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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  March 7, 2015 8:30am-9:01am PST

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network 4:00 p.m. eastern apple will be unveiling its final secrets about the apple watch. will it transform us like the ipad did? keep it right here the number one business block continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." have a great weekend. while everyone is focusing on the e-mails hillary sent from her private account when she was secretary of state should when focusing on this, we could be days away from her a pouncing ago 2016 white house run and if you're wondering what kind of president hillary would be, wonder no more. >> we're fighting for an economy that work for everyone and includes everyone. >> doesn't sound like a commander in chief, sounds more like a redistributor in chief. i'm eric bolling welcome to "cashin' in." our crew wayne rogers, jonathan owe hoe anything and others. surprise, the cat is out of the bag, lisa, crack this code open
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for us, what does had hillary mean by an economy that box foreign everyone. >> she's going to be barack obama 2.0. she's going to be another redistributor in chief. look at hillary care it, paved the way for obamacare. in the end everybody loses from that rob from peter to pay paul mentality and if you look at the obama administration middle class families are the ones suffering the most. they're making less than they did before president obama took office. while jobs have been added to the top and bottom of the wage scale middle class families have seen these progress din initial. >> wages have been stag dant, they're actually stagnant for six years now and the household incomes and median wealth has dipped a little bit over president obama's six years. do we need eight more years after president obama of this redistribution of these liberal tactics? >> i don't think so eric.
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she's opposed to the free market system, she's a central planning system, fundamentally a socialist. this is a woman who lives in a $2 million house and has the hoots ba to lecture us about how the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. >> what about that hillary clinton when she left the white house she said -- i'm sorry, when she did her book tour she said when we left the white house we were dead broke, they made $100 million that year. >> they are not the bushes and not even president obama who went to private school, the clintons came from lower working class families, they worked their way up they understand the system and understand that having fair wages and improving conditions for the middle class improves all of america. >> you are not suggesting they came from the wrong side of the tracks. >> they did come from the wrong side of the tracks. >> all righty. >> arkansas. >> i want to ask if you knocked on your nafb's door and demanded
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$1000 you'd probably think that was wrong, right? why is it any different when government does that and that's exactly what all this redistribution is. >> that's not at all what it is. >> let me just finish. fair is free. a pre economy is a fair economy. >> let him finish. >> that's what work. the kpik philosophy of the left is redistribution and redistribution is force, it's an hit cal to success and that's the left's perspective, tree markets are destructive, we need government. >> you don't understand how the economy works. >> let's talk about this, the numbers that came out this week, the labor participation rate at its lowest point in 37 years under president obama and it's gotten worse under president obama. things aren't really at that good for the middle class in america. >> they're not good for the middle class and look the problem is this redistribution of wealth in had this rob from peter to pay paul mentality is
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not helping the middle class families and the proof is in the pudding. look at the numbers. higher income individuals the fluid one/fifth of the country of taxpayers have contributed 70% to the federal ref through in 2011 so they're already paying their fair share and it's not helping middle class families because those sort of policies hurt everyone. look, we can't fax the rich enough to pay for these progressive ol sees. >> that's not true. >> people like hillary clinton and barack obama want them to go with. >> we don't have a safety net in place. our education policies -- >> your point as well -- >> what better way to improve fair living conditions -- >> i have a better way. the free market. wayne, go ahead. the free market seems to work pretty darp good when it's allowed to work, the problem with liberalism, obamaism, obama nomics, is it takes you away from the free market and goes to government, will take care of all your needs, the problem is someone has got to pay for it. >> you've heard me say this before on this program eric --
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by the way happy birthday, i don't want to take away your birthday present. these people haven't heard peter, they haven't any of the economists who know more than this they had to, they rely on their own ideology to come up with solutions that they think work. they don't work. they've proven not to work. it's only taken this president six years to get to this point and he didn't do it. it was done in spite of him and all you have to do as is look at the numbers. look at what the -- look at the numbers in comparison. go back to the great depression in 1933 it look them seven years, that's all to get to that and it this is even worse. >> wayne, i think you're the only one who actually remembers that. that aside, i mean, eric, you talk about the free market -- that's true. it's true. >> free market didn't improve -- >> can i just get a word in edgewise here? what the free market means is free people.
