tv Outnumbered FOX News February 16, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PST
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t nearby golf course. amazingly, no injuries on the ground. pilot is okay as well. picked up a club and chip ad few. just kidding. jenna: continue on. jon: see you back here in one hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is a fox news alert. egypt fighting back with bombs and calling for international intervention after isis releases a video showing the mass beheading of egyptian christian hostages in libya. this is "outnumbered" i'm andrea tap taros. here with us fox business contributor, julie roginsky. is we have jono. and host of brand new show on 10 p.m., "kennedy," the one and only kennedy. today's #oneluckyguy scott brown, braced the snow from massachusetts and visiting us. >> great to see you. >> balmy weather compared to new
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england. >> it is cold. been here since friday. ran central bark on saturday. was good. forget yesterday and last night was brutal and obviously this morning. we're new englanders. we get it. >> you're tough. >> ran central park. that made us lame. i was in bed all day. i was eating bon-bos. >> i doubt that. but we had a lot of people there. >> glad you braced the snow to join egypt air force targeting isis positions in libya. retaliating after the extremists released a video showing 21 egyptian coptic christian hostages on a beach, lined up forced to the frowned and murdered. it is believed to be the largest documented mass execution by the terroists outside of syria and iraq, and, it is raising concerns, new concerns, that isis is expanding its influence around the world, even more. conor powell is live in
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jerusalem for us. conor? >> reporter: andrea, this is a clear sign isis is trying to extend its brand and control to other countries particularly libia. now the cast of executioners appears to be different in this video but the video has all the hallmarks of different videos from isis and iraq and syria. it has same sort of editing and style and uniforms are all very very similar and obviously the brutality, the killing of those 21 coptic egyptian christians. egypt responding in the last 24 hours with airstrikes on the town of durna this is part of libia where islamic extremists gathered. there is a town where there is great many of militants. a lot of them coming according to intelligence officials coming in and out of this town, going to fight in places like syria and iraq for isis. it has been a hotbed of insurgent activity. it is, libya is really
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disincident greating past few months. there is no central government. very small government there embraced welcome egyptian airstrikes and calling for other cooperation and coordination between the two governments to drive isis out of that town and other militants. so far there really is a concern that libya is oppose tension for being the next spot where isis really gains control it isn't a country with much in the way of a central government. egypt is battling isis on their border there and also in the sinai desert. isis sort of moving around the region. there are growing concerns that libya may just be the first of many other countries and in many other parts of the region they're trying to expand to andrea. >> conor, thank you. senator brown, i want to go to you first on this you were on capitol hill at a time when the white house was talking about the arab spring. when moammar qadaffi was asked to step aside.
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basically was removed from power. now we've seen libya fall into the hands of the terrorists. we saw what happened on september 11th. we know terrorists have been flocking to that country because it is become a hotbed of terrorism. your thoughts now on what has happened with this video and egypt's striking back against this hotbed? >> what did libya want when qadaffi left? ability to have equipment and training and basically backfill the fledgling new government. we did nothing. as a result you see what is happening in libia on the verge of becoming overthrown by the terrorist groups. what happened in egypt is obviously tragic. you have coptic christians now historic religion in egypt, largest minority population, religious group in that country. and what is happening now, i think by isis not only going after the jordanian pilot infuriating jordan but egypt kind of shaking hornets nest getting those countries
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involved. hopeful it will start recognition by other countries in the region my goodness, we have to get cracking and organize and stand up to fight this group. the problem is right now there is no plan. there is no plan from this administration to move forward to defeat isis. >> staying on the arab spring kennedy, egypt was a country. hosni mubarak was in power. not a great guy, just like qadaffi, in many ways we were able to work with him. these leaders are gone. we see such unrest. coptic christians were persecuted for very long time. the video was heart-breaking, i never seen so many hostages lined up. that is what a lot of people were talking about this weekend. want to get your thoughts though. egypt striking back very quickly. a lot of people believe this is way to do it let them fight the battle. let egypt strike instead of us getting involved. what do you think?
