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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 20, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST

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. it is a weird rush but one of the greatest guys. >> he is modern-day superman. we are back here monday noon eastern. have a great weekend, everybody. "happening now" starts right now. >> a fox news alert. many people are feeling the coolest air that the united states experienced in 15 or 20 years. >> temperatures in the negative 20s as arctic windsroar over the northern sections of the country. we are covering all of the news "happening now". >> isis is not stupid. they know that the centerpiece of any counter offensive is mosul. >> the u.s. stepping up the mission againsti sis. and the plans are being made public. is showing our cards a bad idea? >> plus the united states of america. >> and the 1980 u.s. olympics
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hockey team, 35 years ago, these players captivated and inspired the entire nation. we'll talk to the team captain. >> and normal people like me. >> a top nutritional panel recommend that americans stop eating red meat. and the reason behind it is not likely what you think. it is all "happening now". >> hope you are staying warm on this friday. we'll get to the top story. we learned that 800000 people enrolled in obama care will be forced to wait to file their tax returns, welcome to "happening now", i am jon scott. >> tax season is rough enough already. >> hi everybody, i am jennaly. and they put in the wrong tax information and putting this
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year's pricing for last year's returns and they made a similar error to the state exchange. and the revelation coming days after the president touted a successful enrollment season. >> the big problem for 800000 enrollees. they received faulty forms and 50,000 people who used the wrong numbers to fill out this year's tax return will have to do it again. and 750,000 people are told by the feds they should wait to file. this impacts people who signed up for the second cheapest silver level plans which is one out of 14 people that enrolled before the deadline and reaction from republican law had maker ares has been harsh. diane black who writes about refunds being delayed and this is beyond embarrassing for president obama and an unfair
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blow to taxpayers who are once again left holding the bag for it the administration's incompetence. we saw president obama speak an hour after the news broke but he had a positive attitude. >> we extended the security and fundmental rights to affordable health care to more than 10 million uninsured americans. >> and another huge help health care headline today. last week's deadline to enroll was not a deadline. there will be a special enrollment period for people who didn't sign up because they didn't realize having no coverage would get them fined and there is new analysis. four out of every ten uninsured americans are obaliffous that there is a penalty. and as to how the forms got so messed up i was e-mailing a spokesman for ems and all he
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wrote back was they are looking into it. >> peter, thank you. >> as you just heard those enrollees. will have to get adjusted tax forms after a black eye again for obama care and we'll talk to the senior writer for u.s. news and wormed report. so a million people will have to wait to get the tax refunds if they filed them. 50,000 foiled them. and they will have to refile sdmem that is basically one out of every ten people who are signed up with obama care. and not a great traffic record, david. >> no it will leave bad taste in more people's mouth around tax season and a time of year that most people don't like to begin with. and looking at the government website, they will contact everyone that is affected again. i guess a million people right
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now. that number could grow higher. we are not sure by phone or e-mail and telling people to hold off on filing taxes and in listening to your previous report when people are confused about the penalties involved for obama care, are they going to know to hold off and what are the repercussions if they don't hold off and continue to file their taxes? >> bottom line it is another headache. and another taint in the obama care system and not the biggest kink given the website problems they went through last year. not a promising one to the start of another year when they are trying to get the program implemented. >> and talking about the rer percussions and what are the repercussions for who was responsible for the mistake. if walmart or a major american company screwed
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things up for a million people if you add in the california numbers, there would be heads rolling and in government that never seems to it happen. >> i think you will see republicans seize on this, and the chairs of the oversight investigative committees that are looking into the obama care problems previously are going to be on this precisely because it is about tax its and people don't like taxes and when their refund is delayed or the wrong amount, that is going to get people's attention. and i think you will probably see republicans try to hold some level of accountability because of the potency of the tax issue. and look, this is money coming in people's pockets and people budget on what they will do for the vacation or rest of the year based on tax refund. this is real- life stuff. you will see an attempt by republicans to hold the
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democrats and obama administration accountable. >> and in order to get you to take your medicine, the government announces you will be penalized if you don't sign up for an obama care. and a bunch of people didn't sign up and the government said you didn't know you were going to get penalized through your taxes and we'll extend the window and give you more time to sign up. >> that's the problem with the penalty phase of the obama care. were they ever going to implement it? >> they have drawn a redline to take a different metaphor and keep moving that redline. now you will be penalized and they kept moving the penalty and now a new open enrollment period and sort of shoes, if you are out there and don't want to sign up. why will this be the last period that i need to sign up? you keep moving that line, it takes away the power of the penalty in the first place.
