tv The Five FOX News February 4, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PST
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. i believe this was done some time ago. >> kimberly? >> they were also trying to accomplish a proof of life so they could determine in fact these executions had already occurred. nevertheless they offered up this swath of the female suicide bomber. what do you think? do you believe they will execute her? >> there are multiple sources that indicates this al queda suicide bomber. she was part of this plot in 2005. what the jordanians call their 9/11. multiple resort oh holies. where she killed 60 people. she's been moved off death row with possibly two other isis prisoners and they will be
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executed at dawn. the jordanians holding through to their statement immediately after the video that they would stand united and that they would retaliate for the murder of the pilot. >> kevin i've seen all of the prior videos. i happened not to see this one. i understand it ends differently. the beheadings you see the picture of the victim laying on their ground with their head on their back. this ends with isis -- i believe the terrorists burying the victim in rubble? >> that's correct. >> i wonder if this has any significance because this guy is muslim. >> that's a great observation. i hadn't considered that but that would be p consistent with an immediate burial. that's correct. >> i did under, correct me if i am wrong, that in the muslim faith, or in islam, you can't burn a body dead or a live or dead, so maybe -- i don't know.
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i'm trying to put all of the pieces together here. i think there's going to be a huge massive outrage in the muslim community, though. >> what i can tell you, it's clearly an escalation. as bad as decapitations were, this really goes to a whole new level. with the degree of human suffering. i can't really describe it any other way. i kept thinking when i saw the video today about the people on 9/11 who jumped from the top of the world trade center, the jumpers who decided they would rather plunge to their death than be burned alive because one of our most basic instincts is to avoid high temperatures and flames. so to take this individual and place him in a cage where there was no way out for him and to burn him alive in that manner really goes to a whole new level. >> you said something about it may have the reverse effect.
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i mean that's exact right. if eric is right. i think that is right. if they broke the muslim traditions. finally muslim countries will say enough, enough is enough. and they may join the coalition. any chance that's possible? >> it's entirely possible. i don't really want to speculate. i don't know. i think it's a very fluid situation and much will unfold in the next 12 to 24 hours if the jordanians follow through on their threat to kill the al qaeda suicide bomber. what is very clear to me, when you sort of unpack the killing of the jordanian pilot murder of these two japanese hostage, this, without question increased the risk for the handsful of remaining hostages which we under to include at least one american and also a european woman. >> i know i got to let you go. can i ask you one last question? i'm going to take the opposite position of bob and ask you this question. it could have the effect of actually hurting our efforts to
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get jordan to continue to work with us. it's one of the reasons king of jordan is going to white house to say i need more support from you if i'm going to keep my country in the position of helping the united states beat isis because the father of the pilot that was killed is part of a large tribe in join jordan who said, this is not our fight. we shouldn't be fighting the american fight. isn't it just as likely that we are going to be in a position of having to, again, find another way to fight this war? >> the readout of that meeting tonight will be especially important because you raised a very important issue dana that many people had missed which is this has sort of a tribal element to it as well. the question is whether isis may have bitten off more than it can chew by taking on the tribes as well. but they put their cars on the table. they are -- to use a cliche, they are "all in" here, and
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again when i emphasize when you look at the video it's absolutely clear that this took days to compile. this was part of a broader media strategy and they really had no intent to negotiate in goodwill for the swap of that hostage which is why jordan was so adamant about the proof of life which awe now makes sense. because for the last month the pilot has been dead and they believed that was the case. >> you can use the cliche with us any time. >> i don't want to make that list. >> it's a long list. thank you so much. katherine. >> thank you. >> we're going to keep talking about this and we want to show you -- we played sound from the "today" show interview with president obama about isis and we'll talk about that after this. >> part of our goal has to build up capacity inside of iraq so that it's not return troops on the ground. some of those famed cite is that you suggest i imagine would have
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us redeploy tens of thousand of u.s. troops. >> aren't there things you could be doing right now short of a huge presence of ground troops inside syria or iraq that would help this goal of what you say to defeat isis happen more quickly? shouldn't we be doing more? >> anything we could be doing savannah savannah, we are doing. >> do you think that's true, that anything we could be doing we are doing? >> no. not even close. the problem with creating your own restrictions whether restricting the bombings or number of troops or special forces is that what's stopping you is you. this truly is a reign of terror. you don't see raibt ofeign of terror come along. when you have an administration that announced its course like no ground troops. it's hard for your ego to admit
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perhaps you're wrong and you should change close. i know obama doesn't want to claim power for islam. they realize we've grown jaded with beheadings. we're bored. they've created something far more grotesque. if we deny them the mass media consumption. we starve this beast. if we don't show the videos that's a start. there's 40 murder the every day in the united states. if you film those they're pretty gruesome, too. right now they're happy every major network shows these videos. we are doing their pr work. as grotesque it is i don't think can will cause a ground swell among the muslim population already. i think it helps. >> if you were the king of jordan kimberly and you were going to see the president in 45 minneapolis, what would you ask limb? >> i think i would say where do you stand? >> i would demand leadership and
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say what is he in fact going to do? everybody is really tired of degrade and destroy. mr. president, come up with something else and come up with a plan because the leaders of the world are looking towards you. this is something right now that shouldn't even be a hesitation. why are we lee reluck tant. why aren't we leading by example so others feel encouraged from our position of leadership our strategy and our military which is the best in the world? this should not be allowed to continue even one more day this level of depravity. i think it's horrendous. >> if you're in the white house tonight what do you say to that? father this is not his fight. of course it's his fight. it's their fight. the fact of the matter is if you're a shiite, you have to be worried about this. you can argue whether obama is doing enough or not. that's their opinion. one thing is clear. that's that the arab community is not doing nufrp.
