tv Outnumbered FOX News February 5, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PST
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jenna: another busy news day. see you back here in an hour. gregg: "outnumbered" begins right now. >> this is "outnumbered." i'm andrea tantaros. here with us today, harris faulkner, my partner in crime from the business network, fox business' liz macdonald. democratic strategist jewelry roginsky. #oneluckyguy the doctor is in. fox managing senior editor for health news and medical a-teamer. dr. manny alvarez. he for the first time is outnumbered. >> for sure. i have the green tie to make sure i matched you. i want to blend in. i don't want to be outnumbered. i want to blend in. >> let's hope we don't need any medical attention today. we have a lot of topics we need your expertise on for sure. >> you got it. >> first up, rallying behind their king the people of jordan
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standing by their ruler, king abdullah ii as he vow as hash and punishing war on isis after they burned alive a jordanian pilot. abdullah, a former pilot himself, pledged hit militants hard in the very center of their strong hold until his mill teary, quote, runs out of bullets and. jordanian warplanes bombed islamic state targets in syria. jordanian f-16s, dropping bombs on the headquarters for isis. as u.n. detailed atrocitieses isis committed against children including mass executions against little boys. critics here at home slamming the president's strategy in his first interview since becoming chair of the house intelligence committee.
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he tells "the kelly file" that the u.s. can do so much more in fighting isis and arming our allies fighting with jordan. >> is president correct that when he said everything we're doing and could be doing to fight this group. >> nothing could be further from the troop. he is not admitting hot enemy is or where the enemy is located. this led the spread of radical islam because you're dealing with millions of young men with no job, and no hope for any future. and then no leadership coming from the united states of america which leaves us now in a very vulnerable position moving forward. >> and this from syndicated columnist charles krauthamer on a president he believes seems to have checked out. >> the disinterest the lethargy of this president, which he pursues this war which he declared himself is simply astonishing. jordan, which is our staunchest ally in the air h area is short of weaponry short of miticses
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and takes forever for that get through. it shouldn't be an issue. a president steps in and says to the state department and defense department, i want this done. >> and earlier on fox one of the president's biggest critics on his handling of isis senator lindsey graham accusing mr. obama of sitting on the sidelines while the middle east disintegrates into chaos. >> the president's reluctance to for a ground force and deal with syria is to no arab will join a coalition to fight isil alone. they're not going to defeat isil and allow assad to stay in power who is a puppet of the iranians. this president is sitting on the sidelines, putting our allies at risk and allowing radical islam to run wild throughout the made evident. >> so the question is, why? and i want to go to you first. i think we realized president obama will not have a moment where he is pounding the fist on the table. there will not be a george bush
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megaphone moment. he will not do it. he will not call it radical islam and identify the problem in the perverted sects of that religion. why doesn't he do more? democrats and republicans both agree we don't want to put boots on the ground. that is actually common ground. why isn't the president stepping up to do more? >> what more can he do? 2,000 airstrikes with isil which is a lot. short of putting boots on the ground which senator graham apparently wants to do there is no appetite as you mentioned on either side of the aisle to do that. short of doing that i'm curious what more he can do. there are nine coalition partners from arab coalition partners alone, that are working with us to accomplish this. this is a problem that the saudi, i said this for years, we've been fighting wars on behalf of the saud i dids at least since the first bush administration not the first first george walker bush administration. the saudis have stepped up. they need to step up more. jordanians, there is a lot of
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isil people in jordan. >> 1100. >> if i were the kingdom i would be a little worried about that. >> i'm sure he is. >> they need to step up. you have the u.a.e.? >> can we help them do more julie. >> what more? >> the president could say we stand with you and -- >> he has. >> he said he wan to build a global coalition but he is not really stepping up to say we pledge our support. we'll give you bullets. we'll give you the armor. >> excuse me, we've been arming them for years. the saudis, half their arms if not more are ours. we provide arms to these people consistently. >> 40,000 people we need to kill. 40,000 people. all right? that is not a lot of people. there is no coalition. i don't think that anybody i talk to a lot of my friend in the middle east, and i have a few, they tell me look, the problem with the gulf arab states getting involved is that they don't trust the president. they don't trust whether they're going to go get any help. i think that is the fundamental reason. this is a lack of leadership. the middle east was in trouble, yes, everybody knows since the
