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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  March 1, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST

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scopes. we don't have to take the whole uterus. it used to be done in the '50s and '60s. it was quite sexist. i'm glad we're moving away from it, we should move away from it. >> four seconds. >> always get a second opinion. >> thank you for watching. thanks for spending your sunday with us. i'm leland vitter. welcome to america's news headquarters from washington. >> they made a deal but the standoff continues. the clock is already counting down again to another showdown over dhs funding and an effort to fight back against the president's executive actions on immigration. what happens next? benjamin netanyahu is winging his way to washington as we speak, and he's in for a mix red ed reception when he arrives. he will talk about this nuclear deal with iran. while the white house calls the deal destructive, he has major
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support on the hill. >> welcome to the prime minister's speech. i look forward to hearing what he has to say. >> so will the visit be a near blip or a blow to u.s.-israeli relations? and member irs official scandal. a bombshell has dropped at a hearing on capitol hill. those e-mails supposedly lost forever may actually still exist and they may have been found. what do the organizations targeted by the irs think of this latest revelation? we're going to ask the president of one of them. she joins us live. there is no such deal and there is no such bill. on friday there was a bill on the house floor to pass a clean funding bill and we rejected that. >> strong words from house majority congressman steve scalise this morning. this comes after rumors that
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house speaker john boehner passed a decision to reach a clean house funding bill. let's bring in senator graham. senator, glad to have you here today. >> thank you. >> do you know much about this deal? >> it plays out one of two ways. we're going to destroy our last chance as republicans to convince the country we're capable of running their government. the democrats got fired because they screwed up so much, harry reid and nancy pelosi ran the government in such a way it turned americans off. we need to understand reality when it comes to dhs funding. >> what do you do with a very vocal group who says listen, we don't want anything to do with in any way subsidizing with what they view legal actions by the president. >> i share their view that the borders are illegal,
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unconstitutional, but they're not the vote from the senate to defund the executive orders. >> so you're saying move on. >> i'm saying if you could get six democrats to vote to defund the executive orders and fund dhs, the president would veto the bill, then we would have to get 67. the courts have ruled in our favor. a district court judge in texas gave us the out we should take. he's agreeing with us on the law. my view is that we should allow the courts to deal with the illegal nature of the executive orders, and as a republican, here's what i'm telling my fellow colleagues. if you believed as i do this country is under extreme threat from radical islam and that an attack could happen at any minute nobody in their right mind given this threat level should even consider shutting down dhs for 30 seconds because of the threats we face. >> speaking of threats this week israel's prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu is coming to address congress. a lot of people believe iran poses threats to not only israel and that region but to the greater community. there are key democrats who have signed on saying if this administration continues down the path of making a deal over iran's nuclear program that congress should get to have a say, a thumbs up and a thumbs down on that deal. now, i want to read a little bit of what we're hearing from the white house, their reaction because you have a veto threat saying, quote, if this bill is sent to the president, he will veto it. we should give our negotiators the best chance of success rather than complicating their efforts. how do you respond? >> it is not complicating, the negotiations, for congress to look at the deal after the fact and decide if we want to relieve the sanctions we've created. the congressional sanctions passed 100 to nothing over the objections of hillary clinton. it is the congress that imposed
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sanctions that got the iranians to the table. in barack obama's world that there are no checks and balances have to end. in all issues that i will deal with as united states senator, keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of the iranians is forefront. isil is what can happen if the iranians acquire nuclear capability. one, iranians in the region will not allow them to have a nuclear weapon without divizing one of our own. if it rain yanns got a nuclear weapon, they would share the technology with the terrorists, it would come here and when they say they want to destroy israel, they mean it. so every day we talk about something other than the threat we face from a nuclear armed iran is a bad day for us a good day for iranians. to the president, i expect congress will reject your insistence that we shut up and
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go in a corner and just not have a say. i believe there are already six democrats on board for the idea we should have a final say as to whether or not the congressional sanctions are lifted that there will be strong bipartisan support for this, over 67 votes, and the idea that congress would sit on the sidelines and watch john kerry susan rice and barack obama negotiate with the iranians and not care how the outcome looks, not have a say about the deal is just mind-boggling and i don't think we'll let that happen. >> so you think you will have a veto-proof authority if the white house stays good on this veto threat you can pull together the votes to allow that. >> i think it's time for the republican party and democratic party to tell their constituents, i trust barack obama so much i don't need to look at the deal myself. it starts a nuclear arms war in the mideast, it puts nuclear
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arms in the hands of the terrorists. they're arming themselves in the mideast. what do you think they would do from the money that came from sanctions relief urpdnder a deal? do you think they would build schools and hospitals with it? they would invest in their military, they would invest in intercontinental ballistics. having congress as a backdrop to a bad deal is absolutely essential, and i believe democrats will agree with me in this regard. if a deal is done all i'm saying is let us vote as to whether or not we agree it's good enough to lift the sanctions that we created. >> all right. well, the stage is set for it to be passed potentially vetoed and potentially overridden so we will watch, senator very closely. >> it's set up for the worst possible reaction i can imagine. a bad deal that leads to nuclear armed eye -- ayatollahs.
