tv Happening Now FOX News February 16, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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pick in. you make the decision. >> no, you do it. you are staying right here for out numbered over time. click on the over time tab and we'll be back noon eastern tomorrow. >> fox news alert. one of the biggest heist ever. hackers stealing a billion dollars. >> investigators are trying to figure out how the thieves pulled off the cyber attack and if it could happen again. an eye for an eye. egypt bombing isis targets after isis beheaded coptic christians because of their faith. this is a game changer. >> he is shot in the the head for something that he is teaching. >> road rage attack as a mother of four is gunned down outside
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of her home and her family tries in vain to save her. >> he did what any son could do. he returned fire. >> the hunt is on for her killers. >> this is an airplane that is a 747 in the airports now. >> today the relic of american history sits rotting in the desert. the veteran of the air force needing a new home. it is all "happening now". breaking news in the war begans isis. egypt retailiates for another a strosity shocking the civilized world. i am jon scott. >> and i am jenna lee. evipt pounding isis targets. hours after the terrorist released the video showing the
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beheading of 21 egyptian coptic christians. one intelligence official saying it is propaganda. and the battlefield may be growing as egypt calls on the u.s. led operation to expand in to libya. catherine, has the latest. >> reporter: this morning egyptian officials confirming a second wave of a strikes on a grouch onshar- sharia. that is the same group that killed four americans including an american embassy. a week before the execution video was released a counter terrorism contact tells fox news that isis declared libya a safe haven for operations as the group followed through on the execution of 21 eastern
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christians. the it is a challenge to western way of life and values. fox news are told that they are targeting the lone wolf assaults and military police and christians. >> there is no question they were targeted for the religious belief. >> their only words were jesus help me. they were assassinated simply for that. >> and the tape that reviewed by analyst they are wearing the same cammo that was born where the isis burned a jordanian pilot to death. it is meant to show cooperation. they spoke in english suggesting he was a foreign fighter or
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perhaps an american. >> more breaking news in denmark, the country is reeling from two terror attacks. new details about the subject shot and killed by the police. a p reporting that the the 22-year-old danish citizen with a violent past was released from jail two weeks before the attack. he killed two people in a free speech event and synagogue. they arrested two suspects accused of helping the gunman. amid the chaos denmark vowing not to back down in the face of terror. >> we have now experienced the fear that terrorism seeks to spread. but we have as a community responded with determination and resolve. >> the prime minister saying there are no signs that the gunman was part of a larger cell, but danish security forces
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are taking no chances as they fan out across the country. >> in the meantime the assistance from the u.s. in the wake of the brutal execution of christians in libya. doug? >> reporter: hi, jenna, the u.s. and coalition aircraft continued strikes in syria can and iraq. 13 more strikes in iraq the critics say it is not good given the horrific video of the isis beheadings and the the president for the third day in a row is golfing in california. and the report suggest they paste dealership to the estate where the president is golfing again. the white house is trying to straddle the fine line about fighting isis and not consumed
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by. it susan rice said isis is not a threat in the united states. but many in congress watching the growth of isis see it as a potential threat to the united states. some think that the authorization for military support given two congress by the white house is too open- ended and some say too closed ended and here is speaker boehner speaking on fox news sunday. >> the president is asking for less authority than he had today than under previous authorization. that is not smart. we need a robust strategy to take on isil and no one has seen one from the white house. we need a robust authorization. >> leon panetta disagrees with
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that assessment, listen up. >> i think the president has the right pieces in place to confront isis, and obviously made important gains in trying to stop their effort to gain additional territory in iraq. >> reporter: boehner said he will let all relevant committees on the house debate the authorization of force and we'll not see congress sign this thing for a couple of weeks or months. it is now a sign of urgency. jenna, back to you. >> doug, thank you. new information today out of the american sniper murder trial. defendant eddy ray routh charged with the shooting death of chris kyle and his friend chad littlefield. major developments are expected today on a ruling whether the
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defendant's confession will be played on video in court. casy has more outside of stephenville texas. >> reporter: we are still waiting for that. the court went in recess. the videotape shoes eddy ray routh confessing to the murders when he was questioned by the authorities specifically the texas rangers. the tape has been shown in a pretrial hearing, but there is a question of whether it will be shown for the jury to see. the defenses are arguing it is inadmissible and the prosecution wants it shown. the judge will have the ultimate say sdpa and that is what we are waiting on. it will give insight on how the accused was behaving when he was caught. there is talk of him taking drugs and alcohol. and a former sheriff deputy said he heard routh confess to the
