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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 3, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PST

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of things that you have never heard before. go to greta talks, listen to the podcast we'll see you tomorrow night, 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox news channel. good night from washington. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" on the run from police. see if authorities are able to lock up your favorite squares. and which president inspired barack obama's 2008 run. president bill clinton or independence day's bill pohlman. >> mr. pohlman. >> mr. pohlman. >> and finally, is the future of transportation in cars that can fly or cars pulled by middle aged men. >> i'm tom shillue filling in for -- wait a minute. i am not filling in. what is that guy's name? i forgot his name already andy. >> i don't know. >> and now let's welcome our
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guests. she disproves the guy who makes passes. i am here with national review reporter katherine timph. she disproves the medical evidence that claims excessive drinking. and his good advice disproves anger and hate hinder good council. tv's andy levey. and if first impressions are the most lasting he never should have been booked on the show. comedian, author and radio personality. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> this just in, twitter is outraged. once again "saysaturday night live" has social media's pan tees in a bunch after a toyota commercial. in the ad, a teary-eyed father
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drops his daughter off, but in the comedy version the daughter played by south dakota johnson joins up with a different group. do what you do best, audience. watch and learn. >> you be careful okay? >> dad, it is just isis. >> take care of her. >> deathhto america. >> literally dozens took to twitter to deem upon straight that brevity is the soul of moral indig nation. others said it was tasteless and others thought tastes great and less filling. do you remember that reference? isn't humor the best way to fight a group like isis? >> it is not the best way.
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but it is part of your arsenal i guess, yeah. i not it was a pitch perfect parody. they had no idea what the reveal was going to be. they didn't telegraph it. everything p everything except the punch line was set up for the punch line which i think was done beautifully. i also think they need to not be offended by comedy. it is a sad way to go through life looking for things in comedy to be offended by. >> and they were watching the show. they were there for comedy and they were highly offended. >> twitter philosophers. what can i be outraged about? i didn't think it was funny. we should definitely make fun of isis. i don't know if it should ever
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-- >> are you familiar with the commercial? >> instead of going to college it goes to isis. >> i guess, i guess. i didn't lol, wut you know that's okay. >> case in point, a guy like me. thanks for that. >> no, i really felt like this is a classic miss appropriation of anger on twitter. it is like if we can't hit isis, who do we hit? do relay off the lovable huggable adolf hitler? it is isis, our biggest enemy. as a comedian of people who report comedians trying to set the standard for what we make fun of. >> how do you know? maybe they were fellow comedians on twitter. >> i read like the handles that were being portrayed. they know nothing. comedy is not an easy thing to do as i proved in night in and night out on the stage. it is not easy. i don't understand why they do feel entitled how to tell
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comedians they do their job. there is not another profession getting career tips on twitter. >> joanne, you are right in the age-group. are you more likely or less likely to join isis? >> you know what, i think there is one thing they could have done that would make this both funnier and offensive to please everyone. that's if barak hussein obama was cast as the father. he loves acting and appear figure videos. >> he loves isis, is that what you are trying to say? >> and he has a daughter. they would be type cast there. of course everyone says the twitter outrage is it over the top? of course. the people who tweet this outrage who are really outraged at comedy when they should be outraged at isis. shouldn't they be working to make sure that what they are showing girls going off doesn't happen? no this is the easy target. >> katherine this is actually happening. so even if it isn't funny,
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isn't it good to draw attention to the fact that young women seem to be flocking on buses to isis? >> it is very important. it is very important. comedy is very effective. it is entertaining. people want to be entertained. that's why nobody watches c-span. >> guilty. >> most people don't watch c-span that are not totally boring. i think comedy should push the envelope and we should not be discouraging that. we should be encouraging that. isis is worse than making fun of isis. >> i fully believe in this entire country 12 maybe 13 people were offended by that. >> and they tweet the most. y. >> they live in their mom's basement and they tweet all day long. >> i feel a personal connection to this story. as an excabdriver i know most of the people in isis. hey are a self-y facing bunch. was it like the tv show
