tv Hannity FOX News February 26, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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accented terrorist seen in isis videos is believed to be mohammed m.wazi. he's a highly educated man in his mid 20s. he was born in kuwait and raised in west london. he has been known to british intelligence for more than five years. federal investigators have recovered 32 rrks,000 emails related to a scandal to related irs and the tea party. claimed last summer the letters were lost because of a computer glitch. their contents are not yet known and investigators admit that the email could merely contain information that they already have. i'm patricia stark. "hannity" starts now. rst, second later. thanks for watching. good-bye. i'm shannon bream. welcome to "hannity." and welcome to cpac and the road to 2016 on this special edition of "hannity" we're going to be joined by tedrnor scott walker, senator rand paul.
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also joined by dr. benjamin carson and governor bobby jindal. let's start right now. >> who's ready for some cpac? >> hello cpac! how y'all doing? >> this is a room full of patriots. america is in jeopardy and we are met today on a great battlefield. >> i want us to find a way to allow people to excel in our society. >> are we as conservatives ready to pick the next great president of the united states? >> we're americans. and for over 200 years we have lend a hand and -- >> i care about the fights we're fighting. and, yeah, i'm going to be passionate about it. >> your actions are so important to the fight to get our great nation back on track. i know that it is only in this country that a young woman can
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go from secretary to ceo. >> it's been a busy day here at cp a cpac. earlier today i got to ask questions of senator ted cruz on the big stage. take a watch. i got some questions some from twitter and facebook. >> excellent. >> you did a 21-hour filibuster. 21 hours. the purpose was to strip funding from the health care bill. i watched most of it by the way. your fellow republicans, rick santorum, called you a bomb thrower, senator mccain said it was an agonizing odyssey and used the term whacko bird. hostage taking and political overreach. i didn't say it. relax. my question to you senator, what do you say back to those senators that criticized you for
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standing up for your promise? >> look, the simple point is we shouldn't be listening to washington. we should be listening to the american people. obamacare is a disaster. millions of americans have lost their jobs, have lost their health care have lost their doctor. and, sean, i seem to recall that many of those critics said when so many of the men and women in this room stood up and said stop the train wreck that is obamacare, the washington pundits all said oh, this will be a disaster this will keep harry reid as majority leader forever. now, did i miss that in the last election? the key to change is not just growing government in washington. the key to change is a result of that fight millions of men and women across this country rose up and said stop the disaster
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that is obamacare. in november 2012 republicans across this country campaigned saying if you give us a majority, we'll stop obamacare. and what happened? we won the biggest tidal wave since the 1920s. and we retired harry reid as majority leader. >> my next question, we have a similar fight going on just a show of hands how many would like to see the republicans defund the president's executive order on immigration? okay. my question to you is it seems in the senate there's a disagreement. once again with you and some republican senators over a bifurcated deal that would fund the department of homeland security and separate out a separate bill on not funding the executive orders on immigration. what do you say -- why do you think that's a wrong strategy? >> look, unfortunately republican leadership is cutting a deal with harry reid and the
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democrats to give in on executive amnesty. and the question why is because they're not listening to you. i talked about the divide between washington and the people. in washington k street and wall street love amnesty. they support the substantive policy. and there is a mendacity about washington. they want to take a show vote, but they don't want to actually follow through on what they say how do we change it. the only way to change it -- you know, sean, what i'm trying to do, if you think about it in the tech context, the tech context we know about disruptive apps. they come in and change how a good or service is distributed. and inevitably the incumbent providers fight back viciously. so when uber or lift comes into a city, the taxi commissions do everything they can to kill it. what i'm trying to do more than anything else is bring a
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disruptive app to politics. to move power back to the american people. and everyone that has a vested interest in keeping decision making in the smoke-filled rooms in both parties they fight vigorously because they don't want the power to be back with the american people. >> senator we witnessed the horror of what's happening with isis. we have seen mass beheadings we have seen women sold into slavery, the harvesting of organs, radical islamists they're on the move, they've taken a lot of ground that our brave troops sacrificed, died for in iraq, 4,000 of them. my question to you the jordanians after one pilot they responded with fierce opposition and force against isis. the egyptians under general president el sisi they have shown massive force and retaliation for 21 coptic christians simultaneously beheaded.
