tv Hannity FOX News February 12, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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cnn's kiera phillips is out with a new book the whole life fertility plan," she's married to fox news's john roberts. she's a classy beautiful lady. whole life fertility plan. i'm exhausted just thinking about it. tonight, will bill clinton's connection to a convicted sex offender hurt hillary in 2016? >> as you know this world is a fearless place. >> and democrats are devastated over jon stewart's departure. >> i would certainly describe myself as a fan. we will certainly be sad to see him go. >> and speaking of comedy, the president spent some time, well, goofing around with buzz feed. oh, yes, he did. plus, ainsley earhart, joanne -- and dagen mcdowel will answer the age old question do you believe in love at first sight? "hannity" starts right now. welcome to "hannity." and speculation continues to mount regarding former bill
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clinton's relationship to seedy billionaire and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein after "new york post" article detailed clinton's visits to epstein's island. clinton was spotted on the island located in the u.s. virgin islands by one of epstein's alleged former sex slaves. she claims was a hop ed -- according to a recent article in the british newspaper "the independent" virginia roberts claims the fbi has videos of her having underage sex with jeffrey epstein and "powerful friends." now, it's unclear who those powerful friends are but one thing is clear and that is former president bill clinton had a very close relationship with a shady pedophile. so to bill and hillary clinton, do they even care if the world finds out about this relationship? apparently they don't because we called bill and hillary clinton's offices for statement and they have not called us back. joining us to discuss all of
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this from "washington examiner" is rebecca burg. >> thanks for having me, sean. >> there was a court case involved in this. and epstein was asked questions specifically about his relationship with bill clinton. he pled the fifth. tell us the details of that. >> well there was the first court case a few years ago where epstein was accused and convicted of being a child molester, actually went to prison. but now we're going through a series of lawsuits with some of these women who over the years had sexual relations potentially with epstein. and one of the accusers as you mentioned, virginia roberts has come forward in a sworn affidavit said that on this private island of epstein's he was having sex orgies that some of these women were taken on planes with him. and the connection here potentially to bill clinton as you mentioned is they were close friends. bill clinton was traveling with epstein on some of his private planes. but also in this sworn affidavit
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we should note that virginia roberts said, although she saw bill clinton on the island she never saw him engaging in any of these sexual activities she outlined. >> but she did ask jeffrey epstein about what is bill clinton doing here. and very kind of odd comment epstein made back, oh, he owes me. is that the comment? >> right. that's what it said in this case. there are many unanswered questions in this case. that was one of them. what was bill clinton's role, what was he doing on that island? the big question was this case and potential scandal as relates to bill clinton is how far does this go? are there more shoes left to drop? is there a smoking gun that is going to come out at any point? or is the evidence we have before us, the flight logs the sworn affidavit, is this the extent of the evidence we're going to have? if that is the case then it's going to be hard to connect those dots between jeffrey epstein and his actions and bill clinton. >> well, we do know that they had according to flight logs
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they taken a number of trips together including to the island a number of times. there was a trip reported even this week about a trip to see the sultan in brunei who doesn't have the best record of treatment of women, right? >> no. but without that smoking gun, without that explicit evidence that bill clinton was doing something wrong, it's really left to our imagination. but when you talk about this in the context of hillary clinton's potential presidential campaign in 2016 when the clintons will be subjected to greater scrutiny than they've been subjected to in years this is going to come up potentially. even if there's no smoking gun that ties bill clinton to jeffrey epstein and his sexual al -- this does bring up reminders. >> if you look at the issue of
