tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News February 6, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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shepard smith, who is live in amman, jordan. shepard? >> thanks very much. the islamic state terrorists claim a jordanian air strike killed a woman they were holding hostage. nobody is buying that. not in the u.s. capital of washington and not here in the jordanian capital of amman. it's 10:00 here in amman jordan. 3:00 p.m. in washington, where analysts are all over this. the jordanian minister will join us live in a moment to explain how this does not add up. i'll also speak with the parents of another american held in syria. they say the u.s. government dropped the ball when it comes to how it handles hostage cases. even one of al qaeda's former spiritual leaders says the islamic state went way too far when it burned a jordanian pilot. why he says that is not justified in any way by islam. we'll also take to the streets of amman for a massive protest here. a demonstration in support of
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the family of the man who was killed, and in support of the strikes against isis. a very busy news hour ahead. let's get to it. now "shepard smith reporting" live in amman, jordan. good evening again from the jordanian capital where no one is believing the story. jordanian government officials in washington and here in amman are, quote, highly speckty cal, unquote, of the islamic state's claim that a jordanian air strike killed an american hostage. cia is investigating the claim about this woman kayla mueller. islamic state showed no proof at all, no pictures or video. that is unlike every other time the group announced a hostage's death. militants captured kayla mueller a year ago early august 2013 in syria, 300 miles north of where we are now in amman. kayla mueller went to syria to help refugee children. she fed them, played with them
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and painted with kids who had no homes. some of them no families. she explained in her own words in a video posted on youtube. >> i am in solidarity with the syrian people. i reject the brutality and killing that the syrian authorities are committing against the syrian people. because silence is participation in this crime i declare my participation in the syrian sit-in. >> in solidarity with the syrian people. she became a prisoner of isis and now a pawn in the growing global fight against the islamic state. the u.s. state department today confirmed there is still a number of american hostages overseas. a number of skeptics of the claim point to the timing. the arab world is uniting against isis. here in amman, our crews saw crowds marching in the streets
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to protect the savage murder of the jordanian pilot. today, a u.s. official said jordan ramped up its retaliation more. flying half of its entire fleet of fighter jets to bomb isis targets in syria. officials say two dozen jordanian f-16s blew up militant training centers and weapons depots in syria. more on that from the pentagon ahead. first to our chief intelligence correspondent live in washington. what else are you learning about this american hostage? >> shepard, isis are masters at leveraging social media. they need to figure out if what they're saying is accurate. in this particular case, the u.s. intelligence community is not only looking at the twitter account to see if the track record of credibility and reliability in the past, but they're also looking at a series of three photographs that were posted with a claim that kayla
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mueller had been killed in the air strike. this is purportedly of this weapons depot. using overhead imagery the u.s. intelligence community fairly quickly can identify the site and verify whether there was an air strike in the vicinity in the last 24 hours. separately, we did hear from the state department earlier today. they had very little to offer publicly about kayla's case. >> i cannot confirm those reports in any way. obviously, people are looking into them but cannot confirm them. we're just not going to get into specifics about americans being held overseas for privacy of them, of their families. obviously, you can imagine, these are very sensitive situations. we're just not going to get into those details. >> back in the fall, at the time when peter kassig was executed, another american citizen, we learned a lot of detail about kayla's captivity. the circumstances under which she disappeared and a number of
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locations that investigators believed she had been held inside of syria. one of the locations was, in fact, raqqa. at the time, and since, we have not reported these details out of respect for national security and also her safety. it's somewhat ironic today that with the twitter message isis effectively outed her when there had been an effort behind the scenes to protect her identity. >> we are in a state of uncertainty. what happens next? >> well, the question really for the u.s. intelligence community is whether this is part of a larger rollout by isis. that has been their pattern in the past. will there be a video or another series of tweets that are connected to kayla? we've talked about this extensively, but i think it's worth mentioning again. when you look at the case of the jordanian pilot. what you can see is this was really part of a propaganda campaign.