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"taxi"? did you hang around in a dispatch center? >> is it exactly what you would picture it to be like all these years later. it is. you know how you are doing the comedy and the decor in some clubs hasn't changed? taxi garage rtz same way. if you go to a taxi garage they are telling isis and al-qaeda jokes because it is the only common gnat. when 10 ethnicities get into a room and they have -- >> not when i tell it. >> you know that taxi -- there is a taxi center on my way home when i go to the bronks and next to it, a strip club. they have their disposable income and they are -- how can they help it? >> you're right. what can i say? >> is bb king a day before his controversial address to congress easy israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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was telling them he will be warning congress by the danger imposed by iran. bb made it clear that his speech was intended to show disrespect to president obama and the office he holds. >> my speech is not intended to show disrespect to president obama or the office he holds. i have great respect for both. >> and as far as he is concerned , respects of the demise are spot on, and that the alliance between the two nations has never been weaker. >> reports of the demise of the israeli-u.s. relations is not only premature they are just wrong. we are here to tell the world our alliance is stronger than
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ever. >> maybe he did not say the exact thing. >> but he did telling fox news this is the worst he has seen the relationship between the two countries and many democrats are skipping the speech later today and reflecting the obama's administration anger with the prime minister's public disagreement over the way they are handling nuclear negotiations. with iran. netanyahu went out of his way to say he wasn't pissing president obama. >> this has >> it is cattiness. i will invite netanyahu. no we are mott saying about you. it is so ridiculous. it is an embarrassment. it is a total embarrassment. why are we so involved when we don't know how we want to be involved or what we should be doing to be involved. it is an embarrassment. >> do you think boehner should not have invited him? >> no, i don't think he should
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have. not if this is how it was going to go right? 24 is a huge embarrassment. am i going to invite him over now? i am the one you should talk to about this. i am the one you should talk to about this. the more we try to get involved with it and we are turning against each other so we have one half of the government that thinks this and the other half thinks this? this is never going to solve anything and if anybody thinks it is, come on. >> isn't that the american way? one half thinking one thing and one half thinking the other? >> he is not getting satisfaction so he will go to obama. >> this is the classic mom said no. >> as a foreign policy? >> we went to the easy parent which in this case is boehner. there is a pressent dent for not getting involved because they don't want to show bias because if he doesn't win you
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have the new guy in place. i also feel like aren't they capable to handle it if push came to shove? >> apparently we are getting in their way. we are not allowing them. they have designs on it. i don't know if you read the rumors on the internet. i won't get to those because they are unsubstantiated. why can't we all just get along? isn't that a song? >> it is a lyric. netanyahu is saying he doesn't trust obama to get the job done. that's why people disagree and that's why you see the separation. you see these disagreeing and you have people coming into your country and some are welcoming them with open arms and others are to the. people are threatening to boycott their speech? that doesn't look good. aren't these sorts of talks supposed to stay private? about nuclear weapons?
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no i it makes me worry -- now it makes me worry the situation is compromised and our safety is compromised. as the expert. >> yes. >> he used a jewish term to say that netanyahu was his -- [inaudible] or something like that. he is saying relationships are stronger than ever when clearly they aren't. >> they aren't. >> why say it? >> because you have to say it. i believe with katherine and i don't think boehner should have done this, but it is done. this to me -- this was a key quote from netanyahu's speech. leaders worry about the country and israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country. i don't believe everything israel has done and i don't
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believe everything israel is doing. i am not a huge bb fan but he is 100% right. the problem is we have an administration that doesn't believe that iran is a threat to israel. and despite the fact that the leaders say over and over again we want to destroy israel. and this is the same administration who doesn't believe the islamic state is islamic. they have a pattern of refusing to hear what they don't president want to hear. i do think that bb is right in this case to let the world know, hey, you guys can think what you want about iran. you can talk about negotiating with them to make a deal. we can't afford that. >> katherine, this may be a big cluster fudge, but isn't the real problem that we are trying to make a deal with iran? how is anyone supposed to trust a deal with iran? >> you can't. they say it is for solar power and we are just like, oh
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yeah, okay totally. we are all pro solar. we are for the environment. >> it will help climate change. >> again, another example of looking like idiots. we try to get involved and we look like cat tee little girls and we believe everything iran says. we look like we can negotiate with them. we look ridiculous. >> i don't look like a caty girl but sometimes i feel like one. >> i understand iran saying they need nuclear energy. there is not a lot of oil in that region. >> it is under ground. it is hard to get to. this is just in, u.s. ambassador to israel is not attending the speech. i never have said that on "red eye." i am getting break breaking news. >> you got a this just in? >> air marshals are like fair marshals. they are looking if they were pulled from flight so they could hookup get better routes or go to other destinations.
