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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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both sides here. israelis saying it is rude and many of the democratic party saying it is justified given the fact that john boehner breached protocol by inviting to do this without the president's okay. hello everyone. i'm dana perino along with kimberly guilfoyle eric bolling and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." on the eve of his controversial address to congress that put him at odds with the white house the prime minister of israel is seeking to down play the notion of a personal dispute with president obama. here is benjamin netanyahu at the aipec conference. >> never has so much been written about a speech that hasn't been given. my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office that he holds. i have great respect for both.
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the last thing that i would want is for israel to become a partisan issue. israel has always been a bipartisan issue and should always remain a bipartisan issue. >> the prime minister also said he won't remain silent over a deal with iran that he says could threaten the very survival of his country. >> america lives in one of the world's safest neighborhoods. israel lives in the world's most dangerous neighborhood. american leaders worry about the security of their country. israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country. i think that incapsulates the difference. >> and let's talk about that. on the substance of this setting aside the politics to both
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sides, the substance is that the americans have been engaged with iran and walking up to this deal and there is extreme alarm not only in israel but in many people across this country who are alarmed that this is a very bad deal that is going to allow iran in the future to get a nuclear weapon. >> i don't blame netanyahu for -- this is his mortal enemy. it brings up this issue of what is a normal leader? a normal leader generally seeks like minded leaders who share your beliefs. they are called allies. obama in his belief system does the reverse. he looks for people that hate him and goes let's go bowling. i want to talk to iran. and who does the president listen to? he is not listening to his allies but more to valerie. this is her show. maybe she is like the high school drama teacher in iran is
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her pippin. this is a big deal. in the meantime we've got a legitimately concerned leader and we have a media who thinks his speech is bad but the potential for nuclear iran is less bad. that seems backwards to me. it is like being concerned over crab grass when you have poisonous mushrooms. >> i think that is the real point here. so much concern that aipac conference they had 16,000 attendees including 3,000 college students. we have been talking about the growing anti-semitism on campuses so i think they are engaged on all levels across the board. >> interesting this is kind of like the warm up for tomorrow. 11:00 tomorrow netanyahu will deliver the speech that matters. i believe when he says this is not about disrespecting president obama. i don't think they get along.
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i don't think they particularly like each other but that is not what this is about. this is about preservation of israel. iran said we want to wipe israel off the face of the earth. the reason why democrats and president obama by default aren't embracing the visit is because he is going to outline why the obama strategy in iran with iran isn't going to work and when fail means iran gets a nuke and wants to get rid of israel and will be a constant threat to our biggest ally. and the obama administration is fearing that with only a couple of weeks left with these negotiations. a couple of meetings this week. it will derail some sort of deal. can i point out one more thing. a deal means we have inspectors that inspect. we have international inspectors. we had that two different
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occasions. both times when they got close to finding highly enriched uranium they got thrown out of the country and then deals broke down and they had to start over. why is this any different? >> charles krauthammer wrote on friday consider where we began. six u.n. security council resolutions demanding an end to uranium enrichment consider what we are offering. an arrangement ending with a sunset clause that allows robust internationalally sanctioned nuclear program saying history will not be kind. >> it is alarming. i think he is serious. he chose his words carefully. when you look today at the speech and the comments from benjamin netanyahu he is making it very clear that israel will do whatever it takes to protect itself and that it is imperative
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that all leaders of the world understand that israel will not allow iran to become nuclear. they cannot survive if they allow that to occur. does the president get that? does he understand the severity of the situation? i think a lot of people that are writing about it do but it's left to be seen. >> this morning the u.n. ambassador was sent to sort of greet the crowd and sort of warm up the day. she was kind of walking back the leaks that have been in the paper already. >> she was. this should not be a part of the issue. i have concerns about what this deal could be for the safety and security of israel and for the safety and security of the region. if iran goes nuclear saudi arabia, egypt, sunni power will also go nuclear. there are democrats on this side of the aisle who adamantly disagree with barack obama. so this, again, is not a
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partisan issue to me. i have to ask the question what is the alternative because the alternative is if we pull out of this negotiation -- i am deathly afraid that the president would rather have a deal on the table. at this point he is so far gone with wanting a deal. my concern is however, if for example we take our marbles and say no deal we are out of here, what is going to end up happening? the iranians will -- it will go on and on and on. >> there is one other alternative. >> we could bomb them. >> israel did that once. >> they did in 1981. it pushed them back two decades. maybe it is time to consider that. >> my only concern with bombing iran is -- first of all my understanding is even israeli a lot of intelligence forces don't think that is a good solution. >> i'm not suggesting we say we are out of this deal and are going to bomb you. i think we can slap sanctions back on that were working.
