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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 26, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PST

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injured. the ugly. r&b singer chris brown forced to cancel shows in sceand -- canada because they won't let him across the border. sproip frocks frocks stardz right now. bye. >> good morning. it's thursday, february 26. a fox news alert. isis in america. three men from new york arrested in an alleged plot to join isis, even threatening to kill the president of the united states. but our secretary of state says we've never been safer. what? >> despite the visible killings that you see, we are actually living in a period of less daily threat to americans and people in the world than normally. >> are we really safer right now? that's the question. >> that is a good question. and hillary clinton's got a
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cash problem. new developments surrounding the clinton foundation with her husband and chelsea, and who funneled in money while hillary was running the department of state? that's an ethics violation in some cases. >> they are lighting it up on our nation's capital. it is legal in washington d.c. but this morning a scary report on how dangerous pot is when you are pregnant. mornings are better with friends. >> i'm tony danza. you're watching "fox & friends." >> tony danza, one of the great entertainers of our time. a song and dance man lives just a dozen blocks from me. >> and a boxer. >> and a taxi driver. he can do it all. thanks for joining us on this thursday. let's get right to this fox news alert. this is troubling. our worst nightmares could be true. would-be terrorists trying to join isis with plans to return to carry out attacks right here in the united states. >> this came down yesterday
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afternoon. the f.b.i. nabbing three new york city residents as they plotted to travel to syria to wainl jihad. >> ainsley earhardt with the chilling details on this. >> the scariest part of this entire case is not just the threat of them leaving the u.s. to join isis but what they would r done when they returned. >> this is real. this is the concern about the lone wolf inspired to act without ever going to the mideast. the idea that it was planned based on their own statements that if they were not able to go that they would seek to acquire weapons here and guns, machine guns and seek to attack police officers. >> here's what we know about the suspects. a 24-year-old legal resident originally from uzbekistan, he worked alongside the 19-year-old at a local restaurant. and that suspect was originally from kazakhstan. the third suspect in
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florida has overstayed his visa. he's charged with financially supporting this plot. two of the men arraigned in a brooklyn courtroom as investigators reveal they began tracking the trio last year after on-line posts on an isis propaganda forum including this post -- quote -- "i am in u.s.a. now but is it possible to commit ourselves as dedicated marytrs any way while here? what i am saying is to shoot obama and then get shot ourselves? will it do? that will strike fear in the hearts of infidels." >> the government has not only their own words on social media, messages to each other but they also had a paid confidential informant who was with them and recorded their own voices speaking about all of their plans including wanting to kill the president. >> the f.b.i. director james comey says because of their powerful social media recruiting isis has infiltrated the entire
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country. >> we have investigations of people in various stages of radicalizing in all 50 states. this is all 50 states and in ways that are very hard to see. >> the man arrested down in florida is now awaiting his court date which will be on march 3. if convicted they each face up to 15 years in prison. >> the final sound bite from james comey, the guy who heads up the f.b.i. that's terrifying. we've known there have been radicals in the new york city area, but for the f.b.i. director to say they are tracking isis wanna-bees in all 50 state, that's crazy. it was three weeks ago today that the president of the united states went on vox and said the media they focus too much on terrorism. there are random things out there with a bunch of folks. this is not random. these are plotters. they aren't folks. muslim extremists who want
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to kill us. >> their ability to reach those who want to recruit has increased exponentially. we know this threat exists. it is standing to all 50 states on our homeland yet secretary of state kerry seems to say the world has never been safer. can you believe this? >> our citizens, our world today is actually, despite isil despite the visible killings that you see and how horrific they are, we are actually living in a period of less daily threat to americans and to people in the world than normally. less deaths less violent deaths today than through the last century. >> i'd like to see the stats on that. this is a time in which our number one enemy in the world iran is doing mock bombings where they hung
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barack obama in effigy and the secretary of state on the streets of tehran. where there was an attack in syria that killed 100,000 of their own people. if you think it is their problem and we're safer here, their problem is coming here. the author of a book on terror was one of president bush's key speech writers and weighed in. >> they don't take the threat seriously. it is not just one flub. this is a constant mantra we're getting from this administration and the realty is that the threat we face today is worse and more dangerous than the threat we faced before 9/11. today you've got isis core al qaeda, you've gotathathathath))/0t
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>> they had a plan b and that was to attack here. >> there are 220 christians we know have been kidnapped and we have seen how that played out before just in the month alone. it is devastating situation
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we're facing right now. do you believe john kerry ask right saying the world is safer today? let us know what you think on facebook and twitter. >> speaking of terror, we have a fox news alert just in. the mass isis terrorists and the jihad john has been identified. according to his friends he is from a well-to-do british family who has a college degree in computer programming. back to that computer again. it is believed he traveled to syria in 2012 and later joined isis. jihad john, as he has been dubbed, appeared on the video of the beheading of american hostage james foley and others. the british embassy saying anyone committing murder for isis will be severely punished. now apparently he has been unmasked. they know who he is. >> "the washington post" has that story today. something to keep in mind, it is a matter of getting these rich people jobs. if we could just get the rich privileged people with computer degrees jobs, we wouldn't have that happen. what's going on with that scenario? >> i love how you're being
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sarcastic here. time and time again we hear they need jobs in community snerns to deter -- in community centers to deter recruitment to isis. >> you lirch to -- listen to the president of the united states when he says the real threat is global warming. >> i'm not sure if that's true but heather nauert is prepared to tell us something we need to know. >> if you talk to friend in the south they will tell you this is a big problem down there. let's begin with a look at the extreme weather folks are facing. here is a look now at charlotte, north carolina. freezing rain and sleet blasting the south turning roads once again into ice rinks. in alabama a car flipping over after it slid down the road. the driver not seriously hurt. up north in maine a 75 vehicle pileup injures at least 17 people there. lanes between newport and
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bangor, maine shut down for nearly five hours. the storm is heading farther east already grounding about 900 flights today. if you live in those areas please be careful if you have to drive. overnight, new video coming out of a deadly attack outside the iranian embassy in afghanistan. a homicide bomber driving a car packed with explosives into a turkish embassy vehicle. one dead, another hurt. the taliban claiming responsibility. it's the first known attack on a turkish target in the afghan capital. here at home, starting today our nation's capital now joins colorado, washington state and alaska in legalizing marijuana for recreational use. the mayor of d.c. taking heat now that people there can carry up to two ounces of pot and use it in private places. now the spotlight turns to florida, and that is where a bill to legalize marijuana was just introduced in the state senate. a similar measure failed in
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florida last year. you remember rob ford, the former mayor of toronto said this? >> yes, i have smoked crack cocaine, but no -- am i an addict? no. have i tried it? probably in one of my drunken stupors. >> take a close look at that tie he was wearing. if you want a piece of that moment, you can bid for it on ebay. ford auctioning off the tie he was wearing that day he made that confession. it's one of several items he's now selling. the top bid right now is more than $1,600. of course he's no longer mayor. he's now suffering from cancer. >> he's already got $1,600 bidding on a tie. >> somebody wants it. >> a lot of money for a tie. >> let's go to politics now. a new blow for potential presidential candidate hillary clinton. there are reports this morning that her foundation accepted millions of dollars from foreign governments while she was
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secretary of state. leland vitter has been on this story. one of the donations broke white house rules; is that correct? >> reporter: it is certainly the rule the clinton foundation agreed to. they had strict ethics guidelines against accepting money from foreign governments. this was agreed to before she became secretary of state. "the washington post" detailed seven countries whose donations totaled in the millions including approximately $500,000 from the country of algeria. at the same time the country of algeria was also trying to lobby the state department. the foundation issued a statement last night appearing to admit a major break to the rules calling what they called an unsolicited donation quote, the clinton foundation received earthquake relief. the entire amount of algeria's donation was distributed as haddadi in haiti -- as aid in haiti. the state department should have been formally
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informed. this raises more questions as mrs. clinton considers a run for the president. >> trouble for hillary on this thursday. >> what was she thinking? >> not thinking. maybe thought could get away with it. the mainstream media they're going to cover it? coming up, more on our top story three extremists right here in the united states looking to wage jihad on american soil and join isis. two legal residents and one was here illegally. how did that happen? >> madonna takes a spill. watch this. the material girl falls off the stage. what went wrong during that big performance? ♪ is not
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amateurish mistakes. in what way? >> they put sensitive information about their plans and movement on-line, a very basic mistake. they are fairly disorganized in the sense they didn't know what they were going to do once they arrived in syria. number three their ambitions were all over the place. they wanted to go to syria but if they didn't make it there they wanted to stay in make turkey and kill people there, kim people here, attack the f.b.i., attack the president. they're all over the place. >> one was going to go to ukraine and then to turkey. the fact is do you think isis would have accepted these three? >> that is likely the case. these three are young citizens in central asian countries and likely self-radicalized here in the united states. all three factor very appealing to isis. >> you look at these three, you see the big announcement.
