tv Outnumbered FOX News February 19, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PST
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hour. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." i'm andrea tantaros. here with us today, harris faulkner, kirsten powers host of the brand knew show "kennedy," on our siste network, fox business kennedy, our #oneluckyguy. all rise judge alex ferrer is here. he is "outnumbered." you didn't bring any warm weather from florida but we're still glad to have you. >> i'm glad to be here. i like cool weather. nice to get away from miami. >> very kind. like a polar vortex. >> kind of like when you open the freezer. i don't want to live in my freezer. but that is noise feeling. >> but that sownly couple seconds. this goes on. >> more stories on the "american sniper" trial and other things we'll get right to. it is day three of the white house summit on countering violent extremism as they call it. just an hour ago, president
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obama spoke about his strategy to put a stop to the terrorists. >> we must remain unwaiverring in our fight against terrorist organizations. when necessary the united states will continue to take action against al qaeda affiliates in places likes yemen and somalia, and in iraq and syria our coalition of some 60 nations including arab nations will not relent in our mission to degrade and ultimately destroy isis. >> the president coming under fire for remarks he made at summit yesterday remarks he reiterated today, about preventing terrorists from recruiting people in the first place. listen. >> there is a strain of thought that doesn't embrace isil's tactics, doesn't embrace violence but does buy into the notion that the muslim world suffered historic grievances. sometimes that's accurate. we do have to address the grievances that terrorists exploit, including economic grievances. just as we address economic brief vanses we need to face a
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third challenge. that is addressing political grievances exploited by terrorists. >> fox news contributor charles krauthamer criticizing the president for those comments last night on "special report." >> he is so divorced from reality as if the problem is the lack of understanding of muslim grievances particularly in the middle east. we talk about root causes as if that is going to make any difference whatsoever. there are rich people in isis. there are poor. there are educated there are uneducated. the idea that somehow if you canner rad cat poverty which in and of itself an absurdity, will make any difference is sort of a fancy. -- fantasy. >> judge, i want to go to you first on this i was listening to the same speech. the first thing i thought what krauthamer echoed last night. you look at terrorists and look at radical leaders a lot of
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leaders come from very wealthy, highly educated backgrounds. some of them have a number of degrees. one study i found said 80% of militant islamics were university grads or grad students from some of the most elite universities. so this theory they're just living in caves somewhere, very stupid and they don't know what they're doing just doesn't make any sense. >> or jobs will really change their outlook. there is a big misconception here. that is if the message you're trying to send to leaders in saudi arabia let's say, if you keep on pressing your people it will make it more likely they will going to revolt, make it more likely they will topple your government, that is not a bad message to send. i understand. that we're not dealing with people who don't have jobs and don't have hope so they join a street pang and go out and commit burglaries. this isn't crime. these are people who are beheading people lighting them on fire, killing babies and children. this is an ideology and jobs and promises of jobs isn't going to
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change that ideology. these are barbarians. frankly i think it is kind of insulting to the muslims to say that because you're basically saying, if we don't there is 1.5 million muslims out in this world and very small percentage of them become islamic extremists but, by sending message we need to give them jobs, kind of like saying if we don't give these people jobs they will gravitate towards beheading people which is insulting. >> if that is true, harris, that is the case, is that really our job, to be lifts up the middle east and helping right, i should say those grievances that the president talked about? is that really going to fix the problem? you're teaching college civics course existential evil and evil didn't exist and you try to tell people what it is, this is what the speech sounded like f you're dealing reality and today's world i don't know you need to explain it as much as you need
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to eradicate it. i'm listening to people tasked with protecting us, the generals, getting our front lines for whatever might happen next and that is not what they're saying. general jack keane said, you know can you kill them all? he said no but a good place to start. we're talking about evil that exists. you bring up an excellent point, judge, 1.5 billion muslims in the world, if you say we don't educate and give you jobs you will turn into this. what an insult. >> that is completely insulting. apply that to races apply it to anybody. that is huge insult. on top i'm sorry. cut you off. >> no, not at all. listening. >> i was going to say now i lost my train of thought. >> let me help you out. if you look at 10 poorest countries on earth, you look a burundi, madagascar, zimbabwe where the gdp is $400. these are places where poverty has grown and spread but islam
