tv Hannity FOX News February 7, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PST
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there is a great man named larry downing. he travelled all over the world and he has won the reuters global journalist of the year award twice. he is retiring and will be very much missed. you can se has now left her wife. she is focusing on her family's well-being. see you monday at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." new developments tonight. nbc news brian williams is still at work today behind the anchor desk, but according to reports the peacock network is allegedly investigating their lead anchor for lying about being in a military helicopter that was struck by rpg fire in iraq while covering the war back in 2003. according to a report by the "new york post" there's anger towards williams within the network which has set up a so-called truth squad made up of investigators and reporter to investigate his tall tales. this comes as his credibility is being questioned by a new
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orleans newspaper wondering how accurate williams was in describing what he saw during hurricane katrina in this interview back in 2006. >> when you look out of your hotel room window in the french quarter and watch a man float by facedown, when you see bodies you last saw in bandace, indonesia, and swear you would never see that i was there before that storm, i rode it out with people who later died in the superdome. >> the french quarter was one of the few dry areas of new orleans during hurricane katrina. and that's not all, according to the new orleans advocate he claims he got dysentery by accidentally drinking -- water. he's quoted as saying he never recalled a single case of gastro interitis during chris tinkatrina.
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joining us senior military adviser at concerned veterans for america amber smith and president of the media research center bret bozell is with us. amber, as somebody who's in the military, who took fire and now i have the entire story of his helicopter pilot saying that's not true that's not true, that's not true, the whole story wasn't true. what's your reaction as somebody who actually did take fire? >> when you take fire and it actually hits your aircraft you don't forget it. you are lucky to be alive. and when you, you know land and think about it afterwards someone was trying to kill you, someone was trying to take your life. that's not something that you have to go back with your other pilots and say did this happen which aircraft was i in, i can't really remember. someone just tried to kill you. it's very clear. and you don't forget about it. >> so in other words what he
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said on david letterman and i'll play it now where he got hit with rpg fire that's not something you'd make a mistake on. anyway, here's what he said. >> we were in some helicopters. what we didn't know was we were north of the invasion. we were the northern most americans in iraq two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one i was in. >> no kidding? >> rpg and ak-47. >> what altitude were you hit at? >> we were only at 100 feet doing 100 forward naughts. we landed very quickly and hard. and we putdown and we were stuck. four birds in the middle of the desert. and we were north out ahead of the other americans. we got hit, we sat down, everyone was okay. our captain took a purple heart injury to his ear in the cockpit, but we were alone. they started distributing weapons. >> so, amber, it's impossible in your view to make that mistake. >> that right there was a ten-year lie.
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that was not a fog of war story. that was a story of a journalist who stole an american soldier's story, who by the way was lucky enough to walk away from it alive, and he used it for -- brian williams used it as his own for personal gain career advancement, whatever. he used the story that wasn't his. and now 12 years later he's sorry about it because he got caught. but he was happy to ride his ego for the 12 years using that story that wasn't his. >> here's his attempt, bret bozell, of his bungled apology, which has also become a big issue. here's what he said on the air the other night. >> i want to apologize. i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. we all landed after the ground fire incident and spent two harrowing nights in a sandstorm in the iraq desert. this was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and
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by extension our brave military men and women veterans everywhere, those who have served while i did not. i hope they know they have my greatest respect and also now my apology. >> let me ask you bret bozell, okay, that made it worse for him. because it wasn't -- i don't think that passed the smell test. what if that apology doesn't go over with the american people and the story on katrina and dysentery and a man floating facedown in an area that wasn't really flooded, what if that turns out to be true? to be a false story in other words. >> first, amber, thank you so much for your service to this country. >> yeah, amen. >> we're all honored. i'm honored to be on the show with you. but look, sean, to your question. this whole story's falling apart for brian b8drwilliams. what he said in his apology was, no, they were following a helicopter that took rpg fire. he took small arms fire. there was a pilot who came on
