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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  February 21, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ tonight >> tonight on red eye! coming up on "red eye," the competition heats up. find out who comes out on top next. and is joe biden enjoying being vice president? >> i don't know, i mean, you know. look guys, i have to leave. >> and finally one dog's heroic stand, the four-hour interview with the canine heartthrob you can't afford to miss. >> and now let's welcome our guest, she is young and drunk and smells horrible on the bus, he has had a long day, he is barely awake i am sure nobody
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will notice the difference because he is as lifeless as he is boring, andy levy and he is one lucky guy, he has three nipples. town political editor, i think it has nipples in there before, he looks like gandhi if he was tall sitting right next to me is imus in the morning. >> hello. >> the lede. >> and they were really lazy when they were naming him. they looked at him and just said oh, guy. >> today it would have been dude. >> and the third choice was baby, because he was a baby. instead of defeat them we'll defeat tweet them. yes, the u.s. government is pushing back against isis social media presence. the center for communications or
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fabio for short, that is a weird name uses twitter and facebook accounts and other languages to control jihadis telling them think again turn away. sound sounds like a song by morrisse ye, here is an example of the u.s. tweeting extremist as you can tell we totally put him in his place and now he loves freedom. meanwhile, day two of the conference on violence extremism, aka, free pastries and hookers. i wonder, if we are at war with islam. >> and we are not at war with islam. we are at war with people who have perverted islam. >> oh, perverted. now he is speaking my language. finally, the state department spokesperson has taken back her comment that we cannot kill every terrorist. >> we cannot kill every terrorist around the world, nor should we try? how do we get at the root causes of it?
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look, it may be too nuanced of a commentary for some but really it is the smart way, the democrats, republicans, military commanders, our partners in the arab world -- >> too nuanced. anyway, election aside nobody gossips, except you, the viewer. anyway, let's take a look at the seminar on the conference for violence extremism. [ speaking in a foreign language ] i told you guys while we do these videos not to use my private collection. you think it would actually have any effect on young wannabe terrorists? >> probably not, first of all
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the whole phenomenon is kind of odd, you know, hitler tweeted out we're going to invade czechoslovakia, it is just bizarre the savage animals are tweeting. but no, it won't have any effect. listen, first of all the whole nsa thing, i know it is near and dear to andy's heart, i know this is what they were doing. can you explain to us -- you cool hipsters, what does trolling mean -- >> they are little people who live under bridges. >> that is what i thought, this seems to mean something else, they're trolling people on line what do you mean by that? >> annoying, insulting, making fun of somebody. >> oh you assume old people like me know what that means because like you say you're like a cool hipster. >> i'm like a troll you're like a giant that storms around but i'm like a troll. >> that is a different meaning
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from trolling on line. our campaign to go out to terrorists on line at least to me sounds a bit embarrassing. >> i think there is some merit in trying to combat the propaganda they are perpetrating on line and social media. it's a real phenomenon. i want to say you're this potential jihadist, and on your twitter feed come ss a blue check mark, with a verification it's the united states government. well, in that case it probably is not super effective. >> i wonder when isis will be verified by twitter that would be a real feather in their cap joanne, would they respect the u.s. government tweeting at them? >> well, if they do like i do you learn to ignore the troll don't respond to them or listen to them. don't take it personally, so i believe they will not listen and
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the is not-- this is not going to work. and also if we're going to be giving them jobs they can't be tweeting while they're working unless their job is to tweet and then we're just perpetuating this thing. >> how about the reverse psychology, maybe we should be tweeting, join isis. i'm not going to obey the great satan, so i wouldn't. >> yes that is true. if everybody is doing it then why shouldn't i do it andy? let's talk about president obama, he still refuses to call islamic extremism what it is and you in the green room said good for him. what do you make of this? >> can't we just call them haters and be done with it. that is where we're going. just start calling them haters and everything is good. that was one of the worst speeches the president has given since he was elected. sorry, elected.
