tv Hannity FOX News February 20, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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atching. i'm shannon bream in for megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file".." welcome to "hannity." earlier this week during a private dinner former new york city mayor rudy giuliani had tough words for president obama. he's quoted as saying, i do not believe, and i know this is a horrible thing to say but i do not believe that the president loves america. here now with the report on how the administration is actually reacting to these critical comments senior white house correspondent ed henry in washington. >> sean, good to see you. yesterday the white house took a tact where they basically said when this first broke that rudy giuliani already tried this message out in the 2008 campaign and didn't go very far with it. today they went a step farther by saying josh earnest did the podium behind me that he feels
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sorry for rudy giuliani. almost pity for the fact these attacks are coming. the white house trying to show they think these were low attacks. but i pressed earnest on the fact that back in 2008 you'll remember then- then-senator obama went after then president george w. bush, called him unpatriotic on the issue of adding to the national debt and leaving debt for future generations. listen. >> i feel sorry for rudy giuliani. >> i do. >> does the president have any regrets regardless of what giuliani said. as a candidate senator obama said that president bush was unpatriotic. i see a difference from giuliani because he's talking about an issue, but nonetheless questioning the patriotism of the president of the united states. >> i think what the president was doing is questioning the specific wisdom of that decision. and questioning whether or not that was in the best interest of the country. >> he said that's unpatriotic. >> again, he was talking about that, he was not talking about a person. >> see they were trying to change the president back then as the senator was trying to
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question president bush's wisdom, that's not actually what he said. interesting because the fight back then in 2008 was president bush adding some $4 trillion to the national debt while he was in office. this president has now added about double that, sean. >> that was a checkmate moment if you ask me. he did say that was irresponsible, unpatriotic and talking directly about president bush. he mentioned bush in that comment. ed henry at the white house tonight. thank you. with rudy giuliani comments sparking controversy, many are calling on america's mayor to apologize. but does the mayor really have a point? let's watch this. >> we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america. america like every other nation has made mistakes and has its flaws. in america there's a failure to appreciate europe's leading role in the world. there have been times where america's shown arrogance. the struggle for women's equality continues in many aspects of american life.
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there is a long history in this country of african-americans and latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. that's just a fact. i realize that america's critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals that america has plenty of problems within its own borders. this is true. so, yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions. our most costly mistakes came not from our restraint but from our willingness to rush into military adventures. in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 we did some things that were wrong. we tortured some folks. we did some things that were contrary to our values. >> tortured folks? contrary to our values? pretty negative rhetoric from our 44th president. so is it possible to love something that you fundamentally want to change? here to respond the man himself
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america's mayor rudy giuliani. mr. mayor, you seem not at all fazed. you were laughing during the montage. >> i'm only laughing because i had forkten how far he went in criticizing america. first of all let me make it clear as i did from the very beginning i'm not questioning his patriotism. as he did with president bush. i believe you can be a critic and a patriot at the same time. we've had many of those. my situation is one of personal disappointment. that president obama who had a great story to tell about a young man with a lot of issues like all of us has had but in some cases his were worse, made it in america. that's the rhetoric around which ronald reagan and bill clinton, the man from hope and the guy the cowboy riding from, you know, out on the clouds. that's the way in which they made us feel like we're part of a great country, we're part of a country with an unlimited
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boundless future. particularly reagan. clinton didn't quite have that talent. and they knew how to lift our spirits. and then after having gotten us to feel good about ourselves they could deliver certain criticisms. not the same that he's doing which are constant. the case of president obama -- and to me this is a source of great personal disappointment because even as a democrat i had expected that first part out of him. what he does is he emphasizes our weaknesses our failures or sometimes perceived failures that he's, i believe, making up. and that's the headline. and when he does mention a few good things about america, it's the footnote. i've not encountered an american president like that in my lifetime whether it's truman or democrat or reagan a republican. so it's a matter of personal disappointment in the fact that
