tv Hannity FOX News March 8, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro you just don't know. find a certified financial planner professional who's thoroughly vetted at cfp -- work with the highest standard. as a professional -- >> smiles. we think it's >> we think it's a mistake for the prime minister of any country to come to speak before congress a few weeks before you are about to have an election. it makes it look like we are taking sides. >> the remarkable alliance between israel and the united states has always been about politics, it must als remain about politics. >> i think it has been a distraction. >> grateful for the support of america's people and of america's presidents from harry truman to barack obama. >> i didn't have a chance to watch his speech. i had a chance to take a look at the transcript. as far as i can tell there was nothing new.
>> let iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle but lose the war. we can't let that happen. >> on the core issue which is how do we prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon the prime minister didn't offer any bible all viable alternatives. >> this is a bad deal. it doesn't block iran's path to the bomb it paves iran's path to the bomb. >> i said i would rather have no deal than a bad deal. even military action would not be as successful as the deal that we have put forward. >> now we are being told that the only alternative to this bad deal deal is war. that's just not true. the alternative to this bad deal is a much better deal. >> welcome to this special edition of "hannity," obama versus netanyahu. earlier this week the israeli prime minister warned lawmakers during a joint session of
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he said it is important to defeat isis and these are barbariansba savage barbarians ba that have to be defeated. to defeat isis and leave iran as a nuclear power would be to win p the battle and to lose the war, as youd said, just because of howus dangerous this could be. we are concerned the deal that is being negotiated right now would in a very short amount of time maybe within the next ten years iran would only have about a year where they could break out toy get to a weapon and they have cheatedap in the past and defied inspectors in the past so s they could do even worse as the prime minister said iran could get to the bomb notot simply by violating the deal but get t to the bomb by keeping it waiting ten years when all of the restrictions on the nuclear program the special restrictionsnu when all of those restrictions would be removed when all of thehe sanctions would be removed then iran would be free and clear. in a short distance of not
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having a single bomb but entire nuclear arsenal. that is why it is a bad idea. >> thed prime minister went out of his way to be gracious talkedht about the long history the h together as allies and partners but israel is being kept in the s dark in terms of what the details of this detail are. we hear about the sunset clause in a ten-year period of time they would be pretty much a seal of approval given to iran that they could actually enrich the uranium and of course now we have to talkch about the delivery systems that would then give them the bomb and delivery g system to get it to israel and then the united what do we know for sure about this deal as it is currently negotiated and had continue leftof out at the specific points of the dealng meaning had israel been left out? >> we are not in the dark.ou i can tell you with certainty we know what is offered on the
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table. what the prime minister spoke about things as a matter of public record that you can google. you mentioned the sunset clause and for viewers who don't understand what thatt means the deal would be negotiated would within a certain amount of years w remove the special restrictions n that are going to be put in placere in iran's nuclear program and they would be like th any other in the world like a japan. they have industrial enrichment capability. the problem was we couldn't have an iran that would not be like japan is today like the regime japan had 70 years ago that's the danger. thatat is why the prime minister makes itt clear.. this was new about his speech. a lot of people maybe did not see hit. what the prime minister said you have to linke the removal of those restrictions on iran's nuclear program to a change in iran's behavior. they have to stop the aggression around they region and terrorism aroundt the world and stop threatening to annihilate t israel. if they act like a normal
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country they can be treated liked a normal country. >> we have the history we haveve the supreme leader. put it up on the screen where he called israel a cancerous tumor that must be up rooted or the time hee said called israel a rabid dog or the time he said israelis are not humans or ahmadinejad through out theej world and the united states in israel or the time he called for the end of the u.s. and israel. there's a long history here. i have video of the iranians repeatedly burning american flags. 44 days for the iranians burning the american flag that happens quite often. with that history and stated it goal of annihilating israel wiping it offof the map and same with the united states, my first question is theyit cheated so often, why would we even sit at the negotiating table with them? i am frankly embarrassed or president is doing that.
