tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 4, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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abdullah or president obama? let us know what you think. that is the time we have for tonight. thanks for joining us. we'll see you tomorrow night. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> i ask for help from god and i ask the jordanian government to take revenge from blood. >> the government of jordan taking revenge for isis burning one of their pilots to death. tonight we will continue our reporting how america is clueless confronting the growing terror war. >> a hero is not how many people you killed. he was obviously a great sniper. do you think the nazis have heroes? >> jesse ventura once the governor of minnesota now comparing the u.s. military to nazis. we will take a hard look at that. >> he was 11 years old he was fitted for first pros
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tease cease. >> i can't go like this. >> can you twerk? >> also ahead martha maccallum on what super bowl ads persuaded americans and the absolute worst advertisement shown at the game. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the muslim world strikes back, kind of. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. after isis executed a jordanian pilot by burning him alive, there was scenes of outrage across the muslim world. almost immediately the jordanian government executed a 46-year-old iraqi woman, suicide bomber arrested when her vest failed to ignite. that was back in 2005. the juror dayians jordanians
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hanged her yesterday. they also hanged a man who was sentenced to death. he is an al qaeda operative. now, i would not have done that because the execution smack of revenge not retribution. it's always better to operate within the law, not be swayed by a mob reaction. but surely everyone can understand the anger of the jordanian people have toward the isis killers and other terrorists. japanese people have the same anger so do americans and others around the world. again, there is no strategy in place to stop the isis madness. here is president obama's comment yesterday. >> just one more indication of the viciousness and bare barbarianity. determination on the part of
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a global to make sure they are degraded and ultimately defeated. >> right now the global coalition the president referred to is a myth. it doesn't exist. and isis is doing pretty much what it wants to do. last year the cia estimated perhaps as many as 32,000 fighters had joined isis. jordan has an active army of 8 8,000. twice that number in personnel and reserves. isis burned the pilot to death at their headquarters in raka, syria. there it is, okay? that's pretty near jordan. 330 miles away. so why isn't the, quote global coalition attacking raqqa? surely the jordanian army could attack it, so could the turks. u.s. could also launch operations against raqqa but there is no will to do it. the world will continue to watch barbaric atrocities unfold on a regular basis. isis still holding an american and other innocent people. the american people deserve to know the truth about
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president obama's campaign to defeat the jihad. and the truth is, there is no campaign. what we have are selected targets that we hit with drones and bombers. in iraq, the bombing has been what a factor in stopping the isis advance but not in driving them out of that country. almost every military person knows that only ground force also get isis out of their entrenched positions. again we are talking under 40,000 of these savages and you are telling me the world can't wipe them out when they are sitting over there in the syrian desert and in towns in iraq? you are telling me the world can't defeat these people? sold a bull. america and the rest of the world lack the will to defeat evil period. finally, barack obama must must totally focus on the growing terror problem. and on the threat from iran. we have reached, i should say a crisis level.
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and that's the memo. reaction, joining us from rehabilitation, tom rogan and here in new york tom, senior fellow at the defense. okay, do you have a strategy when you are in your foundation for defense of democracies? you guys sit around and go this is what we should do? >> i think the u.s. military has a strategy. we already beat these guys once and everybody conveniently forgets that al qaeda or iraq, mother organization of isis, counter insurgency systematically rolled back their hold on territory. there were a number of specific things done by the u.s. military. this isn't broad speaking here. >> this is the petraeus strategy of getting the chiefdoms and the sunni areas buying them whatever. >> correct. >> to turn on the isis people or the al qaeda and we won. but now they are in syria. that's a dinner story mr. rogan. so it's beyond the reach and we have some advisors in iraq but not nearly enough. it's beyond our reach in syria.