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murders because chris kyle and chad littlefield wouldn't talk to him in the car ride on the day of the murders. this morning the court heard four voice mails that eddy left on chris kyle's murder. eddy's mother worked in the school where chris kyle was attending. kyle mentored veterans suffering for ptsb and that's the defense here. ralph's lawyers say the 27-year-old former marine had si cosis and he did not know what he was doing was wrong. of course that is where the entire insanity defense comes in to play. we are waiting to see if the videotape of the confession that is awfully damming is played in the courtroom behind me. >> are we expecting that today? >> we are hoping that it is
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coming today. we believe that the prosecution said it plans on resting the case in the next day or so and so time is running out for them to do that. it would be the prosecution wanting to play the tape and they have to do it before they arrest. >> we'll have more on the video confession and how it could impact the murder trial in the legal panel. >> house speaker john boehner warning that he will let the homeland security shut down. can the law makers reach a deal? but the weather hits keep on coming from boaston. more snow and bitter cold temperatures add to the misery in new england when these folks could experience a break. >> have you experienced this? >> no '78 was a piece of cake compared to this. >> how are you dealing with it?
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snshs warning that the department of the homeland security could shut down because of the impasse. the it is our chief correspondent mike emmanuel there. >> reporter: with congress out of town for the president's holiday. it will be down to the the wire for funding department of homeland security before money runs out. >> the senate democrats should be the blame. >> you are prepared to let that happen? >> certainly, the house did their job. >> pelosi sounding this alarm. with only four legislative days left until the republican homeland security shut down speaker boehner made it clear he will not avoid a government
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shutdown that threatens the american people. white house feels confident that the republicans will get the blame. >> law enforcement officials associated with defending our boards and protecting us against cyber attacks and defending our airports are forced to work without pay. that is something we should not do and congress should come back and get it done. >> senate republicans understand challenging the president's immigration action but don't like this fight. >> we need to sit down and work this thing out and there is ways to address with what the president did was unconstitutional. it is not shutting down the department of homeland security. it is too serious. >> many house republicans are are trying to hold the president accountable for exceeding his authority. >> mike, thank you.
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>> for more on this. i am joined by benny johnson director for i and jesse ka ciniche. they have four days to get dhs funded. jackie what do you think the chances snr >> i think it will shut down. the republicans have been trying to figure it out for a month and it seems like they don't have a plan to get it passed. you have to wonder if john boehner could get a short term passed in the house. even if dhs will not get funded they will have to get the funding started. >> benny how dow see it. last year the republicans funded the budget but the homeland
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security it was a priliant tactic to defund the president's actions on immigration? >> right just when things were getting boring here in washington d.c. for political coverage we get another shut down. it is great news for a reporter because we talk about the optices which is what the gop learned the last time they shut down the government 16 days last year over the obama care fight. it is an optic's game. who can sell the message the best. it was problematic last time on the gop and they ended up caving on a issue funding of obama care. this time the gop base is very much against executive amnesty and john boehner is in a tough position of looking week or losing an optices game of the the shutdown of homeland
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security. would it be devastating to the department? the necessity of the department would function and people would get paid after the shutdown, but it was not looking good for republicans this short of the control of congress to shut down a department like homeland security. >> talking about the optices, jackie, last time they controlled the house and now they have house and senate and promised to govern responsibly. how do they let a major department with a quarter of a million or so employees shut down without looking irresponsible. >> that is the question that mitch mcconnell is asking. when he took over the senate they weren't going to shut down the government. boehner saying it is the senate's fault doesn't hold water. they need six democrats to pass
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the bill. they are also losing republicans and this is problematic and the other thing we are looking at a different election cycle. this is not midterm. you have to wonder if the presidential contenders want to talk about this either? >> it is all the actions of the president on immigration. he said he couldn't do and he turned around and did it. and draws the republican's ire. democrats are perfectly willing to go along with it. >> i spoke to a boehner source this morning and said they will stick hard to the line that laws originate in the house chamber and john boehner is in charge of the chamber and this is boehner and the gop's reaction to an unconstitutional executive action by the administration. that is from boehner world. that is what they will message it as. will that message stick with the american people? >> i am not sure americans are