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>> look, shawn, the p 5 plus 1 in leaders of the world israel doesn't have aes vote in that leg negotiation. if they had aan vote telledhey would be taking a much harder line than they are taking now.ut the reason we have a voight isjoyce is the jewish people have a state where we can speak out. w the prime minister spoke out in a way that only he can about how dangerous it is. it is not just a danger to israel or the jewish people any moreth than the jazz anynazis were to the jews. they killed jews 6 million people around the world werere killed in world war ii. this is a threat to israel and the world. when israeli are saying the sameop thing people should pay at attention. that's the ultimate no spin zone. >> we are saying obama will verses netanyahu. a
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which put in there chamberlain verses churchill. i see the prime minister, i see aa great analogy here in other words the threat of a modern day d holocaust if the radical islamists get the weapons they t so desire i see the chance of that happening. it remind me of somebody in churchill that understands the mind and ambitions of somebody like he was a voice in the wilderness. i see the prime minister as a modern dayee churchill, a voice in the wilderness and i see presidentod obama as a modern day chamberlain an apeaser. can't even say ice lis is ay islamist or talk about radical why? >> i don't want to. character rides the president.ri i am sure the president and the a secretary of state they want to prevent iran from having a nuclear weapon. no one wants to see iran have a n nuclear weapon.
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we have a policy agreement. >> in the sunset years>> that is our disagreement.n we believe the path they are taking will pave the way for iran to get a nuclear weapon. t they believe they are going to block it. t it's a policy disagreement. it is not personal. i wouldn't throw any historical analogy. theca prime minister feels he needed to make his case about hise concerns for this deal in s the hope that people would listen to what h he has to say and hopefully you will get a much better that is what he was arguing for in congress. >>am joining us now is former israeli ambassador. he is talking about -- ron is i talking about a policy li disagreement. they have one ambassador that could have profound implications. the lastat century we lost 11 -- 100 million souls give or take a a million or so here or there. that's a lot of evil.
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people forget evil in our own times.nd we have to be so ever vigilant.e the prime minister said there again. why do we believe the mullahs in their desire to wipe israel off the map and destroy america? >> irwell, the statements of ayatollah khomeini are not just i his statements they are repeated by the entire iranian leadership. when you look at the statements of theea commanders of the revolutionary guard, ifth you look at the statements of other leading officials in iran they all call for the construction -- destruction of israel in one way or another. they even put the statement aboutat destroying israel on placards, on billboards which theyh attach to missile carriers carrying the missile that could hit israel. they are just opposing their hostile intentions with their growing capabilities. that is why prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu has to
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be so careful and pay very close attention to what iran is doing. the stakes are the future of the jewish state. >> i goe back to and the prime minister mentioned this in a speech this week even as they areat negotiating and yelling at johnre kerry and the iranians had to be told to stop yelling at john kerry even the iranians are i rejecting this deal that would ultimately give them nuclear weapons those footage taken from iranian naval exercise off the he coast it shows iran practicing the destruction of the u.s. navy carrier while negotiations are going on. i wouldn't be negotiating with people if they weree acting in that manner. >> that mock carrier is an invitation or a kind of -- th imitation of a ussmimitz. they have a specific idea of who they are trying to target. they are trying to build goodwill with the american
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people with the obama administration. that's calledui goodwill by showing that their navy has a missile that could take out a carrier. i think somethingat is very wrong here. if youhiin want to negotiate with iran you have to make sure iran makes three fundamental changes. stop aggression against iran's neighbors like the countries of the gulf. stop support nor international terrorism and stop going for theio annihilation of israel. those are reasonable demands. >>ea it's a prerequisite. it is common sense. >>sa one thing the president-- he said was clear he said israel reserves the right to act alone. we see how the jordanians and egyptians are acting against isis. could we see a coalition that was unfathomable a decade or two
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ago in saudi arabia and israel i stopping the iranian nuclear e program? >> it is clear they would actin alone if necessary. >> well, you do see similar perceptions between israel and the arab states.t two and a half weeks ago, shawn, i was in europe. i can't say where with a group of a lot of ex military from the arab states. i sat with a general from the iraqi army he was a sunni.a what does he tell me?qi the iranians at the end of december allowed over a million iranians to cross the iraqi border to take part in a sure festival. they came without passports or visas. iraqis have no idea if the iranians are going to leave. in yemen we see the pen tation movingmi they are moving through the middle eeast. the arabs see iran just as we do. >> the president is wrong. somalia he has been wrong. libya he has been wrong. iraq he has been wrong.
