tv Red Eye FOX News February 28, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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>> that is all the time we have from this even this is a fox news alert. i am joleen kent. reaction is pouring in from around the world as news hits that greg gutfeld is leaving fox newschannel. the announcement came on thursday that the last time on the show would be tonight and now images of spontaneous celebrations from across the globe are flooding into the fox newsroom. people gathering to mark the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. this is a fox news alert. now back to "red eye" back in progress. >> she is a jerk. we begin with a rather sad announcement. sad for you. awesome for me. i am leaving "red eye." i know, i know. what are you going to do without me? it is a good question. what are you gonna do? it is a question only you and
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many millions like you can answer. i would help but i'm busy with other stuff. it is time to go. it has been eight years. it was nearly a decade ago that fox news took a chance and gave me a gorgeous freak a show called "red eye." they found me through the huffington post through andrew breitbart. the show aired eight years ago. it should have been canceled seven years and nine months ago. what were they thinking hiring a right wing wino fixated on unicorns and troubled flight attendants. i was terrified and still john moody said here is a show pick your staff. he is a genius or nuts, perhaps both. roger ales trusted me. i will never forget it. everyone i picked to work here were weird, really weird like me. bill schulz. a cross between peter pan and
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a bed pan. he was a funny strange thing. and then andy levey a poorly dressed shut in with two cats. he stuck around like a foul but talented odor. but we kept at the show every night and it got better bit by bit. the lesson, if you keep doing something over and over and over again you can't help but improve. not at first. it took awhile. we had some problems. first there was our lack of talent and then of course our lack of talent but then more than a few inco hairpt -- inco hairpt guests drunk and the so on. what kept it going was the fans who saw something in this weird creature called "red eye." i said it before. loving "red eye" is a three-step process. revolion confusion and then obsession. the fans understood that the show upon discovery appears infantile, self-indulgent in craft and then at times certain elements strike you as smart or unconventional and then there is shear confusion
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and then you find it makes sense and that creates the obsession. our fans are the best, but so are our guests. my mom was a regular, one of the first. she saved -- shaved? she saved our butts on many a crappy and she shaved them later. we made my mom the senior correspondent. of course there is odorous-urangus. he was our inner planet terry correspondent and we had a death correspondent in michael boden, mike baker, allison rosen, sherrod small, tucker carlson, they have helped this show along. by the second year "red eye" became a great show. before it was odd but then it became subversive and then it was a smart vehicle for chaos. it was unpredictable and troubling, but never, ever boring. i dare you to find one boring moment excluding this one. you will find awful ones but
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never boring ones. i love this show as if it were my stunted half brother guner, seen here who was taken by a maid. i will still be here leaving "red eye," but working on" the five" and working on something for the weekend. i hope it is a lover boy tribute band. i am leaving and the show is definitely going on. i guarantee you that "red eye" will be different and that can only be a good thing. so joining me on my last show are joanne nosuchunsky tv's andy levey and we are lucky to have one of the earliest champions tucker carlson with long-time "red eye" favorite mike baker. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> should we sweat about the net? >> whoa, whoa, whoa. you are just going to go into a story like this is a normal show?
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what is wrong with you? we are not doing that. we get crap because we don't celebrate anything. do something special. >> let's pretend that this was impromptu. slept acting -- excellent acting andy. >> thanks, buddy. >> let's take a look back, andy. i guess you can start from the beginning. here is how the show began at 2:00 a.m. eastern in 2007. the same day i got my braces off. have a look, look havers. ♪ >> this is "red eye" a new show about politics pop culture and macramay. it is like larry king but without the dead guy. we are here with rachel barsden, bill schulz, andrew breitbart and i am rita cosby. actually i am greg gutfeld. this is our first show and we will talk about porn.