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>> i was going to say there is a middle ground. it's not just no deal or bombing. the sanctions that were working, tighten those up a little bit and not allow for the sunset clause. that was it under demand. >> we have until march 30 to get this thing to work. if that framework doesn't happen -- >> do we trust them at this point? there are many reports suggesting that they have a parallel program developing nuclear enrichment. they are showing one and there is another one in place. >> if this is such a great deal why is it being done in secret. it's like whenever anything good is happening president obama is really happy to share the knowledge and leak it but this deal is more covered up than an isis bride. and that's why netanyahu is so worried because he doesn't know what is going on. he has the most to lose. >> apparently he is leaking the stuff he has been sharing with him. he has been the leaker in all of
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this. >> can we talk about the politics of it? i want to show you how the white house handled the question, whether the president even bothered to watch the speech. >> wonder if the president had a chance to watch the speech to aipac. >> the reaction here is that i think what is appropriately characterized by remarks delivered. >> will the president watch the speech tomorrow? >> i haven't looked at the president's schedule tomorrow. i doubt he will spend his whole time watching the speech. >> why do you have to act like you are disinterested. the white house has turned this speech into the biggest international foreign policy event. this morning at the airport people never look at the monitors. everybody is on their phones. the netanyahu speech came on and everybody in the airport is watching it. they turned this into the biggest event. >> it is like telling a date or
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somebody you like that row have plans when you don't. it's a philosophical and generational difference. the patriotic defiance of israel seems so old fashioned to president obama it's like rotary phones. it's like from another era. you get the sense that any kind of authority of something in his path that he doesn't like raised by an ideology that favors powerless over powerful even if powerful is good and powerless is evil. >> one more alternative possible reason. they are so afraid of the iranians going why is the president paying attention? >> that's what they care about. >> we are more concerned about how -- that means they have the upper hand. >> can i give you a third alternative? the president doesn't have time to sit around and watch a speech.
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seriously. seriously. >> 30 minutes tomorrow. >> they are the ones he will give the top lines. it is this white house who sent susan rice out this weekend to say that netanyahu's speech is destructive to the most important foreign policy relationship in the world. i find it hard to believe he wouldn't bother to find out what he is going to say. >> shame on you to the president of the united states because you are too cool for school. i would flunk you out in the back row of the class. you are not prepared. grow up and stop being soso petulant. >> how is this? don't watch the speech. don't have josh earnest tell us and the world how the president is not going to watch it. just don't watch it if you don't want to see it. >> it is possible that president obama is just confused and
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thinks that the phrase is a compliment. as opposed to average satan. iran calls it the great satan. >> this summer camp the president is bunking with iran and not with israel. >> i just want to ask about this one last thing which is how the media has covered whether these certain democrats and a list of them who have decided they are not going to go to the speech. the white house has made the speech so important that the president that they are putting them in a position of not going to the speech so will have to say i didn't go to the netanyahu speech because i was trying to protect barack obama. i don't get that. >> the speech is somehow more dangerous than iran developing nukes. how did that happen? we live in like a funhouse mirror world. >> they should go because at the end of the day he is representing our greatest ally. they should go despite the fact that they feel he disrespected the president.
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he is still the representative of israel. >> he said he did not intend disrespect. >> it was the white house where there was a senior administration official that called netanyahu a chicken you know what. >> say it. >> chicken poop. >> you said poop. >> you will be in trouble. >> you really went out there. we are going to move on. isis threat is ahead. are we already in the middle of another world war? we will talk about that next. tonight right after this show kimberly and i will answer questions on facebook so post them now on our page. back in a moment. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger.
