tv Media Buzz FOX News February 22, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PST
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semiannual talk to congress this upcoming week. gdp, consumer confidence a lot happening. thanks so much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. i'll be back tomorrow morning on opening bell. have a great sunday. on the buzz beat"buzz beater"," we'll talk to bill o'reilly about an article questioning his war reporting more than three decades ago. >> david corn smeared me yesterday saying i fabricated some war reporting. and so i have for deal with this garbage tonight. >> but corn is standing by the piece and now eric aimburg is joining the critics. we'll take a close look at what happened. president obama taking on his media critics who can't understand why he won't speak frankly about islamic terrorism. and eric holder hitting back at a certain cable network.
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>> we spend more time talking about what do you call it as opposed to what do you do about it. really. if fox didn't talk about this, they would have nothing else to talk about. >> is holder just blaming the messenger? and rudy juliangiuliani mounting a media blitz and being pressed by megyn kelly. >> mr. mayor, do you want to apologize for your comment? >> not at all. >> is the press being fair to the former mayor? i'm howard kurtz and this is "#mediabuzz". bill o'reilly hit back hard against the mother jones speech challenging his war reporting. david corn writing that the fox news host had suggested he was
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in the falklands islands covering the 1982 are war between britain and arrest again see in a. >> basically david corn, a layer, says i exaggerated situations. >> o'reilly says he's allege made clear as a cbs correspondent, he covered a violence protest in argentina in the war's after math. >> i was there in the street with my camera crews. the violence was horrific. soldiers fired into the crowd who were responding with violence acts of that ieir own. i never said i was on the falklands islands as corn purports. i said i covered the talk lands war, which i did. >> bill owe really'reilly gets out there and calls me a liar.lands war, which i did. >> bill o'reilly gets out there and calls me a liar. says he didn't say what he said
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and he's accusing me of pedaling garbage and swil and not really responding to the issue. >> and joining me now by phone is bill o'reilly. bill, let's start with the latest developments, former cbs correspondent in argentina at the time taking you on you in a facebook posting. he says that o'reilly has been correct in describing the situation as somewhat dicey for reporters. we'll get into the details in a moment. but he says this was a pretty tame writing. your reaction. >> it's absurd. i mean it might have been tame for him because i don't know if he was there. i asked him to come on the program. he turned us down. but he's running over to cnn, but he can't come on to my program. eric aimburg was there, and by the way, all of cbs correspondents that was there, five, were sent to cover the
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falklands war. that's what we were told. so that everybody should know. that was the description of what our job was to be. so eric aimburg is calling the riot that happened after the arrest again tine surrendered a quote, relatively tame riot. this is the article written on june 15 1982. i'm quoting. policemen firing tear gas tine disbursed thousands of angry arrest again types who condemned the government surrendering to the britt pish fp tesch.again types who condemned the government surrendering to the britt pish fp tesch. police in riot gear moved in firing tear gas canisters and roaring through the plaza on motorcycles. hundreds fled to the side streets shouting obscenities as police fired gas others ripped down wooden street sign, set
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them on fire. fires appeared as demonstrators threw wastebaskets into them and says them ablaze. one large gray van pulled in to an intersection a block from the plaza, police seized anyone they could. one policeman pulled a miss top firing five shots. leaders of the ten political parties deannounced firing five shots. leaders of the ten political parties deannounced police. several reported that they had been injured. local news agencies said three buses have been set ablaze by demonstrate tors. another one fired upon. it was a type seldom seen since 1986. >> aimburg is suspicious there was actually gunfire. >> he's suspicious of the "new york times" then. okay? not me. he's stus pish issuesus pish house of the "new york times". they reported that.