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this is the most important decision we can make in our lifetime. we can't screw up. by virtue of the invitation that was issued by the speaker by the acceptance of t by prime minister netanyahu two weeks in advance of his election is that on both sides, there has now been injected a degree of partisan partisanship, which is not only unfortunate, i think it's destructive of the fabric of the relationship. >> that was national security adviser susan rice with some tough words for the prime minister and what his planned speech is doing to the u.s.-israeli relationship. for israeli's side of the argument we're joined by former chief of staff to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. mr. bennett, we appreciate you being here. i'm going to take it that by you
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nodding, you agree with most of the things senator graham said, but i'm going there seems to be two discussions here in washington one about iran with senator graham and one about the prime minister coming to the united states to speak to congress. which argument is most important? >> well, i think clearly the iranian threat is paramount. the deal that's being contemplated right now it's an unmitigated disaster. it's one of those events in history that 100 years from now, people are going to ask what were they thinking? this deal effectively legitimizes iran's uranium enrichment program it creates a path for them to get a bomb within several years. and this is unacceptable. you know, there's 20 different countries in the world that have nuclear power and they don't enrich uranium.
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you don't need to enrich uranium. iran, there have been six consecutive u.n. security council resolutions that says iran cannot enrich uranium at all, asknd they violated this. you violate u.n. admission and see then you get a prize where the u.s. says go ahead and do it. >> prime minister benjamin netanyahu almost views himself as churchill and views it as the 1930s, nazi germany on the rise, the ayatollah on the rise right now. who is chamberlain? >> the point is right now iran is developing intercontinental missiles. why are they doing that? if they want to hit israel they have other missiles. they need missiles to hit new york paris. this criminal path of the biggest exporter of terror in the world, iran means many are
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at risk. nuclear power is a disaster. >> so we hear what is the disaster, we've heard for a long time from the prime minister about a bad deal dangerous deal, these kinds of things. what deal with iran would be acceptable to the israelis. >> or to the world. a deal that says they cannot enrich uranium. they can have nuclear power but not in rich uranium or anything that can allow them to develop a nuclear bomb. that's the deal. just like canada and new mexico. if they want nuclear power, they don't need to enrich uranium. there is no reason to allow them to do it. it's sort of like a boxing match. iran is on the flooróy
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ratchet up sanctions, wait a bit and iran will have to give up their nuclear program. instead we're sort of picking them up and letting them keep their program. >> there is another side to this argument that's even playing out there inside israel. i want to put up a quote from the former chief of the massad. he was quoted in a very well-respected newspaper and he described netanyahu's policies as destructive to the future and security of israel. why is he wrong? >> the overwhelming majority of israelis don't support that position, and by the way, it is a very liberal newspaper. but bottom line is most israelis understand that this is a terrible disaster this deal. if i want my grandchildren to live in israel for that matter my children i've got four children. >> you view it as a matter of survival, and that's one of the things the prime minister has
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put on it. quickly, secretary of state john kerry today on abc news said the following, and we have the quote right here. he said, we have a closer relationship with israel right now in terms of security than any other time in history. this is senator marco rubio in an exclusive interview with fox news. >> this administration is treating the ayatollah and iran with more respect than the prime minister of israel. what folks don't understand, it's not just a diplomatic spat. any sort of distance between the u.s. and israel inventivizes israel. >> who is right? >> we have a little bit better friend in america and it goes deeper than between the two leaders. it's a self-fulfillment. we have isis and syria flanking us. you can see isis as the global
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front in the fight of terror, but we expect the free world to have backups in this very tough fight. i myself fought in several conflicts as a commander. it's not fun but you got to do what you got to do to protect our freedoms, our values and our lives. and we do hope that america and especially congress, will step up to this historic challenge and say,. >> without question, it's a dangerous part of the world you live in. we know you have an election coming up in a few weeks. good luck and nice talking to you. >> thank you. >> shannon? is there potentially criminal activity here? your answer was there is potential criminal activity. >> block bsbuster testimony. revealing that the irs have recovered e-mails they thought
