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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 6, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PST

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tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" could greasing your hair stop you from going bald. the science that will make men spend millions. and has mtv run out of ideas? we go on the set of ginger bread cribs to find out. and does the vice president have anything to say with gavin mcginnis? >> put it this way, are you immoral unethical and dead wrong on a, b c and d. >> it is not a hyperbole. it is a fact. >> none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> hello, everyone. i am gavin mcginnis. let's welcome our guests.
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she is hotter than the global warming planet. i am here with anna bell gerwich. her latest book is "i see you made an effort. survival stories from the 50s." and she is hotter than a hot totty and twice as sweet, joanne nosuchunsky. he wrote a story about the best con man ever. it is novelist walter kern. it is available in paperback march 30th. and sitting next to me, the mac daddy from cincinnati. he was a disk jockey in high school before being replaced by music algorithm. america's newsroom co anchor 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox newschannel. >> thank you, gavin. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> the world is ending next
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tuesday or in a billion years. when it happens republicans more than democrats feel confident in their ability to survive. new research has finally mixed politics and the apocalypse. the survey from ugov found 43% of righties say they would survive longer than most people in their area. while only 22% of liberals feel that way. another fun fact, most americans say they will try to stick it out at home while the rest say they would evacuate and seek shelter elsewhere. during the end of time goats will go to higher ground.
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>> anna bell let's start with you. >> here is my big concern. there is an apocalypse. why do i want to survive? the big question is starbucks going to survive? >> you would rather have the $7 coffee. >> here is the plan. save my starbucks and second my dermatologist. third, maybe my kid and maybe my husband after that. and then we will see. but you know, if there is -- and if they are not going to still be broadcasting why go on living? >> you would rather die than have all of the lks res today? >> yes, that's exactly right. >> that's an interesting argument. >> walter this is republicans saying they would survive more in the apocalypse. they are not giving us data on if they do have better survival packets.
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>> they have assault rifles and they drive giant four wheel drive suvs that are good at going over bodies in the trenches. there will be much lower taxes after an apocalypse. >> there is no tax when there is no success stem. >> but for democrats i think the reason they don't expect to survive is it would be a world they wouldn't find comfortable. no mail men. >> we just found out starbucks isn't enough. >> are you implying that democrats #r* wimps? >> so they are weak parasites? they would have to eat game meat. >> if they disappear that is also a plus. >> i have had nothing. >> i like kale. >> what the hell is kale? >> it makes my salads -- >> it is a new lettuce we
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started hearing about an hour ago. joanne, it is the apocalypse and we have no dermatologists and no starbucks. do you survive? >> i don't because i don't do crossfit. regardless of party they are a crossfiter. >> you just said do-do and we have to bleep that out. >> crossfiters will become their own sort of political party. they will be the only ones to survive. i do think that republicans are resourceful and motivated by fact more than emotion. they are able to maintain that sense of rationality that is survive in times that are destructive. >> liberals own comedy. let's have survivalism. >> it is interesting. in a related statistic, they just showed that more democrats believe positive
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thinking is going to influence actual influence in the world and more democrats believe in astrology. astrology is a science. it is embarrassing. >> did you see it is ugov or frank luntz? >> this is udub. >> there are -- there is stuff on a highway in kentucky for 15 hours and steel talking to each other. >> that's survive. they can handle it. >> in route to columbus, ohio. >> the heart of it all. >> your home state. >> so what you are arguing is people in long marriages will possibly survive. >> i am saying that is -- >> they may eat each other for food. >> it was a miracle they were talking to each other after being stuck in the same car and they have a good attitude. >> did you notice that liberals and lefties and
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democrats have a certain tone if there is a conflict? they say police and emphasize the second sill bowl. -- sill labelle. they say police! police. say this are doing a deem upon station and israel is fawzy hell and somebody spits on them and says screw you. instead of having it out like a republican would they would do the police! and that is evidence right there that when the apocalypse comes they will go -- >> no. as a liberal democrat you know what i am doing. i am yelling grande soy late. >> late. >> and they didn't switch to the biodegradable cups. >> we will need the plastic bags. >> your home is boarded up post apocalypse. >> we just need a little help. if you can just open it up.
