tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News February 16, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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come on in thank -- taking in the dog show today.6; i love you. >> i love you. >> love you, too, piper. thank you for being part of "the real story." i'm gretchen carlson. here's shep. >> egypt strikes back after isis releases videos of militants chopping off the heads of christians. now italy responds to the threat to quote, conquer rome. here at home, the search for a killer who gunned down a mother right in front of her house. >> she was always there for me. and i just don't know what i would do without her. >> she has a 15-year-old daughter who will never have a mother to get her ready for prom to watch her get married. >> cops say the motive? road rage. plus, the feds come up with new rules for businesses that plan to use drones. looks like amazon has to come up with a new delivery plan.
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heat get to it. >> first from the fox news deck this monday afternoon the war against isis is officially expanding. egypt taking aim against the islamic state in libya. hours after mill taps released a video show the beheadings of 21 christian egyptians men who were simply traveling to libya for work and ended up dead. egyptian war planes launched two waves of strikes in eastern libya, this is video from egypt shack television. officials called the strike retribution for the murders. they targeted weapon supplies and training camps. egypt now calling for an international response in libya where extremists have taken over several cities. now to at the beheading video. it's said to be five minutes long and a title, quote a message to the blood with the -- the militants marched the
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men on to what they say is a beach in libya all knew for isis. the militants forced the men to lie face down#yw7[ç before cabbing off their head. one militant speaks in we were english, mentions osama bin laden and then says the group plans to conquer rome. pope francis condemned the killing the white house called the murders despicable and said it shows there's a need for political resolution in libya which has been a mess, quite frankly, since the rebels overthrow moammar gadhafi more than three years ago. he died during that uprising. lots to cover here. let's head over to the wall to see where this is happening. this is just iraq and syria for the longest time. this is where things were happening. now we're over here. libya borders egypt. last year islamist militants took over the capitol tripoli. the egyptian strikes hit the targets in the city east of there. analysts say these latest
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murders indicate isis has successfully set up an affiliate a thousand miles from the stronghold in iraq and syria giving them a base from which they can launch attacks against europe. so team fox coverage conor powell in jerusalem. let's first get to catherine herridge in washington. what are you contacts telling you> i've watched the five-minute video in it's entirety and while not as highly produced as recent tapes, the video uses multiple effects as well as camera angles and what appears to be a crane shot overheight. isis is to comfortable in eastern libya, its like a movie set on the beast, and this jihadi who delivers the bulk of the message speaks with aerican accent and wears they same campo worn by the executioners who burned the jordanian pilot in january. analysts say this is significant and meant to show coordination between isis in syria and north sprinkle. >> hundreds of miles away from syria and iraq you have isis
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jihaddists in libya north africa, wearing the same uniform and the black execution uniform, and the same way they displayed the victims and the slaughter. all that is telling me this is now an international organized isis jihaddist group. >> a week before the video was posted, fox news was told that isis twitter accounts declared libya a safe zone in darna a focus of the air strikes home to the islamist group al sharia that attacked the benghazi consulate in 2012. seems the two groups are working together in eastern libya. >> regarding thekçf video, i'm told there's a lot of symbolism in there. >> analysts say the reverences to rome are not only about christianity but meant to draw on lib yaps who resent colonial past in the region and rev refer reins 0 -- on fox and friends this morning a muslim community leader says isis is giving islam a bad name.
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>> isis has no relationship in traditional islamic faith which reveres clips and in the cor co-koran holds sacred jesus and mary, and christians are defined as people of the book and they're legitimate. >> one of the most disturbing elements of the video is that it has this sense that something else is coming and there is media reporting in libya this afternoon that more christians are being rounded up by isis. >> thank you so egypt is carrying out strikes against the islamic state now in libya. brand new. and u.s. and coalition fighters aretying their assault in syria and iraq. officials say they targeted an isis unit near an iraqi air base where hundreds of american forces were training iraqi troops. be reported this on friday and had talked about this before. isis had gone over and taken over a nearby city weapon had guests on saying they're not going to attack the base.