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so what would you do? >> well actually, i would disagree with you on that, bill. i i think it isn't beyond our reach. because if you look at green berets specifically, u.s., about the only country in the world that has special forces specifically orioned for foreign internal defense and the tribes in eastern syria are very similar to the tribes tribes in anbar in the sense that they have been abused by both al qaeda in iraq and isis. there is a natural affinity to join with a force that would win them basic freedom. protect their women, protect their government structures, i think if you could deploy those special forces, again, that takes risks easy for me to say but i think we should do it. that would be one specific thing to do. >> what is the risk though? you have turkey, which is a massive army they don't help very much. because they have their own internal crazy isis people there. and they play a game in turkey and they don't like the kurds and they don't like this and they don't like that. but if we were to deploy
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american troops on syrian soil we would be exposed. we don't have a base of operations there we don't have what we had in iraq. we built up an infrastructure in iraq. they would just be out in the desert with all the other crazy people, would they not? >> that's true. there would be a rift. i think you could calibrate the deployment in the sense of a management of risks. and in terms of providing air cover, in terms of presenting. >> you could do that but wouldn't it be easier if the jordanian army entered into syria? they are 300 miles away plenty of them there. >> one of the things jordanian service is exceptionally talented organization. i actually suspect bill you are probably going to see some pretty overt raid. >> you can't count on the turks. but i think the jordanians i hope they do something now. i don't know whether you guys know this or not but on friday susan rice, national security person for president obama is now going
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to give a strategic talk to the brookings institution. i'm going to take credit for this. i have been saying for months there is no strategy. but now a strategy is apparently going to appear on friday. do you know any confidence, ms. jocelyn that this is going to make any sense at all. >> no it has to start with defeating the jihadis militarily at some point. the obama administration is committed to not really engaging them. >> do you know why they don't have the will to do this? is it an ideological thing? >> i think it's partly ideological and partly overreaction to the post 9/11 world. they believe that basically america itself overreacted in afghanistan and iraq. >> that's all in the past. now we are seeing these terrible acities. >> i agree. >> that's only 40,000 of them. and you are telling me you can't wipe these people off the face of the snert that's insane. >> no, it is insane. also strategically insane. the problem is with raqqa, a
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holly city, it has lineage. all of what isis does not just about the physical acts of terror how it translates to other jihadists around the world and you see this now in libya pakistan afghanistan, you see it in terms of the inspiration of groups like boko haram, al qaeda, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. all competing and take on that mantel of we are the ordained servants of god. unless you take them out very quickly in syria isis specifically, the islamic state what you do is you allow that ideology and that belief in the structurability destructibility. >> i will give you the last word, mr. i don't see lynn is, crush as many of them as he we can you can't negotiate with them. i think you can negotiate with iran to some extent but you can't negotiate with isis. >> you have to look at this as same side of jihadi coin. >> we do, we do although they oppose each other the danger from them is the same
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darge fanatical islam. >> i'm more optimistic about our ability to get a foot hold in eastern syria. tribe has tens of thousands of members opposed to isis. we could support of the tribe on both sides of the border and go after them. >> we have to be there and president obama certainly does not want to do that gentlemen, thanks very much. next on the run down the former governor of minnesota comparing the fighters to former nazi fighters. wait until you hear this. comparing my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long. and now introducing aleve pm for a better am.
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great sniper. he is obviously a great shot. he obviously did his job correctly. alan, let me fire this one at you, do you think the nazis have heroes? >> but are you you comparing what the nazi mission was versus what our mission is in war as a country? >> i am stating that we invaded iraq. we were not asked in. we invaded a country. we overthrew its government and killed people that lived there. >> are we analogous to the nazis? >> well, and the communists, yeah. >> here now alan colmes. when you heard that what did you think? >> once you bring up the nazis, it's like god wins law. the longer the argument goes on the somebody bring up nazis. you lose the argument. it's insane to compare our fighting troops to the nazis. >> that's what he did, did he not? >> yeah. i don't agree with that. >> we don't use him on the show here on the factor because he is a 9/11
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truther, he is out there on a lot of different levels. but he was a former governor of minnesota. >> that's right. >> what does that say about minnesota. >> it's a unique state, isn't it. >> you have al franken as a senator. >> there al franken is probably more in the mainstream. >> compared to this guy al franken is a great -- he is plato. >> you would vote for al franken over jesse ventura. >> i know the governor is bitter he won the libel suit against chris kyle. but, to besmirch and to distort history is like we went into iraq for what? to give those people democracy which they had for about so minutes until they gave it back. all right, you saw the code pink interview i did yesterday. >> yes, did i. >> would you say you are as liberal as code pink. >> i would say probably so. that doesn't mean i agree with tactics. >> you say that alan colmes and code pink are in the
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same zone as liberalism? >> if you want to have a pie chart. >> you are an honest man, colmes. >> you saw madea benjamin and i asked her a simple question. you you know i'm a simple man. how would you confront isis because this was on the day the jordanian fighter pilot got burned to death. her answer was we -- we would have a meeting a big meeting with people in the middle east and we would cut off their funding and their recruiting. >> all right. she is antiwar. >> no, no no. just stay on that. do you firmly believe that a meeting is going to stop the isis terror group. >> i don't believe she was as simple as saying it's a meeting. you work with your allies to try to cut off the funding. we know the saudis have funded and certain countries have funded. >> these are individual checks being written not governmental checks. to me, i'm seeing a person who has no clue about how to stop these isis terrorists. >> you go to the money trail. you actually thrive to stop where the money is coming from.