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>> david, have a good weekend. >> thanks, jon. >> it was a major u.s. victory in the early days of the iraq war and now isis took over the city of mosul. a city where they took in hundreds of millions to help finance their deadly operations. there is a major financial center there. iraqis want it back and they announced a large military operation to take that key city back by spring time of this year. jennifer griffin has more on this. jennifer, what do you hear about this announcement? >> reporter: officially pentagon officials say there is nothing unusual about what the officials revealed in the background conference call. they remind us in the build up to the 2003 iraq invasion a similar time line of force was announced in advance. among retired generals there seems to be disagreement. >> isis is not stupid. they know the centerpiece of any
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counter offensive is mosul. they have been prepared with iedand booby traps and they know an attack is coming. we are aiding and abetting the enemy and still going to expose our forces to certain risk because they will do a lot of defensive preparation. ied's and different force posilgzs and knowing an attack is coming. >> mosul fell to isil in june. the iraqi prime minister talked to the bbc and he said we are now planning an feps fencive on mosul. the operations would begin in the next few months and what is happening, the u.s. and iraqi leadership are trying to counter the narrative that isis is winning with the propaganda videos. >> that is a point to pay attention to. and those of yous who missed. it what did centcomofficial say?
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>> reporter: he was saying it started around mosul today. the assault will begin in april or may time frame and estimate ramp up by holy month of ramma dan. and i am told the time frame could slip if the iraqis are not ready. the force will include five army brigades and three kurdish brigades will be stationed to the north as a blocking force and right now 3200 iraqi troops are completing u.s. military training and some suggestion among the u.s. officials that having 25000 iraqi forces trained by april may be a stretch jenna. >> jennifer, thank you. >> here is a surprise. top nutritional panel in america recommend when you eat, you eat with the environment in mind. what that means for your diet
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and why the meat industry is up in arms over the new guidelines. plus arctic air sending a chill through millions of americans right now and causing niagara falls to nearly freeze solid on the sides and how cold it had to get to cause this frosty view. >> a teenager infected in a super bug outbreak is fighting for his life. the bug is linked to the medical center equipment. >> it is a potent organism that can cause death. >> i think people should be scared. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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>> arctic air rolled down to give half of the u.s. a chill. record- breaking temperatures in
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the negative teens and 20s in the north part of the country and below freezing in the deep south today. and millions of people could experience the coldest air they have seen in 20 years and it is not going to warm up much more than that. many area in the north will not get closer to low, sing or double-digit highs and even niagara fall system left standing in suspended animation on the edges as the water rolled down the center. the ice is so thick professional cylmers are stalling it. that is one good news. not only in the midwest but the mideast is seeing snow. look at the sight in israel. jerusalem is blanketed in now. including the holy sight. the west bank turned in a snow bank and gaza got rain and other nations like jordan and syria
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also seeing snowfall today. >> we are all in it together. that is a good take away. >> first ever recommendations on the food you eat. the top nutritional panel suggesting we cut back on animal based foods to cut back on the environment. for more on this we have our guest and food expert for the day. mike emmanuel live from washington mike what is this about? >> reporter: the panel said the american people should consider the environmental impact when choosing what to eat. the guide line committee said a diet in plant- based food. whole grains and lejums and nuts and seeds and animal- based foods is better and less associated with the environmental environment impact
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than the current u.s. diet. adderholmakes the case that taxes on certain foods and environmental sustainability are outside of the purview. red meat is linked to a larger carbon foot print and they are offering global environment scientist saying we should eat less meat. north american meat institute said ten pounds of beef or pork give more consumed than rice or broccoli. and argued that the issue of sustainability is beyond the scope and expertise and said they a pore based on personal opinions and social agendas. law makers urged the nutritional panel to stick to nutritional advice. the guidelines are due out this year. >> rice and broccoli versus a pork chop.