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we don't need food. just stay for the night. help, please is anyone there? >> i would think food. >> you know what? i am not a lady with a baby. i am a mob of 15 guys. >> bill is alive. >> with his late. >> he is going and your dreams come back. >> who are you there with is the question. >> models. >> what if you are stuck. >> give me my bottles of wine. >> victoria's secret where they will amuse each other. that's what they do now. >> i guess they do. they are recruiting jihadys from the student body. they have taken a 17-year-old kid from northern virginia into custody under suspicion that he helped recruit for isis. the team made travel plans for a slightly older boy to travel to syria and fight with the
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terrorist group. i always knew travel agents were evil. they say it was a continuing trend of western youth being inspired by isil, i hate that word, to travel to syria to participate in conflict of the the -- conflict. it is estimated that one-5th come from western countries. nearly a third are teens. let's start with walter. walt, we are being told islam is fear mongering, but if you look at every attack in the west canada and britain and you look at the names of the guys who did it and their background they were always radicalized here. london bombing and the officer was beheaded on the streets. they grew up as nice christian boys playing soccer. it is always radicalized here. why are our own getting radicalized? >> the beats are going to work at burger king. >> you blow up.
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>> i like this kid though. he didn't go to syria himself. he built a business around getting other people to syria which means he gets a commission . they will get there and realize they are eating strips of meat in the sun and with child brides. i bet he can get three times the commission to get these people back from syria. >> they say their cell phones don't work. i am not joking. >> in fact it is like summer camp. we should -- >> anna bell is champing at the bit here. >> i agree -- i kind of -- i am the mother of a 17-year-old and this is your worst nightmare. at the same time i admire this kid's industriousness.
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i asked him do you want french toast? nothing. grunt once for yes grunt twice for no. this is what it has come to. >> i did some research and he weighs 920 pounds? talking is brutal for them. the whole diaphragm is pushing down. >> teenagers are so lazy so the industriousness is amazing. >> fantastic? >> that is sarcasm right? >> fantastic in the sense of the word of unbelievable fantastical. >> awesome in the traditional sense. >> how about crazy? >> crazy. >> how about flat out insane? >> it is insane. i am going to say two words, video games. >> video games are to blame. >> it is all video games. >> it is two words, video games. >> but we have been hearing
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that same old crap since the 50s with the comic books. >> then it was rock and roll and no you it is video games. it is cool to be a jihadist. >> it doesn't seem real to them. >> the sick part of the story is that it was a teenager. most of the guys in their mid20s will rock in syria. the fact they are reaching younger people and i think it is inconceivable to think we wouldn't be hit again. and furthermore when you -- that's like the low end. 15-year-old girl being recruited out of manchester, england to fly to istanbul and go through damascus to eastern syria blows my mind. this is something we must be aware of. we must admit it and take it
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on. the fbi put out a warning earlier today about teenagers in america being recruited. obviously they see something somewhere. >> where is it happening? >> it used to be on-line predators that we were afraid of. it was 40-year-old men -- >> they were the target. >> no they were targeting the teens. >> here is what isis is. it is a pornography studio. every week they produce a new brutal form of violent pornography. first a beheading and then mass beheading and then insin ration in a cage. -- insiner ration in a cage. teenagers have porous minds and have a hard team relating pictures to actual experiences. you know, they have never seen these inned could of things before, and thus we have never tested the psyche of the youth. >> i think we have. when i was a teenager we had
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nazi skin heads and there was a massive stigma with being that. they would get beat up. they were villified. i don't think these modern isis chaps have that villa pho location. i think it is fashionable expru more popular with the ladies. you are seen as a revolutionary. you are not seen as a nazi. it is the same thing. we are at war with these people. why is it cool? it wasn't cool to be a nazi in 1943. >> what you are seeing right now the people who are being recruited -- they are on the internet and it doesn't seem real. when we were growing up they have a different value. >> nazi skin heads didn't seem real. it was a war symbol from world war ii. >> this has a dark satanic appeal that i don't know that kids are -- they may be
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defenseless at this confused time. >> with iron may den and heavy metal -- >> i went to anal less cooper show and saw a beheading. >> the difference between that and this is we have bodies piling up. i mean look at every attack on the west and it is someone from the west. >> on-line this particular teen said he was interested in disaster and humanitarian relief and he was religious. there is a line that is blurred between being religious and helping people and then becoming extreme and destructive. >> one word, em empathy. what you never heard about growing up was a lack of empathy that was measurable in teenagers. now what they have shown is the more time teenagers spend on-line because it u.s. did bt
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bt -- because it doesn't seem real -- trap door. i am working the trap door lever. we have a bully free zone where these radicals are encouraged. we need to bring bullying back and bring stigma back and kick the crap out of these guys. they would rather be dead than not sled. on thursday afternoon dozens of children and adults held a sled in at capitol hill to protest the ban on sledding. the anti-fun rules were in place since 1876 which was when columbus arrived. and they refused to waive them. despite fresh snow and a plea citing safety concerns. they engaged in civil disobedience. >> while the cups were present no arrests were made. i am told a fun time was had by all. let's start with joanne.