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well, they attacked the base where the americans are. pentagon official says the americans were in a different area during last week's attack, and iraqi forces killed the attackers. u.s. officials also said the militants had taken over a town a few miles from the base on friday weapon mentioned that on friday. the visit was actually happening then. the u.s. confirmed on friday. a local official in iraq now says iraqi forces have taken back most of the town. so with that in mind conor powell is in jerusalem. what else do we know about the egyptian airstrikes. >> coordinated between the egyptian military and the libyan military. that's an important point. the strikes were criticized by some government officials@nm;çç but libyan military spokesman said not only were the strikes cord nateed but carried out with the full support of the libyan military. egypt has indicated there will be more strikes in retaliation before this beheading and for the attacks on these coptic christians. there are a lot of coptic
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christians remaining in libya. a lot of them work in the oil business coming from egypt. so egyptian leaders shay they'll do whatever they took protect egyptians in libya and continue to battle isis. also calls for a wider coalition to battle isis is growing threat in libya both egyptian military government said they want toyew [çç see an international community there. the italian defense minister has said that there would be part of any international coalition possibly even leading an international coalition in libya to fight isis there if a coalitionvññ= put together. >> isis in libya is an enormous threat. explain to our viewers why. >> as you pointed out libya has been a mess for several years, since 2001 when gad was overthrown. it is -- there is no central government. there's interim government a recognized by the international community. a military, lots of tribal mill lit ya but hotbeds of islamic
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extremic particularly in the area where the air strikes were conducted. a lot of libyans have a lot of experience fighting in wars in afghanistan and pakistan and iraq and syria, and there's a life they're sort of settling back and fort and that's why they're so scared the makeup of the libyan government, the lack of one, and then also the experience of the fighters that have gone back and forth to libya. there's a real potential according to analysts, that libya could be the next spot where we see isis spring up and have a firm control over a large part of territory. >> thanks very much. let's bring in james gold -- guyer, the dean of the school of international service at american university in washington, thank you, professor. >> thank you. >> libya. how in the world could you ever even begin to solve this problem militarily without something on theground? there's no x5dñ government, is there? >> well, there's an internationally recognized
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government but doesn't control the capitol in tripoli. so it has some territory. there are of course other groups with other territory. so you really have onungoverned state, and unless the international community can find some way to support the recognized government of libya you'll just have a breeding ground for more and more recruits for isis. >> this recognized government of libya, i can't see much evidence that anyone has supported it at awesome it's as fifth some reason the international community has been seeing this isis problem develop but didn't think it might go to libya? which sounds ridiculous. >> well, again, it's a merv breeding ground for jihaddist movements like isis, and now the world is awakening to the problem. you have, as you just spoken about, the egyptian airstrikes, the italians seeing this is a la real threat to them. i think we'll see a broader
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coalition in europe develop realizing that with isis inzyçç libya, the proximity to europe is quite threatening. >> the recent for the beheading videos? >> the videos, as you were discussing earlier the way in which the highly professionalized, using almost sort of a movie set quality to them they're being used for recruitment purposes and isis clearly feels that showing these videos helps bring recruits to it. now, on the flipside, it's also galvanizing countries in the region to carry out strikes against them. we saw this with jordan after the burning of the jordanian pilot. we're now seeing this with egypt. so we do see the countries of the region coming together to agree that strikes against isis are necessary, and i think we'll also see more activity from the europeans now that we see this movement in libya.
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>> two things before we go isis has said repeatedly what it wants is our boots and those boots of ourxmy9 ground againstz#j 3uõih'y2ve[v1rzis ed. with respect to the military strikes against isis, again, isis clearly feels that this helps them with their recruiting but especially for countries in the region, they need to do something to try to
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counter the growing strength of isis in iraq syria, and libya. >> dean of the school of international service at american university in washington, thank you very much for your context. >> thank you. >> supporters of yemen's ousted government are now fighting back. officials warned the critical western ally could be on the brink of an all-out civil war. security officials say the supporter's of the4)n s. the other oosthuizen securely counsel -- last week the u.n.