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>> i think couple things. there is battle for soul of islam in the middle east but radical islam against these various groups. makes you wonder where else will isis go? will they go into nigeria? will they go into somalia? they're in afghanistan. yemen is ripe for the plucking. what is going to stop them other than jihadist groups. i think they should have a circular firing squad to destroy each other. i think we shouldance absolutely encourage muslim nations in the middle east defend themselves and create a stronger coalition. we're seeing critical mass the "charlie hebdo" movement in the middle east, where it is okay to fend for themselves and way of life and define their way of life. >> but they don't have the military capabilities or organizational strength to really do that if we don't step forward. doesn't mean we need to put boots on the ground in every single conflict. >> we can't. it is spreading so much. >> is that what it takes? does it take isis to attack the
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french? does it take isis to attack a jordanian pilot? does it take them to attack egyptians for these countries to wake up? >> yes the problem with the egyptian strike is this one-off. talk about mubarak. al-sisi is mubarak part two, on pressing people he doesn't agree with. big ally towards israel and ally for ours. question for egyptians, do they realize, i've been between the border between libia and egypt. it is very porous. not hard to cross that border. egyptians have to realize is this one off? that they were massacred and rightly so that they were upset or will continue to do this? is this one-time thing? give nice speech of about defending the egyptian homeland? to your point, i'm concerned if we give arms to libyans for example, we gave arms to iraqis, look what happened. isis uses arms against our very allies. my concern if we continue to give arms to people who we don't know where their allegiances
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are. esyria is good example. we don't know who the good guys are anymore. if we arm up them, we end up arming people who use very arms against us and our allies. >> but difference is when syria actually was in transition we knew who they were. right now we don't. we knew who they were then. when libya changed in transition, we knew who they were. right now we don't. that is the problem. we failed to act immediately. that's the problem. >> right. that is where we missed the mark because there have been opportunities to step in, joanne and defeat isis. when we were warned about isis when they started to grow. your thoughts? >> they're preying on vulnerabilities obviously. going into areas where already radical islamists and self-identifying with isis. we need to treat this like our immune system in the body. to fight a cold you need to prepare yourself. take vitamin c, apple cider vinegar even though it is awful. do what you can't e can to
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prevent it. you don't want to be two steps behind. you need to be two steps ahead. >> talk about defeating isis. we were in iraq 10 years, the minute we left everything went to hello. i would argue things went to hell before we left. only way to defeat people as americans put incredible amount of boots on the ground incredible amount of firepower to stay there for the foreseeable future. >> al qaeda of iraq is isis. when we were in iraq and we had completed mission said please don't send anymore fighters. we're done. we're gone. we left and al qaeda of iraq morphed into the isis. >> say we had a different status of forces agreement. say we stayed there for 10 years. >> if we had one. >> if we stayed there for 10 years what do you think would have happened in 10 years? do you think you would have really extinguished radicalism? nothing to replace it with. no one used nuclear suppository option. think about that. >> germany, japan and other countries to stablize the government to be
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self-sufficient. >> same debate happening here on the couch is happening in washington d.c. right now kennedy it is. the president's war powers request to battle isis is coming under fire from both sides. critics say the draft legislation is deliberately vague to win over republicans who don't want to restrict military action and democrats who are weary of the mission. senator john mccain says the lack of specifics is setting us up for failure. >> president hasn't come forward yet with a plan or strategy for us to succeed and in his proposal he left out ba'asyir assad. it is really kind of convoluted. >> and some members of the president's own party take issue how the request limits ground operations and restricts the use of military force to three years. here's senator jack reed. >> it is a time limit that is not appropriate where, we don't want to send a signal to the world that we're there for just
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some years. unfortunately, this battle is going to take a long time. it is a battle. you pointed out quite rightly, based upon richard's reporting some of the fundamental issues and not operational tactical and military they're political. >> so a very, very vague aumf sent up to capitol hill. now the left is fighting with the right what to do. senator brown, this is exactly what the president wanted. >> he has checked out when it comes to foreign policy that is allowing these entities, radical jihadists to come in to push the envelope he can for next two years, not knowing who will come in '16. i have spoken to a lot of my former colleagues. it is vague. it is to debate. if he wanted it in congress he could have brought in a long time ago. he wants it in there to help with the blame game. >> and political cover. julie, i agree with you, we should go in wipe them out and get out of there, no democracy