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bill cosby or more recently brian williams and hillary clinton about being under sniper fire in bosnia when in fact that was a lie, seems to be a fair number of issues hanging out there, fair to say? >> fair to say. and all of this is going to be litigated in 2016. perhaps even more so than in 2008. because we're looking at a completely different media beast that hillary clinton is going to have to contend with, twitter, the internet it's a completely different playing field for her. and to see how the clinton camps take this on will be very interesting. i was speaking to one hillary clinton ally today though related specifically to this epstein business and it looks like her campaign isn't going to touch this even with the longest stick. they say bill clinton is not on the ballot. hillary clinton is her own person. we'll see if voters believe that too. >> rebecca, thank you so much. the big question tonight is could bill clinton's questions connected to jeffrey epstein,
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will it hurt hillary clinton come 2016? one thing for sure is we haven't seen hillary clinton speak for quite some time. according to rnc calculations it's been over 200 days since she's done a press conference more than 180 days since she sat down for an interview. joining us now with reaction we have democratic icic strategist and pollster, katie pavlov back with us. >> she's building a campaign team, honing her message. she doesn't need to be out there right now. she's so far ahead in the democratic field. and she has the edge also in the general election polls. what does she need to be running around right now? >> i have believe it or not my little spies inside hillary's camp. >> you do? >> people very close to the campaign. >> better not find out. es pi -- espionage. >> they tell me the level is def
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con five. >> i can't comment on that. what i would say -- >> you don't need to mention by name. you can say you have friends in the campaign. >> doi have friends in the campaign. >> they're afraid of this as they're equally afraid of bosnia bosnia afraid of sir edmond ill lair. >> it's not a great week for these stories sure. >> i think they're more concerned about what hillary's going to look like as a candidate early on. we saw what happened on her book tour. >> it bounced. >> it did. but they're seeing on the democratic side they don't have a deep bench. and they don't want hillary to go out the year when republicans are going to be fighting in a primary making more gaffes for republicans to use against her. and of course they're going to keep silent on all of these scandals bubbling up as well. >> how does she get away with the coming under sniper fire not true, oh, i was sleep
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deprived, i misremembered. >> she's a democrat right? >> there's another standard for the left when it comes to telling my lies about what is and isn't true, what they get away with as public officials in terms of what they do what happened and what they say. hillary clinton is a perfect example of that. which shows why she's so popular in all of these polls because she hasn't been held accountable by the media -- >> she's not as popular. there's a poll that came out this week she's losing to elizabeth warren in iowa and new hampshire. >> first of all it's within the margin of error. >> not iowa. >> in new hampshire. >> and hillary will have to take on more of elizabeth warren's -- like income equality. >> she's going to have to go hard left. that hurts her. >> it will hurt her a little bit. but those opinions are not in congress with what hillary clinton believes. she is close to wall street to some degree and pick up
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obama's -- >> isn't the hardest thing she's close to obama and obama's views? >> she's also close to her as his own issues that are still coming out of the closet. but on the issue of president obama she's going to have to distance herself from the administration. it's going to be very difficult for her to continue to do that while she's out in the public sphere ahead of a republican primary, when she doesn't necessarily have to do that. it is in the best interest for the democratic party and hillary clinton to keep away from the press, locked away not commenting on anything that happens. she can't be out there making all these gaffes. it is in their interest not to have her out there. and because their bench is not very deep and because it's shallow, she doesn't have to be out there at this poipt. she can wait as long as she wants to up to a tender point and not be out in public. >> so in other words this is not the slam dunk -- democrats that i know are really nervous about her candidacy. >> it shouldn't be a slam dunk right? elections are all about hearing both sides and making informed decision. i think it's a slam dunk for the democrat primary elizabeth
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warren says she's not getting involved. i can't imagine people sneaking up on her with no name recognition in the country. >> we'll see. coming up a disturbing story about the indoctrination of young girls and it's happening in california. a group teach -- later tonight democrats devastated that jon stewart is leaving. he's saying good-bye. their number one special pleader, defender, is going away. oh, what will they do? and then later -- ♪ >> it's not golf and it's not a vacation, but it never ceases to amaze. find out why president obama participated in that video. also dagen, ainsley and relationship issues. valentine's day is saturday. we'll raise the top issues coming up.