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they are under scrutiny for leaving high risk flights without protection. high risk flights what are those? i don't ever want to be on one. do they tell us when it is high risk? at the center of the scandal is, as always, se. she is described as quote, a badge bunny, a woman who likes to date anyone with a badge. i know how she feels. they assured she could get off before they take off and get down before a touchdown. evidence of a four-year uh feel shows she texted her undercover lover like roy roy, roy, do you know which day it is? he responded hump day. i apologize to our more sensitive viewers of the risque nature of the steeks. how will we fix the problem? >> the problem is women are allowed to work for the air
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marshall service. >> i have been petitioning against it for years. >> there is n easiest take away. you get rid of that and you get rid of the problem. what began as an allegation of threats has expanded into a criminal inquiry. first of all don't cheat on your spouse. second of all, don't cheat with someone at work. every time one of these criminal inqir dash darrin queries happens it starts with a scorned lover. this happens every time. don't do it. >> how can they resist? >> you foe what i do? this is my -- you know what i do? i keep it in my pocket and keep the badge bunnies away. >> you are more attractive when it is out. >> i do the same thing with my tax advisor. >> joanne would you ever abuse your power in this way that this woman did? >> i don't think she thinks she is abusing her power.
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if you have a job secretive like this, secrets become a way of your life. you start to do all of these things. it seems completely justified because this is your reality. and i think they need these little trists because this is a very stressful job. it is long hours and long flights and it can get kind of lonely. i think this is actually good for their own well being and the well being of her career. >> do you need them to be managed by someone? i'm assuming the air marshals are good looking guys. i saw the liam niesen movie. there are a lot of single women on the plane. can the air marshals pick up their own chicks? >> i love the retired air marshall scandal saying i can't believe this would occur in a government agency right? because there is never a sex scandal with a government agency. they have all of these moral
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people with all of this power and they would never use it for their own benefit. this woman looks so pathetic now. aren't you that woman who met up with the terrorist threat? not a good look. >> should they be punished? should they be tortured? i am pro horny air marshall. when you are out on the prowl, you are never more alert. are your senses ever charrer than when you are in the hunt? i am a married guy and now i am dead on the inside. as a single guy in my 20s you would feel alive if you were out there hunting. >> now that you are married are your senses dulled? >> i think i see buying signs when they occur, but i think my reflections -- reflexes
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aren't there. >> are you actually arguing for the opposite. what she did was by sleeping with these air marshals she took away the edge. >> they said -- my track coach used to say it. coming up, i show you what i found when i rifled through greg's desk this afternoon. i don't know what it is, but it has straps. first, what is better than a wal-mart-themed moment with tom? an entire block of it.
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well another day, another story about the evils of corporate bough he mut wal-mart. that's the subject of tonight's -- in an act of
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unparalleled aggression wal-mart tried to under meaned the fabric of our society by refusing to pay the federal minimum wage of $7 an hour. with ruthless cunning they decided to raise it to $9 and then $10 an hour. it is outrageous and another blow to america's mom and pop businesses which are already struggling to resist the might of the goliath of retail. what will happen to mom and pop now? they will have to raise their wages to compete with the death star of shopping this uh bomb minutable store man. don't think for a minute this act has sprupg from the goodness of their heart. they have no heart which the goodness of an act can spring. no this is ruthless business 101, out of the no holds bar playbook called capitalism. with some precedent it will improve their bottom line, and it won't stop there. the disposable income and those employees' pockets will be used on goods and services. it is likely the rest of the
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economy and maybe even the mom and pop stores themselves. but that will be cold comfort from mom and pop who as you know only like warm comfort. and for what? stuff? what good has come of this stuff. it is like we are on an endless conveyor belt for innovation and more production and what has it gotten us besides longer life spans, access to credit and leisure time with our family. besides those things, what else? remember when mom and pop didn't need to open a store at all? they would stand out in front of their householding a pitch fork and looking fore lorn. that's what mom and pop are supposed to be doing. that's the america we all miss. >> andy, why the greed? why can't wal-mart stop hurting people with affordable merchandise? >> look, i am not anti-wal-mart in fact i am