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has not necessarily. so poverty is not an important element of radical islam. so you can, you can put that notion to the side. the other thing, his speech was filled with economic redistribution international economic redistribution which goes to nation-building. if you're looking for places, he is talking about constitutions and democracies. >> right. >> and freedom of religion. those are things that he wantings to impose he promise, when he campaigned in 2008 and throughout that he would never going to nation build. >> turning the middle east into one big, kirsten, welfare state basically what he is saying would fix the problem. that is how i read it. i agree with harris. it was like a academic paper. i want to ask you, why is the president focusing on onus being on us to right those grievances? why isn't he focusing on fact islam and radical islamic leaders are cutting off heads of christians? >> well i just heard a completely different speech than you guys did no surprise. because i think he actually said
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specifically poverty isn't the main cause. he said, he that wasn't even central to his point. i think he was talking about the fact that he doesn't want people to associate behavior of these people with islam. and i'm a little torn, i'll be honest, torn on way he is handling it. but i understand where he is coming from. he needs muslim leaders to helper rad kate this threat and when, if he speaks to harshly about islam, that can alienate them. that is what he is trying to do. i think it is much more nuanced. >> this speech requires wealthier countries to do more. i don't have a problem with. that the wealthier countries can be u.a.e. saudi arabia, they have a natural resource over there. can't remember what it is. tends to make a lot of money. poverty argument may have more to do with tribalism and local -- >> stay on the point kirsten
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made about words and how the president is staying away from certain words because it's a strategy. criticism continuing over the president's ongoing refusal to call radical islamic terror what it is. he referred to that in the speech at the terrorism summit yesterday. >> we must never accept the premise that they put forward. because it is a lie. nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy they seek. they are not religious leaders. they're terrorists. [applause] and we are not at war with islam. [applause] we are at war with people who have perverted islam. >> and now we are learning that this is apparently part of a strategy, a deliberate strategy. "the new york times" reporting that the administration says that it does not want to give islamists terrorists ammo to
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accuse the west of being at war with islam. critics even some from the left and former administration officials are getting tired of the semantics game, asking how can you defeat an enemy that you won't identify? republican senator ted cruz not mincing words when it comes to the white house's strategy. >> it is bizarre politically correct doublespeak. it is simply not befitting a commander-in-chief whose first obligation should to be protect the united states of america and what undermines the global effort is for the president of the united states to be an apologist for radical islamic terrorists who analgize it to the crusades from 700 years ago. >> senator cruz has a point, harris. the first thing i thought, why is the president fighting words so much? >> yeah. >> he is fighting words. fighting the dictionary. seems like his priority is reputational management for the religion of islam and these people who perverted it? is that really priority?
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>> one of the things the president can't run away from is what kirsten alluded to, the coalition of the willing is still extremely small. you iaea egypt and jordan opt in with their militaries because their people were attack recently with the pilot set on fire jordanian pilot and 21 coptic christian egyptians. outside of that he has to build a coalition. i thought it was interesting. yesterday's speech not really different from todays except at the part at the end he took a long big pregnant cause, in closing i like to speak to the painful truth. most americans see muslims only in the news and it's a very bad news cycle. we have to remember young muslims among us, people doctors, people in businesses, educate americans what it is like to have diversity as communities. i'm here as tan as ever, tell you we get it. for him to end on that i thought it was interesting. is hoping to build the coalition by making rest of the world think he is trying to educate us
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how to love them? it was an interesting place to end. that is great question for you, kirsten. >> i asked you, you earlier said you are conflicted how the administration is handling that, how so? >> i am essentially with them but i take the point you need to identify things very clearly. but i think that they do know what the threat is. i don't agree they don't understand what the threat is. i think they're trying to thread this needle of figuring out how to talk about this without alienating. >> they have had plenty of time. >> i don't think there is easy answer to it. i think they have, this is where they have landed. like i said, i understand the arguments for naming it but i also understand the arguments for why you don't want to alienate muslims who need fighting this war. >> but why is it if a christian misguided blows up an abortion clinic media, nobody has a problem saying this christian fundamentalist. >> they is shouldn't do that. >> the public isn't that stupid. oh that is christianity.