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what is your analysis? what is your take on what america needs to do? and why can't this president admit that the islamic state is in fact islamic and radical islam exists? >> we need a commander in chief who will actually stand up and defend the united states of america. we need to stop this bizarre orwellian double speak. we cannot defeat radical islamic terrorism with a president who's unwilling to utter the words radical islamic terrorism. you know the states department spokesperson just said recently we can't win this by killing isis. we need to give them jobs. what utter and complete nonsense. listen, that is precisely how we
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win this. we kill the terrorist leaders before they kill us. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. i want to warn everybody, i am asking this next question because i know the liberal media will. so might as well get it out of the way for them. that's my job. i get paid to do that. >> no, i have not stopped beating my wife. >> okay. your mother was an american citizen. you talked about your dad coming from cuba. you were born in canada. you had dual citizenship. there are a bunch of liberal birthers out there would try to make the case you're not eligible. >> i was born in calgary, my mother was an american citizen by birth. under federal law that made me an american citizen by birth. the constitution requires you be a natural-born citizen. >> quick lightning round because
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we're running out of time. what would a top five agenda items of a president ted cruz what would they be? >> number one, repeal every blasted word of obamacare. [ cheers and applause ] number two, abolish the irs. [ cheers and applause ] take all 125,000 irs agents and put them on our southern border. number three, stop the out of control regulators at the epa and the alphabet soup in washington.
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number four, defend our constitutional rights, all of them! [ cheers and applause ] and number five restore america's leadership in the world as a shining city on a hill. >> all right. we're running out of time. this is our last lightning round. one or two-word answers okay? abortion. >> we should defend every human life from conception to natural death. >> okay. gay marriage. >> marriage is a question for the states. and it is wrong for the federal government or unelected judges to tear down the marriage laws of the states. >> colorado, good idea legalizing marijuana, bad idea? >> well, i was told colorado
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provided the brownies here today. look, colorado -- >> uh-oh, i just ate them. >> look, your viewership's going to go up 20%. >> it's going to go up a lot. >> the magical mystery "hannity" hour. >> yeah. >> i actually think this is a great embodiment of what supreme court justice lewis brandise called the laboratory of democracy. if the colorado citizens decide they want to go down that road that's their prerogative. i don't agree with it, but that's their right. >> i'm going to ask you about three people. first words that come to your mind. hillary clinton. >> washington. >> bill clin -- by the way i want to say hi to that really hot chick in row seven over there. how are you doing, sweetheart? i'll give you a tour backstage. sorry. he's not responsible for this.
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bill clinton. >> youth outreach. what? >> barack hussein obama. >> lawless imperitor. >> in light of what the country's been talking about in recent days, we have less than 30 seconds it's not my clock. please forgive me. why does ted cruz love america? >> this country is the greatest country in the history of the world. it has been a haven for freedom. when my dad was imprisoned in cuba and fled 58 years ago he came because no nation on earth has let so many millions come with nothing and achieve anything. and if we get back to this,
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brighter days are ahead, we can do that together. >> senator ted cruz! when we come back we continue our broadcast from cpac today. of course the road to 2016 we're going to be joined by senator rand paul, check-in with governor scott walker governor bobby jindal and dr. benjamin carson. that's all coming up on this special edition of "hannity." you drop 40 grand on a new set of
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7.7% to 5.2%. then you've got, let's see property taxes are down from when you started. you've been in office now over four years. >> yep. >> and i look at others, you know, you were facing a $3.6 billion budget deficit. those are good numbers. >> yeah. >> how does a republican win in wisconsin? because on a presidential level they haven't won since '84. >> you got to go big and you got to go bold. ironically i had solid support, i think, more than any republican in the country i took higher percentage of the republican vote this last go around. and yet i also carried independents by 12 points. why? they want leaders who are going to spell out what they're going to do and have the courage to act on it. >> what about republicans when it comes to, do you remember when ted cruz was literally standing alone filibustering the funding of health care, got criticized by senate colleagues? what was your reaction to that? was he right? were the establishment people right? >> i think you want the two together. part of thing we bring to the table, we don't just fight.