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it was rolled out for several days. our contacts believe it was specifically timed for when the jordanian king was here in washington, d.c. if you'll recall the photo of the japanese journalist, kenji goto, this was released about ten days into the whole crisis. he holds a photo of the jordanian pilot. if you look closely here at that time it's now obvious that that's a photo from the video where he's inside the cage. when you look at the black bars. at the time, it was not obvious. you see, this is another indicator of how isis is really using their propaganda to play chess, and not checkers, in this situation. u.s. intelligence community is watching very closely for any follow on information. i would just, as a final point, if i could i know from our reporting in the past that there have been indications that isis had threatened her life directly. it's not that the ic has not known about this before but this is the first time publicly
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isis has made this claim. >> very interesting. catherine herridge live with us from washington. let's bring in muhammad jordan's king's information minister. do you buy any of this? >> obviously, we're all looking into it. our initial reaction is that it just doesn't add up. we're highly suspicious of the story. nobody can identify the nationality of an airplane in the sky. plus, what would that lady be in a storage of weapons and training centers for terrorists? we in jordan have a story that just concluded that isis has been negotiating our pilot, though they have killed the pilot almost a month here is no reason for us to believe their new propaganda. we think this is part of what they are intending to do in
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order to make probably a fraction in the coalition. i think everybody can see that game and highly suspicious of that story. >> i'm confident they very much would like to divide the jordanian people, as well. >> exactly. this is what they tried to do with these moves. the media is spinning. given the behavior, i think we all are accustomed to their behavior. i think we're all united against this terrorist organization, and we'll not let these games divide us at all. >> you flew two dozen f-16s today. clearly close to half of your entire fleet. how long can jordan keep this up? >> we will do whatever it takes in order to fight this organization and defeat this organization. we think this is the best of our country. of course, we strongly believe that other countries in the region, as well as the international community, must shoulder part of the responsibility. we said it's our war because isis is in our border.
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not in the u.s. border or france or australia. but attacks by terrorist organizations have been happening in countries like canada and france and australia. so clearly, the international community must come in and help countries who are involved in this fight. >> jordan has taken up the pr, if nothing else, in this matter. in response it would appear that isis has come out saying that jordan killed a hostage. it makes sense that isis would very much like to strike in jordan, as al qaeda has previously. what level of concern is there here, and what precautions are being taken? >> we think, because of the professionalism of our security agencies, as well as the awareness of our people we think we are in a pretty good shape to defend ourselves. i think the rational was in iran. i think we are in a position that the whole world now is
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convinced that this even must be terminated sooner than ever. what's happened with our pilot i think, changed the game dramatically. the war on isis before, the killing of our pilot completely different than the war after the killing of the pilot. everybody understand that dangers, nature of this organization, and we're not going to let them go without being punished and without being defeated. >> isis is the acronym for islamic state in syria and -- syria. here, it's in arabic. >> they say islamic state. they're not islamic. >> we've been reading these reports from people with sources inside of what they were calling their capital. there's fighting within isis, that there are separate groups that are splintering. they're fighting about how they flit up the money.
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do you have these reports? are any of these credible? >> we get these every now and then. we do think that there are these things that are happening all the time. fractionalization over money or stupid allegations among them. again, this is not enough. we all have to continue to take this seriously and to make sure that they are defeated and they are vanishing. unless we do this they will continue to grow and they will continue to impose danger on all of us. >> what does jordan need from the united states that it's not getting? >> i think jordan and other countries will need more cooperation. the level of cooperation and the level of partnership between us and the united states is wonderful. and i think it's an example for all countries to follow. yet, after what happened, i think more help and more --
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maybe cooperation and coordination will be helpful. >> do you need ammunitions? >> his majesty just came from the states and he heard from officials in washington. all a positive tone that the united states will be supporting jordan more in its effort to defeat them. >> our military leaders say, first of all, you can't win this without a change in ideology. you can't win the military side of it without good eyes and ears, and maybe troops on the ground at some point. could jordan be a partner in that effort? >> i think nobody is talking about troops on the ground. the idea about boots on the ground is that we will help the iraqi military take that responsibility, as well as the
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person peshmerga and the moderate syrian forces. >> i've never found them. where are they? >> i think the plan is to rain them to defeat terrorism. i think there is an effort in that. maybe not with the speed people hope, but it is happening. you're right. we need military efforts to fight them and that's the immediate response to this. there's the security front, which is driving the finances, hunting them down and putting them in jail. and then to enlighten people of the true nature of this evil called isis. >> you have 1.3, 1.5, enormous number of million refugees in this country. there have been concerns about security within those refugee camps and people getting in to cause harm. what level of concern is there, and what degree of security is there? >> obviously, we're keeping a close eye on all of our borders. clearly, with the refugee camps and refugees that come to