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...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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what's missing these days aren't leaders but world leaders. the inspirational types that speak the truth and look like they could strangle you with a loose chest hair. here is jordan's king abdullah
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on something called cnn discussing the response to isis. i wonder if it has to be unified. >> this has to be unified. i said this to leaders of the islamic and arab world and to the world in general this is a third world war by another means. this bringz muslims, christians and others together in this generational fight that all of us have to be this together. it's not a western fight. this is a fight inside of islam where everybody comes together against these together. and as a short term part of this which is the military part of the issue there is the security element of it and then a long term element of this which is obviously the idea logical one. >> the king correctly identified the fight within islam. it's barbarians. this must be heard because the world needs a muslim voice to
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echo the sober and somber facts. the king may be the canary among the caliphate. it is alarming. the world war is won by american vets who are in their 80s and 90s allowed men much younger to smear our republic. our ocean privilege coupled with a society emersed in a lesion driven coma makes our deception against evil so old. it is something your grand pop enjoyed. this lucky complacency has blossomed into a potent disdain for america's good. jordan doesn't have the luxury of hating themselves. they have plenty of enemies to do that for them. so do we. we haven't admitted it yet. it's time we do. so what do you make of king
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jordan in saying it is basically world war iii. >> long live the king. i think that he has a very good and clear understanding of it. this is not a man who is afraid of semantics. he is not afraid to call it what it is. it isn't just violent extremism. he knows it is a problem within the faith and religion of islam. he is calling two arms the rest of the people in the world, muslims that are law abiding that want to put an end to this. i hope they answer the call because this is someone who has emerged because the united states has left the leadership vacuum here. he has changed the momentum and changed the teener and rhetoric of the situation. >> i predict the answer was the vacuum is necessary for people like the king of jordan to step in. >> you been reading my diary? i think the most interesting
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thing is that he said this is a problem within islam therefore for barack obama who despite what people believe is not muslim. i know i'm disappointing a lot of viewers today. >> that is not what you said in your diary. so for him to step in for the american president to step in and dictate what should happen within islam the king of jordan is a perfect messenger for this. you are so dead on the people that need to do this are the moderate or to the extent there are moderates in the region the people out there are the moderates to say this is a perversion of islam. we are not the people to do that. >> they beheaded americans as well. this is a huge problem. we cannot put on our blind folds and play eyes wide shut game here. >> we have been bombing -- that is the problem. we bombed the hell out of iraq. we were dropping 2,500 per day on iraq.
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we have done 2,500 in more than six months now in syria and iraq with isis. 25 total in six months versus 2,500 per day in iraq. king jordan said something important. we are small. we don't have the luxury to play around. we punch back up even if he is bigger than us. isis is bigger than jordan in egypt. whatever. isis is the bully to them. we are bigger than the bully. for some reason we get punched in the face and say that didn't hurt. we will turn the other cheek. what are we waiting for? until 3,000 more people die on our soil and then are we going to step up and then bomb the hell out of them? that might work. >> are you advocating we should go into war in syria and iraq? are you advocating putting boots on the ground? >> bombing the hell out of them. >> we are bombing the hell out of them. >> boots on the ground in the
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region. >> and how the arabs put boots on the ground. >> we are bombing the hell out of them. >> you are one of the first people to say we are at world war months ago. >> i did. sometimes history then looks back on a period and says you can see the world war coming. i think we are in the beginning of it. the other thing that we are not doing enough talking about or supporting and he needs more of our help is there are 1 million syrian and iraqi refugees tht country of jordan that he is trying to take care of. it is a potentially volatile situati horrendous human rights situation. the question i think nobody is pressing the administration on is what is our policy on bashar al assad right now? because -- >> are we -- >> is that evolving?