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and saudis is doing more than they are doing. >> what if the saudis are footing the bill for the jordanians? >> for the jordanians? >> yeah. >> they've got money in the game. >> so. look here are the numbers as of 11:00 last night. there were 2,227 air strikes total. that comes out to less than 12 a day. total. step up the air campaign. take a look at the middle east. on the north you have turkey, an ally, all right? you have iraq to the south and east. to the west you have the mediterranean sea. and then also to the south you have the saudis. you have this area surrounded. if you really wanted to it's not that big of a land mass that you could actually step up the air campaign. if you want to put boots on the ground do it. if you don't believe it, don't. there's a way to push this isis group back into syria. contain them there.
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it's pretty basic war strategy. it may grow somewhere else. may start off again. >> how about carpet balm them. if i'm a hostage i would rather be taken out by an air strike than be beheaded or on fire. >> when jordanian people are in the streets yelling they want blood, they want to kill the prisoners they have. this is the time to surround isis and just put that in -- >> that's exactly where i think they'll start to do that. >> it's seven months. >> i understand that. you know, you have to have something to bomb. do you think they like targets out there not being performed? >> they're not hiding. some people are saying that was wrong. >> they need our help on the ground. >> i'm not saying hundreds of thousand of troops. as savannah guthrie asked the president, couldn't be dwooe more asking them where to target? >> susan rice said she learned a
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. so mickey's got measles. yes there's an outbreak in disney. who contaminated critter country? parents not vaccinated their kids. getting a shot doesn't seem so urge ept anymore. the sunny disposition allow some parts to get a free ride on the already vaccinated since they're immune and jenny mccarthy and assorted quacks. you see why the weirdness is going. people who inject botox into their face reject vaxccines how
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did that happen? natural good, man-made bad. which when chris christie made a benign comment on vaccines that's careless. you take the spotlight off obama's contagious misery and put it on you. the leftist media is waiting to take its shot. innoculate yourself against them. realizing that barking vaccines is not presidential it's mickey mouse which is why rand paul looks bad and ben carson looks good. yes, i get it it's a free country but making it a quest individual liberty only works when everybody is healthy but when everybody is sick, you will wish you got priked. >> dana it's interesting to look at how the antivaccine movement
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started. it started with a disgraced study and trial lawyers. >> it's very interesting the republicans might beet target of this now given it started on the left. trial lawyers took this now defunk study scared everyone to depth, we'll sue everybody. now this is the perfect way trial lawyers work. now there's talk about bringing lawsuits against parents who didn't get their parents vaccinated that cause other parents to get sick. >> exactly. >> that doesn't answer the question. why did the republicans step moo this? >> it's bizarre. it's on the coast. educated people. like marin county california not the biggest republican district we've seen. and hillary clinton and president obama said similar things. >> yeah, they did. >> why is that bob? >> i'm not going to excuse what they said. >> because the republican presidential -- >> i would say that's the media and also stupid things said. >> i am fired up today.