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cnn yesterday richard crell, and confirmed that story. the only problem is today richard cr off that story and said maybe not. cnn backed off the story entirely. up comes a man chris simone who was -- >> he was the pilot. he says none of that happened. >> yeah. he said none of it happened. they didn't take small arms fire. he said i was the pilot of that plane. i didn't receive a purple heart. as a matter of fact, my ears are just fine. so apparently he's lying about everything. now throw katrina on there and you wonder how in the world was he anchoring the news tonight. >> i can't answer that question. and by the way i share your respect. you were shot at. you did come under fire, amber. and it's an heroism for all our guys in the military. they take on fire every day. let me advance the story a little bit. first let me ask you both, do you think he should stay on the
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air? what do you think nbc should hdo, amber? >> i honestly don't know how he can at this point. he /z zero credibility. there is such thing as journalist integrity. it's part of the job description. i trusted him. the american people trusted him. and it was a breach of trust. it's no longer there.rcw0(t&háhp &hc% no one's going to watch the show anymore. i don't see how they can move forward with him. >> bret, what >> there are other witnesses, sean. there's his cameraman, there's the producer there's the sound men, they were all with them. how is it that nobody's coming to his side to defend him? no, he cannot stay on the air. he's lost all credibility on that network. as i said last night, the honorable thing for him to do is to resign. >> all right. let me ask you then this story. because it's a related story and it's about a presidential candidate, hillary clinton claimed in bosnia that she came under sniper fire. it wasn't true. watch this.
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>> we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. >> those of us on the trip know that didn't happen. instead she was welcomed by children. clinton told newspaper editors yesterday she was tired. >> that's what i said when i was sleep deprived. you can read my book and i wrote something very different. yeah, i misspoke. >> reporter: but she told the story over and over. >> because they said there might be sniper fire -- >> amber, sleep deprived i misspoke. what's more important in terms of a job being an anchor or being a president? should that matter? >> absolutely being in politics matter, integrity matters. when you're running for president, i think look what's happened over the past six years. you want a leader, someone who is honest and has integrity. you don't want someone who's going to fabricate these stories for personal gain. it doesn't make any sense. >> bret bozell. >> do you believe hillary clinton is to believe that every single time she gave a speech where she lies, where she told
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that story, she was sleepy. no, it doesn't work. that was a lie. >> yeah. so do you think it will have an impact on the campaign? you and i followed a lot of campaigns together. do you think this will -- if brian williams has to step down will this now become a bigger issue for her? >> well, it should be. there should be a conversation. there should be a conversation about all candidates when they lie publicly. i think they should be held to account, yes. >> thank you both. amber, thank you for your service and we're glad you made it after being hit as you were. thank you so much. and, brent good to see you, brent bozell. >> thanks sean. >> more on hillary's lie and her statements and excuse coming up later in the show. also coming up president obama appears to have, well, struck a nerve. >> i don't think he was bj thinking. i think he's just assessing because it fits his political thoughts. >> our "hannity" producers hit the streets of new york city to see what people thought about
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president obama's comments about christianity. would he ever say the same thing about mohamed and islam? coming up next we'll check in with the reverend franklin graham and much, much more on this busy news night straight ahead. so [announcer:] what if one stalk of broccoli could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? [man grunts] one wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain difficulty breathing and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 ® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 ® if you've had a severe allergic reaction
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unspeakable acts of barbarism, terrorizing religious minorities like yazidis, subjecting women to rape as a weapon of war and claiming the mantle of religious authority for such actions. and lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and inquisition people committed terrible deeds in the name of christ. in our home country slavery and jim crow all too often was justified in the name of christ. it is not unique to one group or one religion. there is a tendency in us a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith. >> joining me now someone who was in the room when the president delivered thosehneìáhp &hc% shocking remarks and that's