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>> yes, it started with porn. our story selection has matured since then. here is a clip from a great philosophical debate we had a few months ago. >> would you look down with scorn if your daughter did porn? >> i was mistaken. porn has always been a regular part. andy, you have to say we have come a long way since that first show. >> we have come away. it is perfect that we have tucker here tonight and we are talking about porn in our first show. there is another clip from that show. can we roll it? >> my porn name is tucker carlson. >> wait wait. can you reload that? reload that please right now. i know it takes time but we have to see that and show that. prees it please. >> my porn name by the way is tucker carlton. >> i was at a radiohead
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tribute band. this show is about you. i don't want to make this about me. i am not comfortable with that. we have changed. i think we kept some of the stuff from the beginning, but we have definitely gotten a little more professional and i know maybe that is not always good. >> you can't be the same every day. little things -- and you try new things and you forget that you tried them. and then you keep doing them over and over and over again. until people get sick of them. and then you get rid of them and people write to you and say why did you get rid of it? the same people that hated it want it to come back. by the way we should thank -- it hasn't been andy and us and the girls -- and the girl over there. we had two people here -- everybody asks who is laughing. that is matt. leave your camera. come over here.
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you can do that? matt because of your skin color i can't even see you. look at that. there you r. and of course there is jack. jack mics us up. he has been doing this for eight years. go away now. so anyway -- i have something in my eye. i am not crying. you were on the eighth show? >> yes, show number eight all of those years ago. and i am being sincere and i am not often sincere on this show because i don't pay a lot of attention -- >> but you tend to ram bell on. >> it has been a wonderful experience working with you. i loved every show and every opportunity and these guys too. with greg honest to god, it has been a real pleasure. i would like to apologize because there have been times over the years when i have said words that i probably
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shouldn't have said. >> baker, you are getting a segment later. >> even the new girl is tired of you. >> anything before we move on? anything you want to say? >> yeah, since mike opened the sincerity dam let me keep going. i am never sincere. i am a wholly phony person. the three things i noticed are one your ability to gather talented people around you and share the credit for the show. you are an amazing talent. >> i do do that. >> you are a great talent scout. you recognize talented people and that is a rare quality. second, a lot of the show is ad libbed. the scripts are great but you make up a lot on the fly. >> you watch carefully? >> intoxicated but i watch. and therd you never patronize the viewers. you act as if they are as smart and funny as you r. >> oh. >> they are not. >> you patronize the [bleep] out of guests.
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>> we will get that in the b-box. we patronize a lot of guests. >> can we reshow -- we have a clip of tucker. can we roll that? >> he told me that he didn't have enough money to stabilize his family working for the teacher so he had to work in the summer painting houses. >> here is more tucker carlson than tucker carlson. >> we go to the same barber. >> did you look like that when you were younger? >> i have always had shaggy hair because the ladies like it. >> he is lucky if he gross up to look -- grows up to look like you. you have a boyish demeanor. >> i have had a ton of work done. i am 57. i am not kidding. it is expensive. >> we want to talk about guests. those who found us in the first year probably remember there were lots of hits and misses mostly misses.
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did weird stuff and had off beat guests including one guy named adam bomb who almost got all of us fired. thank god nobody watched the show. roll clip. >> because if you get bitch slapped, you're the bitch. >> thank you adam bomb for being here. say goodbye. >> yeah! rock and roll. >> the alarm is going off. thank you, adam. all right everybody, stick around. we have more to come. >> you know when you are doing a show you are smiling and laughing, but it is a complete lie. at that moment i am escorted out of the building and fire codes and everything is violated. that [bleep] just cot me my job and i was only at it not quite that long. i was terrified. >> i remember i came out of the newsroom after the show and your face was as white as tucker carlson's. it was unbelieve -- it was unbelievable. i think we went out that night
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because we were all afraid to go home. we have to stay together until we find out what will happen. >> the best thing was i go to a bar and i wait there for the producer shelly. we will figure out what are we going to do? what is going to happen? she said i don't know. i have a meeting with this guy who is in charge of the building. and then adam bomb is like, dude let's party. i'm talking to his late wife who passed away a wonderful woman. i don't ever want to see him again. she said what happened? i said he cost me my job. the best part about it is i'm assuming we are all fired. the next day not a peep. not a peep. nobody at fox watches "red eye." >> you probably just screwed up by showing it now. >> now i am going to get fired. >> you noy that weekend thing? >> yeah, adam bomb. i have to say this though, in