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so when name me and other people come out and say it's destructive, they are -- the government's role is redistribute to help those in need as opposed to letting free people be free to live and create on their own merits. >> naomi, one of the problems with this whole obama take from the 1% for the 5% and give to the bottom 50% is that it never comes back. if the economy is getting better, job numbers seem to be improving, even if the economy starts to improve, nothing gets taken back. the people on welfare, the people on food stamps, the amount of money we're spending on all these programs continue to grow even though things are getting better and that's a problem. >> income disparate is a major problem and you're right in some ways but we also have a consumer economy. when people are paid fair wages, that goes back into our economy. when we invest in human capital, when we invest in education -- what does fair mean? >> go ahead lisa.
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>> if you look at policies like raising the minimum wage it's a farce because the reality is the majority of individuals that are going to see a minimum wage increase are between the ages of 16 to 23 and the majority of those individuals are living in households that make above the national income. so it's a farce. >> two/thirds who see some pay increase or bonus within a year. those are the facts. >> everything that is suggested by the left involves force. what is fair about using force against one group to the so-called benefit of others? go back to that analogy in your neighbor knocked on your door and demanded $1000 you'd say he's crazy why is it okay when government does it. >> i know you want to respond but hang on for the next block. this is really cool, in just a few weeks wake up america, that hashtag has become one of the go to hashtags for conservative gate but something awesome happened, nick floor, a
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professor at the university of new mexico is using our social media success as part of his classroom teaching material. here he is teaching a group of grad students and ph.d. candidates learning an lit iks. he says "cashin' in" is not just a cable tv show with wake up america you've created something more than just a passive is viewing experience you've created an interactive cross media informal learning environment for current social and political issues. now, that's pretty cool. we're shaping the debate in america from the tv screen to the keyboard and now into college classrooms. come you go.. are states that are wracking in big bucks from legalized pot making america more dangerous, one top cop thinks so. is he right? sometimes the present looked bright. sometimes romantic. there were tears in my eyes.
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legalizing weed what's
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supposed to be a win/win states will wash in from taxing it and crime will go down as a result of it but the police commissioner of new york city begs to differ. he says the streets are now more violent and dangerous and legal pot across the u.s. is partly to blame. listen. >> in this city people are killing each other over marijuana more so than anything having to do with what we dealt with in the '80s and '90s with heroin and cocaine. >> is he right? >> i'm not privy so the things that he sees on a daily basis, but if you look at the facts with a state like colorado that legalized about a year ago and the first 11 months in the city of denver violent crime decreased and according to the colorado department of transportation statewide traffic fatalities are also down. i think it's too early to tell and ultimately it's up to the voters in those states and ultimately it's up to the states to decide. >> your thoughts on this? by the way new york city it's still new york state and city it's still illegal to possess
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and smoke weed. >> the laws have loosened up a little bit. it's not a question of -- it's really a consequence of economic disparate. low income communities that are struggling and unfortunately people are drawn to the drug industry to make a couple bucks. this is prj, this isn't cocaine or heroin, this is marijuana pretty much harmless in my opinion, harmless drug. it's not a consequence of using the drug it's a consequence of an unregulated you want to talk about free market this is a perfect example we could use the free market where it's getting off the streets and into storefronts. >> john, i guess you agree that there are low level criminals in jail for buying, selling, possessing weed that you can make some voom for violent criminals. >> that's the only people who should be incarcerated. this wol notion that weed is is legalized, it is double speak to the highest regard just like in new york state it's only legal for medical purposes there's only 20 medical dispensaries for 20 million people that creates the illicit drug trade that we
