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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 4, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST

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stereotype. >> guys would not want to date a woman. that would be pressure on the guys, too. >> we have to get to "happening now" now. stay right here for out numbered over time. we'll take your questions. fox and we'll see you tomorrow at noon. >> we start out with a fox news alert, live from capitol hill. secretary of human health service defending obama care. >> one day after the house is opening a battle on health care. we are covering all of the news, "happening now". outrage in the middle east and around the world at the barbaric murder of a jordanian pilot caged and burned alive. >> we'll be vil be vigilant on part of a global initiative to
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make sure they are degraded. >> jordan takes swift revenge against plus, the death toll climbs after a horrifying disaster caught on camera. >> an airplane struggling to take off clips a taxi and lands in the water. >> a glimmer of hope. a child rescued alive from the wreckage. streets and markets of eastern ukraine turned in a killing zone. >> the death toll topped 5000. >> will the u.s. arm the ukrainians against the russian backed rebels and perhaps russia itself. it is all "happening now". >> we begin with the outrage cross the world, sparked by the
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vicious murder of a jordanian pilot at the hands of isis terrorist. >> i am jon scott. >> i am jenna lee. the internet video shoes that the pilot was burned alive in a cage by the terrorist. now there are calls for retribution. and jordan sxouted to convicted al-qaeda terrorist at dawn. one of them a female prisoner whose release isis demanded. jordan's king was in washington when the news brook. king abdullah rushed back to jordan saying the vengeance will not end there. kathryn? >> john, this morning, jordan is launching new bombing raids in key isis areas in syria.
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there is a heavily armed convoy leaving the prison after the executions by hanging. this man was alleged to be a senior member of al-qaeda in iraq and a former top aid killed in 2006. the female suicide bomber was part of a plot to kill 63 in jordanian hotels. her vest failed to detonate. this is the hostage isis said they were willing to swap for the pilot. isis played the 22 minute of the pilot being burned alive on outdoor projectors in the strong hold of syria with some in the crowd chanting god is great as
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the execution played out. they claim the jordanian pilot was paraded within days of his capture and a leading analyst explains why. >> one of the things we know that isis does with the cantors it conditions them for the brutality or execution video to come. they go through mock executions to get the person to be more do siel. they put him in the cage and had him walk in the cage to make him more complacent when the dead was done. >> the two minute propaganda video is part of a orchesterated media roll out and if you look at the images released, it shoes the japanese hostage also executed and look closely at that photo. you can see the pilot in the same cage where he was burned to
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death in that video. it was calculated and took a consider period of time to pull together john. >> they believe the pilot was killed a month or more ago. >> jordanian say january 3rdrd. u.s. officials be some what less conclusive. he was killed long before the negotiations began. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. >> to follow-up on the powerful reporting by catherine, we are waiting the white house. new reaction from the administration expected to the murder of the young pilot. the president met with king abdullah in the white house. and they will join us with the latest from there. >> reporter: given the barbaric execution king abdullah who met with president obama, for him it was a game changer and jordan is
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accept stepping up its efforts to defeat isis. the president said the u.s. will turn up the heat on isis and in a confirmation hearing on capitol hill for the defense secretary ash carter, republican john mccain is putting together a letter to the president to it suggest the strategy is not working. >> we'll redouble the vigilance to make sure they are degraded and ultimately defeated. it is also indicates the degree to reach whatever ideology they are operating off of is bankrupt. >> let there be no doubt, we still don't have a viable strategy to counter isil. if you are not winning a war, you are losing. >> reporter: later today the president will meet with muslim
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leaders. he refused to call the executions and terrorist attacks muslim extremism instead calling it violent extremism. the pressure is going to get more intense on the president to step up the strategy here jenna. >> ed, thank you very much. as we continue to follow the story stay tuned to fox news. shepherd smith will be in jordan and we will bring us the latest developments. you don't want to miss that. >> 26 people are confirmed dead and 17 others missing after a horrific plane crash in taiwan. the flight clipped a taxi on the highway and careening in to a river. crews later used a kraen to lift the plane out of shallow waters.