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they're a bunch of barbarians. they recognize this guy is a loony tune. >> i don't think it is about the american public, i think it is about muslims. >> maybe muslims should be redefining it. maybe the president -- yeah but it feels like deafening silence. the president can take a stand. he had enough collegiate experience. he knows how to use language to his advantage. that is you who he got elected. he has to stop waffling. if you don't name your men my that means there is no differentiation. everyone is on equal footing no i think the difference is he is not willing to say this is islam. i think that is fair argument. >> religiously motivated call it holy war for those reasons as bill o'reilly has. giving them exactly what they want. they want to be treated as legitimate representatives of islam. >> kirsten, i actually could agree with that point, and i see why the president is doing it. i think i could understand
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especially based how harris characterized it. but when there is not a strategy to back up fighting them people go okay, words are one thing but actions are another. joe biden tweeted out about christians yesterday. they have no problem naming christians in certain, when they behave badly but not radical muslims. how would you like to pay for some strangers to go on lavish trips and to fancy parties? oh wait guess what, you already did. more reports shining a light on federal dysfunction at the taxpayers expense. jeb bush, claims that he is his own man distinguishing his views from those of his father and his brother. so, do you believe him? is he his own man and what that strategy says about a potential 2016 white house bid. and "outnumbered overtime," you know it, you love it. if you want to hear us talk more about any topic maybe we didn't talk enough about the last one, go to fox
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tweet us, comments. first send ten is back. do you have questions for kirsten? or kennedy or the judge? let us know. ♪ their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. and the needle is thin. victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal
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jeb bush making his first major foreign policy speech as a potential presidential candidate and former florida governor mentioning his father and his brother in an apparent attempt to set himself apart from them. have a listen. >> i love my brother. i love my dad. actually love my mother as well. hope that is okay. and i admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions that they had to make. but i'm my own man. my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. >> he also said, some mistakes were made in iraq during his brother's administration but he praised the 2007 troop surge calling it one of the most historic acts of courage politically of any president. andrea i'm going to you. how would you grade his speech? >> it was okay. not really buying i'm my own man thing because he hired, what, almost two dozen of his brothers advisors. >> right. >> so i think that will be really tough for him to overcome. i think he will get questions
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constantly about why he is not his brother or why he is not his father. and, in a lot of ways he is like them. and i think that's a problem for conservatives. i think that is why he will have a really tough time in the primary explaining a lot of his positions because, the compassionate conservatism went along with at lot of spending and a lot of things that made us scratch our heads. >> kennedy what do you think about what andrea talked about these foreign policy advisors, paul wolfowitz is sort of the face of the iraq war. >> exactly. he has paul wolfowitz and george shults. a white-washed neocon. what do you want me to say? not my favorite kind of republican. he is going to become an economic populist which is really dangerous. i'm liking more what he has to say about immigration and despite what he says about common core. he is differentiating himself in foreign policy because those are shortcomings, for chris christie scott walker and rand paul to some extent. >> anyone want to defend jeb? >> i would like to yield all of
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my time to the judge for two reasons. one, you lived in florida and he was your governor. >> yes. >> second you just shared something with the couch. you were a first? >> he was part of that. >> he was not part of the that. i ran. he appointed more minorities to the bench in florida any governor ever will. almost his entire tenure as governor to florida most of the appointment to the bench were women, african-americans hispanics. that was a good thing prior to that the bench was 95% older white men in florida. so i like jeb. i thought he was a great governor florida. i don't agree with all of his positions. i'm not a fan of common core. but i have given up on idea, and america needs to give up on the idea of finding a candidate they agree with everything. if you agree with everything on your candidate i guaranty other people don't. you end up with somebody in there, somebody who is so far to one side they will never win the general election.