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wasn't sledding some of your greatest memories ? >> only in jersey. >> it was wonderful. back in the day the technology was not great. we had wooden sleds. we didn't have the down filled coats. >> when you were -- >> that's the joke. isn't that funny? this band was started in 1876. so maybe back then it was more dangerous, but maybe it was thought. >> who comes up with this? >> what is weird in washington, d.c. i wouldn't think kids would have a sled in the garage. it happens so infrequently. >> i think it is organized and i think they are outside sledders being brought in. >> i think you are right. are you a southerner. you must have looked as a child whipping down and been green with envy, no? >> absolutely.
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what i find interesting is you can't sled but you can fly your drones. >> it is physically possible, but illegal. >> it is impossible. >> did you see the video from that today? there were more report -- reporters and cameras. >> we have to -- >> track these kids, the people who were not allowed to sled. >> you can't fly drones anywhere near the capitol. >> it is full of unrealized opportunities for outdoor sports. you could bungee jump and rope climb the wall outside the white house which some people do and i guess that is illegal too. >> seeing those people stand up to the cops seems like a small deal. i think it is a huge deal. this is clive and bundy all over again. you have to stand up to the tiny microaggressions from the
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state and take our country back. part is sledding. >> i think the kids should have been arrested. what we are showing these kids is that oh yeah do something that is illegal. you won't get arrested. we are setting them up for failure. we will continue to do this. >> i am not against that. >> it is illegal to -- okay i remind you all why you love me. and a sorority cancels an event after accusations of r-a-s-i-s-m. i can't even say the word.
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they have her all
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shook-up. they canceled a charity event after one student took offense to the event's poster. the fundraiser which is a play on the charity's name court appointed special advocate aims to raise money for foster kids by selling mexican food. a poster for the event featured the phrase metro average philanthropy causing the senior, a foster child herself to post as a latina student at quinnipiac i ask that you respect the culture of others and do not appropriate it in stereo typical and offensive ways. the sorority caved and canceled the event. but really what option did they have? i don't know if you noticed that, but i took special care
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to pronounce all of the words in the -- >> i thought the accent was great. >> when you say latina you say latina. >> the most impressive was quinnipiac. >> what she .ed out is ma raw caws -- marracas are not mexican. if you are going to use cultural appropriation do it it right. use what is appropriate. >> aren't these marriachis -- >> marriachis are different than marracas. >> i used them in kindergarten in minnesota so i don't think they are an ethnically specific instrument of all of the shorthand you can use for latin american marracas are the most harmless. >> pretty harmless. >> they could have showed smuggling a kilo of cocaine or sleeping under a sombrero surrounded by empty bottles of tequilla. >> which by the way they use
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all the time in mexico. if you go you can see the sombrero guy sleeping on the cactus and you say i don't like that. i am offended. >> she said i don't mean any harm. i just want to point this out. >> and the sorority overreacted. >> it is a window into the trigger alert that is happening on campuses. all of the laws changing, you are not allowed to sleep with the english professor. your professors and the students -- there will be a lot less because of this rule. >> i think it is a grand old tradition. i slept with my english professor and i got a b and i earned it. i didn't work hard enough or fast enough. >> remember in "animal house"
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and he reaches for the cereal and his shirt comes up and we see -- it is in the pedophelia genre. >> it is a charity and these kids look forward to it every year. >> that's a great point. you go on-line and to play devil's advocate, are you trying to raise money for charity. this has already made it to the news. you don't want it to be a political event. joanne, can you see them -- can you see their point? >> if they want to continue to have events in the future, i see. my suggestion what all greek life needs is an advisor who gives the okay for events like these. whose main job is to sift through the applications for -- >> how about these girls -- i was tricking you by the way. that was a trick question. no they should never have capitulated. this is mesh. just like the tau bob beginning thing.