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days. now it's out of control. that we have to wait for them to come here to our shores, they're here already. in sleeper cells. in the behavior that they have created through the internet and making people commit crimes. these are atrocities against humanity. and the united states back in the day when they saw that, no matter what part of the world it was, they took a leadership position and they fought. i believe troops on the ground, okay, fine. i wish i could volunteer. i'm 57 years old. you know what? >> you could do it. >> but hairy, the president has ruled out boots on the ground unequivocally. >> well, what we're talking about now are two different things though because what is on the table potentially would be non-combat boots on the ground right? special forces. which we know can go in and do a whole lot of damage and train a whole lot of people. that is an option the president has. a couple of things making news moments ago house speaker john boehner said, quote, i expect to get an authorization
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for use of military force in aumf, as it is called from the white house in a matter of days. so they do have some options. we're about to find out what they are. then he goes on to say, congress should not tie the president's hands, which is interesting. because now we're talking about a bipartisan buy-in whatever might be on the table. u.a.e., you talk about the coalition, united arab emirates, in principle with us but not so much as of december. so we are losing some people along the way. but a couple of things too. you've to the, if they're heavily bombing inside of syria right now if jordan is doing that, we know that they are today, is assad along with him too? where does that -- >> go ahead. >> emac, i said before what harris just brought up, bashar al-assad, not a good guy. not a big threat to the united states. he is fighting and he has an army on the ground, the syrian army that is fighting isis at the same time. shouldn't we be coordinating with him perhaps?
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>> you know, jordan has it is so tiny and it needs our help. i think we can send military hardware to jordan. we need an fdr-reagan moment right now. what is happening, this is why it is so key what happened with the depraved slaughter of the jordanian pilot it is a turning point. back in twist, in the middle of the last decade abu zarqawi who was jordanian-born, led al qaeda which set the stage for isis, his own guys, his own jihadis, sawdust steel strength, industrial scale, slaughter and started turning guns on his guys. there was a turning point back then. we need to seize this moment right now. >> let me say two things. bashar number ahn ally is hezbollah. they are a huge threat to israelis. i don't think they could want us propping up regime. >> enemy of my enemy could be my friend.
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>> we partnered with stalin to defeat nazis. >> it is talking about atrocities not talking about assad killed many more people. >> agree. >> second we have to ask the question what is in the best interests of the united states? who is the threat to the united states? >> who is about to armor wants to give arms to assad? >> no, that is not what i was saying. my question has to do with this. in order to ratchet up pounding inside of another country you would probably think the leader of that country would be athlete knowledgeable that it is happening and would have to say that's probably okay. we're not talking about them dropping a few sorties now. jordan's king said in these words, this will be harsh. this terrorist organization is not only fighting us but also fighting islam and its pure values. he put his religion on the line. that is something our president hasn't been willing to do. but he put that in the fight. that means now you will have a different conversation with leaders of those countries surrounding jordan. >> by the way we've been arming most of those countries for many, many decades.
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let's not forget we've been doing that along. >> let me say one thing. whole focus on and at this islamic behavior here in the united states. mayor giuliani said we didn't have that in and around new york city around time of 9/11. that is telling. that kind of focus needs to ship wiping out clearly an enemy of so many countries in the world. >> we also heard, many generals and military experts on our airways saying you can't have effective airstrikes without coordination with so one on the ground. that is my point. there is a syrian army on the ground. you have to make sure they don't shoot at our planes. >> there is iraqi army on the ground. >> so can the fog of memory be an excuse? the stunning admission from one of america's most trusted names in news. that his story coming under fire in iraq, never happened. how the very public confession came out and was it enough? and the debate over vaccines goes on as more and more parents worry about the measles outbreak in parts of the country.
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california reconsidering its laws to make vaccines optional. dr. manny is here. he will weigh in right after the show. be sure to catch more, not just after the break but have you ever heard of overtime? you can ask the doctor and any of us, anything you want. as i always say keep it within reason. go to do the harris faulkner/dance move. click the oc tab, as she always does. chime in. you can do it right now. we'll start taking your questions and get ready to answer them right after the show.
