tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News February 7, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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tomorrow, you can have it all. ♪sun'll come out, tomorrow ready yourself with kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. see you at breakfast™. hello. j tonight. i'm judgeuczgv jeanine pirro. this finally made sense to me. barack obama is comfortable with extremism. this explains why he didn't join 40 world leaders to denounce islamic terrorism. itxm a÷5j
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certain funerals, why he does cqñwholesale christians in the middle east or the raping, crucifying andct burying alive children there. why he doesn't get excited about people who crossed his red lines and explains why he's so easily but after the prayer breakfast. take a look at@o'k this. >> unless! horse and think this is unique remember ther '" that during the crusade, the inquis4]'u-q terrible acts. there is a tendency. in us. a simple tendency that can pervert and distort
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pointing out centuries old wrongdoing you excuse the tt++++: terrorists. mr. president, aside from the obvious, that was then and this is now, the koran is interpreted by someone demanding jihad, the attacking or killing of nonbelievers and a worldwide caliphate. and, surprise, today's terrorists are beheading, imposing that same tax and in their march to create an even bigger islamic state.
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stop apologizing and stop messing around with this language dance. we get it. not all muslims are terrorists. it was the country that was 90% muslim that rose up against the jihadists who were also muslim. consider this. the first world trade center attack in 1993, by muslim. the "uss cole" bombers were muslim. the ft. hood shooter was muslim. the shoe bomber was muslim. the underwear bomber was muslim. the boston bombers were muslim. the september 11th hijackers were muslim. mr. president, please identify what other violence is being committed against americans in the name of any other religion. or, is it just coincidence? you know, you identify terrible deeds in the name of christ.
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why not identify terrible deeds in the name of mohammuhammad, t prophet of islam. people can't believe that's how you categorize it. but then again, your administration races words out of reports of identifying terrorists as islamic. stop defending islam and start protecting americans. start saying with islam doesn't stand for and start saying what you as our president intend to do about this. the majority of americans think it's at least somewhat likely islamic terrorists will launch an attack on u.s. soil soon. but i believe you're so comfortable with extremism that you've lost the importance of dangers to americans.
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you boasted a security policy of strategic patience. what are you waiting for? while you wait, they keep winning in iran that's closure to nuclear enrichment all the while you open your borders, reduce our military and criticize americans and america at the u.n. and in cairo. it's nothing more. you're consistent. extremism is just the part of life. but the danger, your nonchalant attitude puts our entire nation in jeopardy. your fbi director said there were open cases looking into individuals involved with isis in every state but alaska. in any given situation in history, people look to a leader when they are concerned. your actions, your statements, your personal behavior suggests that none of this is a big deal. even isis sees that americans
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seem to sensitivize to beheading so they move to the unimaginable burning someone alive. mr. president, americans are angry and frightened. the impact on us is enormous. for many, the fear is overwhelming. i hate to think that the only solution that we have is to look forward to a real leader in 2016. and, god, i hope it won't be too late. and that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter @judgejeanine#open. our commander in chief isis christian comparison is drawing anger from leaders across the country. one of those leaders joins me right now. he's a pastor, the founder of
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the cornerstone church and author of four books and on the best-seller list for 22 weeks. good evening, pastor. your reaction to this week's prayer breakfast? >> judge, it's a pleasure to be with you. my reaction to the president's remarks are very direct and simple. one, everything that he said about the crusades and the spanish inquisition are true. the crusades happened in the 1200s and they were called the dark ages. there were seven crusades in which the crusaders marched from europe into jerusalem to put the sword at the throats of the jewish people with a message of converter die. the spanish inquisition was equally a story of horror. in the book, the anguish of the jews, father flannery describes
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how thousands of jews at the direction of the inquisitors were burned at the stake. others were put on the torture rack. these were people eventually kicked out of spain by the queen and king. yes, terrible things have been done beneath the sign of the cross and, in this case, uniquely to the jewish people. but why did the president of the united states take such pleasure in presenting such horrible facts of the past in the present? it's like comparing a fresh apple with a thousand year old orange. america does not need a history teacher to tell us about ancient history. we need a commander in chief who is willing to declare that islam -- radical islam has, as its intention, to take down the
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free world, that isis is evil. >> pastor, why do you think that our commander-in-chief is reluctant to identify just what you said? >> because he has announced that isis is dead. they are the junior varsity, they are not the lakers. he has belittled them. he has repeatedly said the problem is over when, in fact, the problem is becoming more exaggerated and more detrimental to the free world by the day. we have the king of jordan asking for help. why can't we have an fdr moment? the program of fdr with europe was giving them shifts and planes and guns and bombs. why can't we give bombs and guns and fuel to jordan and let them fight isis?