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>> now, you have said? describing this episode that your photographer was run down, hit in the head, he was bleeding. the army was chasing you guys. aimburg said i never heard of any injuries. sdwr >> and i don't think he was there. i left the hotel and he was still in the hotel. i came running back that night and he was in the hotel. so if he was this in the plaza, where was the video? why did i have to run it up to the feed point? so i don't even know if he was there. i'd like everybody to ask him, were you you there. because his reputation respect his nickname was room service eric. that he never left the hotel. >> one more point from the aimburg facebook posting. he says you violated the bureau chief's orders by having your camera turn on lights to shoot
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footage. >> totally absurd. i was there in the daytime. no order was given for me about anything. we turned on a light one time so i could do a stand up with feel falling around me on a side street. it lasted for about 30 seconds. i didn't know of any order or anything like that. i was working. okay? i was working this whole situation. i mean this is such a smear. s it is unbelievable. june 13 you'reuruguay, and i covered the casualties coming back from the hms destroyed by the argentine air force. i didn't see eric aimburg there. >> do you believe this criticism is personal? >> yeah, because in 1998, i laced him for big footing. why don't you tell the audience what big footing is howard. >> big footing is when a
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journalist such as yourself is covering a story and another better known journalist comes in and basically does either writes the article does the stand up i guess in your case, and you complained about this in a book bob schieffer came in and you left cbs afterwards. >> that's right. so this has been in place since 1998. now, you're a news reporter formally. >> correct. >> if you write an article and send it in and another reporter puts their that i amname on the article, what is that called? begins with a p. >> i've always called it big footing. >> what is it called in print? >> i'll let you you tell me. >> planlg orer are rimp. >> but if you're a colleague working together -- >> i wasn't working with these guys. my crews were magnificent. roberto got hurt, okay? and we tended to roberto but he
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was a tough guy and, you know i left him to run the video back to the bureau. and then i went back. and subsequently he was okay. but he got knocked down. we had to get him out so that he didn't get anymore damage. but they did a fabulous job. this is such a smear and it's a coordinated smear. do you know that eric aimburg was written as one of the worst correspondents on cbs newses into how he smeared steve forbes is this. >> i know there is an mossity there. i know better than any is part of your program -- >> he was working at cbs then. >> i'm saying he is now a fox you news contributor. >> it didn't matter. he wrote that book fafr before he was on fox. >> i understand. let me get you to the bottom line here. because seems to me in my
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analysis of this that the mother jones piece ultimately if you boil it down comes down to this semantic question. you have said you covered a combat situation in argentina. you've said war zones of the talk land conflict. do you wish you had wored edd wordeded if it differently? >> no. when you have soldiers and military place firing mr. to the crowd as the "new york times" reports and you have people injured and hurt and you're in the middle of that that's a definition. all right. >> this is splitting hairs, trying anything they can to bring done me because of thewn me because of the brian williams situation. this liar corn wrote in his original piece that i hammered brian williams. is that true howard? >> no, i know for a fact that's not true because i was on there with you the first night -- >> you know for a fact it isn't
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true. and everybody who saw me on fox news knows it isn't true. so why does david corn have any credibility at all? why? >> you're saying that -- >> no, why does he have any credibility anywhere if he lied in his article about something that demonstrable why would anybody, cnn or anybody else take anything else he says seriously? why. >> >> well corn has been a washington reporter for a long time and some people respect his work. >> who? name one. you can't. he is a hatchet man. you know he is. he's from the far left and all of this is driven -- tell ter at cnn, you don't get more far left than this guy. former "new york times" guy. google him. just over the years. look final word, howard, these guys want to come after me i'm here.
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anybody who says my reporting in argentina was erroneous, they can come on tomorrow night. i got calls into dan rather i got calls in to all the cbs brass at the time. i'm going to get the video. i think they will give to us tomorrow so they can see for themselves. they can see it. i with an everybody to read the "new york times" article. it's up. you can get it. >> i have to get to a where he about that don't go away. when we come back, more on this controversy as we get reaction from david zurawik. and later, scott walker complains about gotcha journalism after ducking a "washington post" question on whether he believes president obama is a christian.