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don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit ♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." we have got a shocker for you and from one of the most trusted names in news. nbc anchor brian williams admitting he spread a false story that he was in a helicopter coming under enemy fire in iraq in 2003. this began to unravel after mr. williams said this on his news broadcast on friday. >> we want to share with you a great moment that took place here in new york last night. the actually story started with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of iraq when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down
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after being hit by an rpg. our traveling nbc news team was rescued, surrounded and kept alive by an armored mechanized platoon from the u.s. army third infannie. >> next day, veteran lance reynolds, flight engineer in the army helicopter hit he calmed williams out. he posted this on nbc facebook page. quote, sorry dude, i don't remember you being on my aircraft. i do remember you walking up about an hour after we had landed to ask me what had happened. and that is not all. after the military newspaper "stars and stripes" published a story about its interview with several crewmembers who say weapons was never anywhere near the line of fire, this from the anchor last night. >> i made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago. it did not take long to hear from some brave men and women in the air crews who were also in that desert. i want to apologize. i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg
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fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. this was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and by extension, our brave military men and women, veterans everywhere. >> you know, julie, here's the thing, even the apology is now being criticized being wrong. in other words, following the aircraft mr. williams aircraft followed out an hour later. is this going to dent his career you think. >> i don't see how it doesn't. you used to have voice of god. walter cronkite was the voice of god. it has been a very long time since we had -- >> you think brian williams voice is voice of god. >> shepard smith is the. >> that is as close to voice of god. this is somebody whose entire career as it is is for all anchors, credibility connecting with the audience. this is not something you
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misremember. >> this is dangerous for, this is dangerous for nbc because their credibility is on the line too. they allowed this to happen over a period of years. on the 10th anniversary -- >> 2003, right? >> on the 10th anniversary of this in 2013 he was invited on brian weapons, to be on david letterman's show. one the things they talked about, not just for a little bit on interview but a huge chunk how wonderful you were able to survive that. take us back to that moment. he told it with such special 'tis okay, it was completely different than he told it right after it happened in 2003. so you talk about a memory, talk about a lie. those are the facts. you have to determine it. but nbc is going down a slippery slope now, having this anchor double down over and over because all this, his story is now rifle aling the headlines he has to report on. that is huge stab at everybody's credibility that is allowing it
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to happen and the man in the chair. >> andrea his what harris is saying, the specificity of his detail doesn't sort of undercuts he conflated it. do you think that too? >> yeah. i mean harris is absolutely right. he did go into deep detail. even with his apology this morning, men that were there saying, that is actually not even how it happened. if you're going to make an apology better get it right when you try to have a big mea culpa. i don't understand when people do this, especially this day and age when things can be verified. first thing i think i always trusted brian williams, he up standing guy, so has he embellished or lied about anything else? that is the first question. would he say he was on the moon with buzz aldrin? i did a little digging. ii want to ask doctor man man any, something called to the national academy of sciences false memories. "time" magazine article false memories afflict us all. is that true. >> come on this is lie upon a
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lie. when you're a liar, what do you do? if you get caught in it are you cheating? no, i'm not cheating. this is my cousin. never had a cousin. you are caught into the lies. that is exactly what you have here. a person somehow, they're in television. they want to be bigger than life. they want to be the voice of god just like you said and what happens is, you think that you are invincible. but they tend to forget one thing. there are other human beings around you. we live in the world of internet and now social media. everything you do comes back to haunt you. that is exactly what happened. >> the social media world is really lighting up. the hashtag brian williams misremembers, somebody tweeted out, brian williams has announced despite his recollections, julie he was not on the titanic. he saw the film and was confused. >> andrea and i used to be in same kind of work. we do crisis management. i don't understand who is doing his crisis management. what he should have done yesterday and said, i screwed