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why not arm the kurds? the kurds are pro-american. they want to fight. they are good fighters. why not arm them directly instead of indirectly through baghdad? if we would put those two together with just a little american help, isis would be on the run but right now we live in a world where america is a mockery. our friends don't trust us and our enemies don't fear us. >> pastor, quickly, how does israel, our ally in the middle east negotiate over nuclear enrichment? >> the way that israel survives is the way they always have. and the final analysis, they know they have to depend on themselves because when push comes to shove, the nations have never come to their aid. but i can say that israel is
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fully prepared to defend themselves and they are not going to slaughter a second time. they are going to defend themselves with an idea that is fully trained and equipped and they are ready to go. >> all right. pastor john hagee, thank you so much for being with us this evening. >> thank you, judge. >> all right. and, of course, the debate continues over america's strategy against isis with the administration saying they are doing what needs to be done and their detractors are saying, we're losing the war. take a listen. >> we're going to continue to put pressure on isil. they bring in to stark belief how despicable these crimes are. >> i hope they put in place what
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thus far has been lacking, a comprehensive strategy to achieve the president's stated goal to degrade isil. let there be no doubt, we still don't have a viable strategy to counter isil and if you're not winning in war, you are losing. >> all right. and with me now is military strategist and fox news contributor colonel david hunt. good evening, colonel. >> hi. >> look, we started air strikes in september. they are winning and we're losing. what does it take for america to win this war? >> the people behind whatever we're trying to do, we haven't done that yet. none of the press, not talking about it much. we're going to have to lead. we don't have any of that right now. we've got disparate countries. >> jordan alone has 88,000, we've got the kurds, the iraqi
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military, we've got 3,000 americans on the ground. we've got -- there's all kinds why is this so hard? >> the army that you're talking about is not that good. without our help, without us doing logistics and intelligence and command and control, it can't be done. >> you're saying that we don't have the will? is that what you're saying? >> clearly we don't have the will. this would take probably 10, 20, 30,000 soldiers back in. the point is, we're going to have to lead because the countries you're talking about have got large armies like jordan but they are not capable. they cannot do any of this without our help. >> all right. look at a map because apparently isis isn't fighting a conventional war of what's called a war position. and what we have here are these circles. why don't you explain to us what is going on over there. >> these are very smart and deadly generals leading this.
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the dark one in the middle is the centerpiece of their conduct. that's where the capital and where mosul is. that's how they are controlling it. the second circle is where they are launching attacks from and the third they have stationed units for control. they own as much territory as there is in jordan. >> so you're saying that this is the center, raqqa and mosul and ramadi and fallujah -- >> they are running assaults from it. >> okay. and then this bigger circle, turkey, lebanon, jordan, syria to saudi arabia, kuwait, that they've got men and tanks there? >> small units there, yes. and influence. that's a very large space for a very short period of time. and all we're doing right now is bombing and it's not working. it's not working. >> but we're not doing that many air strikes, correct? >> 8 million bucks a day.