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i was struck by the f.b.i. director james comey saying we're tracking people in all 50 states. what was behind that statement? >> that, to me, that development yesterday, that sound bite from him was even more alarming than this new york trim story because the idea that -- this new york terrorism story because the idea that we are tracking individuals in all 50 states is not something that was known publicly that was discussed at the national level never mind by a senior u.s. government administration official. this is really new counterterrorism information and i think this is the director's way of standing up for the agency. >> i'm going to go inside our viewers' heads. they're saying wait a second, i saw the secretary of state say around the same time that we're safer than ever before and we're actually -- the terror threat is less. it might seem like more but it is less. at the same time the f.b.i. director announces 50 states, 50 investigations at least and three arrests yesterday. what's the truth? >> the truth is that it's
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not likely that there are radicalized individuals inside the united states in all 50 states who really have the capability to carry out an attack. the point is that at this moment in time we know there's people with this dangerous radical ideology who are here. the real danger becomes when these people travel overseas to officially join forces with isis maybe get some training, maybe get financial assistance and then return here. so this is where the f.b.i. is going to really play a crucial role. >> exactly. then when we get back we can't say thingdz like we're not able to track them all. julian turner, thanks so much. up next on this show, you think eight hours of sleep is enough; right? you are wrong and it could be deadly. another reason not to get up. lighting it up in our nation's capital. marijuana now legal in washington, d.c. but this morning a scary new report. it turns out smoking pot when you're pregnant is not
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news by the numbers on this thursday. first, more than 1,400. that's how many security badges reportedly disappeared over the past two years at the nation's busiest airports. 1,400 gone missing. airports saying the badges are deactivated after reported lost or stolen. they still look real. >> next 13,000 that's how many obamacare customers in washington were accidentally overbilled. the glitch withdrawing premiums from their bank accounts three times. officials promising to fix the problems within 48 hours. british researchers say
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sleeping eight hours or more could actually lead to a greater riive of having a -- a greater risk of having a stroke. the exact connection is unclear. researchers calling for a study on the link to see if there is anything to it. i have never had more than eight hours of sleep. >> a week. >> no one on this couch has. let's change gears and talk about a different health issue. as of today recreational pot is legal in washington d.c. yesterday legalized in alaska. oregon will follow suit in july. >> a dust trend emerging in colorado where -- a dangerous trend emerging in colorado where pot is already legal now mothers who are expecting addicted to pot. how dangerous can this be? doctor, what complications for a woman using pot, how can this affect the baby? >> it is a huge problem and it's not political. it's medical. the first problem is if a woman gets pregnant and
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says i better get op pot now which is probably wise, they can go through withdrawal. they can have a problem with insomnia, abdominal pain irritability and cold sweats. they end up in the emergency room. that is of course a problem for the unborn child. if a pregnant woman doesn't get off marijuana there is a direct impact on the fetus. it could affect brain development. studies from austria and sweden shows it acts nerve development in the unborn child, could have a problem with behavior and judgment in the child after it is born. >> now that it is legal in a number of states and the district of columbia, people think if it's legal, got to be safe. no it doesn't not if you're pregnant. >> of course not. i tell all of my patient that become pregnant anything you take during pregnancy, any kind of medication, same problem that you have with alcohol. march of dimes said with marijuana, preterm infancy
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babies born early, low birthweight, that is in addition to problems with irritability and behavior. they're born having to withdraw from marijuana. imagine that. at the beginning of life. >> the baby? >> the baby. >> the baby is having to go through withdrawal. when you say it's not political, you're right. republicans and democrats former heads of the d.e.a. are urging the united states supreme court to overturn legalization in the states. this is not political. a lot of times when you're pregnant you don't know it right way. you can be well into your first term of pregnancy and be using marijuana legally and not know the damage it's doing to your baby. >> so true. me as a physician i'd have to be in a position if i were in colorado to say -- and i do this with all young woman who come to me i say are you thinking of becoming pregnant? go on those prenatal vitamins now. get off the marijuana now. someone gets pregnant and
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not know it, then they have a problem. >> with alcohol, the same warning you'd give me as in the 1920's? >> i think alcohol is the worst. we teach not to smoke cigarettes when you're pregnant but people keep doing it. the biggest problem here is people don't know they have to get off marijuana because it hasn't been tied in with birth defects yet. >> we've seen the effect it has on the brain. >> huge behavior problems. >> when the brain is developing as a baby in the womb. >> short term and long term, kids that are on marijuana when they're born -- they didn't intend to be on it -- they end up having problems in school problems with judgment problems making decisions, behavior problems more adhd. >> if somebody is pregnant they should get off pot for themselves, for their own personal health, but especially for the baby?
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>> a little time-out on that. i want to tell people out there if you're on pot and you're pregnant you better have a doctor guide you through that. don't just stop it because there's withdrawal there. >> i know you've got to get going. thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. a brand-new warning. what experts are calling a cyber 9/11. who is the targe what's being done to stop it? >> is it fair or foul to recruit kids as the world's greatest basketball player lebron james says stop recruiting my ten-year-old son? is it okay to recruit somebody that age? >> first, happy birthday to michael bolten. he is 62 and it's okay to recruit him. ♪ ♪
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congress only has until friday to prevent the shutdown # of the department of homeland security. ten% of congress says congress needs to work together to resolve this crisis. some said obama needs to step in and fix this problem. 80% said if a shutdown happens can i bring shampoo on a plane again because that is all i care about. >> isn't it different rules at different airports? i have people say what are you taking your shoes off for? i go to new york and they say get your shoes off. >> do you have that pre-check thing? you've got to get that. >> i'm so excited. i take everything out. by the time i'm through they reorganize. i say thank you so much. >> why do they keep looking through your bags? >> i fully disclose. >> have you seen her bags? >> no.
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>> i don't feel secure with that behind the couch. >> let's hope they're able to iron things out in washington. for headlines here at 6:33 eastern, heather's got them. >> great to see you guys. hope you've or to a good day. we start out with a tragic story in north carolina. an america's next top model contestant gunned down. police say the 19-year-old was found dead inside a charlotte home alongside her boyfriend and another man. police believe that it may have been drug related. the top model creator tyra banks tweeting this out, the top model family deeply saddened by the news of mirjana. we love you forever. >> police arresting a man who faces three counts of first degree murder. lone survivor marcus luttrell giving his first interview since eddie ray routh was convicted of capital murder.
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luttrell who was close friends with the kyle family slams routh's claims of having ptsd. >> first of all, having ptsd is not a straight line to commit murder. it's not a straight line to do anything breaking the law. if it is, basically you're saying i can go out and slap somebody around all i want and when the cops show up claim i'm a veteran and i have ptsd, that is not how that work. >> routh's lawyers plan to appeal. it is being called the enter 9/11 a fengs regulator warning within the next decade we will experience an armageddon type entire attack. he is calling for new rules to force banks and insurance companies to better protect themselves against hackers. he says that a devastating hack could spill over into the economy, disrupting our entire financial system. madonna takes a fall, some calling it a bow.
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♪ ♪ that was at a british awards show last night. she falls down several stairs backwards. the 56-year-old was closing the ceremony in london when she appeared to be pulled back by that long, long cloak she was wearing. she later posted to instagram saying that she is just fine. i better there's one dancer who is not working for her this morning. >> she couldn't get the cape off. >> she didn't get it off in time. they yanked her down. >> don't blame the dancer. >> man oh man. >> you might be right about that. >> but she took -- she fell down and got right back up. >> steve and i don't wear capes just for that reason. >> she should be wearing a coat. >> maria molina joins us in new york city where it is 22. >> the wind chill 11 degrees in new york city. another cold one across the
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northeast. another day where you're looking at zero across parts of the southern plains. parts of the southern plains you're looking at wind chill temperatures in the 20's and teens for some of you. another cold day. temperatures below average. forecast will only reach the teens from rapid city and denver and cleveland and caribou, maine. we have a winter storm. it packed quite a punch across parts of the southeast. in mississippi some areas picked up more than nine inches of snow. parts of alabama picking up close to a foot of snow. right now it's coming down quite heavily across parts of virginia and north carolina. we have wirpt storm -- winter storm warnings in effect. lebron james has a message for colleges. stop recruiting his ten-year-old son. james telling reporters that lebron jr. has already gotten college offers. he said it should be a violation and that he ran over to take the sat's. but he's also responsible for some of the hype. in december he tweeted
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highlights of his son playing basketball looking a lot like his dad. per ncaa rules colleges are not prevented from monitoring young talent. what if you heard this on the moon? >> start your engines! >> vince vaughn, one of the stars of my favorite movie the first rover moon race will happen on the lunar surface next year. google setting up the competition between the u.s. and japan. the grand prize is $30 million. con dprat laitions. if people race on the moon -- congratulations. if people race on the moon and where -- we're not there, does it happen. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour. united airlines issued a scary warning to its pilots about near disasters in the sky. >> the dramatic safety
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message being called quote, brutally honest. good morning guys. certainly not unusual for pilots to get memos from their airline about flight safety an procedures but this memo seems to go much, much further than you typically see. this was first reported by the "wall street journal." the memo was sent to united pilots by two corporate vice presidents. they cite four incidents recently that raised alarm bells including an aircraft with a low fuel level and one flight crew that had to perform an emergency pullup maneuver. they talked about this demographic shift going on among pilots. all of this in the wake of merging flight crews between united airlines and continental. here's part of the memo obtained by abc news. we are currently seeing a lot of movement in the pilot group such as retirements and new hires that while welcome introduces significant risk to the operation. and they even cite a
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specific crash back in 2013. that was when a ups cargo jet crashed in alabama, killing both pilot. the memo says let's not for a moment think that that could not happen at united. what they're talking about is a phenomenon called cfit, controlled flight into terrain. it's where a flight crew makes mistakes, sometimes multiple mistakes and they fly a perfectly good aircraft directly into the ground. >> is the problem doug that so many guys and gals are retiring and we have new people and they don't know what they're doing? >> they say sometimes you have a big disparity in the cockpit between an older very experienced pilot and a relatively inexperienced copilot. and sometimes that copilot isn't always comfortable questioning the judgment of the pilot because there's such a seniority gap and sometimes they should question the judgment of that pilot.
