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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 3, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST

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o be talking? >> this is bandied about in the context of presidential politics for 2016. i will not avail myself to weigh in on the comments of other ares. and the president's views on this is clear. he will repeat his urgent guidance and that parents in the country have a responsibility to get their kids vaccinated against the measles and the reason for that failing to do so puts at risk children who can't be vaccinated until they are 12 months old and puts at risk children with compromised immune systems. the parents will have a responsibility not only for their own kids, but the kids in their community. >> the press secretary weighing in on the big stories of the day. and the biggest and breaking
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news handled in fox news over the last hour is the reported death of the jordian pilot apparently according to the information, we'll get to kathryn in a moment. he was brutally murdered and a new video shoes this young pilot on your children burned alive inside of a cage. this as we hear new warning about the rapid advance of isis. intelligence leaders are testifying about the greatest threats facing america. breaking news about the pilot looking to confirm it. the chief intelligence reporter is live from washington. kathryn, what can we report about the fate of the jordian
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pilot. >> reporter: at this point. cian and agencies are aware of the 22 minute video. i have seen the video in the entirity and all of the publicly available isis videos and this is by far the most highly produced and most graphic. the first 15 minutes of the video follows a standard isis propaganda format and it uses news clips of the jordian king and then in the last five minutes is purported to be the jordian pilot wearing an orange jumpsuit in it a cage. and when you look at the jumpsuit it is damp and based on the video.
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it appears he was douced in a flammable liquid possibly gasoline. and then the isis execution light the flame and do so and the video goes into slow motion and follows the flame along the ground like a fuse if you will in the cage at which point the man in the cage burns and you can hear horrific, primal screaming and he puts his hands on his head and collapses and it is a charred remainder of himself. and this is if it is possible to believe an escalation of the propaganda beyond what we have seen in the beheading of the western journalist and others. and clea designed based on the propaganda to it send
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a message to jordan and gulf nations that are in the coalition to stay out of operations in iraq and syria kathryn, i know the amazing reporting and i can tell by the tone of your voice, just what it was like to watch the video. one of the things that is going to come up as a big question is time line because of what has transpired. from the video. does it tell us anything about when possibly the video was made? this video is so highly produced it has the feel of a feature film. and there is extensive video shot of the pilot in an interview setting where he speaks under did your recess and also out on the streets if you you will. this was not a video that could
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have been together in short order. it would have taken several days. it doesn't mean the final sequence the burning alive of the pilot was not shot recently and edited or dropped in. and everything here speaks to the fact it was a multiday production. i mention that because we are waiting the transcript and the key thing to watch, is date stamps in the transcripts that lead us to believe it was finalized in the last few days. i would point out to viewers over the weekend. when the video of the japanese hostage was released, there were no references to the jordian pilot or 200 million ransom or al-qaeda suicide bomber. and all of that seemed to indicate he was executed sometime ago.
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and the evidence on its face points to the fact that it was a multiday project to do and complete. >> we had the japanese hostages and demands made by hostages. and the deaths of two japanese citizens. we are hearing the reports of the death of the jordian pilot. and josh earnest came out and talked about other american citizens held by isis today. and at the same time, there is a big hearing about the worldwide threats to us at home. what did we learn in that hearing and can you connect the dots between what is going on with capitol hill and the white house confirming the american >> the hearing, it is annual called worldwide threats and it is one of the show case hearings
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of the year. it is one of the few public assessments in this case we received from senior military intelligence officers. >> on the threats from isis or isil in the prepared testimony, law makers were told that the group is starting to resemble an al-qaeda with a number of affiliates outside of iraq and syria three in algerria and libya and egypt that isis isil is on the march. and the second headline has to do with the the taliban five. we were told that it is entirely likely that these men, at least one of them will return to the fight and there is nothing at this point in qatar that the u.s. intelligence community can
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do to prevent that. let's listen to the exchange. >> so those numbers translate of the five transferred. 1 and 5 expected to go back in the business. >> what would their roll be in protecting the 10000 u.s. troops from the 5, 1, 2, or all five. >> there is little that dia can do besides warning of the continued operations. >> to put it in simple terms. the genie is out of the battle. all the u.s. intelligence community can do is watch them. they were not consulted before the decision was made to swap the five for sergeant bergdahl. >> and a lot to watch in the breaking news.
