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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 19, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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. 8 p.m. on fox business network. and even a number of tetradactyls responded said, damn right it was you. 8 p.m. be there. hello, everyone, i'm dana per reno kimberly guilfoyle julie imagine ginmajinsk can i. this is the five. with the isis threat winding, terrorism is front and cementer on the minds of americans, the percentage who name it as the most important problem we face is at its highest level in five years. so if the 2016 election were held tomorrow, would it come down to foreign are policy? likely. >> one of those rare presidential runs in which foreign affairs is one of the dominant issues.
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we are at one of the lowest ebbs, the trust of our allies fear of our enemies that is a very ripe field for the republicans. >> charles is stlirkts going to be a foreign policy election, think really tough for hillary given her last job. job. >> foreign policy cage fight. fluffy toys, child nutrition, amnesty, those do not win wars and do not protect you. what protects shut cold, brutal hammer of the greatest killing machine that has ever been created, that is our military and we need to let the world know that we are back and better than ever. this is an opportunity forth goof it is us and gal lament comparison. the the white house is goofus, the republican candidates gal
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lachblt you look at isis, it's bombs versus proms. you look at marie heart. >> we don't need these semantic gymnastics. >> the top of the list for the biggest concerns in gallant was the government dysfunction and the economy. just that this issue of foreign policy is now the highest that
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it's been since 2010. do you think that will continue for the next couple of years? >> clearly this isn't going to be over any time soon. the obama administration has had no policy, no strategy, they decide that they are going to cobble together a strategy. get this, today the ap announced -- reported that the white house announced the strategy for the summer. going to send 12 brig brigg grades of iraqi soldiers, 20,000 soldiers to go fight isis and said they are going to start in april or may and if the 12 brig grades aren't ready to fight in april or may that may actually be delayed. they went from no strategy to developing a strategy and then sending them the playbook. this -- what -- who are the people who are putting these ideas on paper sitting around a table going, let's do this, now let's tell the world what we are gonna do? tell isis exactly when we are going to hit them. this is just unbelievable. >> hung jove and can't function. >> you want to be clear, start invading countries? i don't understand.
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>> is that either/or? >> it has to be. right? >> one or the other. >> what you just said, asking greg, what you said, you want to go in, ant want a killing machine, we are gonna go back to iraq gonna take our military which we all snow a little tired, take them back to iraq. >> i don't think they are tired. >> you don't think they are tired after ten years of war? >> no, robust, ready to serve go back n >> take them back to iraq put them in syria, might put them in libya. >> whatever it takes. >> whatever it takes. not gonna fight. >> like my lawyer. answer for me. >> under the influence of a testosterone patch today and i like it. >> i actually do believe and i talk to people in the military that boots on the ground is necessary. when you're dealing with what we will call an existential or apock limitic evil perhaps what you're guilty of is -- i wouldn't call it ocean privilege because you're here, don't have to face the evil. if we had the same mentality with nazi germany we wouldn't
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have fought them either because it is far away. >> nazi germany declared war on us. just be clear on that. attacked us. >> icy declared war. >> let me just be clear about this -- >> never declared war? [ overlapping speakers ] >> let me be clear about this what you're advocating, trying to get this straight want to take the united states military, the four or five countries i just mentioned, potentially also north korea, which is developing, has nuclear weapons which may attack us or our allies potentially, ukraine our ally, so now -- >> going from isis to i want to bomb north korea, i want to bomb -- >> no, i'm asking you. >> no, no, what i'm saying is right now, we have a white house that looks really really weak because we are -- like eric said, we are telling our enemies what we won't do. what i'm saying is we need a powerful person in charge who says we are willing to fight, willing to fight, the word is will. we lack the will. >> so, we are willing to fight and going to deploy and fight? >> we have to -- that has to be
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on the table. >> i'm sure it is on the table. >> taken everything off the table including the table. >> can i throw one more option in there? >> yes true. >> there are 400,000 available troops between the iraqi arm mamtd kurds available right now to fight this from the ground. we can step up an air campaign. in the first four or five weeks -- listen to this the first four or five weeks of the iraq -- the iraq war we dropped -- we did 100,000 sorties in five weeks. we dropped 88,000 tons of bombs on iraq. on the enemy. we have done 2,500 or so in six months, went from 2,000 a day to 2,000 in six months or eight or nine per day. there's plenty of room to step up the air campaign on the u.s.'s backing and get the kurd and the iraqis involved. >> then my other question is obviously, aft dwoer all this, the a air rain yans will be tremendously strengthened by the fact their natural a allies opponents. >> unholy alliance.