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isis is the jv team.on afghanistan he has been wrong. if he is wrong here the consequences are indescribable. thank you, ambassador, good to see you e again. thank you for beingou with us. >>t coming up a question of what he is asking what are iran's motives. they are transparent. what do they hope to get out of this deal? later tonight... >> >> first i would like to congratulate speaker boehner and prime minister netanyahu on a bit of political theater. >> what is it they don't get? how are they so confident in the iranians and this deal. that and more in this special edition of "hannity." >> in this deadly game of thrones there's no place for america or for israel. no peace for christians jews or muslims who don't share the islamist creed no rights for women, no freedom for any one.
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so when it comes to iran and isis, the enemy of your enemy isem your enemy. mouths are watering, and stomachs are growling. or is that just me? it's lobsterfest... lobster's largest variety of lobster dishes all year. double up with dueling lobster tails. or make lobster lover's dream a delicious reality. but hurry this won't last long. that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. no sudden movements. google search: bodega beach house.
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iraqi forces launched a major offensive against isis in order to recapture tikrit. now a significant operation that is being backed financially and militarily by none other than the iranian government. so why is iran helping to defeat isis? and what if any effect will this have on the current nuclear negotiations that are going on with the rogue state and the white house? joining me now with fox news
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strategic analyst lieu tentenant colonel ralph peters. colonel peters, we know they're a state sponsor of terror. we just went through the history from 1979 forward and their desire to destroy america and israel. we know they fight proxy wars. we know they've been funding terror. why are we even -- we know they've lied to the international community repeatedly. they even admitted in these negotiations it was discovered rather that they have a new nuclear facility that we didn't know about. my question is why. why is this administration confident that they can strike a deal basically with the devil? >> because this administration is blind to anything it does not want to see. sean, it's past a certain point. president obama's behavior cannot even be explained by the
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leftist milieu from which he sprang. inability to ever say is wrong can't be explained. but you look at iran. and what iran wants is very straightforward. iran wants a new persian empire. iranians are primarily persians. a new persian empire. and they want shia muslim over the heart of the middle east, the oil supplies, gas supplies, and nuclear weapons nuclear arms are crucial to realizing both of those visions. and befo before anybody dismisses the idea of a new persian empire look at the map look where iran is today in iraq, syria, lebanon, western afghanistan and as we speak the new persian empire is larger than any persian empire has been since the 5th century bc. >> let me ask you. this is mind numbing.
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i am just trying to wrap my arms around one thing here. tony you know this region of the world better than anybody. i am trying to understand what part of what they are saying to the world that the administration is not listening to. >> it is great to be with you and with ralph. we have got to remember that it was just a few years ago that iran was mending copper discs being used in the most lethal improvised devices maiming and killing our sell ders. i don't know what transpired in the last couple years that makes us believe iran has a change of heart. they have design on this, they see the islamic state which is arab, primarily as a threat to them, and it may be a strategic surprise to us that the persians
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want to push arabs away from their border and establish control over that. there is no surprise here. >> do you have any doubt -- this is the crux of the issue here. do you have any doubt that the radical mullahs fighting proxy wars state sponsor of terror stating goals in israel the united states and the west do you have any doubt if they got nuclear weapons they would use them? >> no doubt. they made it clear they want to destroy israel and the west and destroy the united states. i remember i was a cadet at one point in 1981. the u.s. hostages iran held after it was opposed came back and landed at stewart anderson air force base they were brought to west point stayed there to reintegrate with their families to be de briefed and when they left the entire core cadets on either side and the buses drove through and marines were standing up in the buses
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saluting back as we saluted them. that seared in our mind the hatred of the united states. >> give you the last word. >> humbled lieutenant colonel is here. >> general -- >> colonel peters. >> both good friends by the way. >> it is sergeant. any rate. first i have to say i read tony's book and it is excellent. i recommend it. here's what we have to look at the deal. what did the iranians want from this deal with obama? >> they have got what they wanted. they don't have to deal any more really. they wanted time to continue serp tish shoes nuclear weapons development, they wanted relief from sanctions. they have freed up $12 million. basically will sanctions have already cracked. the one thing that might happen now is obama has given them so many concessions the iranians may ask for more. the deal may breakdown but they don't have to care. we have lost.