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and we appreciate your ability. thank you very much. >> we'll turn to capitol hill. we welcome you to the second hour of "happening now". i am jenna lee. >> and i am jon scott. the irs commissioner warning that we could face a difficult tax season because of fiscal issues. the president the calling to boost his 2016 budget by billions. the washington correspondent is with us. we start with mike emmanuel. >> reporter: the irs delivered 80000 pages to the senate finance committee and 30000 pages from lois lerner. orin hatch asked them what took so long. >> this is central and relevant
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to the committee's investigation and were givenitous 20 months after the initial request. this is not the way to build trust. this raises more questions than answers. >> she has twice taken the fifth and refusing to answering questions from the the members of congress. there is great interest in her e-mail questions. the new documents are the way of honoring request from law makers. >> we are pleased to provide them in an attempt to answer questions that anybody has or documents on any matter. our cover letter are explained where the documents came from. they are not inconsistent with the earlier representations we have made. >> reporter: the justice
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department is conducting its own probe. today, the outgoing attorney general was asked if we will expect results any time soon. >> i think we will get to the the end of relatively soon. and these are matters that are under investigation for sometime. and i am satisfied with the progress of the criminal division has done and civil rights division. >> reporter: as they wait to hear who will be accountable. jon? >> mike thank you. the battle over immigration is coming to a head. the senate is taking up the house passed bill that cuts off money for the president's executive orders on immigration. republicans say they are choosing amnesty over keeping the country safe.
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here's more. >> reporter: the battle coming to a head with senate republicans intent on defunding the president's unconstitutional executive actions on immigration and trying to preserve funding for all other operations. democrats said republicans are risking national security to it apiece the right wing of the gop. this conflict under way and members heard testimony this morning from an arizona sheriff that said under the obama administration his deputies are powerless to enforce the law. he said those are charged with rape and child molestation and armed robbery and the feds would not reveal just who was released. >> i demanded the information and names and criminal history. it was refused to this date. i as a sheriff who swore an oath to protect the people of my
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county have a right to that information. >> reporter: this afternoon the senate will take up a procedural vote to block the money. it is doubtful that the republicans have 60 votes necessary. >> if you want to debate immigration, let's do it. you have the majority in the house and senate to call a immigration bill and initiate that debate. but not play politics with the department of the homeland security. >> reporter: republicans say the democrats are playing politics. >> the american people understand that congress is not shutting down the government. not shutting down homeland security. our democratic colleagues are refusing to pass the legislation to fund homeland security. >> reporter: that senate
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cloture vote is set for 2:30 this afternoon. we'll be watching. >> thank you. >> within the last hour or so the isis terror group sunk to a new low in moral depravity. setting on fire the jordanian pilot that was held captive by them and can burning him alive. we'll talk about the ramifications of this video with bob can you sack. and walid ph a ris. and peter brooks. that's ahead. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®.
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isis. they soaked him in a flammable liquid and lit a long liquid trail of fuse and roasted him alive in a jail cell or cage. we have been waiting to hear from reaction from the white house. we have limited reaction from the president and from his spokesman josh earnest in a daily briefing just now. we'll bring in bob kusack. the terms they are using. president obama said one more indication of the viciousness and barbaric organization. josh earnest said depraved ideology of the group. >> they are not using words terrorism. is anything going to change that approach from the white house.