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his defense. he was probably right and we were wrong in that that was a great thing to do, but he should have told us and we would have been prepared. i would have said no, but he should have tommed -- told us. i admit people like that but you don't do it in a newsroom. it could have turned on the sprinklers and everybody would have had to leave and fox news would have had to shutdown. >> you are still upset by it. >> really upset. adam bomb almost destroyed this place. there was another guy on the other end of the spectrum. he was the lead singer of guar and he was our inner planet terry correspondent. take a look. >> do you have styling tips for other low levels like myself? >> set fire to your face and let the fire department put it out with an axe. >> you heat earth, don't you? >> i despise it and love it at
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the same time. the earth is the only place in the galaxy that has cracks. there is an article that says there are no good band names left. do you think that is true? >> absolutely knock liquor biscuit, chuck nugget. >> i'm wondering if you have anybody in your life because she is mesmerized by you one of the ladies onset. >> that's why they wouldn't let me come to new york. they were afraid you girls would just fall in love with me. >> too late. >> you are really hot. >> greg, you would think my face looks a little shiny tonight? >> i think it looks great. >> make up!
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>> well done, my friend. >> of course he passed away last year, but in my mind he will be one of the best guests "red eye" has ever had. were you ever on the show with him? >> no, never on the show with him. >> you know he only wore a thong under his -- so the best thing was he was on the first time with father jonathon. it was father jonathon's first time on "red eye." so when he sat down he has a thong and his sweaty ass is on these chairs. father jonathon walks in and there is a disgusting puddle. we had to stop and wipe it down. that rag by the way, had to be burned. guy scaws me father -- >> excuse me, father, let us just wipe up the ass sweat. >> o de rous was the right name. >> we had some great drinking
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experiences with him after the show. stuff i can't really mention because -- no. i will say this, if you went out with him and got drunk with him chances are whatever you talked about would end up in a press release. he wrote his own press releases. he used to burn things in effigy. not burn them, but destroy them. we would get letters from people that said did you see what president obama? did you see what he did to sara pay lynn sph it was -- sarah palin. they did lots of things. i remember taking him to a bar. we got wasted on 9th avenue. i said because of what you did for one of your shows i am getting a lot of letters. can i not have you on for a month or six weeks and people
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will forget. then we are drinking and then two days later he -- no, it why did he do that? >> we have to go. memorable moments that happened from our regular guests, but before the great here is guitarist mike estes who wrote about "red eye." >> ♪ it is time for "red eye" late night entertainment. ♪ the house boy in your basement. ♪ red eye so fly ♪ ♪ red eye no lie ♪ ♪ it is time
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so by now you have had some time to digest my departure from "red eye" and your grieving process has begun. one group is hurting more than others right now america's youth. it is the final edition of -- >> welcome to a special edition of teen corner. it has the hottest topic pes facing the hottest teens. i am your host greg gutfeld or g-reg because i'm a regular greg. tonight for the last time i will answer a letter from a teen fan seth as always from tampa writes, dear greg, you leaving feels like when mommy and daddy broke up. is this my fault too? seth unlike when your parents split up it is not your fault
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for being a lack luster son never got at sports and never had a girlfriend. i will always love you and "red eye" will love you too. we just need to go our separate ways. don't think of it as a bad thing. think of it as a new beginning. tv history is full of great shows that were just as successful as the original. remember "happy days"? even more so what came after joan knee loves chachi. i remember the after mash and friends ran for 10 seasons but wasn't that a warm up of the tour de force that was joey? this has been another -- >> i thought we would take a look at some of the special moments that our guests have given us over the years. one of my favorites when we
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had the lead singer of the spin doctors on. nick foley did. >> i say filthy and outrageous things. >> you are allowed to. no one will fire you. >> good point. >> your biggest song is singing outrageous things. it was insulting and outrageous to what you sang? >> what song? >> "little miss can't be wrong"? >> no? you are not the guy i think you are? you are not the lead singer for the spin doctors? i looked you up, man. >> you're right, they have the same name. >> do you look anything alike? >> everyone -- that was a longtime ago. >> i feel a little embarrassed right now. >> that was an amazing moment. we will never get it bar. >> that may be one of the greatest moments of all time. >> this is great for everyone but me.