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up. and i am so sorry. >> keep it short. >> period. period. why go into this explanation that also kind of doesn't make any sense? >> bury yourself deeper. >> we're having a third narrative now. the first narrative was may of 2003 right after it happened. williams said suddenly without knowing why we learned we were ordered to land in the desert. we learned chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky. the crew in that helicopter were too shaken to talk about it on camera. you notice, not shot at. in the anniversary interview with david letterman, said two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including one i was in. we got hit. we sat down. everyone was okay. except our captain took injury to his right ear in the cockpit. they were shooting at us with rpg and ak-47s. that is a lot of detail. you have a third narrative within that apology. in journalism there can only be one truth but three versions of
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the same story? that's a problem. >> you didn't need to go there. he is, has been a combat journalist. >> said i was -- >> of course. >> sorry brings up story about hillary clinton in 1996. >> under fire in bosnia. they pulled the tape. >> who ratted on it? it was "sinbad." sin bad the comedian. of. >> at least he is good for something besides cameos on "the cosby show." we need to get them ginko for their memories. tomorrow we get the fresh jobs report. you heard about the 5.6 unemployment rate. it is really not so great at all. the big lie. you have got to hear this. 30 million americans are out of work. this is the lie that people don't want you to know. speaking of jobs, victoria secret employing a lot of people of the chain controlling more than a third of the sexy lingerie market. thousands signing on to a petition demanding that the
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♪ >> well, yesterday, we told but the head of "gallup polling" group calling the 5.6 unemployment rate, quote a big lie. while gaat lop points out the number is lowest since june of 2008, 30 million people either stopped looking for a job or who work only part time and take odd jobs here and there and only 44% of americans have a full-time job. bill clifton joined bill hemmer. if he had a do-over he would not use the term big lie and should have called unemployment number misleading instead. he made it clear the
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unemployment picture in this country is not good. a big part is the unfriendly climate for businesses and startups which go figure, create jobs. >> america is not cite creating jobs anymore. it is birth around death rate. we need 500,000 new businesses to start while 400,000 die. four years ago those lines crossed. we're now in very dangerous, we're in very dangerous waters. but those full-time unemployment jobs will never come back until free enterprise and spirit of entrepeneurship kicks back in again. >> that from the head of gallup. none of this stopped the white house or the mainstream media from trumpeting idea of a massive economic recovery. when the economy grew only 2.6%, "the new york times" headline read economy pulls ahead. and in the story, it called the u.s. economy a quote, island of relative strength in a world facing quote, renewed turmoil. so even though clifton is walking back the word lie i still think there has been a lot
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of lying going on, emac, especially from this administration. we heard it at state of the union. heard it during campaign season of the economy is back. we got it back on track. that is a lie. >> totally whipping fastballs by the american people. what we're see something total unemployed and underemployed is 10 or 12%. that is really bad. the recovery and administration handling not so state of the art. not a profile in courage when you flip the switch on 7 trillion in spending and raise axe taxes like we haven't seen since the hoover admin station. we have politicians fighting over tax hikes like. jfk would not be welcome in the democratic party today. watch this number. the total labor force net is only up 2%. 138, 140 million. since 2008, 2007. that is so bad and we know median hourly income is down. so you know, the, by the way small businesses he is
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absolutely right. they report their income under the income tax you know rates. so and those rates have gone up for them and they are really hurting right now. >> dr. manny, i watched an interview this morning. getting ready, kept hearing word from clifton misleading, this is misleading. all the things they have been talking about the economy and jobs number, misleading. >> i think the american public is petrified of losing their jobs. i look at couples that come to see me sometimes. you see the fear. it was a time when i was growing up in america that i had choices. hey do i want to do this and do it for couple years i will find a job. there are no job opportunities in america. if you're middle-aged 50-year-old guy. you're sticking to your guns. you're not letting go. what we have we have a no hope in america do. and that has to do because there is no good economic policies there are no jobs being created. there are gigantic unemployment out there. and this is the president that has increased taxes more than