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they have resisted using the word "islamic terrorism" and as we are seeing the barbaric videos. that is weighing in the consciousness of the american people. and remember the president is about to send a war authorization against isis. and so what will that include and what will the language enclude. that has to pass the house and senate. and if the president has language in there not to use ground troops, republicans will ball at that. that is big picture stuff. >> is this man, roasting a man alive in a jail cell, will it
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change the approach of the administration or raise in calls for washington for a response against isis? >> they know that. they are in the business of shocking and certainly the videos are getting more shocking and that has an affect on the american people and politicians and people in the pentagon. and i do think that the white house policy will be affected on it. whether they reverse the position that remains to be scene. and this has to be stopped as fox is reporting and it is spreading in other countries now and this is not an issue to go away any time soon. and some republicans on capitol hill said you have to use ground troops to take these guys on.
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>> is it too embarrassing for the president who won the office by promising to get troops out of iraq and maintained he ended with honor. and simply a bridge too far for him to put troops back in? it is tough because he ended two words. and in the reelection bid. he can make the chase case. but the white house could make the case to step up our efforts and that is a hard sell with some on the left. >> this video might change their minds. >> and so politics and facts as we know them today and the
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solution. and we are going to talk about next. this act by isis is a game changer and find csg$ "f-jm r֖h$xf irixyb
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>> a report of a jordanian pilot brutally murdered by the terrorist. he was burned alive inside of a cage. and now jordan confirmed the capture pilot was killed and vowing revenge of his murder. king abdullah is actually here in the united states and we are waiting to hear if that meeting
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will take place. joining me on the phone is fox news and analyst walid ferris. and walid, you say this is a game changer, why >> because the brutal killing by burning of a prisoner of war, the lieutenant, means that the norms of war do not apply. usually you don't kill prisoners or in front of a camera and you don't burn them. jordan, the other arab sunni moderate looks at this as a breach of international law. they have to change the strategy. and that's why i presume it will be a game changer. beyond that, it is going to be
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a serious notice that isis can use brutal methods. >> i am struck by the news. we are talking about the 70th liberation of the anniversary of a uswtitz. and yet there was a hesitancy to get involved in that part of the world in world war ii and here, we have something that shoes in one light a burning to death that the world can see. and the people who are doing it don't face that much. what is the solution here? >> if we don't up our game and if the international community doesn't up the game against isis this will be the new
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normal. they have operated with general impunity and a method to the terrible maddance. and cause fear in us and footings with countries such as japan and jordan and the united states and others. they are looking for more foot soldiers and followers for people to follow-upped them. you don't up the game evil will prevail. >> let's be specific walid. how do we up our game now? >> first of all, i agree with my friend peter that the goal they had to instill fear. they made a mistake. if you push somebody to the the corner, we are not taking any prisoners they are saying to the world which is prompting now. first arab countries with border ares with isis.
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jordan and turkey and others. they have to it revise the strategies. the problem is the american leadership. we need to change our policy here and move from containing to destroying isis. this is something that the president needs to examine. >> if you destroy isis you help assad and then iran and iran is the biggest enemy. and that is following the bouncing ball in foreign policy. for a while we will not go against isis too much. >> you bring up a point. it is not easy stuff you have to decide what the greatest threat and evil is at this time and puts the spotlight we don't have a syria policy. we don't have a syria policy and it is that way for years now and the administration has fallen
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down. if this had been dealt with, we might not have isis. and i would say with the super bowl in the rearview mirror. we have an air game and we need a ground game. we need to work with the international community to put together a game plan and take out the terrorist organization. they are spreading, too. they are in pakistan and tribal areas and afghanistan and libia. and this is a violent islamist movement to deal with now. otherwise the price is going to be high. >> it is chilling to think about how the price could be raised more and under scoring the point and remember that american citizens are held by isis today. we know that is a fact. peter, it is nice to have your perspective as well. >> just within the last few days, there was talk of a prisoner exchange involving
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the jordan pilot that was burned alive by the isis terrorist group when did the event take úq some think he may have been killed weeks ago and his death only released today as an embarrassment to jordan king who is cutting short his visit to the united states to respond to the barbarrism.