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>> i think we should lay off marie, first of all i like her she reminds me of me back in college. i don't blame her she is saying what she has been told to say. she is not setting policies, just implement inging it. >> she is just following order. >> this is the administration doesn't want to call them that. the administration wants to talk about jobs and stuff like that. this has nothing to do with her, leave this nice woman alone. >> nuanced means seduced right? >> it's french. >> i could just see in the speech picturing ruth bader ginsburg watching that speech. first of all marie, i'm a sucker for smart blondes with glasses on we've given them all the gas station jobs attendant jobs, we've done this and isis is still on the march so that is
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not going to work. it has not worked in the past or in the future. >> is that your joe biden impression? >> that was my attempt. >> why rudy giuliani said maybe we could employ them as butchers, which i thought was pretty harsh. i would say lumberjacks, but butcher was way over the line i was offended. >> and i still send a fax now and then. what are we talking about? >> i don't know. >> back to the president's speech, he spent most of that speech explaining why americans need to be nice to muslims, which i'm getting tired of it. not that i don't agree with it because i do. but if you look at the fbi crime reports between 2001 and 2012 66% of the hate crimes committed over religion were committed against jews. 12% were committed against
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muslims, in 2012, 16% committed against jews, 12% committed against muslims. you would think americans are committing hate crimes against muslims when in fact it's a pretty small percentage compared to jews, and once again it's about the jews. >> and many of these crimes are person perpetrated by -- >> i feel like we should get serious, bottom line the question is what are we going to do about isis? we're criticizing obama all the time, left and right what he says and doesn't say but what should we do? what do you want to do? people on the right, what do you want to do send over troops again ala iraq? what do you want to do? you got 50,000 people surrounded in these countries threatened
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existentially by isis why are we heckling our president to send our guys back into a meat grinder when they should take care of it? >> i don't agree with all of it. i don't know what they will encounter when they get there. i think part of this fear is that they think -- we build up the fear because we don't know what it is because we're not on the ground. they're succeeding because no one is challenging them. that is the way i see it. if somebody wants to challenge them i agree that the other countries should -- >> egypt was just bombing them this week. >> saying we'll use our troops, but no occupation you can't just eradicate them. you have to have an occupation. we'll be back in the same mess as we were before. i don't hear a lot of people talking about it. >> but that is the point marie
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said, they need occupations. >> thank you, thank you ladies and gentlemen. all right -- >> i didn't applaud. >> well you know why? because you have little hands. okay they get a diploma then move home-a according to the census bureau where my favorite friend is in his bedroom facing the street. more americans are returning to the nest than 30 years ago that is three decades, yes the number is over 30% more recently. a difference of, a year. maybe not coincidently, that same group marked college degrees. 40% of 18 to 34-year-olds have never been married. that number is now 65%. let's check in.
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whoa -- >> that was not too bad, that was fun. >> yeah, i was hoping something bad would happen. not awful, but bad. >> was that guantanamo? >> that is when you leave, you get all your belongings, you go down the gitmo slide, which by the way is a fun little dance. >> what happens with water -- that you board i don't know -- serious question, do you think there is a link between the rise in college degrees and the rise in living with a parent? >> to some extent because you have people coming out of school with their degrees and they can't put it to use with good high paying jobs to which they and we assume we are entitled. i think the biggest thick,ng, this
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is sort of arm chair psychology, but people in our age group grew up in a type of economic boom and real prosperity, so there was a sense of this is how things are we're entitled. so when you get out of college, you are thinking i have to live this way? i have to stay at home and live with my parents, because i don't love my job. that is not true of everybody, but there is a major component of that. >> bernie do you think there is a rise in college degrees and the rise in living with parents? >> without a doubt. here is what is missing. the premium put on college degrees, president obama talking about free college how about trade schools? how about teaching these little dummies to get their fingernails dirty, welders, we don't need more people with college degrees, no wonder they're living in the basement and they can't fix it and they're calling out for contractors.