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jordan, we also keep an eye on all the issues relating to the security aspect of this. through our agencies and through the awareness of our people. this is the greatness about this country. the people united are on their armed forces and leadership. that's why we're all united against this fight. we believe that this is our fight. we believe that the whole world should support us in this fight. we believe it's the right thing. the just thing to do. >> minister of information for jordan, thank you. >> thank you, shep. there's more ahead. we're getting video of jordanian air strikes into the fox news channel, which the islamic state claims are the ones that killed the american hostage. we'll show you the video, be live at the pentagon and look at the bigger picture. what this depth of the hostages means and what turn this could take as fox is reporting from
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it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long. and now introducing aleve pm for a better am. just into fox news channel. brand new video showing the jordanian air strikes in syria that took place on thursday. the same bombings that isis claims killed an american hostage named kayla mueller. that's the claim. intel officials in washington and here in amman say they do not buy it. the militants have shown no proof and the timing is
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suspicious. we'll go to the pentagon for more. >> we do have new video of the jordanian war planes bombing isis targets yesterday. this is the first video we've received from the jordanian war planes since their pilot was killed. this area is northeast syria. jordan has 42 planes so jordan is flying half of its war planes on any given mission. two dozen jordanian f-16s were airborne today. they've all returned safely. jordanian pilots had choice words and messages they wrote on the body of the planes. they are not striking inside of iraq. iraq has barred jordan from doing so accord together aing to a
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spokesman. the u.s. provides refueling, so it's unlikely they'd be flying over mosul without u.s. help. >> critics claim the coalition may not have enough search and rescue assets. what's been the response to that? >> i'm told that there is no shortage of search and rescue as asset assets. all u.s. air force officials i've spoken to about the downed jordanian pilot told me he was grabbed by fighters within minutes. even if they had search and rescue in raqqah at the time they couldn't have gotten to him in time. the2íñ pentagon moved more search and rescue assets in response to complaints. the state department rebutted any notion that the jordanian pilot was on the ground for 30 minutes before being captured. >> as soon as the plane went down, an intensive airborne search was immediately initiated. personnel recovery forces were
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moving toward the pilot's last known location. for obvious reasons, we don't discuss response timelines for personnel recovery. it was not a major factor in this case. we were not able to locate the pilot before he was picked up by isil forces. >> f-16 and 22 fighter jets escorted the war planes into syria today, providing refueling, radar jamming capability to deter and any potential interference. the question now is whether the uae will rejoin the air combat mission. u.s. military tells me the excuse that there is not rescue efforts is a, quote red herring. >> in the meantime an american journalist is missing after he vanished in syria more than two years ago. his parents say they are fed up with the way the white house has handled his case. we'll speak live with them about what they're now doing to try to get their son back home.
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xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit the parents of an american journalist who went missing in syria say they need help bringing their son back home. his name is austin tice. he vanished two and a half years ago while reporting on the civil war in syria. his parents say they're really not sure who is holding him hostage. they say they haven't heard from anybody as for a ransom. in a news conference yesterday, his parents put on blindfolds a reference to a video that surfaced apparently showing their son wearing a blindfold. the parents say the white house hasn't done enough to help. they want a better hostage policy. there has been too much red tape standing in the way. >> there's no agency, no person
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solely committed to the singular objective of the safe return of the hostage. that has to change. we feel like we need to let everybody know that our son is missing, and will you please help us get him home. >> the white house tells us president obama ordered a review of the hostage policy, and that should begin by the springtime -- or finish it by the springtime. a state department spokesperson says diplomats have been working through the czech republic's mission in syria to get more information. marc and deborah ticera tice join us now. how did the meeting go yesterday in washington? >> i thank you, shepard, for having us on. we had a number of meetings this week with a number of government agencies and friends that are helping us here in washington. frankly, we believe they've gone
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very well. >> the frustration has been with typical government red a lack of single point accountability. is that right? >> that's right. we have individuals especially at state that we have worked with really well. that have supported us immensely. our senator has been amazing. our congressman al green. but there is a frustrating amount of red tape. a little bit of chaos in a can, as far as how these hostage situations are handled. >> i heard you say something yesterday that made so much sense in its simplicity. i was in some way surprised we're not there already. that because this is clearly an ongoing problem, there should be one point person one agency, if you will in charge of hostages. >> exactly.