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he doesn't elevate my country. he doesn't evoke therefore in me. he may in others, but he doesn't invoke in me the sense that he loves his country when you do it that way. >> if you really love somebody -- let's just say somebody. do you fundamentally want to transform them? maybe certain things about them you don't like, but do you want -- i mean that's a pretty profound statement. >> here's what i can't do. i can't psycho analyze, i can't look into his head. he may love america. i don't know. in his own way. when i listen to his language i hear language of a man who is never talking about the greatness of america the boundless possibilities of america, what we can do with oil, what we can do with fracking, what we can do in terms of the growth of our economy, how we can bring people out of poverty in a positive way. all i hear mostly are criticisms and then occasional modest
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solutions to those criticisms. so he's not a cheerleader for america. he's a critic. it's as if he were a movie critic as opposed to the guy acting in the movie. >> it's interesting. kevin williamson is going to join us in the next segment writer for national review online, actually had a headline today, rudy's right, barack obama doesn't even like america. i want to ask you this, we're going to play in the next segment his friends. reverend wright, this is personal for you, the sunday after 9/11 that's when he said gd america. america's chickens have come home to roost. >> do you think i forget that sean? >> no i know you don't forget that. >> do you think i will ever forget that? >> my point. this was the sunday after 9/11 -- >> i lost 3,000 people and ten of my best friends. and you lost somebody else. >> i lost some of my best friends. >> you think i'm going to forget a minister growing up on the pulpit and saying that and that church not walking out. >> here is the question. father flager reverend wright
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i know i made a big deal of bill ayers and people criticized me for it. he's an admitted domestic terrorist. who hangs out with a guy like that? >> let's make clear now we're talking about ayers not president obama. >> ayers, but he started his political career in ayers home, sat on boards with him, gave speeches with him, clearly had a relationship with him. i'm not going to be friends with an unrepentant terrorist, are you? >> absolutely not. >> what does that tell us about him? >> absolutely not. so your background tells you everything about all of us. i don't know how well you and i can analyze his background or his psyche. here's what we can analyze his words and his actions. he will not use the word islamic terrorism when it is now beyond absurd that he's not using it. you have got to step back and say what's going on. christians are slaughtered. what american president in the last century wouldn't have held a press conference to condemn
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the slaughter of prisoners? jewish people are killed because they're jewish in the name of islam, and he doesn't stand up and hold a press conference. so what i'm judging -- i'm not judging his psyche. i don't know if i'm judging his background. what i'm judging is the things that he says, the policies that he has and the things that he does. and many of them add up to me to someone who does not seem to love this country the way other presidents did. >> did you watch the 21 christians beheaded? the five-minute video. i did. >> i did not watch the video. i saw them all lined up. >> okay. i watched the whole thing. >> i can in the tell you, probably took me back to my catholic -- >> it's horrible. >> grammar school classes with the stories of the saints and the martyrs. >> they were martyred. and for example i watched the
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way king abdullah's responding in jordan. i respect what he's doing fighting isis after the jordanian pilot was burned, when i saw that video. and then i think of general el sisi after the 21 coptic christians beheaded how he's responding with fierceness. and then i think of the president, james foley, he gives a statement and 30 seconds later he's on a golf course. there's something wrong with that. there's something missing here. >> i agree. when we look at the words and the actions even more than i remember that's why i was reacting when you had your montage on. the words and the actions suggest someone who doesn't have the kind of affection for this country that prior presidents had. i just don't think you sit back and watch these things without reacting. and reacting strongly. also, this whole not saying islamic terrorism extremism is going to drive away islamic countries. egypt says it. >> jordan says it. >> jordan says it.
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>> the uae now says it. >> i'm leaving for dubai tonight. the uae asked u.s. for support so they could bomb the syrians. >> they didn't get it. >> we wouldn't give them support. what we're doing is we're appealing to the wrong allies. we're appealing to iran instead of appealing to egypt, saudi arabia and jordan. not to mention israel who we have sold out. >> agreed. >> and i believe that net n yaanyahu has every right to come here and make the case for his country because he cannot -- i don't care what he says, has to be diplomatic, but he can't count on the president of the united states. >> this is a bad deal for israel. >> this is a president who drew 12 lines in the sand and, you know, got pushed off each one of them until they became yellow. >> mr. mayor, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. when we come back tonight on "hannity". >> no, no no!