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>> okay. >> maybe you could do that on individual basis. that's certainly not going to stop isis because they are selling oil, they are kidnapping people for ransom. >> you don't think the saudi government had anything to do whatsoever? >> i don't care what they had to do with it. i want to stop these animals from setting anyone else on fire or beheading people. what would you do to stop isis? >> i'm not sure we can one thing we shouldn't have been in iraq in the first place. >> let's stay with what you would do. >> fine. >> would you surrender to them? would you say we can't stop you. >> i have said it on the show before i don't think it's our problem right now. they are not a threat to the united states. >> you don't think it's our problem? >> we are in another part of the world where we should not be. we are mess as it metastasizing. >> it's not our problem, you wouldn't engage it let the chips fall in iraq and syria where they fall. >> being engaged. >> alan colmes, if you were president. >> it's not going to happen don't worry about that. >> we know that i'm trying to get inside your mind and
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mind of the left. not our problem, we messed it up when we got in there. withdraw, let isis do whatever they can. and set as many people as they want on fire and i'm going to do nothing about it; is that right? >> no matter how long we stay there, we leave we can't stay there forever. that's the consequences. >> that's what you would do. unless we have information that our homeland is a threat. >> what is the difference between you and neville chamberlain and berg in the 1930s when the nazis were committing atrocities and said just the way you said it they are not our problem. >> once again you are comparing them to the nazis,. >> isis to the nazis. >> i'm not sure that it's an apt comparison. >> he is what the comparison. >> they are not the same as the nazis. >> they are committing astros cities. >> unless they are a threat to the united states. you would have been with limberg and the other. >>
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>> you are an honest guy. >> thank you very much. >> legalizing pot in america. wait until you hear the new stats on marijuana in the workplace. then miller with some last super bowl thoughts. and martha maccallum on the worst super bowl ad played during the game. those reports after these messages. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique
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studs dees out of harvard, northwestern, oxford, it kills motivation entries with memory interferes are concentration. stay with it once a week not in your teen years and stay with it once a week you lose public opinion is changing two reasons. the baby boomer generation which started the pot craze in the late 1960's, a lot of them have stayed with the drug they feel it's benign. they say it didn't hurt me. so and they passed that down to their children and
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grandchildren. and then there is the old alcohol is worse argument. that has gained traction among younger people, how do you respond? >> first of all the marijuana today is three to five times more powerful 3% thc. today 15%. 20%. some of the dispense sears where i'm heading 25 30%. >> maureen dowd. >> she ate a cookie and. >> she thought she had died. she thought she had died she said. >> she was ha lewisating. >> much stronger pot now. >> much stronger pot. >> some people in the united states who use it illegally tens of millions, i don't think it's hundreds of millions. tens of millions of people. they are ingesting this. they want to get high and they don't want the government to tell them they can't. >> right. it's the lib baron view. >> it is the libertarian view but we live in a world with other people.