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>> yeah. i like it. >> i'm only making the point, when you're running as a presidential candidate, these are the kind of issues you want to stay away from. >> in 2008. when >> patrick: r hillary clinton pandered. that was all right for her to do politically. yesterday she takes the opposite viewpoint. that's okay? >> all i'm saying if is were running a campaign like this. measles ain't the place you want to be. >> i agree with that. >> how did the issue embraced by the left now treated as a gop party line? s maybe the media is doing it, too. >> seemed like chris christie stumbled into it accidently. >> yes. he was asked the question, what are you doing here. new jersey happened to be doing business with a farmer company, a european farmer company and i tried to back and fill quite a bit. yes, agree with just about
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everything he said. what i do see happening, though is the media -- to dana's point point the finger at republicans, because they have this same argument. do vaccines work, yes or no, i think everyone would say yes. versus should they be government mandated. they push them together and say what do you say now? rand paul had his kids vaccinated but he had the issue, yes, he wants parents to have a choice, when to do it. >> he walked himself into a problem. yesterday he said, i've heard "heard" of many cases where walking, talking children wound up with profound illnesses getting a vaccine. today he said i didn't say vaccines cause disorders. but they're related. >> a doctor should not start a sentence with "i heard." he should say "studies show."
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it's not about personal liberty. it's about public safety. rand paul has been marginalized by saying this stuff and ben carson came out and said vaccines saved hundredthousand of lives. >> do you not care about children? how about about other people's children. come on, think about the impact. do you think it's a child to see a suffering from polio measles or any of these other things? my god. >> i'm not defending the "don't vax flat your kidccinate your kids" i vaccinated my son. we don't trust government for so
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many things. >> the state is enforcing it. the issue came up, should we change the law to11kf'date it. >> ault 50 states, 48 out of 50 you you can get religious exception. exception exems em exemption. when clinton and obama said it the media didn't bring up media bias. >> if you're running a campaign you say, this is what we stay away from. >> you have to take a position if you expect to be elected. >> if you're going to take a position. vaccines work. >> say dr. carsens said it works. >> that's one thing the state is saying.
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♪ gop presidential field has too many presidential candidates to name but there's one contender getting a lost attention lately, scott walker. >> we need leaders this america who understand, who ultimately understand the measure of success in government is not how many people are dependent on the government the of success in government is how many people are no logger dependent on the government. >> if we're going to take on
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names from the past which is likely to be former secretary of state, hillary clinton. ee wie need a name for the future. i wouldn't bet against me on anything. >> i love that kind of confidence. >> acovereding to a new online poll, the governor of wisconsin is the clear front-runner in the republican race. what about the democratic side. while hillary clinton made no major moves signaling a potential p run the coronation has officially begun. >> we want hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states. thank you. >> that's right. it's her turn it's her time. >> i think she should go for a 54% victory. she can bring the house in senate in and really rule this country. >> oh, my goodness. i think somebody is getting a little tingle up his leg again. oh my. >> you know. >> please, bob. >> i like her, too.
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she is out front. this is a problem with swot walker. you start to get out front like that. all of a sudden it comes from your own party. the first person gets it. he got that in the morning. that set him up in the prescott incident. >> so, for kind of a predator drone starting from the opposition. >> she's absolutely running she'll be the front-runner. the democrat nominee. >> here's the thing. remember in 2012. at the rnc. this guy is a classy guy. he grabbed -- he said come on over. we sat with the contingency. what a great guy. you meet someone, they talk to you, and look you in the eye. that's the way scott walker was very, very impressive. he got 47% of the poll. it was a big poll. he's definitely definitely out
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font now. >> i know you like him. you made a picture and framed it. >> i wouldn't say judge report -- >> no, he was -- you did well -- if i were him, i'd very very, very worried about going to bed at night. >> moving on now 2016 train to another contender. new york times published a hit piece on chris christie accusing the governor of living large on dimes of others. he sat as shot the national prom necessary as a cheese stake on the board work. a taste that runs more towards champagne at the four seasons. call me. what do you make of that dana? >> every reporter has a reporter or publiclyation that has it out. for george w. bush the texas observer, that was his worst one. for chris christies it ate "new york times" and happens to be the paper of record. so, i think his will continue.