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saw during prohibition that increases the crime. it's not even legal for recreational use. so to say it's legal isn't just misleading it's a lie. >> wayne, brant was pointing out even though it's not legal in new york some of the other places are causing the problem, the jump in crime in new york, i'm not sure how he make that leap, wayne. >> you got me. it's a mystery to me i think jonathan is absolutely right. we've only got four states in the trickett of columbia that have decided its legal. you don't have enough time to know yet. the comparison i think to prohibition is absolutely accurate. everybody, yeah, this is going to be great it's going to stop people from drinking. yeah, and four years later they drove it underground, it became a major crime problem. that's exactly what could happen ear. they do not know yet. no one really knows because they don't have enough information. >> but we have data. >> think about it eric, no one is is warring over basil right now no one is getting shot over
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thyme, when you take the government out of here it takes the profit margin out of the air. you want to reduce crime on drugs, make them legal and watch crime goes up and people's health go higher. >> you have some numbers in colorado, right? >> i don't have the specific numbers but i know that the crime in denver specifically in the first 11 months of 2014 violent crime has decreased, again, according to the colorado department of transportation they have said that statewide -- or fatalities -- statewide fatalities from traffic incidents are also down. so, again i think it's still very early to see what the ramifications of legalizing marijuana are going to be but if you look at just the past year in a state like colorado we really haven't seen a lot of the concerns that people have originally stated materialize yet. >> i think he is a he -- >> not only that, you have no idea about what's going to happen if you drive it underground. they don't know yet. >> it remember lr is underground. this is the exact problem that we're having is that it is
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underground. it is a black market and it's taken to the streets. if you look at other countries there is a lot of data on this this isn't something we don't know the answer to, there has been koundless data over the past 20 years on this. >> we don't have time. there is a number that is important, tax revenues are going up in the states that have legalized. we're going to have to leave it right there. they threw his daughter a nasty curveball now a former all-star pitcher wants to strike out cyberbullies for good. can we stop people from terrorizing others while hiding behind their keyboard? is it our insightful strategies that make edward jones one of the country's biggest financial services firms? or 13,000 financial advisors who say thank you? it's why edward jones is the big company
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coming up did cyber bullies meet their match? kurt schilling is on a crew side and the social media users pose vulgar commen bulldog: oooh! mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: get a serta mattress any size for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ending soon. ♪ mattress discounters ♪
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purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. good morning i'm lit erred in washington. today in our nation's capitol senator bob menendez is denying any wrongdoing amid a federal investigation reports of impending corruption charges. we have new details at the op of the hour. >> iowa takes center stage today, potential 2016 candidates con verbaling for a major summit there. >> plus remembering a landmark event in the civil rights movement today, obama will speak in selma alabama to mark the anniversary of bloody sunday. we have a live report and what one man shared what he remembered of his historic march from selma to montgomery. >> plus the fight against isis rages on in the middle east.