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what is the policy? because can you bomb the heck out of them or not because now do we need bashar al assad to help us against isis? >> we have the sobering education that tyrants are not as bad as radical islam. is that what it is? you need to have a lion tamer who is as brutal? >> here is the problem. we had saddam hussein. he kept iran destabilized because they were fighting with each other. mubarak was no prize. he was not bad towards israelis and kept the region stable. assad is the same thing, horrible human being. >> 250000 people have been killed by the hands of their leader. >> but that's the problem you wasn't a regime change? >> we have to use him and then --
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>> this all goes back to -- >> this is what you do. >> it all goes back to the red line and not enforcing it. the day that i know a former administration official said this is the day that wrecked the world. it's playing out. >> that sticks to hillary which goes to -- >> your next segment. thank you for that transition. kimberly has 2016 news about hillary next. >> red line, baby. ♪ help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of the country's largest petrochemical operations. when emerson takes up the challenge it's never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson.
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and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an clear inside mode. transitions ® signature ™ adaptive lenses... have chromea7 ™ technology... ...making them more responsive than ever to changing light. so life can look more vivid & vibrant. why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit ®. speak with your eyecare professional to... ...upgrade your lenses to transitions ® signature ™ . hillary clinton has been these days. next month if the new report is true that she will launch her campaign. "wall street journal" says close advisers are telling democratic donors that she will enter the race sooner than expected and
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allow her to rev up the money machine. . friend of the democratic party friend of hillary? >> sort of. i don't know if she remembers me. we did overlap in the senate together. >> would you support her? >> depends on the alternative. how is that for a politician answer? >> she will be coronated. >> i meant democratic. >> i think she is pretty much going to be the democratic nominee. >> is this a good idea. she has to be a little bit battle tested. is she waiting too long to get in and announce? >> i thought she should get in a little earlier or at least tell people. she is definitely running. the if she or won't she? if she doesn't get in she left the party on alert because there is nobody out. she has suffocated the rest of
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the field. i don't see it as an area where she doesn't go. >> maybe this is about the money because she is concerned that she wants to start getting some clinton cash to keep everybody else like the bidens and elizabeth warrens away. >> i was sent some information a couple of days ago. hillary clinton while she was secretary of state arranged for general electric to do a deal. i don't have the actual number. the algerian government then gave hillary clinton foundation money and ge gave the foundation between $500,000 and a million dollars. same thing with boeing only boeing put up $900000 to the clinton foundation after they arranged $3.7 billion deal. exxon mobil at least 60 companies helped by secretary of
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state hillary clinton during her time as secretary of state that ended up giving money to the foundation. does every deal have a string attached to it? probably. every deal shouldn't have a string attached when the secretary of state might run for president down the road. >> there is actual prid quo pros in washington. this happens all the time on both sides. i'm troubled by the fact that she took foreign money but let's not pretend it happens every time. >> doesn't make it okay. >> can't wash it away. >> if bill is involved and there is a string attached then string is attached to a bikini. what i don't get, chris ruddy runs news match right wing magazine, donated more than boeing. donated a million dollars to the
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clinton foundation. that is like code pink donating a million to cpac. it is a cover charge for something. what is the cover charge? i could use that money. i have more in common with chris ruddy than hillary and bill. why don't you give me a billion dollars. i have some serious debt. you get to go on the jet. >> i think there is a couple of reasons she is moving it up. having no formal organization and no formal spokesperson is starting to hurt them. she has no formal opponent. there are reporters who are assigned to cover the presidential election. they have a lot to cover on the republican side several different candidates. every day the ones that are covering the democrats have to turn in a story. without something proactive coming from the clinton camp the only thing for the reporters to dig into is the shady stuff that they are trying to uncover now. they want to formally have something that they can say here
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is our new policy for this and look at this shiny object over here. without any other democrats to cover. >> the other thing is that even not just people in the media but fellow democrats are very troubled by the foreign money and they have used words like inexplicable and indefensible. i feel like this is pushing them to try to find some way to respond every day. >> and influence from that chair. >> you ever try to use a peso? >> different shape. >> did you ever get one? >> that is the extent of our traveling. >> i know there is no way that anybody ever gives money to politicians in exchange for access. >> she is so rich her pant suits are made of moon rocks. "saturday night live"
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featured a skit on isis this weekend. was it funny or did it go too far? that's next. i'm louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. quitting smoking is a challenge and it's a lot easier to go into a fight when you've got somebody that's got your back. having chantix as a partner made it more successful. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix.