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any president in the history of all the presidents combined. so where are we going this we are becoming a socialized state where we pay high taxes get subsidies from the government but there is no growth, no opportunities. the middle class is being destroyed. >> harris what do you think about how the media covered this story? i read some headlines. even in this interview clifton saying media is not asking the right questions? >> well, it is interesting. i think that social media backlash that he might be reacting to now. >> i think so too. >> he can couch all he wants to couch but this is interesting. for the first time in 35 years american business deaths are now outnumbering business births. that is the thing that is important. countries hungary, denmark finland, new zealand sweden italy, have higher startup rates than america. when you go out to find a job, with places shuttering it will be harder to do that. if businesses are dying numbers don't really tell the story. what he is feeling pressure
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being a messenger lone messenger with the truth. welcome to fox news. that's what we do. that is what we do. so we exactly know how he feels. if it is misleading let's get the whole truth out there. he has to be brave to get it out there. >> to our credit, fox news channel, fbn we've been talking about this misleading unemployment number because of high under employment, julie. the people who have given up looking for work. this is the real number we see right here, folks 11.2% according to gallup. this is the number, julie, how does the administration get away with saying things are great. >> i don't think anybody is saying things are great. i haven't heard anybody saying that. i don't think so. the middle class has been dying for decades. >> the president opened the state of the union spiking football. >> they're getting better incrementally. by no means good anybody looks middle class in the eye life is good for you today would be laughed out of the room. that is fact for democrat republican or anybody else. middle class in this country
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severing tremendously, they have been for three decades? >> worse under president obama,. >> not at all worse under president obama. >> joe biden said it last week. suffering last six years. >> of course they have been suffering last six years. suffering 30 years. they had the worse recession. inherited worse recession he possibly could. it will take time to get out of it. i don't think policies on either side of the aisle remotely aggressive enough to get middle class. >> "outnumbered overtime" great place to continue of the getting heated up in here. whoo-hoo. all seriousness a deadly airplane crash caught on camera. those who survived are now talking about it. i mean when you see this video. god bless them for surviving. that pilot making some interesting choices too they're looking at today. some new clues coming out that could shed some light on what went wrong. growing concerns about the measles outbreak. we have a doctor in the house as
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is ♪ >> you are watching "outnumbered" and we are glad that you are. new concerns for parents worried about the measles outbreak as we learn the vaccination rate for preschoolers is below 90% in 17 states. nearly half of those states are in the south. that is according to the national immunization survey. but in california two lawmakers are considering legislation to keep parents from opting out of vaccinations. for, quote unquote personal beliefs. all of this, especially frightening for parents with children who can not get the shots for health reasons. >> it is very real for me, very real. i mean, she could die. if she catches something like that, she wouldn't even have a fighting chance. >> some of the schools with philosophies i very much subscribe to are not going to be
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safe places for my kids, so i won't be sending him there. >> i have a couple of rapid fire questions for the doctor real quickly. that 90% is important in terms of herd immunity. how does it work? >> it works if you have somebody who is not vaccinated but 90% of the population is, likelihood that person who is not vaccinated getting measles will be minimized dramatically. once you get numbers below 90%, like in some states you have 86%, 85%, some states like west virginia, things like that where you have low rates of vaccination, you are exposing not only people not vaccinated which is the whole misconception here. people that are not vaccinated typically children less than six months of age but cancer survivors. people taking, that are organ transplants. people with autoimmune diseases with lupus, a whole bunch of people taking medications for arthritis where their immune system is compromised. they don't have the capacity to fight off one of these natural diseases. you have to think about the
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adult population also. >> real quickly, the anti-havings naics community out there, they have an important voice in all of this. and a lot of times they get judged, don't get invited to the table but they're an important part of this. as a doctor, when someone walks into your office, i'm afraid to take a vaccine or i don't believe it in, what do you say? >> i spend a lot of time counseling patients about vaccination because i'm an obstetrician. vaccine science is something i talk about right off the bat. that is black and white. what about autism? i have a child with autism, 17 years old. don't you think i have done every possible research out there regarding to autism with every scientist. i will tell you there is no link between autism and my son, with, with the vaccinations. so take that off the table. now, legitimate questions are vaccines good forever? no, they're not good forever. you need boosters. can you get a side-effect?