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secretary general said yemen is collapsing before our eyes and he was right. >> word of new arrests in connection with the deadly terror attack in denmark now. we're also learning more about the accused éw+gunman and what he did before the attack. and vandals reportedly targeting hundreds of grave stones at a jewish cemetery, defacing them with swastikas. it's a busy news day sadly,á the fox news deck in just a moment. doers they don't worry if something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free.
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leaders in denmark say there's no reason to believe the main suspect in the shootings was part of a larger terror network. even if they announce new arrests in connect with the attacks. the "associated press" citing danyear police source whose identify the gunman as this 22-year-old dane with a criminal record and gang connections. fox news cannot confirm that. the shooting targeted an event which featured a swedish artist two drew a caricature of the prophet muhammad. and even as people in copenhagen return to their normal routines, thousands have paused to reflect at a large rally there tonight. >> the rally serving both as a tribute to the victims who died and as a show of unity in the face of terror. >> we have taken each other for granted up to now. but this is -- kind of
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seriousness, kind of gratefulness to be around. >> throughout the day danyear flags flew at half staff as flours and kennedy piled up outside the synagogue where a shooter guns down jewish security guard and near the cultural center which he peppered with bullets killing a dan]r7[q$ñ;ñ+ñ3ççmç danish filmmaker. video captured the aftermath. cops surrounding the scene, and witnesses showing police which way the suspect escaped. >> i could hear the gunshots approaching, so i thought the gunman must be in the building. i could hear the shots allah, a would. >> a swat team killed the man in a shootout yesterday. his body lying on the streets as investigators studied the scene. government officials releasing new surveillance images of the shooter. they haven't officially confirmed his identity but say
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he had a violent history and there's word he was recently released from jail. >> i was told made very clear we have no indication at this stage that he wasß]j;4f of a cell. >> detectives hauling evidence out of an internet cafe which they claim the suspect visited after the first attack, and from the police station today came the news that investigators arrested two suspects accomplices, they say who helped the shooter get rid of the weapon and plan his escape. but even as danes come together there's a sense itself will take some time to restore a sense of peace. >> really sad. i want to be sure in my country to move around and be safe, but i don't. >> the danish prime minister says there's no need for jews to leave the country inhínn"8ñ the aftermath of these etacks. comes after the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu made a remark his country is the only
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place jews can feel safe and that quote we say to our jewish brothers and sisters israel is your home, unquote. here's the danishing prime minister. >> they belong in den mark. they're part of the danish community, and we wouldn't be the same without the jewish community in denmark. >> denmark has not been a place of great antisemitism. far from it. the exact opposite of that. jews have been walked there for many decades. the israeli cabinet approvedh#wkç°çç[kw3wççw3ç plan to spend tens of millions of dollars to encourage more jewish immigration from european nations. in eastern france officials say vandals desecrated some 250 jewish gravestones yesterday knocking them over and defacing them with swastikas and nazi slogans. police are questioning five teenagers who may be connected. the president of france responded: everything will be done to make sure those responsible for thoughtedus and
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barbaric acts will be identified and punished. word of more fighting in eastern ukraine now as pro-russian rebels and government forces blame each other for breaking the latest cease fire. a live report from ukraine coming right up. photos are great for capturing your world. and now they can transform it. with the new angie's list app, you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done and angie's list will find a top rated provider to do the job. the angie's list app is the simple, new way to get work done on your schedule. the app makes it easy, the power of angie's list makes it work. call, click or download the app for free today.
