tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 3, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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by killing two two prisoners including a woman they have been holding prisoner that was part of isis. set your dvr tomorrow night. >> it is unspeakable isis beheads hostages put their receivered heads on poles now, the world has seen radical islamic terrorism firsthand a stark reminder of the he fence of terror ideology that declared war on the west and on us now, we're told jordanian authorities put this convicted terrorist and another to death minutes ago.
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they did warn if harm came to their pilot she could be sympathizer. her suicide did not go off in 2005 the bombing in a radisson hotel that killed three people. she, hanged with another. jordan striking back just hours after that online video. appeared to show that coop toured pilot burning to death. you see him there moments before that happened he's a 26-year-old lieutenant captured in december, his plane crashed on christmas eve. that happened at f 16 crash in syria, the capitol of isis's self styled kalife. he was the first pilot of the u.s. led coalition to be captured and news of his burning to death in that cage just days after isis showed the beheading of a japanese journalist.
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now, we're told negotiations were in vain and a farce. however, they did not deliver any proof he was alive because he was not. jordan acting quickly executing the prisoner. how important is this death to isis? it is now just after 6:00 a.m in jordan. 11:02 in eastern time here in america. we he'sa your reaction to jordan acting so quickly against radical islamic terrorism? >> good evening. this is a great act by the jordanian military, the king
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moving very quickly to retaliate and act upon what they said they would do. they did not consult the coalitions and look around for global approval. they went ahead and took action. other argument is that will deaths now deter the brutal savages only motivated by death or martyrdom? will this be the solution to now going and retaliating in this fashion? probably not this, is one way to stand up and show terrorists when threats are then countered with threats that people actually go through with them. >> they may do that you know what is going to happen. tomorrow they're going to call her a martyr. a hero. saying she was sacrificed for better good of radical islamic
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terror to try to get more recruits what. do we do when they do that? how do we defeat this ideology? >> to have only one aspect of a multi pronged approach to defeating global terrorism. and again, we don't want this only to be the face of now, you know terrorist only isis and in syria, and only in iraq. over the weekend our administration was talking about not including the taliban. we should learn a hint from the jordanian government who so bravely went ahead and took matters into their own hands, they're pentagon spokesperson said isis is not as agile as they once wshg as if they're trying out for a tennis squad or something. it's not just against the u.s. but the rest of the world and one equation with them or with
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us you want freedom or death. and we have to catch up with that. the timing of the release of the video while we're so busy celebrating and calling it a victory in koban. the kurdish fighters there able to contain isis from going forward and regaining control. that is very true but not where -- such a small victory. secretary kerry going around orn the weekend programs talking about this victory. isis wanted to show us they still have control. they released this video now, as a victory lap to themselves >> you mentioned kabani. it is a victory. taken back. isis promises to try to retake that town but 75% of the air strikes occurred since august have been around kobani. so what do we do? >> we have to look at this as a
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much-larger problem than it is. again, not isolated syria and iraq. not just isolated to isis. the way they're moving about in syria and iraq. as we know it's flexible and moves they recruit people, they're here in the u.s. and they get tentacles on young people. >> it is unbelievable. it is stunning and so offensive, repulsive. it is sickening. just think about this just a moment. we're on television. people in america are at home, relaxing and basically safe. we're in a civilized society. we have advanced surgical advances we sent a man to the moon. you know? the pilot. very sophisticated highly educated through that f 16 think of the airplane and what brought him down? a stick with a rag by a lighter
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according to that video. lit, by nasty goon then lit it on dirt with a trail of i suppose, gasoline. worse than a caged animal. seeing the flame come toward him and engulf his body as that crowd according to sound affects cheered on. what have we come to? how did we get here? when you have people like this who do this? i mean during the vietnam war, during nazi period, there are war prisoners when the bulldozer put concrete on top of the cage and flattened it. i bet those are some of the remains of the buildings that had been bombed by dole cole yigss how do you deal with that ideology that did something as heinous as this? >> it's so horrific.