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>> interesting. >> let's move on to day three of the defense testimony in the so-called, "american sniper" murder trial. will attorneys be able to prove eddie ray routh was insane when he killed navy seal chris kyle and his friend chad littlefield? remember this guy. living up in a lavish government conference in las vegas. he became poster boy for frivolous federal spending. guess what. the feds not learning much of a less son. we'll tell you the fun federal workers are having on your dime. ♪
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the department of energy inspector general found that agency officials spent $21 million in a single year hosting more than 300 lavish and on you end -- opulent bought conference including a incredible events like casino night, super bowl party and a golf tournament. you're working in the wrong place. it doesn't stop there. another report on the department of housing and urban development found that agency gave free housing to more than 200,000 people who did not meet the department's community service requirements to qualify for benefits. so andrea i'm absolutely shocked that a bureaucracy would breed inefficiency and fraud. how does that happen? >> it is a jaw dropper, isn't it? i think you are upset because you love a good casino night. and you hate when you're not invited to casino night especially using your money. >> gambling with it. paying for the event with it and
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losing all at same time. >> when there is not at casino night, at their jobs they're spending it even more. when we catch them spending it on stupid stuff like "star wars" videos and conga lines -- >> gsa bathtub. >> i love a good conga line, judge. can i be in the conga line? i am paying for it. >> you should be in it. >> we've been beaten to death with this. it is so absurd and so sad you know, it is ridiculous that the department of energy is spending $21 million on parties, which you know they should invest in some energy efficient light bulbs. >> i mean mean a third of the conferences reviewed and $20,000 category had like misallocated receipts. all of these sloppy accounting, paperwork problems. the other thing was there were excuses why they didn't use their own big offices. you know they have big office at the government. here was one excuse. they could not have conducive
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and efficient flow of conversation. ah. >> that is actually true. >> at department of energy headquarters. >> that is true. if you stood around a craps table, you talk about everything. you need that setting to really generate the conversation. >> i believe the department energy headquarters doesn't have good combo. >> this will never go to end until people get prosecuted or fired, not transferred to another division of government and promoted, another curb job. people responsible have to be fired. inspector general does a report. civilian oversight committee and talk about. we'll be back here and next year. i will be glad to talk about the same thing. >> that would inflate the unemployment number to one like true double-digit we know it to be. >> federal employees are essentially unfirable, right? >> well civil servants are definitely. >> they're unfirable. >> hard to fire them. also, i don't think this is obviously considered to be wrong in the federal government right?
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so they probably would say, we've always been doing this so what is the problem? there has to be cultural change where it is made clear this is actually not okay. and that, just, i, you can't stop doing this. the thing is, maybe if things were going really well, people would be willing to look the other way. but when the economy is going so badly and people are suffering so much. even more insulting. if they were prosecuted like the judge said they would think twice. but they retire with a pension and a slap on the wrist. >> lois lerner is on a yacht right now. i don't know that for a fact but she could be. >> as we turn to this story there is new development on it. the defense is presenting the third day of testimony in the american sniper trial. the attorneys are arguing he was in a psychotic state of mind
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when he killed kyle and his friend gunning them down at a shooting range in 2013. ralph ralph's mom testified today about her son's ptsd. his girlfriend is taking the stand as well. she said her boyfriend was unstable the night before the shooting and suffered from paranoia and thought the government was out to get him. they are laying out the facts as the family members is experiencing them. what is the difference between a psychotic state of mind and in sanity >> they can be similar. you can be suffering from a psychosis and still be legally sane. legal insanity isn't like the term of this person is crazy that we throw around.