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there's been a serious train derailment train carrying crude all is off the track in west virginia. a couple of pictures to show you. the train was hauling tankers con caning crude oil when it derailed in a community in fayette county. one tanker end up in a river and another slammed into a house and burst into flames. several fire departments responding. officials are evacuating the area near the spot=tt>skñ where this derailment happened weapon don't have further information but we expect to get it, and when we do
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we'll bring it to you. the new cease fire in eastern ukraine lasted two hours before the fighting started again. that is according to pro-russian rebels. both sides or each side blames the other for failing to uphold the agreement which took effect yesterday. the rebels have surrounded ukrainian forces and a key transport hub that government still controls. reporters tell the "associated press" they have heard heavy shelling in the area. cease fire in effect but nothing. under the new peace deal the two sides are supposed to begin3x@mç withdrawing heavy weapons from the front line by tomorrow but the rebels say the ukraineup's must withdraw their weapons first. an aide to vladimir putin says the cease fire is changing the situation dramatically, greg palkot is in kiev. greg? >> reporter: there is a relative calm in some parts of eastern ukraine but flash points as well, and they threaten to blow
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up the whole deal. probably the most dangerous place, the town you just mentioned. 8,000 ukrainian troops inside as well as 5,000 civilians. outside, those russian backed rebels with a range of weapons. they have been pounding the place harder than before the cease fire, and the ukrainian soldiers have to surrender their weapons and free or else. all told, 150 violations since the cease fire started yesterday. it is claimed both sides are involved with that. ukraines firing at rebels, five ukrainian soldiers dying in clashes, and there have been civilian losses as well. as for russia's role in all of this, an aid convoys' entered eastern ukraine from russia shortly after the cease fire. 170 trucks, 1800 tons of cargo said to be mostly food. no way to confirm this. the border manned by the russian-backed rebels. have been claimed to included
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weapons and ammunition. one well-placed u.s. insider toll told me he wreck 's vladimir putin orderedded the rebels to make large territorial gains before the cease fire started and they fell a little bit short and now they're just trying to finish the job. we must add, for his part, putin says he has no troops he has no weapons, he has no strategies inside eastern ukraine and that's what he says, shep. >> greg palkot live in the ukrainian capitol. thank you. cops say a mom went out with her daughter to give the girl a driving test, and they were both on their way home when a]4ç gunman shot and killed the mom in front of her home. investigators say it's a case of road rage gone horribly wrong and they're still looking for the suspect. folks in the northeast digging out from another snowstorm. this is more of a really new england snowstorm. but the temperatures are brutally cold even for this brutally cold part of our country. now it's taking aim at the
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south. the mid-south specifically memphis and the surrounding region. what an ice dump today. the weather is ridiculous well, of course it's february. let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on so how are we going to sweeten this deal? floor mats... clear coats... >>you're getting warmer... leather seats... >>and this... my wife bought me that. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. what's in a can of del monte green beans? ( ♪ )
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fox report time. nor headlines. the teenager in kentucky was angry his parents took away his computer privileges and days later he killed them and his younger sister. that's according to the police there in southeast -- a town southeast7 cç of louisville. it happened on wednesday. cops say the teen crashed his parents' suv in maryland on saturday, then died in a shootout with cops. iran denied its supreme leader wrote a letter to white house. the "wall street journal" reported he answered a letter from president obama about fighting islamic state militants. iran's state news agency said it responds to u.s. letters in some cases. >> tragedy in central pennsylvania. a weinermobile?
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it was dangerously cold overnight in the northeastern part of the united states. if you were outside you're probably frozen. wind chill in new hampshire felt like minus 64-degrees yesterday. stay indoors. slide show coming up. i do not understand this. this is on my ride to work every day. this is a fountain at bryant park right on sixth avenue in the big city. temperatures dropped into the single digits but the wind chill made it feel like minus 20. why they didn't turn off the fountains, i don't know. maybe they wanted to have one of these. otherwise they could have turned off the fountain because it's february. here you seek what is happened in the river.
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can't turn off the river. chunks of ice in the hudson, the brooklyn bridge frozen. it's cold in philly, making it tough for firefighters. that's boston where they now havee]9ó75 feet of snow with 30 more feet expected in the next hour. it hasj$ñç been snowing there -- it's the snowiest february by a long time, and february is like what half over? gotten almost five feet in february. take a look at workers trying to clear the snow off -- that's the roof of a high school, i'm told, in northern massachusetts and this is in foxboro, a warehouse under construction caved in -- well -- caved in under the weight of snow. national weather service reports at least ten roofs collapsed in massachusetts in just the last 24 hours or so. a major winter storm hammering parts of the deep south with ice and snow that could spell big
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trouble for folks in atlanta and beyond. officials are take nothing chances after an ice storm last year paralyzed the city, forcing people to abandon cars on the highway. look at this system over here, and though we always talk about atlanta because it's freaking atlanta, there oar -- there are other places. problems in memphis and little rock arkansas had a bad wakeup this morning, kids through the region getting a two-hour delay on school. this is the icy area, and it's large and that ice causes more problems down there. we get snow and can send out track trucks become salt trucks. down there you get ice you sit home there nor options. forecasters say states from oklahoma to carolina could face freezing rain. they will not see weinermobiles. we don't have a weinermobile in the big city. >> yes, we do. >> we do? >> yes. >> where do you see these?