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live in a world with young people. governor of colorado, a democrat said this was a mistake. >> hickenlooper said it was a mistake. couldn't articulate why it was a mistake. >> if we could protect the kids from getting it. >> how can you you can do that? can have you seen the advertisements? candy bars? >> kids can get it any way regulate it, tax you have heard the same things. >> i know it. >> you write a book. the pot heads aren't going it read the book. they are not anybody who likes marijuana they aren't getting to like you are a foggy, a conservative, this or that. what good does it do for you to write the book? >> i want to start with republicans, okay? it is disappointing that a lot of republicans are on the wrong side of this issue, the libertarian side of this issue. but the main reason for writing the book is to stop this freight train because a lot of people are going to get hurt. a lot of people will get
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badge damaged by this. >> intoxication of any alcohol or drugs any drug damaging people, particularly children, once they get involved, they are never the same again ever. >> that's right. >> and that message gets blunted by the cynical media which thinks it's cool to smoke pot. the rap industry has just devastated poor children on both black and white. and you have a culture that you, dr. bennett and me bill o'reilly, we are the dinosaurs and we are bad mean people and all of that. >> just before we conclude that we are opposed to people having fun and a good time, you want something that opposes a good time? marijuana. it interferes are the pleasure center of the brain so that after a while it's the only thing that makes you feel good, not anything else. not sports not entertainment, not sex not anything. >> once you get involved with the drug world or alcohol too and sit at the bar with money on it and just going like, this then
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everything else reseeds in your life. >> that's right. >> that's why we have the terrible addiction and alcoholism a problem that we have. outside of yourself and a few others, this is like gay marriage, everybody is running for the hills. they don't want to be associated with it it's not going to be a presidential issue. all of that. >> it's got to be. we are going to denver. the evidence is starting to come through. i talked to a child psychiatrist out there. she said she talks to parents and says why do you let your kids use marijuana? do you know what they said? well, it's legal. it's perfectly legal. it's very important the signal society sends. they are starting to have regrets out there. >> did you ever smoke pot. >> nope, never. >> i haven't ever. i was in the university between 65 and 75 for 10 years, i must have had a lot of passive smoke because that's where it was. >> they didn't do it around me i was dirty harry. >> i took care of the freshman that came down the hall. anyway, thank you. >> the book is going to pot. and it's worth checking out. >> thank you. >> plenty more ahead as the
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factor moves along this evening. talking points believes -- dennis miller will weigh in on that. martha maccallum with the worst super bowl ad. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual bleeding breast or uterine cancer blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache pelvic pain, breast pain vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus,
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oh i'm on the cookie air diet. you just... and that's it. i prefer real food fruit, nuts, and whole grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. let's get real. truth serum segment tonight two stories somewhat confusing. straighten them out for you what exactly caused the
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airasia plane crash that killed 168 people. president obama's new budget will taxes go up and debt go up. both fox news correspondents. get to the money 3.999 trillion in spending for this coming year, '16. they go a year ahead of time which is inconceivable that much spending by the government. so, in order to cover some of it because there will be a deficit they will raise taxes. who are they going to raise it on? >> you. >> i will pay even more than i'm paying now. >> wealthy people not even people in your stratosphere bill. if you are two income couple making $230,000 in a year two teachers get hit also. 20 new taxes in this budget. $2 trillion. 2 trillion more in taxes over the next 10 years. >> president obama kroncke
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is the highest taxing president in history. >> taxes going up. spending going up. deficit going up. the debt also going up once you are done. >> give me some examples of the taxes and how they are going up. >> well, you have got, for example, capital gains tax. they want to raise that to 28%. >> 28 from 23. >> it was 15 when he started >> almost coupled the capital gains. buy a stock take the risk and make money you have got to pay 28% to the feds. i mean, that's a lot of jack. >> if you are are a millionaire, 30% that's the buffet rule. >> what is the buffet rule? no matter what deductions you have, you have to pay 30%? no matter what you have. 30% is the lowest you pay but it could go up to close to 40% in federal income tax, right? >> the other thing you don't have to be a millionaire. make a million dollars people who make 230,000 combined income, 189,000 if you are single, the deduction is only 28%. it's more but that goes down and if you smoke, ready for
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this? you shouldn't smoke anyway. they double the tax -- >> -- 1,000% on the cigarettes. now, the businesses he wants to tax money overseas. >> 14% tax on corporations who make money overseas. >> and corporations are already paying taxes overseas from wherever they are. there is a tax dodge i understand. so president obama will go down in history as the highest taxing president ever? >> yes. and here's the other fact. the debt is now under the new budget the $18.6 trillion, gone up 40% by the time he is done to 26.2. >> i thought that was over 10 years. he has only got two more years yet. he is not going up that high like he is going up like a trillion a year. it's 18.6 now. so it will be over 20 when he leaves. >> 18.6 billion. >> trillion? >> 26.2. the deficit is 474 billion now and? >> he the debt i want to be clear.