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stand your ground. you don't need an advisor. you said hell no. we started with a latina sounded acronym and we don't have a choice. >> why i want to give a job to an advisor. >> you fell into my trap. i was tricking you again. i wasn't playing devil's -- before we leave this topic and i want to talk to bill one more point, but before we get to bill you were not in a sorority. you were in a fraternity. >> i was. you really looked up my bio. >> i did some research. was that because you had a back brace and did you look like a turtle? >> she had a lot of surgeries. >> it was a co-ed theater fraternity. it was drama club, but you have a chapter in college so it is a fraternity. >> you can probably sue because you were handicapped and they said no sorority for you? >> yep. >> i was in a fraternity and we didn't make fun of anybody. >> what was your fraternity?
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>> i was a delt. >> that was in ohio? >> that was miami university. >> that's right you went to florida. >> no oxford, ohio 1809. miami was the university before florida was the state. we have the t shirt to prove it. >> god to know. good to know. >> fraternities and sororities aren't big. i was majoring in massage. >> i went to nyu and majored in massage knee. we both graduated with flying colors. >> made fun of no one. >> that's unfortunate. that cullies the tradition of fraternities. it is about rough housing. now campus is the impetus for adults, right? there is a pc culture going on there where they write the chicken out or should they have fought over such an irrelevant little thing? >> obviously she was affected, but to what degree i don't
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know. you are only as strong as your weakest link and now you are only as strong as your most sensitive, neither -- gnaw rot particular person. >> institutions are having to bow to the person who gets offended at everything. it is a no fun world to live in. >> sweat the small stuff. let's start with joanne. >> that is my photo. >> a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is tilt a guard. the latest one-man show from gavin mcginnis. hear philosophers read in the scottish accents of gavin's parents. reserve your tickets today.
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welcome back to hard ball with commis matthews. our next story recently said in an interview that everyone should be fired once in their career. i couldn't agree more. to anyone who disagrees i wrote a special monologue. roll the graphic. >> you know what i'm not having? i'm not having safety and this culture where microaggressions are outlawed and the thought
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of confrontation gives people's hives. we are not protecting our youth. we are making them vulnerable to raise a child in a bubble is to provide him with no immune system. if you want to live in the real world you better be ready for conflict and prepared for failure. if you want to be an entrepreneur brace yourself for 10 times the conflict you know what america was built on? entrepreneurs. it was built on suffering. having everything remotely uncomfortable surgically removed from their lives has turned america's youth into ticking time bombs. no where is this more evident than in the job market. today's mill -- millenials bring their parents to work. worse yet, bring their parents to job interviews. most of these kids don't even know they are in work. they think they are daycare. so when they inevitably get
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fired for being incompetent their world comes crashing down around them. i have seen millenials scream hysterically when they get let go from a job. one time i had a father call me up and demand to know what happened. none of your bees wax dad! this cataclysmic event ends up being the best thing to happen to this wimp. that's why he fired the bottom 5% at ge. if we really wanted to help our youth we would hurt them. this has been -- >> wow, that was epic. >> sorry, that was building up for awhile. >> are you okay now? >> no, i am angrier! walt,
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the movie whiplash -- >> it is the same film and it featured a sadistic teacher. he would slap his students in the face. one of the kids killed himself. we don't see him. at the end he takes off his face and it is a woman. it is a beautiful woman. no. >> that's "the crying game." >> always confuse those two. >> whiplash is about a tough teacher and this goes back to the days of chefs used to lock the student chefs in the freezer and beat them and this is how we made people great in the hazing days. a lot of young people -- a lot of liberals cannot even watch the film it is so intense. it won five oscars? is it possible that america wants -- sorry five academy awards. is it possible that america wants toughness back in academia, in a young person's
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life? >> listen -- >> i'm listening. >> if people are can selling charity events because people are using maraccas they may say they want to be slapped in the physician and kicked around -- >> well they were not part of the academy's votes. i don't think they saw whiplash. but the old folks said this is a great movie. let's get tough. >> you said conflicting things. the academy is liberals. they have obviously liked whiplash and they liked the message. >> that is a great example of me being wrong. you just caught me -- we have to mark down this date. >> we are going to edit this out. >> because it is true. >> i want to check the facts here. >> they passed on "american sniper" and that was endearing to the american public. >> pretty good movie. >> and i think you were encouraged about jack walsh.