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>> fox and friends has the weinermobile every single year. every year. >> i'm not awake that early. and if i am, i'm in the gym. >> you call it a weiner mobile. >> i didn't know what ityw :ç was. the real tragedy thursday mid-south. >> cannot take away. >> oxford city schools this morning, had to go to school on presidents day but my niece and nephew had a two-hour delay so it's a great day in oxford. >> the sink stuff on the radar that is freezing rain and/or sleet. moving out of the memphis area and mississippi but we are going to be dealing with more freezing rain and ice across the carolinas, up towards virginia of you can see we're just the freezing mark. nashville, icy mix. north of that we're getting the snowfall, and d.c., you could
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see your bi&?tdt snowfall so far this year but we do have ice storm advisories for central tess tuesday and our freezing rain advisory for parts of south carolina moving into north carolina and virginia later. look at the forecasted precipitation. six to 12 inches across the higher elevations. it's all ice overnight. people cannot be traveling, especially getting into the overnight hours and as people are haven'ting into work. so just a quick look at the forecast satellite radar imagery. there's recall e -- recall e, -- recallee and then -- >> i see breaking news you didn't mention. there's no snow tuesday in boston. >> wait, wait, wait. there you go. but it is the tail end of the -- see, waited because i knew you were probably going to say boston. >> it's horrible. i don't know -- i remember when buffalo got five feet. i'm like it's buffalo. >> any measurable snow is not good news for them but this one
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will be a quick mover. however, we're into this trough pattern for the next foreseeable week, so temperatures remain cold no melting in sight. the wind chill will be a factor, but the next week or two we'll watch the potential for winter storms to come very close towards the northeast. so i'm not sure what they're going to do in boston. maybe it's going to be a baby-boom next year. >> you know what's going to fiction it. july is going to fix it. >> you're right. >> thank you janice dean the weather machine. >> bye. >> a maphunt injured underway for a suspect who killed a woman after giving her daughter a driving lessan. investigators in vegas say the woman almost crashed into another car on thursday. the other car followed her home and somebody in the car shot her in the head. relatives say she died on saturday. she was a nurse and recently became a grandmother.
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>> mypln:úvfmom did not deserve this. she is a mother of four. chev is now -- she was a grandmother of one. my son is only one year and two months. now i have to deal with my son, growing up without no grandmother. >> cops say the suspect's car was a four-door gray sedan. trace gallagher is in the west coast news hub and is covering the story. do the cops have anyut(qj on the suspect? >> reporter: actually a couple of decent ones. both the victim's daughter and one son got a good look at the prime suspect and that's how las vegas metro police came up with the sketch. white male, 25 years old, 6'0", 180 pounds, with spikey hair. now, there were two others in the car with him but it's unclear if they opened fire as well. police have also released this surveillance video of what they think is that silver gray sedan you were talking about, driving through the neighborhood.