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welcome back to "hannity." there is a group of girls in california, they range in age from 8 to 11 years old. and they call themselves the radical brownies. now, here's what they are being taught. >> white policemen are killing black young folks such as women men and children. >> my friend he was shot didn't do nothing and police officer shot him. he said just because -- >> it's a black panther and brown beret. >> we've covered their faces because we believe they're being exploited. the radical brownies empower young girls of color so they step into their collective power, brilliance and leadership
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in order to make the world a more --. are these troop leaders indoctrinating these young impressionable girls? michael brown was shot because he robbed a store, intimidated a clerk, charged an officer, fought for his gun. not because of what these young girls are being indoctrinated to say, jacques. are you not as outraged at this? >> i'm not outraged. it is distressing that issues that are important have been reduced to that kind of exchange. but that's the perception in many places in this country. >> do you want your kids being a part of a group like that? >> young people being involved in social justice goes back -- >> i'm asking that group. i'm saying those things being a part of that group? >> i wouldn't be distressed. i understand that they marched in the martin luther king parade, i understand they marched and stood up and demonstrated for equal rights. so to that extent, no.
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there's a long tradition of young people doing it. >> little different. >> sean, this is a form of childhood abuse. i look at this as psychological abuse for these young girls 8, 9, 10, 11 years old telling them that police officers are just randomly killing black people. and to invoke ferguson into this issue as well. just as you just mentioned, the evidence the forensic evidence and the jury weighed in that it had nothing to do about race. but you had these young girl who is are being exploited. and i find it -- and these are adults who are doing this to them. this is the outrageous part. >> no 8-year-old kid is going to say that on their own. >> exactly. >> there's another example. in new york, this was right after the shooting of the two police officers in new york, a high school -- a public high school had up a poster that said, we need justice for mike brown and eric garner. we can't let these whites win. so two police officers come in the principal says you guy a problem with that? and he goes, no, we're just
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artwork. then the principal goes bosses in the police department public school ll, we can't let these does that bother you? o the police officer or superiors to to say that to complain thate it. this is right after inflammatory situation. >> isn't tha is itirresponsible. >> it is racist. >> why don't you say it's racist? >> it's inflammatory and irresponsible. because that's my opinion. >> you don't think it's -- >> my opinion is that it's inflammatory and irresponsible. >> you think it's not racist. >> we talk about these incidents both involveing children when they lynched blacks throughout the south they brought childrens and wives and had barbecues while they were there. no one said anything in america. they don't say anything to this day. >> there are a lot of people white and black that fought against slavery from the underground railroad through the civil rights movement marching with martin luther king jr. a lot of people, good people christian people. white and black. >> sean, here's the thing. we have these black liberal establishment individuals who are continuing to perpetuate that america is a racist
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country. there are so many strides that we have made. yes, there will be pockets of racism. there are clowns out there who are racist. but we have a wonderful country -- an exceptional country. and when you have children, i don't care what age, up to what age, even adults, we have people pushing the race card narrative it's very dangerous. and what are these individuals doing when they're in school with their classmates? what are they thinking and what are they doing when they hear this stuff? >> in new york city, where we're broadcasting from tonight has one of the most segregated school systems in the city. in that city, the people who are in some of those classrooms that are racially segregated have the lowest achievement scores. so they experience -- >> we can fix it. you know how to fix it? school choice. >> exactly. >> let me give you one more example. i am shocked, everyone me i shouldn't be shocked at anything jesse jackson does. there was a jackie robinson west chicago little league team won
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the little league international championship, okay? they won the world series if you will. and anyway they had their award taken away because they had players outside the team's boundaries. in other words, let me say it nicely, they didn't play by the rules. >> cheated. >> cheated. why is jesse jackson defending cheaters? i don't understand that. >> and making it about race. >> yeah, why? >> i blame the adults. these children had nothing to do with how this was structured. and if you had players who were playing on this team and they were outside of what the rules were -- >> all the and they got caught and their championship was taken away from them. >> again, back to the black liberal establishment. jesse jackson making this about race. how come it's not about they were cheating and weren't obey obeying the rules. >> you're a reverend don't you preach be honest and truthful. >> i've seen instances where people used to call those folks
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ringers. and if you a ringer, you get caught, you pay the price. >> you and i do it -- we always talk about i'm christian, you're a christian you're probably better than me, you're the reverend. i expect more out of you, reverend. but you're a reverend, you play by the rules. >> but christians also believe in forgiveness and second chances. >> i forgive you. >> i'm not jesse jackson and he has his own spokespeople but i imagine he's talking about compassion. now, in my view the actions have consequences. and if you get caught breaking the rules, then you have to pay. >> one of the three issues tonight, and you're three for three. coming up, you don't want to miss this next tonight on "hannity". >> i would certainly describe myself as a fan and occasional viewer of jon stewart. we will be sad to see him go. >> democrats, even former presidents distraught, sad, they don't know what to do. they can't handle it. jon stewart, their number one
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defender leaving "the daily show." and don't forget, valentine's day is saturday dagen ainsley, jo anne, going to give us their words of wisdom on such important matters like relationships straight ahead. oh i'm on the cookie air diet. you just... and that's it. i prefer real food fruit, nuts, and whole grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. let's get real.