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were lost forever and are looking at possible criminal charges. one of the conservative groups that was targeted by the irs, katherine is here with us today. some 32,000 e-mails, we don't know how many of them are new, but e-mails at one point under sworn testimony we were told by irs officials were gone for good, it appears they still exist. and apparently no one was looking for them, at least no one subjected to the subpoena. what do you make of everything we found out this week? >> it confirms what we've known all along. the irs is lying. and unless there is another game-changing event, my fear is we'll see year upon year of meetings and no real action. i feel we've crossed into new terrain now. now that this is criminal we need a plan. >> do you think that's going to put pressure now on those who have been avoiding some type of
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outside special prosecutor in this process or another outside body to look at what's going on? obviously congress is on this. but now learning that maybe their own subpoenas were ignored or rebuffed. where do we go from here? >> we took to the federal court last year the hope that through our lawsuit the courts would allow for us to bring in an independent forensic data scientist team. and that was denied because of the time. the irs told the courts that there were no e-mails. there is no honor among thieves, and it's very difficult to ascertain what in fact, would be the catalyzing event to get this into the hands of an independent prosecutor. shannon, personally, i'm tired of waiting. for five years ooifri've watched this happen. we are putting together a dream team really, of world-renowned
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data scientists who are stepping forward and are ready to dig into the data. we're just going to call upon congress to release it to us and let us and let the american people who we will need en masse to help sort the data out give us a shot at it. let's return this to the people. enough is enough. >> yeah, there is a lot to go through. like we said we don't know how many of these are new or things we haven't seen before but you don't know what's in there. it could be nothing, it could be something that leads to the support of the allegations of what lois lerner is alleged to have done. she testified before she took the fifth and there were statements about whether she arguably effectively took the fifth after making those statements. do you think we'll get answers directly from her? >> even if we did, do we believe them? this is the game that moves as you play. there is no indication that we can believe any word that comes out of any of their mouths.
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give us the data and let us see for ourselves. that's where this is at. someone weaponized the irs against private citizens. we need to know who was calling those shots. >> we're told that. the oversight committee was told, quote irs employees had not asked computer technicians for these tapes. they had not even asked for them. do you think, as this begins to trickle out, you mentioned it's been five years, that those connected to this issue are simply going to run out the clock and there will be no accountability? >> i think that's absolutely the plan. they're hoping that america forgets forgets. they have a short attention span. so maybe something happens that wipes this away and then nobody really has to answer the questions that need answering.
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i think if there are countless number of americans that are willing to do the work to get to the bottom of this, because despite the party affiliations, the thought that the u.s. would be weaponized against citizens is something that should send a chill down everyone's spine. they hope we're going to forget. we're not. >> well, you have been doggedly determined on this. we know you've testified many times on the hill, and as you said it doesn't matter how far right or how far left you are the fact that any government entity would potentially be used to silence or target political enemies is something every american should pay attention to. we know you will. we will as well. we want to know what you think at home. do you think anything will come of these missing low -- e-mails?
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tweet us. after a big scare, nasa's cable guys go on their third space walk springing new lines all over the international space station. we're going to tell you why they needed the upgrade next. plus, a little more than four years ago, border agent patrol brian terry was killed. those who love and honor him have just found a moving way to honor his legacy. we're going to show you. plus, the oil-rich latin american country with a long history of bashing america has crossed a new line. we have captured some u.s. citizens and undercover activity. how do you call that in military jargon? espionage activities. espionage.
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nasa astronauts wrapping up their third space walk at the international space station in just over a week. this was the first space walk since astronaut terry burtz had
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a scare of water leaking into his helmet on wednesday's outing. they installed 400 feet of cable and two separate antennas. the equipment would allow two astronauts to dock at the space station. the leader of venezuela says his country has detained several on suspicion of espionage. brian ennis is live with more on just how bad relations with venezuela is getting. brian? >> reporter: venezuela's approval rating is at an all-time low. the economy is tanking and he's blaming the u.s. for all of it. in a national speech, he said all americans need a temporary visa and must pay a fee to visit venezuela. the u.s. embassy will have to cut the number of diplomats in the country and must seek approval for meetings.