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it varies from state to state but texas goes by the rule that says you have to be suffering from a disease or defect and because of that you cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. so someone in a state where they are delusional they would fit that because they are not in touch with reality. >> is there a tendency for the cases with war heroes involved to find not guilty based on reason of insanity because of what they have seen? >> i think there is a little sympathy. everyone admires, well michael moore doesn't, but most everyone admires the vets and know they
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come back with ptsd. there is a lot to pick from. the prosecution will pick from the confession where he said he knee what he did was wrong, fled and would like to apologize to the family to argue he might have been psychotic the night before but at the time he knew shooting them was wrong and he did it. the defense is going to focus on his statements and how bizarre they were saying he is not in touch with reality. >> can i make two quick points? i think number one i think uhl have a lot of pro-military families. if rouse had not killed an american hero in the minds of the people in the courtroom and injury i think the jury -- jury -- will be more sympathetic to kyle and littlefield. but you talk about the threshold for insanity and i think
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reaching the half way point the defense is going to have a tough time. and the mom and sister who knew he was insane in their lay person terms why would they let him go to the shooting range? >> i don't like to question chris kyle. he is a victim in all of this. but why would you take someone you think is crazy to a shooting range with guns. >> will the defense bring that up? >> i don't think that helps them much. >> do you think the defense chose the wrong plea? there is so much evidence pointing to the fact he knew what he was doing. it doesn't seem like insanity under ptsd is the right plea. should they have brought this up? and also if you could shed your thoughts on the fact the jury is predominantly
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predominantly female. >> everybody looks at the jurors through different glasses and some people think they will be mothers or women who are sisters and they will sympathize with the defendant. and the other side has a different view point. your first question was? >> ptsd insanity. >> insanity is a defense. you can commit a criminal act, if you are determined to be legally insane, you are excused. but just suffering from ptsd or have schizophrenia and you're not legally insane you are still on the hook for the crime. >> we will be watching for it. when there is news we will tell you about it. dui checkpoints are meant to get people off the road but some are evadeing them all another.
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and racial oppression and the lives of marginalized people. so judge alex -- >> yes. >> there really shouldn't be public schools. we should go to a school where parents of every stripe have a say in the education their kids get. because with dogmas like this that is exactly what happens. yes or no? >> where do we start. we have the teach the students about the good bad and ugly. we don't need to sugar coat things and say america was wonderful or america should be apologizing for everything bad. children should be raised knowing their forefathers made mistakes, too. >> some parents might agree with this negative glossing over
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where whereas others might want a more traditional approach. >> i guess i like the idea you could have a somewhat objective covering of history. the good bad and ugly and the exceptionalism. and i don't like people teaching what they believe should be taught. >> but when you have an agenda can you have an objective approach? >> both sides have agendas. this republican who is wanting to change things found only speeches from republican presidents that needed to be included. bush and reagan but none from obama or clinton. it is hard for him to be making the argument when he has an agenda. it would be nice if people could
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sit down and discuss the key things. >> i love that idea. let's get rid of the department of education and we can do it. >> exactly. >> she made my point. >> you know how i feel about the department of education and government burrocracy and washington, d.c. dictating what kids should be taught. i agree on the charter school push. i wish there was a push where parents had more choice. it seems the universities taught the let's apologize for the wrongdoing behavior of the united states it is tricking down to the kids level. that is a problem. there is concern about not getting the proper education but are we even learning history? we are behind in math and science but they are not getting
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the basic information because they are getting liberal crap. >> how do you eliminate public schools and pay for the better system? >> i am so glad you asked that. you are already paying for it with your taxes. what if you got that money back however much they allocate to your child's education, you got it back and got a say. >> do you trust them? >> i don't trust them the money they are saying is going to education. >> or they would give it to you. >> they will give it back to you but they will cut back on the 300 conferences we go to with casino night. >> i am a motivational speaker when i am not here. >> you are a motivational speaker here on the couch. don't forget that. >> so am i by the way.