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>> 19 minutes before the top of the hour. the judge putting the president's amnesty plan on hold but will the department of justice try to go over that judge's head? there po the -- there's the head of judge napolitano. >> it's right on his body. note to self if robbing a house with an icy driveway, walk slowly. one guy's tough break. ♪ ♪ you get sick you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly... you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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go to ♪ ♪ quick headlines. being a bank robber apparently a tiring job. a texas man stopping for rest after demanding the cash. watch. >> he came in and went and sat down with his back to the teller.
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>> police came in and arrested the 58-year-old who is now facing robbery charges. a robber wipes out on ice after ransacking a home in pennsylvania. he only had an old television, some clothes and then he left with a bruise. judge? >> you've got to be careful when you're doing that. well there's a standoff over the president's executive actions on immigration. a judge giving more time to the state suing to halt amnesty but president obama isn't letting that stop him. >> this is just one federal judge. we have appealed it very aggressively. we're going to be as aggressive as we can. i'm using all of the legal power vested in me in order to solve this problem. if i include everybody, then it's no longer prosecutorial discretion. then i'm just ignoring the law. as i said before there would be a strong basis to
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overturn everything we've done. >> will the department of justice try to go over the judge's head? fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano is here trying to make sense of this for us. >> he's complicated immeasureably by the comment he made last night by basically telling us he's going to do whatever he can to try to get away with around over and avoid the judge's order because the justice department is not happy with this judge. they enforced the constitution and asked him to reconsider his decision and he's taking ten days to do so, and they demanded that he reconsider it right away and threatened to go to a higher court to have the higher court order him to reconsider on their schedule. this is almost out of control. >> at the same time really sort of a slap in the face to the judicial system. >> yes. >> just one federal judge. >> when the president says that, he's obviously trying to demean it. in fairness to the president, when a judge does what you don't want
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him to do, you consider him a judicial activist and just one judge. when does what you want him to do you consider him a legal scholar with courage in defending the constitution. it depends what side you're on. the president has every rielt to appeal and he's -- right to appeal and he's done that but he does not have the right to make frivolous arguments. he does not have the right to try to get around the judicial order while the case is pending in court. that is what he's threatening to do. >> where are you on those that are in positions of authority, where do they side when this case is lingering? >> they work for him and he's basically saying to them, i understood what he said last night, if a family shows up at the border, unless the parents are felons, you're supposed to let them in. that is not the law. he is basically refusing to enforce the law. he took an oath both times he became president to enforce the law faithfully. the reason the framers put the word faithfully in the oath is to remind
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presidents they may have to enforce laws that they disagree with. it's not their job to write the law. it's their job to enforce the law. this president has presumed to write and rewrite the law. that's not me, although i agree with what i'm saying. that's what the federal judge in texas found. >> where do we go from here? >> they're going to go to an appeals court in new orleans. if the fleels -- appeals court interferes we'll have to go by what the court says. if the court does not interfere, we'll wait two years and the president will no longer be president. >> she's been jumping thrup hoops to fight for her second amendment rights and get a gun permit in d.c. up next, investigative reporter emily miller here with a huge update. big news for the kardashians, the big payday to keep them around for another four years. you've got to hear how much
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until last summer washington, d.c. was the only place in america you could not legally carry a gun outside of your house. but that all changes when a judge ruled that rule unconstitutional. our next guest has been trying to gain a carry permit in the district of columbia and has an
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answer. joining us right now second amendment rights proponent and the author of a book emily gets her gun. emily miller. good morning. >> i tell you, i was shocked when i got the decision on my application. d.c.'s new law set the bar very high to get a carry permit for a handgun. you have to prove you have special dangers which are specific and current threats against you or your property. i had very little hope when i applied last fall. i started by going to the firearms registration office at police headquarters. i want to apply for a gun carry permit. the police tell you up front, few will pass muster. >> you have to prove your life's in danger your family or property. you have a type of business where you carry large sums of money, cash or jewelry, under those circumstances that's why you can have a concealed carry
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in the district of columbia. >> i got plofrts from two different threats against me and an fbi warning of a terrorist group targeting journalists. i dropped off my permit. i made $75 that's nonrefundable. now you wait, because somewhere upstairs someone has 90 days to decide whether i get a permit. a sergeant called to investigate my claims of special dangers. the police department called me to say the police chief has made her decision. i'm here to get my letter. keep in mind, any american can apply for a d.c. permit, but only 76 have done it so far. 31 were denied. five canceled themselves and 16 were approved. that means d.c. has approved 20% of aplicatesplicants so far. i can't believe it she said
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yes. why me? the letter is clear. i was approved based on two different threats against me. that i documented with police reports. the police diz not accept the terrorist threat. they said this is a general danger. to get the permit i have to take 18 hours of classes. with an instructer certified by the police. do that within 45 days and come back for the card. just a year ago, no one could legally carry a gun in d.c. today, there are 16 of us who may exercise our second amendment rights to bear arms. the purpose of this was to show how they're abiding by the court decision. as for me i will take the 18 hours of required training then i'll get the actual permit. what i do after that whether or not i choose to carry a gun in d.c. is a personal decision. i'm going to keep that private. >> that's right. if you see emily miller on the streets of washington, d.c. know she has the license.
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why do they make it so hard to get one? it seems like they have so many hoops you've got to jump over for people who have a genuine need for it. >> the city council in d.c. believes that law abiding people with guns make the city more dangerous. they make it as difficult as possible. >> it just seems extraordinary over 20% have been approved. >> you don't have to be a d.c. resident to get one, but because it's so hard to get it, only 16 have done it. >> thank you. meanwhile, breaking overnight. the isis thug known as jihad john identified. details about that masked man who beheaded a number of people straight ahead. never doubt the power of friendship like these two. a chicken and a two legged dog. they're best friends. from the world's most unlikely
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good morning. today is thursday february 26th. a fox news alert. isis poster boy jihadi john finally unmasked. his name, where he's from and his ties to one of the united states's closest allies. we have it. >> this is three terrorists arrested here in new york. their plan shoot president obama. but was this an fbi sting to make us feel safer? information you will not hear anywhere else. she was representing the united states of america as our secretary of state. at the same time her family foundation taking millions of dollars from those countries at the same time. it's a major problem that could crush hillary's white house dreams.
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we will tell you more about that and so much more. live from new york, it's "fox and friends". we're getting right to that fox news alert for you. terror right here at home. would be terrorists trying to join isis, the fbi nabbing three new york city residents as they plotted to travel to syria to wage jihad. >> here's what wooun about the suspects. one is 24-year-old legal resident originally from uzbekistan. he worked at a local restaurant. the other suspect from kazakhstan. the third who was arrested in jacksonville, florida had overstayed his visa. he is charged with financially supporting the plot to buy the airline tickets. >> that's a 30-year-old. feds began tracking the theo
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last year after posting to a forum. is it possible to dedicate ourselves ourselves here? we will strike fear in the hearts of infidels. the president wasn't their only target. >> this is real, this is the concern about the loan wolf inspired to act without ever going to the middle east. the idea that it was made quite plain based on their own statements. that if they were not able to go, that they would seek to acquire weapons here. handguns machine gun and seek to attack police officers. >> the fbi director saying the terror investigations are taking place in all 50 states. judge andrew napolitano joins now to discuss. what do you see in this?
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>> i see two ways of looking at this. the fbi's way of looking at this is these guys had a predlikz to cause harm and probably would cause harm and they're off the streets. another way to look at it nobody was ever in any danger because of them. in their midst of them working with them was an undercover fbi agent. so the entire operation. >> eventually. >> right. the entire operation of the three of them was under the control of the fbi. the fbi would be the first to tell you that nobody was ever in dask dasker. >> i don't think they were under control of the fbi. the guy made the online threat against the president in august. they didn't arrest him on the spot, three weeks later he gives up the other guy. >> the decision not to arrest him on the spot is probably a very good one. that enables the fbi to gain access to other people that these guys are involved with. it also enables the fbi to put an undercover agent who they
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think is one of them. the bad guys thinks is one of them in the group. think of how unsophisticated, unprofessional these guys are that they would put on a website and on the internet what their plans are. >> the means of communication isis is using to recruit. >> is this a real serious plot? or is this one -- i suggest people look at it both ways ginned up by the fbi so they can take credit for this kind of an arrest and these people can be stopped. obviously bill bratton and the fbi agents know more about it than we to. an intelligence official suggested to me last night that it might have been better let these guys go over to syria and let the nsa monitor them so we know who they're involved with and what they're doing. that would have provided more intel than just this arrest. >> we lose total track of them once they go into the abyss.