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because this is truth serum. the debt is 18.6 trillion. >> yes. >> we can assume in the next two years it will go over 20 trillion. when the president says hey i will see you guys later thanks for 8 years he will have added more debt than any other president. all the other presidents combined including fill more. everyone. he would have added more debt than any other president. >> trillion to trillion. more trillions. >> let's get to airasia. the plane goes down and they found the black boxes. what happened? >> you have a good point there, bill. in this case unlike the malaysian airlines disappearance there is black boxes. they have parts of the records they do have a lot to look at. the preliminary investigation results of that have been released. the final investigation still ongoing. but indonesia's national transportation safety council which is the lead investigating agency have released essentially some of the information they believe that ultimately led to this plane to go down. weather was a major factor.
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they know the co-pilot was controlling the plane at that point in time. they also make the point that there were stall warnings going off and they believe there was a stall that actually occurred. >> was it thundershowers? was it thunderstorms? is that what it was? >> massive thunderstorms in the area and we actually spoke with aviation expert kyle bailey today to get further insight into this from someone who is a pilot that has a lot of experience in the field and with safety specific solid he said during a thunderstorm there are a lot of updrafts and down drafts that can make it very difficult to control an airplane. >> airplanes slice through that all the time. they have a big weather thing they tried to go up and the engine stalled. is that what really happened >> the lead investigative agency says going up might have been caught by part of this updraft. >> stall the engine and then boom. >> right. >> that makes sense. thank you. >> thank you. >> when we come right back miller has some thoughts on
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the super bowl and jihadists. are they the same as the nazis? d-man is next. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower?
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knows the sport very well. we wanted to know what he thought of the big game last sunday. he joins us now from santa barbara. your take, miller? >> well, in a nutshell bill, i would say that pete carroll overthought second and goal at the one yard line like president obama overthinks what to call isil. that's how i put it in a nutshell. i think he overthought it there. i like pete carroll but at some point when you have, you know, an absolute beast in the back field and you are at the 1 yard line i would hand it to him twice and abide by the results of that. but, you know, second guessing is for guys like me. pete carroll is the one who has got to make the call i think he stood up and he is a class act. i think you can think too much about football. dupe what i mean? ail will say is this is the nfl which had a reality show. the nfl is almost like a reality show like if you think about it like the kardashians or something i
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hadn't watched any of the playoffs until the super bowl and it was an absolutely great game. >> there was a lot of controversy about marshawn lynch, who you referred to as the beast in the back field. he is it's not a pejorative. the guy is huge and he is tough and he is mean. i think he is the big winner here. i mean tom brady got the mvp but everybody knows he is great. everybody knows who tom brady is and he got a jeep he doesn't need the jeep. he has 18 other jeeps. but marshawn is now a national name miller. and as i said, i think we have got to give him credit. give him props. >> listen billy, it's a pretty smart play if you think about it not only do you get bigger you don't even have to talk. listen, in a world where -- the nfl is upside down now. i guarantee you what's going to happen by the time president obama leaves office gitmo is going to be empty except for the patriot's ball by getpetto. that's how crazy it's
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gotten. roger goodell might get a bonus at the end of this season because they got great ratings. i can't figure it out. at the end of the day the only sane one looks like marshawn lynch. >> listen, miller, you know that when money becomes that big, crazy things are gonna happen: it's so big now, so many billions of dollars involved with the nfl that it's almost out of control: >> give guys like marshawn lynch guys he throwing hay makers. >> there you go. let's get into a serious subject now. i said earlier this week that i believe isil and the jihad, they are nazis, same mentality, life means nothing. fanatickings, all of that. i pounded the obama administration for not having a strategy now on friday soviet union rice is going to brookings and unleashing a strategy of some kind.