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>> you're also advocating that we have an alliance with iran? [ overlapping speakers ] # >> he looks after the problem around the world and says i don't want to be iraq, i don't want to be afghanistan. as if there's no in between. as if anybody is saying please mr. president, we want you to send 100,000 troop inches no, what we would like is perhaps maybe step up the air campaign or maybe let us know that you've sent special forces to nigeria to back boko haram. maybe other things you could possibly do. sometimes you -- foreign policy needs to be, aggressive sometimes it needs to be cautious. some people might say president
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bush was too, aggressive. some people might say president obama is giving caution a bad name l is middle ground. there is circumstances. there is different ways that you can fight this. but don't -- republicans everywhere, do not fall for what julie just tried to do. [ overlapping speakers ] >> get a little focus at the table. the bottom line, we are focusing on isis and that is a real, credible threat that the moment in time. i'm not going to speculate about what we are going to do down the line with respect to foreign policy. what i do new york as americans we should say it is all on the table, we are a all-in, whatever it takes. knee if you come against us. >> here's what i want to stress. i want to stress, i said this the other day, if we do what you're advocating -- >> doing it again. just did it again! >> no you guys, listen this is serious. >> i'm serious. but that cannot be the -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> what you're -- what -- >> don't answer. >> don't answer. the lawyer is telling to you keep quiet. >> don't let her pull your chain.
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>> if you're talking about going after isis if you're talking about taking them on every capacity, what you're talking about is committing united states military to a multidecade, multifront war. the only way to defeat them. boots on the ground. >> i like how you do it. what you're saying is forget -- forget this, just let it happen? >> no. that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying that -- >> what are you saying? >> what i'm saying is if we are actually talking about this, be realistic, instead of throwing out jingoistic things. >> other country is jingoistic. defending the country is jingoistic? [ overlapping speakers ] >> what is the right strategy then? the right strategy i don't know what the right strategy is. every single option is horrible. sthavgs my point. these are complex problems. so, here's a question that we
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will let julie answer in a political fashion, put your political son. if foreign policy is going to be a determining factor in the election how does hillary clinton then, who if the country is saying we want a new direction on foreign policy since she was part of the old foreign policy then how does she take what she thinks is now arguably her best strength which is being secretary of state and turn that into more of a strength for her or is it now her weakness? >> first of all, i think you're right, i think it is a challenge for her, and not something she is going to be able to skate in on the i had think she is not running in a vacuum. problem for republicans is what did they espouse? keep going took this can't talk about the fact you want to just go in there -- [ overlapping speakers ] you're missing exactly what i am sea saying. she is going to be running against somebody who is going to have to take a poe wrapped paul a very different world view from a lot of his colleagueser ted cruz, in the mild, jeb bish think surrounding himself with his brother's old advisers, there are different --
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>> clinton around her? >> i'm not -- i'm not -- i'm not criticizing him. >> really, that wasn't a criticism? >> no, actually, not a criticism. >> he's a pretty diverse -- >> excuse me. >> provide you with the list not just from prior bushes. >> what i'm suggest sigg just named three he home have got three different views on foreign policy in the republican field. going to be running against one of them i expect. and marco rubio. >> erik said that his foreign policy experience tops everyone else. obviously, heist that is going to be a selling point because the republicans who are bundling, the people that are trying to raise the money, they are focused on foreign policies very important to them and they are asking those republican candidates to tell them what they he would do differently than obama. >> i think foreign policy clearly is going to be one of the issues. is it going to be the biggest -- i go back to this i think the economy will still be the most important thing. yes, it's important right now 'cause we are fighting isis, we don't know what we are doing it kind of fighting, kind of not
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fighting, telling we are fighting, then we are not, then we are hugging it out, we feel your pain, isis, because you probably don't have economic opportunity or jobs. i think eventually don't road, people will get back to how can i make life better for my family? >> always going to matter. safe city number one. once we establish, at least have a handle what issing of golden gate on in the middle east girkts took how do i make -- how can i buy a nicer car? how can i make my -- >> middle class wages. you know who talked about that last night is the possible candidate, mike huckabee, on megan kelly's show last night. he was in a poll yesterday at the top spot and he said it's because i'm focussing on what people care about, which is the economy and how to improve and increase middle class wages. >> i don't know about that. >> did he say that. >> yes but he also talked about beyonce. ? a perfect opportunity to ignore the stuff that gets you into trouble. so if you're -- you have to be a candidate and not a commentator which means you don't have to have opinions on sillier stuff. you should focus on the fact that there is isis there and is