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he says this is in retaliation of attempts to overthrow him. he also claims to have recently captured several american spies including an unnamed u.s. pilot. the u.s. state department has not received any official word on these new restrictions and they're calling maduro's allegations baseless. maduro went on to ban people from visiting venezuela, including former president bush and marco rubio calling them quote, terrorists. >> first of all i love the people of venezuela. i want that country to have freedom, to have human rights, and to be banned by a dictator like maduro is a ban of honor. >> chairman of the senate committee of foreign relations tweeted, i will continue to speak out against human rights abuses in venezuela even though i am banned from traveling there. both recently helped patch u.s. sanctions against venezuela and government officials in
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december. leland? >> you can tell a lot about a man by his enemies. brian live in new york. you can see his family here posing with the statue. they say this is a tribute to brian terry's legacy. >> it's a statue of brian carrying his team member on his shoulders. it represents everything good about brian his strength, his determination, his attention to detail, his love for the border patrol and his love for his fellow agents. >> you will remember of course brian was killed in 2010 when he was gunned down by an illegal immigrant with a gun connected to the u.s. operation "fast and furious." >> there are still so many questions about "fast and
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furious." obamacare is on the docket at the supreme court this week. shannon will be there. could it mean the end of the affordable care act? our legal panel is going to weigh in. >> the amendments agreed to and without objection, the moment to reconsider is laid upon the table. >> all right the clock is already ticking towards another dhs shutdown. deja vu all over again but is there a secret deal in the works? we'll have a live report. plus our political panel is here for a fair and balanced debate on how speaker on speaker john boehner's political future.
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the department of homeland security is headed for a partial shutdown potentially unless congress can reach another deal by the end of the week. all right, well, the house has
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passed a one-week stopgap measure late friday just after the senate had done something similar and before the funding ran out. it's been a big mess. but house speaker john boehner had to rely on democratic votes to get this done in the house. now there is political fallout and plenty of allegations. doug sheer with the latest on what comes next. hi, doug. >> hi, shannon. make no mistake that the decision to put down the other offer should never have been on the table. despite the differences, republicans are united. >> the republicans have a difference on how we want to go about with tactics, but our goal is the same, to fight the president on illegal immigration, and we're now forced to go to conference committee which is what we wanted to do all along last
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week. >> but the huge sticking point remains. the house gop leadership says there is no plan to fully fund dhs for a year without including a position on blocked spend that go they call president obama's skewed vision of illegal immigration. >> can you see next week democrats offering anything but a clean bill? >> no i don't believe that will happen. we want a clean bill. we have passed taking votes on a clean bill. it's well known. and i see nothing else happening other than a clean bill. >> so that puts congress back to square one and it puts speaker boehner in a very delicate position. after last november's resounding gop victory which gave congress both houses of congress to the gop, many analysts believe boehner had a cushion of 30 or so moderate republican votes to overcome democratic opposition and tea party opposition.
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the demonstrations shows that cushion may be smaller, not bigger, than boehner thought. shannon, back to you. >> they'll go to round two or three or four, whatever it is at this point. doug, thank you so much. time now for a fair and balanced debate, democratic strategist, appreciate you being here. senator lindsey graham told republicans earlier that they were awaiting their last best chance to prove to the american people that they can govern. right? >> there are two ways we will break the president's illegal executive action. one is the higher courts will up uphold what the judge in texas said which is, this is illegal what the president said or we will elect a president in 2016 and he or she will override it. the rest is d.c. political gainsmanship. >> so why do it when the options appear to be so bad for the republicans? >> the democrats continue to vote for legislation they say
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they're for. joe mansion says he's for getting rid of what the president did, clair mccaskill, yet they won't vote for it. they have a group of republicans who want to make a point on this when there are better ways to make the point. let's pass a budget. >> are the republicans and democrats enjoying this? >> i don't think anyone is enjoying it, but there are ways this can happen. this debate within the party right now and fighting this out in public, it is the house minority -- i mean the minority within the gop majority that is causing this problem. and they can't -- >> the democrat moderates could be voting for the legislation. and even then the president is going to veto it. >> the gop is united for a clean bill. they've been able to hold their caucus tight.