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>> fox news alert. the cian is working to confirm the auththennisitty. the young jordian pilot captured bite terrorist burned alive in a cage. and the questions though when did all of this take place. connor powell has more. officials believe that it is the death of the pilot. they believed he was killed january 3rdrd. this is not a recent video. there are reasons in the video. it is more than 20 minutes long and very very sophisticated and
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lots of shot sequences and graphics and they are are hall mashes of things that don't happen in a day or two. it was a well produced sophisticated video that indicate it was done over a long period of time. they believe he was killed on january 3rdrd. and that would be two weeks after his plane crashed in syria and they are not saying they have known he was dead for basically a month or so. but saying he was killed on january 3rd and raising the questions of whether or not they knew he was dead or not and hopes that a deal to swap out an al-qaeda militant held in jordan was in the works and right now officials are confirming he was killed and it is highly produced and you can see him in different
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places. you can see him in an orange jumpsuit and appears to be covered in a liquid and set aflame. it is graphic and a brutal video much like what we saw in isis in previous videos. >> and jordan, we understand he will cut that video short and this was released today to maximize the embarrassment to king abdullah. >> what was the reaction to the king on the ground in jordan? >> the people who run the government said that isis will pay for this. and it is more complicated in jordan. and he comes from a powerful tribe and it is important to remember that there is a lot in jordan think that king abdullah follows america and it is america's war against the group
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and things like that. and so it is not clear that jordanians are going to rally and follow the king in expanding the war against isis along with the united states. it is a complicated issue in jordan and there is a support for the king and this could king against the king and it is a bit premature to say that, john. >> conner, thank you. >> the measle's outbreak. the centers for disease control saying there are 102 cases in 14 upon states in the united states. and there are concerns about a real outbreak here. there is josh earnest fielding the questions about the president's stance on vaccinations. and it is one of the topics in
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the briefing. he said vaccinations keeps our children safe. >> joining me is the editor of fox medical a team. we have our doctor who is a specialist with the university hospital rainbows and babies hospital. let me ask you about the threat of a concern and outbreak. we have a classroom of 29 kids vaccinated and hopefully products one that is not. are we at a tipping point >> i think we are getting closer every year and look at the state of california. 18000 kids that chose not to be vaccinated by their parents for a multitude of reasons. if the numbers increase what you said is right. we had over 600 cases of measles
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in the the u.s. and we anyhow in 2000 it was eradicated. and so this is something that this whole debate. and i hate the word of debate of vaccination safety has to get off the table. you are using the word a threat of an outbreak. no one has died yet. and these are diseases that come back and eventually worked up against it. talk to us about that. >> you know, the answers it is a numbers game. what is the number? 90 percent. we need 90 percent of the people to be vaccinated in order to be sure that we will not have an outbreak. we have been in a measle's free society 15 or 20 years.
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and that doesn't mean the measle's is gone. it is all around the world and in the society where people are traveling to and fro we are bombarded by measles and the the shield that keeps our country safe is the vaccination program that we have here and insure that the children and the adolescents and adults remain vaccinated and by doing so it prevents a foot hold in the country and dropped our numbers. we have seen thousands and thousands of cases if we didn't have such a strong policy. >> we the vaccination program. and we are cutting short on our breaking news. to your point we talk about the debate on vaccinations. there are two extremes. you have to vacs beinate against those. and parents want to do right by their kids and have concerns
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notes inially autism but allergic vaccination. and what about that. is that a time to reflect on the vaccination programs and evaluate them and get better education, what do you think? >> you have two politicians. governor christie who said it is a choice. and rand paul said it should be voluntarily. that debate doesn't help. in the end of the day all physicians agree that vaccination is a must and saves lives and saves children and good for our country like the doctor said. >> your final thoughts? >> the answer is what i tell my parents. if you are worried about the vaccination and health of your child, best way to protect your child from the measles, take the measles vaccine. >> thank you very much. >> bye-bye. >> and there is a major lawsuit
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launched over products in your medicine cabinet. biggest retailers are in the center of the probe and herbal supplements and our legal panel weighs in next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save.
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>> first of its kind lawsuit targeting herbal supplements found in big name retailers. the new york state attorney general accuses target. gnc, walgreens and walmart of selling dangerous supplements. the official said the supplements do not include the herbs that are posted on the labels. we'll take it up with doug burns and a lysse wheels the fox news legal analyst. these are products that it a lot of people like to take? >> i have taken some of them.
