tv The Five FOX News March 6, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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professor who has clawed through all the data. i don't know why harvard hires him but he has come up with numbers that may startle you and explain why people aren't buying and shopping. you have to watch 8:00 p.m. tonight. i'm dana perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, jesse waters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." one year after the raid that killed osama bin laden president obama campaigned for reelection on the demise of al qaeda. >> there is a reason why al qaeda is on its heels and has been decimated. there is a reason why osama bin laden are not in a position to be able to execute plots against the united states. >> not only were we able to drive al qaeda out of afghanistan but slowly and systematically we have been able
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to decimate the ranks of al qaeda. >> i said we would refocus on the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and we have. and today a new tower rises above the new york skyline and al qaeda is on the path to defeat. >> a man with access to the documents recovered from osama bin laden's compound says the president's public claims about al qaeda's strength did not match up with the intelligence from the items seized. here is lieutenant general, former director of the defense intelligence agency. >> what i know the intelligence said was not necessarily what we hear. it was diametrically opposed? >> i would say from my perspective it was the opposite. >> you can't sit here and say al qaeda was defeated when we are still looking at elements of al qaeda that are conducting operations. >> a year after the ubl raid in
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a speech may 1, 2012 president obama said, quote, the goal that i set to defeat al qaeda and deny the chance to rebuild is now within our reach. it wasn't, though? and this is march of 2015? and we're still not within the reach? i wouldn't say we are. i can't sit here and tell you that we are. >> steven hayes appeared on special report last night. >> precisely the time the administration is making that case most strenniously for the final six months of the presidential election you have a senior u.s. intelligence official well respected and regarded in mike flynn running the dia saying we were telling them the opposite. we were saying al qaeda had doubled its capacity. we were saying al qaeda was growing. the threat was exploding and the president went out and said exactly the opposite. >> you are not the most
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conspiracy minded person i know. let me go to you first. >> who told you that? >> this is not president obama's fault. bin laden kept all of his e-mails on a personal account which is totally illegal but not a single found on al you cannot close gitmo if terrorism is still wide spread. that was a primary goal of president obama was to close gitmo. you can't close gitmo if you need more terrorists. why the intentional error? if you are too focused on terrorism you can't focus on the earth. this is about focusing everything on climate change, global warming because that limits the influence of america whereas the war on terror expands american influence climate change united states. that's why it is attractive to basically the left.
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war on terror is good for america because we're fighting evil, but war on climate change we are fighting ourselves and that is preferable. that is my conspiracy. >> i like it. very interesting. >> can i go home now? >> stick around. is it possible that the documents were so sensitive that the administration wanted to prevent additional leaks so that they made a much more closely held and that's why maybe some other people in government that thought they should have access to them didn't have access? i'm trying to put myself in their shoes and be generous? >> now that you have done that we are going to lift you right out of their shoes and put you back on earth because i don't trust anything they do. i think the evidence was quite conclusive from that raid, the bits of information that we have been able to get out and from my intelligence sources that that showed that osama bin laden and al qaeda had world wide reach,
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that it was spreading an influence and that is very bad for their business. they do not want to say that the united states needs to get more involved internationally or that we are at war with terror. these are terms and fundamentals that they disdain. they would rather focus on domestic issues here at home, on climate change and retreat america back like roll back in the real so we are not having influence in the world theater. >> one thing surprising me in this document was that al qaeda's relationship with iran is discussed in these documents. i think that given what is happening in iraq and also with the fact that the president is going towards trying to get a deal with iran i thought that struck me as most troubling aspect of this. >> i was not surprised president wide. fact checker called him liar of the year the other year on obamacare. remember this is the beginning of the election. he said gm is alive and bin
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laden is dead. turns out detroit is bankrupt and isis is creating caliphate in the middle east. the documents were troubling for one specific reason. the president prohibited the intel guys from reading and analyzing files. he is not just banning books but incinerating them. what the document said was they are trying to collaborate and trying to exploit the arab spring and they are on the same side of the muslim brotherhood. >> and we elevate. >> all of a sudden the president is saying never been a safer world and then clapper says it is the most lethal war year in terrorism of all time, 2014. i think the new bumper sticker for the left should be obama lied and people died. >> that was good. i like it. >> juan earlier this week you had a chance to be at the white