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anti--anti-wal-mart people. i think the company treats their employees likei think they should do better. i don't think we should stand up and shout hazaa because a company that raises its wage to $10 an hour for its employees, but good for them for doing it. in this case what they have done is almost in effect raised the minimum wage for the country because all the giant retailers will follow suit. >> exactly. i keep reading stories day after day. they say the wal-mart effect. target will raise their -- >> tj maxx has done it my favorite store. >> the max for the minimum. katherine, wal-mart made their fortune going into areas where nobody else was willing to go of the that's how they did it and that's their design. how do we stop them from preying on average americans this way? >> we won't, but nobody is more upset about this than
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obama. now the stores are raising the minimum wage on their own and he would be under the impression that you need the government and you need the law to raise the wage. >> do you think it bothers obama? >> i think it does. it proves that shaming works. people shamed wal-mart and they had to raise their wage because they were seen as the biggest evil in the world. they didn't do it to be nice. they did it it because they had to do it because of shaming. >> because they are ruthless. >> it is a good private solution to solving problems. we can continue to shame them and say see, they will ruin mom and pop. shame is very effective, but they are not forcing them out to raise their wages. >> what can they do when wal-mart is there? they are in their shadow, right, jimmy? do you think it was shame that lead them to raise their wages or is it part of an evil business plan? >> i think their hand was forced a little bit because the other retailers have raised their wage. that has gone on at other places. i think this is emblematic
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like a rising tide lifts old boats even if it is a booze cruise like wal-mart. i am pro wal-mart. that's where i go to do my people watching. >> wal-mart, they are the biggest employer. target is behind them and home depot is behind them. didn't the other competitors give a raise? >> there was the gap. >> didn't costco give a minimal raise? >> at the end of the day everybody bashes wal-mart. it is an easy thing to do. but the fact that they are successful is why they are getting the scrutiny that should otherwise be reserved. >> are you suggesting my bashing of wal-mart was unwarranted? >> you owe them an apology. guy it is a pile of cash. -- >> it is a pile of cash. you don't chop a wal-mart but the policy is to card anyone who looks under 40. >> i got an alcohol reference,
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how good is that? >> it is very good. your monologue was way too meta for me. i don't know if i am supposed to like wal-mart but i will say no to wal-mart and yes to costco because i like being affiliated with a members only club. i do, i do. >> you get a bag, you know. >> i also like the large, open space and i like to buy things in bulk because i feel i never run out. >> costco's democrat and wal-mart and republican why? >> at costco -- >> is that on your mind now? >> i am always hearing it and it is always on the internets. >> i like both of them equally. >> i am more of a target girl
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myself. hey. >> and unemployment is going down. they need something for incentive. >> he said what i need is a good recession. >> as long as selfies are to the a racial slur, first a word from our sponsor. >> it is the tom shillue barber shop starter kit. it is all of your favorite songs on 1400 cassettes like this one. this one is a gem. and who could forget this one? order yours today.
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a chicago bar is banning selfies. they want to enjoy their cocktails in the el gept space without their phones. their owner explains. >> silence your cell phone. if you want to enjoy it leave it at home. >> what if my selfie lighting is perfect. >> you don't feed to post a selfie when you are out supposed to be enjoying dinner or drinks. >> they have other house rules
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which includes hitting on uninterested women. >> jimmy, come on if you can't hit on uninterested women, how are the women who have set their standards low how are they supposed to find a guy like you or i. >> you know how you are at dinners and you put your ears up like a rabbit if you want the magician? >> no. >> you really don't know that? >> we don't know what you are saying. >> he has the guy with the leather jacket. >> you know you have to put the rabbit ears up. >> when you are buying a gun out of a trunk. >> i mean. it there are italian restaurants where if you go with a kid on a sunday they have a magician. >> how would you foe?
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>> how would you know who you could and couldn't approach? >> there is body lapping wedge that says if someone is there or not. usually after five drinks they are not receptive to that. which i understand. >> i like. it. >> could you do anything without your phone? >> absolutely not. i can't do anything without my phone. i like the cheesy pick up lines. i can make fun of them. the best one i had was a guy came up to me in a bar and said you are the most beautiful girl i have seen in a month. >> and i was still talking about it. i thought it was wonderful. >> you have been dating for how long? >> i immediately put it on twitter. i had to pull out my phone. >> people are taking selfies in the hospital. if you are in the hospital it doesn't stop you from taking a selfie and it is important. maybe it can't wait.