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ready to necessarily blame anybody in this fight. they want the government to keep up and running no matter kwh which department it is. benny and jackie thank you. >> isis expanding its foot print and finding new territory to spread the cause of jihad. and a road rage incident with deadly consequences with a mother of four. the manhunt on for the driver who followed her home and devastated a family. >> you guys that did this, look at this closely. she's gone now. she's leaving a 15 year,20 and 21 and 23-year-old without a mom tonight. so you got your wish you fired the shot and she's gone. there's only one egg that just tastes
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>> "happening now", egypt retaliating against isis and launching new air strikes on the targets in libya after the terrorist group beheaded 21 coptic christians. egypt calling for the operation to expand in to libya from iraq. how far is the reach of isis? we have the fox news military analyst and wa lid you say what we are see nothing libya is a prelude of what is to come why? >> number one, as you said in the introduction isis, isis away from the mother basis in
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syria and it is libya and somalia and beyond. isis is successful in what al-qaeda international wanted to do. isis is committing genocide. they are killing poor individuals belonging to communities and without confrontation. i am preferring to the 21 coptic christians and isis committed to kill thousands. >> you say it is just the beginning. >> this is beginning of a genocidal jihad that we have not seen before. no limits and no exchange of prisoners and no engage of meditation that we used to have. it is because they feel they can. the international campaign is not successful against them. >> egypt was quick to act and bombed target inside of libya and they want us to join in?
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>> we were late in asking the egyptians to intervene in libya. we are two years and nine months late. the yes, egyptians are trained and they engage on the east of the cairo. and they are killing egyptians. and so the reaction of egypt and similar to jordan and are the allies to have in the region. >> and we'll show the viewers where isis has popped up in the last several years, walid. we'll get to that map in a moment. as we look at it in washington d.c. the authorization of military force, we are continuing our bombing campaign in iraq and syria. and that going to be enough? you can see all of the places where isis is, is that going to be enough?
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>> you can see where we intervene in that map of afghanistan and with trauing from iraq and who is replacing us? the map shoes that we are emerging in iraq and stretching to syria and jordan and a chunk of north africa. from the suez canal and gaza strip and beyond. and look at somalia links between isis and sha bab. central asia is left to the jihaddist as well. >> some say isis is different than the other extremist group. they will clash with the terrorist as long as they are battling for power. they are in north africa and wash your hands of that. >> consider the second part of the argument. where is our policy to support
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others? we abandoned the egyptian government and because we banded with the muslim brotherhood. we are not doing our job. >> and interesting walid. what about going on in europe. it could highlight france. terrorist struck there and inspired by isis. it doesn't matter if they were affiliated. he four people in the kosher market and a terror attack in copenhagen as well. and there are those in a 60 minutes the report said the terrorist in europe are hybrid terrorist and petty criminals and psychological. fell in the hand fdz islamist persuading them to the dark side. what do you think of that argument in europe? >> that is the academic elite on
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both sides of the atlantic. trying to flee reality. unstable people are recruited. they are not seeing they are only come after the size of isis are very big. the planners and the bulk of isis are made of stable people. but the unstable people are a side dish of the war on terror. >> great to have you in the program. >> old man winter really tightening his grip. much of the u.s. is struggling to get above freezing. when will the bitter cold go away. >> and hackers stealing up to a billion dollars from banks in several countries, we'll tell you who is affected. this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this?
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>> a stunning cyber security report reveals a major hack attack. a report claims that a grouch hackers stole 1 billion or more from banks in russia and eastern europe. here's more on this. how did it happen, joe and who is affected? >> it is an unprecedented cyber attack and in a new report shared with fox business. the russian security firm estimated a billion may have
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been stolen starting back in 2013. 100 banks and financial institutions and 30 countries or more are affected. eastern europe and ukraine and united states and of course russia. the attackers did not expose a vulnerability inside of the system. they studied the internal procedure and recorded the process and impersonated bank robberies and controlled the a tm's and timed the release of cash when the money launders were ready to collect it. and transferred millions to accounts in the u.s. and china. hackers stole 7.3 million from one a tm alone. >> and so is the threat going on or have they plugged it up. >> it is active and evolving.