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an economy. the best metaphor right now in my mind is that it's adult swim, all the children have to get out of the pool. this white house is a bunch of this case have been playing in the pool for six -- for six years, peeing in the pool, it is time for them to get out, get out, they have done nothing, they have done -- but give people e coli. talk about childhood obesity all you want and teen smoke bug save that for next year. >> school lunches. >> focus on isis and getting rid of probably the biggest international challenge that we have seen in decades. >> i look forward to hearing you how intend to do that. >> i think i have need pretty clear. >> no you haven't, actually. >> i got to go. i believe my client did not subtler when he laid down his plant >> i was quite clear. by the way, you were wearing red again. >> i'm not so color blind. this is like a salomony color. >> you are russian. >> i am. aren't you married to a russian? >> i am. >> welcome to the family. >> going to go to the b block, nor talk about, rudy giuliani
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and ted cruz take on president obama's foreign policy. that's next.
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what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit
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rudely giuliani loves america no doubt about that. when he was asked about president obama at a dinner last night, here's what he said. "i know this is a horrible thing to say but i do not believe the president loves america. he doesn't love you. he doesn't love me. he wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and i was brought up through love of this country." well, the progressive beehive was abuzzing after those remarks. the mayor hit the curvy couch this morning to further explain his thoughts. >> i'm not questioning his patriotism. he is a patriot, i'm sure. what i'm saying that in his rhetoric, i very rarely hear him say the things that i used to hear ronald reagan say the things i used to hear bill clinton say about how much he loves america. i do hear him criticize america much more often than other american presidents and when it's not in the context of an overwhelming number of statements about the exceptionalism of america, it
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sounds like he is more of a critic than he is a supporter. >> all right. we are going to bring it around the table now. so, kg where do you stand on the comments? start with that? >> freedom of speech god bless america. >> i am against that. >> i knew it. we have to coach you more later. i think that he has clarified himself well today, understand what he had to say i think he was speaking from the heat, he was being very truthful about what he believes and his perception. when you look at the -- i guess the body of rhetoric coming from the white house and from the president, one could even just from a statistical perspective come down on the side and say there are more comments that are critical of this country of our military engagements, of some of what he believes is our foreign policy overreach than there are comments that praise americans. there's more things that he points to that divide us. you look at ferguson things like that. i understand where he is coming from. perhaps, you know, in his haerkt the president has, you know, i think a different ideology and viewpoints than many americans.
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>> julie, immediately, twitter went crazy over those comment and the left all dine the msnbc, just picking giuliani apart. are you okay with a man saying what he said? he came from here right? >> he can say whatever he wants. i think it is completely disrespectful to the office of the presidency to say the president hates america. >> didn't say hate. >> okay. doesn't love america. love -- so well okay. listen, i would never say that about any republican president even though i don't agree with his policies. this whole otherness thing with obama, not like us, wasn't raised like us, come on, stop speaking in code, that's insane. don't say that about somebody. wasn't raised like rudy giuliani. >> not sure that's a dog whistle. >> oh, stop it. >> well, it's a dog. >> that was in his book. >> that is absolutely disrespectful to the office if not a man. >> eating a dog? >> no, eating a dog was great. >> where do -- i'm not sure where you're going to fall on this one. >> me? >> okay. giuliani is right and he is wrong. he is right that obama came
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actually from a place, academia that is hyper critical of the west. >> correct. >> know he is the first president ever to deconstruct our country like it was a hemingway novel in freshman english. that's how he looks at it however, he has made speeches where he has talked of america's strength and bravery as a president, the same way he spoke out against gay marriage. so the question is do you believe him when he says these things or is this a role that the president plays because he is he the president? once a grad student always a grad student. i wonder, when he no longer needs play this role, will he still play these things? we don't know his intent. i prefer to think he does love this country, not as much as me though. never. >> now -- >> that love is intense. >> heads up everyone giuliani -- mayor giuliani will be on megan kelly tonight. whatever you say he might be listening. >> that's good. >> take it from a slightly different angle.