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to the pintoint when they come back, the director two weeks ago most of them we don't know where they are. now we're going to take those three guys and let them go into syria. >> tomorrow at cpac we're debating about the constitutionality of the nsa spying. he's going to tell me that they can find a pinprick anywhere in the world. that they can follow any cell any piece of any computer anywhere on the planet. i think they could have followed. >> the fact they're home grown and recruited here. >> obviously it's a danger that bill britain and the fbi are aware of and on top of. >> let me ask you this, loretta lynch says isis isevolving threat. john kerry says we've never been safer. >> our citizens, our world today is actually, despite isil
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despite the visible killings that you see and how horrific they are we are actually living in a period of less daily threat to americans and to people in the world than normally less deaths, lets violent deaths today than through the last century. >> that is such good news. >> may i say there are none so blind as those who will not see. i mean his statement defies logic. defies the headlines. defies what we know is happening right around us. >> yeah. judge, thank you very much. it was a twofer today. we got him for two quarter hours already. >> good morning, always great to see you here. i've got important news to bring you out of washington, d.c. the fox news alert. the masked isis poster boy we've called jihadi john, he has
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just been identified. according to today's washington post. according to friends that the post spoke with he's from a well to do british family with a clenl degree. the paper naming him as mohammed emwazi. the british government ask that he not be identified. it's believed emwazi had travelled to syria back in 2012 and later joined the group isis jihadi john appearing in the video of the american hostage james foley who was beheaded. the british embassy says anyone committing murder for isis will be punished. extreme weather to bring you. winter storms wreaking havoc. take a look in charlotte north carolina. there is snow sleet blasting the south turning roads into sheets of ice. in alabama, a car flipping over after sliding off the road. that driver was not hurt.
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and then up north in maine a 75 car pileup on a snow covered highway leaves 17 people hurt there. lanes between newport and bang ormain were shutdown for five hours. that storm is heading further east where flights have been grounded. america's top model contestant gunned down in a triple homicide in north carolina. police say maur yawna pew har was found dead inside a home alongside her boyfriend and oorthd man. police believe it may have been drug related. tyra banks tweeted out we are troubled by the tragedy news. the police arrested this man, who faces three counts of first degree murder. you know, the family that we all love to hate unfortunately they're not going anywhere anytime soon. the reality show keeping up with the kardashians just inked a
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deal for $100 million for four years. this is the highest price for a reality show in television history. kim, her sisters and her mom have signed on to appeal in the new fourth season. kim's husband kanye west will not appear in it. bruce jenner, will be on another reality show to document that. he will not appear on the kardashian show. those are your headlines. >> the highest paid ever. more than potsy and ralph and fonzie. as of today it's legal in the district of columbia to have recreational marijuana in your possession. if you were with us about an hour ago you heard from dr. marc siegel the unintended consequence of a woman like that smoking -- >> we have a lot of pot videos. >> if she were pregnant, they're
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thinking okay, it's legal i can smoke it. it's safe. it is not safe for your unborn child. here is dr. siegel. >> there's direct impact on the fetus that could affect brain development. two studies out last year shows that it affects how nerves conduct in the brain of an unborn child. kids that are on marijuana when they're born -- they didn't intend to be on it. they end up having problems in school, judgment problems making decisions. behavior problems, more adhd and later on problems when they grow up. >> they're looking at this now because a few days ago nine former heads of the dea, republicans and democrats with concerns of this new emerging health crisis. before what they were looking at kids who accidentally ingested edible pot from their parents who were ending up in the emergency room. now they're saying let's take it a step further and look at the
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baby in the womb. >> we were talking in the break with judge napolitano. he said in some states if a woman who is pregnant takes a drug or smokes marijuana she could actually be charged with distribution of a substance to the child. in this case, to a minor. >> if you are pregnant and think you can smoke pot and not affect the baby, you're on route to being the worst parent. >> if you are smoking pot and it doesn't happen to be legal and you don't think you're pregnant and you find out you are. the damage could be already done. we know what that first trimidwesttri trimekter. >> people think it's legal. it's got to be safe. it is not. meanwhile it's 711:00 in new york city. the air waves were packed this week with attacks republicans --
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part of the prompter not in english. what stories got scrapped in their place. >> large, very identifiable somali community. i might add if you ever come to a train station with me you'll notice that i have great relations because there's an awful lot of driving cabs. >> so main stream media giving both sides equal treatment. the examples are coming up next. >> stunning. and way before mily cyrus and the kardashians a young man in new jersey snapped the first selfie. look closely, can you guess who this is? ♪ i have the worst cold with this runny nose. i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights
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feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out knock it out, fast. abreva. read all about it. the liberal media shifting into overdrive this week trying to catch the got you moments several prominent republicans. did they give one side the same treatment as the other side? let's take a look we have a radio talk show host. she joins us from washington. good morning. >> good morning.
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great to be with you. >> scott walker according to the latest poll, is the number one guy out in iowa among the republicans. yet, he was mocked for his faith. he said at a speech in nashville, i am still trying to decipher if this is god's calling about whether or not to run for president. and then this fellow this tweeter, this blogger at a political blog said governor scott walker's office was unable to provide any transcripts of his conversation with god. you know i don't remember -- i've heard the president talk about how he talks to god for inspiration. i don't remember him getting mocked. >> that's right. clearly, again this is liberals taking attacks unfairly against a rising gop star. it's shameful. millions of americans and people all over the world believer in god. they believe in religion they pray to god. that's a beautiful thing. it's a good thing. it should never be mocked.
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people should never be ashamed to have a relationship with god. clearly this blogger was totally out of line. i'm glad he apologized. i read his apology online and it seemed insincere. >> you're right. meanwhile hillary clinton was channelling one of the acceptance speeches from the oscars a couple of days ago. she was giving a speech in silicon valley when she said this about women's pay. >> a woman with a bachelor's degree here tends to make 60% less than a man with the same degree. >> okay. a night or two before patricia arquette had said the same thing out at the oscars. she has a problem, hillary does with pay because between 2002 and 2008 female staffers for her as secretary of state, got $15,000 less than man. it's about a 28% gender wage gap. >> sure. clearly, that's a huge hypocrisy
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and hillary clinton needs to be held accountable for that. i wrote a column about this yesterday in the boston herald. if the media did their job, they should be reporting this to am american people. it's so phony that president obama and hillary clinton claim they're for equal pay. when we look at their staff men are being paid more than women. those phony politicians need to walk the walk. it's a shame that the media, like i said is not doing their job. they should be teppinglling the american people the truth. >> meanwhile one final got you thing, rudy guiliani was quoted at a dinner at the 21 club about a week ago where he said he questioned whether or not president obama loved america. we're going to play what he said to us about that. and then put right next to that something crazy that joe biden said which has gotten very lit
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publicity. listen to this. >> there's rhetoric. i very rarely hear him say the things that i used to hear ronald reagan say or bill clinton say. i do hear him crit gicize america much more than other presidents. >> if you ever come to the train station with me, you'll notice i have great relations with sumollies because there's an awful lot of them driving cabs. >> clearly. this is media bias. the main stream media is actic like a private pr firm for democrats. we know this because what they do is they report the news that benefits democrats and that hurts republicans. we see this over and over. this is yet another example. you know with mayor jollguiliani.
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main treme media gave president obama a pass but then mayor guiliani got attacks and received death threats for questioning the president's love of country. there you go. >> thank you very much. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs.
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because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. just about 24 minutes past the top of the hour. the trial over whether blurred lines was stolen from marveen gaye. robin thick proving his song does not infringe. the singer singing to show many songs chair the same chords.