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>> from you out there on your phone you may be doing something important. you may be writing an article for national review and you could be doing selfies. >> what about the women who hit on unented men? what are those women? >> what about hitting on uninteresting women? >> i used to do that all the time. >> if you are interested in stabbing a hobo you have to put up the little sign? >> are you talking about la parma? >> i liked it. >> i like the idea of the band because it gives people a choice. >> this is how smoking in bars is handled. >> let each bar and restaurant decide for themselves and again like with wal-mart, let the market decide. if people want to go to bars with smoking the bars will stay if business. if they don't, they will go
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out of business. people want to go to bars where cell phones are not allowed then this guy with a very, very trustworthy name he will be successful. >> he does have one of the jokey names you give to a local airport. but do you -- why is it that people have so much trouble with the market? even the libertarians we had governor gary johnson on here, and he was for posting -- forcing people to post tear calorie counts on there. >> we changed his mind. >> "red eye" changed the mind of the governor? >> yes. >> my, my, my. is the bar banning millenials? >> it is an attack on millenials. you can't ban a group of people. i think that's discrimination. they are banning behavior that is relative to my people. >> you need to update, right? >> my people need to see where i am if there is no picture it didn't happen.
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by the way i would like to say deion antic i do to the like him. i saw a picture of him on-line which we couldn't get the rights to, but it is him at a restaurant talking on the phone. so he -- >> you caught deion antics breaking his own rule? >> he is not breaking his own rule unless it was in his own restaurant. >> that's exactly what i am talking about. >> even deion an techs will want to go to a bar or restaurant. >> antics. that's really something. >> i do not think deion antic is a hipocrite. >> next story your dog has the memory of a fish. a new study from a scientific journal reveals most animals have a short-term memory. the average memory lasting 27 seconds. it turns out animals only store information that can help them survive and tend to forget specific events. a dog's memory lasts about two minutes. so your pup probably doesn't remember that great hike or
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you leaving for work unless of course it is this dog. >> oh look at that. a serviceman coming -- in fact we see these videos all the time. >> the dog goes crazy and what is it -- i don't believe the dumb science. >> this is a bogus study. i am a normal dog owner. >> they are loving but not too bright, am i right? >> they are not the sharpest. if i pull out a dog treat and stick it in my pocket he does know i have it five minutes later. if i left the room and took a dog treat and left the room -- >> but their sense of smell is ridiculous. >> we are shooting you down. >> it means he is to the as kited to see you i don't want
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to believe that. i want you to run the experiment with a slide rule. put the slide rule in the pocket and see if he wants to do math. >> does this explain why dogs don't listen? they just don't remember. >> i think the study is done by scientists. scientists don't have social skills. we all know that. including apparently animals. i was at home all weekend with my family dog and we had a great time. i'm sure he remembers everything. i am trying to n convince my dad to throw him a big birthday bash. >> does he have all of his legs ? >> he has all of his legs. he has all of his legs. he is actually a poodle. it is special and i know we shared special moments that had nothing to do with smell. so i am positive that it is not true. >> should these findings change the way owners deal with their pets?
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>> you shouldn't throw them a birthday party. >> that's the thing. do they enjoy it at the moment? i think so. like a 1-year-old they are not going to tell their pup about it. i feel bad i can't contribute to the study. but i will say i think it is a species. who are we to say we know what they are thinking. >> we are human explaining. >> maybe they are so smart that they are failing the memory test to fool 9 scientists thisy are smarter than us. >> i can see cats doing that. >> i am 48 and i can't remember specific events. i can remember the things i need to survive, but i can't remember specific events. maybe the dog -- they obviously remember if you are
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a good owner , but don't be a garbage person and who cares? >> does it matter what they remember? >> coming up, how to be a man. with our expert. back in a moment here is what is coming up tomorrow on ken that you de. >> hello, my friends. on the next kennedy jedediah beale law will be here forelady's night. we will be here on the fox business network.