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fighting is a good thing i respect people who fight in principle but you have to find a way to win not just at the ballot box but in policy. we won three times in four years because we show we took the power away from big government put it back in the hands of the hard working taxpayer. people i think believe it's not enough just to fight the good fight but win. >> every republican ran on repealing and replacing. the constitutional authority is the power of the purse. that's in the hands of congress. should they use it or should they not use it? >> i think they absolutely should. one of the things particularly now not just house republicans but senate republicans. i wrote a memo after the election put up or shut up, same thing i said to lawmakers four years ago. we came in from all democrat to all republican. said the voters sent us a message. they don't want us around the edges, they want us to go big and bold. put up or shut up. >> now the republicans are faced with another opportunity. and it's department of homeland security funding. and of course the president's i would argue unconstitutional illegal executive order on
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amnesty. so seems like republicans in the senate are beginning to cave. they're talking about a six-week extension. should they just say no we are not going to bifurcate this. we are going to keep it together and not fund it? >> pushed on that. two important things one i joined the federal lawsuit. i was one of the first states to join to pushback on the illegal overreach, not you or i say but the president said some 22 times. you have to tie the two together. and instead of playing on defense you have to put on offense and put the pressure back on the president and his allies. >> if you become the president of the united states, you say you're going to tell people what you're going to do and then do it. what are the top five agenda items of governor walker if he becomes president walker? >> the three things i talked about. growth dramatically changing and lowering and simplifying the tax code both for individuals and job creators out there. repealing obamacare having an all above energy policy all those things are about growth,
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it's about reform literally taking major chunks of washington putting it to the states and ultimately to the people everything from medicaid to health care and education where it can go back to your local school district or community to take care or finances. and ultimately i think the biggest thing increasing i hear from people is they're afraid. they see these videos of the radical islamic terrorism around the world, they see the beheadings, they see the horrific burnings and other things like that and they want a leader to stand up and call it out like it is instead of a president who not long ago said you know called isis the jayvee team. >> a year ago. >> yemen was a success, in his mind iran is a place to do business in. radical islamic terrorism needs to be stopped and we're going to take the fight to them before they bring the fight to us. >> specifically how do you win that war against isis if you want to defeat them? you're not talking about degrading them. >> you have to take them out. they're like a virus on a computer that takes over your computer. if you don't weed it out, you're going to be back at it more and more. it takes a combination of
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building up force in terms of the united states military which i think is fallen to woefully low levels here. standing up with allies like israel working with other allies but also making partners in the arab world, jordan, turkey saudi arabia and others egypt of late have seen what's happened and they want a leader in america. we should ultimately -- i have a number of marines who work for me. this comes out of the marine corps tradition. we should show the world and america you have no better friend and no greater enemy. >> let me ask you about one of the big issues that i think will be a very big issue in the campaign is the issue of immigration. the president has his executive order. should people that enter this country illegally be given a path to citizenship? >> there should be no amnesty. you should secure the border not just for immigration reasons but why would you put a fence around three sides of your home and leave the back door open? that's what we have when we guard our ports our airports, we don't guard our borders. not just for immigrants that may come up or people that come in
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but for people literally coming to do us harm. have to push back on this executive order which is why i joined that lawsuit. beyond that enforce the law. we put the onus on employers to give them an e-verify type system where they have access to enforce the law, i think enforcing the law -- >> so first priority would be to secure the border. >> you got it. one, because it's a security concern right now because of isis and others related to that. but secondly, any of these other things that you can do to fix the broken system to make the legal system work in america doesn't work if that opening around your home, in this case the border, is still open. >> ready for rapid fire round? >> yeah. >> gay marriage. >> our state passed constitution amendment defining marriage between a man and woman, i voted for it i support it in the federal courts and continue to believe it's a good idea. >> what about what happened in colorado legalizing marijuana? >> big mistake. >> bad idea? >> bad idea. >> let's talk about guns. law-abiding citizens it's hard to get a carry permit in a state