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officials say it's because of brown's criminal record for beating up ex-girlfriend rehaunta. is this the first selfie ever taken want? that's a 23-year-old frank sinatra taken in 1938. it's been released for a new exhibit in new york city. featuring sinatra family photos. >> what a great idea. whatever happened to him? >> i don't think you should take pictures in the bathroom. by the way, new york is his kind of town. this morning a new blow for potential presidential candidate hillary clinton. reports claim her foundation accepted millions from foreign governments while she was secretary of state. did she break the white house rules? here to weigh in is stuart varney. how big a deal is this? >> hillary clinton has money trouble in three different areas. this is one of those areas. it's not the amount of money that's flowed in, it's where the
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money comes from. item one, money came in to the foundation from foreign governments. that raises the possibility of a conflict of interest. if she became president clinton would the decisions he makes about foreign governments be about the money she got from them. it's poernl conflict of interest. if she becomes president will she be influenced by the foreign governments that gave her money in the past. >> remember when the lincoln bedroom was lease it looks like you give them money and you get stuff. >> item two, she has received millions of dollars coming into the foundation from wall street from the big banks. that is an embarrassment from a democrat especially in the primaries when elizabeth warren who is the archenemy of wall street may be running against
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hillary clinton. that's item two. >> it's hard to run against big money. >> when you're getting it from the the money center on the planet. it's going -- the money goes to a third party, getting around the rules on conflict of interest. >> here's the clinton foundation says with all the donations it received for earthquake relief. the entire amount was given to haiti. however, the state department should have also been informed and they were not. and we're talking about the $500,000. >> that would be a major breach of the rules. >> the same rules that she agreed to before she became technically secretary of state. went through a whole list and suddenly this thing from algeria, which has terrible human rights and was lobbying for subsistence looks bad. >> there's one third area speaking fees. hillary clinton has earned over $5 million in speaking fees
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since he was the secretary of state. she gets about $225,000 per speech. add it all up and that puts her way into the top 1%. that is an embarrassment. a financial embarrassment for a democrat running on i presume, income inequality. $225,000 for a speech. >> we don't know what she's running on. that is one of the things the democratic party talks about. >> she's running against elizabeth warren who hates wall street. >> the donations at the time of her -- confirmation and time of secretary of state are really the big deal. >> i think so. because foreign governments gave that money how will she treat those foreign governments if she becomes the president. >> stuart will be doing his show. it's mostly a musical. go to
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>> we're about to hit some major turbulence here. what happened to this plane's nose and how the pilots were able to make a safe landing. then the president issuing a threat to ice agents. follow my executive order on immigration or else. but that order still tied up in the courts. is that fair? we'll report. you'll decide. ♪ nexium® 24hr. it's the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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all right. comfort revolutions. what the partnership is about. when we see this fantastic car right here and what it can do. donors who want to participate in creating a family centers for patients and hospitals. get the chance to ride around and use this piece of machinery right here. >> they have a driver to take them around. >> how do we get this car? >> it's a rolls royce. >> you make a donation to the michael dukes foundation and it goes to help kids at a children's hospital to build a family center for them. >> you know the importance of a family center is important because parents and children have a place to go. >> it's an oasis. it's inside the hospital but it's a home where they have computer rooms a movie theater. they have computers for children to play video games. >> this is a lovely way for you
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to thank the people who donate. if people would like to make a donation to the monmouth medical center and wind up with this, where they can use it for a night or so with a driver. >> weddings, any kind of event to go out for the evening. >> how do people donate to get the car? >> they go to michael fields >> go to >> i'll be happy to pop in shot shotgun. >> there are no keys in here. heather, time for some headlines. >> fantastic looking car. this morning, there are reports of iranian citizens hanging president obama's effigy. even as the united states attempts to broker a nuclear
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deal. hundreds of thousands of people chanting against the united states and israel at a rally as flags with burned and trampled. all this coming a day after iran's military blew up a mock u.s. warship. a rear admiral in the guard saying other countries should pay, quote, good heed to iran's capabilities. president obama issuing a chilling warning to ice agents who don't follow through on his executive actions on amnesty. listen. >> the bottom line is if somebody is working for ice and there's a policy and they don't follow the policy there will be consequences to it. >> president obama likened it to military personnel being expected to follow their orders. there's just one problem, though, with this comparison. a federal judge has issued a ruling halting the executive immigration order in its tracks. we'll keep following that story. the wisconsin state senate
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passing a controversial right to work bill with expected resistance from unions. there they are. again back at the state capitol protesters chanting shame in madison. now it heads to the assembly where republicans hold a majority there. the right to work bill will prevent sector employees who work under the union contracts from being forced to pay union dues. imagine being on this flight hail from a violent thunder storm so fierce, look at the dent in the nose of that commercial airplane. it smashed the front windows of the cockpit. that plane was able to make a safer landing, no one was hurt. what do they call that? thunder hail i think maria says. those are your headlines. >> sounds good. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. winter storm packing snow, sleet and freezing rain socking the
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south. that's the difference. more than ten inches reported in alabama and other areas. that storm taking aim at the east coast which i think we're around the east coast. we are live in north carolina. what's happening? it looks like boston? >> reporter: it does. i was going to say, i know this looks very normal to all of you up in the northeast. this is so unusual for us here in north carolina. there is about 5, 6 inches on the ground. that's not the problem, though. everything is closed all the schools, businesses. want nobody is on the roads. here's the problem. there's about three inches of snow and ice on our trees. it's bringing down a lot of power lines. right now about 200,000 people in the state of north carolina don't have power. it's freezing for us. this all started if you want to take a look at video about 9:30 last night. the snow came down hard overnight. dumping all this snow on us. and then at about 3:00 in the
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morning when i was heading out to my live shot. i discovered people wanted to play in it. they were snowboarding and sledding down this overpass on the side of the hill. i jumped in, decided to sled down the hill myself as well. so a lot of people out playing in it, having fun with it. but hoping the power comes back on soon. >> do you go to work with that? you just said in between live shots i think i got to keep myself entertained as opposed to reading a book? >> no. no. this is all unusual for us. we do whatever we can to make it through the snow. i promise. >> i'm going to send you a flexible flexible flyer for next year. we got to see what type of apratting marina molina is using. >> it's cold here in the northeast. so i need the heavy jacket. but we are tracking a storm system that produce said more than a foot or snow in some areas across parts of the southeast. and winter storm warnings are
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still in effect in parts of virginia, north carolina and up into parts of delaware and maryland. the storm packing a punch out there. be careful on the roadways. totals could be about a foot. >> one thing is happening in the world of sports then we'll move on. reggie bush has been an impact player throughout the nfl. he was cut today by the detroit lions. the team releasing the 29-year-old after just two seasons in detroit. last year he was plagued with injuries and only scored two touchdowns. he cost a lot of money. florida state freshman mayes making a huge name for himself in college hoops. he scored 30 points in the last four and a half minutes in last night's game. it was not enough to beat the hurricanes. miami wins 89-77. i didn't think that was possible. >> that's why he made our
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highlight reel. >> that's good. i think he just left and went to the nba today. i think he's in the league right now. >> it's a good day for him for sure. >> meanwhile, state ahead it's got many of you fired up. the mall of america banning guns even though terrorists have threatened to target. should we be disarming citizens? a state congressman who is also a veteran up next. >> a two legged dog and chicken becoming the best of friends. >> they need a bigger cage. first your trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1973 this former running back holds the nfl record for most two point conversions. what? who is he? go to and you'll get something really important.
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oh i'm on the cookie air diet. you just... and that's it. i prefer real food fruit, nuts, and whole grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. let's get real.
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got a couple of quick headlines for you. cops in jackson, mississippi, forced to lean spanish or face disciplinary action. the new program is designed to give the police officers basic communication skills in emergencies. critics say spanish speakers here legally should be encouraged to learn english, not the other way around. one construction worker is lucky to be alive after a building collapses with him inside. the worker was on the third floor of the new york city building. somehow the irk wither balanced
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himself on a piece of scaffolding. i believe that was a parking structure being taken apart. >> no guns allowed at the mall of america. despite the fact that the massive shopper center continues to step up security after a threat by terror group al shabaab. they're holding to their policy to keep americans disarmed. our next guest says this will create a kill zone of unarmed sheep. republican state representative tony cornish chair of the minnesota house public safety committee. he was law enforcement 32 years and served in the army national guard. what does the sign to you say, for those at the mall of america will not be able to carry arms, what does that do? >> it makes the mall of america less safe. i mean, in america we feel a perceived threat we're don't call to disarm, we're called to arms. by disarming everybody they're telling a terrorist or would be
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robber or somebody who is going to assault them this is a gun free zone and these are a bunch of unarmed sheep. >> particularly on the heels of this threat from al shabaab do you think it is ever more important to allow americans to protect themselves and others? >> yeah, we see a threat from all sides, not only internally but externally. people are aware of that. when they're invited to come to a shopper center and then they're told to disarm them and leave their guns at the door and the signs are in english. they should be in the language of the countries that are sending the terrorists here. i doubt they're going to come up to the sign and read it and leave their gun at the door. why should we? >> we kept hearing from officials that we need to be particularly careful when it comes to the minnesota mall here. how are we supposed to be careful if you're there shopping and you can't protect yourself or somebody else? >> just think about the people that have been involved as victims in these shootings. they are probably praying for
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somebody to show up with a gun. the only thing that the mall america is telling them to do is run hide and scream that's not acceptable for americans. >> let me mention here, there was a case in oregon 2012 when in fact, a shopper at the mall drew a personally owned firearm to protect somebody else. we have seen examples in the past of this working where someone who was privately carrying was able to protect. what are the down sides if you are to have private citizens in a mall carrying firearms? >> i don't see the down side. they always talk about cross fire and somebody getting hurt in the wild west. that's a hypocrisy. people should be allowed to defend themselves? what's the alternative? watch somebody open up with an ak and maim and injure dozens of people? i think people will feel better about a law abiding citizen holding a firearm than a terrorist. >> we appreciate you joining us
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breaking that down. >> thank you very much. justice is served chris kyle's killer, locked up for life. now his brother is opening up about the verdict jeff kyle is with us here live. never doubt the power of friendship. who would have guessed a dog and rat would be best buddies? i wouldn't have. the duo is here live. they're kind of cute together. >> on this day in 1969 every day people by sly and the family stone was the number one song in america. ♪ [announcer:] what if one stalk of broccoli could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? [man grunts] one wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain difficulty breathing and may even put you in the hospital.