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or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to i would certainly describe myself as a fan and occasional victim of jon stewart. we will certainly be sad to see him go. he's somebody who really brought a unique perspective to comedy. and even to informing the public about what was happening in their country. and he's a really a talented guy. >> all right. that was white house press secretary josh earnest yesterday wishing comedy central's jon stewart a farewell. he's not the only one on the left who's so sad about stewart's departure and it's probably because democrats have always received the red carpet
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treatment on stewart's program. remember these moments. >> thank you so much for coming to the program. >> glad to be here. >> seriously? mom, you better be recording this. >> it's an incredibly i think, complex, and well-reasoned and eyewitness view to the history of those four years. and i think i speak for everybody when i say no one cares. they just want to know if you're running for president. we're all accustom to reading these sort of rags to riches american stories. but your story i mean, it is -- you come from -- you would have been happy to have rags. we start go faster, the questions are going to be tougher. how many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting? >> i do this when i see you at home. i'm all alone just laughing. >> oh, stop. >> we just can't help ourselves. >> exactly. >> it's no wonder democrats far and wide are devastated apparently to see jon stewart
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go. here with reaction democratic strategist and fox news contributor dwight murdock and comedian tim shalu and our friend richard fowler. >> good to see you, sean. happy thursday. >> in fairness to start this segment, i have been a frequent victim -- and i'm not a fan, for example. >> sean hannity is disgusting. disgusted. disgusted at the new york governor's intolerance. >> we must keep him. but how? nation? >> sean, we know you're mad at us. and you have every right to be. occupy wall street, governor cuomo, that weird smell. new york has made a lot of big mistakes, but we're going to change. just please, stay. >> stay, mr. hannity, stay. ♪ who would we impose socialism
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upon ♪ ♪ stay in your second home ♪ ♪ don't disappear forever like alan colmes ♪ ♪ please mr. hannity ♪ ♪ please mr. hannity ♪ ♪ far right hannity ♪ >> i meant tom. you're a comedian. all right. let me put up a full screen. set this all up for you guys. democratic senatorial campaign committee. they're actually posting a card in tribute of jon stewart on their website where visitors can sign it and wish jon good-bye and a thank you. you got elizabeth warren she's sending out tweets to jon stewart. she "cbs early editionsends out, oh, washington is rigged with the big guys and no one has more consistently called them out than jon stewart. good luck, jon. bill clinton is praising them saying jon stewart departure raises two questions, one, where
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do i get my news every night and, two does this mean he's going to do a sequel death to smoochy? apparently he was a tv correspondent. why is it because it's a democratic favorite stomping ground for beating up the press and fox news and conservatives? >> these tributes are amazing. the guy's leaving the show. it sounds like he's passing away. he's probably got another 30 or 40 years in his career. i think they should cheer up. i think he's a funny guy. i don't think he's as central and pivotal to the democratic, some people say that helps win elections. weekly standard only 1.5% of mill len yans between 18 and 29 watch regularly and average viewer is 41 years old. he's not necessarily the key to the young vote to the degree people say he is. >> tom. >> he needs fox news more than you need him, that's for sure. what would they do without fox
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news? listen, we play that piece. i got to be honest, i think that was very well done. >> very well done. >> here's why. he's funny, he's quick and he's smart. >> i worked on the "daily show," when he first came on and hen he came in he changed the whole structure of the show. and he made it more about politics. he didn't want to make fun of the little guy. he wanted to make fun of politicians politicians. but you probably have a few conservative viewers out there, right, sean? the reason they should appreciate jon stewart is because he took the news every night and he put a different lens on it. even though it was satire and even though it came from the left, it was taking the mainstream news and putting his own view on it, all right. that's what fox news does. we are cut from the same cloth as jon stewart. when i was a kid we only watched -- >> what do you mean we? >> this is why i like hanging out at fox news. because fox news look at the kind of cultural diversity we have on this panel. ideological diversity. this is why fox news is cool and
