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tv   Bulls and Bears  FOX News  February 21, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PST

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>> and we are live from the oscars. >> we'll see you at 6:00 a.m. is it 6:00? >> we'll start at 6:00 a.m. if you're waking up and thinking what to put on, don't put on the old reruns. put on "fox & friends" at 6:00 a.m. see you after the show-show, everyone. >> bye. isis flush with cash and now reportedly selling human organs to raise even more money. is this proof air strikes aren't enough? we need to hit the terrorists right where it really hurts their funding. i'm brenda butner. this is "bulls and bears." welcome to everybody. john, take out isis by taking out their funding? >> yeah, i think that's one of the best solutions. but this is not an either/or. this is an all of the above. they get several million dollars a month through antiquity sales $100,000 a day through
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extortion, kidnapping and ransom. they were getting about $2 million a day in oil sales, illegal oil sales. that has gone significantly because oil has been cut in half and also the refinery capability has been cut significantly down. look, this selling organs reportedly, if this is true this is one of the most mccause things i have heard of since the nazis. i wouldn't put it past these guys, i don't know if the technology is there, but they are being hurt by a lot of the oil strikes. so we have got to figure out a way to go after what is making them money. the oil refineries in raqqah and mosul, the border crossings, we need to bribe them more than shutting down the illegal oil cells. we can shut down their funding and target their large artillery. we can't target the small arms they manufacture themselves, but the artillery they get
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specifically from the united states that went through iraq, that we can take out. and that will be hard to replace, especially if you start hitting their oil fields. >> very good ideas john. hopefully the administration is listening. janice, what do you think it's easier said than done to take out their funding? >> absolutely. because remember, when we first started looking at this kind of financing of terrorist activity we only had a situation that we were looking at money laundering. ever since 9/11, think of 9/11 and 9/11 hijackers hiding in plain sight. if you looked at the way they collected their money it would have passed through any bankers scrutiny because it was really hard, they did the atms, the bags of money and deposits. so it didn't raise any alarms. and i think it has been clear since then that it is difficult to do a financial profile of a terrorist in this country. i think we have an enormous problem and it is not clear how to do it. i don't put it past them that they could be so unorganized but the fact they make going and
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working with and through the countries that are our allies is a concern to us. turkey, saudi arabia that's a concern. >> some of the oil is going to turkey. gary b., we were able to follow the money with crime groups with the mafia, with the mob, why can't we follow the money here? >> we can, brain da.enda. janice says it is very difficult, it is difficult but we have a template. and that's exactly as you talked about. we have been fighting organized crime here in the united states for decades. we have been fighting organized crime across the world for decades. it is very difficult. but you do it the same way. yes, i agree with john, they need it in one part to be treated like a terrorist organization. on the other hand, they need to be treated like an organized crime ring. that's what you do you find informants and flip insiders and bury into their network and get
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the lower-level guys to rat out the top-level guys. it is time consuming but al capone was caught by the i.r.s. for a financial transaction. no one came in and bombed his chicago headquarters. so it is difficult, but it can be done. >> dennis, al capone wasn't as savage as these -- i mean, it's hard to even imagine the selling of human organs, their brutality, can we really follow this money, jonas? >> their savagery is another problem because we don't have an offsetting savage dictator to keep them in line that rewewe removed years ago, which could be unfortunate, we'll find out. the money is not trackable, so we need to get rid of currencies and make that illegal to track money. but there's still sources of revenue here. and one of the other mistakes is that we never secured the assets in this region. that is the oil production facilities and antiquities in these museums. it is all looted and anybody can
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cut off someone's head can take it over and basically have a source of revenue. so i know that's what you have to do. we had a to secure and tap into that source of revenue. we are afraid to do it and there's no way of doing this without doing that now that includes syria where the oil is coming from, unfortunately. bad intelligence got us into this mess and i don't believe bad intelligence is going to get us out. i don't think these people are expecting to do operations and transport organs around the world in cooler bags. that's difficult to pull off, they are terrorists. >> i think they are capable of anything. you're talking about an organization that's willing to make their revenue line made up of ransom, looting, extortion they will go to any length because it is about the dollar with these guys at the end of the day. they still need funding. so to hit them in their wallets is exactly what we should be doing. look, we can track this. to say it's difficult and that it is hard and we didn't want to