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that is a men u. all right. >> it should be quite a fight. >> that's right. we'll see who wins and with the final recommendations. michael, thank you. >> greece's economy on the brink and the country needs a new bail out or it could default. could it impact this country and we are watching the negotiations to get the west coast ports back up to speed and the slow down hammers the nation's economy and shipping lines put on the brakes. and the mayor thrown out and hear what he was accused of by venezuela's president as that country falls deepener economic chaos.
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jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen.
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>> new information on the the labor dispute and paralyzing the west coast sports. and there is no deal yet as talks resume this morning and they set a deadline for today and settle their differences and see what happens if they don't. and in the meantime shipping lines cancelling most of the sailings from asia to the west coast. they cancelled them until may and decision underscores how the port slow down is affecting the companies and ability to move goods in and out of the country. right the now. and leaders of grease. and they are falling in default and exiting the euro curiency. and they work toward compromise.
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and does that matter to the u.s. party barnes from the sister network. and peter, bring us up to it date. our economy is not exposed to greece directly and we exposed sen hundred million to greece each year and our banks hold 10 billion in the great debt to the world. and that bigger concern for the u.s. is economic health of europe as a whole. europe is our single largest export market. we sale 500 billion in goods and services a year. the economyist worry that if they can't get their structure they could drop the euro and be the first country to quit the euro zone. that could weaken the european economy and hurt u.s. exports and export jobs. economyist in wells fargo said
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financial markets may react negatively if europe leaves the euro zone. and negotiations in brussels this morning greece's finance minister said his country is working hard to avoid that outcome. >> the greek government has gone extra ten miles and we are expecting our partners to meet us not halfway but one- fifth of the way. i have no doubt that they are having discussions and hopefully in the end of this we'll come out with white smoke. >> and the u.s. treasury department said they are monitoring the talks with treasure secretary jack l. ew working the phones with european counterparts and they are urging the parties to come up with a structure pragmatic compromise. >> peter barnes, thank you. >> you can catch peter on our fox business network.
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major political attentions in venezuela. police arrested the mayor of capitol city caracksus. he is accused of plotting a coup to over through the government of venezuela. the economy is depending mosty on oil. steve has the story live. steve? >> jenna this was no ordinary arrest it was an attempt by the venezuela president to make statement and shoes the democratically mayor of carackus led out by riot police. they smashed down his door before they led him away. his own wife doesn't know where he is or what the charges are. several hours later, a one- time bus driver who is president came to say the mayor was part of the
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coup attempt in the united states. madid youro accused the united states of a coup to out of him 12 times and the state department said the charges are baseless. many see it as a attempt as distraction and things are tough. they have the largest proven oil reserves. shoppers are hard to find basics on the shelves like chicken or diapers or milk. and people are spending hours in line to try to it feed their families and dissatisfaction with the current president continues to grow.
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tour to court.
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hi, i'm matt mccoy. how long have you had your car insurance? i ask because i had mine for over 20 years, before i switched and saved hundreds with the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford. i had done a lot of comparison shopping. the rate was like half of what i was paying. $404 is the average amount folks save when they switch to the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford. you know, it makes me wonder why everyone 50 and over hasn't switched. [ female announcer ] how much could you save? if you're age 50 or over call now to request your free quote. customers also appreciate lifetime renewability. it's the hartford's promise not to drop you, even if you're in an accident. [ female announcer ] save $404 on average and get lifetime renewability. you've got to consider it. you've got to consider it. ♪ ♪
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>> new developments regarding gop potential contenders. new jersey chris christy and governor scott walker laying the ground work for campaigns. walker meeting with potential donors in new york. and chris christie traveled to dc after stops in iowa and new hampshire earlier this week. carl came ron is live in washington now. christie is taking heat for not acting like a candidate. and now that he's on the road what was the reaction. >> reporter: he was in new hampshire and iowa and it was warmer in new hampshire than the hawkeye state. social conservative are more skeptical of christy. even in his home state his favorability has dipped.