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yes you can get fever or a rash. is it 100% effective preventing disease? no. sometimes it fails. vaccine catches on with maybe 70 to 80% coverage of the those are all legitimate questions. >> can it kill you? >> that is an answer that i will sort of say it is not true and if they persist then i can't convince people that don't believe in science. if you don't think that the planet is round like we used to you know be in the heydays and you think it is flat, i can't convince you! i could show you pictures of it. i could show you satellite pictures of it and everything else but if that is how you feel then you have belief beyond my come prehen shun and -- comprehension. >> julie, you have youngest child of one of the mothers on the couch? >> it would not occur me to not learn to from my pediatrician. he can't go to a 3chool without him being vaccinated.
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what concerns me, a newborn wasn't old enough to get vaccinated, had he gone to disney world or disneyland, i would not take him at that age. >> i understand. >> but you know, you're putting my kid at risk because of your personal beliefs. when people say personal beliefs, i don't believe in putting my baby in car seat. guess what, it is law. i do believe putting my baby in the car seat. at what point our personal beliefs nots right for your own kid? that is the problem. >> i can tell you live chat on homepage this is hot top pick. we'll get to more of this online after tv version is over. for now, breast cancer a killer of some women as you know. a new promising drug approved this week that could save a lot of lives. plus, let them play football. two brain doctors pushing back against what they call hysteria over head injuries in youth sports. they say it is all overblown.
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truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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.... ... ... ... >> we've heard lots of arguments against youth football and other contact sports recently amid concerns about concussions but now an argument in favor of youth football. two neurosurgeons with years of experience dealing with nfl players, delivering a rebuttal to what they call unfounded hysteria surrounding head injuries. in an op-ed in the "washington times" they argue benefits organized sports. that they far outweigh the risks, writing quotes, these sports make valuable contributions to character development and future success of children by teaching them team work, discipline, self-control and triumph over adversity. organized sports are a bulwark against the very real health risks associated with childhood obesity. and, regarding chronic brain trauma marks the doctors also write, the 63 reported cases of football players diagnosed with cte over the past decade almost all professional athletes,
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hardly justified the epidemic when you consider the 10 of millions of who have played football. i loved this editorial, dr. manny, because i do think there is lot of benefits to playing organized sports. i think team work, the relying on other players, the coaches, giving good advice the losing, you learn from losing. >> nobody loses anymore when you are -- everybody gets to play. but look, i partially agree with their editorial because i do believe there is something about organized sports and for kid and exercise and everything like that. however, there is a truth to be told that impact sports if you don't pay attention to when, how often it happens ultimately you will have neurological damage, potential neurological damage. so my criticism for the most part, my kid used to play football in middle school and things like that. i used to sit there, i am not a football player. i like hotdogs and cold beer. i don't do anything like that.
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>> me too dr. manny. >> i paid attention were the coaches properly trained? and i saw a lot of physical activities sometimes as a doctor i got worried about. and in reality in a lot of communities, these people get into coaching which is very noble things. parents do it, i love that but they should have better training better equipment. >> that's the truth. >> there should be guidelines just like the nfl inches stupidded. hey, if johnny played 15 minutes, thrown down three times take him out of the game. parents don't want that. they want to force all of this stuff. this is when people get into trouble. >> did you see the stat that children between the ages of nine and 12 who played tackle football on average get 240 hits to the head. that is a lot right doc? >> yep. >> julie, you have a little boy. i met him he is super-duper quit. what if he says, mom, i want to play football? i saw you nodding when i mentioned benefits of team building?