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do it because we were -- we backed off and were scared, that's ludicrous. we should get in there and be taking care of this. and it is unfortunate we were able to handle organized crime and not isis. we can't go down in history as the country that let this slide away. we should be in there. >> it is difficult. but it is all hands on deck. the fact that we have social media and many ways to find out what's going on on the ground. i think we need to be back in the day of looking at money laundering and people who didn't pay taxes like the i.r.s. and al capone. we have to figure out novel new ways to see how they are moving their money. supposedly, they paid for the relatives of all of their fighter, even after they died. there's a way to get to that money they are paying that family. and i think we need people on the ground unfortunately. and the informers are vile. >> john? >> yeah, look, we already have some people on the ground. we have 2,600 troops in iraq right now. and look talk about going after the money laundering i agree with that, but they are paying a
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lot of this in cash. we'll have to break stuff and we'll have to do that. >> i want to point out something. >> i'm sorry what? >> i want to clarify something. i didn't say boots on the ground, i meant informers on the ground to tell you what's going on. >> okay, then that doesn't change my point. there are 2600 people soldiers right now in iraq. about 40% of the country's wheat population is covered by this area covered by isis. so a lot of this illegal taxation comes from actual crops that are being produced. napoleon said a soldier marchs on his stomach. as long as they can provide electricity and fuel to the residents and water, there's not going to be much of a problem. you'll have to take out a lot of this stuff, and that's going to create a crisis. a cryisis for isis. worry about this after the war. worry about the refineries and the wheat crop making money and the infrastructure that you can and worry about fixing it after
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the war. >> gary b., they have very sophisticated means of getting funding. we haven't seen this from terrorists before. >> exactly brenda. but someone in the organize knows, i'm kind of throwing up my hands. hasn't anyone seen "homeland" for crying out a loud? you develop assets you flip them. yes, cash is ziflt to track but someone know where is the cash is going in and going out. you develop people there. you bribe them if you have to. that is how you get the information. you -- the cia, i'm sure, is all over this. they should tell you, it's not that we're bombing people. that's an aspect of it but it's figuring out where the money is coming from, how they are getting the organs to sell and stuff like that. and that is how you worm into the organization you break it up from there. >> at the end of the day brenda it is an sbrerenterprise that is self-funding. to john's point, they are
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industrio industrious to grow wheat now. it should be cut off. neil cavuto in about 20 minutes. what do you have? >> the number of refugees fleeing syria are coming into america. anyone see the risk of isis sneaking in along with that gang? and the nation's private employer pushing wages way up. will that make walmart haters shut up? i don't know, don't count on it. see you at the bottom of the hour. thanks, neil. we can't wait. up first, enjoy your internet now because government regulators are about to do something to push prices up and access down. portunity for an upgrade. sound good? great. because you're not you you're a whole airline... and it's not a ticket you're upgrading it's your entire operations, from domestic to international... which means you need help from a whole team of advisors.
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he's not with me. mucinex fast max night time. multi-symptom relief plus nasal decongestant. breathe easy. sleep easy. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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[alarms blaring] ohhhhh... whoa whoa whoa! who's responsible for this?!? if something goes wrong, you find a scapegoat. ...rick. it's what you do. ahhhhhhhh! what'd you say? uh-oh! kelly! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. rick. don't walk away from me. ahhhhhhhh! a fox news alert. a frantic search underway in london right now for three teenagers who british police say are headed to syria to join
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isis. the 15 and 16-year-olds are reportedly straight "a" students and told their families they were just going out for the day. but they were last spotted at a london airport boarding a plane to turkey. a friend of theirs recently traveled to syria. and here in the u.s. a judge temporarily blocking the obama administration from detainee asylum seeking women and children caught crossing the border illegally. the ruling clears the way for the lawsuit brought by the aclu against the so-called no-release policy. analysts say the white house will likely appeal that decision. i'm kelly wright. now back to "bulls and bears" for all the headlines. log on to you're watching the most powerful name in news, the fox news channel.