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the criminals are still after money but not looking for intelligence. but the biggest bank in the united states, jp morgan- chase was not affected. they are expanding the operations in the middle east and africa and asia john. >> thank you. it is. that is something we have never dealt with. the now depth i have never, never seen. >> he's ready to go. boston area digging out from a foot of fresh snow. and they are braving bitter cold temperatures. many other areas are suffering with negative double-digit wind chills. there is a lot and big swath of
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the country miserable. >> i haven't gotten a puffy coat update from you this year. >> and that is in affect in the northeast. look at the temperatures. we set records in the new york city area. 18 right now, and 16 in boston. and 0 in puffily. and dc 19. and feels like with the wind chill. people are urged to stay indoors. keep your pets and kids in. and check on your neighbors. it feels like single digits. we are watching the major winter storm to unfold. icy in tennessee and accumulation on the roads and power lines so dangerous. and freezing rain for south carolina. and all of these areas shade in
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pink is a winter storm warning. we have potential of ice and north of that snow. and dc. biggest snow event of the year. and we put it in the forecast temperature and radar. and dc getting that snow. and look at portions of the carolinas with the icing and so dangerous. new york and boston will so the snow on tuesday. it is not a jackpot snow for boston but measurable snow is not good news for a area that set records. >> my parents are sending me photos of san francisco where it is 72 degrees. >> i am sending pictures of the baby all wrapped up and can't move. >> it was 30 days and five hours until spring. >> not bad. >> you can see it on the horizon. we'll take that.
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thank you. in and try fighting a fire in this stuff. crews battling fire and ice in philadelphia. fire broke out this morning and it was quickly put out and freezing temperatures created problems with ice on the utility polls and neighboring buildings. the cause of the fire is under investigation. look at that. >> and a nurse and a mother of four died in las vegas after she was shot in the head inap apparent road rage attack outside of her home. tammy meyers had given her 14-year-old kaurt a driving lesson at the time. william? >> jenna, the manhunt continues in vegas for this man. a 25-year-old white male with spiked dirty blonde hair. and somebody knows him and police hope they come forward. four days after he gunned down
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meyers in her drive way after giving her daughter a ride home. she gets in a fender bepder with three men in the car. meyers was afraid and she got back in her car and headed home and the suspects followed and when she got out she was shot. her son robert struck the suspect vehicle several times. >> my mom did not deserve this and she didn't deserve to be shot in the head because she is teaching my little sister what to do. >> he did what any son would do. he returned fire and if i would have been here there would be four people laying here. >> the gunman shot meyers on her son's birthday. she was taken off life support on valentine's day. the son and daughter feel responsible for her death.
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>> there was no excuse or reason. and i hope to god they know we are looking. >> and they will be caught. >> the only promising part of the story. they have a description of the suspect and car and bullet holes in the car. >> it is a horrific story. road rage stories come up once in a while. you have states psas for folks to calm down about that. tell us about that. >> miami is apparently the worst. minor things escalate and tail gating and gestures and someone gels gets out of the car. you don't know what it would be. evander holly field or someone with anger issues and the best idea police say call them and go
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to a crowded parking lot and stay in the car and 1500 people are killed as a result of highway violence. it is a problem. we have a story in las vegas and a good reminder today. thank you very much. >> it is a critical day in the american sniper trial. how the video taped convegz affect the outcome of the car. will the jury see it? >> what caused this scene next?
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and hear from her boyfriend. senator rand paul asking ten kentucky to do something different. major hacking in hundreds of banks that made a tm's spit out money at random. find out in the top of the hour. >> 92-year-old man loses control of his car in a busy parking lot. surveillance video taken at a grocery store in wisconsin. you can see the dark colored suv as it rammed two parked cars and backed in another video before flying in the part of a red pick-up truck. a medical condition may have caused him to lose control of the car. >> and the judge set to decide who jurors will so the videotape
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of eddy ray routh confessing to the shooting death of chris trail and chad littlefield. he is saying apparently weird stuff on this tape including i didn't know what was right and i didn't know what was wrong? doesn't that sound like insanity. >> it. it sounds like he searched the difficult definition of insanity and regurgitate it in the videotape. no one is arguing that he committed the murder. the issue is did he do it while he was legally insane. >> there is a lot of the talk about ptsb and the military service. he smoked marijuana and laced with pcp the morning of the killings and that would seem like a direct and plausible
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cause than ptsb. >> and i believe that is what the prosecution will hone in. it is not a mental disorder and as a matter of fact one of the experts gave a statement normally people who suffer from that disorder were not violent people. i believe it was the drug and alcohol use. >> can his team blame it on the ptsb? >> what their theory is he was in si cosis. and instead of killing two incident people he thought he was on the battlefield killing the enemy. i don't think that defense will fly. you can have a crew loose and not legally insane. if you knew the difference between right and wrong, the defense is not available.