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pastor dr. samuel rodriguez. he's the president of the national hispanic leadership conference. pastor, good to see you. thanks for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> what was the reaction in the room? >> first, let me put that aside for a moment. 3,500 people 150 nations represented in that prayer breakfast. i have been towiyñpá )t&e events where the president has spoken, members of congress. and i have nevq2nñt heard, and i say this without any exaggeration, i have never heard the name, putting that aside the name of jesus mentioned in a positive light like i heard at yesterday's prayer breakfast. >> but he says terrible deeds in the name of christ. could you imagine the president who can't say the islamic state is islamic or radical islam and went to reverend wright's church would he ever say terrible deeds in the name of mohamed? >> there is no more transformative power on
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narrative that does not advance peace, love, harmony reconciliation, of course it's not historically con textualized in the way it's appropriate. something that took place a hundred years ago. listen every single faith group has extremism. but even you could argue stalin killed more in the name of atheism. >> we're going to get into this in the next segment about the crusades whether a defense of war. so mohamed is 600 a.d. a hundred years later begin, they went all over spainzxt4 and rome and france and con80e stantinople. the question is was he historically even accurate? >> jesus is biqíolove jesus is mercy, jesus is hope. this is the christianity of matthew, mark, luke and john, peter and paul and billy graham, dr.16÷]k martin luther king jr. and
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mother teresa. think of all the good these individuals do in the name -- >> radical islam is happening now. bobby jindal had a quote, i'll get to it later. but we're dealing with modern day radical islam that he won't even say. >> right. which faith narrative transforms the world for good? christianity. you know why, sean? yesterday seated next to ambassadors by the way at my table that it's the 21st century in the midst of cultural decadence and radical islam there is still power in the name of jesus. that's what i saw yesterday in that room. >> pastor=jr good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> joining us now is the president of@áix samaritans purse and the billy graham e advantage kal association the reverend franklin@o]uv5is with us.(p+ñ reverend, thank you for being with us. what was your reaction to the president's comments? >> first of all, i was shocked i think like everybody else. jesus christ came -- he taught tscz @r(t&háhp &hc% peace, love, forgiveness.
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but that was almost a thousand years ago. we're looking at where we are today. and to try to compare mistakes somebody may have made in the name of jesus christ -- and there are a lot of people who have used jesus' name for their own personal desires and committed great sins, but if you want to really follow jesus christ, you have to look at his life. he taught peace, love, forgiveness, he came to give his life for the sins of mankind. he'll clens our hearts and we'll have that hope be with him in heaven for eternity. jesus christ died for us. i don't have to go die for him. he died for me. what we see in islam and i don't call it radical what you see in islam, you have to die for god. but the god i worshipped, he died for me. and i'm so grateful he sent his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to die for my sins.
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and anybody willing to repent and return for their sins and receive christ god will forgive their sins and receive their hearts. >> can you imagine under any scenario the president who said terrible deeds in the name of jesus christ that he would ever say terrible deeds in the name of mohamed? >> well, first of all, we all know that the president is very sympathetic to islam. and he was -- his father was a muslim. his stepfather was a muslim after his mother and father divorced. he lived in indonesia with his mother and she remarried. so his influence has been islam. and this is his life. and it's very hard for him to face reality as to what he grew up around as a boy. >> and what about his time in reverend wright's church after 9/11. >> that's the most radical
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church in america. so he doesn't have any understanding of the scripture. he doesn't have -- he has very little understanding of world history especially church history. and neither does reverend wright. and for him to sit you know, for almost 20 years under the leadership of this man is just crazy. and no wonder the p;,í=9q is what he is because of the influences he's had from a youth all the way up through reverend wright. >> he did tell "new york times" that the most beautiful sight in the world is the call to muslim prayer at sunset. so that was certainly influential when he was young. all right. reverend, good to see you. thank you so much for being with us. coming up next tonight right7v5l here on "hannity". >> i can see why he's trying to make that comparison, but i don't agree with him. just because it's just wrong. >> personally, it wasn't appropriate. >> how the president's comments about christianity are not sitting well with the american people. we'll check in with bill donohue and father morris.