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that's what we believe. that's what we hope will come out of this policy review. we have, right now, confidence that it's going to be a thorough review, and it is well-intentioned and will yield results. we have all kinds of resources currently being engaged in these hostage cases. like austin's and others. but because of a lack of a coherent policy, they are not operating efficiently. they don't work efficiently and effectively together. as a result, we don't think that american hostages are getting the results the success, the support they deserve. >> your son is an american marine. he was serving as a journalist at the time reporting there. disappeared in august of 2012. a proof of life shortly thereafter. and since then, from my understanding, nothing. i've always wanted to know where
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you get the strength and how you get through life day to day. it's admirable and i don't understand it. >> well shep, we are really fortunate in having people all over the world praying for us. it truly is the strength of god's grace that keeps us going that puts our feet on the floor in the morning to face another day. there's also this steadfast hope and belief that our son is coming home. we are waiting for him, and it is our responsibility to maintain a home life for him to come to. >> yeah. i would add, shepard as you know, we're starting, with reporters without borders, an awareness campaign of austin's situation. hoping that the american public and people all over will amplify our join in encouraging our
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government, the obama administration, to do everything they can. the response to that so far has been tremendous. >> tremendous. >> that is an enormous source of strength for us as well. >> well i am thankful to hear all of that. i've heard it before. i think it's just on a day like this, and i know you don't want to talk about today's developments, and i don't blame you, but on a day like this it's important to remember that these people who are held hostage are not another number and a face on a full screen that we put up there. they're people's brothers and sisters and, in this case, they're your son. your son has done a lot for this nation, and our nation owes him. we're thankful that you're here and so hopeful that your end is a good one. >> thank you shep. >> thank you. >> thank you. president obama has just released his new national security strategy covering some of the world's most pressing issues including the fight against the islamic state.
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we go live to the white house for that. we'll take you to the streets of jordon where our crews were this morning as people here rally for payback against isis. that's coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news as fox reports live from amman, jordan. o you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure... ♪ ♪
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i have a fox report more headlines from the fox news desk. rebels who fight under the slogan slogan, death to americans. they have taken over yemen's government. the rebels raided the presidential palace last month. the u.s. state department says this is not a solution to the crisis there. analysts say yemen is a key u.s. ally, but also home to the most dangerous branch of al qaeda. victims of the ford hood massacre will receive purple hearts according to the army secretary. he said congress changed the requirements to make the victims eligible for the medals. 13 people died and more than a dozen injured. turbo tax stop filing
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returns. a spokeswoman says there are false returns. including stolen personal information. the company reports there is no sign of any security breech. the news continues from amman, jordan right after this. tomorrow is possibility. and the power to unlock it resides in a box behold the biscuit. nutrients packed in a dense bundle of farm-grown grain and capped with pure deliciousness. fiber-dense fuel.
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25 minutes before the hour now. in amman jordan, where today's friday papers took on a somber tone. the king is still trying to grasp the gruesome murder of its hero pilots. the crew went into the streets today. a mix of skyscrapers and ancient stone buildings. worshippers bowed and kneeled at a mosque broadcasting a call to prayer. a common sight all across the region on friday. this week, the calm prayer session ended with a showing of outrage and of unity for a hero who died so horribly. with our blood and soil we'll
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defend the king. it's what they chanted as some 2,000 people marched down the street here in amman. >> jordanians, now together with our king. all the world will be together in this time. >> police and security forces led the crowd as folks looked from balconies above. old and young men and separately women they marched. >> all that fox news needs to know is we're here to rally in support of our king, country and army. >> in the middle of it all, jordan's queen walked with her people holding a poster of the pilot who died so brutally. yelling, death to isis. you could hear the anger in their voices and see it on their faces. the people here are demanding payback. >> for me i want our government to stand -- to stop them. to kill them all.