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you look at this pact for france and now, a pilot. you know what? we're going to forget in a few days the big come back and inconvenient fact those who still remain against the reality, that these horrific images to the fact to what we're watching and witnessing go on and not just by isis syria, and iraq but by taliban in afghanistan and pakistan, by al qaeda in yemen and qatar and different parts. this is a global war. we don't want to call it that. it's not part of the politics. we're not -- we're not antireality. we're all american. we have to catch up with the
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truth because the trunl is catching up with us. >> radical terrorism hit 25 years ago with the shooting in a lexington hotel. they were here. we didn't know it. they're a part of a cell led by the blind sheik and his co-horts went on to bomb the he world trade center. lisa, thank you. walid ferris joins us now. king abdullah has taken quick action. >> jordan's king and his government cannot respond. equation in the region is this. if he would have not responded this is in the beginning in my expanding and isis would have done more. there is another act, the issue here we cannot be clear yet. there are about 1800 jordanians
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who are part of isis. they're deployed in syria and iraq. those returning to jordan will wreck havoc. jordanians under a full fled mobile mobilezation. these acts are a signal jordan is going to resist. this follows what happens in egypt. >> we're out of time for the moment. we have the breaking news tonight that two terrorists have been put to death in response to the horrible burning of a jordanian pilot i'm eric shawn we'll cover this throughout the night. are you still getting heartburn flare-ups? time for a new routine. try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection.
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yesterday on laura ingraham's radio program he said this about the measles vaccine. >> i'm not anti-vaccine at all but particularly most of them ought to be voluntary and, you know, what happens if you have somebody not wanting to take the small post office box vaccine and it ruins it for everybody else. i think there are times when there can be some rules but for the most part it ought to be voluntary. that's not unusual for me disagreeing with mr. paul. is he naive when it comes to the war on terror and iran. >> do you think the united states could live with a nuclear armed iran? >> i think it's a mistake for them to get nuclear weapons. >> clearly everybody agrees with that but if they cross the threshold, is it something we could live with? could we contain it? >> i think it's not a good idea to announce that in advance. >> senator paul has been on
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the factor three times with me. once with laura ingraham. a total of four. apparently he did not enjoy the experiences. his spokesman sergio gore says he is now unavailable to us. here now from charlottesville, dr. larry sabato teaches politics at the university of virginia. all right. how do you assess the senator's chances to win the republican nomination, doctor? >> believe it or not, bill even though is he doing well in the polls right now, i don't think he has a very good chance at all of being the nominee. in fact, on thursday my crystal ball is lowering his chances. and the reasonable we are doing that is because while he is okay, while the republicans have a fractured field of many many candidates it's difficult to imagine the internationalist party, the more hawkish party going with a candidate is who a bit more dubbish, a bit more isolationist and the republicans also are not terribly libertarian and senator paul leans in that
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direction. >> every time isis commits another atrocity as they did today, burning alive the jordanian pilot, senator paul loses traction because he has no plan to defeat the jihad. and he comes across maybe he is not that way but comes across as kind of let them do what they want to do as long as they are not in the u.s.a. >> yeah, and there are a lot of candidates in the republican field who will use paul for target practice during the primaries and the caucuses. most of the republicans almost all of the current republican candidates or likely candidates have very different views than senator paul on foreign affairs and naturally, we're going to hear about that. >> senator paul did something very interesting after the "boston globe" article which recovered last night on jeb bush which said that the former governor of florida smoked a lot of pot when he was a high school kid. paul immediately took that and went out and said well, jeb bush is a hypocrite because he doesn't support
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legalization of marijuana now. i thought that was a cheap shot. what do you think? >> i think it's always a cheap shot when you go back to candidates in their teens and extrapolate any kind of point from something they did when they were 17, 18, 19, whatever the case may be. look again, senator paul has an interesting perspective on marijuana but he may be in the wrong party for it. that fits more with the democrats than the republicans. >> what about his father who has become increasingly i don't know radical a right word? ron paul? does that hurt his son? >> >> it does. rand paul gains from ron paul's notoriety and donation list and list of volunteers and the rest of it, but he loses in a way because ron paul the father, has the image of
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being more extreme. even a bit kooky on some things. rand paul is more mainstream. is he more practical, and he is doing one smart thing, bill, which is to go out and appeal to groups that republicans normally don't appear before. that's a good thing. i do think on the whole ron paul hurts rand paul. >> the younger republicans like senator paul, right? they are the ones that form his base of operations now, the younger voters? >> yeah that was true for ron paul as well. you see where it got him. you know, it gets you a consistent 10, 15, 20%, can you win some caucuses but broad base primaries no. >> all right. doctor, as always, we appreciate it directly ahead, john stossel the lib baron stossel on the rand paul situation and republican party in general. then, later on, we will compare nbc super bowl interview with president obama to might chat with him last year. factor is coming right back.