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the car apparently had damage to the front fender on the driver's side, along with several bullet homes from when the victim's oldest son returned fire. here's her youngest son. >> my brother did shoot -- i don't know -- four times at the car, and not one missed. and that's it. you will be found.r'é and that's all i got say. >> reporter: the family is also imploring anyone who might be helping the suspects to do the right thing and come forward. >> do we know of any connection between the woman and the suspect? >> reporter: it's a great question. right now polic e don't believe they'd ever seen each other prior to the shooting. it appears to be a horrible road rage incident. they think the mom may have known she was being followed and called home to notify her oldest son but the exact timeline has not been confirmed. we do know that victim's daughter who she was teach to go drive, was no longer in the
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car when he shooting started so she had time to actually run inside the house. 44-year-old tammy meyers died on valentine's day. it was also her 20-year-old son's birthday. >> trace gallagher in los angeles, thank you. after years of planning,zoç the feds are finally laying out the rules for flying drones. and soon thousands of businesses could get the all-clear to fly their own drones. the details on that coming right up. first, we learned in just the last few minutes the singer songwriter leslie gore has died. she topped the charts with the song in 1963 that many of you most will know "it's my party." she was born in brooklyn, raised in jersey quincy jones discovered her and signed her to mercury records when she was a teenager. her partner says the singer died of cancer in a hospital in manhattan. she was 68. ♪ it's my party and ile cry if i want to. ♪ cry if i want to.
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that doesn't act that way. headlines from across america. wisconsin first. a hearing today for two girls accused of stabbing a classmate 19 times to impress a fictional character. hand last year outside milwaukee. victim survived. suspects were 12 years old but prosecutors charged them as adults. defense lawyers say the case should be in juvenile court. washington state, a bus carrying a high school basketball team crashed and flipped over north of seattle saturday night and injured ten people. >> people were flying from the top side down. people were hitting the windows on the bottom side. sparks were flying. >> police say the drier told them the brakes failed. but they say they're still investigating. texas, one marathon organizer says he has never seen this before. a woman crawling across the finish line. he says she ran out of gas in the final mile but refused to quit. she crawled her way to third
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place at the race in austin yesterday. for the first time we're getting a look inside north korea's version of air force one. as kim jong-un flies around on official business. our producer has the details what is happening today over in the hermit kingdom which we like to look at. they have nuclear weapons so it's not a laugh. >> state-run media released this image, saying he is on this plane and is serving a new apartment complex along the river. >> looking at things. >> so here he is looking out the window. nice interior. >> nice ashtray. >> nice ashtray. here he is meeting with anp 08 chief of staff. comparing the two planes, air force un with the air force one. in 1963 it was the world's largest jet airliner.
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not i'm. air force one is 231 feet this isd+l#ktñomvoóçwfmç a soviet plane, we have a boeing 747 -- 200. their plane can reach top speeds of 561, we are 63 miles-per-hour, and it actually would -- 631 miles-per-hour. the price tag is 100,000 and air force one the price is classified but a new passenger jet would cost $300 million. >> hughhugh how do you get that for $100,000? >> the air force one will be upgraded to the boeing 747. >> it's nice our plane can 0 go faster thans >> always a plus. >> drones are coming now. the feds releasing new rules for
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how businesses can use remote controlled unmanned flying machines. this is going to be awesome. the drones cannot weigh more than 55-pounds. they cannot fly faster than 100 miles-per-hour. they cannot fly higher than 500 feet. right now the feds banned most businesses from using drones. so who gets too use drones now? i talked repeatedly about how our executive producer kim who is on vacation not related to kim jong-un. >> good. >> kim wants us to have aefbc÷;;ó-!n ápc0jú:y0#éxpyw©ñvcezw but now> well, okay. it's complicated. you can't fly at night. you can't fly in an airport and you can't fly beyond where you can see. so you can't fly more than a couple hundred feet away from yourself. so that kind of makes it difficult for almost any business -- >> what if you're on top of the business and then you can see farther. >> you can't even use binoculars. so think about it. that's really going to limit how you use it. things people talk about, crop rotation, crop monitoring,
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aerial photography inspecting bridges and other important infrastructure in our cities and towns. seems to be really, really limiting, but we have to wait and see. >> can we as a news organization call our satellite the home base and then nye within a couple hundred feet -- >> shep, you can do anything you want to. >> no, no. can we do that? >> i have no idea. it's not clear. this is all very muddy. amazon is saying they don't think their plan to have primary, to deliver stuff to your house necessarily will be stopped by these new rules youch see how confusing? >> they have a lot of money. >> they do have a lot of money but the faa will take two years to really put these rules into place. they could change in that time. >> hear about the icar? >> yes. the apple car. i saw the picture. >> it's next. >> i want to drive my own car. >> okay. >> i'm sorry. i don't want mywuysñkppy%mg?txç husband