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>> ginsing and for example. >> it is just found at local walmart. >> it had fillers like peanuts and rice and powdered vegetables. >> here's the thing, at the best these things are not going to it hurt you. but at the worst people with a leshlgy to peanuts. that could kill somebody and not only do they not tell you the good stuff is not in there but they put bad stuff and don't tell you that. >> one brand of ginsing physical endurance and vitality. contained powdered garlic and rice. >> not necessarily bad for you, but as she said on one hand eating freeze drivewayed radishes and other vegetables
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and if you are allergic and people are to peanuts that is a source matter. these supplements are not regulated to the degree that prescription drugs are. >> the fda doesn't look at them. >> they should be. and that doesn't mean because they are not regulated you can't put it on the label. >> and second part of the store tore is one particular senator i will not name, he's been involved to a great extent in seeing that it doesn't get the same fda treatment as prescriptions and lobbyist have lobbied him. >> forget about the stuff, you are paying for ginsing. you can buy powdered rice somewhere else for $0.15. >> no, no. and this is what is going to happen. the attorney general will go to
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the manufacturers what did you know and when? they are going to e-mail and correspondent and the pharmacist they are going to try to show fraud. >> and one professor said they did a dna testing which seems sophisticated and he said it is errorous. and over all. i seriously doubt, they might have caught them misilabling. >> and the the herbal system runs on the honor code. who is to say, does walgreens or walmart are they responsible to check. and if they go to a supplier and hey, we'll sell you. >> a good point. >> sen million paulets of gining. if you are walmart and told and no hanky pafrngy going on.
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i think they have less liability there. >> no one at walmart is opening it and testing it. they it are getting it sealed up and selling it. that is a great point in terms of their defense. you do know about wall maurt and people are starting too buy this stuff now. >> this stuff is going to be taken off the market at some of these chains, even though it is a new york state action at this point. the cdc study raising new concerns for parents about the risk of second hand smoke.
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new information about the risks of secondhand smoke, the centers for disease control says tens of millions of americans are still being exposeded. dr. siegel is here with more. >> though secondhand smoke exposure has been cut in half since 1999 morn a million americans are still at risk. more than a quarter of those exposed to the dangerous fumes are children. >> there's currently about 58 million americans, including 15 million children who continue to be exposed to second hand smoke. >> the cdc says there's no safe amount of secondhand smoke children can develop acute bronchitis asthma, ear infections or even sudden infant
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death syndrome from it. they're also able to model their appearance. chief of pull monology of children's hospital of chicago has many years of experience treating sick children who are victims of second hand smoke, she teaches families ways to major come the problem. she shared an emotional experience with me that she had caring for one child with cystic fibrosis and his grandfather who was unwittingly subjecting him to cigarette smoke. >> i said to him, well i know that you know that your smoking affects your health, but did you know that it affects your grandson's health? and he was not aware of that, and as soon as he learned of it he made a commitment to quit smoking and he's been smoke free for over 10 years. >> the cdc report suggests more
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laws to prohibit smoking in public places and multiunit housing homesmoke free homes and vehicles are critical to protect nonsmokers. more happening now after the break, but college students listening up, fox news is looking for a fair and balanced news package won by you. the winner of a college challenge gets a $10,000 scholarship, you can work individually or in teams up up to four and you get to choose the top eck. the deadline is the 9th of march.
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killing the jordanian pilot, we'll tell you about that, and who isn't weighing in on the vaccination debate? we have got reaction from the white house. the real story starts right now. we start out with a fox news alert, we are just learning what appears to be the terrible efate of the jordanian pilot captured by isis. a new video purportedly from that terror group shows the pilot being burned alive as he stands in an orange jump suit and in a cage. all of this coming in as u.s. intelligence experts are gathered on capitol hill today for their annual worldwide threats congressional hearing and that focuses on the growing concerns over terror groups. our chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has been following the develo


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