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not god bless america! god -- in the bible for killing innocent people for treating -- >> remember him? we're going to examine president obama's past radical associates. maybe these people helped shape his view. and later the american fighting isis in syria. he's going to join us with the very latest from the front lines in that conflict straight ahead. a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until... the am. new aleve pm the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve.
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negative views of america. here's what i mean. >> no, no no! not god bless america! god [ bleep ] america! >> america's chickens are coming home to roost. >> in terms of the weather underground which i co-founded what we did was slightly off the tracks, no question. and lots of people have found despicable. >> then out of nowhere came him barack obama, and he said, oh, where did you come from! i'm white! i'm entitled! there's a black man stealing my show! >> no justice! >> no peace! >> joining me now with reaction creator of 2016 obama's america dinesh d'souza. kevin williamson, great piece out today. and fox news political analyst juan williams.
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kevin, because you wrote this piece extensively that rudy's right, explain why you think this is relevant his past. starting with frank marshal davis, flager right ayers and dohrn, why does it all matter? >> yeah, well i think that ground has been fairly well covered. and i think we should be spared the saengt moan yous -- you are progressive if you see the world the way progressives see it which is the world -- that the economy is a fraud based on exploitation and deceit. why would you like the country? if you think this is a country that's basically legacy of white supremacy, bigotry of every sort, nothing good happen between the emancipation proclamation and deal, why would you like the country? if you read barack obama's books, as i have, the people he
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surrounds himself with, he doesn't find very much to like about the country. which i think if you were intellectually honest, if progressives in general were intellectually honest they admit they doept like the country that much. they think it's defective. >> juan, there is this history. go back reagan always extolling america's virtues. this president goes out of his way repeatedly you know even michelle obama for the first time in my adult life i am proud of my country. for the first time? really? and as rudy put into context that's what he's talking about. where is extolling america's greatness and goodness and charitable and how we have protected the world from tyranny time and again. >> i think he must have missed something because obama says this stuff all the time. >> really? >> he's even said that america -- >> like the greeks exceptional. >> no, he has said this. no. >> the greeks are exceptional. >> no, america the united states.
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but you know what you don't focus on it. kevin, i'm amazed. you think that the only america who can be a patriot has to be dumb, has to be ignorant of history. can't love america. despite american history. and say we've grown. we have the capacity for growing. we take people in and make them better. we will take your wretched. >> let's get dinesh in here. >> sean -- >> there's a difference between criticizing the country and between what you think the country actually is. and if you think the country represents a society basically animated by greed, repasty and white supremacy, then there's really not much to like about it. >> if you look at our constitution, there are elements of racism right in it. but the key thing here, and i think you really need to take this to heart is that people love america and know its history. >> let me ask this question, why did he spend so much time, 20 years, reverend wright, father flager, hang on this is not irrelevant, domestic terrorists
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gave speeches sat on boards with an unrepentant domestic terrorist bill ayers. why would he hang out with those people? this is a profound -- >> why would anybody -- >> it's pathological to me that somebody would hang out with an unrepentant domestic terrorist like obama did for years. >> it wasn't for years. >> yes it was. >> bill ayers no he had a campaign event -- >> speeches with him. on look. he was involved with people on the political left. and some of them were. and i think ayers was. by the way i just think -- >> an admitted domestic terrorist. >> i don't think it's right for michelle obama to say first time proud of america. that's not right. but i'm telling you people on the left have gone over the line and i think that's what you're doing here today by saying rudy giuliani, he's fine, he's okay. it went over the line. >> juan, you can say what you think michelle obama -- >> let's get dinesh in here. >> i think sean this for me is deja vu.