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bill o'reilly is still on the phone. joining us now is david zurawik, television and media critic for the baltimore sun. you just heard mr. o'reilly defend himself. you read what eric aimburg wrote about what happened in because knows arrows. >> room service eric? this is a really fierce battle now. that was one of the questions>> room service eric? this is a really fierce battle now. that was one of the questions that made me hesitant when the story first came out thursday night, was the source of it mother jones and the most prominent person on fox tv. so immediately you have the ideological component to it. which made me wary of it. if you didn't have that, that's one of the many ways this is not the brian williams sorry. ss story. stars and stripes --
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>> david corn used to be a contribute to the fox. he was not renewed. he's now at msnbc. but the headline of that mother jones piece was bill o'reilly has his own brian williams problem. was that headline the tone of the piece in your view, objective, was it fair? >> two things. one, i understand the impulse in the clutter of media to try to severally guy stories. because brian williams was such a big story, try to link this to thing. i don't think it was warranted in this sense. i'll give you another way it's not warranted. brian williams was this charge of a nightly newscast seen by 9 million. they're receipt technically as managing i had it tore and anchor, he decided what went into that newscast. that's a position of journalistic, tremendous journalistic responsibility. bill owe bill o'reilly's show has a very different agenda and no one says
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these are journal ris tick istic entities. so there is a difference right there. >> bill do, you you agree that this has information ofmorphed into a culture war? >> from the very beginning i said this was a political hit piece. but i want to make it clear it on david zurich thatawik that you you wrote last my, you want to hear more -- >> i want to -- >> i want to hear more, too. >> bill, let me answer. what i want to do is be able to talk to him. i want to ask him questions. >> and here's what you ask him. were you there in the plaza? because i didn't see him. and as i told howard, when i left the hotel he was in the hotel, when i got back he was in the hotel. and didn't have any video until i showed up. so if you were there what the hell were you doing. and then you can ask him about
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big footing. and how he stayed in the hotel and the correspondents who went out and put themselves at risk had to come back and he took all their individual and putvideo and put his name on it. and they did that crap all the tile. and anybody challenging my report being down there, have them come on.mle. and anybody challenging my report being down there, have them come on. how can eric aimburg is not on with me? he's on cnn. >> networks haven't touched it. do you think this is getting traction as a story or because it comes down -- there is no dispute bill o'reilly was in argentina, that it fades after a couple days? >> if you had asked me this friday night i would have said it was down trending. as a matter of fact, i've been trying to find it on twitter. i think it only trended for a brief moment and that was when it was announced that bill
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o'reilly was going to take it on on his show. i think now with the back and forth, it does because don't forget, this is 33 years ago. but these are big names involved thousand. and they're questioning each other's memories. look bill o'reilly's strategy is pure bill o'reilly. but it's going to -- and i think they will be studying this in have a tenlg tooic icstrategic communications and pr courses. >> do you think by responding so aggressively -- >> they're trying to impune my career and smear me. nobody's going to do that. okay? and if anybody contradicts what i have said, they need to come on my program and look me will in the eye. eric aimburg is a coward. he could come on and say this didn't happen, i was there, i saw this. i want david, and you howie, to call up aimburg and ask him if
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he was there. okay some i'd like to know if he was there. and if he was, why he had no video. >> i would welcome the chance to talk to him. >> and i know you got to run. we'll have more on this. we're trying to get wrather, erwrather, trying to get the president of cbs news at the time. they're telling me we will have the video that my guys shot. we should have it all tomorrow. >> clearly the story is not over. thanks, bill. and we'll look at whether the networks gave both sides of the debate in their coverage of the president's legal setback on his immigration executive order. but up next, james rosen weighs in on the fewer error of marie harf talking about the root causes behind isis. e... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help.