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"saturday night live" mocks everything but did the show cross the line featuring "fifty shades of grey" star? >> need help with your bag? >> i got it. >> how about walking around money? >> dad, it's okay. >> make sure to -- >> call you when i get there? >> i know. >> you know, you can stay home and do another year of high school. >> very funny dad. jokester. >> well, i'll see you at thanksgiving.
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>> see you. >> hey, dad. >> yeah. >> thanks. >> you got it kiddo. looks like your ride's here. >> you be careful, okay? >> dad, it's just isis. >> take care of her. >> isis, we'll take it from here, dad. >> we are going to bring it around. you want to kick it off?
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>> wow. i'm not feeling it. >> no go. >> crossed the line too soon. >> lots of people whose children have been beheaded by isis or children that they have crucified or families whose daughters are missing, not for me. >> i thought it was hilarious and nothing is worse than being mocked. so i thought it was very funny and i have no problem with it. >> i think that satire and ridicule are critical to destroying something. so we have isis. now into the pop culture realm and are using it as a way to ridicule them. i didn't say i laughed. you go oh my gosh and shocking. that was the value in it. i think that is why they did it. i understand the discomfort with it because the feelings are raw. we love our girls and our daughters and sisters. and we don't want to happen to them what we know happens to women that end up
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of isis. >> freedom to mock is our greatest weapon. >> two points about the uproar which is twitter is for the conversation. it's not the conversation. when the media cobbles the stories together based on angry people it is like a new conveyer belt of outrage stories. i thought it was perfect. it reminded me of old national lampoon ads that you thought were real in the '70s. as perfect as the onion is. i felt it needed to go one step further. when the dad says you take care of her isis should have said you bet we will and should have flashed to a weeping enslaved girl and then it would have gone with him driving off and then would have been more of a statement on society ignoring what you said, ignoring the hell that is going on. having said that i thought this
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was an amazingly brilliant and smart piece of satire. it needed that one thing. >> what a buzz kid if they did it your way. >> you got to say what they do. >> i would agree with that. that is why i didn't like the way they did it. >> let me ask you this. you don't like that ad. when we say "charlie hebdo" should have the right to mock the prophet mohammed. that has to be as offensive to muslims as this commercial may be to you. >> i'm not saying that "snl" shouldn't have done it. you ask me did i like it? i did not like it. i understand that they have the right to do it. i think they wanted to do it for the specific reason to get eye balls and get attention and poke the cage and provoke controversy. >> we have made fun of hitler a lot of this has to do with timing. it's raw. people feel bad. >> there are girls missing right
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now. >> that's a different skit. >> this is only a couple of days after the latest american was announced as being killed. want to be successful? career advice from one of the most women in fashion. ♪ at mfs, we believe in the power of active management. every day, our teams collaborate around the world to actively uncover, discuss and debate investment opportunities. which leads to better decisions for our clients. it's a uniquely collaborative approach you won't find anywhere else. put our global active management expertise to work for you. mfs. there is no expertise without collaboration. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30?