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later tonight, a very disturbing report from isis the islamic extremists claiming jordan's air strikes have in fact killed a u.s. ,( many people aren't buying that story. shep smith is going to sort it all out. he's in amman jordan. that's coming up tonight on this busy news night. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks
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fiber-dense fuel. morning reward. tomorrow, you can have it all. ♪sun'll come out, tomorrow♪ ready yourself with kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. see you at breakfast™. welcome back t jf )c @p"hannity." 0l'scykañ pundits añrt relin'z2j leaders alike have come out stronglyrúxq condemning president obama's remarks yesterday about christianity. we wanted to find outj average american citizens :"zuup!out the president'sd comments. so we sentbm k cameras to st. patrick's cathedral in new york ciajw >> the idea it'stt ñba3ñ7! reprehenc-!u g x- bz # reprehensible. >> what happened was today and
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yearsb>r years. >> -- cqsf1 o >> it's justv h!é@wrong.jnco try to takeúc6 somexgion and compare it toa o an act of>gavx19ñlk8e[y[yfac) terror take ojór.]layñ$]s atñ+xí4 ÷ xk >> first i want to get your genre fwr action. ót do you think thevñé z ever would have said thatdhv2x -- hev]1ut won't even ÷ieñ recognize,1!cr3aú radicalk islam orauswis ÷ islamic state is islamic. there's any sort
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isis is doingñ65m right noß andnf&(pá wasno?÷ done during the it» sad that our president would choose to do it. what point he's trying to make i could guess. but i think he should know better. you don't do that. it's totally out of line. >> the interesting thing is there's a debate that nobody else has brought up, bill and that is was the crusades a defensive war? the first crusade began in 1095 1095 -- then spain and even rome itself. there's a whole series of christian holy sites that were taken over by muslims. then the catholic church it was
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what 1095 a.d., at that point pope urban ii then he sanctioned the crusades, if you will. but was it a defensive war, is my question? >> it's not a matter of question. bernard lewis not catholic, princeton university, the scholar in this area, he's made it very clear it was a defensive reaction, it was necessitated. but look at the work from thomas madden from st. louis university. all of the crusades met the criteria of a just war. can we say that about isis today? >> egypt then constantinople france, spain, all attacked by muslim armies and christian sites overtaken. >> and where were the heads of kids taken off by machete and to choose this form of the national prayer breakfast he effectively took his middle finger and put it in the face of veterans.
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as a veteran and catholic leader, i am offended -- >> this went to the guy that went to the most radical christian church -- america's chickens have come home to roost after 9/11. so now the question is, if it was a defensive war to get back christian holy sites then the question is, you know, why did the president make that analogy? >> well, i think it's because he recognizes the truth. and i think bill would agree with this that some christians during the crusades including christian leaders, including popes, made decisions and used the name of god, used the name of jesus to say we're doing the right thing. and the catholic church has apologized for that in the past. >> did they apologize for the crusades or for those examples of over the top? >> absolutely. examples of individual decisions by individual christians including leaders that were off that were not according to the gospel. >> do you think it was justified
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getting -- to go to war to get back christian holy sites that had been conquered but muslim invaders? >> you have to look -- >> i'm asking a tough question. >> you can't say in general it's always fair. self-defense has got to be the criterion. self-defense. but i think it's important to underline that distinction that the president was trying to make that hey remember christians have also done some bad things. any professor any academic not even a politician knows that you can't make that comparison when something is going on right now like a soldier being burned alive and then a video being sent around the world. the president should know better. i think he does know better. i don't understand why. i hope he comes out and says that was a mistake. >> bobby jindal had a nice quote about this. i like the president gave us a history lesson yesterday. however today the issue is right in front of his nose, here and now, and the terrorism of radical islam, the assassination