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>> i was impressed because i thought you were the lead singer for the spin doctors. who the hell are you? i did my homework and i looked you up. >> did you really? >> i d -- i did. >> did you see the picture of this guy? >> i am going to kill myself now. >> chris, you asked isn't the whole point of social media -- i don't even need to say anything. >> chris has endured deck i had cays of homophobia but this was more insulting. >> i think it was great nick foley decided to do research and checkup on the guests. by the way i don't know what show it was we had a guest on that had the same name roger simon, and there were two roger simon. who ever wrote the intro wrote it based on a different roger
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simon. there is a writer and there is another guy -- >> politico. >> we had the roger -- i don't remember who we had. >> also nick foley, one of the nicest guys in the world and he felt really, really bad. we felt bad for him because he was so upset. >> speaking of upset, brooke goldstein as what we call the brassiest human rights activist. she is preaching except when she is violently assaulting me. >> if i want to be a sailor can't i just be a sailor? >> you can. you have the mouth for it. >> and the aggression. >> and the aim. >> she hit me in the head with a pen. >> i was aiming -- >> wow. >> calm it down. calm it down brooke. seven years and i have never had somebody throw a pen at
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me. >> thank you so much. >> you know what is interesting about brooke? many things. first time we had her on the show she -- well put it this way. she is the type of girl that can start a fight in the bar and win the fight. >> she is pretty ferocious. >> she usually brings a machete. >> at that moment brooke was everyone in the room's hero. >> while evil vindictive guests like brooke threatened my life others posed a danger to themselves. isn't that right, gavin? >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> happy new year! >> ♪ >> anything for a laugh. it. >> sometimes you just fall out
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of your chair, i understand. >> is he going to have a home on this channel? >> let's not talk about it. are we not doing this? we ran out of time. we couldn't do the dream sequence. oh wait we have time for this. another one of my favorite moments. let's show this picture. you know that is? jonathon who came on as a cats character. he didn't tell us. why asked him why he said he is appearing in an off broadway version of cats. i thought he was telling the truth. it turns out he was lying. he had no reason. >> he just liked to dress up. >> he had no reason at all. he is a psycho path. he is a crazy, crazy person. that is genius. we got the best and worst of mike baker on "red eye" as if you need to see that. and here is more reaction from
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mike baker is a guest i can always count on to stutter, curse and hijack the conversation. highlights and low lights. >> be smart dashing and brave. enough about my good friend clive owen. >> i love mike baker. he is made of chocolate, strawberries and dreams. >> i wish mike baker was my dad. then i would kill him so he would never leave. >> i wonder how many people are masterbating watching this show now. i turn to most of my news for charlie sheen. he spent $100,000 on hooker. >> i wish mike baker were my pants. i would never take them off. >> he was doing his thing and spending $100,000 on hookers i was with him. >> i wish mike baker was a gun
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and i i shoot you in the face. >> what was i talking about? >> you are a great awful guest. >> you are a great, awful guest. we have learned a lot about mike baker. how little he prepared for "red eye" when he does other shows. i call him dr. jekyl and mr. hyde. >> can we run the tape from earlier? >> they have said for some time that the supply is not the problem. production is not the issue. i think they and others in opec have been blaming speculators on this.