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promotion. or we should do absolutely nothing. i'm not willing to do anything. get the heck out of the middle east. that is what i want to do at heart. arab spring was a failure. which it was destablized egypt and let the muslim brotherhood rise up and libya fall. we made a mess we'll get out of there. that is not what he is doing. he is saying nothing and provoking jihadis. >> here is my concern with the president, republicans democrats, everybody across the board, nobody told any of us, american people deserve answer what is exactly the endgame? what are we going to do? we'll put american forces into iraq syria libya, potentially egypt if they cross over into western egypt and so yemen as you mentioned is on the cusp of failing. what the is endgame? are we capable of doing this? no, i'm sorry our military is not capable of fighting 10-front war, sustained, 10-year, 20-year war to defeat people. these are different silos of
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enemy. bashar al-assad in syria fighting isis. there are no good guys. >> isn't that question, that is the strategy is for the commander-in-chief? >> i agree it is for commander-in-chief. i agree with you. i wish he would lay it out. i wish republicans would lie out strategy. i listen to john mccain he would love to attack. there is not a place john mccain doesn't want to attack. what is the answer, john mccain president obama somebody level with the american people. tell us what is the answer to getting rid of this threat. nobody has given it to us yet. >> what do you think, joanne, what do you think the american public is feeling? we watch the polls, they seem to be more comfortable putting boots on the ground not fully. but they seem to want the united states to react? >> i think congress really reflect what is the american people are thinking. they are very divided and want a commander-in-chief that will put his foot down and say exactly what this country should do. we want a leader to step forward and do that. that said we need to remember this is not something with a timeline. this will not end in
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three years, even if we would love it to. we need to set up the next president for success. unfortunately this kind of vague plan will not do that. >> we agree the arab spring has been complete and utter failure. >> sadly it is. i think people thought there would be like fall of communism. people thought it would be like idealogical dominoes. unfortunately that didn't happen. that is the difference between a political ideology and theocratic one. i think that is why radical islam is so incredibly impossible to defeat. to speak to julie's point, we don't know say we have longer timeline what does victory look like for us? what does defeat look like for them. >> i agree with you julie, we can't go over there and right all those wrongs in the entire middle east. i personally think we should stay the heck out of the middle east. these are tribal intramural fights and we're meddling and making it worse. we should wipe out the threat, done it a long time ago as the senator points out or doing nothing. >> here is the sad problem
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nobody wants to talk about. the arab world for the most part never had enlightenment. they never went through what medieval europe went through to come out the other side. when you're talking about bringing democracy to the middle east, bringing some great government to middle east, strong men are allied with us, mubarak, or you have, chaos which is what you have, theocratic chaos. there is no good answer here. that is nobody wants to level with the american people out there. is nothing good that come out of this. >> senator, where we lost the mission, when we went after hearts and minds in democracy promotion? the goal of the u.s. is take out threat as we see it, if there is a threat take them out and leave. not ink on fingers or democratize them. we believe they want what we want. that is not always the case. >> i think everybody is right here. i agree with you. there is no mission. he has not told us what the endgame or goal is but we have had korea japan, germany. we have residual forces still there, decades and decades after
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the conflict. what is the difference if we left somebody in iraq? >> if we leave germany or japan it will not devolve into civil war and chaos. there is huge difference. this enemy is not like that enemy at all. >> that is you will all true. we're not talking about imposing. we're talking about allowing a transition for the new government to get its feet get solid and spread its own wings and be there as a backstop basically, somebody to guide. that is what we should have done. we did not do that. when we drew the red line in syria by the way did nothing that is when our allies said -- >> that was against assad. now what do you do with assad? john mccain wanted to bomb syria. he is our bro. high-five and get a few miller lights call it a day. >> if you talk to assad that we're coordinating with him on ground. we talked to united states. josh ernest says we are not coordinating. we're not coordinating with him. he is bad guy. why not use his boosts on the ground to kill isis?