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prevnar 13 ® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 ® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. limited arm movement, fatigue, head ache muscle or joint pain less appetite, chills, or rash. even if you've already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. get this one done. ask your healthcare professional about prevnar 13® today.
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the answer to our trivia was marshall faulk. congratulations tom you get my book. i'll sign it and send it. we have a quick correction in 1969 we had a fact wrong. we said every day people was the number one song, the song you just heard was love will keep us together. the good >> love will keep together two of our next guests. >> it sure will. >> have you ever seen a hunting dog play hide and seek with a
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mouse. watch. >> olivia being a rodent is a burrower. it's for safety. they like to go under the grass or leaves or a blanket. the funny thing is that cooper wants to play with her and be with her. she's always burrowing under he keeps digging her out. >> joining us right now, cooper the dog, olivia the mouse and their owner chris and the host of nat geo unlikely animal friends. so is any of this true? >> it's totally true. you can see these guys. they have grown up together. this is olivia this is cooper. chris has raised them together. they're best buddies. a little excitable right now. >> was it friendship at first sight? >> it was. i teach children in school about wildlife and stuff. i have to show up with some
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pets. cooper is a escareue i've had for just over a year. i thought he might bite the rat because he's a hunting dog. he took to the rat and she adores him. the nanny part of him came out. here's a caretaker. >> cooper is excited. >> this is the perfect example of what unlikely animal friends is all about. there are so many examples of these animal friendships you would not expect. >> like the dog and the two legged dog and the chicken? >> absolutely. the two legged dog, a goat and a donkey. birds and cats, animals that normally would be predators and prey. >> how do you explain it? >> it's almost always in captivity captivity. for me, as a naturalist, the thing that's amazing is that animals are actually individuals. not every dog and rat are going
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to be able to be friends. that's what is unique about this. >> they don't eat the same stuff. i would imagine that would be good for the rat because the dog isn't interested in the rat food. >> rats are omnivores and so are dogs. they both will each anything. >> as long as they don't eat each other. >> i'm a natchrists with the national wildlife federation. most of the news out there is bad news. what's great about unlikely animal friends, these are feel good stories. yoi going to watch this with your family and your heart is going to be warmed. it's great. >> my son is reading a book called unlikely friends. >> that is what this is based on. >> it's a great message for kids as well. >> some of the animals that are featured in the book are going to be on the series. >> we also have images of a little boy taking a bath with a dog. tell us about that. >> i think that's how my parents got me in the tub. >> there are some examples of
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humans and animals that have had just like, a really really tight bond. even more so than your regular sort of pet owner relationship. >> that's adorable. >> there's a story that went viral of a little boy who was attacked by a pit bull. and this cat -- do you remember this? what's great about unlikely animal friends they do a deeper dive. we get to meet the child the cat and learn more about them. it's amazing. >> normally these pairs are on a cartoon, but you bring it to real life in your show. >> if anybody is watching right now and you have unlikely friends, send us a picture. >> if you have a lion see if he gets along with a bear. >> thanks. >> don't forget about cooper. >> unlikely animal friends premieres friday, february 27th at 10:00 at nat geo wild.
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>> you got ahold of that rat tail. >> chris kyle's brother here to speak out fresh off the american sniper verdict. he says it's not over. a man kicked off an airplane because the flight attendant thought he was a terrorist on the run. but he wasn't. he was heading home to his fiancee. can he sue? ♪ let me talk to you about retirement. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable professional. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] woman: [laughs] no way! that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro you just don't know. cfp -- work with the highest standard. i love life, whether i'm on the go, spending time with friends or with my favorite date. i take care of myself, and i like what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm
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the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and
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good morning to you today is thursday february 26th. i'm elizabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. isis poster boy jihadi john finally unmasked. his name where he's from and his ties to one of the united states's closest allies. we have that information.
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three extremists arrested here in new york city. their plan join isis, shoot president obama and blow up coney island. what we're learning more about these three. >> justice served american sniper chris kyle's killer locked up now his brother is speaking out saying the fight is not over. jeff kyle with us this morning. mornings are better with friends. we have been busy this morning. >> i think i might be allergic to the rat. >> you wouldn't be the only one. >> i think i'm emotionally allergic to the rat. >> heather nauert you are posed to give us the news. >> a fox news alert, you know the masked isis poster boy who is known as jihadi john? he is now just been identified.
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friends tell the washington post that these guy is from a well to do british family. he has a degree in computer programming from a college in the uk. the paper naming him as mohammed emwazi. it is believed that emwazi travelled to syria back in 2012 eand then later joined isis. he appeared in the video of the beheading of american hostage james foley. more on that story later. back here at home extreme weather wreaking havoc across the country. snow, and ice making travel in the a 75 car pileup at a snow covered highway leavingson people hurt so far. lanes between new port and bang or maine were shutdown for five hours. that storm moving further east. flights have already been
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grounded today. be careful if you have to go out. a serial shooter on the loose. the his compazts sketch is being released of a guy who is suspected of killing one person and then randomly attacking four others, all within the last week. he is known to target pedestrians from his suv. which is described as a dark jeep cherokee. there is currently a $5,000 reward for his arrest. police are advising citizens to not walk around alone until this guy in the houston area is caught. starting today our nation's capitol joins colorado, washington state and alaska in legalizing marijuana for recreational use. people there can now carry up to two ounces of pot and use it legally in private places. now the spotlight turns to the state of florida that's where a bill to legalize marijuana was just introduced in the state senate. a similar measure failed there last year. those are your headlines. i'll see you back here in a
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little bit. the news this morning, breaking news is isis is in brooklyn. three new york city men, muslim extremists were arrested. one was arrested at home and on jfk airport one was arrested down in jacksonville, florida. what they said they wanted to do, join isis kill the president, hijack an airplane, and bomb coney island. >> let's take a look. suspect number one 24 years old. legal resident originally from uzbekistan. suspect two, worked alongside the other at a local restaurant in brooklyn. >> one of the plans was to shoot the president and try to get killed themselves. that's according to their communication online. one worked at a restaurant one ran a kiosk at a mall.
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we'll find out when we see the nypd commissioner and the fbi director in the same day, you know this is serious stuff. >> they said they couldn't get it done they the backup plans. on a forum. i'm in the united states now. it says. but is it possible to commit ourselves as dedicated martyrs anyway while here? what i'm saying is to shoot obama and then get shot ourselves, will it do? will that strike fear in the hearts of infidels? >> this guy posted that on this well-known now defuncts jihadi site. they did not arrest him right there. the fbi came back and talked to them again -- he did admit he wanted to shoot the president and blow up coney island. he gave up another guy. the federal government was watching them for a number of months until yesterday when one of them tried to fly to turkey. we had judge napolitano on a
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little while ago. he takes the viewpoint may we should let them go maybe we should track them over there. he feels this could actually be entrapment. >> is this a real serious plot or this one i suggested ginned up by the fbi. so that they can take credit for this kind of an arrest and these people can be stopped? a member of the intelligence community suggested to me it might have been better to let these guy business go over to syria and let the nsa monitor them. so that we know exactly who they're involved with and where they're going and what they're doing. >> that would provided more intel than just this arrest. >> judge thank you very much. >> let's change gears, six minutes after the the hour. justice will be served. eddie ray routh will spend the rest of his life for murdering chris kyle and his friend.
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>> joining us right now with his reaction to the verdict is chris kyle's brother jeff kyle. it had to feel good to hear those words. >> definitely. definitely. >> why did it matter so much? >> well, just for the simple fact that you know this idiot murdered my brother and chad and now he's going to spend the rest of his life paying for it. >> there were so many infure waited by the fact that ptsd could have been used as an excuse for these murders. marcus luttrell was on the network yesterday and said it's not a straight line to commit murder. i want you to hear what he had to say. >> having ptsd is not a straight line to do anything breaking the law. if it is, you can -- basically you're saying if i have ptsd i can slap around somebody all i want and when the cops show up i claim i'm a veteran and have ptsd. >> it seems like common sense
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but it seems like the defense was trying to put forward as truth. >> right. there are so many things that led up to that. so many times that he had done you know crazy things. and instead of taking him to jail they would put him in a hospital. and the v.a. would find that, you know there was nothing wrong with him because he was on drugs. and send him back out. >> right. do you worry about the fact that the v.a. did send him out and say he's okay he's fine. we'll monitor him and give him pills. >> i don't worry about that at all. he's not crazy. he was just always hopped up on drugs. you know that's not crazy. >> how would you explain what your family has gone through since this murder took place? i mean in one sense, the biggest -- highest grossing movie we can remember in our lifetimes. the book is a best seller. your family has gotten the word out about chris. at the same time the drama of
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the trial. how do you explain how the last couple of years have been? >> it's been grueling. day in day out, hearing the nay sayers. people thought chris was trying to make a name for himself. everything like that. it was -- chris was never about that. he hated being in the lime light. he did it just to bring awareness to other veterans. you know i think our biggest thing is you know, the trial was labelled the american sniper trial. yeah, chris was in that, but so was chad. you know, and it's not just about chris. it's about both of them. >> sure. >> two good guys that lost their lives. >> chad's father was very powerful in the victim impact statement where he looked right at eddie ray routh and said you didn't even know my son's name when you murdered him. his name was chad littlefield and then he spelled it. >> you know, your brother's name on your wrist right there. he's forever in your heart.