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house. i know you can't say anything from that meeting, but if you could just give us a sense -- are they divorced from reality? do they recognize the contradiction that continues to pop up that they did run him on re-election saying terrorism is calming down around the world. things are better in the middle east. you are worst problems now than a few years ago. do they recognize that? >> i don't think we have worse problems now except with regard to al qaeda. that is i think the flaw in the ointment here. you guys can bring up climate change and all of this stuff. the reality is bin laden was killed by this president. he killed bin laden. i think the american people responded. the second thing is al qaeda has not been able to organize another attack against the united states or al qaeda would not be able to retaliate after
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bin laden's death. we have more spread of terrorism. that's true. that is absolutely right. that's your point that we have more of these groups like isis, for example, right now. >> which is an offshoot of al qaeda. >> you can say that this terrorist thought process has mu mu -- >> the documents actually contradict what you're saying. that's the problem that al qaeda has far reaching influence now than it did before. >> their ideology. >> just go into the terrorist the thesaurus. we are at war with terror. it's a very naive national security perspective to say this
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offshoot is not in business anymore. >> if you want to have a political argument fine. if you are talking about terrorism and you are talking about the people who attacked us on 9/11 and getting them and cutting off the edge which is what we did whennee killed bin laden that is an accomplishment. >> the war on terror, not core al qaeda. >> it was at that time. we were after the guys that plotted and executed what was a devastating act. >> they spread all over the world. they are in yemen, libya. >> the ideology. >> i don't say we get the top guy and then thousands of others pop up. >> our goal was to get bin laden. we did it. >> our goal is to defeat terrorism and he hasn't. terrorism spread. >> in a way you are both correct. president obama's administration got bin laden. that should have been enough. he shouldn't have been greedy. he just said we got everybody.
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this is the critique of al qaeda, the rise of al qaeda is a mirror of the critique on the war of iraq a reverse in the sense that the white house overestimated the threat with iraq and now they under estimate the threat of terror. it's a reverse and it explains a key difference between the right and the left. the right goes after threats to perhaps a fault whereas the left underestimates threats to a fault. when the chips are down who do you want in charge? everybody becomes a conservative when the threat occurs. the moment the bomb goes off there is not a liberal in sight. my argument is to just be a conservative all the time. >> like band wagon. >> overestimate a terror threat than to deny it. that's what president obama basically solved a leak in a bedroom ceiling by closing the door and pretending it wasn't
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there. >> that makes it more reckless. a dereliction of duty. if you know that and act in disregard of the known risk that is an administration not doing its job and putting the rest of us in america and in the world for that matter at risk. that's the problem with it. >> let me think. who is leading the global war on terror at this moment? is it germany? is it president obama and the united states of america and our good soldiers? >> king abdullah and netanyahu, actually. >> why is obama's coalition against terror like half the size of bush's? he hasn't rallied the arm. he has been arming the rebels. he does not have the stomach for this fight. >> he doesn't have a baby rattle.
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>> we are leading this fight. we have invested money. >> you can say you are leading. >> juan drinks the kool aid at the white house again. >> greg's point let's seriously consider for a second. greg makes the point that the right says let's go after these guys before they do anything and the left is too quick to diminish it. i would say american people are a little tired of anybody saying let's get back in war. >> you don't have to go to world war iii. >> you want to put boots on the ground? the water is going to get muddy. >> my question is to the media, this is how you could build a career. i'm trying to break this story. so steve hayes has been on top of this. you would think other journalists might say we should try to find out what is happening with the documents and
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ask the question because the administration has been silent. >> they don't want to say and this picks up on your point. they don't want to say bush and cheney were right. >> you always see this trend whenever the white house wants to do something they look at the area and announce that it is broken. your health care is broken, immigration is broken justice system is broken. likewise, to justify inaction they say there is not a problem there. in this case because i do believe it has a lot to do with closing gitmo. they wanted to say the problem of terrorism was fixed. it wasn't broken. like terrorism somehow is so 2009 or 2008. he wants to fix america. he doesn't want to fix the world. we are the bad guys. >> like they had written his good bye speech and trying to figure a way to make those things true because they wanted to say he fundamently changed america. did anyone at the white house ever receive an e-mail
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from hillary clinton's private account while she was secretary of state? valerie varudanswers that question next. well, a mortgage shouldn't be a problem your credit is in pretty good shape. >>pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on kaboom... well, i just have a few other questions. >>chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, "what else can you do for me?"