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get to our pal john who anchors program on wednesday evenings. rand paul ducking the factor. you don't duck the factor. you show up. what's the matter with him. >> i'm not running for office. >> it doesn't matter. he should want to be on the largest cable audience in the history of mankind. >> i agree. i think he should do the show. but on the other hand you are an obnoxious guys who barely let's libertarians get a word in. >> you don't get a word in. >> i get a few words in. >> you get a lot of words in. >> call me a loan. >> when did i sneer? do you know? try to keep a neutral face. >> almost every time i'm on your show. >> wait a minute, give me a closeup on stossel.
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give me a sneer look. >> you are ridiculous. >> when is the last time i said that to you. >> i don't know. >> the jury just heard you make the accusation and then say you don't know. the jury just said look, he is not buying it. >> of course you can't come in with an accusation unless you can back it up. so you think that senator paul doesn't want to be sneered at and you think i wouldn't give him his say. is that what you are putting forth? >> i can't read his mind. i don't -- maybe. >> maybe? >> i bet he eventually will come on the show. >> i don't think so. not after tonight. but, wouldn't -- if he had a better argument than i did, particularly on isis now i'm really angry about the isis stuff. you know what happened today, right? >> yes. >> i think enough's enough. we have reached critical mass. but then i would say to senator paul what is your plan to defeat isis do you
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think i would get an answer? because he is never ever ever defined anything about defeating the jihad in his whole life. >> i assume he would say something like i don't know what to do and it's better than your plan, which is a bad plan. >> okay. so then it would be i don't know what to do against o'reilly's plan to root them out? >> you are so confident, conceded, you want to bomb this guy and bomb this guy and have mandatory jail sentences for this problem and that problem. i like that rand paul says the state does not have the answer in the case of the vaccines, the state does not own your children. he recognizes. >> we will get to the vaccine in a minute. as soonisn't it irresponsible, stossel, for a presidential candidate to come before the american people and say "i don't know what to do about isis." >> you are not far off. >> nobody really knows what to do. >> i know what to do, all right? i put forth -- >> -- that's the problem. i don't want a president who
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says i know what to do. this is the fatal conceit. >> no, it's not. because you put forth what you think should be done and then the american people say, yes or no. but if you are going to run for president and you don't have any plan to defeat isis, al qaeda, boko haram and the rest of those homicidal maniacs if you have no plan that's irresponsible. stop wasting my time. >> our past you a thorn tarren plans to go into vietnam, iraq twice, afghanistan, how has that worked out? >> okay. how did world war ii work out when we defeated the nazis and the japanese. >> last success 60 years ago. >> no, no, no. that's not true. we blunted communism all over the world. in south korea they are free. north korea couldn't take them over and they tried. okay, castro couldn't get a shoe horn in the caribbean, we stopped that so don't give me any of this. >> some wars are worthwhile. >> i agree with that. >> most of our wars have killed lots of americans and created new enemies. before saddam hussein left
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isis wasn't the way it is now. >> okay, final. but it is the way it is now and you can't have a presidential contender going bl bl bl bl. >> rand paul isn't doing that. >> no, he has nothing. he has nothing. >> he said we should bomb isis if we have intelligence. >> bomb isis? >> doing that how is that working out? >> well what's your plan? >> well then you have got to go to bill o' and read it i'm not going to explain it to you. see, you should know my plan. if you are going to come on and say i'm a warmonger. >> fair enough, fair criticism. >> get stossel out of here. i'm not going to sneer. we have a bill o' poll asking you to select one republican hope that you would like to see win the presidency. so far the results are very edifying interesting, whatever word you want to use. we will give you the final tally on friday and we hope you vote. plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. the daughter of whitney houston died partially from using too many drugs may have imitated her mother's condition. is it legal is