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>> their government to stand with them and to kill them all. they were holding this poster offalof al ka al kaseasbeh. down here, it says in arabic the martyr. there was a security presence at the rally, as there is across the city. we have not heard of any reports of violence at this protest or any others. the islamic state's acts only strengthen the world's resolve in its hope to refeetdefeat the terror group. that's according to susan rice. she spoke following obama's national security. the issues include countering russian aggression stopping the spread of infectious disease promoting human rights boosting cyber security and fighting the islamic state and terrorism in general. the president did not lay out any major shifts in his strategy against isis but the white house says he's getting ready to
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ask congress to authorize the use of force against the terror group. we'll go live to the north lawn. susan rice talks about some of the successes in the fight against terrorism. >> reporter: she talked about how the air strikes have killed thousands of isis fighters. she also had to contend with the fact that just a short year ago, the administration was suggesting isis was the so-called jv squad. now, this document talks about isis as a real threat to the american homeland. she tried to say, look, the threat has evolved. listen. >> as al qaeda core has been decimated, we've seen the diffusion of the threat. to al qaeda affiliates, isil local militia and home-grown violent extremists. this diffusion may, for now, reduce the risk of a spectacular attack like 9/11.
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>> reporter: but susan rice says it leaves the door open for smaller attacks involving terror such as boston and paris. a real threat out there, obviously, shep. >> and what from the president's critics? >> reporter: they're saying that isis clearly has a plan to try and dominate the conversation. try and disrupt the world right now. they believe the president's strategy, as paid out doesn't -- is not a plan to stop them. >> we may have a drone plan or president bush and the bush administration had a military plan, but we don't have a political political, ekconomic or idealogical plan to deal with them. >> reporter: the administration says we need strategic patience and not alarmism. >> ed henry on the north lawn this afternoon. ed thanks. let's go to the host of fox
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news sunday. joining us live on a friday afternoon, as we always does. it's hard to know where we are. the critics say go hard or harder. the president says, we have to have patience. it's a difficult dilemma. >> reporter: yes, but the pictures you showed a few minutes ago. when you not only have 2,000 demonstrators in the street of amman, demanding vengeance against isis, but even the queen of the country, one of the protesters with a picture of the pilot. you hear this same kind of -- maybe not the same degree -- but the same kind of anger in arab capitals across the region. boy, if this isn't a potential tipping point, a potential watershed. wonder whether the u.s. and the west shouldn't be taking advantage of this, trying to mobilize this support and create something. people have talked about an arab
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nato. to take the fight against isis and against islamic extremism that threatens a lot of the governments in the region. >> makes sense on an organizational standpoint. what they're doing right now is trying to get as much ground information as they can, given the circumstances, make these strikes from the air on targets that are available. beyond that, there doesn't seem to be any appetite or even beyond that any belief that putting in ground forces would be the right thing to do. i'm not sure where the escalation is. are you? >> reporter: well, there are a couple of points. one is that jordan has talked about, not a full-scale invasion but special forces. special operateorsperators. people that are able to go in on the ground and spot where potential targets are for isis. obviously, there are other countries that have talked about it. look, you had a situation where it now turns out that the united
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arab em arab emarites stopped participating because they were afraid their pilots would be shop down and the u.s. didn't have a sufficient search and rescue effort. why wouldn't we provide that? now, we're hearing that almost two months later the u.s. is providing the search and rescue resources and putting them in erbil, in the kurdish area of iraq. why didn't we do that two months ago? >> yeah. i don't have answers to two months ago. i'd like to hear them. we hear these reports chris, and we're welcome out of time but we hear the reports of in fighting within isis over money. isis members executing other isis members for having differing opinions on things. it's starting to sound like they're having troubles from within and more organization from outside. it feels like things are about
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to get better. i don't know. >> reporter: well, you're a lot closer to literally and figuratively than i am. i talked to some national security advisers recently. they talk about, well they're able to kill maybe 1,000 isis fighters a month. there are estimates that more than that, 1,55000 2000 foreign mighters fighter from other countries are joining the campaign. as savage as it was, the reason isis put out the 22 minute video, including the burning to death of the jordanian pilot was as a recruiting tool. the jordan king was meeting in washington when they released it. the king of jordan and president of the united states are conferring to deal with us. that empowers isis and the
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people who think they should support them. >> chris wallace in washington on capitol hill. thanks very much. we'll look for you this weekend. you'll have more on the fight against isis on fox news sunday. he'll talk to a retired u.s. sunday. check your local listings on your local fox station. we'll get more reaction from up side jordan to the isis claims that an american hostage died in an air strike. it comes as the jordanian government asks for more weapons to fight off the terror group. that's come ughing up from amman.