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if the kid went to trade school he could fix the basement and live in the house. >> he could earn his keep. joanne, serious question, do you think there is a link between the rise in college degrees and the rise in living with a parent? >> yeah, because both things did the same thing at the same time. millennials? >> finally, somebody figured it out. millennials, we're used to instant gratification we never used snail mail we didn't have to wait. occasionally we used the mail. >> we used it ironically. >> churning butter we don't have to wait for these things to happen, they're just right there. so we want to be millionaires but we don't want to work for it. we see all of these people who somehow have been lucky, gotten in the right place at the right time with all the amazing careers and we're just waiting for the right time for it to happen to us, and it's not happening. >> yeah the plethora of new cable channels allows us to see
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more wealthy people at a younger age which makes us think it is easier to come by. everybody can be a kardashian even andy do you think there is a link in the rise of college degrees and the rise in living with parents? >> no, not at all. >> interesting. >> i think the link is, from 19-year-olds to 34-year-olds military veteran degrees drop to do 2.4% now a drop of 7% greg pretty much mirrors the rise in the percentage of people living at home. so if you're looking at something that goes together, i believe it is a bunch of people too scared to join the military. but we're acting as if it is automatically a bad thing for somebody to temporarily move back in with their parents. >> no i get it. >> if you need a break on rent while you start a career, go ahead. >> and the parents who let you do that -- >> look, i was raised to believe
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that living at home was a drag because your mom threw away your best porno magazine but -- >> i got to know by my mother i came back in 1988 and did chores and stuff like that. >> there is nothing wrong with that. >> it was a temporary thing and totally fine. >> what we see is people doing it for longer and longer because it's comfortable and the parents are not saying get out. >> it is when the kids go you know what would be cool if i have a separate entrance to my room in the basement? that is when it's time to kick them out when they start to demand like an apartment-like life-style. >> and you had the ankle bracelet on so you couldn't go past the driveway. >> and i lived within the walls, my nickname was bad ronald. you don't even know what i'm talking about. bad ronald. >> this is a made for tv movie. it was about a guy -- >> the millennials at the table
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have no idea, right in. >> bad ronald, and you at home the one person who i'm talking to the entire time knows the movie i'm talking about one of the greatest made for tv movie of all time where a guys family dies or something and he lives into the walls -- and another family moves in, and he lives in the walls. >> i thought it was a dream you had had had. >> it is a dream i've had. >> it is almost as good as prayer for the wildcats. when he goes and harasses the hippies in the desert? >> what are you smoking? >> prayer for the wildcats andy goes dune buggy riding and they run into some hippies and they harass the hippies. it's such a great movie. andy griffith as a bad guy, nobody ever saw it before. it was amazing. >> all right shut up.
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>> no time for sergeants, but come on -- >> coming up humming birds, the harbingers of the anti-christ. >> we discussed it. mike huckabee, but first the vice president gets hands-on. ibrarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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an . was his touch too much? vice president and america's creepy uncle joe biden got close and uncomfortable with the defense secretary's wife. during the swearing in ceremony of ashton carter, what a great name joe biden beckoned carter's wife to his side. >> thank you, mr. vice president, i am sure you know
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how much it means to me. >> the vp kept his hands on her shoulder for ten hours, well until this happened. >> trust and confidence. got a lot of thanks to give out here. first and foremost to my perfect wife stephanie. >> looks like sweet nothings to me. biden then put his hands on her again. again. >> like i always said, gay marriage a cat and a raccoon, but joe was not done grabbing attention, at the large somali population in minneapolis, joe biden pulled a burney -- >> a large very identifiable somali community, i may add if
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you ever come to the train station with me you may notice i have great relationships with them because there are an awful lot of driving cabs. >> the american dream joe he is fantastic -- is he just an affectionate man, is that all there is to it? >> i hear he is a touchy feely -- i heard he whispered in her ear, can you back up a little bit, that is creepy. she slipped on the ice a few hours earlier. he is trying to make her feel nice. >> that was good -- >> except for what he said. >> guy is this an impeachable offense? >> i learned the answer on this show is absolutely yes. an impeachable offense for this administration. >> that is a trick question because he is the vice
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president, and you can't impeach the vice president. you're going to have to go, guy, we have some things over there for you. >> i think they're wrong because we have already impeached the president, so joe biden is the president -- >> the names of my ferret what do you make of this? >> creepy but not surprising. this is less creepy than what he was doing to the young girls at the swearing in ceremony. >> this is such an unfair tag, he is just one of those old guys -- >> what if he was 30 years younger, an attractive younger vice president would it still be okay? >> that is reverse ageism. he is getting blamed for it. >> no it wouldn't be okay, would it? imagine if it was dan quayle, the very sexy dan quayle. >> once you have gray hair and you're past the age of 70 --