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better have his army die than our men and women here at home. that's what i think. all right, looking more and more like the department of homeland security could run out of dough before congress reach as deal to fund the agency and that has house speaker john boehner saying some harsh things about democrats. so are they to blame if dhs doesn't get funded? anyone's race for 2016, with plenty of political republican candidates punching up in the polls. how the republican national committee plans to keep the primaries from turning into a circus-like it was last time. and it may be cold outside but you can warm up in "outnumbered overtime." yes, mate i can your first time. catch more on the couch right after the show, "outnumbered overtime." go to get your cocoa get your questions, get your comments. tell us what you want us to talk more about. we'll be here right after the show.
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democrats are blocking efforts to pass the bill because it would remove funding for president's actions on immigration. listen. >> the house has acted. we've done our job. senate democrats are the ones putting us in this precarious position. it is up to senate democrats to get their act together. one more time. the house has done its job under the constitution. it is time for the senate to do their job. >> stay with me. but the president's former defense secretary leon panetta says all the back and forth shows just how dangerous dc gridlock can be. >> you want to know what the biggest national security threat is to this country right now? it is the total dysfunction in washington. the fact that so little can be done, by the congress. they can't even resolve the issue of homeland security. they can't deal with budgets. they can't deal with immigration reform. can't deal with infrastructure.
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>> well captain obvious, leon panetta, will not come as shock to anybody on this couch watching us on tv here is my question, we spent a good ten minutes talking about isis and threat potentially to this country. now the time to pick a fight over immigration funding senator, what do you think? >> boehner was right and panetta was right. house did their job. it is up to senate democrats and senate as a whole to get together. they don't like each other. they don't talk. there are a lot of hard feelings because of massive shift in the senate. mitch mcconnell is trying to get back to regular order get them back on track get them working away from harry reid's do-nothing senate. it will take some time. they need to act as americans first. they need to find a way to come together on things we're talking about, isis immigration. president through executive order made all these things come into effect. only way that we can actually be the check and balance of president to do what they're doing. >> somebody like good friend john mccain, talking about how
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he is not sure the right to pick. i'm not sure republicans could get 51 votes. >> they will get it. >> i love how republicans are against the filibuster all of sudden. very refreshing, thank you, republican. >> if democrats don't like republican bills, pass their own bill. >> not allowing it to come to the floor. >> they don't want debate. >> they can't have their own bill. >> very passive aggressive. julie. ironically, they're protecting power that obama stripped from congress. so everything has been flipped on its head. i think will be a really messy fight because of not just the policy, but the politics behind it. i think why you see senator john mccain saying republicans, we better pass this, democrats will start to ramp up argument republicans don't care about safety. they don't care about kids. >> that is a good question. >> at a time isis is out there we need to secure the border. you know they will do that julie. >> made argument for me. >> this isn't about that. this isn't about that.
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>> giving children ebola and sending them to honduras. >> part of the republican platform certainly for 2016. i think american people are over this sort of arguing, this he said he said. it is boring. it is slanted and gets us nowhere. kind of fantastic about great thing about gridlock, everyone bemoans it. you can't spend money when you don't agree on anything. like parents deciding gamble the college fund away or throw it in the fire. as long as they're fighting you're still going to school. >> that is why the market is going up. >> that's true. >> new england on ice. slammed with its fourth winter storm in a month. guess what? it may not be over yet. we'll have a live report. plus brand new poles revealing a wide open republican field for 2016. we talk strategy and what it means for the republican party. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. when frustration and paperwork decrease.