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to sign on to a cease-fire plan. no word of any agreements. and the fbi at last -- at least five states investigating the cyber attack on anthem health insurance. somebody reporting hackers stole 80 million people's personal info including social security numbers. anthem is the nation's second biggest insurance company, and runs some blue cross and blue shields shield plans. now back to shepard smith, live in amman jordan. >> thank you so much. earlier, i spoke with the jordanian minister of information who said the islamic state's latest claim doesn't add up. they have not shown proof that an jordanian air strike killed an american hostage. what else are we hearing from the people? >> they believe isis would do something to overstep their bounds and lose popular support. we're seeing that in jordan. where a tribal leader and on tv
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and social media people are really skeptical of isis' claims, of killing the american hostages but it was deeply offensive to the tribes, that. it seems to have set apart isis from people who may have traditionally supported the group. it started to divide traditional conservatives in terms of a religious sense from isis. >> there's been a push to get things coordinated better regionally. especially related to israel. >> it seems when king abdullah was in the u.s., he asked for advance weapons, like drones and night vision capability. there's been a policy in the middle east where israel would have an add vangsvancement, the best weapons. israeli leaders say they are okay if jordan and the kurds get
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advanced weapons. we're starting to see that and hear that on capitol hill as well. there is a belief that in order to fight isis, the arab countries and the kurds need some better weapons. even if it goes against the current against the current policy in comparison to israel. >> you've been reporting here for years. these shifts are very significant, aren't they? >> yeah. this is changing and altering the entire landscape of the middle east. if you look at syria, it's barely a country anymore. it doesn't have a functioning government. it's basically divided up. you could make the same claim for about -- in iraq. but you're seeing alliances -- jordan and israel had a long relationship. but you're seeing coordination behind the scenes with the united arab emirates and other countries. they fear the iran-backed shias. there's alignment on a lot of different levels that's changing and reshaping the middle east. >> always great to hear from you. i enjoy your work so much. great to work with you. >> always great to be with you.
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>> best to the family. the horrific video of the jordanian pilot burning to death has mentors of al qaeda blasting the militants. that change next. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain. your daughter has a brilliant idea for her science project. and you could make it happen. right? wrong. because you're not you you're a cancer hospital and your daughter... she's a team of leading researchers... and that brilliant idea is a breakthrough in patient treatment that could save thousands of lives. which means you need a diverse team of advisors helping you. from research data analytics all the way to transformation of
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two notorious jihadi clerics are now condemning the islamic state militants for that gruesome video of a jordanian pilot burning to death. abu muhammad is a so-called spiritual mentor for al qaeda and says the killings cannot be justified by any religion. and an ayatollah accused the isis of being distant from its
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religion's tenets. trace gallagher has more. >> he was involved in the back-channel negotiations with isis trying to arrange a possible prisoner swap to arrange the release of that jordanian pilot but isis was never serious saying they are evasive liars. here's what he said about isis killing the pilot. >> now you burned mu'ath. did that accomplish anything? did it stop the bombing? the attack against you has grown harder. now the jordanian people are demanding to intensify the attack on you because of what they saw. they saw something that cannot be justified by any religion or logic. >> and he declared a caliphate, a state run according to islamic law. the caliphate, he says, is meant to bring muslims together but isis has been a divisive force. he had a falling out with his own proteges after he criticized
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them for attacking other muslims. >> and sistani is speaking out as well? >> yeah. he issued a statement in karbala. isis believes the shia is their apostate and must die in order for there to be a pure form of islam. we've covered the horror stories across iraq and syria of isis freeing sunnis and executing shiites. the public protests are going on now across iraq. >> trace gallagher live in los angeles, trace, thanks. we'll be right back. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help pay for her kids' ice time. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before she got 3% back on gas all with no hoops to jump through. katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition.
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investigating it. we'll have continuing coverage throughout the afternoon and evening from here in amman and beyond. for the journalists of fox news, i'm shepard smith. see you throughout the day. have a good weekend. jordan pounding isis targets for a second day now. two dozen f-16s conducted the air strikes on isis facilities deep inside syria. but what happens when jordan runs out of bombs and who will pick up the slack? jordanians taking to the streets accompanied by their queen as the country vows to not let up one iota on isis after one of its pilots was burned alive in a cage. i guess they're giving varying degrees of
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