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expect about bill o'reilly. marie harf touched off a fewer or the other day when chris matthews asked her about isis.or the other day when chris matthews asked her about isis. >> how do we win, are we killing you have? >> we cannot kill our way out of this war. >> har of later said her comments may have been too nuanced for her critics. she works in tandem with jen psaki. i sat down earlier with james rosen fox's chief washington correspondent. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> with jen psaki taking over the white house communications, how are her relationships with reporters? >> i think by and large pretty good among the press corps oig i think she's well cared. she and marie are har of knew their brief. i of course as a fox news reporter wasn't getting the authorized leaks that some other reporters might have. >> it's in secret fox news is
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not the most popular outlet in the administration. so when you dealt with them any particular edge or blow back? >> no i think we got along pretty well given all circumstances. >> any area in which you fault them, with bill o'reilly, for example? >> sure there was that time when jen and maria ascribed sexism to bill o'reilly. i didn't think there was any basis for it. i think so some occasions giving a thumbs up while smiling about fairly serious matters might not have been well advised, but i think they command the respect of the press corps. >> the comments on we can't win the war militarily, some pundits saying this is jobs for a jihadists, your take. >> i think that this all mostly emanates from marie's interview with chris matthews. and thing chris matthews led the charge in taking the remarks out
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of context. i think marie's point was eminently sensible which is you have this cohort of 100 million people in the middle east under the age of 30. and the question sensibly put is what is going to take up the days of those people. is it economic opportunity or something else. obviously it's a long term effort. >> she makes the point that george w. bush, colin powell at various points, have talked about poverty as a tool in combatting terrorism or why people become terrorists. why has it been so explosive? >> well, we live in a different age with social media. apfrably, it won't please my twitter followers to hear me say it, but i've been dismayed by the treatment of marie and jen on twitter and other social media. they are routinely not only vilified, but derided and mocked and intimately personal ways
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that i think bespeak a certain amount of sexism. >> you do think those attacks when they get very personal are sexist? >> i don't think the same kind of attacks would have been directed at male press sects in previous eras or this era. we didn't see ari fleischer photo shopped looking like he's serving french fries at the mall or people referring to them as valley girls and so tort. i don't think it's warranted. >> let's get specific because i've been reading pieces in this national review for example. one article comparing marie harf and jen psaki to you lucy and ethyl. and another piece said marie harf is a misfit. and jen psaki is pippy long stocking. and rude dwi giuliani the other day. >> when you listen to her, i swear to god, you think you're listening to a saturday night live oig parody of a person who should be a press secretary. >> what do you make of that personal mockery?
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>> again, i think it's not well placed. i think these are two professionals. marie has experience at cia. jen psaki didn't exactly have the typical brief to do state department spokesman job, they didn't have experience in foreign policy, but she'd been around high level political players. and why are we comparing her to pippy longstocking is this because there is a commonalty of red hair? that's the only reason i would sigh for that being done. and i don't think it speaks well of kevin williamson who i otherwise respect.and i don't think it speaks well of kevin williamson who i otherwise respect. >> back to the comments about isis. she repeat this haded this on cnn. she said maybe what she was saying is too nuanced for her critics. >> anything that i do wrong and that you criticize must be a reflection of how newuanced i am.
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>> and you're not. >> right. but she was into tough sledding this week. it will be interesting to see what role is accorded her by the state department, by the boomm administration. >> and trying his best to provoke these people into making news, not the always succeeding. thanks very much. >> thank you, howie.the always succeeding. thanks very much. >> thank you, howie. tweets about o'reilly still pouring in. ahead, eric holder take as swipe at fox in depending the administration's refusal to talk about islamic terrorist. and after the break, rudy giuliani doing damage control on tv after questioning the president's love of america. did the media blitz make things worse. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential.
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politico quoted him as saying i do got believe the president loves america. at first he seemed to be trying to walk it back. >> what do you mean by that? >> first of all, i'm not questioning his patrioty the pay the yochl patriotism. i don't know. i'm not a psychiatrist and he doesn't have one and he doesn't need one. >> but then when confronted by megyn kelly, giuliani doubled down. >> do you want to pollapologize? >> not at all. from all that i can see from this president, he apologizes for america. he criticizes america. >> a lot of liberals don't believe in american exceptionalism, but it doesn't mean they don't love america. >> i don't feel it. i don't feel the love of america. >> joining us how, sharyl attkisson, author of the best selling book stone wall. steve hayes, writer for the weekly standard.
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and juan williams, fox news analyst. you saw some of those interviews and the way rudy's tone changed. what do you think of the way the media has made it into a mega story? >> i think they have a right to do that. there are legitimate questions. does the media ask the same sort of questions with the same vigor with president obama when they suggested president bush was ununpatriotic, did they also pursue whether candidate obama wished to apologize. i don't know the answer because i didn't cover it back then, but that's what i'm interested in. >> pundits have been bashing rudy for crossing the line here. conservative commentators have been tepid rather than rallying behind him. your thoughts. >> i think it depends.