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you ready? >> tries to conceal her e-mails from the public by using a private account during her time as secretary of state. lany davis came to her defense on the kelly file last night. >> she sent thousands of e-mails to thousands of people using these e-mail addresses. everybody got them. >> how does that suggest to the world that she doesn't -- that is everything she has? >> thousands of people getting e-mail address is not concealment. >> thousands of people got clinton's e-mails were any of them in the white house? here is the president's senior adviser. >> i have to imagine that while hillary clinton was secretary of state you received e-mails from her. the president might have. >> i actually did not. i have not received e-mails from secretary clinton. >> did members of the administration receive e-mails from hillary clinton while she
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was secretary of state? >> that i don't know. i do know that the president has very firm policy that e-mails should be kept on government systems. he believes in transparency. >> so she is trying to take the issue head on by saying she personally did not receive any e-mails from hillary clinton. >> i think that is taking it like i have nothing to do with this. don't look at me. i don't know about anybody else in the white house. i know what the president's policy was. i think this is a very interesting development in the rift between the obama and clinton camp. trying to say they have no problem. that is not true. if i were the white house i would be pretty furious that the entire week the media instead of focusing on things that president obama wants to do is focusing on a total mess up and possibly illegal by former secretary of state and former opponent hillary clinton. i think the thing the white house is looking at is regional
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editorials. forget national media and blog all across the country in newspapers there were editorials saying what was hillary clinton thinking? this was wrong. that type of thing starts to bubble up. i am concerned about another piece of this. when she has this line that thousands of people were getting the e-mails. first of all, presidential records act says you're doing government business you have to have a .gov e-mail address. the other thing they have to keep in mind is that if it is true that thousands of people were getting e-mails that all work in the government, no one raised a red flag to her? can nobody stand up to her and say this is wrong or we really think you need to have this address? no one in the civil service who cares about the state department
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thought to say she is doing something wrong? >> a lot of people have private e-mail accounts. i bet all of us at this table have a private e-mail account. >> i didn't say you can't have a private e-mail account. >> you say this is from a private account. you wouldn't think unless it was classified -- >> if you are doing official government business and you get an e-mail from hot mail. >> the question is classified. >> it's not true. >> if it's just a matter of government information and transaction all that the standard requires that it be able to be retrieved and be given to the government at the end of the time. that is why she may not be guilty. >> you would be thrown out of court so fast with that argument. good thing you are not a lawyer. >> yourself trying to do the
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job. good try. marched out to do their bidding. maybe everyone was too afraid of the dr. evil system over there house. she is the big can hewnkahuna. because republicans are hammering at the source you are starting to see democrats. >> i didn't know aclu is republican. >> the problem is she broke the law. >> she did something wrong. i don't think she broke the law. you are starting to hear people like big democratic operatives saying this is a matter of conspiracy theory. he didn't say greg gutfeld. he is starting to talk about conspiracy theory. this is what you are starting to hear now. >> you are not getting it. >> the democrats are getting their fillry of hillary. they are steering clear of her
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like she has ebola and nickel back tickets. she is sinking faster than her husband's boxers on a jet. she created basically the communications equivalent of like a secret back room behind a book case that you used to see in horror movies where you pull the candle stick. she probably uses the drafts. if you have your own e-mail account you never send an e-mail but only send things in draft. i think she is now in trouble. i really don't see -- i think that right now the democrats are probably looking for other options but the republicans have to start thinking about their options, as well because they have somebody -- >> let this play out. they don't have to do it. focus on themselves. >> the obama administration usually destroys the e-mails. i guess hillary never got the memo. this is how the obama white house operates. >> lisa jackson from the epa had