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what would chris want right now, justice has been served. what would he want americans to know going forward? >> don't believe the stereotype all veterans have ptsd, they don't. just because you were deployed to a combat area, doesn't mean that you have ptsd. you have to go out and do something. and not -- it's not veterans that have it, you know, it's anybody. civilians can have it. traumatic car accidents. you know everybody can have a form of pts, but it doesn't give you the right -- people with true legitimate ptsd don't go out and do, you know idiotic things. they deal with it. >> do you wish jeff, that the government would have gone after the death penalty rather than simply life in prison with no chance of parole? >> you know of course i'd like to guy dead right now. but it's -- from what we understand, is, you know, we'd
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still be going through the trial right now, probably still be going through jury selection if it was for the death penalty. >> i know you had a special relationship, watch the movie, read the book, you were not portrayed correctly in the movie. that did not happen on the tarmac. everyone says who knows jeff, you fought as valiantly as anybody. in the big picture, how tough has this been for taya and the kids. have the kids been shielded from this? >> i know everybody tries to keep them away from everything as much as possible. i'm sure they see it. they know about it. they're very bright kids. you know but we try not to bring them in to anything to where they're subjected to any kind of negativity around it. they know what their dad was all about. they know what the family is all about. that's how they live.
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>> did you hear from the movie people after the verdict? >> i haven't right now. i'm sure my dad has. you know cooper has kept in contact. i haven't heard from him. >> what does it mean to you to have sh support of so many americans behind your family? >> it's huge. to know that everybody, not just texans and not just people in the u.s. but people all over the world in support of it. >> we know you've had a really big week. we thank you very much for coming to new york to talk to us today. >> thank you for having me. >> i can teach you how to navigate these streets. they're different from where you're from. thanks a lot. great to see you. have you seen this? iran blowing up a replica of a united states military ship. watch. we're scratching our heads
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because aren't we supposed to be trying to negotiate a nuclear deal with them. is iran just mocking us? >> you just sank my battleship. a testifying memo from one of the nation's biggest airlines. our pilots with making big mistakes. what you need to know about what's going on inside the cockpit of your jet. americans... 83% try to eat healthy. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies.
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iran staging war games. iran's revolutionary guards blowing up a replica of a united states warship for target practice. aren't we supposed to be negotiating a nugclear deal with them? >> we're working hard to negotiate a deal with them, so they decide to mock us, humiliate us and threaten us by blowing up a mock u.s. aircraft carrier. that's the state of affairs now. the president and vice president are going to boy caught president's netanyahu's speech to congress because they're in a snit with each other. we'll send the signal to the world as they encourage u.s. senate democrats to boy k cott the
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speech that they are not our friends. they're hanging the president's effigy in iran. i guess jimmy carter's former president as well. that's the state of affairs. iran is the leading sponsor of state terrorism in the world. over the last 38 years they have killed hundreds of americans. and so this is what we have today, turn our back to netanyahu, and watch tapes like this as iran taunts us. blowing up a mock u.s. carrier. >> let me ask about this, as it relates to benjamin netanyahu john kerry spoke before congress and said the reason why he distanced himself is because netanyahu supported the iraqi
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war. >> the prime minister as you recall, was profoundly forward leaning, and out spoken about the importance of invading iraq. under george w. bush. and we all know what happened with that decision. >> there's a disengagement there that's beyond any level of understanding. and there's an ability and interest in engaging in this kind of partisan warfare to associate mr. notten yahoo with an iraqi war decision. that mr. kerry was part of. that he favored. so, to do that at this time, is absolutely bizarre we're sending the wrong signals to all the wrong people. we're rewarding aircraft carriers being blown up in effigy and our president, our president being lynched in effigy. i'm not saying cut off the
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negotiations but we need to get tough and not give iran the ability to enrich nuclear weapons. a lot of people are saying that's where we're going. badly. >> vulnerability there. flight attendants, place a frantic call for help after spotting a most wanted terrorist sitting right on their plane. but there was one problem with this terror takedown they got the wrong guy. can he sue for the embarrassing arrest? we'll talk about that. she was representing the united states as secretary of state. while at the same time taking millions in foreign country's cash for herself. a major problem that could actually crush hillary's white house dreams. ♪
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23 minutes after the hour. one day after the massacre at the paris offices of "charlie hebdo" and with those two brothers who carried out the attacks still on the run this man was escorted off the american airline flights. a late apology from the airline and a credit is not enough and a slap in the face. can see something, say something, sometimes go too far. here to debate this is civil rights attorney and a former prosecutor. welcome to both of you. see something, say something, what are the rules? >> i mean the rules are, if you do something of significance, you must report it. we live in a day and age where there is a tremendous amount of
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danger and pressure. we as cizens and representatives of other people, such as a stewardess for an airline must step forward and say something if there is reason to believe that there is a murder sitting in a plane. >> you just think they went overboard. do you think the response to it or the fact he was singled out at all? >> i think we have to be specific. common carriers like an airline have a much higher duty under the law, under inamerican law. they could not be unreasonable about what they did to this person, they needed to make sure as close as they could be to be certain that this was a person they wanted to report to the marshals. let's be fair. see something say something, basically means that if you see somebody who looks like a muslim or is a muslim acting funny, report them. we understand that. american muslim community has been dealing with that for a while. when it comes to airlines, we
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must be careful. this person should sue this airline. because they did not only not apologize, they treated him like a terrorist even after he was cleared and let him on his way on whatever he needed to do to get back to l.a. this person has a right to sue under the american law. >> there is no excuse for that. do you agree with that? people should be treated with respect. >> well look i want to point something out here, it's important to say that racial profiling is illegal. that is not what occurred here. what occurred here is not what our guest just indicated. it's not that the stewardess said we have a muslim on the plane, go check him out. that would be illegal. the airline would have a big problem because they would be sued and rightfully so. what we have here is a photograph that matched had description. by the way, the individual who was picked up in this case he
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actually indicated that he agreed that he matched the general description. so this is not racial profiling. >> it is racial profiling, no other indications were there that the kouachi brothers had escaped france in germany and were in america. >> not yet. >> there were other circumstances -- well, if -- >> how do you know that? >> excuse me. if they had just checked the news, they would know that actually they were found in paris and they were seen in paris. >> people have jobs. they're not looking up -- we get to track stuff. people have job and they're told to be aware. >> they have a higher standard of care because this has been happening on other airlines as well. >> what if the media wasn't up to date where they were. what if they escaped and nobody knew about it. what happened if the stewardess was the first to know they happened to be out of france. >> i think that's an absurd
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notion that that person would be sitting on an airplane to america and sitting in a open flight. the airlines have been misbehaving to american muslims for many years. a few weeks ago delta moved a lady to the back of the plane was the lady sitting next to her complainled. this is unacceptable. >> i guess that's where you're going. thanks so much. it's a debate we need to have. three minutes before the the bottom of the hour. updates on what's being called a cyber 9/11. these guys are bringing funky back, the video that will make you smile. all day long. if you're not funky enough. ♪ it's happening. today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about
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. we've got a fox news alrtd for you at 29 before the top of the hour. the labor department released jobless numbers. what are they? as you can see right there nicole petallides joins us from the floor of the new york stock exchange what's the number. >> what we got in this morning were more jobless claims than we anticipated. we saw a rise of 31,000 claims. 313,000. the economists have been expecting 290,000. you don't want to see the claims next week we'll have the monthly number. and that obviously is important to watch. those come out on friday. each week we watch these weekly jobless claims. in this case higher than expected. we got in our cpi, which is an inflation gauge and also durable goods numbers. we are digesting a lot of
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economic news. we are going to be watching for more records. we've been hitting records, lifetime highs on the dow s&p 500. we are going to be keeping a keen eye on another really big story. this is the head of new york's department of financial services. this is all about cyber attacks. we've been covering terrorism, but that's something we're going to keep an eye on as well an eye on the banks. >> they're suggesting there could be a cyber 9/11. are they saying there are ways we can protect ourselves? >> it seemed less so for the individual consumering and more so for the banks. names like goldman sachs and how they're going to beef up everything for cyber security. you remember last week we talked about $100 billion being
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siphoned out to other countries. if it were to hit our financial system, it could be devastating for our country, for our economy. and the like. >> no kidding. >> putting up cyber guards will be important enough. it could affect the bank's rates. >> absolutely. >> thanks. >> she's in fox business. go to >> let's go to heather nauert. good morning. there is a new blow for the potential presidential candidate hillary clinton. new reports show the clinton family foundation accepted millions of dollars from foreign governments while she was serving as secretary of state. now, the donations came in from seven different countries, one of them algeria. breaking white house rules. because the foundation did not report it to the state department. this is considered to be