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route there is no question he's speaking for a chunk of the con connecticut serve difference base. i think republican candidates who have been asked about this, some sort ofdifference base. i think republican candidates who have been asked about this, some sort of not backing off. >> do you see the media as giving the proper play to pretty incendiary comments or do you think it's being -- >> how long has it been since he's been in office? almost 15 years. >> but he's america's mayor. >> i think it's a story. maybe a two day story. is it a five or six day story? it's not like there is no other news out there. you have iranian negotiations, obamacare. so many other things that journalists could be focusing on. >> what got less attention is this quote from rudy, he wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and i was brought up
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through love of this country. so why has this touched a media nerve? >> that's a big nerve because it plays to the idea that if you were not produce the up in a certain way and have certain values and taught certain values. and he says that, if you are not brought up in a way that you are taught that love of america is a requirement, then you can't be truly a patriot. i was like what is that about? i don't know what that means. because you can be brought up in all kinds of ways. you can be brought up as obama was at times in indonesia and still love your country. you can be gay and love your country. you can be different. race is just an explosive issue. >> and speaking of race i'm not bringing race in to it, i don't think what he said was racist. certainly questionable for a political figure to say about the president, but he calls it a joke since he was brought up by a white mother went to white
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schools. so i guess juan is right, race is forming a backdrop. >> well, the president doesn't hesitate to talk about the race of his parents and family members. so depending on the context, it can be perfectly legitimate to discuss. i'm not sure whether that impacts one way or another in this controversy. >> let me move to the question that has been debated on fox a lot, whether the president's administration should talk about islamic terrorists. we'll talk more about the president's take on the other side. but eric holder taking a swipe at this network saying fox didn't talk about this fox wouldn't have anything to talk about. surprise you that he would turn this into an anti-fox argument? >> eric holder takes a shot at fox. this is what he does. he's trying to shift the blame. he wants to pretend lake foxike fox news is the only one who believe this is. dy find it funny that he labels fox news in general as the problem.
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i think the administration wants to pre-sendtechd that this is just fox versus the administration. but you've seen questions about why they're so insist ebts on avoiding islam. >> it has gotten a lot of attention. new york time dis"new york times" did a story on it the other day. >> i agree. i think fox has a reoccupation with it, but it's also true that cnn, msnbc has done it and the new york"new york times" has done it. >> what is the nature of the preoccupation preoccupation? >> we hit it time and time again. we go back to it as a key element as the criticism of president obama is the failure to use that language. and then it become as semantic battle when it suggests something larger but it's never quite said. but i think that the idea that all these liberal media organizations has said it confirms fox is on to something.
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>> i have to get a commercial in here, but we'll continue the conversation and the president responding to the pundits. and later scott walker tells the "washington post" he doesn't know whether president obama is a christian. is that a fair question? these new nature valley nut crisp bars are packed with nuts, seeds and sweetness. stick to simple, like nature valley nut crisp bars. nuts. seeds. sweetness. boom. delicious. love drama? go on a first date. my passion is puppetry. here? i think we're done here. hate drama? go to research, price, find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama.
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language in describing terrorism. >> there has been a fair amount of debate in the press and among pundits about the words we use to describe and frame this challenge. we are not at war with islam. we are at war with people who have perverted islam. >> steve hayes the president specifically addressing the pundits. eric holder said it was just a fox thing. president obama femt thelt the need to explain himself. >> i think he should explain himself. go back to the address where he said isis is not islamic. a lot of people disagree with that, foremost the people fighting on behalf of isis. i think it's worth having a debate about the septemberextent to which islam has a role.