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>> really? you can be as creepy as you want if you're old? >> if they did a study they would find more old guys with their robes open than younger guys. it was done by robe monthly. a study at harvard robe -- >> it is not like he is just some guy at the nursing home, he is the vice president. >> do you really think with all the cameras around he was molesting on the woman and hitting -- >> he was leaning in for more kisses and she kept pulling and he kept going. >> you tend to disagree with him. he likes putting himself in the center of attention, with the health care signing he likes to whisper something because he knows -- you have friends like this when you get a picture taken or when somebody is meeting a celebrity and they lean in, and they know if they lean in, the camera comes in on them. this is a thing they do, i think he does it because it takes the
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camera and everything and puts it on him as the president is talking, he is doing something. that is my theory. >> i think he is a fred willard character. >> fred willard, every character he says is inappropriate but in a jocular manner so it's okay. one of them have based their career off the other and i'm not sure which. >> and fred willard, he was playing that role so often that fred willard turned into fred willard, what was his name? i can't think of it. >> but he was the guy that was busted in the porno theater -- >> my point exactly. >> yes because i firmly believe that once joe biden is out of office he will be busted in a porno film. >> you're terrible, andy, i'm not letting that go. joanne, let's say the vice president did the same thing to you, would you be oh, wow, the
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vice president touched me, and tweeted oh, i felt his warm hands on my back and tweet, instagram, the things you do. >> and then my chill would run up my spine and i would follow him to wherever he whispered. i do wonder if his family or the president sits him down and says you really shouldn't do this. because if they are not, they're enabling him, they're allowing him to claim more victims and that is not right. >> mrs. biden, right? dr. jill biden, she sees him rubbing the shoulders of this woman. >> i think he is an old guy just like -- >> i think it is first degree -- i'll tell you what is sick, when he gets in the cab with a somali driver then he leans over while he is driving and puts his tongue in her ear. >> he also says look if you come to delaware, you will see i'm
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friends with these guys they drive the cab. they're not your friend he is that annoying guy who thinks he is everybody's pal. >> we have really taken this segment apart, we'll wrap this up. he doesn't do this to men. he is homophobia-like. if he was rubbing the shoulders of i don't know the husband of -- nancy pelosi. >> right, right. >> then i would say -- >> he is a homophobe no better than the isis animals. >> i think -- and racist and islamic-phobic. >> coming up, why do jihadis love porn? because they're guys first we're doing this for our sponsor. >> lions have been the king of the jungle for too long, we must remember that all animals are created equal except for the flat foot, they suck. d equal,
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the the car and the truck is chasing dennis weaver down the road. it's basically jaws with trucks, i'm talking about the made for tv movie dual. it's a feature film in canada it was spielberg's first film.
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they reported that alex rodriguez writes like a girl. tuesday, he wrote a letter to fans apologizing for his 2014 suspension, and the journal, which is owned by our parent company men's warehouse asked for it to be analyzed. he noted, he writes like a girl that is sexist feminine writing is more rounded with a lot of connections which he has throughout this. she also found meaning in individual letters. his eyes show his ego, his a's show he is protecting personal information. his t's show the sensitivity for information, and of course his p's tested positive for steroids. this was written after not doing
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steroids for a year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i guess we're running kind of low on videos. burney, i guess you feel strongly. >> wait until you see when he shows up at spring training. but listen first of all the apology, he was an idiot to release it during a slow sports news period. he should have released his apology during deflategate for example, so he is stupid. but secondly i don't care about the fans he has to apologize to these idiots. this guy made more money he has more hiney than the rest. i am talking to the fans, he
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doesn't care about you. if you got throat cancer tomorrow he would still enjoy his coffee and watch soap operas. get over a-rod's apology, to hell with him. >> guy do you write like a guy or a girl? >> i am a yankees fan, so i do appreciate the apology -- >> i don't really care. >> you just got guyed. >> we'll see if he can hit, he has never been my favorite yankees. but we'll go back to the handwriting expert look at his a's, no shut up. that is absolutely ridiculous and the whole thing he writes like a girl went there a super bowl commercial that warned us about this type of thing? >> this is interesting, why is saying somebody writes like a girl is sexist, because you're suggesting that is a negative thing. it could be manage that is girl
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issue issuish, which happens to be a complement, which somebody says i have a girlish figure i blush. i maybe take $20 off the fee. >> if it is a girl, they're talking about maude? >> yes. >> and then -- >> i know -- with your obscure references -- >> greg, the point here is it's sexist to say a man writes like a girl in a derogatory way. >> yes. >> but it's okay to say women have better handwriting than men. you have to understand how the game is played. i'm a little disappointed that you don't. this note looks like something out of john doe's notes. >> the only people that write notes are serial killers. >> or mothers.