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of journalist, the beheading and burning alive of captives, we'll be happy to keep an eye out for runaway christians, but it would be nice if he would face the reality of the situation today. the medieval christian threat is under control. >> that's why i think -- and he abused this forum. that's what bothers me too. he chooses the national prayer breakfast. let me be more direct on this. i think the crusades were necessitated by muslim madmen. it was a natural response. if it met the criterion of a just war then i'm perfectly fine with it. i'm looking at 2015. what's going on in this country in terms of christian hate groups? >> around the world. >> i don't know of any christian hate group in the entire united states outside of the westboro baptist. now, these are freaky people, but even they are not running around ma-- machete taking off heads of children. you have a popular strain of
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islam accepted by millions. and yus this week they took a gay man in syria, they blindfolded him -- >> they threw him off and then stoned him to death. >> and mobbed him. is the heart still beating, they found he was. and then finished him with stones. you don't find this kind of savagery committed by catholics and protestants and by jews. >> well, you know if we're trying to find out why the president would do this would say this you know there was another thing somewhat related but not related but i think very indicative. he brought up another point in the prayer breakfast that, remember let's protect the distinction between our faith and our government that we have to make sure that we protect separation of church and state. where is there a problem with that except the government intruding right now on religion. >> i got to tell you, i want to hear lectures about religion from a guy that sat in the pews of reverend wright. >> i hope he recognizes he made a mistake and comes out and says i'm so grateful for sean hannity -- >> don't hold your breath.
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>> well, i hope h e does. >> he's never shown an inclination. >> sean, have hope. come on. >> let me just say this jesus is known all over the world as the prince of peace. who's ever said that about mohamed? >> well, well-said. thank you both. appreciate it. coming up, more on brian williams, our great great american panel all here and then later isis claims a u.s. hostage has been killed by jordanian air strikes. we'll check in with shepard smith, he's on the ground in amman, j how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ ♪
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story over and over. >> said there might be sniper fire. >> that was nbc news reporting on hillary clinton's lie that she was under sniper fire in 2008 when she was in bos bosnia. we have david webb and tam ra holder former miss america. in light of this avalanche of criticism about not being honest in war zones here we have camera, i'm looking right at you, you're a lead presidential candidate telling a whopper of a huge lie. >> that's so old news. >> oh! >> if we're not talking about monica lewinsky and bill clinton, you're going after a 2008 story. she made it up. she made it up. let's talk about brian williams. >> whether about katrina or what he did in iraq. and now it's come to light. and the question is you know, the whole world is outraged. he may lose his job. what about her?
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>> he misspoke. >> misspoke? >> i think it's a little bit of an exaggeration. >> whoa, whoa whoa whoa. >> no, i looked at the science. researchers got 50% of adults believe they went on a hot air balloon when they were kids. >> smoking pot in colorado or what? >> i don't know. i wasn't on that hot air balloon, but -- >> let's have a reality check here. first of all, you don't misspeak when you do carefully produced segments. that's editors work on too. if you're inside a chinook and receive small arms fire you won't even know -- >> the pilot was there and it never happened. >> oh, by the way, on hillary clinton if 2008 is so long ago and we should forget about it, then maybe president obama should forget about the crusades and christians when -- >> or maybe forget about what mitt romney did when he was in high school that he might have shaved a kid's head. >> look, here's the disgrace about this. brian williams, the face of --
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>> i want to talk about hillary. >> let's talk about hillary. >> hillary clinton gets a pass because she gets the teflon treatment from the media who's in love with her. but the reality most americans don't really want to like hillary clinton. this is the problem she really has. >> wait a minute, go back to what she said. kirsten, she said there was supposed to be a greeting but instead we ran with our heads down out of the vehicle. i remember landing under sniper fire. it was a total crock. it was a lie. a huge lie. >> and public figures often try to use emotional stories to engage their audience. but politicians are held to a different standard than journalists. where brian williams he's paid as the head of a news organization that faces credibility of being honest. >> all right. here's what i want to ask you. what's worse, a guy that reads a teleprompter or a presidential candidate? >> absolutely right. we should hold our politicians