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the plane crash of the approaching vehicle and it is veered across the way. when the film slows down, it blanked sharply and hit a taxi before clipping the side of the intersection and falling in to the river before. parts of the river were left on the highway. the aircraft was taking off from a airport with chinese tourist on board broke up when it hit the water. the river was rather shallow where the plane struck. some survivors were able to be brought by dinghy. there are reports that the pilot's final communication with ground control warned that the
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engine was on fire. the chief executive said they don't know why the plane went down. the aircraft was less than a year ago and undergoing maintenance a year ago. the black box and flight data recorders were recovered and they should be able to find out why it happen. and federal investigators are on the scene of a deadly plane crash north of new york city. what the ntsb is saying about the disaster. the president meeting with young people who benefitted from the dream act as the battle raged on in capitol hill. and the critics call it amnesty to undocumented immigrants. we want to hear from you. is the united states doing enough to fight the threat from isis? click on america's asking to join the conversation.
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>> a major merger announced this morning. office giant staples buying office depo. it comes a year after office depo combined with office max. staples plans to close 225 stores by the end of the year. there are are fewer people buying and using office supplies and shopping more on line. >> that was easy. your tax dollars and affordable care act at stake as congress picks apart the president's budget. cilia bierwell testifying before the senate finance committee. the house voted to repeal obama care and calling for something to replace it. vince is executive editor of the daily caller and here is politics editor for roll call. >> republicans say something should replace obama care,
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vince. what is that going to be. >> they are asking for the first time they are asking for the various committees to produce something that is going to add up to a replacement merger. republicans are taking the most liked part are was obama care and integrate it in their plane. trying to cover people with preexisting conditions and make sure they expand their coverage to people who didn't have it before. the ultimate goal is to replace obama care to give good stuff with consumers without a high tax bill or increasing spending. >> but until you actually develop something like that, that is all pie in the sky. >> it asks for the things to be developed in a certain time period. how do you hold congress couldable. and so you know, it is going to
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be difficult for republicans to come up with the ideas and agree. and the best case we have that happen in 2010. and last time they produced a health care bill. it was a political disaster in the the end. >> on reading about the vote in the repeal then. it was not surprising a single democrat did not vote to repeal, but three republicans who did not vote to repeal, apparently. >> this is born out on the edges. moderate republicans who think that it is a tras traction and have liberal constitiency and they don't want to repole obama care. but the vote is not only good for the freshmen coming n. the goff freshman that prove they will go after obama care. but if you show you are earnest
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about the issues tmight as will be the obama care. they are seeing higher premiums and higher deductibles and they are feeling it and tax season is coming up, no one is ready for what april 15th will bring in terms of damage on obama care. republicans are focusing on the right time. >> they received subsidies last year they may have to give back money to uncle sam and there could be millions of people in that situation. >> this is the drip drip drip of the health care law. since its passage, the website was terrible and then the medicare provision was going to cost people money and now this right. this is a problem politically. they got the great benefits from the start and here's more bad news. >> and it is like the government has overhauling one- sixth of
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the economy. >> we'll talk about something else that is a hot button issue in washington. funding for the department of homeland security runs out this month and the republicans offered a bill to extend the funding and dem's blocked it. they objected to the republican measure that cuts on immigration. where do we go from here? the president used the bully pulpit to say the sky is going to fall and the the terrorist will overrun n us if you don't run the department of homeland security. >> and something that congress is good at. kicking the can down the road. and there is only ten legislative days left for them to come up with a solution to this. it is possible they may fund it another few months before they figure it out. mitch mcconnell could do something like he did with the
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keystone bills and give the democrats an opportunity to vote on amendments and cut off the bill. >> is it likely that the republican controlled senate would go ahead and pass this and be able to beat the filibuster and everything else? >> it seems unlikely. every time we get in a fight like a major funding bill. one minor provision that the republicans disagrees with. the president gets the popular win over the republicans and saying they are the losers and trying to hurt the country. look at what we are talking about. the republicans want to extend funding for all of dhs except for excutive amnesty and that is on questionable legal grounds and obama did it without congress and why is it responsible for congress as a whole and republicans and
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congress to come together to pass what they agree on. >> president said he didn't have time to do that and then he did it. >> right, here we are. he did an executive action that is again on questionable grounds and congress is ticked and a lot of people are ticked. >> thank you both. >>u. >> and biologically speaking babies have one mother and father. new medical technology is about to change that fact. throw parent baby and it is legal and ethiccal questions they raise. and the fighting in ukraine intensifying ahead of a key diplomatic meeting in ukraine. will the u.s. arm the ukrainian military? we'll go in- depth next.