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the only person writing cursive is your mom. >> i got beautiful letters around the holidays. and they still write delightfully. it's very nice they dot everything. >> that comes back, we millennials, we hand-write letters and then send them by snail mail that does seem ironic, and his publicist said do handwriting, that seems a little less contrived. >> i haven't followed him on twitter, usually it's the follow, and follow back and then the messaging. >> and then at 3:00 a.m., they say can you come over. >> oh, they're really distraught distraught, i better go over. >> you should follow -- do you follow josh grobin? >> i am not a big fan. >> oh really, because i've heard
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stories. >> how did we end up on groben, a lot of women have said that. >> it's nice to write the letter, people never forgive you until you do an apology the real fans only care about how he hits. >> the bottom line -- >> he needs to retire, i don't think there is any redemption story. >> the yankees fans people who hate the yankees hate them. >> i hate everybody i hate this story. their joy turned into the opposite of joy. there was a word for it. carnegie melon not a fruit, bernie, sent out 800 applicants to the masters program by mistake. the e-mail read in part you're one of the select few. less than 9% of the 1,200 applicants were convinced it is the right place for you. welcome to carnegie melon, they
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sent another e-mail saying the first e-mail was sent in error and that all of their hopes and dreams were dead. the students applying for it were applying for the master's program in computer science. as a consolation prize, they were then beat up by the jock, guy, what happened to you? >> i remember getting into college. it was my top choice, i was so excited. and i was trying to imagine it being ripped away from me a few hours later it would have been devastating. if it were a few numbers later just let them in. 800, you probably -- you probably can't. >> i would say that if they don't let them in there is going to be a class action lawsuit, bernie, and it will cost the school billions they will be forced to shut down and open a prison. >> the psychological trauma these kids experience.
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it's just devastating. >> it's going to live with them for years. >> yeah, i -- and my heart just bleeds for them and for the a-rods fan, too, by the way, can you tell? look, it's a life lesson, you're going to have your ups and downs get over it. i can't do anything. >> can't feel for them? >> joanne, imagine if you had gone to college and this happened to you would you be crushed? >> no, because i don't trust e-mails, you wait for the hard copy, people i used to work in the office of admissions at the university, and i used to send out a lot of acceptance and denied letters, and let's just say when i worked there, there were a lot more mistakes. >> if you do it on purpose, it's not a mistake. andy, what is your advice to the
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rejects? >> i still think it would have been much worse if they caught it when the students showed up at school. >> or showing up to the party uninvited, andy. >> but thinking you're invite. >> yes, andy, greg. >> look it's a mistake, i thought the follow-up just said loljk -- >> just say next time, apply to a real school like chico state. that is a great school. >> you end up living with your parents anyway. >> this school has one of the top computer science programs in the country, that is scary. >> it is scary. >> well, i think we'll have to end on that note. coming up the 12 way the world ends. and forward it to autographed copies. back in a moment. but first here is what is coming up tomorrow. but here's coming up
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the most likely causes of destruction. according to the researchers, the assessment of apocalypse risks, among the things that could spell the end, asteroid supervolcano because i had explosive diarrhea extreme climate change nuclear war and unknown consensualquences. what scenario would you prefer to die in if you had to pick? >> i think the climate change. you know, it gets a little warm. and -- >> takes a long time. >> and people walking around naked. >> yeah, not a bad thing. >> a horrible thing i think that is the way i would opt to go out? >> a sensible choice, guy, are
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we doing enough to stop these threats? supervolcano, that is not a normal volcano we at least know where they are, we should take them out. >> and i obviously blame obama on the list i would probably go with the artificial intelligence, and i've seen the show. the battlestar gallactica, and there are those running around trying to escape, i would be one of those -- >> you had an active childhood joanne are you alarmed? >> i'm not alarmed, they didn't use nearly enough exclamation points in the article. the one i'm most terrified about is bad local governance, not the cyber attack because the bad local governance would just be awful. >> it would, i didn't read the story, andy. but i know one thing.