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also why jon stewart is cool. we don't have just one place to go to look for news anymore. >> well said. >> we watch three networks. >> one view. and jon stewart changed it up. >> i tend to agree with that. one, sean, first of all all press is good press. you should know that. and it's funny. he made fun of you. it was funny. but guess what, you got more viewers. and that's why you should love jon stewart. beyond that point this guy changed the landscape of the media. >> i think he hates conservatives. he has contempt. >> i watched the show. >> the idea is he's upset about partisan opinion people. i'm one. i'm a conservative. he's a liberal and less honest about it. that's why liberals cry and upset. >> but here's the question sean. is it not true that you hate the ideology of liberals? >> i don't care there are liberals out there. i don't care he's funny. >> do you hate the ideology? >> i think it's swooning country. >> yeah, and he thinks it's your
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ideology swooning the country. we could all agree to disagree. but it's funny sean. >> listen, he's smart and he's funny, but he has his head up obama's [ bleep ]. that's my answer. [ laughter ] >> good to see you. and he'll be successful in whatever he does. he's talented. good to see you all. thank you. >> thanks, sean. coming up i'm way out of my league in this segment. do you believe -- valentine's day is saturday. do you believe in love at first sight? we're going to talk a little bit about relationships. brand new fox poll believe most americans do. dagen, ainsley joanne probably going to school me coming up in the next segment. plus tonight -- ♪ >> you just can't make this up. if it's not golf vacation, it's that. we'll explain what you just saw straight ahead tonight on "hannity."
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welcome back to "hannity." guys, valentine's day is on saturday. and fox news has put out some revealing polls about what americans believe about romance. when asked if they believe in love at first sight, 51% of those surveyed said yes. that's not all. 80% said sense of humor more important than one's political views when it comes to choosing a valentine. here now from our sister network dagen mcdowel, fox business. and host of red eye joanne and co-host of fox & friends, ainsley earhart. all right. i am really out of my league. do you believe in love at first sight? >> of course. >> you do? >> yes. >> with shoes? yes. >> with shoes? any particular, louboutin? >> i don't have that budget. >> she loves the shoes she has on because they were free. >> i saw dagen in the hallway today and she said i do not
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believe in love at first sight. i go why, she goes you'll find out tonight. >> here's why. love at first sight is -- because it is lust at first sight. what does lust do? it turns your brain into pudding. you think this is going to be your match forever and then you find out your girlfriend who's like a freelance graphic designer, well she's freelancing watching millionaire matchmaker during the day. you think you're built to last if you both like tequila and spinal tap, no. it's lust pure and simple. >> really? do you agree? >> well yeah, people don't show their flaws until at least three weeks in. and that's a game changer. it is. and people say to trust your gut, trust your instincts. i need to do less of that? >> why? >> because i always make the wrong choices. >> right. >> you do have to be physically attracted to someone. when i was single, i loved falling in love. i did a lot. now, i will say after a few months when you discovered that the guy is not a nice guy, then
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you don't answer his calls -- >> after you're like $5,000 in credit card debt because you paid for every single meal. >> i never did that. i never did that. >> i was engaged in three months married in six months. >> now you're just bragging. >> i'm not bragging. i'm just -- >> that's your first wife. what about your second and third wife? >> that is my first wife. >> no, i'm joking. >> man, oh man. >> jill's amazing. have you met her? she's great. >> what do you guys have to do for valentine's day that really would wow you? >> do you like valentine's day? >> i don't celebrate valentine's day? >> what does a guy got to do that would really knock you off your feet, he really loves me, cares for me. >> listen. love you and be -- >> so sarcastic. >> i'm cynical. i am cynical. there's a difference. >> sarcastic cynical. >> i'm a young woman in the city who's had her heartbroken. >> oh, my gosh. >> no she's picky as all out. >> seems like you're looking for
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a reason. if he burps at dinner, he's done. >> i think when you first -- i think in the beginning of your relationship -- i know for me it was he left his shoes under the coffee table. like didn't empty the dishwasher, didn't take out the trash, that kind of thing. now we had some conversations and he is getting a lot better after that. have you ever done the love language test? >> i've heard about this. >> i did it. i did the test and my love language is service, acts of service. so if he serves me and he does the trash and cleans up that makes me feel loved. >> now we've gone right to "50 shades of grey." >> no, no. let me reinterpret what ainsley just said in a really filthy way. >> no, clean up his duct tape and put the twine away. >> you have to take that test. >> all right. what about -- why is -- i heard fandango the site you get movie