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>> now roll the tape of you on "red eye." >> when i smoke me some weed the first thing i want to eat is a hot wing sandwich. >> what the hell, man 1234 what the hell? >> have you ever heard of bi-polar. >> i am right about that though. >> it made more sense to me on "red eye" cavuto. >> it was an interesting thing about guests that can do both shows, "red eye" and everything else is they do changing. >> you have to. >> they are more real on this show because they don't -- they can be. gee that is true and speaking from experience. >> i give more twitter stuff
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off of this show, but it is true. you can be yourself and say thing you will never, ever say. >> that's why we got in a lot of trouble. >> you can see these you are into little cuts. >> over the last eight years i welcomed 750,000 guests. thanks to my own creative genius we were able to give "red eye" guests the introductions they deserve. here is an array of the best word play. >> if legal expertise were a riding lawn mower i would straddle her on the week weekends and waive to my neighbors if sexiness was a tv i whoa have to bang her. she would keep me up all waiting for results. if beauty were string i would tie her around my package.
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if hilarity was the flew i would spend a week in bed with them. i would jump her in the park. repeatedly i might add probably with kids. >> if wise come was a canal lock lock -- if musical genius was a bull pen men would warm up inside of him. >> if hilarity was a tell ton i would do him in front of a sick kids. >> i cannot believe that those were on tv. when we stopped doing the really bad ones -- you have to understand i wasn't supposed to do those. some of the guests were like, what? that group that would make it uncomfortable before the show started.
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>> i had a guy send me a plaque of one you did one time. if he was a soap dispenser i would pump him in the bathroom. i have it on a plaque on a wall now in my office. >> it is word play. when we started doing this -- >> that's all it is. people say it is not a double ontendre. >> like mount her on the front line? >> if you think that thought that's on you. if you were thinking the 30 thought, that's not on you. >> it is true. we had a lot of viewers would send me stuff and then allison rosen wrote a lot in the beginning but there was a lot from people and i wish i could remember their names. it was on my e-mail. some guy would send 15 or 20. >> and yet always make me
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write my own. >> you have to learn. >> it illustrates an interesting thing that nobody else does which is the repetition creates a joke that when you play back it is better than the actual choke itself. you do them together and it was neat. >> and the fans are a tribute to the genius of our fans and the laziness over the past eight years. >> we never paid them. >> no, their checks are in the mail. so we had so many great guests or did i dream it? who knows? >> i think this is what martin luther king would have wanted. four white people sitting here. >> technically this is tuesday morning. i hate to inform you that it
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is 3:00 a.m. bonnie,. >> i started working three weeks aping. >> we have seen it before. it is a sad story of a boy and he does not president what the down sides of being a black by by the cops when you get into your car. other than that i feel sorry to this guy. i said this before justin bieber is on a downward spiral and he needs help and i hope he gets the help he needs. >> the problem with bieber is he thinks he is the first guy to be young and famous. nobody has done it before. and his behavior is as original as a wolf. absolutely. that is to the just him. that's every thine teen-year-old or whrofer old he is. we were like that and now he is like that. you got the help you needed.
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hello? andy? >> where are the guests? >> what guests? >> we don't have any guests here. there are no guests here. >> there has never been any guests here. >> you guys and your acting. >> good acting. >> i always maintain "red eye" does not exist. it is being done for me in a mental hospital. it is to keep me from killing people. >> it has been seen everywhere. >> is that what it was? we had a lot of great guests. people go like where did the guests go? they moved. they literally moved. half of the gas on fro 20en are moving to l.a. he is in austin and you have
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michelle collins in l.a. and lauren sivan is in l.a. >> did you mention lisa sph. >> lisa who? >> no jaime. allison rosen working for -- >> not anymore. glia -- >> all of these people move. i don't do remotes or i don't do that base i hate them. have to take a break. the lest moments from male time when we dom back. and i am not going to go without telling you about my book. you will still do this when i am gone. autographed copy g gut does your carpet ever feel rough and
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reading viewer mail was sometimes educational and sometimes entertaining and sometimes frightening and arousing. there was times we shared the e-mails with the audience. here is one that lead to what i would call the greatest love in the history of television. >> finally someone with a fine pallet understands circus peanuts are the candy. you are my hero. first i would like to age them for a few days so they are crunchy on the outside.