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i've written two books and made one movie about what motivates obama. i don't think it's just about his past. you know, here's a president where if you look on the world stage he appears to be systemically working to undermine our allies and to strengthen our enemies. we were allied with mubarak in egypt, mubarak is out. obama then supported the muslim brotherhood candidate who came in and replaced him. gadhafi was doing business with us, obama killed him gadhafi's gone and libya's in chaos. meanwhile in syria obama's cutting secret deals with the iranians. so what i'm getting at is this behavior needs explanation. now, one explanation is that obama's a traitor and he hates america. i don't think that's right. but i think what is right is that obama subscribes to an ideology in which he sees us as the bad guy, we're the evil empire. and obama's not alone in thinking this. kevin is right that the progressives in general tend to subscribe to this obama ideology. and so in a sense what giuliani has done in touching a nerve is
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tapped, if you will the strain of seeing america as the bad guy that not just obama believes the whole american left believes it. >> let me just say quickly say to you dinesh that if you missed out gadhafi was killing people on that pan am flight. he was killing americans. so it's in our interest to take him out. secondly, when you talk about mubarak, you must have missed the entire arab spring. those were muslims. those were people in that country seeking freedom and supported by the united states of america and our president. how you turn that against obama i don't know. >> but he's making a secret deal with the iranians against our ally israel and netanyahu has become the enemy. meanwhile -- >> what? the united states and israel are key allies. >> to a degree the relations have never been worse. we even have obama aides, campaign aides, campaigning against b.b. we have john kerry and joe biden meeting with b.b.'s opponents. >> you want to know who's making
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deals behind the president's back and creating political division over support for israel and the united states? netanyahu. >> why? because he's speaking to congress? >> no, he can say anything he likes. he is taking advantage of political divisions in the united states to benefit himself and his campaign. that you talk about -- >> it's for his country which is going to be threatened by a bad deal that would allow the iranians to get nukes as evidenced by university of massachusetts and amherst wasn't going to teach iranian students nuclear science but the obama administration, kevin, stepped in and in fact now they're going to teach them nuclear science. >> yeah. it seems that time after time what obama does is he seems to be almost clinical in when he looks at our enemies like isis he's always qualifying it, the taliban is not terrorists, the islam radicals aren't really islamic. then as if to say don't be too
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indignant in condemning those guys because we've done the same thing. so the effect of obama's rhetoric is to minimize the offenses of those guys and to put the spotlight on us as the bad guy. >> thank you very much for being with us. appreciate it. juan, good to see you on "the five" today. >> good to be here. thank you. coming up, details of iraq's plan to take back mosul from isis fighters. so why did they do this? jennifer griffin is standing by at the pentagon. she has details. plus, we go to the front lines in the war against radical islamists and isis. jordan, u.s. army veteran, christian, he is in syria fighting alongside kurdish militia against isis to defeat them. he'll join us next from an undisclosed location in syria. it's been a very bad week for hillary clinton. why the past is now coming back to haunt her. ainsley earhart is here with a report and much more tonight on "hannity." i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24.