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like new york, should they be allowed to carry weapons if they're law-abiding citizens? >> absolutely. i strongly believe in the legal right for legal citizens to be able to carry and arm themselves. >> going to mention a few names. first off the to pop in your mind. hillary clinton. >> trouble. >> why? >> well i just think you look at all around the world and i see all the troubles we're in. i mean my goodness a reset button figuratively and literally to russia. look at places all around the world where her claim is going to be somehow she's an expert in foreign policy. look middle east venezuela russia, places she had a direct hand and advised the president on. now we learned she is supposedly -- i think there are real questions that need to be asked in terms of the money she and her foundation receive tied to foreign interests. >> bill clinton. >> bigger trouble. you can answer that for yourself. >> it just makes me laugh. president obama. >> frustrating. i think, you know not just do i
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disagree with him on policy, but i'm frustrated that i think now more than ever we need strong leadership here in america not just to make sure that everyone is part of the recovery not just one group or another. and we're not pitting americans against fellow americans but increasingly around the world, i mean, you know as mentioned bill clinton trouble. there are some things he did in foreign policy i thought were pretty good. really frustrated with this president that he's not standing up to defend our ally in israel. what a shame -- >> what's happening with iran? >> prime minister of one of our greatest, longest allies that we're trying to discourage people from even going to hear his indictment in what's happening in iran. we need strong leadership now more than anything. >> american exceptionalism is in the news. why do you think america is exceptional? what do you think -- >> i mentioned my speech first time a few years ago to see these are ordinary people who did something really quite extraordinary. they didn't just risk their political careers or business district, they risked their
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lives for the freedoms we hold dear today. what's made america is men and women like that all throughout the ages willing to stand up and think more about the future of their children and grandchildren than just about their own political futures. that's what we need now more than ever. >> as we continue our coverage here at cpac and the road to 2016, when we come back we're going to be joined by senator rand paul, governor bobby jindal. and we'll also check-in with dr. benjamin carson. that's all straight ahead on this special edition of "hannity."
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that's had an event at a bar. >> well, these people don't want the government snooping on them. >> does that mean it's a safe place? >> yeah, we're patrolling the door and nobody from the government comes in this place. no, i mean, these kids are excited. they're, you know, young and now free of their parents yoke to a certain extent but want to be free from the government's yoke as well. >> let's talk about where you are in the process, i know you're thinking about running for president, where are you? >> close, we're getting closer. we're trying to see how the message resonates. cpac will be a good test of whether or not there are enough young people out there, enough people who believe in liberty to allow us to go forward and be a contender. >> i asked you in the past how you describe yourself politically. your answer was constitutional conservative. not libertarian. >> i think libertarian, conservative conservative, constitutional conservative, i think they mean the same thing. that we believe in very limited government. we're sort of the leave me alone coalition. these kids want to be left alone. they want to believe that what
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they say in their cell phone is none of the government's business. >> i agree with that too. so if you become the president of the united states how would rand paul balance the budget? >> we'd cut spending. absolutely you have to cut spending across the board. i'm a big fan of the penny plan. cut 1% across the board. your budget balances in about five years. >> all right. so you do that that means medicare, social security, defense, everything. >> yeah, the thing is you don't have to be 1% of anything if you're 2% something else. i introduced a budget that would balance in five years but spent above the military sequester. so you can say that, well defending the country is a priority, we'll cut 10% of something, or like in this case i would cut 100% of corporate welfare. every last bit of it. >> all right. let's talk about the top five things if you're elected president -- you guys want to elect him president?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> the top five agenda item -- >> president paul! president paul! president paul! >> all right. top five agenda items. >> i think in the number -- i think the number one priority of the federal government always is to be defend the country from foreign attack. we have to defend our country. it's one thing you can't do in illinois or wisconsin but i think you defend the country. you can't defend the country from bankruptcy court. part of defending the country is you can't be insolvent. you can't borrow a million dollars a minute. number one threat to our national security is this enormous burden of debt. but it's also the number one threat to these kids getting a job. some economists say that a million jobs a year are being lost from the burden of debt. >> do we have then an obligation to defeat isis? look at what they're doing. >> yeah, we have to defend our interests, we have to defend america. >> how? >> well, the one thing i would say that's important in this and