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it's one part of our economy that's been booming and coincidentally it's been unregulated. but the days of the internet has we know it may be numbered because next week the fcc commission will consider regulating it. now it says it's all for consumers protection. but tracy isn't buying that. >> what are they protecting? they go ahead with this your prices will go up, more rules and regulations also leads to worst service at the end of the day. this is not going to help the consumer at all. and you know what it does? it hurts the last minnon of entrepreneurship we have out there, that the government doesn't have its hands on. this is what this is brenda, a money-grab. they want to be able to tax it and take a piece home for themselves because they realize it's working without them and they don't like that. >> janice, do you agree e? >> i don't agree at all. i think the word regulation has to be used carefully here. i think the way this is leaning tracy, they are trying to basically charge more. right now we have an even playing field and i think it's important that you and i can afford to pay more for faster
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connection, but we want everyone to have a faster connection. and we want everyone to have access to the content we have access to legal content we want to see as fast as we want to see it. and i think that's what at stake here. when we talk about regulation, i want to make sure it remains a level playing field. even if that means it has to be regulated for some extent. as a common carrier, i think that's the way we need to look at it. >> john, what do you think of that? >> i think that sounds good in theory. so does communism. communism, the fact that everybody makes the same amount of money. >> that's not fair. this is not communism. >> look, that's not the real world and certainly not the free market. the free market will tell you that if you have a company like walmart, they can negotiate in bulk. now, is that fair to the mom and pop store? no, it's not, but there's a reason that same walton built a multibillion business to negotiate in bulk. if netflix built this business to negotiate a faster lane that is simply the free market and to take that away puts more of the government and more of the nanny state into something that it doesn't, definitely does not
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belong. and that is the internet. >> jonas, you think that the government does belong for a while. >> yeah, look we're going to get more regulation because every single politician wants to regulate the internet on both sides of the aisle. it's just different ways of regulating it. there's not one politician right now who doesn't think that verizon or cable vision if they were your only isp for high speed internet they said we don't block netflix because you're going to download our movies. no one in government will allow that, and that's regulating the internet. because in a free market, it's verizon's cable, they can do that if they want. the problem is there's monopolies at the end of the road here. there's some markets only served by one company. as long as that's the case, they need regulation. we need more companies coming in google offered it in every market, then they can back out. until then we'll have government regulation. >> gary b., we have a good case study that offers a hint of what might happen, don't we? >> we have a number of case studies. for everyone arguing as janice
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says with regulation and she says, you know, kind of a moderate regulation, i guess which is kind of an oxymoron with the government. they are just going to step in and go all over it. we have the airline industry. we used to have a regulated industry and people made the same arguments about we need to keep them regulated. oh my gosh if it is unregulated, planes are going to be crashing and going all over. and what we found is instead of the markets just being served by one carrier, if you will, now multiple markets are served by multiple carriers. in 30 years we have seen prices 50% less than they were. so if you want to see your net, your internet pricing double as we would with airlines if they got reregulated, go there. if you want a mob bell the telephone industry used to be regulated, then you're not going to get something like this. you're not going to get an iphone from 20 different manufacturers, 20 different plans, so you can go back to all the names of having a nice of having a nice, comfortable, everyone gets access to
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everything, you'll see higher prices, less innovation as tracy said, and it's going to be horrible, as is everything that the government gets into. >> okay. we know you believe that. all right. thank, guys. cashing in just over an hour from now eric, what do you guys have coming up? >> hi brenda. want to help the terrorists from killing? give them jobs the new solution from the obama administration. plus, pro-union protesters targeting scott walker's parents' home. is big labor going too far? cashing in see you at 11:30. >> we'll see you, eric, and we'll be watching. but up here first did you have fun on that dinner cruise or that golf tournament how about casino night? you didn't get the invite? me either, but guess what? the government had you pick up the tab. let me talk to you about retirement. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure.