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when you are in the media world or in politics one of the things getst a lot of feedback, right and sometimes get feedback from people, fans or viewers and might say for years, have said, obama that's country, you know, those were -- those kind of comment i always just delete it or put to the side and never responded to them. i will senate last six months, increasingly so around the national prayer breakfast speech more and more people with frequency not that he hates america but not that he loves this country and there is something to be said i fwhit language that president obama uses is different than we have heard in modern times of a president using. that is different and there are -- they have to -- i think that what giuliani was probably doing reflecting about people who are telling him that -- >> get off twitter then. >> not staying is on twitter, staying is increase in the volume and from people who had
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been pretty levelheaded up to now. >> not just on social media, across the board. >> when america is being attacked, being beheaded, and the response from the white house is let's find the root cause why they are killinging us, that outrages a lot of people. >> i'm sorry it does. >> many question his love of the country. if someone were killing your family, would you wonder, i wonder what's causing that person to kill my mother? >> eric -- >> or would you go, i'm ticked off at that? i want to get them to stop. >> i oppose the -- i oppose the war in iraq in 2003. i thought it was absolutely the wrong policy, could not have disagreed with it any more. however, i never thought george bush hated america. because i disagreed with his policy. >> why would anybody have suggested he hated america? >> why would they and ever suggest this about barack obama? >> no one ever brought that up. >> but, no. why? >> try to search for a root cause why isis is terrorizing -- >> because obama hates america, why they are doing it? >> no saying hey giuliani --
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>> didn't say that. saying there is a different -- >> you know what it is? president obama has a superiority complex. he thinks he is better than everybody else. it is not the about love or hate of a country it is the idea that he knows that we're primitive, that we suffer from islamphobia that he cannot the control our own emotions after there is a terror attack, perhaps we might come out against people, there's always this threat of backlash in america because we are just not as cool as he is. that's part of it. >> we can't understand the nuance of the -- >> are you guys -- are you guys like psychoanalyzing barack obama right now? what you are doing? >> that is the segment. >> why would you ask that question? >> you put him on the couch? >> that's the block. >> because what i don't understand is why you're taking all these assumptions. you obviously disagree with his policies, his rhetoric but you can't deduce from those two things that he doesn't love america. he is the president of the united states. what is he, manchurian candidate, other explanation?
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[ overlapping speakers ] what is the altern sniff what are you guys suggesting if he doesn't love america, he was sent here by theself yoerts chinese to infiltrate our country? >> even better. never thought of that. >> what are you guys implying? >> we got to go he won't take a stand against islamic terrorism, but president obama will target those who don't believe in climate change. that is next. startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 55 companies are investing
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a great moment for evil, a lousy one for good the left won't let that hamp earth true bat, up with a that pits the saints of the green movement against the sippers of the west. in the midst of general know side, the president's ofa account actually tweeted this, "too many lawmakers still deny
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the science of climate change. call them out now." yep, let's call out those evil climate haters not those islamic terrorists. as a heated globe now traufrns pilot in flames we seeself if i stick, hash tags and adolescent callout tweets. this isn't a white house is a junior high slumber party. maybe they can crank call jeb bush or tp scott walker's house. they can make supports with tofu instead of marshmallows. oddly, global warming is now more important than fighting islamic terror because eliminating radical islam won't fix the real evil, which, of course is capitalism. as the executive secretary of the u.n. framework of the con vens on climate change said "? probably the most difficult task, to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history. "she is wrong has happened before. see mao and the 50 million dead or stalin. hell, look at venezuela right
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now it is a crap show without toilet paper. seriously. they don't have toilet paper in venezuela. but whatever you do don't look at isis, because if you can't blame that on us what it's point? all right, julie or julia, global warming scare about reversion the most successful engine of economic development ever. you said that to me in the green room earlier i agree. >> tell people that, rue went whole racket. never invite know sit back in beckel a's chair. whether you believe is it is man made or not it is happening it is going to affect people more. it is tied into terrorism, people fight over natural resources more and more and continue to be more than half the world's population fighting over water resource that is going to lead to violence. the root cause.