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to drive my car or anybody else but me. >> you're a control freak. >> a little bit. >> there is word that apple is trying to get ahead of some automakers developing its own electric vehicle. so the company is because it us a does, being very quiet. what we're learning about apple's secret car. i'm calling it the icar. we'll see what kennedy calls it when kennedy joins us on the news deck. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ ♪
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what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit eight minutes to santa new. apple is apparent live getting into the electric car market, or some]jd áñvf+ço?kçç told. the "wall street journal" reporting the company known for iphones and ipads has hundreds of employees, hundreds, working on a super secret project to develop an electric vehicle. one source tells the journal the projections name is titan. and the vehicle looks like a minivan. we happen to have a video of a
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mysterious van roaming the streets of san francisco two weeks ago. the feds say it was leased to apple but it's unclear whether this van is connected to this tan project. we put it up there because we didn't have anything else. if apple does speaker the electric car market itself will have several competitors, and google has been work only a self-driving car for years. we reached out to apple. a they didn't reach back. kennedy4ei@k[÷k#eóv here. she is the host of kennedy 10:00 eastern time 9:00 in 0 ford. an icar. >> that's right. to compliment the iphone. brand loyalty. you know people who dish out $600 every year for a new iphone are going to do whatever it takes to get that icar, or i call it iride. >> i like that. >> supposedly steve jobs before he passed. one project he had a vision for was this icar, where apple users could interface. we all know the cars have some
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pretty deep problems, and apple engineers must be having a great time reimagining what an apple version of a car would look like. in fact they have a couple of impressive engineers from ford and supposedly they're offering workers from tesla a quarter million decide -- million dollars if they come to apple and help. >> some of this stuff apple has been doing, this is a serious project and they're really going to dive into this? >> who knows with apple. could be really clever marketing to get people talking because they don't have brand awareness. >> certainly not. got to figure the way they have re-invented everything else whoever thought a phone would like look that. >> or your phone would be your personal computer phones now hold eave conceivable document you can imagine so what would a car reimagined look like? and i think really with that coming -- the exciting thing is
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the sky is the limit. so you imagine the different ways a car can be re-engineered. >> got to figure it would work in concert with the iphone or the ipad or whatever you have. >> all your devices. >> and want have gasoline, and is destroying the planet. >> they have battery engineers supposedly working on the project. that's one of the chief components they're trying to perfect. >> and tesla has been work ago on that, toot but getting to the next stage of battery development is differing. >> tesla is trying to overcome that by having battery charging stationses and say if you drive from san diego to vancouver,back, you can charge your consider all the way theoretically. i don't see that happening in practice yet. at some point there will be plenty of electric vehicle charging stations but right now you stiff heal to use gas. >> naysayers say you can't pop the battery out and put a new one in because apple woman allow that. >> so people will -- stand in
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across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. and the needle is thin. victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal
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ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. so on this day in 1968 a shawl tune in alabama launched the first 9-1-1 system. yes, alabama. for years operators handled emergencies since callers had to go through them anyway. eventually congress chose 9-1-1 as the emergency codes since it was easy to remember and nobody else was using it. the only system was basically a red phone in a police station. of course things have changed since then. even now incorporating gps and smartphones to find people. the very first 9-1-1 call 97 years ago today. >> when news breaks outwññ$]wó3çó we'll break in because breaking news changes everything on fox news channel. your world is next. stuart varney is in for cavuto
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today. normally we show you what would happen at all street. but it's presidents day. everything is closed isis, at the door, and there is no time to wait. that is from italy's interior minister today as isis vows to conquer rome. welcome, everyone. this is your world. a new isis video putter possesseddedly showing the beheadings of 21 egyptian christians in libya prompting egypt today to launch two rounds of airstrikes on isis in libya. italy says more action is needed. it now reportedly wants nato involved. catherine herridge is in washington with the latest. >> reporter: i watched the video in its entirety, and while not as highly produced as recent propaganda tapes the video uses
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