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>> he devoted a good part of that speech to explaining why he does not want to use the term islamic terrorism. >> and he needs to do a better job explaining it. if you look at the polls the american people, absent any ideological take by the media the american people say they want the president to do more it fight isil and they want him to talk about whether or not this is an islamic threat. so that's coming from a genuine place. and i would say this the president has to exercise some restraint because we do not wants a americans to say we're at war with islam and with every country that has a muslim majority. that's not in our best interests. >> interesting that bill o'reilly says we're in a holy war. ed schultz on ma nbc says we're in a religious war. blindfolded obama says z lame
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being terror? i don't see it. does that strike you as a fair cover? >> i think it is a fair question to ask by a publication like that. but -- >> that he didn't see islamic terrorism? >> he doesn't see it as islamic terrorism because he doesn't see the terrorists of being as the islamic faith. and not the even the president has the power to make something be a terrorist act or not. that's not what is important. the two issues i see are number one, is he affecting a strategy based on whatever it is that leads them to avoid use of this "i" word that he doesn't want to use and secondly i think you have to be careful about sending a message who work with you, your advisers that there are certain things that you don't touch, you might not hear the truth or they might not be encouraged to tell you what is really going on. >> is he quick to invoke islam when muslims have victims and
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quick to limit any discussion when -- >> when you had the christians killed, it was the random killings in the paris deli, which the white house walked that back. which this >> this is not involving president obama, but years ago he when christians within bombing abortion clinics i don't think there was hesitation by the news to say it was christians doing what they believe in regards to their faith. coming up, stick around. cot scott walker tells the "washington post" he doesn't know whether president obama is a christian. and later, the coverage of illegal immigration. fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her
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we're back with the panel. governor scott walker was asked, is the president a christian and he said he didn't know. walker says i haven't discussed it with obama and the spokesman calls the reporter back and he says of course i'm a christian. anything wrong with asking those questions? >> no. because what we're talking about here is the far left and far right divide and we know about questions like, is he a christian, is he a muslim, all the rest. >> or even born in this country. >> right. or you could attack it farther and say what about evolution and shots to get your children immunized and i think it's important at this point to simply say to the right and left of this society, we're done with this talk but we don't see, i don't think, a number of politicians saying you know
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what, i'm not going to pander to anybody. i'm going to tell you the truth. >> governor walker then sort of punches back on twitter and says, enough with the media and the gotcha game. >> i think the entire interview published the entire news was scott walker taking on that line of questioning. he said, i'm not going to concern myself with this trivial stuff that you are asking. there's a huge double standard. he's made it clear he doesn't want to engage in this kind of discussion. maybe he won't be able to pull that off but there's a huge double standard and what's interesting is that two of the mainstream media journalists have admitted this double standard. ed o'keefe said it on msnbc and george and the journalists here
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are mostly over here. so things that strike -- when a republican or conservative says something that might be an outlier, it strikes journalists as it does as if it came from the left. >> if governor walker said, of course he's a christian, there's no controversy. >> if that was a bottomgotcha question, it was a pretty mild gotcha question. the way he answered the question and the way that the media reacted to it, that's part of the game. >> whether you think it's a fair question or not, scott walker is going to talk about what he wants to talk about. all politicians do that whether it's evolution or what so-and-so said, you've got to have a way to hit that pitch. >> more interesting to me is the fact that his press person called to amend what he said afterwards. that tells you a lot about the candidate and campaign that
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maybe he answered honestly the first time. >> thank you very much for joining us today. still to come a judge blocks president obama's un lateral order of immigration. how did the news handle that? so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than
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time now for our media microscope. let's look at the newscasts after a judge blocked president obama's immigration order from taking effect. on world news tonight, the reporter never quite explained the reason and just included one sound bite from the president. >> a texas judge blocking the president's executive order that would have offered protection and work permits for up to 5 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s. late today the president shooting back. >> we should not be tearing some mom away from her child when the
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child has been born here and that mom's been living here for the last ten years. >> cbs evening news included the presidential sound bite but balanced that by devoting time to the judge's ruling and argument made by republicans. >> tomorrow is supposed to be a historic day for millions of illegal immigrants. >> the policy would have burden states with, quote, several million dollars in mandatory costs. >> a piece on "nbc nightly news" began with an impact on those who were here illegally. >> tonight, andrea is devastated worried that her dream of working for the fbi may not come true. >> we were so ready for it and today it just crashed us you know? >> in texas, this man's plan to obtain a ph.d. is at stake. >> sharyl, what is your take?
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>> it's almost as if some of them feel there's only one side to the story the legitimate side and everyone else must be mistaken. a majority of states are fighting this executive order. there wasn't any sense of that in the stories and certainly no emotional argument given to the other side that feels like it's overburdened, what could happen inside their state. >> nbc did have a short sound bite from the governor of texas. and have you in some way tilted the playing field? >> i think so. over time sometimes there could be stories on the other side so maybe not every story leans that way but i think you would be hard-pressed to find an emotional argument. >> thanks, sharyl. of course there are time constraints on these pieces. that's it for this edition of "media buzz." i'm howard kurtz. i hope you like our facebook
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page. shoppers and security teams on high alert as terrorists use a new video to call for attacks on the largest mall in our country. this is america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. >> there was a security threat formal of america and it's been named in a new video by al shabaab which is calling on attacks on western malls. homeland security secretary jey johnson is reminding shoppers to be particularly careful but as
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