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they have won. >> sad. very very sad and possibly potentially extraordinarily dangerous. guys, thank you. kernel and general. next right here on "hannity." >> i thought it would be political theater. indeed it was political theater worthy of an oscar. >> why do democrats want to keep dismissing the threat that is poseed by nuclear iran. we want to answer that next. that and more of this edition of "hannity." >> iran carried out a military exercise. >> that is just last week. while they are having nuclear talks with the united states. but uncourt natalie for the last 36 years iran's attack against the united states has been anything but mocked and the targets are all too real. ave e e e e e something for pain?
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ee >> live from america's news headquarters i am kelly wright. a nongovernmental e-mail account while hillary clinton was secretary of state. one says clinton needs to fully explain her actions. further silence will only hurt her. she is turned over 55,000 pages of what she terms rel nant-- relevant e-mails to the state department for review. 25000 marched in selma alabama today to commemorate what remains in a fight for rights in the united states. a few hundred civil rights demonstrators were attacked by police. they were beginning a peaceful march in montgomery to demonstrate their right to vote. it was one that led to the voting rights act of 1965. i am kelly wright. now back to "hannity."
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>> welcome back to "hannity." prime minister benjamin netanyahu gave a historic speech to joint sessions of congress on tuesday democrats predictably lashed out. >> first i would like to congratulate speaker boehner and president netanyahu on an impressive bit of political theater. this speech was out of the dick cheney play book. it was fear mongering at the ultimate. the president deserves our support and didn't need this today. john boehner ought to be ashamed of himself. >> i thought it would be political theater and indeed it was political theater. worthy of an oscar. >> what is it about the left? why are they so reluctant to acknowledge what is a real clear present danger of a nuclear iran. joining me is dennis cue sin -- kucinich. former national deputy security
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advisor foreign policy expert. >> before we get into long answer substance i want to see if we can agree on certain facts here. do we agree iran is a state sponsor of terror? we all agree on that? >> absolutely. >> you agree with that? >> it has been. and they are today? >> they fund hezbollah they are fighting proxy wars all over the middle east and elsewhere dennis. you know that right? >> state sponsor of terror. do we all agree that they have repeatedly threatened to wipe israel off the map the supreme leader ahmadinejad? do we agree they are a real threat to the region and to the united states? >> well, let me respond to that. i think, sean, if we are going to have a sane discussion here we have to stick to the facts and what was said by the leadership of iran however
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repugnant it was did not say they wanted to wipe the people of israel off the map. they were talking a regime. actually they were talking about a referendum. >> excuse me the supreme leader said it was a cancer. a cancerous tumor that needs to be up rooted. ahmadinejad repeatedly said wipe israel off the map. this isn't cont vertable. >> i know what you said. i don't support any kind of attack on israel of any kind. >> but they said it repeatedly. >> what is the current threat here? the threat is a nuclear armed iran. that is -- no one is questioning that's a threat. we cannot let that happen. that is why we are in negotiations. the only reason that the iranian program is suspended right now is because of negotiations. >> i disagree. >> i am the expert on the foreign policy.