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of that organization. i will give you 30 seconds to defend the organization. go. >> first be clear. we didn't physically assault anybody. they were plastic handcuffs. we were careful not to touch henry kissinger or anyone else there this is using our first amendment right to free speech. the o'reilly factor should applaud people care enough to get up there and do this kind of thing. >> it depends how you do it. george schultz's wife says one of your people bumped into her that's what she says. >> no. >> how do you know there were a lot of people. >> there we are peace activists we don't hit people and create wars. >> chris jerry has a broken shoulder, is he 9 is years old. you might have picked another target. i know you don't like kissinger and the crew. he is 91 with a bad shoulder. i wouldn't have done it if i were you. i'm glad you are on so we can talk about something substantive. you heard today isis burned
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jordanian pilot to death. i am sure you heard they massacred and slaughtered people. code pink, what's your group's assessment how would you stop all these murders from isis? >> we think that the u.s. invasion of iraq that john mccain was such a supporter of, actually opened the way to the creation of isis. >> that doesn't really matter now. >> it does matter now, because it shows the history the u.s. military intervention only creates more extremism. we have allies like saudi arabia that are funding the extremists, we have allies like turkey that are letting the extremists cross the border that are sending weapons. in we should get our allies like the turks and saudis to stop the recruits, stop the funding, and stop the weapons. >> okay. so you are saying that the code pink strategy you want
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to stop isis. you want to stop them? >> because we are peace people we want to stop them. we want to stop all violence, that's what we are about. we are about living at peace in the world. >> they're leading the league in violence. you want to stop them but your strategy code pink turkey in saudi arabia to do it. >> no. it's to get all of the allies together to say how can we stop the recruits. how can we stop the money and how can we stop the weapons? >> that's a bit theoretical isn't it? support the groups in the country. >> a little theoretical. >> it's terrible but u.s. intervention is making it worse because we have seen what intervention -- let's look what intervention has done. >> madea, you have got a human being set on fire today, all right? >> you supported the intervention in libya you supported intervention in yemen. all of those have actually made isis stronger the taliban stronger, al qaeda stronger. boko haram, they are all stronger because of intervention. >> okay. i don't buy any of that but
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your philosophy today, after the man was burned to death, the japanese guys are beheaded, the americans were beheaded your philosophy today, code pink, says get turkey saudi arabia and other allies, we all get into a big room and figure out how to stop the recruiting? that's your solution or i do have it wrong. >> i said the recruiting, the funding, the weapons, the sale of oil all of that. >> how long do you think that would take? >> to stop. the ones who can do the best work are actually are our great friends the saudis. it's their extremist with a hab buy ideology that is the basis. >> we depend on the saudis to defeat isis and al qaeda and the taliban. they are the ones that ought to do it? >> i think the best thing we could do is get our allies to stop funding them. that would be the number one thing to do. >> okay. it's a ladder hard madea since the funding goes all over the place. all right. but, look i'm glad you came on and we always want to hear what you have to say
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thanks madea. >> thanks for having me on. >> when we come right back daughter of whitney houston critical condition. did she mimic her late mother's drug abuse. is it legal with the story [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. to unlock the possibilities of tomorrow......"lift tab." behold the beauty of balance. crisp flakes of fiber-rich bran. answered by the perfect quantity of sun sweetened raisins. and with the sublime addition of ice-cold milk, the day begins. ♪sun'll come out, tomorrow♪ tomorrow is waiting. own it, with kellogg's® raisin bran