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where the problem is and where the republicans do have the vote, they have the votes in the house to pass a clean bill, they're just not going to do it, and that's a division within the party, it's an argument within the party, and it's not doing the party any good, particularly with the problems we have right now in homeland security and the crisis with this development. >> we just heard from doug mctell's report here speaker boehner lost so many votes. they really fer get this three-week bill passed, and when 352 republicans say no, what does that say for a speaker who can't contain a caucus? >> the speaker is still the speaker, and why not put money into the budget and say, we're going to build the border. we're going to make a bigger border security a bigger priority, and guess what, we're going to do it by this date, and let the president decide if he's going to pass it or not pass it. there are fights on immigration. the republicans are united.
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the president's actions are illegal. we may disagree on tactics, we don't disagree on the principle. >> john boehner may be the speaker, but the fact is the only reason we've got funding for the dhs this week is because he had to go across the aisle to find democrats to vote for that. that's an amazing thing. >> you think there is a back room deal? >> well, if there is that's going to come out at some point and that is going to create problems for his speakership. i mean i don't know what -- we had that vote a month ago. he is the speaker and will continue to be the speaker. >> i don't know about that. >> if things move forward, though, it seems as though this allows the democrats at a certain level to step back, watch the republicans fight for each other. it looks bad for the republicans and the democrats can say, you guys can't pass anything, move forward. >> it looks bad for everybody. >> why is it that republicans continue to get blamed for it? why is that the way the optics
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always turn out? >> they were appointed excuses on both sides coming into the last congress. now you've got -- they do have the senate, they do have the house, they should have been able you would think at leadership level, come up with an agreement, pass something out of senate out of the house, send it to the president's desk. if it had something the president had to veto, then the president would be vetoing homeland security funding. he can't even get it together to do that. >> dave, joe we'll leave it there. appreciate it, gentlemen. thanks so much. shannon? still to come, obamacare faces another supreme court challenge. will the court overturn a key provision of the law? we're going to ask our legal panel, coming up. rin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack
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hear arguments on something very important to the affordable care act or obamacare as some call it, on wednesday at issue. plaintiffs say the act allows subsidies to allow people to afford health insurance only go to states that have insurance exchanges, not the federal market places. but there are a lot of states that didn't set up federal exchanges so it's a big deal. good to have you both here. >> good to be here shannon. >> thank you. >> this has to do with the fact that right now there are 37 states that didn't set up exchanges, but the irs set up this plan to help people afford health insurance. how critical is this case wednesday to the health of the overall act? >> it's extremely critical. the availability of tax credits to every american who needs them across the&rl country is a crucial part of the affordable care act. and without it the act simply can't function. that's why it's so preposterous to think that congress would have written the law in the way
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the challengers say it did, and no one thought to think that that's not the way the act works, not even scott walker who might be the next republican presidential candidate thought that. he built his wisconsin program based on the assumption that tax credits on federally facilitated exchanges would be available. >> and michael, we have john gruber who -- though he downplays it some call him the architecture of obamacare. we have him saying taxpayers don't get the subsidies if these state exchanges aren't set up. he now says that's taken out of context. what say you? >> millions of americans like kevin paste he's a division in virginia, and the irs illegally imposed obamacare's man dates on his employer. as a result, they took a hit of $8 million.