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>> we'll make him into the next david beckham. he will never play football because i am tack taking this into my own hands and steering into -- if he wants to play football. he will play football. sports have great benefits. i'm preying to god he will go into less contact sport for all the reasons you just mentioned. if that is what he wants to do that is what he wants to do. i'm not one of those moms that will tell him no way, no how over my dead body. i will try my best to go to where your son went to have a beer on sideline. >> i used to bring my own. should stick to one sport. about playing football and going to soccer practice. >> i heard this before. >> multiple, this is again you get into injuries. the physiology, talk to people that play football, exercises that you need, muscle strength that you need, techniques you do are specific to that sport. if you translate that i go to basketball practice. >> i don't think that is
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problem. >> i played volleyball. i played field hockey. i never had a problem. >> when i tell my pediatric friend we're so busy, they're so busy. why would a pediatric orthopedic surgeon be so busy in 2014. they get all those injuries. >> do you want them to have exposure? >> do one. i'm not saying just play one. people on different teams in different sports and they continues basis. either you're a baseball player or football player. >> very quickly harris, want to get your thoughts on this one. we talked to different people even on our couch. we had joe theismann here. we had terry bradshaw. different opinions about the benefits of football which theismann talked about. we also had bradshaw saying if i go back i wouldn't have played. i personally think there is a lot of lessons of football players say there is a lot of good that can come out of it as long as you're careful. >> what i am hearing from the
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football community there are changes need to happen at that level. if you say a child is hit that many times, that has to start to go down. what i think would be helpful to have professional ambassadors in schools. talk about training for parents usually looking for the one parent who will just volunteer. oh, my gosh, you have free time? do this. to have a professional ambassador to visit schools would be helpful to talk about concussions. somebody like a terry bradshaw. >> that's a good point. >> you know what? this is what i felt and what i experienced as i gotten older. >> dr. manny says, someone to help with coaching. victoria secret is known for slender models. a petition is pressuring the brand to sell plus sizes, and happening just as sports illustrated is set to feature the first-ever plus sized model in a new ad in the swimsuit issue. is being curvy the new sexy? >> i hope so. ♪
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heart: i'm going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat... gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium... and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i'm feeling energized already. new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in.
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you park your car. as you walk away crunch! a garbage truck backs into it. so,you call your insurance company, looking for a little support. what you get is a game of a thousand questions. was it raining? were your flashers on? was there a dog with you? by the time you hang up you're convinced the accident was your fault. then you remember; you weren't even in the car. at liberty mutual we make filing a claim as stress-free as possible. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance ♪. >> victoria secret has long been known for slim models. but now they are feeling the pressure toicator to women that
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are not that skinny. thousands of people signed a petition to pressure victoria secret plus sizes. sports illustrated is taking a leap in the swimsuit edition featuring a plus size model. she is not on the cover but appears in a ad campaign. she said the world is ready for more curves in bikinis. harris i will go to you first. >> i am the curvy girl on the coach. >> you like. it >> reality based marketing is looking good. i know i will not look like a stick figure. i feel loved by them doing this. >> it is a smart decision to have a plus size model and advertise. it what about pressuring victoria secret. shouldn't they be able to do what they want and figure out
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their bottom line & is best. >> i think victoria secret will react to what the market should be telling them. i have experienced. it i don't know where they get their dressing room mirror. and get it from the circus mirror and there should be a u.n. human rights petition panel on dressing rooms mirror. >> i agree with you. they are supposed to make you look good and you are like what? i don't look. i am not looking. >> i don't try it on. and pretend i look the way i look in my head. >> if that mirror makes you look skinny. i buy more there? >> so do i at home. and so do i. i think that image issue is an important debate. i think that victoria secret doesn't pay attention to. it i think it is a propaganda
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thing. i think the ad paid for by that company was a little thing to sell more magazines and to get the issue out. there i think it is a noble thing and right thing to do to trust the issue of larger sizes. i don't trust the sin verity. it is all about marketing. >> all different men are buying the swim sought issue and married or dating women who are not size 2 or 4. they leave it around and we like to look at the magazines. >> you brought it home. you know what would happen? >> i am married it a swedish women for the love of god. >> i do not get why victoria secret wont do more stuff because they would sell more bras for bigger women. >> we have had incredible discussion and we learned not to
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drink vodka and grapefruit juice. fox over time will be on the tab. we are here tomorrow noon eastern and "happening now" starts right now. >> fox news alert. pope francis will be addressing a joint meeting of congress. >> he will be the first pope ever to do so in his visit to america later this year. we are covering all of the news "happening now". >> the plea for help as we learned what could have caused the deadly plunge as an aircraft dives in the river. >> doze kill and it is somber search for those missing. >> and the never ending evil of isis. children tortured and buried alive according to the u.n. what can be done to stop these
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