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and it can hurt fund-raising, too the example is woody johnson owner of the new york jets who play in the met light statedium. johnson was a huge romney supporter in 2012 and decided to back jeb bush instead of christie. wisconsin governor scott walker was across the hudson in new york city and paid a courtesy call to donald trump who talked about running him. and afterward trump had a tweet. governor scott walker just left my office and we had a wonderful talk. very interesting. walker was huddling with several business leaders and economist including the reagan administration lead proposal of growth economics. all candidates are formulated the policies and the not careful to be too specific because the government can pull the rug out from them.
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they are closing what they are calling income opportunity gap. and both walker and christie will be headed down to washington for the national governor's association conference and listen to an address from the president on sunday. >> carl cameron keeping an eye on the candidates in washington. jenna? >> hillary clinton is not an official candidate for president but she may bring baggage along from the family foundation. host of media buzz is here to explain buck raking. not muckraking. but buck raking. why is it so significant? >> reporter: it is a lot of bucks. hillary clinton foundation raising 2 billion and we learned it lifted a ban on raising money from foreign governments. you have an unprecedented spectacle of foreign regimes that can't contribute to u.s. campaigns. but currying favor from the
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hillary and bill and chaels foundation. this fiction that it is okay because hillary is not a candidate. she's putting together a campaign apparatus & it does not smell right. >> what questions dow think that the press needs to address based on the money coming from overseas in the foundation. >> why does the foundation which does good work around the world. why does it feel it's acceptable to take money from sources that can't contribute to campaigns in particular saudi arabia and other governments that are specific agendas with the u.s. government, why does it feel okay to do that when hillary clinton is a named partner if you will in the foundation and clearly gearing up for a run for president? once she announces i think she's going to have to leave the foundation or the rules will need to be changed especially with the past controversys about hillary clinton giving speeches
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to corporate groups and wall street ties for a lot of money. she doesn't need another financial controversy. >> howard what do you have on sunday media buzz. >> conflicting messages with the administration's war on terror and how you describe. it and look at rudy guiliani all over fox and other news outlets and trying to explain his comments about the president not loving america. we have a spate of things and then we look forward are to sunday morning. >> we certainly do thank you so much. >> nearly 100 cabbies are suing the pdpshgs a tour over the sponsored bibs they are required to wear on the job. the tour brings in millions every year from advertising revenue and frustrated cabbies want their cut. will car live from the northern trust open in california. will?
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>> i hi. the caddies have been in the negotiations for the past year and when they went no where the caddies went to court. >> they are advertising on us and we have a walking billboard for them. and they are creating millions and millions of revenue off of our likeness. >> he carries golf bags on the pga tour for years and now working for kevin. he is leading them in a 50 million class action lawsuit against the tour for a larger tour of the estimated $1 billion in annual revenue. and something to take care of the guys. 50 percent of the caddies don't have health care and can't afford health care and there is probably 70 percent of the caddies can't save for requirement -- retirement. >> they get money for the
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sponsorships. that is where the money is at. >> the caddy's owner said the tour refuses to gieft clients to sell space to their own. >> they are the ones to profit or choose not to profit. it is their choice and not the tour's choice. >> the pga tour declined comment and the lawsuit was filed in the federal courthouse where former athletes got the ncaa to stop benefit on their likeness. it is it a system that he is continue. >> the amount of monies caddies make is how well the players do. some solid six figures and others not so much jon. >> we are sitting here in one degrees weather in new york. and you are out in golf course in california. what is the temperature like. >> it is a bruttial assignment.
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it is a balmy 75 degrees. >> come on come on! >> just wanted to know. thanks for the update. let us know what happens with the caddies. >> will car always where the big news is. >> what does eating beef have to do with fighting climate change. a government report urging us to eat with the environment in mind. what could this mean for your diet if anything. >> it was a game that gripped the nation. red versus red white and blue and the miracle on ice. 35 years after the game was played with the man who scored the winning goechlt -- goal. ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy?
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let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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. >> i am gretchen carlsson. breaking right now. top nato
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commander warning russian tension could res escalate to an all war great question for karl rove who would be here. and obama care snafu. don't miss the rile stories top three videos of the day. >> it was 35 years ago this coming sunday that a miracle happen when a collegeate group of hockey players took on the best in the world, the titans from behind the iron curtain of the old ussr. it was a game that took national pride to new heights. a match up in lake placid new york. and sends a chill down the spines of viewers as the final seconds tick down.