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what do you think? >> i find it more threatening the nazis quite frankly, bill. at the end of the day the soviets, godless men, i think that we're up against some god centric people now. you know they -- the president might want to not want to cop to it but i think we are obviously going up against guys who believe they their governed tells them to kill the infidel. listen obviously i don't think they have reached the 6 million mark yet so i don't want to make it any sort of a competing number thing. >> they would if they could. that's my point. >> in a second billy. >> and their god is telling them to burn other muslims alive, all right? because the jordanian pilot is a muslim. so burn him alive behead people, if you are gay, throw them off towers, slaughter 132 school children and we have americans, including the president go, you know, we
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are going to degrade them, you know, we are going to keep going and we will degrade them hey, things happen and here is my golf game. remember, he played golf after the american got beheaded in the summer. i'm starting to get a little teed off, miller. i'm starting to get angry about this. last word? >> billy you should be way down the road and obama has been doing this for a long time. at this point i would just take from obama mat same thing that he said about the boston cops. i don't know much about this but isil is acting stupidly. and i like the jordanian approach. an eye for an aye aye aye aye aye. you kill one of us you kill two of them the next morning. >> they don't care. isis doesn't care that they killed two of them. you can do it but it's not going to mean anything to them. they don't care. >> well then let me give you u.s. grant's admonition to sherman, meet isis, isil, whatever you want to call them wherever you can meet them and kill as many of them as you can because that's all that's going to
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matter in the future. >> there you go. dennis miller, everybody. a reminder the don't be a pinhead shows in cleveland and tennessee coming up in june almost sold out. just a few premium tickets remain but they are great seats see everybody in rio ranch mexico. bill o' has all the info on the shows. whats what the worst tv ad on the super bowl? we have the winner moments away. startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 55 companies are investing over $98 million dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. they are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. and with over 300 locations, and 3.7 million square feet available, there's a place that's right for your business. see if startup-ny can work for you. go to if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of
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isn't that incredible? >> really? >> they decided they should have an ad meter and figure out if it's worth spending. in some cases it is in some cases it is not. they got 6,700 people to weigh in. >> they got 6,700 people watching the ad and those people evaluate whether they like it or not. >> in realtime they vote from one to ten. >> here is the ad selected as best. roll tape. ♪ when i go out, i know i'm going to be, i'm going to be the man who goes along with you ♪ ♪ i would walk five hundred miles and i would walk five hundred more just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door ♪
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>> is that for dog food, was that alpo? what was that? >> it's budweiser. >> that dog is drinking budweiser? it's too young. >> how many times are they going to do the same ad? last year they basically had the same ad. go daddy did one they had to yank. >> where's the budweiser? >> it's the clydesdales horses of course. they represent budweiser. >> but i didn't see any beer in the whole ad. >> you're not going to see any products mentioned in any of these ads. >> the folks loved that ad. >> they loved it. an eight out of ten. >> i was confused by that. here's the second best ad. roll tape. >> show me what it looks like to run like a girl. throw like a girl. fight like a girl. what does it mean to you when i say run like a girl? >> it means run as fast as you
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can. >> they're not selling beer, are they? >> no, this is always. >> what's that? >> it's a feminine product. >> okay. >> exactly. >> and you wouldn't know because they're not talking about anything related to that. but they're talking about running like a girl. so they got supposedly real people which are not real people it's all glossy actors and actresses throughout this whole thing to say what does a girl run like what does a girl throw like in order to build the self-esteem of girls, which i don't think is in a whole lot of trouble as far as i can tell. >> but the folks like this. there's the guy. >> he's fighting like a girl. and makes the little boy feel bad. and would you say that to your sister? and oh no. >> where's the dog? >> no dogs in the commercial. >> i liked that dog. i would put the dog in that ad too. here's the worst super bowl ad. >> heroes charge.