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>> right now, a journalist who spent a year in risson is back at home. peter landed in australia where he was groated by friends and supporters. he was freed from an egyptian prison on sunday after a year behind bars. he was arrested with two others over their coverage over the crack down of the islamist protest following the overthrow of mohammed morsi. the fate of his egyptian colleagues isun known. >> and first major offensive against boko haran. chad and cameroon fighting the group with war planes and ground troops. they have killed hundreds of boko haran fighters in the process. they are hopes of mobilizing a multinational force to combat
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the terrorist. >> in eastern ukraine 5000 dead. european nations will not shift equipment to fight the rebels. president obama is reportedly considering it. the president of ukraine believes that the u.s. will take help. russia is continuing to poster. peter, you say it is not a question if it is what and when. when do you think we will do it and what? >> we will know in two weeks. the administration has a deadline imposed by congress. congress with bipartisan support allocated 350 million over the next three years for the united states to spend on weapons for the ukrainians to allow them to defend their own territory against attacks from russia and russia proxy fighters.
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the administration has until middle of february to explain to congress what kind of weapons it is going to provide them. they may or may not be lethal or other forms of assistance. right now the ukrainians need weapons in order to stand in the fight. >> germany doesn't want to do it. they are not sending weapons to ukraine. so why would we? >> it is important to do two things for the administration. first to raise costs on russia for aggression and second provide assistance that the ukrainians need. they are outnumbered and outgunned when you compare ukrainian army to russian army. allowing russia to slice off pieces of ukraine is bad for the united states and europe. there are rules to prevent russia from doing this. and the united states is drawing a line and saying the
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international system can't be toppled at the point of a gun. >> is it too late? >> not the at all. the ukrainians are holding out remarkably well considering what they are working with. they are holding on to their territory and the fighting that returned in the eastern part of the country. the ukrainians were fighting for this part of the country early in the summer and rush aria launched a few offensive this is taking place as secretary kerry is going to munich to confer with the european diplomats about the state of ukraine. but the problem is the administration running out the clock for congress on weapons it deflates what kerry can accomplish in munich. he will not have hard deliverables to announce. >> why is the administration running down the clock if it looks like the ukrainians need the weapons now and more deaths on both sides. why wouldn't we send the weapons
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and why didn't we do it already. >> it shouldn't be a partisan issue. both democrats and republicans in congress support the legislation. everyone sees the need and now the administration needs to it identify precisely what kind of weapons it will provide. mainly in the form of antitank and ua v's and secure communication and humvees and that kind of things. it is a very low threshold that the united states can cross to provide the loathal defensive equipment that the ukrainians need to hold the line on their territory. >> those weapons are used kill russian backed rebels and even the official military members from russia. there is sketchy reports coming from inside of the country of military members moved to ukraine and not hidden as rebels but they are the russian military. if we are doing that and our
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weapons will kill russia are we in a proxy war with russia and what are the results that. >> the trouble here, russia has consistently escalated the crisis without us intervening in security terms. the russians are fighting an active war and if the united states provides the assistance that a bipartisan collection of congress put forward that will not necessarily tip the apple cart if you will. and so what it will do it will raise the costs on russia for its aggression and allow the ukrainians to hold their line on their own territory. it would be good for the united states and ultimately stabilize the situation in ukraine rather than intensify it. >> it will be interesting to see what will happen.
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reluctant members of nato with direct support from ukraine and germany being one of them. >> peter it is good to have you on the program. thank you so much. >> we are getting word that a top obama advisor dan ph iffer is stepping down from the white house. he was one of the original team. he plans to step down, we are told in march. we'll get more developments and bring them to you live. >> law makers want to tighten the vaccinations in schools as the risk of the measle's outbreak spreads. and also former are florida governor jeb bush laying out his vision for the future for a group in detrial. we are live there next. ations. i knew i needed to see a doctor.
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one's means. until now. hey matt, new jetta? yeah. introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta. isn't it time for german engineering? once again a fox news alert. dan pfieffer, one of president obama's team of originals is stepping down. he had been with the president since the 2008 campaign and a bunch of advisors sat down in an office in chicago to plan an unlikely rise to the white house. the president said dan has been beside me in every step of the incredible journey. starting in 2007 according to a statement from mr. obama and
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he is smart steady and tire itless and true to the values we started with. one of the originals leaving the white house. no word on what dan pfieffer will do next. >> and a scene of a deadly collision of a commuter train and a suv. a commuter train system, one of the busiest in the country. the force of the rush hour crash was so powerful it undid the rail and set up a fiery blast that killed five passengers. the suv driver was killed and 15 people hospitalized and some in serious condition. the ntsb is trying to learn more about the crash. >> we'll be documenting the wreckage. we've already asked for aerial footage and very good high definition footage of the site so that we can use it.