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would you pay for a party you weren't invited to? what if i told you thanks to uncle sam you did.
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government workers partying it up. as for the tab, once again you're picking it up. but this time it's not for swinky hotel sweets hotel suites. now it's for super bowl parties and casino night. once again gary b. we weren't invited but left with the bill. >> the government is great at spending other people's money. that's the one thing that they do better than anyone else. they are magicians of this. brenda, if you include this all in, people say it's only $21 million, it's nothing, it's a blip. if you include this under the bubble of just total poor spending, which is what it is
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we have only spent since 1991, $300 billion. this adds up. this is ridiculous. and here's the problem. the government agencies are hiding this and lying about the expenses. the best way, you can't audit all this stuff. just cut all the government agency 5% and this stuff will go away. >> you think this acts as an incentive to get better flows? employees? >> i hate when they can't run their company well. it's like a shareholder in a company. but why can't that job reflect some of the things you get in the private sector? every company in america spends on average 1% of their revenues on parties and all the resort travel conferences, that is part of the job. you make a job so boring, no one is going to want that job. but somebody wants the pension is a total loser, and that's who is running these companies. >> tracy, they get paid well and better benefits. >> oh, my gosh, jonas you're
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footing the bill. i don't know if this is stupidity. it's like when you come home drunk in front of your siblings and they learn never do this in front of mom, ever. they are so stupid they don't get it. we the taxpayers are so annoyed of this but they keep spitting in our face doing it all over again. partially our fault for voting these jerks back in time after time. >> jeanine, does this make you mad? >> of courts we have $16 trillion national debt and $46 million in national waste. of course i'm mad. i'm going back to congress to talk about that, but once upon a time the partisan effort was made to reduce g you know what? okay, at least it's a start, but we need to get serious and there has to be accountability about what to do with this waste waste and waste. i agree, i'm as mad as the next person. >> that sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale, which i think cutting government
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spending is. john, i have to leave you at last because i know you have something to say. >> it is bipartisan. they are all doing this and all stealing money from taxpayers. look i read the entire inspector general's report. there were 151 cases isolated, 40 of those they took the no federal building in case. so they basically went to a hotel and rented this thing out and lived large. and here's what gets me going back to gary b.'s point, no names are mentioned. they are hiding the very people that stole this money from the taxpayers. the inspector general said there was something wrong with this. why is no one put on the line? there was a person that signed the bill for this. find these people and fire them. it's that simple. you just stole money from the taxpayer. that never happens because there's no accountability in politics. because you go up to them and other politicians and then all of them get thrown out of d.c. and america would be much better. >> let's wait for that day, thanks, guys. thank you, janice, for joining us. we appreciate it. and coming up are you tired of the deep freeze and deep
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snow? i bet you are but you might learn to love it after hearing about the name heating up because of it. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today.
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predictions, gary b., you're up. >> this winter is wonderful isn't it? if you're in the sunflower business like torro stock up 30% in a year. >> do you like it? >> torro can't get through my driveway, i need a honda. >> john, your prediction. >> great service and lower oil prices have delta up 20% in a year. i believe i own it. >> gary b., do you think it's going to fly? >> not anymore. up 50% since october. i think it's going to move sideways. >> jonas your prediction. >> i'm excited about the nutritional guide line that says eggs are okay. just cut the sugar. great for foods up 20% this year. >> i think you don't need nutritional guide line this is
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year. >> tracy? >> some parents are giving their children $13 a tooth. that's bananas. >> oh, my god. i used to get 25 cents and walked through the snow both ways. >> snowshoes. all right, forget about sneaking in. what if isis terrorists just fly in? because we're letting them in. no mess no fuss, only we don't know it. i'm telling you they sure as heck do. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. they are seeking asylum and some could be certifiably insane. that's what happens when the state department reportedly let thousands of refugees live here as a safehaven. some bad guys slipped through the cracks and ended up getting in here. forget about the cost of all this. my friend ben stein says to focus on the risks in all of this. joining us charlie gasparino


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