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welcome back to "hannity." there is a backlash tonight after plans to retake the city of mosul. jennifer is standing by at the pentagon with more. it would be nice if they paid attention more to the jayvee team maybe a year ago and this wouldn't have happened. >> sean, a scathing letter today to president obama expressing concern that centcom telegraphed its plan to retake mosul "never in our memory can we recall an instance in which our military has knowingly briefed our own war plans to our enemies" but defense officials pushed back saying the centcom official did what they have done before dufrgt buildup to the 2003 iraq invasion a timeline was announced in advance. the marines did the same in 2010 and even before fallujah in 2004. among retired generals there was disbelief. >> it's highly unusual. one of the principles of military operations is you don't
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release these sort of details in advance. and it's hard to determine what audience they were trying to affect. if it's isis i think it plays to their benefit. allows them to prepare their defenses and belts of ieds and put in defensive measures. >> it also wears out the enemy which has been riding high since mosul fell on june 10th 2014. isis fighters will be worrying and preparing for the next two months at least that's the hope. centcom is trying to counter the narrative that isis has been winning with its propaganda videos. the u.s. military wants to project that a large force is getting prepared to fight so isis doesn't look invincible. they also might want civilians to leave the area. the iraqi prime minister himself gave an interview on february 16th to the bbc in which he too said we are now planning an offensive on mosul. he said the operations would begin in the next few months. the question remains sean will those 25,000 iraqi troops be ready? and is that enough for the fight
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at hand? >> thank you. earlier i spoke with jordan madison, he's the u.s. army veteran out fighting isis. he joined the kurds in syria. here's what he had to say about the situation going on today on the ground. so the bottom line is you've gone over there because you feel america's not doing enough. i don't think people -- well, i think americans are beginning to grasp it. i don't think the president grasps you know how the level of brutality that's going on there. even though we have videos, i'd like to know if any reporter will ask them a question, have you seen the beheadings, have you seen people put on fire, have you seen the firing squads, do you know that organs are being harvested and women being sold into slavery? tell us exactly what you know is happening there. >> like i said, in my region in nice syria, beheaded bodies is pretty common if isis can get into a village that has been
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recaptured or goes back and forth. and if they know any of the villagers have supported a force that is not their own, they'll hang or decapitate the villagers, leave the bodies to thang for days as a symbol. if they cut the body down from the city square they'll kill everyone else in the town. as i've said before there are thousands of girls that have been sold into slavery. i know several yazidi men are waiting at camps for villages to be retaken so they can get their families back or get their families back. unfortunate event. >> who's buying -- >> all over. international trade. palestinians saudis other countries i've heard export them out to africa to asia. so it's all over the world. >> so you decided to go there on your own. you're a christian. you feel our country's not doing what it should. you're seeing -- you're involved in a gunfight pretty much every
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day, right? >> in some areas, yes. >> so why did you take that risk? you're getting shot at every day, your life's in jeopardy. explain why you felt compelled to do this. >> somebody has to do it. if no one's going to do it the government, the power won't step up, individual men will have to. someone has to stop so people can live in peace or thousands more are going to die, innocent people that can't defend themselves. someone has to do it, sean. >> somebody you're working with and fighting with the kurds against isis. if america provided the munitions and intelligence only, how big an impact would it have
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on isis' ability to take and continue to take more land away and be involved in the atrocities that they're committing? >> the united states provided munitions, the ypg provided to peshmerga, we would take a large crop of land and be able to drive close to a raqqa, their capital. we have basic weapons kalashnikov, but if we get more sophisticated weapons, we could do a lot more in this region. >> there have been reports that both jordan and egypt requested intelligence assistance from the united states and they were both denied. and other reports that the bombings that have been taken place by america under obama have not been in the areas that are most concentrated with these fighters. are they hitting the wrong targets? have you also heard they wouldn't help the jordanians and egyptians? >> it wouldn't surprise me. like i said before we've had targets not being marked for
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political reasons. isis knows when the planes are coming. they have their own spies throughout iraq. so when the planes leave turkey or northern iraq, they call their friend and let them know five minutes before the planes arrive they all go in their houses and hide. and the thermal imaging devices can't capture video of them. so they don't get bombed. as soon as the planes leave they come back out and fight. so there's a lot more that could be done by the united states to make sure these targets are being marked and these air strikes are effective, but they are not being done. >> obviously a very dangerous job you've taken on there. godspeed. thank you for what you're doing and stay safe there. we appreciate you being back with us. >> thank you sir. it's my pleasure. coming up it's been a very bad week for team clinton. ainsley is here next with a report on how hillary's past is now coming back to haunt her. plus, we have the video that proves democrats are total hypocrites. tonight on great american panel