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this is what differentiates me from other republicans is i think that every time we have toppled a secular dictator we've gotten chaos and the rise of radical islam. it happened with gadhafi. it could happen with assad. it also happened with hussein. >> should we at least provide arms to the kurds arms and intelligence to jordan and egypt? >> yes. and i think we shouldn't have the arms stopping in baghdad. the problem is is that when they stop in baghdad, the shiite militias and shiite army grab up the good arms and there's not enough left for the people who actually will fight which is the kurds. >> yeah. all right. now, we have our rapid fire round which we've been doing with everybody. just quick answers. abortion. >> i'm 100% pro-life. >> exceptions rape, incest? >> i think it all the whole decision and the whole discussion is based on when's life begin. and that's where the big battle is over people. when does life begin.
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when life begins and when we decide it begins, then it deserves -- >> gay marriage. >> i'm old fashioned. you know, i think marriage is between a man and a woman but i'm also open to the sense that legally i don't think we should discriminate against people. and if people want to have a contract with another adult there's no reason why the law should discriminate and prevent them from having benefits or custody or seeing people in the hospital. all that stuff can be arranged through contracts. >> colorado legalization of marijuana good or bad idea? >> yet to be determined. but i think freedom for the most part is a good thing. states rights is a good thing. my position has always been not necessarily, hey let's legalize everything. but my position has been let's don't put people in jail for a decade or for 30 years. there's a young woman named jill lockwood who did prescription pills. she did a false prescription. she should be punished, but 15 years in jail is crazy.
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>> what about guns? should every american citizen law-abiding, have a right to carry a weapon? >> yes. >> last question. we talked lately a lot about american exceptionalism. in 30 seconds what in your mind makes america great and exceptional? >> we're great and exceptional because we chose liberty we chose freedom. and out of that great prosperity comes because the economic system of freedom is capitalism. we're the richest country ever known to the history of man. we're also the most humanitarian. so if you want to help people, you need to believe in freedom and capitalism. >> you still give free eye operations, i heard. >> yep. i'm going to be going to haiti this august. >> all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> wrap things up with senator -- >> president paul! >> wrap things up with senator rand paul's event. when we come back, "hannity" continues from cpac. we're going to check-in with governor bobby jindal and benjamin carson. stay with us.
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welcome back to cpac and the road to 2016. and earlier today i got an opportunity to check-in with louisiana governor bobby jindal. if you became the president of the united states of america, what are your top five priorities? >> here at home we've got to restore the american dream for our children and grandchildren. it's not about government spending or redistribution like president obama believes. it's about opportunity and growth. we need to repeal and replace obamacare. not a little bit of it, all of it. some of these republicans now want obamacare light with some tax increases some entitlement program. no, we need to get rid of the whole thing and replace it. third, overseas we've got to defeat isis. not contain them not degrade them. these are radical islamic terrorists.
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we need to hunt them down and kill them. unlike the president unlike the politically correct crowd we need a leader to speak the truth. i'm willing to speak the truth. >> point three, tell me about how you defeat them? >> you identify the enemy. take the political handcuffs off our military. take out the ban on groups. stop listening to the political left. let's go to the military and say we don't want to degrade them contain them we want to kill them. we have a state department officials saying we need jobs program and better government. they don't need jobs, they need to be killed. >> the irony of all that is bin laden was very wealthy. jihadi john we found out was wealthy. this jobs thing was absurd. back to your items. >> fourth, more important from a foreign policy perspective, we cannot allow iran to become a nuclear power. this president wants a deal so badly i think he'll take a bad deal over no deal.