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christina bobby brown hospitalized in a coma. >> her cousin tells us she is breathing with a help of a ventilator. >> she has been hit with a couple bolts of lightning she keeps getting fighting the good fight. >> spoke with axis hollywood monday. pretty much had to be put in the coma so the brain would stop swelling only child of whitney houston unconfirmed reports that drugs were found in her home. joining us now is kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. drug addict every paper. pictures of her stoned all over the place. her daughter was exposed to that from a very young age. what are are the laws in america about using drugs or being under the influence of drugs felony to expose to illegal drugs. 47 states also then don't make it a felony for just
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exposure they incorporate that for their child. only three states including knowledge, which by the way she was in knowledge for much of her upbringing do not have any kind of laws protecting children. >> what are the other two do you know? >> yes, vermont. >> vermont. >> big surprise and connect cut. >> vermont connecticut can and knowledge have no laws whatsoever about using laws in front of your kids. the other laws, they vary, right? there is some you can be criminally prosecuted. >> in georgia, for example you can be prosecuted. you can do up to 15 years for having meth in your house in front of your children. >> that's the strongest law across the country. methamphetamine there seems to be a real serious earnestness of the heart on behalf of legislators. >> not heroin and cocaine. >> there is a little bit of a disconnect. prosecuting methamphetamine cases very volatile environment. explosions and damage have been killed. >> i know parents who smoke marijuana in front of their kids. i mean, i just think it's so horrible. nowadays you wouldn't get the child services to come to your house if you called
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them and said so and so is smoking marijuana. >> charge of child abuse. >> even marijuana? >> then they say well you drink beer and drink wine in front of your kids and blow up the couch. >> is it legal? >> colorado and washington. >> alcohol as part of it as well. >> if you are inebriated in front jrvettle either way. >> this is a pervasive problem. i think you will pay attention to this fact 8.3 million children survey done between 2002 and 2007 were living with at least one parent with a very serious substance abuser. so imagine that kind of environment and the studies show if you are exposed to that, you know repeatedly and from a young age that you grow up then to be a substance abuser. >> worried about with ms. brown, who,and she was found in the bathtub just like her mother was. >> that's sad. >> the georgia authorities are being very, very tight-lipped about the drug thing. they won't say and they know, obviously they know by now what she had in her
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system but they will not release it all right, let's turn to oregon guilfoyle terrible, terrible situation. suburb of portland. a 48-year-old man put a camera in a 13-year-old's room girl's room and for years got away with it. >> for four years. >> madison reed. now, mccallum plea bargained down. >> he had to commit a burglary and violate the privacy laws to be able to go in and do these surreptitious recordings. the parents caught him one in a beach home and one in the private residence. imagine, four years this man spied on her in the privacy of heir own home. she is now 18 years of age. she is finally getting held accountable. he pled guilty. this is way too lenient. >> the prosecutor is accepting a two year. >> the oregon law is flawed
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here. they do not have a law saying this voyeurism, this is child porn. what they say can only be child porn if the child is actually engaged in a sexual -- >> -- if you convince the child to engage in sexual act and do it on vape. >> 30 other states have stronger laws than this. >> there is a bill to make it a felony. >> 2, 3 5 6. >> when are they going to vote on that? >> make it a crime in the future. >> we need to know when they are going to vote on it it find out we will update it next week. i said anybody who votes against the bill we will put their faces and names on the factor so everybody knows. >> make it automatic felony. >> we talked about loretta lynch before? >> the feds could. >> they could get involved and they should stiffer penalties we would like to seat feds get involved in that. >> sentencing march 10th. this guy stands to get two years and then time off and all that. >> the worst thing about this is you don't have to register as a sex offender under this. you can go back to being her neighbor.