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>> why they flew planes into building, 9/11. >> 60 years, fighting over water resources. >> ten years actually fighting over it now you don't see this? >> you jumped the shark over beckel. >> how do you guys not see this? >> there are resources thought being affected by global warming, as a result people are going to be more and more going to war over -- >> love the science more than the opinion. thank you for asking, greg, i have it here. international climate change task force kbhird senator olympic snow of maine a republican. said sing isle most important long-term i shall out planet faces is climate change. >> long term. >> what is her evidence? ghafg quote that validates yours. >> you want know read this six-point font, a little hard to
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read -- >> summarize it. go to somebody else. >> i will summarize it >> study your stuff and then come back. >> all right interesting fact here, the fed spends 14 times more than green energy per year than embassy security, 39 billion versus 2.7 billion, pretty amazing. >> i like the idea of green energy. i'm for all sorts of types of energy, look what just happened to the democratic governor of oregon? why did he have to resign? because the green lobby had gotten in ka halts with corruption, his fiance say contracts, all gets complicated. i'm for more green energy that is great. >> that works. >> what is the policy they are putting forward? ofa, obama for america wants to call every republican congressman to call them out. to do what? what is the policy prescription that they are advising? the u.n. is saying end capitalism. i don't see how that ends global
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warming. >> what was about better before capitalism? never figured it out. >> green energy is fantastic, let the free market dictate when it is ready. >> the imbalance of free money grants. >> solyndra. >> for clean energy alone on top of $150 billion the last few you years and not working. remember the million electric cars going to be on the flood america by 2015? guess what? they missed it by 95%. >> more people die because of electric cars than gas-powered automobiles. fact. >> but the bad news is that we spend $150 billion on a policy that failed. let the free market figure it out, always figures it out when it is sometime to figure it out. >> it will work. an exercise to show we are all about the environmentship. biggest con job in history if you look at it right, about
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gaining control of world resource, about stifling capitalism. obama, administration solin dark pay backs for that why we would we shift away from a capital-driven market? why wouldn't we embrace the market, and make sure this stuff works instead of throwing money at it when it is not working. >> you guys support getting rid of tax breaks and subsidies. >> more tax breaks. >> for everybody. >> for oil. >> exactly. add tax breaks for oil. >> green companies, okay with subsidizing solyndra. >> not listening. just listen. yes, ma'am notice i didn't point out the tax credit. someone called you juan in a skirt, i think. >> somebody did. very flattering, thank you. >> didn't point out tax breaks for clean energy. i'm fine with that. dead it to the oil companies. >> otherwise more wealth distribution, carbon-based fuel, what the con is about. >> what got several presidents in trouble. >> all right. we got to move on. next, jen psaki just got a
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promotion to white house communications director. i'm very happy for her. >> yay. >> we will take a look back at some of her greatest hits ahead. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. photos are great for capturing your world. and now they can transform it. with the new angie's list app, you can get projects done in a snap.