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to the highest standard when they speak. that means every single candidate that comes across. not just hillary clinton. every single one. i think you'll find when you hold up what they say to the facts of experience -- >> he had a lot of experience knowing about binders full of women. >> here's what i want to ask you, tamera if i told you a story that i came under sniper fire. >> i would laugh. >> okay. well, probably hoping i would get shot. thank you. if i told you that story and then you found out it wasn't true, what would you be thinking about me? >> i would think that you were a little bit of an exaggerator. >> a little bit? >> however -- however, he said in his defense i don't know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflat one aircraft with another. >> what about hillary? >> well hillary's a liar. she made it up for sure. she was sleep deprived. >> would you vote for her for president? >> depends on who's running
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against her. >> so you might vote for a liar? >> they're all liars sean. >> i don't buy that. >> they're not all liars but it goes to character. and you know what kirsten, you're right. politicians make up whatever. they come up with ideas and they spread them. but we have to stop accepting it. hillary clinton lied. richard bloomenthal lied. we've got to hold them to a higher standard. >> that's a great point, as news viewers as well. the public is going to decide this. brian williams is number one in the cbs, nbc abc, he's number one. nbc's not going to have a legitimate reason to just get rid of him unless the viewers respond. >> a producer or lower level on-air reporter they would have gotten fired. >> but it's consumers that have to demand -- >> tamara, you may think less of me but you might vote for a liar. >> i always vote for liars because they all lie. you're the only honest guy in
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all of tv. >> all right. coming up, isis claims that a u.s. hostage was killed during the jordanian air strikes. now shepard smith will sort through all the clutter. he's on the ground in amman, jordan tonight. that special report coming up next straight ahead. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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welcome back to "hannity." tonight, a disturbing report from isis, the islamic militants claim that jordan's air strikes in fact killed a u.s. hostage. and standing by on the ground in amman, jordan tonight is our own shepard smith. shep. >> the truth is sean, nobody believes that claim. not people in washington, not people here in amman. the hostage's name is kayla mueller. she's a 26-year-old from the state of arizona. and she came over to this region actually into turkey to work with children in aid groups. she's devoted her life according to her family since she was 15 years old to helping people in need. and she just wanted to help out there. so she decided to go into syria during the beginning of their crisis before the civil war actually broke out. she at one point brought a family together, found a child in some rubble. at any rate, the islamic state now claims that a jordanian air strike killed her. we asked the jordanian information ministry about that
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earlier. listen. >> obviously we're all looking into it, but our initial reaction is that it just doesn't add up. we're highly suspicious of this story. nobody can identify the nationality of an airplane in the sky. plus, what would that lady be in a storage of weapons and training centers for terrorists? we think this is part of what they are intending to do in order to make probably a fraction in the coalition. but i think everybody can see that game and highly suspicious of that story. >> of course it doesn't really make sense to anyone involved here. in fact, the family has said we're still holding out hope. but in the interim it seems widely believed that she is most likely been dead for some time according to analysts. there was a proof of life video that came out about the beginning of the year 2014 but since then not much of anything on kayla. and now the islamic state claims the jordanians in an air strike
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killed her, as i mentioned earlier, sean, nobody believes that. >> shep, prior to the brutal murder of this jordanian pilot, there was a percentage of the jordanian population that didn't want their country to be a part of the coalition. it seems from what i'm reading and seeing that the country is really coalesced behind this greater commitment to taking out isis as a result of this. it seems to be almost universal support now for what the king and others are now doing. >> that's been our observation on the ground here too, sean. it was very much divided. many people believing that the jordanians didn't really belong in this fight, that this wasn't their fight to wage. in fact, there was a one-time spiritual leader to al qaeda who had been imprisoned here for a while who long ago said this was not your fight jordan and was out in front of the palace protesting why are we doing this, why are we doing this. yesterday and today he's been speaking out saying this is the right fight, anybody who burns