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private e-mail. for them to say this is no big deal, hillary prohibited her own state department staff people from having private e-mails. i don't understand what is going on here if she has classified information on a personal e-mail that is a misdemeanor. if she conceals or destroys that classified information that is a felony but worse if she gets hacked by the chinese that's incredibly dangerous. >> i got the point. >> nice. >> the funny line i heard when someone said this was have you heard about edward snowden if our government server is so secure. it is not that secure. >> she was protecting against hackers? >> i'm just saying -- >> greg, last word. >> there is another scandal here that nobody is talking about and that is that the women that work
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for her got paid 63 cents on the dollar which is also against the law. she has to answer to that. if she answers to that by saying there are other variables at play like lifestyle choices or different job qualifications she has to allow that explanation for all other businesses across the country. so when she starts spewing gender inequality stuff she has to face that music. >> hillary is sexist. >> they are going to see if this plays out. if you hear biden in the distance -- >> i don't have e-mails. i don't know how to text. >> you guys are so scared of hillary. >> i just want to see -- i want to see bill clinton's e-mails. >> that's a different box of candles. >> i don't think they are a box of candles. coming up -- >> cigars, maybe.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. questions were raised whether a jewish student should be allowed to join a student council at ucla. she was temporarily blocked by students who felt her jewishness would cloud her judgment. take a close listen. >> you are a great student and very active in the community how do you feel about being able to maintain unbiassed view on present conditions? >> that actually happened. in 2015 on a campus in america a
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jewish student being told her jewishness is a conflict of interest like she is in the clan or something. here is a game. let's replace jewish with gay and repeat the bigotry. given you are a gay student active in the gay community how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiassed view. you can only imagine saying that because you would never say that. you would have to relocate under an assumed name and face. suddenly the diversity that once loved is loathed an example of how they reject dogma when it conflicts. different back grounds before meant new perspectives. that equals bias. you can blame rise of antiisrael fervor. the same that show up at anticop rallies. to use that issue to excuse prejudice which is really an
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expression of the bigots' own failures. they blame the jews for not falling for the same pc crap they did. a little update here dana. the four members who voted against her until a faculty adviser had to point out it is okay to be in a jewish organization, they actually apologized. i think they apologized because they were caught. >> definitely. i feel like what's happening on campus seems to be that the antiisrael and the concern about the palestinians is being meshed with -- they think it is separate from the jewishness. i don't know how as you said in 2015 this is actually happening. tomorrow in a segment coming up we will talk about the 50th anniversary of the selma event. we have some so far on
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african-american relations. i know we have a long way to go. how is it we are back sliding when it comes to jews on campus? this is not the first time. this is just an example of something rampant across america. that is not an exaggeration. >> there is the new studies that find a rise in antijewish sentiment particularly on campus. >> college campus real nexus of radicals. you have the muslim activists latino activists, socialists and they breed and get together and get tear gas and march and next thing you know they are doing the occupy wall street thing. it does create violence sometimes because if you look at the statistics the fbi says jews are more likely to be targeted in a hate crime than muslims by about ten times. this is also the reason why when you are in college you are supposed to just drink. don't join a board. what are you a narc? you are going to judge your peers? she might not be impartial when
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things come before the board. what things do they have like jewish student settlers building dorms close to like the muslim student center? >> you never know. >> not that that would be a problem. >> there is nothing wrong with it, juan. >> the other day you and i were talking about chris rock. chris rock said he doesn't perform on campuses anymore because they are so politically correct they lost thir sense of humor. you can't tell a joke without being called out as a bad guy. this is chris rock. my feeling is -- i gave a speech on a college campus, microaggression. i'm like what is going on here? to me it is so ridiculous dana talking about 50 years after selma now talking about i didn't like the way you assumed there was white privilege involved. this is a whole different level of deal here.