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they ran more stories about bridgegate than anyone else and put the -- when that got resolved and showed he didn't have anything to do with it that was on the b section not on the front page. so he's going to accept the fact that "the new york times" is out to get him. >> that's true. that came back to haunt him in more ways -- fairly or unfairly. >> what are the times of bill clinton and hillary? they are living -- >> that's past. >> chris christie had champagne taste because he -- >> caviar dreams or something like that. >> robin leech? >> comes back to there's always an extra man on the field or woman. don't want to be sexist. the media will always focus on christie's expenses but not on hillary's. it's not christie's spouse who flew on a sex jet to orgy island which sounds like a great hardy boys' mystery. we haven't heard anything about
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that have we? >> on that flight? >> on one point on walker. i like him because he's not an attention-seeker. the battles that he went after were real battles not symbolic ones. they weren't filibusters or reading dr. use. he seuss. if romney could p lend him his hair? >> romney doesn't need it anymore. you're not running anymore. give it to anybody. give it it me. >> auction it. auction it off. >> hopefully you don't get pulled off the hair. >>
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the fastest 6 1/2 minutes on television. first up, this past sunday prior to the super bowl president obama granted nbc's savannah guthrie an extended live interview. the topics were light. president was relaxed. sleeves rolled up. here's a clip. >> we make beer. first president since george washington to make booze in the white house. >> this is the honey ale. >> okay. >> made from honey from michelle's garden. let see what you think. >> let's take a tiny sip. >> quick game of either/or while having this beer. >> question comes from how did the guy in the background not slice his finger? >> i like savannah guthrie, she's great. they did something a little different. it does feel in comparison to the interview that o'reilly do. >> george washington, did he
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really live in the white house? >> they had a tent out there -- obviously didn't. that one is most even public schools, certain city. >> i know -- >> for viewers at home. >> he did not live in the white house. >> you call yourself a sprite host. sprite is a word we use for a nursing home. >> let -- i'm going move it on. >> do you drink beer with your pinky up? >> i don't know. i drink wine. i would be a hypocrite. you're right. that's impeachable. clearly any man who drinks with his pinkie out is a kenyan born interloper and needs to be taken out from the office. i'm kidding. i don't care about the stuff. i don't care. he's enjoying a beer. and my question to you was i'm okay with the interview. am i wrong? >> it's cute. it's the super bowl. actually some people watching the super bowl it's okay to see him having fun in a kitchen.
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>> not only that i did slice this part of my finger off in the deli. no, the salami on that same machine. >> next up, the president is a power hungry man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. do we really need a president willing to do everything and anything to fundamentally change the country? i'm speak of frank underwood. here's actor kevin spacey weighing in on the real commander in chief. quote, must be frustrating for obama. there should be an ideology and entrenchment that stopped people doing what they need to do. >> speak of his sim or his character? >> speaking in life. president obama is the worst offender. this is a guy who won re-election and basically been campaigning as if he were still on the campaign trail ever since. passing up opportunities to do great things. >> it's interesting to see him
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criticize that. follow the story. it's a great thing. what he did to get to the white house -- >> yeah. >> you talk about -- i've seen a lot of nasty politics. i don't think i've seen them put a guy in the car with the gas on. >> isn't he right, though? the minute you're elected for office you start running for your next election? >> this lady over here stole my talking point? it's his dream job is to campaign. he doesn't want to lead. he likes to go out and talk and have people applaud. he went to vegas after benghazi. that's what he does. kevin spacey fulfills his last name. >> that's pretty cute. i like him. he's a good actor. there you go. >> move on. finally the best selling book. "fifty shades of grey" will be released to the big screen. it earned r rating and will be released an the big screen on
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valentine's day. it's zee described as sexy but classy. before we roll this clip, get the kids, hide the eyes. you've been warned. ♪ >> i'm capable of leif ugg alone. >> then don't. >> my tastes are very singular. you wouldn't understand. ♪ >> enlighten me then. >> i like it. >> there's a lot of talk. >> yeah. i don't -- why see the movie when you can live it. have you ever been to dog's house? >> i just saw the elevator. >> ten times worse. phil meets there all of the time. disgusting. >> k.g. -- oh my god just saw
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lou in the elevator. it wasn't like that. >> love scenes or sex scenes and n a 100-minute movie. >> perhaps this is going to make a lot of babies in america. we need more babies in this country. >> i'm squirming for a couple reason. one, if we have to warn parents about children being in the room maybe we shouldn't play it at 5:00. and let not do it every day until valentine's day. and all of the controversy. it's like showing people smoking marijuana when we have legalization of colorado. the other thing, i read three chapters of the book. it was so boring. it was poorly written. i have to wonder if we've come so far that now we can make a choice for ourself to be totally dominated by men -- >> i'm for that choice. >> i am just not for that. >> well, you can dominate them back. choose to be the dominator, dana. >> you have your finger on the
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button. >> that was g-rated. >> i mean, the thing is who is going to -- i want to see the first guy giving that as a gift to his -- >> that's actually a good point. who is going to go as a couple to this movie. >> girls will go together. >> i don't know one single man that bought that book. not one and it sold millions and monthlies of k0e7scopies. >> you bought the book? >> i read it at the library. >> and they had to escort you out. >> imagine on valentine's taking your date to sna?hat to that? i mean i would. >> better than a michael moore movie. >> we
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what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months.