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>> how many times were they caught lying and cheating including during these negotiations. the they had another facility they never disclosed, correct? >> they cheat. they lie. >> this is monday morning quarterbacking when it is over. >> give them a sunset clause where they keep centrifuges spinning where they can enrich uranium that means they would have the ability to build a bomb. it would need a seal of approval from the world. that is why it is a dumb agreement. >> you don't even know what the agreement is yet. the point is you have people agreeing without the results it is irresponsible to not let -- >> these negotiations are going on right now and we have this debate which makes any kind of agreement harder. i understand the national security problem. that is why we are doing the negotiations because it is a
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threat. >> radical -- weapons of mass destruction -- (talking over one another) >> shouldn't congress have the right the senate to approve any treaty, any agreement that obama wants to go into? >> we should follow the constitution. >> you agree with me. >> no i didn't say that. i said the president conduct the foreign affairs. congress can deal with appropriations. the musad has said iran is not forming any activity necessary to produce nuclear weapons. they said the same thing. >> iran is trying to produce nuclear weapons. >> what are you talking about? >> what are you talking about? our government -- john kerry's state department hadz warned about the advancement of their nuclear program and technologies here. nobody besides you is doubting the fact that they have gotten
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the facilities -- >> there's no question they are moving forward out of a peaceful nuclear program to build the components to potentially build a nuclear weapon. >> that's why you want an agreement. >> they want to put the genie back in a bottle. >> but the sunset years give them the weapon. >> you don't know what's in the agreement. >> i know a lot more than you probably think, nancy. without revealing my sources i think every published report that says the sunset years would allow them in the world community have that. >> wethis does not allow iran to develop nuclear weapons. >> there won't be a deal. if -- can we all agree the president should tell the american people before a deal is signed? >> the president will negotiate a good deal that stops iran from
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wp upon weapons. >> should the american people get to see it? >> it is already being discussed. >> before he signs it. >> you say it's already in it. >> i know it is negotiated. >> you have to recognize if this deal does not prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon the president is going to walk away. end of story. >> all right guys. thank you. very lively discussion. brand new polls reveal you the american people do not agree with obama's decision to even negotiate with iran. the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee he will check in later and then also tonight... >> the greatest danger we face is terrorist groups or nations have the weapons of mass destruction. >> the last part of that
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interview my exclusive interview last summer was coming to a theater near you. we are going to remind you what the prime minister warned us about months ago. that and much more in this special edition of "hannity" obama verses netanyahu. >> the greatest danger is the marriage of mill can't i sayitant islam with nuclear weapons. to defeat isis and let iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle but lose the war. we can't let that happen. ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum.
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iran have nuclear weapons in ten years is a bad idea. when asked if the u.s. should take military action to get nukes 45 percent said they were in favor of doing so. is there anything congress can do to stop this deal? joining us is reaction of the chairman of house foreign affairs committee ed royce. perhaps you can clarify from the last segment. we have seen published reports about the sunset years of this deal, sunset clause. we have heard from the prime minister. i have my own sources it is clear in the out years they would in fact basically have the world's blessing to build a nuclear weapon. what do you know? what can you tell us? >> what i know sean is that first of all the iaea has a thousand pages of documents that show the attempt by iran to develop a nuclear payload. what i also know the iaea
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international atomic energy agency submitted a list of 12 questions for iran to answer. iran answered part of the first question and refuses to answer the rest. the other thing i know is the ayatollah continues as late as a week ago to say death to america, death to israel and that regime continues to transfer rockets and missiles both to hess bowl law and hamas. the 100,000 now to hess bowl law- -- hezbollah. there were 600 people in the trauma hospital as a result. >> that is called a proxy war. they have been fighting proxy wars in israel. state sponsored terror. they have been wreaking havoc on five continents. here's my question. regardless of what they may or may not agree to i hope he pulls out of this for the sake of the world the sake of israel and the sake of the united states and sake of our children and grandchildren and nuclear
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proliferation that would ensue what can congress do? doesn't the president need to go to the senate to get any treaty approved? >> that is my belief. i will tell you what congress already tried to do. we passed in the last session i wrote that would collapse the economy of iran that would have given the eye 'ole law a choice between compromise of the nuclear program or economic collapse. it was this president that blocked that legislation by telling harry reid not to bring it up in the senate. in point of fact congress is trying to move legislation that would have the ultimate pressure on the regime and the president of the united states is blocking the types of sanctions that really would force some type of compromise out of the iranian regime. this is for us the most vexing