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potentially hurtful to her chances at a presidential run. stuart varney joined us earlier. >> money came in to the foundation from foreign governments. that raises the possibility of a conflict of interest. if she became president clinton, would the decisions she makes, be affected by the money she took in from them. >> the clinton foundation responding about that donation from algeria saying the donation was disclosed publicly on our website, however the state department should have also been informed. lebron james has a message for colleges stop recruiting my 10-year-old son. lebron jr. has already gotten college offers. he's a young boy right there. the father says it should be considered a violation. he's also responsible for some of the hype. in december he tweeted highlights of his son scoring and passing. under ncaa rules, colleges are
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not prevented from monitoring young talent. what do you think of that story? it's a smash hit that's dominating the air waves take a look. ♪ ♪ >> okay so that's uptown funk, but it's getting an old school and many would argue a much better remix. take a look. ♪ ♪ . >> that's the one we like. senior citizens doing it. they're going viral on youtube. they did all of their own stunts. which i guess if you're that age, they're considered stunts. nice job. well done. >> that is my wife's favorite song right now. everything team we're in the car and she hears it, she's shhh. >> love it. >> to me that was a call out of
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the villages. the villages got to answer that. don't you think they could do it? they have the volume and organization. >> a lot of places have funky stuff. >> true. i underestimate people's funk. now united airlines issuing a scary warning to its pilots about near disasters in the skies. >> the safety message being called brutally honest. >> we have a licensed pilot. a correspondent and anchor and joins us from washington. >> this memo is a pretty clear warning to pilots at united airlines. this was reported by the wall street journal. the memo talks about four incidents at united but they use an example of something that happened to another carrier. this is a ups cargo jet that crashed on an approach to birming ham, alabama. controlled flight into terrain
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it's where a perfectly good airplane gets flown into the ground. here's what the memo which was obtained by abc news. the approach and landing appeared normal to the pilots until before impact. let's not for a moment think something like that could not happen at united. the memo goes on to talk about recent incidents involving air crews. one pilot had to perform a emergency pull up maneuver. just a few years ago, united merged with continental airlines. the memo talks about challenged that may be related to that including retirements and recently hired flight crews. the bottom line is maintaining communication between copilots and pilots. they need to communitycate if there's anything wrong. >> thanks. if you see maria toss to her. i always said that. >> extreme weather. winter storms wreaking havoc
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across the country. take a live look at a drive through chicago right now. snow freezing rain and sleet. but it's not just chicago. maria molina, the south which has had a relatively dry winter is really getting whacked today. >> yeah, that's right. they have really seen a shift in the weather pattern out there across parts of the southeast and parts of the plains. they've been looking at several rounds of snowfall. we have the potential for another round of snow as we go into the weekend in oklahoma and parts of texas. we will keep you updated on that. i want to focus on the carolinas and parts of virginia. that is where we have winter weather adviseories and warnings in effect. some areas out there could be looking at close to a foot of snow and locally higher amounts. that will be a big issue on the roadways. temperature wise we're below average yet again across a big chunk of the country east of the
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rockies. >> thank you very much. are you looking forward to sleeping in this weekend? >> yes. >> up next the ways it might be hurting your health to do so. if you can believe it. the mob mentality not just a thing of the past. al job stossel just found out the hard way. >> you lied stossel. you lie all the time. >> aggressive. from teacher unions to politicians stossel next with how the mob still rules. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom
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8 hours or longer that's how long researchers could say increase your risk for strokes. $1,600, that's how much the ecrack -- it's going for that on ebay now. the toronto mayor, former selling off several memable items. you see that one there. >> 17 minutes before the top of the hour. mobs can be an ugly thing. for example,. >> you lied stossel. you lied all the time. >> we don't want you here. >> this is private property. >> get out. get down. >> understand this is a right. this is public education in this city. >> you lie stossel. and john stossel joins us right
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now live here in new york city. >> i do not lie. >> that's what they guy said. why would he lie? >> mobs are right. mobs still rule. >> mobs often rule. and the examples you gave here, we have ann koulter coming up. mobs often rule in america. >> is that bad? >> yeah. because mobs don't think well. there is wisdom in crowds. but, not in mobs. >> we say like democracy majority rules. not that. you're saying mob rule is something different. >> majority rule isn't that great either. best is individual choice. that's another story. we put the teachers in because they have stopped progress and hurt children for so long, and yet they are still so arrogant. listen to the head of the teacher's union. this is the big teacher's union.
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>> someone takes something from me i'm going to grab it right back out of their cold twisted hands and say it's mine. >> a very powerful union you say is a mob. >> yeah, because they get to impose force on others. they get to decide how much every teacher gets paid so the best ones can't get paid more and the worst ones don't get fired. they spend more money than anybody on politics. >> who is affected there? >> the kids and the whole country. one mob is the mob going after the koch brothers. the teacher's union spend four times as much. >> what about the green mob? >> the unions total spend. >> we cover the green mob. anybody who says the globe is warming, but there's nothing we can do about it. you're a denier, you must be shut up and exposed. >> right. >> i haven't been policed in the
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growthsy story yet. >> thank you for joining usment you're part of the couch mob. by the way he will be talking about this tomorrow night 9:00 p.m. on the fox business channel. >> thanks. >> he doesn't lie for the record. >> now this coming up. >> the president threatening border agents enforce my amnesty plan or else. up next, the navy jag officer turned attorney general who plans to make sure the president plays by the rules.
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research shows, up to about 90% of kids fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. [singing] we are flintstones kids. add flintstones complete for nutritional support. [singing] 10 million strong, and growing.
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rand paul called jeb bush a hiticate. that starts this morning. jihadi john turns out to be a
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college grad from london. the hunt for him as general jack keane testifies before congress about how to truly defeat this enemy. boyfriend killer jodi arias learns her fate. all that coming up at the top of the hour when we see you here. back to you, steve. never consider that an order to sympathize with the plight of immigrants or to believe in the american dream one must reject our constitutional system. to borrow a phrase our president is fond of using that is a false choice. >> that was the attorney general testifying on the hill yesterday. we have a former navy jag officer, who says he's defending the constitution. he has defended the constitution overseas and won't let the president trample on it here at home.
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he joins us from reno today. good morning to you. >> good morning, thanks for having me on. >> it's great to have you. you flew all the way to washington, d.c. because you wanted the folks in congress to know that the folks in nevada are unhappy that the president has exceeded his constitutional authority. >> well, we are honored to be invited by the house judiciary and it's a great opportunity to represent the 26 states that have filed this lawsuit. we all feel and at least preliminarily agreed with by the judge that the executive action by the president has gone far further than any president has gone using this authority. >> surely. now, i understand you, mr. attorney general got into this lawsuit with the other 25 states, you are now the 26th state. without actually talking to the governor. who feels like, you should solve these kind of problems throughout the legislature.
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he's a republican as well. how do you answer that? >> this lawsuit the primary thing we are asking for is an injunction. and what an injunction does is freeze the president's -- what we believe unilateral executive action and moves it back to congress. the constitutionally place it's supposed to be. you know we're working very hard to make sure that our constitution can't be violated and that the president is doing his job, which is executing laws that congress is passing. >> surely. mooent mr. attorney general we've talked how the ice agents are not deporting anybody anymore. they haven't for a while. it's the worst of the worst that get sent back if at all. i want to play you a sound bite. here's the president of the united states last night at a town hall essentially
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threatening ice agents. listen to this. >> the bottom line is, if somebody is working for ice, and there is a policy and they don't follow the policy, there will be consequenced to it. >> his policy is let everybody stay, but the law says if you're in the country illegally, you should be deported. what are we to make of that? >> well you know, focusing on this lawsuit what the president has asked is for these 5 million designated set of illegal immigrants be given this new status and their deportation be deferred. we believe the president is acting outside his authority. and that's why we went to congress yesterday to discuss. >> surely. as well, you know, it's interesting he's taking this tack. he said on camera, we've got documented it at least 22 times, where the president said he didn't have the authority.
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so now he's taken the authority. essentially he's only got two years left on the meter. he wants to get as much bang for the buck as he possibly can. >> you know, we hammered that home yesterday. one of the primary arguments by the government is that he isn't changing the law here. and in fact when he announced this policy, that was the words out of his mouth. i am changing the law. he's been asked repeatedly over the last number of years, can he do this. he said very clearly it's not within his powers. we have a constitutional system. it's his job to enforce the law the law. we're very disappointed he's decided to go this far. and that he has an attorney general's office that's willing to support this action. >> he is the attorney general for nevada. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> all right. reel pleasure. coming up, way before miley cyrus and the kardashians, a
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before it's history. it's news. ♪ >> could this be the first celebrity selfie. maybe that's frank sinatra taking a photo of himself in
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1938. it's been released for a museum in new york city. al. high school senior has a stage four brain cancer. she's battled the odds and scored the first basket. she's on the soccer team. her goal is to get on the ellen show. she loves the show. hopefully she'll do it. get #get-courteneyto ellen. >> i will be hosting the k love awards with kirk cameron. bill: good morning. a fox news alert. "washington post" reports the man known as jihad john is a british national by the name of mohammed emwazi originally from
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kuwait city. he came from a wealthy family and graduated college with a degree in computer programming. he headed to syria three years ago to join isis. martha: intensive airstrikes by


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