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welcome back to "hannity." pressure is mounting over the donations by foreign governments to the clinton foundation. ainsley is standing by at the big board with more. >> the clinton foundation lifted its ban on donations from foreign governments when hillary clinton resigned as secretary of state in 2013. but now ethical questions are raised about whether some of those donations including from saudi arabia and the united arab emirates are indirectly funding her potential run for president. the national journal called the decision to accept this money stupid and sleazy. >> politically it's stupid because they're taking money from countries that go against what is going to be hillary
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clinton's brand and her reputation as somebody fighting for women. some of these countries are not very good for women. some of these countries support terrorism. she's on record saying they support terrorism yet she's taking money from them. i just don't get it. >> his on-record comment refers to a 2009 state department memo leaked by wikileaks where then-secretary of state clinton writes to diplomats in part donors in saudi arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to sunni terrorist groups worldwide. in that same memo she also writes uae donor haves provided financial support to a variety of terrorist groups including al qaeda, the taliban and other terrorist groups as well. it's been a rough few weeks for the clinton camp. the ethical concerns over the foundation following reports of bill's connections to welt thi convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein and the resurfacing of hillary's lies about dodging sniper fire in bosnia back in 1996. despite the criticism democrats claim that they are not very worried at the dnc winter
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meeting yesterday. the vice chairman raymond buckly said this. they've thrown everything and the kitchen sink at her in the last 20 years and she has survived and thrived. sean, back to you. >> great report ainsley at the big board. joining me now "the wall street journal" kimberly strossell with us and doug. kimberly, let's go over the moneys, where they're coming from and the impact here. >> well, ainsley just talked about this and the fact there's this ethical concern about the idea you could have a woman in the white house who's getting truckloads of money from a lot of foreign entities that she would have to be dealing with. but i think the other issue here that gets overlooked is the reason that's also a scandal is because the clinton foundation is a quasi political organization. a place where a lot of clinton staffers go to work when they're not on a campaign. it's a place largely set up to highlight bill and hillary clinton, keep them in frnt of the cameras, allow bill to be an elder statsman. and as a result this
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organization because it's listed as a charity it gets to do a lot of things that most other politicians don't get to do when they set out for instance a political action committee. >> when you look at this i mean, it's a lot of money countries are going to be dealing with. she stopped in 2009 when she was secretary of state but then picked right back up again two years ago. so between that the false bosnia sniper story or bill's jeffrey epstein problem, which is the worst for the clinton camp? >> i think there's only one real issue here and that's the potential source of funding from those countries, saudi arabia and the uae that potentially support terror. the clinton foundation does good work around the world. it has supported a range of socially beneficial activities. kimberly is just wrong that it's a political action committee in waiting. and candidly hillary's leading the polls. and nothing has really stuck to her. though i would urge her not, not, to take any more foreign money. i think it's a mistake.
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>> $2 billion, that's an awful lot of money. great work kimberly. good to see you. thank you, doug. coming up, the media pounced on rudy giuliani's comments about the president, but how quickly they forget their own rhetoric. we have it, we'll remind you. our great american panel next. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase.
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welcome back to" hannity." top liberals attacking mayor giuliani for his comments about president obama. we decided to take a look back at things democrats have said about republicans. and you won't believe they're even bigger hypocrites than we even thought. >> they want to shoot every bullet they can at the president. >> and we will not bow to tea party anarchists in the house or in the senate. >> the republicans are trying to take the government and the economy hostage for this right wing minority hostage taking is all they have left. >> because a handful of right-winged extremists are so determined to try to destroy this president. >> for many of them i call the legislative arsonist they're there to burn down what we should be building up in terms of investments in education and scientific research and all that
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it is make our country great. >> how quickly liberals forget. joining me to discuss david webb, tamra holder. stacy, welcome back from l.a. they say everything about republicans. republicans want old people to die, grandma to die, they don't care about the sick, elderly, disabled. >> sean, this is about mayor giuliani who i respected when he was going through the whole 9/11 experience. he is a deplorable -- he's not deplorable, what he said is deplorable. to say that the president of the united states doesn't like our country, i'm not a big fan of obama. you know that. but to say that he doesn't like america is disgusting. president bush doesn't go after obama for reason out of respect for the office. >> let me ask you this. if somebody you were dating okay -- you're laughing. >> how many -- >> doesn't matter. the guy you're dating wants to fundamentally change you, does that mean he loves you deeply?