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to "outnumbered." yet another powerful winter storm has new england reeling as millions attempt to dig out amid frigid temperatures with below zero wind chills, and we're hearing there could be more to come later this week with. it is exhausting. it is frigid. and rick leventhal's the only man we know brave enough to bundle up live in south boston. rick? i see your lip ares moving i see your lips moving. >> they're frozen solid. his laings is frozen to the point where he is no longer able to communicate. we are sending in ems and a team of huskies. [laughter] and as soon as they use their arctic breath to thaw him, we're going to get a report becauses it is that important. and you know that. we areless than two years away from the presidential
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contest of 2016. on the democratic side hillary clinton is dominating. she's got the majority of votes in three key early voting states, but it's a whole other story for her republican friends, the already-crowded gop field is wide open with some of the top potential candidates neck and neck. at least five potential candidates have earned double digits and at least one -- in at least one key state with no clear front runner this sight. ripes priebus says the -- reince priebus says the party has a strategy to keep it under control. >> we're shrinking the primary calendar from about since months down to about 60 days, and then we're getting control of our debates which can, you know, i think it became a 23-debate traveling circus. and, you know, we're not going to have any more than nine debates, and we're going to help pick the moderators and debate partners this time around as
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well. >> reince is grabbing those elephant horns ands he is riding that baby -- and he is riding that baby, hopefully, to victory for him. [laughter] what do you think about this, senator brown? was it a cluster cuss in 2012? did the gop cap themselves in the knees? >> yes, of course, it was a traveling road show, as you did. i've spoken to reince about his plan. it's a good plan. you need to tone it down and tailor it so there is an opportunity to actually have the funds left over after the primary battle. maybe it's a good strategy, you would probably know better than anyone else there's no one going to run against hillary. that field will be cleared. you know it and i know it. but republicans will go through that process. they'll have that vetting process and, ultimately come out either stronger or battle scarred, tested or weaker. >> yeah. >> so we'll see what's the right strategy. >> roginsky's smile says it all. >> i agree. >> she agrees. >> no, no, no, i totally agree. i've said for ages that hillary clinton needs a primary because
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i think that's what makes you stronger. she's going to coast -- >> yeah. >> she's going to be tanned rested and ready but she's not going to be primed. they made obama a much stronger general election candidate, and i think you're absolutely right about that. >> you say that again? >> senator, you are so right. reince priebus i think, is a little wishful thinking because you can have four or five debates, and that freak show will just magnify. it'll be a compressed time schedule, but they're going to try to outright-wing each other. >> you're absolutely right. and how many ways can the gop screw it up for themselves between now i and 2016? >> there's a few ways. we don't have time to mention all of them. i think it's going to be how far removed does the public want to be from this administration. we'll see how obama does and when you're trying to sway those voters, it's going to be do they want somebody who's completely different or hillary, who's pretty like minded? as for toning down the debates
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again, we love the circus. >> beer pong. yep. >> and there's an app for that. [laughter] >> and thank goodness rick leventhal has been rescued. he's bundled up live in south boston. rick, tell us everything. >> reporter: apparently cold weather drains batteries faster than warmwet. it's now -- can warm weather. it's now 12 degrees but a wind chill of minnesota 7 it was -4 overnight. and this is what sidewalks look like. i don't think there's anything inside this particular pile, but if you look right here, one of the many vehicles that had been snowed in, and this person carved out a spot for themselves until the last storm over the weekend dropped another foot of snow. all up and down the neighborhoods there are piles like this one. there's no place to put all the snow. and even the road where you're starting to see some pavement here, but there's still a lot of snow and ice. here's another example of
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someone who dug out and then got snowed in again. the situation is pretty bad. 280,000 miles of roads have already been plowed. the city has spent already $35 million to clear the snow during this record-breaking month of snowfall. and there is more on the way. and i want to show you real quick one of the other concerns here, and that's about roof collapses. there have been dozens of them across the region already, and you can see the possibility of more right there. the heavy icicles and the snow piled up on those roofs, this has been an issue all across this region as the snow is up there and in some cases people can't get up there to clear the snow you off. the mayor and the governor have encouraged people not to do thing like that unless they can safely get away with it. south boston people still trying to dig cars out from four major stow snowstorms, and they're expecting more snow tomorrow and possibly another one this weekend, guys. >> thanks for keeping us posted. it can get very serious very
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quickly. egypt is calling on the u.s.-led coalition to take action against isis after a video is released showing the mass beheading of coptic christians. will this prove to be a game changer? also the saying "nice work" really cut it for bostonians talking about employees. are you watching at work? stay with us.