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>> the investigators plan to interview the train's operators in the next few days. they are looking for more the footage. >> i have ridden that line many times. >> new efforts to stop the measles from spreading. california is changing requirements designed to slow a movement among the parents that didn't want their children vaccinated. there are more than 100 cases of the measles in the country. william has more. >> reporter: critics blame the parent that don't immunize their children and schools that allow it. and loop holes. under 95 percent are in gray. but there were states 90 percent are in red. colorado fewer than 82 percent
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got the measle's vaccine. in mississippi no vaccine, no exceptions for religious or other regions. here in california, 75 percent of the kids are not vaccinated in schools law maker ares introduced a bill to eliminate the personal belief exception that allows tens of thousands to optout and remain unvaksinated. >> unless it is religious reasons, i can't find any good reason why. those are not good reasons. there is no reason to not vacs night your children. >> doctors a handful, recommend against because of private rights outweighing public safety. >> every parent has a right to choose what is in the best interest of their children. some kids have adverse affects
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to them. and you go on line and you read there is horrific stories. >> well, here is the risk according to the cvc. one in six get a fever one in 20 a mildrash. one in hundred swelling. and one in a million have a severe allergic reaction. bottom line, better to get the vaccine than not. >> we'll turn back to politics, potential presidential candidate jeb bush speaking in detroit laying out his vision for the future. carl cameron is there. >> reporter: hi jenna, it is a staple for the republicans and democrats. the record was richard nixon who spoke here four times. jeb bush it is the first in a series on the right to rise
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series of speeches which is all about economic pop listim. and he said the wage gap and opportunity gap is gloe growing and the economy is growing and it is a nemic and the reason it is so big and slow is because of liberal policies in washington d.c. >> he didn't get specific but talked about how he believes that washington d.c. partisan ship is contributing to a bloated sense of what the economy needs and we need to be left alono small government and entrepreneurs can take over and grow jobs. there were 6 or 700 people in the crowd. here's what he had to say. >> the progressive and liberal mindset believes that to every problem, there is a washington d.c. solution. but that instinct doesn't solve the problem other than the problem of how to keep
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washington's regional economy well lubricated. >> reporter: mr. bush did not offer up specifics. the first caucus is a year away. the fear for politicians is if they get deep in the granual detail it will get the rug cut out from them. we have heard from rand paul's campaign and putting together a list of specific proposal he made as u.s. senator. and paul campaign they are exploring and none of them are doing what jeb bush is. huckabee believes in a fair tax and offering a specific that mr. bush's potential rivals see as an absence of a detail. many more speeches to come from jeb bush. he said he's getting back in politics because he realizes how
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important the need for the economy is. >> interesting, thank you carl. >> a new twist on conception. uk votes to allow three parent babies aimed at preventing certain genetic defects and a technique that raises a host of legal and moral questions. >> medical ethics said the medical terminology is not ready for prime time but acknowledge that science is moving quickly and law makers will be tempted to do the say. it catches flaws in babies in the embryonic age. take the egg of the mother and sperm of the father and donated dna material from another woman. and that will replace the
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primary april from the mother. it has fewer risk of heart and liver disease and blindless. but critics say the science is far from settled and two embryos would be destroyed in the process. they question if it will bring designer babies and giving parents the tools to craft the child they want. the bishop in the catholic church in england said there are serious ethiccal objections to this. the human embryo is a human life and should be protected from the moment of conception. the fda held hearings and looking at only the technology and not the moral implications. legal scholars warn that the children would have three parents and all of them would have rights to medical and
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educational decisions. the new measure has to make its vote through the house of lords. >> shannon bream in washington, thanks. >> a treasure hunter known for finding shipwrecks. the question remains over the millions he found in gold years ago. >> and the latest in the trial of an accused on line drug trafficker.
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>> hi, everyone. i am gretchen carlson. what do we know about the latest. the isis quoted in the heinous what does it say about burning captives? and hear from a former u.s. army
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soldier who joined the fight against isis and will not come back to the united states until that fight is finished. join us in the top of the hour. >> a treasure hunter facing extradition hearing in florida. his name is tommy thompson. he was arrested with a long- time assistant in a hotel last month. he is held on an arrest warrant after he failed to explain what happen to the gold from a 19th century shipwreck. he made history when he found the sss central america and known as the ship of gold. his former business associate sued him for their share of the treasure. two lawsuits are still pending. >> verdict watch in the silk rose case.