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download heroes charge now. >> yeah, that's about it. 15 seconds long. heroes charge, it's a video game thing that i know you play in your spare time. >> i love that. yeah. >> but i don't think it was the worst commercial. i think the worst commercial was the toe fungus jublia. who wants to hear about that. >> the folks didn't like the video game ad. but you were particularly offended by the toe fungus ad. >> yeah. it stuck with me. i still remember it. i know if you need that you're supposed to get something called jublia. >> you can spray it or something. >> it's bad. >> i'm glad we didn't show the fungus ad. i have to tell everybody in full disclosure that the dog in the first ad is toe fungus. martha mccallum everybody. there she is.
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"the factor" tip of the day, what to do when someone says something mean to you. the tip moments away. you know... ...there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious... and a good source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. ya gotta wake up early like the pros. here's a tip. use a reliable alarm clock. (rooster squawking) ♪music♪ the bass pro shops' spring fishing classic starts friday - our biggest show and sale of the year. co: i've always found you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone
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"the factor" tip of the day mean stuff directed at you, in a moment. but first we have a very hot poll on we have listed all the republican presidential contenders so far. and we're asking you to vote for one of them. so far the results are interesting to say the least. the final tally on friday. we hope you vote on now the mail, karen florida. when will the u.n. step up and form a united coalition against isis and other terrorists? when venezuela does, karen. meaning never. don, san salvador el salvador. apparently muslim nations are now going to do something because isis executed a muslim.
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is it okay -- terrorism on your doorstep, that's what motivates people. that's what we're seeing here. code pink thinks the answer to stopping the huns is to have meetings. were you just killing time with code pink and their imbecilic viewpoint? next time book pink floyd. pennsylvania bill, i applaud you for being civil. it was a fair and compelling segment. o'reilly, people don't have time to keep track of your rude comments. have stossel examine your shows and pick out all the boorish behavior. impossible, tom. "the factor"'s just one hour long. doug, redding california. stossel's wrong, there was no isis under saddam, there was no isis until president obama pulled out all the troops out of iraq. maryland, bill, you act like you did a great job interviewing
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president obama during the super bowl pre-game last year but you let him ramble. savannah guthrie got more answers than you did. bill as usual you give yourself way too much credit. you didn't get criticized because you're big and bad. it was because you were rude to the president. oh. north carolina, bill, thank you for writing killing patton. my father was wounded in the battle of the bulge and i now understand his experience. well it was a brutal time and your father is a patriot. massachusetts, my 5-year-old son loves you, mr. o'reilly. every time you have a guest he yells o'reilly's friend is on tv. i like to hire him as my p.r. kid. thanks for writing. and finally tonight, "the factor" tip of the day how to act when someone is mean to you. we have experience here. kimberly hutchson who lives in wisconsin writes, bill, i feel you are a good person. does it hurt your feelings when people say mean things about you? i mean really deep down. >> depends, kim. mostly no because i usually understand where the mean stuff is coming from.
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for example, if i slam a politician or a celebrity that someone likes they might lash out at me. that's understandable. jealousy's a huge factor in the mean world. 90% of negative comments directed at folks like you, everybody, are bourn from envy, jealousy. although some people are sadistic and meanness is their hobby. frustration can also cause mean comment. here's the tip of the day, i wish i learned earlier in life, walk away from the mean. turn on your heel and scoot. a dignified person has no time for mindless, petty garbage. "the factor" tip of the day. and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website different from also spout out of about "the factor" from anywhere in the world, o'reilly@fox name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be a pet pettifogger, which is a felony on "the factor."
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if you petty fog, i can get a little testy. ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight two big stories raising new questions about trust and this administration. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone the white house meeting with muslim leaders and refuses to tell the american people which muslim leaders were there. why? and we learned a key player in the coalition of isis bailed a month ago. radical islam raised its way in a new and horrifying way this week when the group isis released video of
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