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good. dan i am happy you get me and the joy of circus penis -- peanuts! [laughing]. >> that will be the name of your auto-biography. "the joy of circus penis" by greg gutfeld. >> the next time you up viet me to the -- you invite me to the circus i am saying yes. >> i call that fat face greg era. and then there is anna gilligan who made the mistake of telling us when she was growing up she attended a summer camp run by quakers. this is a total true thing. and she apparently spent a lot of time without any clothes. that lead to quite a bit of viewer mail and it disgusted me. >> i decided to go to quaker camp this summer. i don't president what to pay the -- i don't want to pay the deposit until i know which anna gilligan will be at.
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now if the quaker camp is the one that goes nude. there is nothing more disgusting than the thought of naked anna gilligan frol i can ling among the trees and grassy fields. i can only imagine her bear body rolling in the leaves. what about those who were scared her blonde hair dancing in the wind. i disgust me sir for brenging it up. >> i agree she is a gift from god, but a gift that should be appreciated. it is wrong to think of her back at quaker camp. frolicking through the woods and wearing nothing but daisies in her hair and the morning dew dripping from the muscles of her fragrant
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limbs. wrear is splashing about her thighs so the very fluid knew the presence was magical. >> why did i do that? >> i don't even know what i was doing. and i was sober. >> obviously ordinarily i would say that was problematic. what saved it was the obvious disgust you felt that the viewers were writing and talking. >> do we have time for the next one? >> a lot of mail is brrrr red eye regulars. here is one with andy making a bizarre cameo from the newsroom. >> linda checks in. why does andy levey make out half of what he says. maybe he needs to cut down on the drugs and alcohol. he should speak slower and more clearly. there he is. he is chewing the gum.
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that's creepy. what is he doing down there. >> there was no point to that. it is like robert deniro in cape fear. >> i am watching the met gail. leave me alone. >> what happened to you? >> i don't know. >> you were tanner than your suit. >> that was the same shoot. >> i am disgusted by myself. no wonder i was on this show for eight years. >> you didn't say anything any other red blooded male would have said to anna gill law began in that period of time. >> we come back and the final thoughts from joanne and andy, we will be right back.
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and now here is joanne with more thoughts on her time with me at "red eye." >> thanks, greg. i spent the last hour doing what i usually do, talk about things i am too young and pretty to understand. while i have only been a part of the show for the last year there are some episodes that i will never forget. here are some of my fondest "red eye" memories. >> i am dana perino filling in for greg gutfeld i cooperate careless about. >> i am jedediah bila filling in for greg gutfeld. >> i am gavin mcgineess filling in for greg gutfeld. >> i am andy levey filling in for greg who is buying white rugs and tape. >> i am sherrod small filling in for greg gutfeld who is in colorado. i hope he brings me some of the good legal stuff. >> i am tom shillue filling in nor greg gutfeld. he is the trunk of my car. >> i am joanne nosuchunsky.
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>> they can all remember my first name. it was nice. >> that was unfair. andy -- why am i yelling? what am i doing? how much time do i have? can i do this? andy will say a few words to close out tonight's show. what a transition. >> nine years ago i got an e-mail from greg gutfeld. we were writing together on blogs. he was living in london so we never met. i got an e-mail telling me he was flying 20 new york to meet with exec from fox news to start a late night news comedy show and if anything comes out of the meetings i should join him. what was started in the meetings became "red eye" and true to his word greg took me along for the ride and something i will owe him for. i have had the privilege working with greg. a man short in stature is also
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not very tall. i learned that unicorns are miraculous creatures to be lovedded unconditionally. i learned with all of the free tickets having a flight attendant roommate named scott is not worth the drama. you have seen the highlights and low lights from the eight years, but we thought tonight should end with a proper look at the man whose name was in the title until tonight. while "red eye" will continue" red eye" with greg gutfeld will not. we will end the show with one final farewell. goodbye, old friend and god speed. we'll miss you. ♪
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same. an all-new "strange inheritance" starts right now. announcer: a superstorm gets the jersey shore. >> he walked in and what do you find? >> even get in the front door. >> it was overwhelming the damage that had been done. announcer: a town institution obliterated. the code some superheroes save the day? >> i was holding the book up and i'm screaming like a giddy schoolgirl. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪
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