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we're leading the world in this but it's not enough. if we want isis gone, it's going to take u.s. soldiers on the ground and american leadership. >> all right. what happened in france, in britain, in the united states? we're the world powers, just the three of us should be able to figure this thing out. i mean, people have to say, what is taking so long? >> it's taking so long because for the last 14 years we've been at war and the world needs american leadership. it's not finding it. to get at isis, the beheadings and people being burned, it takes american leadership both politically and on the ground. the countries cannot do it without our -- >> commander-in-chief is not that person. >> he has not shown it for six years. >> let's talk about the united arab emirates. we heard that they dropped out in december. today they are back in. did they have to do with the downing of the jordanian pilot? >> yes. it was probably that and, yes, they want emirates and the
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others, they want our rescue aircraft to be closer to the fight than they are now and they need our help. >> all right. and so we are now promising like the drone surveillance in the event a plane is shot done, that we can identify where these people are? >> that and logistics support which is what jordan wants. >> are we in danger in this country? >> absolutely. of course we are. isis is a real threat. al qaeda is a real threat and for 14 years we are not -- it's as dangerous now as it was before 9/11. >> scary stuff. colonel david hunt, thank you so much for being with us. >> you're welcome. coming up, the white house unveils their brand-new national strategy. and says that there are no existential threats. and tonight's instapoll, what point was the president trying to make by bringing up the crusades and jim crow at the
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prayer breakfast? [bell rings] you're not mr. craig. yeah, i'm confused, where's mr. craig? well, i'm sorta mr. craig. we're both between 35 and 45 years old. we both like to save money on car insurance. and we're both really good at teaching people a lesson. um, let's go. cool. sit down! alright. sorta you, isn't you. only esurance has coveragemyway. it helps make sure you only pay for what's right for you, not someone sorta like you. i think i blacked out from fear...
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and our old internet just wasn't cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. the administration has rolled out its national security strategy in an attempt to outline the president's priorities for protecting the nation. with me now is u.s. ambassador
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to the u.n. good evening, ambassador. >> glad to be with you. >> good. susan rice, the one who blamed benghazi on that despicable video, says that the nation is stronger than we've been in a very long time. do you agree? >> well, she's on a different planet. you know, this national security strategy would be great as a sleep aid. it's filled with platitudes and written as if everything is fine. russia's not a problem, terrorism is not a problem, nuclear proliferation is not a problem. it really is a cover for the administration's failures and some of the things that the administration has said in defending its strategy really boggles the mind. i mean, the idea that everything is fine, we're not in an existential threat like the korcold war, it's just incredible. >> the other thing that i found incredible, one phrase in there
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where they talk about patience and the strategy of vstrategic patience. patience for what? i don't understand it. >> the strategy in susan rice's speech were in many sense well in because patience there means your enemy's getting stronger. they talk about american leadership, the big brother in 1984 would appreciate. it's just exactly the opposite of what is required. and there are so many examples. iran's nuclear weapons program perhaps being the worst. it's true. we don't face an exchange with the soviet union but what's a president going to do when a terrorist gets a nuclear weapon and detonates it in, say, chicago? is he just going to say, it was just chicago, it wasn't every american city? i mean, it really exposes the president's thinking and for that reason alone deserves a lot of attention. >> you know, this strategy position comes out what isis
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claims an american hostage was killed by the jordanians and the jordanian air strike. first of all, do you believe that? >> no, not at all. it's a tragedy that we haven't had any sign of life from this hostage in i believe close to a year now and it's a hard reality but i'm afraid the likelihood is that she may have died in captivity god knows under what circumstance and isis with a clear eye for propaganda is trying to blame the jordanians. it gives them the excuse of why she died. i hope that's not right but i fear it is. >> to blame the jordanians, it might cause a rift between america and jordan and the whole thing is full of deceit. but the king abdullah's response when he heard about the pilot, when he saw the video, how would you compare that to our president and was he too angry,
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king abdullah? or was this the way that a leader should respond? >> it's precisely the way a real leader should respond. his fellow couhas been brutally murdered. he's asking for help from his ally, the united states. one can only guess what the administration will do. he's right there on the ground. isis is just a few miles away and undoubtedly his infiltrated inside jordan to a considerable extent. so when the president says there's no existential threat, the oil-producing monarchies, potentially israel, potentially inside european countries, this is a blindness that is going to lead us into trouble in much the way way that the appeasement policies of the 1930 led to that threat in world war two.