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sick barbarians released another video. this showed the jordan pilot being burned alive in a cage. jordan's king delivered a message calling on his country to stand together following the execution. somebody mentioned they were out in the streets wanting revenge. do you think this will unite some arabs against isis?
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>> i hope it brings law abiding muslims. there is no place. this is not a religion of peace that they are acting on behalf of and it has to come to a stop. >> the other side of that is -- >> i saw video of the. >> from a prominent family. >> king abdullah had the air force. you may get action. if i'm correct i think it's against islamic law to burn a body dead or alive. i think that one violation of that law may get enough to say enough is enough and get behind this thing. >> they are very specific about the laws. it's taking a long time to get the point that this is not the best representatives. you think they have the wrong
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people out front? >> i think we are at risk of missing what could possibly happen which is the opposite which is that they rally behind getting out of the fight and figuring out a way to just let the americans do it. they absolutely need our help. not only have we asked jordan to help us militarily but they are dealing with refugees. >> if jordan goes -- >> it's like a geo political nightmare if we don't give him the help that he needs. the president should know that the american people would support him on it. >> i agree with that. >> here you have isis who beheads people but it's their adversary that is headless. we are a headless coalition. there is no churchill in this war. >> there is no churchill in this
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war. we need a world wide leader to unite the good to fight evil. if it's not president obama who doesn't want to do it who is it? is it japan? is it egypt? >> who is the world leader? this is whatp haens when you leave the world. >> looks like a potential case coming in regarding the meaning on the burning of the pilot. so let's see what they talk ab
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one of the all time great movies. there is graham having a bite of something disgusting. watch tonight. >> that's going to be very good. >> so everybody loves jimmy fallon. he does things where he slices songs. for example brian williams did gin and juice. "back to the snoop doggy dog still the same long beach is the spot where i serve don't lose your grip. >> he is so funny. >> he is kind of a good rapper don't you think? >> i have been following celebrity apprentice. he is playing the game amazingly. listen to this from last night. this is amazing. >> really? >> that's exactly -- >> this is the problem.
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this is not positive. this is a board room. >> you are just a toxic trick. >> geraldo just sits back. >> that is an interview i guess this afternoon. >> fox news latino. >> very cool. he reveals behind the scenes secrets. >> bob? >> y'all, i think remember to kill a mocking bird probably one of the greatest novels in american history. she is 88 years old now and she wrote a book before that that she is now going to get published. it's not a sequel. >> it is called to kill an o'reilly. >> you said it. >> i'm not going to argue it. >> now you have done it. >> preorder today on amazon. i have a book to talk about. today i was given a signed copy
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of the new cook book by lorain wauls. it is called mr. and mrs. sunday suppers. even i can follow the directions. it's beautifully photographed. the instructions are very easy to follow and the food is delicious. you can be a hero at home. >> is there anything vegan or gluten free? >> a lot of meat in here. there is duck, gumbo, italian wedding food. chicken pot pie. >> fox news alert. jordan retaliates they execute two and a pilot in the most brutal way.
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what's next? >> terror in the tracks a commute home turns deadly. a train smashes into a truck leaving a devastating path of destruction. >> a terrifying sight all caught on camera, the moment that plane comes crashing out of the sky. several people dead and the number continues to climb. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> let's get right to that fox news alert. revenge overseas. jordan executing two terrorists overnight including a female homicide bomber. good morning to you. i am heather childers. >> it is now pay back after isis posted a brutal video of a captured jordanian pilot being burned alive. leland, are they saying there could be more executions?
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>> there could be more executions. the jordanians for their part promised a thunderous response with a large number of al qaeda or isis affiliated prisoners there in the kingdom. they believe the pilot was burned to death as shown in a void video two graphic to show on video. this woman a failed al qaeda suicide bomber as nothing more than a cruel ploy. she was executed at dawn on the grounds of the prison south of the capitol. the timing of the release is important. king abdullah was on a long plained trip along the united states among other things the kingdom's partnership the bombing campaign in isis. it turned into a solidarity summit at the white house and capitol hill. >> there will be retribution from this. he
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