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general sack ski is leaving the state department but not theed a minute strachlgs the spokeswoman just got a promotion to white house communications director, replacing jennifer palmieri in age you may remember sake as someone who has had some interesting exchanges with reporters. >> i would argue the president doesn't give himself enough credit for what he's done around the world, that there have been certainly gains made by the iraqi security forces. sorry. #
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>> they were not all victims of one background or one nationality. >> all right. well, those were her words. we can take it around the table, see what everyone thinks going to gift first bite at the able, julia. >> that's so nice. think, first of all, congratulations, jen psaki on her promotion >> thank you. >> thank you for saying so greg. i think you can take any press secretary's words out of their mouth, unfortunate things we all said. >> not dana perino. >> definitely done a lowlight reel of my work absolutely. it is a tough job and you're up there -- only thing between you and the world is a podium and not much protection and you have to be knowledgeable about every subject at all times and would say that -- i think this is a
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really big day for her. it is a big day for the white house when you have a new communications director, there's renewed energy. the president obviously wanted to go with a safe pick. she is very loyal to him. you decided not go outside box, doesn't seem to be bothered doesn't look at the criticism. she is going to get criticism regardless. i do think that one with of the things that will be good for her as a communications director is she has don't the press secretary job, therefore, when she is creating strategy, she is not going to gift press secretary something very difficult to work. i think it's good. >> what a positive, nice package. you have something different to say? >> okay. so i met jen psaki a couple of times. she seems very capable. here is the problem. fine, you want to promote her to com director, that's fantastic. my problem is what do you do with marie hearth? become a spokesperson? i have a real problem. she maybe very smart. i think she went to uva. i believe she majored in poly
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sci. >> that is the default major. >> masters at a uva doesn't mean she can talk to the people not communicating, certainly not communicating with people like me and some of the people i talk to, just don't get it when -- she just doesn't translate. if she is going to be the new state department spokesperson -- >> failure to launch? >> i think she went to william and mary. >> uva grad school. >> grad. >> yeah. >> go ahead >> jen psaki the p in her name is as silent as the obama administration on islamic radicalism. thank you very much. according to the -- >> my client, ladies and gentlemen. >> according to the state department, this promotion will keep her from joining isis. >> oh my god. >> i wonder, did america -- >> it was going to so w. >> scary people anymore? why does everybody working at the white house look like they should be doing tours at universal studios?
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showing us the ghost busters play? everybody has to be approachable and pretty. they look -- they are all like commercial actors selling gum. >> what are you implying about the bush white house? dana perino approachable? >> little men like me. >> tell you, they were scared of me. >> she would frost them. >> my point. >> i had a thing called the deep freezes. you in the deep freeze for years. you know who you are. >> are they snail the deep freezes? >> one reporter is it in the deep freeze, he knows who he is. >> i looked up that on urban dictionary, not what you think it is. >> great, another thing i have to look up on urban dictionary. >> thanks to the global warming he will thaw out. >> another thing on urban dictionary that means something else. >> i think that jen psaki, maybe she will go on with mk. >> she goes on megan kelly and shepard smith a lot. i hope she continues. i think it will be helpful. >> ever thank you for the flowers? >> she did not. >> thank you. >> there you go that's rude. it is ruchld you sent her flowers, didn't thank you.
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>> not today. that was few years ago when she got the job at the state department. >> that's wrap. filibustering. coming up, why being attractive might actually be a bad thing. you ask, hmm. but only for you men out there. details next.
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new study reveals an ugly truth about being good looking. researchers found that attractive men are more inclined to be selfish and egocentric, not the case when it comes to attractive women. women with higher attractiveness scores were found to be just as generous and egalitarian as those with lower ones. greg, let me start with you, because obviously, as a super attractive man raw selfish jerk because you are so good looking? >> why i give absolutely nothing to charity. the fact that you can see this for free, this is contribution enough to society. >> really is. >> you look at this. this is worth every penny. i will walk by people on the street and go, spare any change? i go ha ha and they go thank you. thank you, sir. i'm going to take a shower and get a job. you have told know do the right thing just by looking at your beautiful face. >> wow.
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>> yes, ma'am you proved that theory right. eric i actually -- as an unattractive male? >> actually going to go to you as a very attractive man. aid friend absolutely horrible, a really attractive guy, he would say that he would date women who had slight things wrong with them because the women would try harder. i thought absolutely the worst possible -- >> try harder in what way? >> leave it to your imagination. i thought that was absolutely the worst -- >> a terrible -- >> worst horrible thing to city, that guy proved the theory's point. >> the theory must be right. >> haven't met adrienne. she is rocking. >> doesn't apply women? how is it possible only attractive men are selfish and egotistic egotistical, but women are not? i find the study flawed. >> talking but as a very attractive man. >> i don't talk about the tear theory attractive people maybe more selfish.