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she's the most powerful woman in the fashion world inspiration for the ruthless character meryl streep played. how did she make it the top? she said getting fired helped her. sunday times quotes her saying i think everyone should get sacked at least once. it forces you to look at yourself. it didn't feel good at the time. it is important to have setbacks because that is the reality of life. i have been fired from one job. i was a waitress and i was the worst waitress on the face of this earth. >> why? >> i didn't know how to make cappuccino after months of them
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showing me. so my food services career was brief. you have been fired from a number of jobs. >> 637 times. >> do you think it made you the man you are today? >> i enjoyed getting fired. she is an elitest editor like i was. she is not a cop or fireman or doctor. in magazines you can be fired and still move up which is what happened to me. every time i got canned i got promoted. it is almost like professors who are cuocoonedcocooned. it is good to get fired. in order to get fired you have to get a job. that is the scary part about the latest generation. they haven't experienced the joy of being fired. >> that's a good question because people you get fired and it's a learning experience. not when you are trying to collect a paycheck. >> i think i like what she was saying. she is saying that if you get fired once it means that you will always try to do better the
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next time and overperform or learn from your mistakes and to greg's point sometimes you get fired because you have taken a risk and you went too far and that joke wasn't as funny as you thought it was going to be and you get in trouble. a lot of people get in trouble for not being able to perform the job they were hired for. she was saying if it happens to you once you will be a better employee or boss in the future. >> you have never been fired because you are such a perfectionist. >> next segment. >> i lost my job at the d.a.'s office when the new d.a. came in and the last ten people that had just been hired were let go regardless of merit or ability. we should have kept you apparently you are great. i'll be back. i will take this job back. >> you ever a job where you are deathly afraid of getting fired? >> i got fired from the pirates. i hurt my shoulder. mind you, i spent the prior
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since i was 5 years old i was going to be a baseball player. i was drafted and injured within a short period of time. i got fired in four days. you go from this is what your life is going to be to there was no plan b. it was devastating. >> you do learn especially when you are that surprised. >> do you have a plan b? >> i think about it a lot. >> i got fired from a coffee shop and i thought that was depressing. way to show me up. >> have you ever had to fire someone? >> that's the worse. >> it's much worse to get fired. >> some guy dared me to fire him. >> what are you going to do fire me? i said yes. we all looked at each other like you are kidding. i go i'm not. you dared me and i'm doing it. it is the most unprofessional
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way of being fired. >> do you feel bad about that? >> do you think he wanted to quit? >> no. we hated each other. >> opportunity can come out of circumstances that don't make sense. >> love you l.a. d.a.'s office. >> "one more thing" is up next. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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thing." >> happy birthday. are you excited? >> are we doing this? >> it's happening. >> it is? >> it's your birthday. >> are they cupcakes? >> candles, people. >> new york only people eat cupcakes. i don't understand why we are not 500 pounds. >> please nobody make another video of me bending over. >> happy birthday we love you. >> those look delicious. >> so my son is taking an act practice exam. that's my birthday present. good job, buddy. >> and you have to share and eat this right now. >> everybody. >> that was pretty. >> those look good. >> you guys don't have moonshine. >> can you eat and talk at the same time? >> i can do a lot of things. >> i like this one.
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this is velvet. this is an extremely strange combination. it is red eye favorite famous bond villain as you know. and bob dylan together in the night we called it a day. you got to check this out. ♪ bob dylan looks younger than ever. he does. i'm looking over at the -- so i'm not staring. i'm looking at the side of my face now. >> he is proactive. thank you. >> i will save you. >> i had a great weekend. i was in charleston and i went to the charleston animal
2:58 pm
society's annual meeting. it was the salute to animal lovers. >> that's disgusting. >> and when he made a surprise appearance my husband got on stage and told a story. >> no surprise. >> they do amazing work. they are 141 years old as an organization. they have a no kill policy and expanded their nonprofit is well run, well organized. they don't waste a dollar. i was warmly welcomed and i loved it. >> you said you had a great time. >> i had a great time. so three years ago yesterday the conservative voice lost a huge, huge personality, andrew brightheart died 43 years way before his time. we all hung out and spend a lot of time with him. his legacy lives on with you guys can still learn from
2:59 pm >> so lady gaga. i have to say i dislike her. she and vince vaughn did a charity polar bear plunge. >> why do you not like her? >> i like her for the charity work but i can't stand her music. i can't help it. >> that's cold. >> and really bad extensions. other than that she looks kind of -- other than that sthis is a very good cause. >> i would rather just pay the money and not have to go into the ice. >> i would do -- >> i wouldn't pay the money. >> you would just go in the ice. >> i would sit at home and cry. >> you want to take a cupcake home? >> i just ate the frosting. >> i went. get out of the show? got it.
3:00 pm
>> that's it for us. reminder we are about to answer your questions on facebook. we hope you will join us in a few moments. "special report" is up next. this is a fox news alert i'm bret baier in washington. president obama is trying to diffuse an explosive situation with israel's prime minister over nuclear negotiations with iran. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in the u.s. a few moments ago president obama tried to minimize differences and blame a familiar foe. >> i'm less concerned with prime minister netanyahu's commentary than i am with congress taking actions that might undermine the talks before they are completed. what i have said to members of congress is there will be plenty of time for us to reapply sanctions, strengthen


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