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we expect them to listen to that and lift the taxes off millions of americans. >> i'm happy to talk about the real people involved in this case, and i would think about the real people who are going to lose their health insurance and the people who will actually die. public health has kwaul filed the number of people who will lose their lives if they lose these tax credits, and that's really what's at stake here. >> michael we're talking about millions of people who will be impacted by this, and it could be disastrous to the law itself and how do you think that will weigh into the court's decision here? >> what that means is obamacare doesn't work and that's actually an argument for repealing the law. >> i see you wincing and that's probably not what you think you're saying. >> no, you have these tax credits who need help purchasing health insurance, and that's a
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crucial part of it. you need all three of them to be able to work. it has already been held up constitutionally by the supreme court, and this is another attempt to get rid of the law. >> as the u.s. has interpreted the statute as it understands it, the language says the subsidies go where state exchanges have been set up. so people will argue for that plain segment by itself, and then there's elizabeth who will say, that's not how the law was intended to work. there would be great incentives for them to set it up and they didn't calculate the backlash for states that didn't. >> these taxes are only authorized, quote, through an exchange established by the state. if we say that members of congress didn't expect the law to work that way, we're just admitting that members of congress didn't read the law before they passed it. they passed it hastily and now they're having buyer's remorse. it turns out supporters of
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obamacare don't like obamacare like the rest of the country does. >> who is the critical justice you have to get here? there is lots of speculation about kennedy, lots of speculation about the chief justice. who would you be targeting? >> all the justices like scalise and thomas you read it in its entirety, you don't take four words in isolation and only read those. you could take four words out of "moby dick" and say it's wonderful, but you would get an f on that. >> the court should cut the irs some slack. when is the last time the irs ever cut you some slack? >> i don't think we're going to have any agreement between the two of you other than this is going to be a slevery interesting case. they'll argue this on thursday. thank you for being here. >> thank you. there is another weekend, another bad winter storm and in the case of deja vu all over
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again, another storm might be on the way. janice dean is in our weather center for more. janice? >> leland, look at the snow cover across the country. only three states don't have snow, and will boston set its record for the snowiest winter of all time? it could happen with our next storm system which we will talk about when we return. stay with us. [announcer:] what if one stalk of broccoli could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? [man grunts] one wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain difficulty breathing and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 ® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 ®
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just dabe a look at this. a massive pile-up in missouri. two dozen vehicles were involved in a chain of car crashes along that highway. police say the trouble all began after a tractor-trailer rammed into a greyhound bus on interstate 44 in southern missouri. unbelievably nobody was killed, but as you can imagine there were a lot of people hurt. >> i remember just being like, catapulted straight to the floor and i landed on my back and i'm holding on for dear life praying the bus will not flip as i'm hanging on to the chairs. >> i would be praying too. and is there any relief. janice dean is in the fox center. and we meet again. >> it is true. i think we could play last weekend's weather report and it
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would probably hold true, right? we're talking about two winter storms. one across the southwest that will make its travel across the u.s. this week. and then we have this mess bringing freezing rain and sleet to the d.c. area. people are urged to stay off the roadways up towards philadelphia and new york where we have heavy snow being reported. so freezing rain for d.c., up toward philadelphia. new york with the heavy snow. and then boston getting several inches out of this snow-maker as well. it won't be a blizzard i should change that. but measurable snow to the northeast for another weekend heading into monday morning's commute. so there is overnight tonight and by monday this will be out of the way. but of course spring is nowhere to be found on this map. we have winter storm advisories posted for several states, including d.c. you are under a winter storm warning. and then the next weather-maker. out of the west, and bringing storms and the potential for
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flooding over the four corners. this will continue across the upper midwest and the great lakes and then eventually making its -- its presence known over the northeast and the mid atlantic by mid-week. leyland, i wish i had better news for you, my friend. >> so i do. thanks janice. >> and you'll just abruptly leave it at that. thank you, janice. after the break. your top tweets and a wedding on ice. a blizzard could not keep this couple from walking down the aisle, out in the snow. >> something we could tell our kids. if you're running a business legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped
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we asked earlier in the show if you thought anything would come from the thousands of e-mails found from lois learner and the irs scandal. greg said, not at all. it will take months and months to complete. everybody will have moved on to the next scandal. timothy thinks it should but going to be very difficult. karen says yes. if the american people keep it alive. and catherine engel brekt keeps her fight up. rare snowfall in texas closing schools and streets but tiffany and clay were determined it wouldn't keep them from getting married. the couple knew it could get very cold at an outdoor wedding in february but they didn't have any idea it would be like this. check it out.
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>> that is dedication. >> and if you are wearing boots you can get married in any weather. at the end of the day, they are married and they have a great story. >> and rare for a texas snow. we'll see you next sunday. "america's news headquarters" is next. >> have a good one. >> i'm chris wallace. we have the results of the cpac straw poll. and a hot comemodity in the republican race. scott walker. >> you shot to the top of the polls in iowa and near the top nationally, how do you explain that? >> we ask him about comparing union protesters to isis and whether he's changed some of his positions? >> question, isn't that amnesty? >> governor scott walker. it is a fox news sunday exclusive. and an 11th hour funds the department of homeland security for one more week, but the


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