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ross william albrech is the kingpin of a drug dealing empire. he created and operated the silk road website. a place where illegal drugs can be bought and solid anonymously. he was arrested on insufficient evident defense said. and joining us is kent zimmerman, legal analyst and journal contractor and a former general counsel. andro becka rosewoodland the trial attorney. >> they are treading in new ground on this case. so much of what was done on the website was anonymous, do prosecutors stand a chance of getting a conviction on this guy? >> this has the makings of a riveting screen play. drugs and murder for hire and dark side of the internet. i think they have a mountain of evidence. they caught him red handed when
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they busted him in a public library in san francisco. he was operating the site as agents busted him. he kept a diary and he has a motive and could have made a lot of money. it is like an, but for drugs. i think ross has major issues with the defense and could easily go down. >> rebecca, they argued about how the information gets input in computers and so far. it is pretty dry stuff, yes there may be a possible movie script here but some of the evidence has been very dry and mundane? >> some of the evidence is all regarding to computer coding and how they get on the internet and gained access to the site. i started the website and i did not operate it any longer and someone else is framing me or
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standing in has me on the the internet to appear it was me. you can't prove because you don't have videotape of me selling drugs to someone like we used to see in the 70s or 80s. we would go in a warehouse and take the merchandise out and know that the person was. there how do you know it was me operating the website. you only have coding and computers and anyone can have done that and that is the big defense. i was framed and it was not me. someone was doing me. i solid the site years ago. >> one of the defenses that his defense team offered, is that you know he was too smart to have been stupid enough to leave the evidence that the authorities found. like a journal on his lap top. does that wash? >> i don't think so, jon. listen, i think they have a lot
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of evidence against the guy. and i think his defense is similar to hear in common criminal cases. ross is like someone who got caught with the murder weapon in his they found a diary that said he was going to murder the person and said he was framed. i'm not buying it. maybe he can explain away the diary, or maybe he can explain starting the website. i think he is in trouble and it's a smoke screen to say that the internet gets in the way of proving that he did it. >> rebecca, that aren't murder charges, but there were murder -- his defense argued that that shouldn't be admitted, and what you're talking about is a murder for hire plot that was allegedly set up by some employees that were bribing this
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man saying we're going to reveal you're identity. what the judge said was i'm going to go after the voracity of that. >> kevin, thank you both. work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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an unlikely american city dealing with a string of small earthquakes. dallas, texas recently experiencing nine in a single day. people are pointing the finger at fracking. >> on the day we had nine tremors, as you know i lived in california for five plus year, so it's small by california standards, it's not so much the
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intensity that has people worried here, it's the quantity 45 quakes since april. 23 of them in january alone. one day we felt nine tremors in a single day. they have all been centered around irving texas a northern suburb of dallas. the phenomenon has prompted local schools to carry out earthquake drills. while some residents are doing their own preps. >> i went to my insurance agent and asked them about insurance and they don't even write theal policy because the fault that's under us has never been active in recent history. so i believe that's some causing this to happen. >> lots of theories, but not much hard evidence in 2er78s of what's causing these. their hope is to gather data, pinpoint, which faults are
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potentially to blame and or other outside factors. certainly there has been a lot of noise on what regional fracking is the culprit here. scientists we spoke to here at the usgs are not so sure. >> general hydrofracturing imposes a trangz see yent stress on the ground. >> we're also monitoring a similar situation up in the state of oklahoma where they have had 186 earth weaks squake rumble that space in just the last 30 days. >> maybe they're following you, casey, all the way from california. >> i'll bring them to new york. >> no. >> the outrage has been building here at home in the last 24 hours as well as oversees as the world reacts in horror of the
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barbaric murder of a jordan an pilot. how the white house is responding. fiber one. fiber one streusel. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to
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thank you for joining us today. >> the real story with gretchen starts now. >> and we start with the fox news alert, the white house getting peppered with the questions about isis. and of course, what the u.s. response is going to be, as the white house press briefing gets under way tonight. adversary expampbtding across the middle east. meantime jordan's king abdullah returning home with a steely resolve to crush isis. jordan yachb's government -- >> nobody was talking about ground troops, we were talking about helping the iraqi military, we were talking about


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