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♪ ♪ >> the era of tough love at the office just might be over as the workplace seems to be getting kinder and gentler. "the wall street journal" reports that companies are now urging managers to avoid hurting workers' feelings by taking a softer approach, telling them to ease up on employee criticism. quote: accentuate the positive and teach managers to water down feedback.
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the journal obtaining a copy of some instructions from one company. it has tips like instead of saying what are we stuck on, say: what are we doing really well? or instead of you need to get better at say: there are specific ways you can improve at. all right. [laughter] julie, what do you make of this? should employers be accentuating the to positive? >> so i have the say my real, day-to-day job i actually do because yelling at your employees gets really bitter and unless you're going to fire them, they're going to get passive aggressive. i've found if you do a gentle reminder, then when you do lose your temper once every ten years, they'll take it much more seriously. >> i only like my coffee bitter not my bosses. [laughter] andrea, isn't it our weaknesses that make us stronger? shouldn't that be pointed out so that we're incentivized to work harder? >> yes, as long as they're valid, i think so, absolutely.
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i thought it was. i worked in a place once where they didn't want to give too much positive feedback. obviously, i was getting perfect reviews, but they didn't want to give me a perfect 10 so they had to go and search and find one little thing that i was doing wrong, and that's what we talked about in the office oh, they're always going to find one thing, they can never give -- >> they have to, right, to keep the upper hand. kennedy, you're the boss of your household. >> that's right. [laughter] >> do you use this approach with your children? >> i actually think it's a little different than -- i'm not raising millennials and this strategy is really tailor-made for people in their 20s and30s who don't respond well to yelling and harsh criticism. i don't like bosses who yell. i don't perform well when i've got someone breathing over my shoulder screaming at me. it makes me really uncomfortable, but at the same time, i don't want to be coddled either because i think that's a very dishonest environment. i've spoken with parents about this. overpraising your children makes them think that mediocre is good enough, and how are we ever
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supposed to brick out the best -- bring out the best in young people who you want to be far reaching if you're telling them pretty good is great? >> senator brown do you work harder when receiving criticism or praise in. in -- praise? >> remember when we talked about the oregon football coach -- >> yes, exactly. and they got to the national championship with that approach. >> for me, i had coaches that were always over me, but i needed that discipline. mom and dad married four times each, terrible upbringing, so i needed that. others actually need to say, you know what? you're doing a great job it really depends on the individual. i agree, if you're consistently and constantly yelling and yelling, you just shut it off just like in any home or business environment. >> and i think it's much more effective if you do have to then yell once in a while -- >> yeah. mom and dad are mad uh-oh. bang. >> yelling and actually saying something with, you know, a loud voice, let's say the best -- i
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used to bar tend a lot. the best managers were the ones who would say thank you. even if you're not doing something right or they have to give you criticism the people who say i appreciate and respect the work you're doing, but let's work on this together, like we're on the same team we want everyone to succeed i think that's ideal. >> you look at mayor bloomberg i remember visiting him here in the city and he had his desk right in the middle of everybody. he had a philosophy that he's part of the the team, he's one of them. he's going to be treated like he treats them. others have different management styles. >> i think everyone's doing an amazing job, i just want to say. i look forward to getting my eau trophy -- >> you do can, jo ann and you're fantastic. there's nothing negative to say about all of you. >> come up with something, tantaros. >> i can't. >> how about participation margaritas? >> after the show. >> e for effort. >> supermodel cindy crawford has graced the covers of countless magazines, but now the apparent
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leak of a surprising new photo has people saying she is helping give a whole new definition of beauty. ♪ ♪ jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen.
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>> this unaltered photo sparking discussion about beauty and how women are portrayed in the media. marie claire magazine says the photo was leaked from a shoot over a year ago and calls it, quote: real, honest and gorgeous. adding that seeing crawford like this quote makes us love her more. people are also tweeting about the photo as it goes viral. people need to realize that our bodies change. it's a beautiful transformation. stop expecting flawless perfection. bravo, cindy crawford. and, quote: if we have to endure mainstream media representations of womanhood and beauty then at least let them be real ones. all right, joanne, you're a former miss new york. >> that's right. >> beauty pageant winner, so you are our resident beauty expert.