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i have written a book called "fire." >> it is about the joys and the pleasures of being fired. i was fired by woody allen which was a fantastic event. >> i understand you were fired for not looking asian enough. or 7 enough. >> i was fired for sucking in a play. i think being fired is a great experience. it is a collection of stories of being fired from all sectors of the economy. it is truly a great experience. what do you learn from? you learn from your mistakes and when you fail you should be fired. >> would you say -- >> but i believe when he fired five% every year it wasn't just the bottom 5. it was randomly. >> i think you are high on the fumes of getting me on the whiplash thing and you are now strolling --
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>> it is a huge fundraiser. she had dinners nonstop. >> let's fire him then. >> the obama campaign made so much of mitt romney saying they are firing people. >> they are not arguing. they said you should be fired once in your life. >> by her because she likes doing it. >> i don't know if it is by her or not but it is a healthy experience. >> let's hear about your biggest firing. >> everybody gets fired. >> what did you learn from being fired? >> i wasn't fired. >> have you ever been dumped? >> no, i haven't. >> what are you the jesus of hunks? >> i will tell you how it can be -- >> you can imagine what it is like to be rejected. it is probably pretty bad. >> depending on how you take it and how you use it, especially at a young age. >> looking from the outside in, you can imagine rejection must be character building. >> i can imagine that is definitely character
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building. >> when "time" magazine shrinking to the thinness of parade magazine i was a contributing editor. i was in my car with my two children when i got a call from my editor at "time." and they said we have to let you go. little children are next to me. >> how old were you? >> i was about 40. cedes next to me and tears running down daddy's eyes. they look at me and say what's wrong? i say i just lost my job. it was a bad day all-around. all i learned is when you get a call from your boss make sure your kids aren't watching. >> and also if you are an old man and 40 and crying -- >> you were very thin skinned. >> you are talking about promoting entrepreneur ship. i was fired when i was 40 by woody allen and it actually changed my life. i decided, you know what what am i doing being an actress?
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i have other things to offer. that's when i started writing. >> i was fired and it sucked. i cried and drank and ate a lot of ice cream. >> were you not once fired -- i hate using the word, but were you once fired for not looking too [bleep]. >> he said you seem [bleep] when you do that. that's just -- >> that cuts. it was really crappy but there is trans for mages. >> has she had a real job to be fired from? >> she is true grit. but i have a toughening. temperatures say one of the biggest -- companies say is it not better to just fix the broken employ ethan firing them and starting from scratch? >> of course it is. some of us won't get fired because we are perfect. >> the reason people think they will be fired is they
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learn the world is not perfect and no one is perfect. >> we are not all bill hemmers. >> i am going to make a great wife because guys keep breaking up with me. >> maybe you should stop shopping for men at the institute for the blind. >> i discuss narcissism when we come back. stay tuned and get another heaping dose of the gdog.
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hello. i was reading the "new york times" last sunday. i like to torture myself with that every sunday day. something caught my eye. they have a weekly feature in the magazine called the emphasis. somebody wrote in with a real canundrum of a quandry. he or she -- let's say she, let's be honest. my gym has a bin of magazines for public consumption. people bring in their own magazine and leave them for others to read. one magazine that regularly appears in the bin is a national rifle association publication with headlines and articles i find offensive. when i see that magazine i take it home and i throw it out. actually i recycle it. if the magazines were supplied by the gym that would be different.
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in this case the nra supporter has a right to support his or her views and i i have a right to express my views. what is your opinion? name withheld, minnesota. bill isn't this -- doesn't this just sum it up? >> i was thinking about the recycling thing. does anyone really recycle? >> you've got your blue bin and you've got your green bin and everything goes somewhere but i have never seen where they go. >> well if it is financially viable why don't homeless people pick up the papers on the street. they have aluminum cans. it makes any kind of sense. it is all a lie. why did she have to go i throw it out? actually i recycle. it is a computer machine. just delete and throw it out and retype recycle. >> she can do whatever she wants with the magazine.