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>> very quickly, ambassador, what was your reaction when you saw the burning alive of the jordanian pilot? >> well, it was shocking. but i have to say, these people are hard and cynical enough to believe that that act of brutality can fracture what's left of the coalition against them, can intimidate their opponents, make a lot of people in the united states say that's far away, let's not do anything about it. and to the extent that they have a sympathetic ear in the white house, i'm afraid their tactics may succeed. >> wow. interesting. ambassador bolton, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, judge. coming up, isis and other terror groups recruiting children for jihad. how they are doing it and what's being done to stop them? i speak to a [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners
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headquarters authorities in georgia saying a man shot and killed his ex-wife saturday, along with three children in atlanta suburb of douglasville. two other children were wounded we're told the man turned the gun on himself at the end of the spree. officers are still trying to figure out why this happened. no identifies have been released we're learning about a deadly crash saturday involving bruce jenner on pacific coast highway in malibu. l.a. county sheriff's department saying four vehicles were involved a 70-year-old woman was killed jenner was cooperative and gave a blood sample. local authorities saying there no evidence jenner was being chased by paparazzi. now back to justice with judge jeanine. jeanine." in a shocking move that
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brings brutality to a low, isis is targeting children and teens using social media and other tools into recruiting them into joining their jihad. joining me now is former muslim militant and now ordained christian and speaker and expert on islam. good morning. you were recruited as a radical islamist at the age of 7. how did that happen? >> well, i was recruited by the muslim brotherhood in the mosque. the mosque in our neighborhood, they are not just holy people. there are place of recruitment to indoctrinate who is going to be their target. >> but how do they choose who they are going to select, who will be a good fighter? >> well, i was a disillusioned child and they are looking for disillusioned children who have
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no hope and they are indoctrinated to die as martyrs. my family put me to work at 7 years of age and from there, when the muslim brotherhood took me, they told me it is my duty to die for the sake of allah. this is why god birthed me. if i do so, i have a place in heaven, my family can go to heaven without judgment and sitting in heaven right there free and i can have free food, free drinks, free everything. you know, where a pair rice becomes my inheritance without judgment. and so therefore, it was a ticket for me to step forward. >> now, you made a decision to leave all that.
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what caused you to make that decision? >> jesus christ is the cause for this. i was in a radical organization and when i had an encounter with god, it changed my life. i'm a brand-new man. i'm not like isis or the crusaders, as mentioned earlier. >> okay. let me ask you about something that i've been reading about and maybe we can put up on the screen some of the pictures of kids. now, just with the burning of the jordanian pilot, it seems like there were children there who were enjoying the burning. we've got kids who seems to be desensitized that are being trained. there's the one kid that was apparently watching the burning and cheering of the jordanians pilot. they cut and slice people up. how does this occur? >> they are trained in camps at
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young age to do beheading and these are the 8 years old to 9 to 7 years old. these are the ones that are doing the missions. i did my first mission for israel at 7 years old. knowing that if something happened to me, either killed or be killed. and against the jews. but here's the thing. when you bring the children like in mecca, in saudi arabia on friday after prayers, they bring people and they chop their head off because they are homosexual or stone a woman because she had an adultery or cut hands or feet right in front of everybody after we finish praying. and so therefore, it is a duty to bring about sharia law and to understand the order of islam to be indoctrination into those kids lives so when they become normal, these are normal things for them. >> very quickly, what about the jihadi of the -- the jihadi of the womb, what were you saying
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about that? >> what we have today is the problem they are not recruiting only young men but they are recruiting young women, european, canadian, american. these are called -- it's jihad of the womb. they are impregnant nating these women by jihadis right there on the ground and making them birth those children, that these children will become the new age of isis, that isis will have a new fold of manifestation, you know, to take on the war at the higher level which is the islamic state. >> kamal, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you, judge. coming up, news this week that the president will ask for congress to authorize the use of military force against isis. a congressman on the armed services committee weighs in after the break. 73%
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73% boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain. the house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. they just didn't think it could happen. they told the house they would take better care of her... always. announcer: protect what matters. get flood insurance. to get out, to escape and now ok you are outside and you are safe but what do you do now and that's where the red cross came in... . we ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. at that point just to even have a toothbrush
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>> there are two take ways from that meeting. it was a very good, inform tiff meeting. one is that king abdullah intended to respond aggressively. he asked us to do what needs to be done to defend his flexibility. i think most of us understand what jordan is up against and certainly, we support. that number two, he talked about that sustainability he has infrastructure and assets the question is, the