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what do you think about this leaked photo and miss crawford's response which is, yeah, that's me i look great? >> you have to own the photos that get leaked, people. all right? we all know we have stuff out there that people don't want to see, photos that don't look flattering but that's human nature. granted, she is a model. we all know that photoshopping happenings. if i want to see real women, i look in the mirror, i go to the beach. when i look at magazines, i want to see flawless perfection because i want to buy the products that they're selling, and i want to, i don't know, i want something to strive for. i always want to feel my best and look my best, and i admire these women. i do, because they look great. and even untouched, she does look great. >> she does. she's had two kids. you've had a baby -- >> i do not look like that. cindy crawford on the beach with her husband, she looks incredible.
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she's such a beautiful woman, and she looks beautiful in this picture. >> here's my thing. why are we commending a supermodel for looking a little bit less than supermodel-y but 99% better than the rest of the world? she's an incredible specimen of beauty that does not have anything in common -- >> hey, she is a real person. >> she is exactly. i'm shaming her for her amazing looks. if i want to see somebody look real, i'll look at a size 16 and then commend them for looking real when they're naked. still better looking than anybody else i know in real life. >> but i mean, in the photo her stomach, i thought, wow, that is -- it still looks great, but it looks like she's had two kids, and she's embracing it. >> i agree. i mean she won the genetic lottery. cindy crawford is an incredible person. i think she doesn't look that much different than she did was
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she was hosting "house of style." i don't think at this point in her life she needs to be so superficial that that's all she's focused on. and i think this is a woman -- >> her looks have been her career so superficiality has made her that money. so it's understandable she would always want to look her best. >> she looks great. >> senator brown. >> if i want to get in touch with real i go swimming at the y and in the changing room look around and go, yeah. >> senator brown, she was not a stick figure. she is a freak of nature she's so beautiful. but she wasn't a size 0. she had curves. she was part of these supermodels that looked like a really tall healthy woman. that's cindy crawford. >> cindy crawford looks great back then and amazing now. only -- listen, we're all getting older, grayer. >> oh, tell me. >> it happens. [laughter] i'm going to stick with my wife who looks great at 50-something years old. the fact that she -- don't
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forget, this was leaked. she didn't come out and do it herself. obviously, she's going to own -- >> you are going to be in so much trouble with your wife. >> i said 50-something. >> oh, she's so brave. cindy's so -- >> she had nothing to do with this. >> i agree. >> cindy crawford day instead of president's day. >> well cindy, you can see who your friends are on this couch. [laughter] when it comes to relationships, some researchers have a tip for couples. get this, they say that one way to stay happy is for one of the partners to be more dominant. we'll debate that, upcoming. >> oh, goody. ♪ ♪ major: here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in.
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even minor conflicts escanalate due to competition. and if one person dominated the situation the conflicts were less intense. >> i know you are doing research on relationships that it requires intense reading and concentration. do you find it to be valid? >> it is not the type of research that you just saw in 50 shades of grey. it has been researched. i found that power has no place in a relationship. if one person is dominant that limits the fighting. but if neither partner is dominant, it is the best kind of relationship. power has no place in the relationship. >> i think so. and two types. >> it is any passion. >> i am saying dominant itting
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each other. and one doesn't take the alphaand the the other doesn't take the position. it is a equal playing field for both. >> what is the best relationship are usually the one i am in because of my multiple personalities because it is exciting. >> 50 shades of terra. i didn't know you wrote a book? >> we'll discuss it in ot. >> i say this as someone who has gone through a billion failed relationships. >> and what is most helpful is make sure neither side is dominanting the other and everyone is supporting each other. >> couple bayia. >> my wife is right there giving me that look. we are talking about economic dominance or sexual dominance and in terms of being controlling and that part of the relationship. there are categories that people pick in.
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