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someone alive is not part of my religion and certainly should not be respected in any way. jordan must take this fight onto these barbarians. so the tide has turned. it's clear here. >> all right, shep, i know you've been on the air pretty much most of the day. it's early morning there in jordan. thanks so much for staying up with us. we appreciate it. earlier today national security adviser susan rice laid out the administration's latest national security agenda. listen to what she said here. >> while the dangers we face may be more numerous and varied, they are not of the existential nature we confronted during world war ii or during the cold war. we cannot afford to be buffeted by alarmism and a nearly instantaneous news cycle. >> joining us now heritage foundation steve bucci and senior fellow at the -- who also served president george w. bush's national security council
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michael durran is with us. michael, alarmists? i mean 9/11, almost every european country african country, even australia you know, almost every continent now being impacted by radical islam. is it alarmist? is it equivalent of what we faced in world war ii? >> yeah, this is a particularly thin document that they put out sean. it kind of fits in the wit narrative that the president has been advancing that the islamic state is not islamic, 99.9% of [ music playing ] muslims want what we want. it seems like a level of denial in spite of all of the evidence
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in australia and "charlie hebdo" and what happened on 9/11. this president seems out of touch. he missing here? >> sean, the president is delusional if he really believes what's written in this document. susan rice should be embarrassed to stand up and say the things she did. just because this isn't the same size threat as the nazis or the soviet union, we shouldn't be worried about it? it's still an awfully big threat. and we need to deal with it. and this administration is not doing it. >> isn't this, michael, as big -- if you look at the world war ii and the battle battle against fa csicsfa csifa csi sm and
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naziism? isn't this as large? >> it's a huge threat and multilevel threat. if we don't put a strategy in place to take care of it now we'll have to deal with it in much worse circumstances down the line. one of the things really striking about the document i think its dishonesty on some of the key issues it's not expressing what our actual policy is. on iran, for instance, it's very thin. on syria. >> about to give them free reign, money, nukes go right ahead. go for it. that's a squared plus b squared equals c squared. radical islamists with weapons of mass destruction, that's almost certain destruction and a holocaust potentially in our time. >> that's right. and you know they're saying though, they're actually stopping iran. the "washington post" gave that claim they're halting the iranian nuclear program three
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pin folk pinocchios. >> which means if they're wrong we could suffer a holocaust in our time thanks for being with us. i appreciate it. we need your help. a question of the day and it's about the president and the prayer breakfast and his comments yesterday about christianity. that is coming up next. my name is daniel. i have diabetic nerve pain. the pain felt like my feet were on fire. i had these very burning needle-like sensations. i knew i needed to see a doctor. my doctor said, "let's try lyrica." lyrica has helped relieve my pain. it's known that diabetes damages nerves lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions, or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness,
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time for tonight's question of the day. do you think president obama crossed the line with his comments about christianity? you know what? i don't need any more lectures from a guy that constantly says the islamic state is not islamic and can't say the words "radical islam" nor do we need lectures from the man who sat in the pews of the most radical preacher that i've heard of reverend wright, for 20 years. but that's what i think. what do you think? just go to let us know what you think. thanks for being with us. have a great weekend. we'll see you back here monday.
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good saturday morning to you, it's february 7th. i'm anxiously earhart. while you were sleeping a fox news alert. jordan carrying out more air strikes against isis and this morning the cia is investigating new claims by the terror group that those air strikes killed a u.s. aide worker. we are live with the latest. >> and the white house planned to tackle terror? strategic patience and, of course, blame the media. >> we cannot afford to be be buffeted by alarmism and aarly instantaneous news cycle. >> blah blah blah blah blah. the white house down playing terror. we will have the latest on their blueprint for foreign policy coming up. >> this man can't afford a car but makes no excus
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