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you get lots of people saying i am more a victim than you are. obviously i'm better looking than jesse. what a victim. >> that girl was pretty. maybe they didn't want her because she was good looking. >> here we go. >> a mean girl situation. >> that's what it was. >> i think a lot of this is they don't see the history. what they see is israel and the palestinians. >> yeah. >> i don't know how we came to this in the world like honestly i don't know why it is so accepted to be so ignorant and disgusting with respect to the jewish people. i don't understand. it's just sad to me that we are at this stage and the university is supposed to be america's best and brightest coming up. that is what is coming out today it is a problem. >> i blame the jews. >> it's a joke, america. i blame global warming which is controlled by the jews. >> what about obama?
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the day. in an interview leading up to the visit he said the work is still not complete. he referenced tension in ferguson. >> i think there is circumstances in which trust between communities and law enforcement have broken down and individuals or entire departments may not have the training or the accountability to make sure that they're protecting and serving all people and not just some. >> tomorrow the president is going but also president george w. bush is going. i think you have like 20 members of the republican congressional caucus going, not the leadership that has been pointed out not boehner and mcconnell. you have it seems to be a real effort here to make sure that everybody says this is an american moment. it's not to be isolated or pushed to the side, an american
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moment where you have people standing up for their voting rights and make a sacrifice. >> i think boehner should go or some republican leader should go. i don't know why they are not. maybe boehner is golfing or something. the president talks about there are discrimination issues in some of the police departments. maybe he's right. i'm sure there is an issue in some places but there is also some issues with blackmail teens getting high robbing and disrespecting law enforcement. if you are going to talk about ferguson it is fair to talk about both sides but he didn't. what did eric holder say the other day hands up don't shoot thing never happens. a lot of people were hurt because of that. ferguson burned because of it. nypd -- >> there is a lot more. >> there are points about
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ferguson. an uncle of michael brown sat there and instigated a riot. >> if you think about this going forward, you have president obama i think down in south carolina for the first time today and then off to selma, alabama, the president is not usually a guy who stands up and talks about race or civil rights history in my book. i'm sure jesse will say he said this or that. in terms of civil rights history i don't hear him much. do you think he is in danger of becoming the black president? >> of course not. it's an american moment. i loved rereading some of the history of it so i could remember. i learned about this in junior high and in high school. i found out that congressman lewis invited president bush and the president said clear my schedule i want to make sure i am going to be there. i don't think anybody is at risk of doing anything but
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celebrating an important moment. >> how ironic that this is on the back of the show. one of the solutions -- >> like the back of the bus? >> one of the solutions when you are fighting the man is to become the man. i think one of the great advances in integration is in law enforcement if you look at the new york police department where it makes a huge difference in the community. when president obama said there was a break down between communities and law enforcement that is a mistake because both the community and law enforcement need each other and are one in the same. you can't blame one side. what has broken down? what is the trust between communities and police department, what broke down was family structure. when a family structure breaks down it creates a sinkhole in the communities and then communities suffer. what happens to law enforcement is they become truant officers and social workers in which they don't want to go knock on
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people's doors because there is conflict. these are exhausted. many of these communities are exhausted, hard pressed communities who need police and the police need them. i don't think it is good to politicize it. >> let me say it pains me to tell you when you are right. i want to talk to a law enforcement officer because there is a tradition in this country of law enforcement being used against the black community really to in those days to oppress people and deny them the right to vote. >> you know who was doing that? the democratic party in alabama that had people that actually turned the protesters into being subjected to violence and beatings, also how far have we come. we have the first black president of the united states. ask how race relations are in this country under this president. the new poll shows they are worse off in terms of race
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relations since we have been under the tutelage of president obama and eric holder and you have situations like ferguson where they did get involved. did it help? it helped create hysteria that resulted in loss of life, loss of dignity of dialogue and discussion instead of elevating the discussion. >> let me rebut you and say i think when white people think of race they think race relations is worse. some of this has been ongoing. which sex is more narcissistic? stay tuned. this is going to be an interesting one. i'm getting out of here.