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snbts 11 and 10 countdown. and five seconds left in the game. can you believe in miracles. >> yes, unbelievable. mike was captain of the u.s. men's olympics hockey team that day and scored the winning goal. mike how are you doing 35 years later. >> i am doing fine jon. all is good. >> i was one of those watching that clip we bumped in to it the break with. i got a chill down my spine watching you guys win the game. i am old enough to remember the original and it was, i mean it was more than national pride. that really meant something to america when you guys beat the soviets. >> yeah, it is something that it you take great pride. my teammates and i realizing what that moment meant to not only us but the nation. there are not a lot of sporting events that touch the nation like ours did and to know we
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were part of it makes it special. >> the economy was in the tank in this country. we had just endured the years of the carter administration the iranian hostage crisis and things seemed so bleak. the soviets had invaded afghanistan and all of the sudden a bunch of upstart american hockey players mostly from the college ranks take on the best team in the world and whip them. >> hey, that is why you play the game. it was special. and we were an awfully good hockey team. people over the years don't realize that. it is not like we got together on saturday and put a olympics team together. it was six months of training and practice and we had the right players and coach and everything came together. but everybody talks about the soviet game. we had to beat checslo vaccia
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and sweden and west german and finland to win the gold medal. i don't know if we are having the conversation as great as the soviet victory was you have to win the tournament to make it happen and everything came to fruition. >> i remember the soviet hockey players were professionals. this fls back when pros didn't play in the olympics the soviet team was basically coddled athletes who had everything in their home land and you guys are a bunch of american amateurs and collegeeate and hockey players who managed to it beat them? >> yeah, every time was professionals other than us and the canadians. it was a great hockey team. as you tell people, you have a chance no matter what happens. i don't care good the other team is, you have to believe you win. and it was a great victory for
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us. >> we were talking about the break you and i about the movie made about this it. the movie miracle. does that capture the spirit and feeling of the team? >> a lot of people watching right now were not alive when the victory came about. >> yeah, you know, i thought the movie was done well. i think it captured the spirit of the team and how close our team was as a team themselves. and i think it showed how brilliant herb brooks was as a coach and how he put the team together to win the amazing tournament. and the movie, herb was friendlier in the movie. i think they made kirk russell nicer. herb was more intense. they captured what that moment meantitous as a time and nation. >> you were not only the time captain but you scored the game- winning goal. do you relive that morning some
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morning? >> not really. i am fortunate to be a part of the team and do something at the time to help our team. but so many things happen in the game. mark johnson scored two huge goals and jimmy played great end groel and our defense was exceptional. and when you win, everybody has to contribute and do something. i was fortunate at one point to score the winning goal, but it was more than just one play that made that game happen. >> you have a reunion not everybody in the team still alive including herb. but what is that going to be like for you guys? >> it will be bittersweet. obviously herb will not be. and bobby sooner passed away a few months ago. he was a great teammate and great person and did a lot of good for the game of hockey in the state of wisconsin. we'll miss bobby and all of us getting together and celebrate bobby and victory and have his
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jersey retired and hanging from the ra fters in the a ren a. and this is the first time we'll be back as a team in lake placid. 19 of us will be there and it is a lot of fun and good memories and hopefully people will come out and be a part of the celebration. >> mike from the usa hockey team that beat the soviets in 1980. it seems like yesterday. doing motivational speaking these days, mike it is great to talk to you. >> take care. >> congratulations. >> celebrating. >> that lifted the whole country when we bet the soviets. >> when you see the footage, it is like a rush from it. >> i can't imagine that moment for mike. >> give him chills. >> seven people infected with a dangerous super bug. this is a base story this week and we are learning that a teenager is fighting for his
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life through all of. this doctors warn that 200 patients may have been exposed and a daring escape from jail. how the inmate managed to bust out and eventually he was busted. >> he worked his way through the crawlspace and ended up coming out of another cleaning closest that is in our front lobby and came out of the front door. your daughter has a brilliant idea for her science project. and you could make it happen. right? wrong. because you're not you you're a cancer hospital and your daughter... she's a team of leading researchers... and that brilliant idea is a breakthrough in patient treatment that could save thousands of lives. which means you need a diverse team of advisors helping you. from research data analytics all the way to transformation of clinical care. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done. ♪ grind virtually any kind of food
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waste into an unending source of electrical power for a city? when emerson takes up the challenge it's never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson.