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i think it's pretty hard to fight isis. i think turkey's very nervous, i think other allies are nervous about our intentions in the middle east. fifth and finally i'm a big believer in school choice. there are a lot of things we can do a home, energy independence lower the taxes get rid of the epa regulations that are killing our economy. all goes back to restoring the american dream. we don't need incremental change, we need big change in this country. >> you actually took some heavy fire for saying that obama is disqualified to be the commander in chief. what did you mean by that? >> absolutely. he won't name the threat of radical islamic terrorism. he's busy criticizing the christian crusades. >> 800,000 years ago. >> i'll keep an eye out for medieval christians, you do your job and fight the radical islamic terrorists that are trying to kill us today, right now. so i think we've got radical islamic terrorists beheading crucifying, torturing christians, killing jews, other religious minorities for having the audacity to believe in worship different than them.
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i also got in trouble for not saying he disqualified he december qualified himself as commander in chief. i don't say that with joy in my heart. >> we're stuck with him for two years. he's the president. >> that's exactly -- i said this in london, people that want to live in our country, sean they've got to simulate and integrate. enough of this political correctness nonsense. we're all americans. >> the "new york times" recently went after you over the louisiana economy. that's interesting the price of oil, big part of your economy in louisiana, price of a barrel of oil has been cut in half. i think it's being done purposefully by the saudis and opec because they don't like that all the resources we have, number one the new technology of horizontal drilling and hydrofracking, et cetera. they predicted, uh-oh, bobby jindal is now going to have a $1.6 billion budget deficit. you told me earlier that's not true. >> look tomorrow we're presenting a balanced budget -- >> not true. >> shock. here's what they don't seem to
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understand. we can't paint on a platform to shrink government and grow the private sector economy. that's what we've done. cut the budget 26% over $9 billion, over 30,000 fewer state government employees. our private sector economy is growing nearly twice as fast as the national economy. private sector job creation top five in the country. three times as fast as the national growth. eight credit upgrades since i've been governor. >> eight credit upgrades? >> that's right. >> that's a big -- i know the state of new jersey had eight downgrades. >> in louisiana we're doing what they don't do in d.c. we're balancing our budget, tightening our belt. >> you will balance the budget? >> we'll balance without raising the budget. lower oil prices good for consumers, few dollars for the louisiana government, but our private sector economy is doing great. what they don't understand on the left, what they don't understand at "new york times" better to shrink government grow the private sector economy. this government has taught the left they should do the opposite and that's a mistake and our country is suffering because of it. >> lightning round. >> sure. >> abortion. >> pro-life. >> gay marriage. >> opposed to changing the
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definition of marriage. i know politicians are evolving with the polls like the president. i'm not changing. >> colorado, pot, good or bad. >> don't legalize pot. >> what about guns? should every law-abiding american have the right to carry in all 50 states? >> certainly. i'm a strong believer in the second amendment. it means something in the constitution. we've protected our second amendment rights in louisiana. i think it needs to be done -- who would have thought under eric holder the department of justice would be going after law-abiding citizens while giving guns to drug cartels. >> mentioned three names. hillary clinton. >> look she's from the past failed foreign policy as part of the obama administration. she's looking backwards. >> bill clinton. >> scandals and wasted opportunity. if he were serious, he could have been the democratic president, the reformed medicare that brought premium support helped to address these structural problems with our budget. too narcissistic and didn't do it. >> barack hussein obama. >> most incompetent id logical president in our country maybe the first that doesn't believe in american exceptionalism. >> last question, we only have
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15 seconds. why do you love america? what makes america exceptional? >> freedom and opportunity. first time my parents got on a plane was to fly to america over 40 years ago. my mom was pregnant with me. they didn't visit here they couldn't google back then. they knew in their bones this was the greatest country in the history of the world. i want the same opportunity for my children and one day my grandchildren. i worry this president's trying to change the definition of what america really is. >> when we come back, we'll check-in with dr. benjamin carson. why did he change from a democrat to a republican? he'll answer that question and more as we continue "hannity" from cpac straight ahead. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on.