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at that treat remains the focus of major fighting. a day after iraqi troops took control of al baghdadi. more on these and the rest of the stop stories on "america's news headquarters" live from the nation's capitol. i tweeted out congratulations to her, it went off the rails quickly. it was every kind of vulgar, despicable commentary you can imagine about rape and sex and all that other stuff. >> i just couldn't believe that anybody would ever actually say that to someone. not even someone but to a girl's father about their daughter. >> well, talk about tweets going viral, former baseball all-star kurt schilling look at possible legal action against the cyberbullies attacking his daughter. people would never say vul fwer stuff like this this person how do we stop them from doing it
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from hiding behind a keyboard. >> i think we have an issue where there's a disassociation from reality and we think if we type it online it's not real life and doesn't affect others. this is the cockroaches of society are coming in and saying whatever they want and not understanding that it's affecting people what they're saying is sexist, it's hateful and disturbing and i'm really happy that twitter is finally stepping up and saying that they're going to start to regulate these that i tellers. it's too little too late. >> john, what about the free speech argument here? >> we all get offensive tweets actually i'm getting a bunch of them right now. the point is, though in a free society already consequences for your 1350e67. all these individuals who participated in it have either been expelled, fired or publicly shamed. this is haems the online version of that west borrow baptist church, that god hates you know who. it is disgusting, but you put yourself out there and you put yourself out there for not only ridicule but also the
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consequences. >> lisa, where are you on this one? i can see both sides of this, as disgusting and vul fwer as it is there is that free speech argument. >> and the freedom to speak freely is something that makes americas so great but this crosses the line into threatening body harm and if these individuals are the inn tension of carrying out those threats. fortunately at least with some of these guys i believe there was one college student that was suspended from his university and another ticket seller for the new york times which was reported that he was reportedly fired for his actions. open flee more people kind of take actions against employers or students for these kinds of comments. >> that's a very good lesson. kurt schilling went after some of these haters he got one of them fired from the new york nother one who was working at a community college. maybe that's what you do you take your situation in your own hands and go find these people. by the way, companies that we worked for immediately fired hem. >> it's even more fundamental than that, it goes back to what jonathan said, it's the free
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market taking care of this. this was not necessarily a government regulation. we have laws about liable and if you lie late the laws of liable you're subject to a lawsuit. this was not about that. and so the public -- the free market took care of it because kurt schilling raises this question with other people in the press in this case rarely does the press get excited about the right things, but in this case they did and they published stuff about these people and he got to people who could bring hope some economic reality to this and force these people o to back down. it's a wonderful thing. >> very quickly you want twitter to do it we're pointing out the free market doing it. >> twitter is a company just as the new york times wouldn't public something that's swen sieve just as all journalist organizations would regulate what would come in and out but the difference is is you can't rest on a kurt schilling. you can't rely on a well-known figure who takes a courage ous role to tight for his daughter. this has to be done systematically.
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>> i take offense to saying the new york times has they ever written anything offensive. >> just let me get john in here real quick. >> i agree with namiki that any platform whether the new york times or twitter has every right to decide what's on its platform. what sensorship is is when government comes in and saying this can be said and this can't be said. >> good point. i have to leave it right there. coming up wake up america on the clinton foundation money trial trail. i don't like where it leads and you won't, either. a big bump in miles. so this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. sound good? great. because you're not you you're a whole airline... and it's not a ticket you're upgrading it's your entire operations, from domestic to international... which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. from workforce strategies to tech solutions and a thousand other things. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done. ♪ ♪
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state clinton arranged numerous sweetheart deals with foreign entities on behalf f of the u.s. corporations that in itself is not necessarily a bad thing but what happened next is. again according to the wall street journal many of these companies followed their clinton brokered deals with don't nations to the clinton foundation. mrs. clinton lobbied the algerian government for ge to build power plants. they donated heavily to the clinton foundation. boeing dropped 900 grand into the foundation after secure a $3.7 billion deal with russia again, thanks to the lobbying efforts of clinton. 60 companies that lobbied the state department during her tenure dough fated more than $26 million to the dlin clinton foundation. the clinton's nothing to see here act is offensive. they think the laws don't apply to them. they've always thought they're better than you and me and they never own up to anything. meanwhile others have gone to
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prison for much less. wake up america this smells fish yu because it probably is. fishy yu because it probably is. because it probably is. gone political hopefuls converged on iowa a little less than a year away from the first in the nation caulk ses and some of them are facing tough questions from eyewitness right now. we'll have a live report from des moines. and one of president obama's toughest critics up on possible corruption charges. we ask if this is about the law or politics as new jersey's bob menendez comes out swinging. plus 60 years since the horrifying and pivotal moments in our nation's history in selma known forever as bloody sunday. we will talk to someone who captured the images framed by frame. >> and thanks for spending your saturday


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