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part of this. this is the point netanyahu raised with us. >> thank you for your clarification. we will stay on it. i would hate to see this deal as it is described ever happened. thank you, sir, for what you do. appreciate it. coming up next. >> i think the greatest danger we face is these terrorist groups or nations have the weapons of mass des. >> the israeli prime minister has been sounding the alarm for years. we will show you part of the interview straight ahead. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later. don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu... ...with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever cough and nasal congestion. it breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. theraflu. serious power. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring
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>> benjamin netanyahu is warning about the dangers of iran is nothing new. he told me the same thing last august when i traveled to israel and sat down with the prime minister to discuss a threat of a nuclear iran. >> i wonder at times if people know the extent of the threat of radical islam. >> i hope they do. the evidence is abundant. it is a terrific consecration in the middle east. you have iraq and syria now
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pushing into close to lebanon and perhaps to jordan. that is very, very dangerous. isis is basically a sister movement of al qaeda. you have radical shiites radical sunnis you have hamas and you have in africa subsaharan africa and north africa -- >> radical islam. >> the islamist terrorist groups. they are fighting amongst themselves but they agree once they destroy, vanquish their muslim moderates who are there who don't share their views they behead them and do horrible things to them. >> boys here wipe israel off the map. >> for all of them you are -- the radical shiites are back by
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iran. the radical sunnis have various backers and so on. these people fight amonkg themselves. one thing we agree on it will be in islam too. it will be a world dominated by the unforgiven greed their violent ideology which rejects human rights puts women as chat elled all minorities are sub jew daylighted or eliminated. it is a terrible terrible world view with these competing sects who want to force it on humanity. those of humanity will be left alive a good portion will be destroyed. this is the danger you have 21st century weapons with medieval doctrines here wedded together. this is a great danger for the world. for the islamist rale cal groups
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remember we are the saul thing you are the great thing you are ultimately the target. they attack us because they believe we are you and you are us. in one sense of the word of things they like we are you and you are us. we are that enlightened civilized believer of democracy not without fault trying as best we can to stop the hemorrhaging protecting ourselves against these. >> i think most of americans understand what i said. >> polls show that. >> there's a sensibility there. in all parts of the world i wish they wouldn't because i think the future of our free civilization not only weapons but more clarity to fight this evil when we see it and now we see it.
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>> i worry whether or not radical islam is so much bigger than people even image beyond these groups. we compare radical islam verses moderate islam. the moderate is awfully quiet i would argue out of fear or out of agreement. the numbers of radical islamists much larger those who buy into the ideology is it a much bigger part of the population than one could even image? >> given the amount of muslims in the world even a small percent of radicals is a big number. they certainly terrorize. others there's no question they do terrorize many, many in the muslim world who don't want to be a part of that. i think the greatest danger we face is that islamic terrorist groups or nations have the weapons of mass des. they have the missiles image what kind of danger we would have if they can put a nuclear
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war head on top of the missiles. that's the danger coming from iraq. it is a great melee this great confrontation, this great battle. one of these militants this gives shiite militants backed by iran. sponsored by iran. if iran can intimidate the u.s. with intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying nuclear war heads we bring it into a different threshold all together. many things i have been saying people said just saying. think about it. this is what -- this is a danger i have been pointing to. it is not a spin. it is not a wink. it is a clinical diagnosis of a pathological movement that is sweeping our area but will soon
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come to a theater near you. it has to be stopped now. the ones who are standing in front of this tsunami of israel, support israel, support yourself. >> coming up more hannity after the break. stay with us. >> may we always stand together strong and res lieutenant may we never near nor dread the challenges ahead. may we face the future with confidence, strength and hope. may god bless the state of israel and may god bless the united states of america. ght, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis.
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7:00 pm
>> a deadly shark attack off the coast of maui. >> the sharks are coming. are your kids vaccinated? >> there are now 70 cases with measles tied to an outbreak in disney land. >> what do we do about ebola? >> it is a medical and national security crisis. >> sounds so scary. what should we do about it? life or death? that's our show tonight. >> i don't want to die. but i am not sure what to worry about. when i watch the news i see so much to
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