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that's incredible. >> well, they will sue civilly. if this guy has any assets. they will have those. >> we hope the feds do get involved. thank you, ladies. >> thank you. >> interviewing president obama that's on deck. we will compare the nbc chats this year to my gentle talk with the president last year. right back with it.
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back of the book segment tonight, interviewing president obama before the super bowl, as you may know i did that last year, it was, of course, controversial as everything i do is even eating lunch. this year savanna guthrie co-host of "the today show" got the assignment. we decided to show you. so questions that ms. guthrie and i asked. >> why didn't you fire sebelius, the secretary in charge of this because i mean she had to know after all those years and all that
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money that it wasn't going to work. >> was it the biggest mistake of your presidency to tell the nation over and over if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance? >> your detractors believe that did you not tell the world it was a terror attack because your campaign didn't want that out. are you the most liberal president in the u.s. history? >> i don't know if this makes it into your presidential briefing books but have you been following deflate-gate and do you have an opinion about whether the patriots cheated? your party lost in november but you went in there with such swagger. should you have been more con conciliatory. the economy is doing better but you laid out a bunch of proposals that you know cannot get through this congress that is run by republicans. quick game of either or while football or basketball? offense or defense. wings or chips and gawk? >> now ms. guthrie broke her interview into two sessions the one that aired yesterday on "the today show" was much tougher. joining us with mary katharine ham and juan williams. what was the difference
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between the two interviews. this is the no spin zone. can i tell from you personal experience, you don't play with a deflated football you hit hard and you come at people and you call them into account for what they have done. you went in there with that expectation that you are big bill o'reilly and you come to play. i don't think she went in there i think that first part of the interview that they used during the super bowl was intended to be somewhat softer and friendlier and, you know easy going. they say that save the harder stuff for "the today show" with a smaller audience. >> okay. now i don't see anything wrong with that mary katharine in the sense that you got to decide what you're gonna do and they wanted to have. >> right. >> ms. guthrie wasn't pandering in the interview in the kitchen. i don't know why they were in the kitchen but they were. i didn't think she did a bad job, how did you see it? >> look, i don't think every question has to be deadly serious, right especially if you are doing something for the super bowl. here's the thing, president obama who does not take questions from reporters
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very often as we might have noticed does these kind of events, he does the super bowl because thinks he is going to get off the hook. he thinks there might be a greater chance he will get a pass. with you that was not the case. this is because the larger society is like hey we are having fun on super bowl let's not get into super hard politics and bum everybody out. this is his job. he needs to be held to account. it's the reporter's job no matter what the president wants and maybe what the maybe what people watching the super bowl want, to press him and get some answers. >> you didn't think miss guthrie was tough enough? >> savannah guthrie knows politics, and she knew what was going to air presumably on super bowl day. she didn't get a ton of pressing in. he's really good at not being pressed. so you have to jump in on him again and ask more questions. >> well, if i have one criticism against miss guthrie, and again, i think she did a pretty good job, based upon what the expectation was i got hammered because they said oh o'reilly you're the mean guy --
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>> you should defy that expectation. >> it's super bowl sunday and we really don't want -- i don't care. my job is to get as much information as possible. but the terrorism thing that's what i want the president to answer. because as we saw again today, with another unbelievable crime by isis and the white house reaction is, well, it's bad, and we're going to degrade them. every time people get slaughtered, and i'm saying to myself, it's not enough, that's where i would have gone. but everybody's nachos would have been spoiled. >> look, i think nbc management made a decision about what they wanted, and what the audience wanted during that super bowl, as you just said. but i do think she asked some tough questions about, are we safer now and forced him to talk about deploying troops. in fact, fox isn't playing some of the segment where he gets upset, you know, gets a little agitated with her for asking
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some hard questions. >> i know. that's why i think she did a pretty good job. but you know you've got to get to the crux of that matter. why didn't you fire sebelius. she knew she screwed up. what is your strategy? bombing isn't going to stop them. it's not going to stop them, you know? when i do an interview, as you guys both know it's more of a debate. if i don't like your answer then -- >> hey, mary catherine, have you ever noticed this from bill o'reilly? >> but to be fair to miss guthrie, she's a more traditional interviewer, you ask the question and the follow-up, but then don't say what's your opinion. i corrupted the whole interview process here. but by and large i don't think it's fair to say, even though she asked him about the wings, you can have a little fun in the kitchen -- >> it happens yes. and frankly, it doesn't -- >> and whip up some waffles right in front of him.