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tickets, i've used it a number of times. why is "50 shades of grey," which is like porno 101, is so popular among "married housewives," and it's about bondage and s & m, rough sex, what's this domination sex? >> because all you men aren't getting it done at home. all these women down in the south and the midwest, that's who's buying the ticket. ainsley was talking about this in the commercial. >> i didn't read the books but i've had it explained to me or read. >> fandango saying most tickets are sold in the south and midwest. we were wondering why. >> record valentine's day weekend business. >> is that really romantic though? >> no, no, it's not. i want to see movies like "american sniper" talking about real american heroes. >> gladiator. >> absolutely. you have these critics criticizing "american sniper" yet -- >> it's a film. it's a safe escape. people are going to this who are curious who are maybe too afraid
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to try things like this. >> it's pornographic. >> is that -- why so many? it's like housewife phenomenon. >> it's a form of escape. i watch the real housewives -- >> that's something -- >> oh absolutely. >> why? >> because it's exciting. come on. little spice in your life. what? [ laughter ] >> i'm rendered speechless. >> lead me by the hand down the road of filth. please don't do that. >> i don't want any distractions. i was driving through times square the other day and there's a huge billboard of this movie. and i thought, i mean we have so many distractions already and so many bad things that are going into our minds. and we have to -- you know we have young kids that are seeing all this. >> you guys aren't helping guys out here. you haven't given guys any advice on how to be better boyfriends and husbands. >> listen. >> you can surprise them. that's what that movie is about. it's the element of surprise.
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>> come in with handcuffs and go surprise. >> do something you haven't done before. >> okay. >> like -- >> i'll show you -- >> like load the dishwasher. >> just know the grass is not always greener. there are going to be a lot of distractions in your life and don't give in to temptation. >> there's another movie coming out. every woman loves james bond. every guy wants to be james bond. watch this. >> the thing that sam and i talked about was how we're going to top "skyfall." so far i think it's a good start. i think we're going to continue the history of bond films exciting for the audience to look at. what is more exciting than to be on top of the world? >> ever want dated james bond, that type of guy? >> yes. absolutely. not daniel craig. i saw him on broadway. he looked like old cheese. it is all about sean connery a
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baby blue teriry cloth play suit, and if that dude can look hot and manly in that, i'm all for it. >> in man that can drink that many martinis and still get his job done that's a guy i'd love to date. >> and we know what kind of job you're talking about. >> of course. >> oh, boy. >> you asked earlier do you believe in love at first sight? >> yeah. >> have you seen pierce brosnan? he's our favorite. we talked about this in the green room. sean connery over there. >> i'm old. >> you're not old. >> pierce brosnan, the squinty eyes, so cute. >> baby blue play suit. >> forget it. it's popping off the screen. all right, girls, ladies, thank you. >> thank you, sean. >> way out of my league here. all right. coming up, the white house
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evacuates the u.s. embassy in yemen after the country collapses. and tonight we need your opinion when we get to of course we have that video of obama. and we get to our question of the day straight ahead. well, a mortgage shouldn't be a problem your credit is in pretty good shape. >>pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on kaboom... well, i just have a few other questions. >>chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, "what else can you do for me?" i'll just take a water... get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. it's time to drop your pants for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 million people who may need the trusted protection of depend underwear. show them they're not alone and show off a pair of depend. get a free sample at
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welcome back to "hannity." the u.s. embassy in yemen has closed due to extreme security concerns following a complete collapse of the pro-american yemeni government. and according to reports this closure is a severe setback to the cia's counterterrorism efforts in a country home to al qaeda's most dangerous affiliate. this all comes just a few months after president obama announced that the u.s. strategy against isis will be modeled after the successful operation in yemen. you may remember this from september. >> this counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out isil wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partners' forces on the ground. this strategy of taking our terrorist who is threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines is one that we have successfully pursued in yemen and somalia for years. >> i guess not so successful. here with reaction fox news military analyst general jack keane.