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>> no. >> why does he want to fundamentally change america if he loves it so much? >> sean, he doesn't want to fundamentally change america. >> yes he does. he said that. >> he said it. >> what he means is there are certain things need to change -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> president obama, and you've just got to go back to even before he was president when he was on radio in chicago talked about what he believes this country should be about the war in courts. they didn't go into redistributive justice. his track record as he sees america's role differently as a nation and her role in the world. he doesn't see us as a strong, exceptional capitalist power. he sees us as a european socialist model. >> he never said that. >> this is his policies. you describe his policies. the percentage is federal spending has a percentage of gdp, what he wants to do his program, social engineering. >> stacy. >> her e he clearly doesn't not like the free market.
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he does not like capitalism. it's a bad word to him. obama care they didn't do that. >> the people as we showed earlier associated with, his apology tour. one thing about reagan and even reagan they would talk about american generosity and greatness, american blood sweat, financial burden of keeping the world free. >> right. >> with a passion about how great we are. >> as being a super power which he put into great decline. >> how? how has he done so? >> okay syria. not the red line was crossed. did he do anything? >> what is he supposed to do? >> did he do anything? he has done a lot. >> like what? >> name an example. >> don't cross the red line or we'll step in. >> right. here is the issue. >> the line was crossed. >> go to war with syria?
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>> why can't he say -- >> if you're supposed to say why can't he radical islamic terrorism but will criticize christians and crusades. >> obama is a professor that does not understand context or misuses it. >> i think he's ignorant. >> the crusade was 1095. >> but the american people were the ones that voted for him a second time? >> let me finish. >> he brings into context in his remarks compared to radical is slam. even imams -- he truly brings into the room what he does. a leader sends messages don't just -- >> i think the fact that he can't identify radical islam is a big problem for me. gays and lesbians are killed
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under sharia. women have to cover themselves under sharia. and does he not understand radical islam like this? >> you're a huge fan of israel. i am part jewish, half christian. there is a trial because of a rabbi that believes the old testament, the torah says women can't get out of divorce he's trying to -- he's okay, he's -- he believes in torturing men. were you going to say -- where are you against? >> i want to go to -- >> i just -- >> i think this is all over talking about these rid cal islamic groups. >> let stacy go. >> he does not like our military and overrules every commander,
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putting us in decline of the super power of the world, which we are. >> he doesn't like america? i cannot believe the battle going on about the president of the united states. >> i've said it before. i said it -- >> i don't care if you've said it before. it's disgusting every time you've said it. >> complaints coming of"n valerie jared microxd managing the military she is not capable. >> coming up next tonight on "hannity". >> who is your favorite taylor? >> we need your help, the question of the day, straight ahead. he flu with a runny nose. [coughs] better take something. theraflu severe cold won't treat your runny nose. really? alka-seltzer severe cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plus runny nose.
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how much do you know about american history? i guarantee this 5-year-old girl knows more than you. >> who is this? >> john quincy adams? >> first lady >> eliza? >> vice president calhoun. >> any fun facts on him? >> he swam naked in the potomoc. >> fun fact? >> he was the first president to have what? >> a telephone. >> what was his phone number? >> one. >> maybe that history bu fcht f will become the next president. who knows? who is your favorite president of all time? jefferson? lincoln?
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reagan? and we want to know what you think. that is all the time we have tonight. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here on monday. video of a brawl in the turkish parliament. "the o'reilly factor" is on tonight. ♪ how do muslim imams feel about fighting the jihad? will they talk about it in their mosque thi weekend? tonight, in a exclusive, we'll find out. would you say that barack obama as commander in chief has had a positive impact on the more rawl of the men and women of the united states armed forces? >> according to the military times newspaper, president obama's popularity among military people cratering. we'll have the facts tonight. >> you and i have this thing going, man. it is great. >> don't make any sudden
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