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i am a man and i can prove it. just e-mail me. some guys are not so sure of themselves these days. in a column in the title how to be a man in 2015 he comments that the current steat of manhood he claims that the rule book has been torn up. declaring himself, he says he is in solidarity with many in the media who have been henpecking us with a recent state like man-splaining. or man spreading, a man who engages in spreading. but he seems to think we deserve it saying conversations about male behavior feel necessary because on the whole men feel
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lost. well, katherine may agree writing a national review on-line from a bar somewhere that she claims things like man slamming are only the beginning. katherine, what are some of the other offenses that my gender is guilty of? >> there are too many. you complement a woman without asking for her consent first which is of course assault. >> i am guilty of that all the time. >> it is when men snore. even when they are unconscious they can't go without oppressing us with their existence. when a woman snores it is because she has been manterupted all day and that's the only way she can get out what she is thinking. instead of letting you introduce yours it is because he wants to control your identity. man packing is when a man brings a large backpack on the subway.
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>> i have a trent kind of man packing. >> i don't know where your mind is going. >> you are not allowed to ride the subway, but it has nothing to do with man spreading. >> they are real. that was another problem. they were denying the very very serious issue. >> is that a problem? people are getting beheaded and women are getting killed for reading. >> there is also women having to deal with being come plaw -- complimented. >> with bropen mouth chewing? when he chews with his mouth open. >> andy is this why you live like a monk with cable? >> i just prefer. it. >> here is a simple rule of how to be a man. don't be a d-bag. go to the spa and don't go to the spa. go to the gym and don't go to the gym. don't be a d-bag.
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it is simultaneously a dumb word, a word that actually did convey an important point and a term that has been abused so badly it is now worthless. just don't be a d-bag. i think it is easy. >> andy has simple rules. why does it go on and on? we can't satisfy them. the men have two requirements and they are simple. all women have them. go ahead. >> if you do some of these things or don't there will be a woman for you. if you are looking for a job there is one fit for you. when we put these terms on a man and he has to mold himself and define himself isn't that what is really awful? >> if women are not offended it is because they don't know if they should be offended. and it is my goal and that's
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how you make the world a better place. >> coming up, head transplants.
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what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit did you catch my appearance on broad city on comedy central sph my episode
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re-- my episode repeats on wednesday night. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" return appearances from gavin mcguinness and kennedy and rob long. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> an italian neurosurgeon is claiming within the next two years we could see the first human head transplant. >> they are researching the new surgery that would reattach a human head to a donor body. the dangerous procedure involves cooling the patients severing the spiem cord and suppliesing them together. seriously who could go wrong? once it is fused with the donor body, the patient would remain in a coma for about three weeks. it is a long vacation. and then the new hybrid would be alive. the estimated cost of the surgery is 13 million a head. wow.
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>> like we said moments ago, what can go wrong? >> can we call it a body transplant? that's what it is. it is like your brain is getting a new body. it is not your body got be a they braver -- got a any brain. >> you are not getting a new head. >> the doctor was focused on the body. >> this doctor -- i am an inso many fee yak and this -- i am an imsoniac. >> find something to lean on and that really helps the head shot. >> this happens for real and it is with the crew top method pioneered. >> would you consider this surgery? >> maybe if i needed a new head. i don't know. i have never been in that position. i am not trying to explain what it is like.
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>> what if you wanted a head? >> wherever he is employed he should be no longer employed. >> so did the wheel and electricity and almond milk and now we are very happy to have those things. i love it. i would love to have the body of a man. >> she loves it. >> first of all it would go cosmetic in three weeks. people would be doing it. >> they clarified. they said the goal is to extend the lives of people whose bodies were too diseased. >> this creepy guy who is trying to design a centi peaked. >> it takes three weeks to heal. >> three weeks? >> that would put it off for a lot of people. >> a three-week coma sounds delightful. >> i would do it just for that.
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>> a special thanks to katherine and tv's andy levey and that does it for me. i'm tom saw lieu. aisle -- tom shillue and i'll see you next time. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
12:58 am
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1:00 am
breaking tonight, with the nightmare of a nuclear armed iran growing larger, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is getting ready to share a high stakes warning with the american congress, one the obama administration would prefer the american people not hear. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. the stakes could not be higher. republican senator john mccain says leaders across the mideast are warning if the u.s. strikes a weak nuke deal with iran we can expect a nuclear deals arms race across the middle east. maintains our best chance of peace is to agree to get iran to limit its program. roughly


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