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we have all taken selfies. some of us are probably guilty of looking in the mirror more than we should. which of the sexes is most narcissistic? a new analysis has confirmed it is definitely men. the research shows men are more likely to exhibit entitlement than women, more likely to exploit others or feel entitled to certain privileges. so i myself am a recovering narcissist. it's a struggle. i try to take things a day at a time. greg you know how it is. i have seen you at the meetings.
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>> i know you are not supposed to out us. what is interesting is when you get this topic sent to you by producers it is under the heading does this surprise anyone? and the next heading is this surprises no one. imagine if you made it about women, a study concludes that women are more emotional or more likely to cry in a meeting and you said does this surprise anyone? you would lose your job. i would be at hr explaining why it was just a joke. by the way, this kind of crap -- first of all, what they are measuring is a version of exhibitionism driven by a desire to attract mates. i blame women. the other thing studies like this -- >> blame women? >> this is self perpetuating machinery. if you major in gender studies then you have to publish reports on gender research and it produces nothing but garbage for talk shows.
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>> have you taken a selfie? >> no. >> you know what it is? >> of course. i live with you. >> i must say you blame women. >> i blame women too. >> he is kidding around. an issue of natural selection. these are traits that men have selected over a period of time because it shows that it boosts self-esteem and confidence and larger financial income. >> you really think so? >> i'm not scared of a narcissistic man. i think most women don't have enough confidence to be narcissistic. >> that is the explanation. >> i think it makes men look like jerks. that's what the problem is. >> i'm a man. i'm a man. >> "one more thing" is up next. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it.
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5 foot ice, and 16 foot waves, to safely keep crude oil flowing 365 days a year. when emerson takes up the challenge it's never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson. time for "one more thing." >> hey, greg's secrets of happiness. people have often called me a micropig. if you are going to start a friday and weekend why not micropig eating apples. i don't know if you get anything more adorable than a tiny pig eating apples. this is how you make apple smoked bacon.
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>> that is mean. >> they have a long life ahead of them and then they will be delicious. >> they are so tiny. >> that is a life sized apple. i road one to work. >> micropig. that is an interesting description. i'm next. in the lessons learned you know when you are watching one of your favorite fox shows and they say i will continue this online go to my facebook page and website and if you are interested you should do it. last night i was watching i thought it was very interesting about work place very good and she said i will have more later. i found out she actually talked about my book. >> dana perino has a book coming out here and she writes in one of her pieces of advice she doesn't think young women should be signing e-mails with xoxo. she discourages women from using a lot of exclamation points and
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smily faces. >> you ever get a professional e-mail like that? >> i think when i was treasury i would write smile. i was like 20s early 30s. >> lots more tips when the book comes out in april. >> look at that yoga position. >> the lotus position. >> you are next, kimberly. >> i thought it was a bottle cap. >> you're next. it was a little joke. wheel of fortune. anybody into that. take a look at this. i love snow white and i the dwarves down. apparently this young lady didn't. >> i would like to solve the puzzle. dopey, grumpy doc, bashful happy sneaky and sleepy. >> i would like to solve. >> dopey, grumpy, doc, bashful
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happy, sneezy and sleepy. >> you are next. >> a lot of people say going to church is pretty boring. you sit and wait for the service to be over, not this church. check it out. >> you want it? take it! you want it tonight, take it! take it! take it! take it! >> holy hand grenades. that's why black churches are so much more fun than white churches. >> juan you are next. >> my son was doing a tour of the white house recently and in the white house library found a copy of a book i wrote 25 years ago. the book has been in print ever since. i was pretty much thrilled that
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antonio could find that book. eyes on the prize. >> i can't believe they let him in there. "special report" is next. >> he planted a listening device, right? this is a fox news alert, i'm bret baier in washington. a top democratic senator may be about to face federal corruption charges. new jersey's bob menendez who has been vocal opposing obama administration policy in iran and cuba is already a subject of a justice department investigation and several reports say he is about to face charges from the department of justice. correspondent leland is available. >> we expect to hear from the senator himself in about an hour on reports he could be charged with corruption in the next few weeks. while the department of justice won't confirm the charges
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