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>> can you smoke pot and lace it with drugs and cause it to be legally insane. >> not at all. they use that they will fail. and they will not suck sowed in the defense of insanity and those insanity defenses don't suck sowed in general. >> after he was arrested for the killing, he said if i didn't take his soul he was going to take mine. the words of a disturbed individual but does it make him insane? >> the jury and experts are going to have to examine if he knew at the time what he was doing was wrong. and sometimes he clearly knows it is wrong. and leads the previous on a high speed chase. and then she said i didn't know what i was doing was wrong and i
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had to take two souls. >> he said on the tape. i killed them because they wouldn't talk to me. now, if you are the judge do you let it in or keep it out. >> it depends on if it is too prejudicial in the terms of the evidence. the prosecution wants it because it establishes his confession and two it doesn't mean he was a insane. he may have been hallisinating. >> and not only the prosecution i want it in. and i think the jury ought to see this it. it is his word and he got his miranda rights red to him. >> i don't think it is prejudicial and could benefit both sides. the defense said he is crazy and the prosecution is saying he is pretending to be crazy and the experts will have to examine it.
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you can't have an insanity defense without experts on both sides. >> again the judge is supposed to decide today. and we'll thank you both. >> thank you. it's no place for a plane that once served as air force one. but that's where one former presidential plane is sitting. the new effort to save this. that's coming up. and the washington monument still standing tall our ore nation's capital. but not quite as tall as we all thought. we'll explain. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. that we all need
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was buying a piece of presidential history. now the aging airplane is in desperate need of a makeover and a new home. we have more from denver with this story. >> this is the only air force one not in a museum. and if the owner doesn't get donations soon, this piece of american history is going to rot in the arizona desert. it was an incident on this aircraft that prompted all american presidents to fly under the call sign air force one. the plane now sits in a field at an airport outside tucson. >> that is a very significant number right there. it changed the whole course of presidential air transport history. >> theit carried president eisenhower in 1952. >> for air force traffic control purposes in 1953, this aircraft
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and eastern airlines flight 8610 ended up in the same airspace over new york city. >> and the call sign air force one was born. the plane was eventually replaced and ended up at an air force base where its history was lost and then sold at auction to a man named mel chrysler. ten years later the smithsonian called mel to tell him the plane's history. >> they restored it and flew it around in the early '90s. >> the men tried to sell it but with no buyers, it was never sold. >> i hope someday somebody finally goes you know what, let's go get that thing. that would be a plus. >> museums have shown an interest in doing a complete restoration. but so far none has been able to come up with the $1.5 million it will take. >> very interesting. thank you.
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guess what? they are downsizing one of america's most famous landmarks. government surveyors are revising the official height of the washington monument. it's about 10 inches shorter. a surveyor says it's because of the updated guidelines in measurements, not because the monument is actually shrinking. >> or sinking or one of the other. a massive demonstration about to get under way in copenhagen after yesterday's deadly terror attacks. we'll have the latest from europe up next. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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tomorrow is maurdrdi gras as you know, french for fat tuesday. >> party on. >> thanks for joining us. >> "the real story" with gretchen carlson starts now. we kick it off with a fox news alert. egypt striking back after isis releases that gruesome video showing the beheading of 21 egyptian christians in libya. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. we're here to bring you the real story on that and much more. egypt immediately fighting back with warplanes pounding isis training camps, killing 64 militants and wounding dozens more. isis violence also playing out now in libya, deepening concerns that the extremist group is expanding beyond iraq and syria and establishing a direct affiliate in north africa. team coverage for you catherine herridge and conor powell.
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