he will repeat his urgent guidance and that parents in the country have a responsibility to get their kids vaccinated against the measles and the reason for that failing to do so puts at risk children who can't be vaccinated until they are 12 months old and puts at risk children with compromised immune systems. the parents will have a responsibility not only for their own kids, but the kids in their community. >> the press secretary weighing in on the big stories of the day. and the biggest
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