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somalia wasn't successful and yemen wasn't successful. according to reports they're surprised at what happened in yemen. how can they be caught off guard there too on top of everything else? >> well it is a significant loss. you know operationally as you mentioned it's definitely going to impact our operations against aqap. when we lose an embassy, sean, it obviously is a diplomatic post. but what it also is particularly in a contested area as yemen is it's an all-source intelligence center. all of our intelligence agencies are represented there. and our joint special operations command is represented there as well. that is all gone. so our eyes in yemen are now that screen has gone blank, tragically so. why did that happen? we underestimated one thing and one thing only. and that is the iranians. this is a huge strategic gain for the we underestimated iranians as you indicated iranians are
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the game here. it's a militant proxy of the iranian government. they assist in driving the pro-government troops out of yemen. >> did the president give this speech and says he wants a use of force against isis, yet it undermines in 2002 which is broad and ongoing he states no ground troops, no combat troops, using language will not authorize the use of armed forces in combat operations then he says it's over in three years. it wasn't worked, in other words, his plan right now has not worked. they gain more territory. so why would he restrict ability to go out to win the war? >> because that is his pattern. since 2009 in afghanistan. he didn't give general petraeus
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troops he needed and said pattern evolved again in libya but not pointing forward air controllers and we've been using minimum combat forces through assist iraqis, no partner in syria. this is the way that the obama administration characterizes use of force they look at ground forces as the third rile, sean, but yet the only way american people are saying it in the polls you're taking 68% believe you have to have a ground force to win the only way we can defeat isis is with an effective ground force. that is the very thing that is the third rail they don't want to be used. >> so the president saying no
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war. no troops, i'm trying to understand how he expects to win this. because so what is the point now? and i think it's hard to get you have to just move directions from the actions and also what this is about >>. he wants politicians to under write this strategy not decisive. two, he does not want anything to interfere with the nuclear deal he wants to make with iran. therefore, no ground strategy, no partner in syria. because iranians would push back. isis takes a back seat. he will never say it.
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and this is the truth of it >> he becomes bebe's worst enemy. thank you, thank you. appreciate it. >> when we come back tonight on "hannity"... when the president is on vacation what is that about? tonight's question of the day, next. anyone have occasional constipation diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these occasional digestive issues... with 3 types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'
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make sure you've got your partner behind to watch. kevin: there it is! (crunch!) ♪music♪ at bass pro shops' spring fishing classic, get a bass pro gift card with purchase of select tracker and nitro boats. welcome back to "hannity". so just when you think you've seen it all, president obama surprises you and does
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this. >> i just don't have words for that clip. of course president made that video to encourage people to sign up for obamacare. right. maybe i'm out of touch. set me straight. tonight's question of the day. what do you think of the selfie? head over to let us know what you think. thank you for being with us we hope you have a great night. vote in our poll. good night. the o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> not even close to being under control. >> now the fbi joining with
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other national security agencies and telling americans the terror threat is on the rise. and attacks could absolutely happen. we'll have the latest. >> i'm making you president of the united states, which. >> every time i come here you make me president of the united states. >> it's insane i know. >> with jon stewart saying goodbye to national tv the left is left without a dynamic spokesman. tonight we will show you highlights of the stuart/o'reilly debate. >> what would you like for christmas, little boy? >> beyonce, is like god. >> beyonce is like god? >> yes. >> also ahead jesse watters goes to it a big music celebration here in l.a. >> you
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