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that's what i would have done. tip of the day, do you have trouble sleeping? a lot of americans in fact millions of americans do, all right? i have a tip. about a song and if you play the song, you fall asleep. tip of the day. moments from now. if you take multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a common side effect. that's why there's biotene. it comes in oral rinse spray or gel so there's moisturizing relief for everyone. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. you exercise. you choose the salad. occasionally. but staying well... physically, financially, emotionally... is hard on your own. so cigna's got your back and your knees 24/7. cigna's there to answer your questions. or when you need some coaching. in sickness and in health,
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bill i deeply admired your talking points to the nazis. israel will not let iran become nuclear. that's the reality president obama must face. we will not allow another holocaust. bill, i'm sorry to say, that you and meghan are wrong when you say parents have no rights when it comes to vaccinating their children. i did not say that james. but if the cdc signs off on a vaccination for measles or other virulent diseases, school districts have a right to demand compliance in the name of public safety. you can always home school. mike from virginia beach. why not mention illegal alien children and the lack of proper health care before they invaded the usa. in what context? accusing them of spreading measles? where's the evidence of that? i operate in a fact-based world, mike. that's why we are a dominant number one in cable news, and have been for 15 years. mr. reilly, the factor loses credibility when you put the
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idiotic segment watters' opinion op. what is the minimum age for the show? five? that's about as immature as you get. we don't work blue. anyone wanting to know what's going on in the world have some knowledge. we'll link you right over to the you will like the show. san antonio, texas, bill, my wife and i just returned from a caribbean cruise. i saw scores of people reading your killing books and discussions broke out all over the ship. that's great to hear, doc. you can get it free if you go become a bill o' premium member. on ash wednesday, we'll air the movie "killing jesus" which you
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are going to like i'll bet. michael levine, los angeles, my son spencer and his best friend, both 18, both raised enough money to buy a track chair. chair cost $15,000 each. your son and his friend should know their patriotism has changed lives to the better. tip of the day. about 30% of americans have trouble sleeping at night. according to the national ips stuts of health. sometimes music helps out. so here is a song that works for me. it's called "float on" by a group called the floaters. makes sense. recorded in the mid-1970s. it runs about 12 minutes. it's great r&b mood music. they tell me you can get every song on the net now. you might want to check out "float on." in fact i'm drowsy just talking about it. that is it for us tonight.
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check out the factor website, which is different from bill o' and we want you to spout off about the factor from anywhere around the world. word of the day, we have two. as i mentioned earlier in the program. do not be invidious when writing to the factor. mad as hell at fox i think we'll revamp the mad as hell in a couple of weeks and make it even more fierce, if that's possible. but for now we want your letters. and maybe we'll read one or two of them on friday. we will definitely. miss meghan, warming up in the bull pen. always remember, the spin stops here because we are definitely looking out for you.
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jordan executing two prisoners just before dawn today. one was a convicted al qaeda terrorist on death row whose suicide vest did not go off in 2005. jordan offered to trade her for the air force pilot. the pilot held by isis. but just hours ago that horrible video surfaced purportedly released by isis appearing to show the
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