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you welcome the end of humanity. so this was exciting to you that there were so many options. >> i was a little disappointed they only found 12 ways. all they had to do come to me i'll give them another 40 or 50. nuclear war, that is so 20th century. asteroid, we had had two movies like that 17 years ago, come up with something new, please. oddly missing, the ape uprising. >> i have to disagree with you on one thing asteroids were what did it, we were destroyed by asteroids before, so it stands to reason there will be a sequel. >> we were not destroyed by asteroids. >> well how did we lose the dinosaurs? >> well, climate change is not real -- >> i know it's not. >> it's never happened. it was not on the list with the
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zombie apocalypse, and the isis -- what are we talking about all night? where is the isis threat? >> well, you know what -- >> that is the local governance one. >> i think the worst part of the disaster will be all the people around you freaking out. >> i am going to look for somebody with a gun. all right, coming up got video animals, send them to us, there it is.
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always mean healthy. the average diner consumes 1070 calories per visit more than half of the daily recommendation and ranks high in sodium and saturated fat. turns out healthier meal options are found at taco bell and mcdonalds to which i add ha ha, ha i hate you chipotle. >> i like it. it's good. >> look. i'm not scandalized by this. you don't go into chipotle thinking i'm going to have a healthy meal here. i eat two meals today so it works. >> big chipotle is paying his
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bills. >> yeah he's got a $5 gift card coming. >> bernie, i hate this place because they're high and mighty but they're high and flatulent. >> you can make a case. it's a lot of it depends on how much attendant doles out you get a disgrunteled schmuck and you get a half a bowl. earlier in the day you get a nice girl. and it's all in the guac too. >> and a full bowl there, and later on you're guaranteed a full bowl. . >> i don't understand. >> you eat that food every day. >> i'm a long time fellow chipotle hater. here is what i'm annoyed that. places that have replaced the word "meat" with "protein" and
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they say what are your choices with protein? what is your breakfast protein and it's bacon? >> it's meat. stop calling it protein. >> it makes me feel good about myself. joanne you can stand to use. thoughts as a customer? >> i go in occasionally, but just for chips and guac. i don't like to eat a big meal ever. >> you're coming up. >> and it's so salsa verde, am i right? this is all obama's fault. there are pictures of him going into chipotle getting that chicken burrito bowl. >> don't get anything there. don't get anything there. guys we've got to go. >> we failed as a fox news show
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because we didn't mention michelle obama in relation to healthy food. >> well now you did. have a good night, america. special thanks to joan. joanne. and mcgurk. thought i told you to stay off our turf. and what would you know about turf, skipper? let's end this here and now!
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let's dance! flo: whoa there! progressive covers boats and rvs, okay? plenty of policies to go around. [ grunts ] oh, oh, i'm the bad guy? you threw a fish at us so, yeah. yeah. coverage for land and sea. now, that's progressive.
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what's in a can of del monte green beans? ( ♪ )
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grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. with no artificial ingredients. del monte. bursting with life. share with us? go to our website, hello, and welcome to "justice." i'm katie in for judge jeanine. thanks so much for being with us. tonight the latest on the 21 christians brutally murdered by isis, the hunt to track down their killers and what's being done to protect christians in the middle east. another obamacare blunder. this could have their tax returns delayed. first, this week the white house finally held their big countering violent extremism summit but there seems to be a lot of meetings and we know there are a lot of speeches but there's one giant thing that was missing. any mention of islamic extremism. take a look. >> countering violent extremism begins with political, civic


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