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>> let's go out together. different show. i am for the positive message. dr. king's speech. he was assassinated though. so you have to mix in the facts with the good stuff. >> but his speeches were amazing. >> they were amazing. but i can see the person's point in wanting to put more good in there because the bad stuff has more stickiness in our brain. >> i have a hard time with this republican who is pushing -- he is trying to replace something he says is bad with just a different kind of bad. he is not balancing it. >> no more agendas. we know it is really cold. but guess what? it is going to get worse. this looking bad for parts of florida even. sorry spring breakers and judge
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>> i have gone to this school for three years and never knew about this rule. >> the school's principal con firms the dance was couplesome only. the girls went to a local chocolate factory instead and had a great night. i am so outraged at the story. why can't the girl attend the dance by herself or with a friend? what if she said this is my girlfriend now. can i come in? >> this is very upsetting as a single person. you read this and it is like this is so mean. i don't understand why they would do this. and what is the idea of it has to be a couples thing? it is high school. >> you want to pair people up and are they giving out birth control? >> high school is mean enough they don't need a couples-only dance. >> why didn't she say her
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friends were sister wives? >> i am in a polyamorous relationship? >> they let the two girls in because they were together and bought the tickets together but not her because she was alone >> she should have asked steve the janitor. i liked their solution. they said i am going where i am loved and that is the chocolate factory factory. >> whenever i have problems i go to the chocolate factory. >> i know you do. but it is this idea you are not whole without another. and i am not okay. these are still children. they are in high school. each child has the ability to shine on their own. >> if that happened to my
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daughter i would have been furious. >> this is why you are a motivational speaker. i am tearing up. >> if you have someone, great but if not, you are a shining star. it isn't just any student. it is girls. and the message to girls is if you don't have a man you are not worth entering the school dance to be with everybody else. and i think that is really really dangerous. >> preach it sister. >> i am preaching, girl. >> i think that is riot -- right. i wonder if they would have done this to guys. it is such a bad message. >> my first feeling was being a father the last thing i want to see is my daughter cry. if that happened to my daughter i would say let's burn the school down. but realistically you would step
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back saying it is a stupid decision. it is a school dance. you don't want to be like the mothers whose daughter doesn't make it on the cheerleading team. >> are you trying to calm our outrage? >> it happened in college a friend said you need a date to go here and we had a great time but i would have had fun stag as well. have you heard about the mars trip that will send people on a one-way trip to the red planet. what kind of person would volunteer for what some call a suicide mission? the finalist are speaking out and this is good. major: here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body
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♪ >> a california woman is one small step from one giant leap for man kind and woman kind. 100 finalist for a one- way trip for mars. and this is the 36-year-old on why she would be excited to put the earth in her rear for good. >> to leave it all behind to go to another planet to open more doors for human beings.
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that is a lot of sacrifice. i am willing to do it because i am believe it is the project. she even jokes with it being a suicide mission. >> some say it is suicidal. >> it is suicidal getting on the bay bridge every morning. >> one of my friend's kids wanted to do. >> the dutch group working with the european space agency and launched a space telescope back in 2013, they can put metal out there, and now they are going to put humans out there. >> that's what happens when you let woman in without partner in a school dance. >> one of my friend's kids applied and he did the whole thing.
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we went around and around how crazy it was. >> what did you tell him? >> it was a bit of a suicide mission and you go and never come back. >> one way ticket. >> and it is so beautiful about that. >> would you go? >> no i have kids and i think my girls need a mom. if i didn't have children i would put my name on the list. i think there is something so incredible of being untethered from the confines of earth for the exploration. >> eventually 40 people. >> and wow. >> how dow procreate and do you pick your partner and i have so many questions. >> how would you like to be one of the first four. and decreasing your dating opportunities. they need a guy who can breathe
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through their ears. >> no, i would not go. i like to talk too much and i have a list of people i would love to put on the space ship. >> no i love my family. i couldn't go without seeing them. >> all right. here we are on earth together on the couch. you will stick with us for overtime. we'll be right here for outnumbered on the web. and live chats are already cooking and you can chime in and tune in for the same time. we'll be back for the tv version of us noon eastern. it is friday. "happening now" starts now. >> and we start out with a fox news alert. we are waiting a decision on whether the boston marathon trial should be moved to another state. >> the defense claimed it is impossible to find a fair and
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impartial jury in the boston area due to the impact of the attack. we'll cover all of the news now. >> no religion is responsible for terrorism. >> president obama refusing to it use the term "islamic extremist" as leaders from around the world take on their own take on violence. >> does it make us more vulnerable to the terrorist? >> he committed a
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