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>> not that they are not selfish -- >> i think it applies women as well as men. >> i think women who are attractive are nice and men who are attractive sometimes -- >> women win in any way? i was thinking president obama is very attractive. so, the study might hold -- >> rhino? >> and you gwyneth paltrow. >> i missed the joke. i stepped on it. >> egotistical and selfish and narcissistic. >> sorry about that. >> that's just all -- >> you think this was unfair to men? >> i don't care. >> you know what -- >> they measured your body, how they decided it said that they mesh snourd attractiveness predict doors including hip-to-waist ratio for women.
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>> the more options you have, the more likely you are going to be selfish because you can pick and choose. >> are you flexing your biceps? >> i am flexing. >> waist to chest for him. >> waist to chest? >> all i have. >> abs of steel. >> i don't have a waist. my hip bone almost touch. >> good for you. >> really short. >> so you're one of those women that he probably would have had to try a little harder with, is that what you're implying? >> i don't know. i think this is actually -- i think -- >> time to go. >> i think it's time to go. >> "fifty shades of grey" right, the christian grey guy goes for the short of average? >> "fifty shades of grey," the guy, despite his attractiveness was nice to the given. >> and charitable. >> that note this has petered out quickly. one more thing is up. >> yeah.
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grandmother from a young john f. kennedy and they corresponded over the years. take a look. >> when i first looked at them oh, wow, and promptly put them in a safe deposit box. >> there they remained for the next quarter century. but a surprise phone call from a stranger will reignite this family's interest in their unique inheritance. >> i got on the phone and left this very strange message. are you the nephew of pt 109 crew member harold w. marty? >> that episodes ends in a high-stakes auction, tonight 9 p.m. eastern on fox business. you can catch "strange inheritance" monday through thursday at 9:00. check it out. if you have some free time, check out haven't tonight. gonna head over there. >> oh, nice self-promotion. >> you know, we he do what we can around here. >> i'm going to promote something not my something i really love, national review, you go to national he, you will find a brand new site, they just launched it today finally the
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site quality matches the excellent writing quality that you can find there i often talk about some of the people that you can read there, rich lowery, jonah goldberg kevin williamson charlie cook charles katherine lopez. brad? >> you don't know brad? you should check him out. >> maybe brad is on that site. national, check it out. could be your new homepage, guy to it lots and i love it. greg you're next. >> oh greg's secret to happiness. all right. >> what a weirdo. >> life you often run into people and wondered if they real or plastic? one way to figure that out is when you're talking to them they kind of let do you all the talk like this young woman experienced when she mistook this person as a real person. >> a duck? a chicken? >> oh there he is. comes back and like, hey what's
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going on? trying to get her to go out for drinks, not biting answered just takes her, i do not condone that by the way, that's disgusting. >> oh, my gosh. >> have to go to tense sensitivity class. >> how do you find these i? >> i create them in my bedroom. >> eric? >> so facebook has 1.4 billion regular users. china has 1.4 billion people but china blocks facebook. so, here's founder -- facebook founder, mark zuckerberg. [ speaking chinese ] >> he did that for 30 minutes, trying to get china to open up their walls to facebook. >> these dedication. >> yep. julie, you're next. >> dr. seuss has a new book out, i'm very ex-sbirktsd i have a little kid at home, called "what pet should i get," his widow, audrey and -- okay, and his
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long-time secretary found it in -- found the manuscript i think is amazing i can't wait to read t >> obama's got a book "what pelt should i eat" coming out in a month? >> set your dvrs, never miss an episode of "the five." that's it. "special report" is next. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. president obama is despiting to use both the carrot and the stick to deal with the political uproar over terrorism. breaking tonight plans to retake a key iraqi city by force from isis militants and the president reiterating his message that islam and muslims are not to blame for the acts of a relative few. we have fox team coverage tonight. ed henry at the white house with the president's renewed call for understanding and compassion for muslims he considers victims. but we begin with national security correspondent jennifer griffin, at the pentagon, and some not so secret de


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