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sustainability when it comes to precision-guided munitions and fuel, night-vision devices he said he'd like help with these things and as a member of the armed services committee, i'm willing to help him with all of those things for sustainment as long as he he is processing the war against isis effecti effectively. and make sure israel remains aw competitive edge than all of the countries in the region. >> people in the white house saying there is a price to pay if he does that? >> first of all i think israel does have a military edge the president is attempting to
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cut $150 million in missile defense for israel. this is problematic and i expect the house of representatives will change that direction but i do think that king abdullah needs to do what needs to be done to defend his country and the united states of america needs to make sure israel keeps a military edge. >> thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> this week the president held a meeting with leaders in the american muslim community spurring the white house to release the names of those who attended and handed out the list as far as other press briefings my guest was not invited but is a former u.s. navy commander and founder of the american islamic forum. why do you think you weren't
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invited to the white house? >> it is not just about me. the list is a list of muslims saying woe is us and this is the biggest priority versus those of us we believe we have a cancer against islam. and so he's a collectivist that choes chose these so-called leaders to sing the tune that it's all america's fault and these are muslims that are not against any islamist movement, globally. >> what about the fact the white house said they're discussing hate crimes against muslims and a concern muslim parents have their kids are embarrassed to say they're muslim but they also talked about obamacare. what is that about? >> they want to make it relevant
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so make it appear it's not just dealing with jihad and other issues but it is relevant to domestic policy so they want to make it appear he's met with other faith groups, so he wants to address muslim issues so they feel -- you know, at this time it's just the wrong time. if you want to have an obamacare with muslims talk to muslim physician groups. it's odd to talk to a comedian and basketball player. >> apparently america's islamic movement, dance in the streets, you say posting the quote about christians getting off their high horses how do you know know is that? >> sherman jackson met with the
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president that he has raised money -- if you go to care's web site, you'll see a press release saying we congratulate this president to the tune they go and applaud the president for calling out christians and take those quotes and put it on their home page. who is that helping? that is why many of us says his comparison to the crusades was not helpful. don't tell us christians are on a high horse and need to come down. that is absurd the comparison is inappropriate the president doesn't have a vision about how to confront political islam around the world. just wants to continue this absurd whack-a-mole program. >> thanks for joining us. >> isis continues to spread fear
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all over the world. joining me now is the former israeli deputy defense minister danny dannon who joins us, it's a pleasure to have you in the studio. you're usually in jerusalem. >> yes. early morning hours. okay. yesterday the president announced his national security policy. what is your reaction? >> we speak about meeting in two weeks time, maybe vice president biden will be in the house and speak of the issue. and we need a voice because we see that policy. you have to be willing and we go out there, the jews they will go after the sunday people. so you have to be worried about
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the issue of iran not being dealt with by the president today. why do you think, what do you think the prime minister was saying when he comes to congress? he will say that the american people is not for any route to worry. i think that they must come and speak. the american people, that he sent to condemn a nuclear reactor. ten years later, dick cheney said i divisioned. today we're telling you to wake up. and you have to put sanctions and stop making them build their nuclear capability. >> what do you think someone told the white house chicken
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along with saying there will be a price to pay if netanyahu was here? >> we have a strong relationship with the american people, with the american congress, and with the american administration. and we have been worried about worried about coming to this country together. and we don't have to do that all the time. we're living in the middle east. we know what our enemies will enable and think people in the white house don't understand what's happening in our region. >> when americans heard about the burning of the jordanian pilot we were mortuary bid how does israel deal with this kind of lunacy? the cutting of children in half? >> it's happening in our backyard we are worried about it.
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they spew hate they hate us they hate you, the american people. they hate everything which is not radical and muslim. we have to continue to speak about it and have to look after the radical muslims getting stronger individually. >> we all do. so good to have you here on the show. >> thank you. >> thanks for joining us. >> we're going to be right back with responses to our instopoll question. next.
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smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. chair keep okay. my chair is turning around, sorry about that. and the results of the insta h poll. okay. this chair is turning around. i am getting off of it. and what point was the president trying to make by bringing up the crusades and al sharpton. and so, i'm embarrassed for him says jim, and christine says that this president's lunacy has reached an all-time high, and he talks about crap that happened 1100 years ago, but jessica says that president obama spoke to truth as he is known for doing. really, jessica? do you still have your same health care doctor? and that is it for us tonight.
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