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she is at the gym, totally cool. i venture to guess that there will be another nra magazine in that bin. >> plop. >> oh yeah. the next time she walks in that gym and maybe they are trying to say something. i have not seen the evidence that recycling happens in america. >> you are deflecting this "new york times" reader ship attack. >> i made several documentaries about where actually -- what goes into landfills and what goes into recycling. there are very different levels and some things actually have a greater and longer life let me say one thing about the fal thing. i am impressed that people are going to the gym. america is suffering an obesity epidemic. this is a great competition. one puts the magazine. one puts in the recycling. and then they come back and they go to the gym. >> she takes it out and is burning the book. >> whatever gets you to the gym. >> i live in montana,
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literally. the nra magazine is displayed in the lobby next to children's highlights. my kid can pick up on find the hidden picture magazine or he can read about the awesome stoping pow -- power of the 44 caliber bullet. that's his choice. even more than that, the most offensive magazines are the body building magazines. these little speedo clad monstrous guys with the veins popping out of their temples and looking like they are about to have an aneurism and showing hulk like disdain for the people they are going to crush. those things scare me. stories of self-defense in the home. >> joanne, last word to you. you live in new york city and surrounded by these women. do you let them know you work for the dark side? >> of course. >> what do they say? >> they don't say anything. they run away. it is great. i love the power.
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>> coming up how do get into leonardo dicaprio's house legally.
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what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit e block. last story. that's the last story.
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>> you can sleep in leo dicaprio's bed. he won't be there, sadly. the actor is renting out his palm springs estate for $4500 a night with a two-night minimum. the home features six bedrooms a pool a gourmet kitchen. there are a few rules. no fraternities or sorry joanne, or sororities or any organizations whose members are under 25 years old. no loud music, no large parties, no pets and no smoking. but is it a classic house? >> it is a classic house. it really is a classic. >> would it be a tremendous place to rent? >> it would be a straw men does place to rent. >> i love the clientele that is thinking of going there. bill, i have a wild angle here. are you ready? >> hit me. >> i like celebrities and the money they make. it is like the free market in
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its purest form. >> interesting. >> you don't have to go to a madonna concert. this guy is worth $4500. today we saw harrison ford was in a plane crash. everybody is fascinated by that. if it was me, no one would care. this guy's place is worth $4500 because he is that amazing. >> i have seen the pictures and we could have a great time. what is the maximum number of people we can bring. >> there are six bedrooms. >> couples that's 12. >> and that ends up being 750 a room. and so $375 a person a night. >> that is a crappy hotel room in manhattan. >> that's right. >> you can probably collect little bits of his stubble. he can sell tiny pieces of stubble. like $1,000 a stub. >> that would be heaven. >> the good specials where
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they go in with the black light and they can see the male reproductive -- >> i don't think he has ever been in this place. he just stood in the living room for four seconds. >> this is my question to you. if you were as rich as rich can be. $4500 and that's a first class ticket to europe and generator and good motor bike or shed. could you ever spend $4500 on a place to stay? >> when i heard this fuse i thought it is a penny anti to leo not to just loan it to his friends. >> does he really need the money? i am worried for him now. >> apparently he does. >> joanne has done the math. >> how many zero's? it would take him about three years to payoff the cost of that house if he were to have full occupancy. >> look at you math wiz. >> it is actually not me. >> no wonder you were in a fraternity jie. you had a nerd do it. >> he is a talented nerd.
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thanks, rob. >> a special thanks to anna bell, walter kern joanne know saw chin key and bill hammer. that does it for me. see you next time.
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you. breaking tonight, actor harrison ford at this moment after crashing a vintage plane on a california golf course. this is brand new video just in from tmz of the 72-year-old being treated for what is reported to be a serious gash on his head. new audio transmissions just released reveal ford reporting engine failure and requesting an emergency return to the santa monica airport. his son described him as battered but okay. we will go live to los angeles as we await a press conference from officials there on the extent we hope to hear of mr. ford's injuries as well as more on the crash itself.


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