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10:52 am is the best. i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. [ male announcer ] with you can print real u.s. postage for all your letters and packages. i have exactly the amount of postage i need, the instant i need it. can you print only stamps? no... first class. priority mail. certified. international. and the mail man picks it up. i don't leave the shop anymore. [ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. police in idaho have caught a suspect that escaped from jail. police say the suspect was in jail on theft charges. he managed to wriggle into a ceiling crawl space and then crawl into eye utility closet. he then scared the cleaning lady when he burst out. the search ended when the
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suspect approached a homeowner. that homeowner, a former marine, spotted him hiding in his yard. the homeowner shot the suspect in the leg when he approached. breaking out of jail not always a good idea. a superbug outbreak at a california medical center has left two people dead and a teenager fighting for his life. the drug resistant bacteria is linked to contaminated equipment at the facility and now the warning that about 170 patients may have been exposed. dr. david samadi is with us, a fox news contributor. dr. samadi this is a lot of folks' worst fear. you go into the hospital for something that shouldn't cause you to lose your life and you come out sicker than you went in. how does this happen? >> well, unfortunately, we're starting to see more and more of what we call superbugs. they're extremely resistant to antibiotics we have and we've been talking about them more and more in all of these medical
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segments. the way it works is that because we've been using our antibiotics for so many years the bugs are now getting smarter and getting basically immune to our antibiotics. we haven't been really investing a lot of money and research on new antibiotics so we're kind of running out of this and the bugs are getting more resistant. >> we have invested. you see the huge market for cleaning supplies, right? sanitation is such a big industry. it must be a huge industry inside the hospital. the suggestion is that some of this equipment being used just wasn't clean. >> well, let me just say i don't want to start a big fear that if you go to the hospital -- we're still taking care of millions of patients. 170, even though it's not a big number, it's still a big concern. and this superbugs we're going to talk about more. it's not going to ing toing to ing toing to stop here. it's a real serious problem, and we're seeing more and more as contamination with stool, urine.
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in this mrafr case it was a scope that was contaminated. so every surgery center, every hospital should really go way out of their way to make sure that their equipment is sterilized really cleaned. so we don't have these cases. some of it is completely unavoidable. it doesn't matter what you do. these bugs can survive for a long time and unfortunately something we have to deal with. >> definitely scary. i want to ask you about a new government report urging us to really think about the environment when we're making food choices and thinking about more plant-based food choices versus the hamburger out there. dr. samadi, what do you think of that philosophy how we choose our food? >> we've always talked about the mediterranean diet. i think it's common sense at this point. i think if you have once in a while a burger it's not really going to hurt you. moderation is the key. but sticking to a plant-based diet is the way to go. fruits and vegetables, three servings a day is what we've always recommended. >> you're saying motivation
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whether it's the environment or otherwise, it's just logic. >> i'm not into the whole global warming. today i was talking about global freezing. i'm not into plants versus the cows it will change the environment. i'm sure i'll get a lot of e-mails about this. but for your health, i'm a doctor, sticking to the plant-based foods is absolutely the way to go. reduce the inflammation, reduce colon cancer and everybodything else. don't forget about coffee. we've been talking about that a lot. >> one of the dietary recommendations, really to embrace coffee drinking. unfortunately we can't get to that, because we have to go to commercial. >> i'll put it on my twitter account. >> he posts fun pictures on his twitter. here is a warm fuzzy on a chilly friday in many parts of our country. a couple of critters just enjoying their snow day.
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the big headline it's cold outside. these red pandas were not fazed at the cincinnati zoo. park employees filming them frolicking in the zoo. think about it this weekend when you're really cold. be like the panda. >> thanks for joining us. >> have a great weekend. "the real story" with gretchen starts now. huge mistake affecting nearly a million folks with obamacare. talk about a huge headache right before tax time. it's over so now time to rate and review it. how did that terror summit go at the white house? and what happened to the invite for the head of the fbi? and cold enough yet? massive cold snap freezing out much of the country complicating commutes up and down the coast. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. "the real story" starts right now.


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