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welcome back to "hannity." of course the road to 2016. we are broadcasting live tonight from cpac. earlier we spoke with dr. benjamin carson. here's that interview. i was doing the preparation for this interview, i learned something i didn't know about you before. and i'm going to quote you. i was a rabid democrat when i went off -- >> absolutely. i grew up in detroit. i grew up in an environment where you were supposed to be
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democrat where they told you republicans were evil people and that they were racist. and, you know, later on i started listening to ronald reagan. and i said he doesn't sound like an evil person. he doesn't sound racist. what he's saying makes absolutely perfect sense. and then i couple that with seeing these patients coming in, almost all of them on some kind of medical assistance and on social welfare programs. and their lives were in shambles. and i started making the correlation. in addition to listening to what he was saying, and then i see people who came from the same environment who were doing perfectly fine. but they were people who grasped the significance of personal responsibility and hard work. and i realize that one system was pushing people toward failure under the guise of compassion.
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>> when it comes to actually using their constitutional authority, the power of the purse. >> they're afraid. >> they're afraid. how do you explain this mysterious fear that they show? >> i explain it as people who frequently are more interested in being re-elected than doing what they were elected to do. they need to understand -- stand up for what they sent them there to do. just briefly explain. >> well the reason that i like like --
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what doesn't make sense is you ex exempt someone from it and yet they have the opportunity to decide how other people should pay. politicians don't mind raising taxes on 1% or 2% or 5% they have a real problem raising them on 100% they're going to have to justify that. they're not going to do it. >> we have 50 million americans on food stamps >> recognize that a lot of people on food stamps don't need to be on food stamps 1969 1.4%. today, 14%. despite trillions of dollars we've spent tells you we're doing it the wrong way we need to have better criteria. >> is 10% the number?
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>> somewhere between 10% and 15%. in the beginning, 15, then closer to ten. >> abortion? >> i am totally pro-life. >> marriage? gay marriage? . >> i leave marriage is between a man and woman. and no one should have the right to change that definition >> colorado legalizing pot? good idea? bad idea? >> i think horrible idea because many studies, this is not questionable have shown there is an affect on the developing brain the brain continues to develop into late 20s >> should every american have the right to carry a gun in the united states? >> absolutely. >> what about obamacare? you want health care savings accounts >> we need to grasp a program that works and i hope congress will understand importance of putting the program out there showing
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people how it works and so people will be happy to abandon obamacare. >> gitmo? keep it open? close it? >> keep it open. >> why do you, dr. benjiman carson, love america? >> because i think it's a special nation that was created so that people could be free. they can be free to believe what they wanted, free to work as hard as they want to, knowing their labor would accrue to them, and their family. that there won't be a lot of people impinging on their freedom, telling them what they had to do and a nation representative of the people. and would have a government representative of the people. >> as we continue "hannity" from
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cpac. stay with us, coming up. icicicicicic in new york state, we're reinventing how we do business so businesses can reinvent the world. from pharmaceuticals to 3d prototyping, biotech to clean energy. whether your business is moving, expanding or just getting started... only new york offers you zero taxes for 10 years w business incubators that partner companies with universities, and venture capital funding for high growth industries. see how new york can grow your business and create jobs. visit mouths are watering, lemons are squeezing and stomachs are growling. or is it just me? every minute between you and
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so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. >> to wrap up this program from cpac, tune in tomorrow, interviewing marco rubio and former governor jeb bush and check in with donald trump and
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former governor rick perry. also, i will be taking the stage and giving my speech we'll be more christians kidnapped by isis, that number in the last couple days spiking to 200. that according to human rights group monitoring the grave situation in syria where isis is on a raiding dozens of villages. army veteran and former congressman allen west bringing this up question. already surrendered to isis. really surrendered? >> well, it's amazing what you look at. the heritage foundation put out a report how we are disseminating our united states military. we are sitting back and believe we can fight one war strategy and maybe try to contend or hold off other contingencies. when you look how islamist
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